PAGE 4 SATURDAY, 3VSF. 'ill PUT FALLS CITY STOP lust nil Ol III« « till K »t«' I .ill! -ill'll lllntll- to Mrs Pcckliaiu. and. ìilthniiin» li Ita* • hi- Arid rhang«» In hn »s !io>iHltlea wouldn't ham to aav iiiivthlng lo me Ity o f thè viali. After Hiiffioli'tttly re commented about It. But how pale he looked and cove ring to talk al hi ut it n I ic ileelarotl Tbe fo lio « In« spring 1‘t’i mui how exhausted?" tbat alte not only amelV'l Ilio sull uh Holt « e r e jnuduatnl and assigned to Thinking a draft might have blown o f thè se», lini arte- Lesile Ho|f atnnd a war vessel sat)In« for Cubit. I V k the letter off the table, alie looked Ing liefore ber not llfellkw. It la true, ham and Kate were marr ed before ho about until «be saw actuelhliig of a liecauso he wba ver.v pule, unii he had sailed. Tbe wedding w » » notable from fbe number o f disappointed voting men light brownish color In a comer Here tbe ap|>earance <>f havtug t>eeii in thè tn attendance. Hut every man o f tbrtn that It «n s llie Ic ier, which had been water. The onl.v (lilng to prove her By E TH E L H O LM ES swore by the hrhle and Considered the discolored, she seued It. What waa poaltlon w a« thè lefler »Ile recelted and tbe aaawted. but lliat dlsap|>eiuad (room the luckiest matt that had ever her Hiirprlee to find a »euneed. There was sometblug «o utu nnny In durlng ber flrst shock and tiever waa wooed woman. K a le Iztngdon was a character. Not Kate, having joined the navy matri­ ell thla that she » a s now thoroughly reeovered. frightened. Dropping the seaweed, •specially pretty, she laid a w ay with monially. felt at home at a n »»a l eta she put both bands to ber temples In her that flrst attracted peopde'a arten tion. and her anat. who adored her. In tion. then won them. Some salt! she vlted her to romaln with hi r Indefinite­ en effort to regnili her equuuimlty. THE UMBRELLA AN ILLUSION? Then, rushing out o f the room, she rnu was very deep, others that she was a ly. So Kale staled where she would ! to ber auut and sank In a swoon. be In touch with her husband far more | simple child o f nature. She was cor- Ten minutes later Hr. t'oggswell, than at home. That was an exciting talnly reckless. She would flirt with summer First came news o f the light medical officer at Hie academy, waa Tbe psychology of lbs umbrella 1« several men at a time without heeding In Manila bay, then the entrance o f called t Professor l.,vnll's quarter*. Hn the consequences and when cornered the Spanish Admiral 'ervera'a fleet found Mrs. Peck hum lying on a bed I d worth MtudytiiK. It does uot m illy. of rourse, protect I ho Individual from the a high stato o f nervous excitement. would. If possible, dodge them all by Into Cuban waters. Its attempt to es rain. It does little more Ilian shelter Mrs. I,,vail told the doctor, be for»' be flight, leaving them to settle the mat­ cape and Its destruction. his li*'S»i. The ruin strikes Ids legs niut j I’eckhatu and Holt went through this saw the patient, th»» story ber ulivo bis body just the same ter among themselves. Put It sa’ es hail tolil her. and be did not iiermlt the And so It was that some blatntd last fight, and «b e n It was over the Iho rain from striking one's fac»\ which invalid to go over it again. Ho said ber, others defended ber. but all were latter office* was ordered to the com that the expectation for u long while la illstigrconhlc. It glM's a certain Illu­ maud o f a small supply boat and d i­ sion »if shelter nml flius shelters the amused by ber. It was very Interest rected to sail for the Brooