Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, July 07, 1917, Image 1

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1 ■■
M . taking the photograph with her. power which, possibly, ic neces­
and a rout uni friend of her* and Mi
Atkina them told her that It was Ids sary in this historic war period ;
| ms p r * t t y ■ * • p le tu r« ■ b r m it t t a w lt li
fli-roro leaving town atie *w but it is well to remember that,
' • profusion of J*t Mirk hair, a ilntaly
flrir* an<t at mlsrlilatons an at* a« you at work at your Instrument aud ■ no matter how he uses that pow­
•fa r I taw In a «'Oman When t flrtt knew that you were her correapoudeet er, wisely or unwisely, he is an
aaw htr she wat talking with another Then Mr. Atklue returned from the
girl about bar otvu age, ant) that 1 wer. Rhe went again to M . made aU autocrat who needs have no fear
acquaintance nnd told him the secret
o f public criticism or public dis­
♦ might pot give ra.Taalf away to Foatar
"Meanwhile you had gone to O., and
the moroeiit you aniered the ballroom pleasure o f the kind that made
other girl
Bhe proved to he Mlaa Ellen Ortneby, Nellie recognized you. She aaw your Lloy George premier o f the Brit­
a at« id young woman whom I found attention fixed on me nnd lotrodured ish empire in the place o f Asquith
rather bard to talk to. I naked bar you. Your enjoyment In the part you He is absolutely assured o f con­
waa the girl the waa with whan I «e re playing gave ua double what we*
trol o f the government until -he
♦ wan Introduced to her. and ah* ,-M *h • evident In you. When your Invitation
cam« we decided to spring the Joke on
wan Agpea Miller and. taking the bint, you here at the theater. W# wrote Mr next national election.
offered to Introduce me. I accepted Atkina to find out If poaalhte where our
“ In the autocracy which the
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ A and waa Introduced
»rata were and get two more uear administration is attempting to
I don't think I ever chuckled ao In them. Thla be learned through you.
Then* la no more favorable oppor­
. create, the President will have to
my life aa wbeu 1 found taynelf Incog
"Ho you aee that when a man acta
tunity for young people of nppoalte »ex
delegate much o f his power to
to pokt fun at" each '<ithe'r than over*a ! ? " ° ch* ,t|,n* w,! b tb? “ ,rl ' ' " ° rn 1 bad him elf up to outwit a girl he must
his subordinates.
He himself
telephone or telegraph wire There le e i ' 7 n • ay,n* ,o ft Ul,n* # * ° ov* r tba
It waa all plain enough now. I ac­ cannot shoulder
fnarlnatlon in operating from behind a * ' r* „ 1 mad? uf
,m,nd »
more than a
knowledged myself beaten and after
able Id rendering one InvUlbk- A gtrl ,b* * « < ; « « «
•• long aa pcg.lble
I f he
tbo play Invited tbe party to the beet fraction o f the burden.
will delight to aay thing, to . man wbo . NM far fb* w,6; l4^ ou'fl , « |v®
can’t •** her aud doesn't know who the r *w t0
There le a sequel to this etory, but absolute power in so many direc­
la I waa . telegraph operator when .
to " bat bid [ a,Md b,tw#en
young tnim. and 1 noticed tide dl.poal- - «
* nd aa
•« « "«
know even not to be given here Tb# flat of It la
lion In many a gtrl operator with whom ha* 1
* M 'W
"P»rst*r. noth- that I paired off with Mlaa Miller end tions would cause less apprehen-
sisn. But are all his Cabinet
I talked wrer the wire I am a matter '■ «
tempt m. to rlak glrtng Bam with Mlaa Ormaby
of fact aort of a fellow my.elf and '* * T th. whole thing by < M »f * .
members officials who have com­
1 I danced aevtral time, with Agnaa
doubt If It would ever have occurred
••NOW THE WAR CAME TO AMERICA” mended themselves to public
to me to bamboozle a girl In thla faab
confidence? Is not that acid test
Ion bad not the girl ahnwn n dtspoel Ormaby. I concluded to go alow with
Is the title o f an interesting
Mlaa Miller, but I got In a number of
tl«n to bamboozle me
f the great new problems o f
She wbo first tried It waa an opera­ complimenta and aereral h oka Indicat­ phamphlet issued by the Com- war tending to show them to the
ing my admiration for her. When 1
tor at a atatlon about twenty mtlea, . ..
. .
mitte on Public Information, or
world in their real light.— Wash­
»way from me ! waa In the town of
» ra" h
7 * * * 1 * ‘d
M . while the girl waa not at O., a way , * * * « • d«*nt* b’ d in< ^ ' 1 P " » " d better known as newspaper cen­ ington Herald
atatlon aome twenlv mile, dlalant ln ^
« » I received a alight preaaur. sors. composed o f Robert Lans­
in return
the country Rhe bad more time on her
V#rr won after thla I rectivod a ing. Newton D Baker, Josephus
band, than I. and I ruppoae thla la
In defending the selective
at tbe return of Ham Atkina. Daniels and Geoige Creel, Secy.
«lint set her on to quizzing me Sbe
a contemporary refers to
»tutted In one night about 0 o'clock
after having taken n message from me, had c<>me borne In excellent health and to the traditional policy o f this Gideon who used it 3166 years
bamhotne « « over. What dlacooeerted
beginning by asking me what waa go
me waa tbat In »<>iue way—I having country o f minding its own busi­ ago. Sure, Mike! In those days
lug on I. town; bow t liked M ; I f .
. _
. , ..
. .
, .
, .
there waa any fun gob,, on there and ! *rtH.
* '« hla_pho,ograph ho might ness with regards to mixing in nabobs, like you and I, would
spell my fun Hut on second thought
evprnaaing her dlallke at being com
the political quarrels o f the na­ take unto themselves many wives
polled to live In a lltlle way atatloq It occurred lo me tbat there waa no
tions o f the Old World. Thus and also sport a few concubines.
like O Front thla we fell to talking likelihood of thla ilure she waa ao far
during the various wars o f these But, Brother! times are changed
aliout ouraelvea and naturally, na per
He did give a scare one evening when
■ona of nppoalte sex at that age Inva­
nations we only undertook to and a man is extremely fortunate
riably do. Anally drifted on to love and be came to my room and seeing a new
to be able to maintain one.
defend our rights on the seas.
marriage From love and marriage In end pretty face among tbe photographs
on my table began to quiz me. lie de
A fte r the European war began
general we dropped Into aperlattte*. at
laat narrowing the topic down to our­ flared he would acour tbe country we had much controversy with
The following letter was received
round till be discovered tbe original of
from Adjutant Gen. White:
Tbe girl lex] me along In the channel
On my return from <3. I resumed my law and what seemed to our go v­
•lie laid out heraelf till I admitted that,
Portland, June 28, 1917
marriage being a lottery. I would about telegraphic chat with ber. enjoying It ernment, inconsistent construc­
far more than before from having
To the Editor.
at lief marry a girl 1 bad no knowl­
tions she sometimes placed upon
edge of aa one I bad met and loved. made ber acquaintance. It waa very
The Falls City News,
They were not willing to ac­
All I required waa to know tbat tbe
Falls City. Oregon.
ber. while I waa still unknown to her
girl I waa to marry pos*« **ed a fair
except through Sam Atkins' photo­ cept our classification o f the seas Dear Sir:
amount of good looks. Ore thing led
graph. Rhe continued to complain of as being destinct from the Old
to another till It waa arranged tbat tbe
This is to thank you on behalf
the dullness of G.. ao l concluded to World.
•bould mall me ber photograph and I
o f Governor Withycombe and for
aak her to come to town and go with
•houtd tend her mine Then If we were
The shipment o f munitions of
me to the theater. Thla would let her
myself, for the'publicty given by
mutually pleated we might proceed
Into the secret o f my having sent her war to the Allies appears to be
further toward forming an acquaint­
another man's photograph, but I must responsible for the little unpleas­ the Falls City News to War Cen­
ance with a view to matrimony
sus information. The prominence
let tbat out aome time, and there waa
The next day I looked over my atock
antness now existing between
no especial reason for delay.
given in your issue o f May 26th,
of photograph!—not of myaelf, hut of
She accepted the Invitation with alac­ this nation and Germany. We
my friend, and. selecting one of Sam
rity and appointed a night. I procured quote the following:— “ In the under the heading “ Registration
Atkina, the beat looking fellow In the
Day,” to important facts to be
a couple of aeafa and wrote her tbat I
lot, I sent It to the girl. Bam was off
first year o f the war the Govern­
would meet her at the atatlon aud take
remembered, is particularly ap­
at the SpanlsR-Amerlcan war at tbe
I ber from there to tbe theater; aha ment o f Germany stired up among
time, and I trusted to bla getting shot
would know me by a bit of orange rib­ its people a feeling o f resentment preciated.
or dying of disease so that I might not
Very truly yours,
bon worn In my buttonhole To keep
against the United States on ac­
get Into trouble by passing him off for
• up the fraud till ber arrival I ashed her
George A. White
myself. In return I received a picture
lo carry a few violets In her left hand count o f our insistance upon our
of a rather pretty girl, who I Judged
Adjutant General.
Whs? Mlaa Miller aUgutvd from the rights as aneutra) nation to trade
from her features wsa full of mis­
| train and saw me. whom she had met
in munitions with the beligerent
chief, tbe very one to get up Just such . ,
... ..
before, with the orange ribbon in my
a complication as we were entering ...... . ,
. .
I f the women could by induced
. . .
buttonhole she stood at! for a mo- powers. • • • • • . ”
upon t pan her Hr* was an engaging _
. ..
. ,
ment; then almply remarking tbat we is no question but under the now to join heartily in this back-to-the-
. ,
' I had met before and I had deceived her
land movement, there would be
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
\ O V E R
No. 46.
, —a t 1*»»t tU l T h m l Iran««] n il «len t |i**r
Hhr wsa Ih.r« »lira «•iiongh, IncHntf
I A Telegraph Oper- *
alor*» Slory
Specials!__ Specials]
lid-Summer Special Prices
Are Now Prevalent
You will find throughout the store
seasonable goods now consider­
ably under-priced.......................................
Men’s Straw Hats
No immediate prospect of lower prices
on any line of merchandise, so at Spe­
cial Prices you doubly save.
SELIG’S, Cash Price Store,
“ Meeting and Beating Competition".
— —
— —
I, ■ ■ i
linn —
t .jinx 1 " --a
''i - sg a M M'.ii'd i ii— gzae."
But the Careful Person deposits
his money in the
and pays all his bills and purchases
with his personal check.
existing laws we had the right to
' After that the wires began to warm I abo,lt fba
we left tbe eta-
sell munitions, but this also goes
nP with our con vera at Ion a, till at last
lon' 9n.d slnrKe U
a « « “ »^ e v e o -
to show that it started as a war
they came to a white heat with love. " * and " D bo" r
passages. When we had flrod a lot of ^ tb^ P , , ? ™ u!d b** ,n' ™ ™ ,bed t0 a ot commercialism, and the ques­
such missiles at ea. h other we began park or central square and sat down on tion is. is it worth the price?
to talk nlmut meeting At my pro­ j one of the benches. She then reproved
posal to go to see her she cooled down J me mildly for sending her the wrong Could we not have said to the
a bit, and It was easy to see that her photograph, hut said she didn t mind nations at war, we have the
exuberance was the result of fighting that since she had made my aequatnt- goods to sell, come and get them,
j ance at G.
behind a masked battery. I made sev­
When we entered the theater and without dishonor? It was after
eral propositions to go to see her on a
i took our seata but few people had ar- this that Germany began her
certain day and hour, but for every
| rlred. We enjoyed ourselves chatting
time I act she gave aome reason why
. .
. ,___..
murderous course o f warfare that
It would be inconvenient or impoaa.ble a,^ ut our telegraphic correapondence
has placed her beyond the pale
for her to receive me At last It oc-
o f civilization. There is no ques­
curred to me to go up and look her ever ‘
without an appointment. Never bav. j
Wh0 *bou,d , > n , e r a n d ,ftk" ,b® t w o
seat In the next row In front of us but tion but Germany must be sub­
Ing seen me, she wouldn't know me.
Bam Atkins nnd Miss Miller's friend, dued, but in so doing we should
Bo one day, having secured a leave. 1
whom I had met at G., Ellen Ormsby.
be careful lest, unwittingly, we
started to aee ray charmer. On arrival
The expression on their fares wss, to
I walked up Into the village and on the
say the least, peculiar. Smiles were assistlin building a great navy
afreet met my girl, whom I recognized
struggling to assert themselves which to harrass us and dominate the
at once by her photograph. I followed
her Into aeverat shops and Anally to a the three were endeavoring to sup­ seas.
yellow house that stood hack from tbo press. I cast a hasty glance at my com­
panion and saw her eyea fairly dance
street. She went Into the house, and,
having waited half an hour for her to with a mingled delight, mischief nnd
come out, I concluded abe lived there
I knew at once that the game I had
I knew a man In the place, Tom Foa-
“ There is no denying the fact
ter, and, bunting him up, told him tbat been playing bad not only been discov­
there was a girl In the town I wished ered, but bad been turned against me. that the Presidedt and the ad­
"Ram. you rfcscalP’ I exclaimed. ministration are weaker with
to know. He said there was going to
“ You're a traitor to your own sex!''
be a dance that evening and all the
My remark occasioned a burst of Congress and the people o f the
girls In the place would he there. He
would take me with him, and If he laughter from the whole party except United States than at any time
since the gage o f battle was flung
knew the girl I rplshcd toi meet he myaelf.
.“Come," I sa|d, "explain the matter."
would lntrodve me. 1 thobgbt-that
down to Germany, i
an excellent plan since It. would give
“ The reasons for,loss o f confi­
me the advantage of keeping my af­ up the overture, and In ten minutes
fairs to myaelf. I could obtain an In more the curtain rose. My tormenterà dence are plain. He is leading
troductlon to different girls wlthou. forced me to wait till the end of tbe J the nation a faster pace along the
my Introducer knowing the one I waa Arat act before giving me an explana- [
tlon; then my companion said:
road o f autocracy than it can en­
especially interested In.
"Nellie Ormsby Is a telegraph opera- , dure. A e is attempting to con­
That evening I went with Foster to
the hall where the dance was to take tor at the G. station and has been your centrate such power in himself
place. He asked about the girl I wish­ correspondent Rhe sent you my pho­
ed to know and why A wished to know tograph with my consent Instead of as to destroy utterly the proces­
her and all that, but I evaded his ques her own sud, having no more conA- ses o f democracy in the country
tlona. I dldn t propose to let the girl dence In you In such a matter than her­ during the period o f the war.
herself know that I was the fellow she self, did not believe the likeness you
“ The President is asking for
had beep (salting Jove toj^vra- tha wire sent hej was jou£ own. ? he went to
* V t - A a*
no dearth o f men to cultivate the
The censor would confer a favor
if he will stop the circulation of
stories of plots and attempted ex­
plosions that are as authentic as
Jack the Giant Killer.
Labor unions in Canada have
threatened a general strike if
conscription is forced upon them
without a majority vote o f the
China’s method o f getting rid
o f her obstreperous officials is not
likely to become popular with
the Washington bunch. It would
doubtles be a great saving.
The St Louis riots may portend
more serious trouble. Labor dis­
turbances are difficult to handle
at any time. It opens the way
for lawlessness on the part of
the employer as well as the em­
ployed. Neither are in [a state
o f mind to observe the Golden
Rule. The importation o f strike
always caused
trouble, more especially as they
are almost invariably negroes or
aliens. Such disturbances give
an opportunity to those having
anarchistic tendencies a chance
to use them.
Charming Resort
by the See
Those *vho seek rest, and sea­
Ample hotel accommodations,
cottages or camping arrange­
Low Round T rip Fares
Daily Traiiw-.facH Direction
Ask our nearest agent for f older “ Newport,” or write
John M. Scott, Genej-al Passenger Agent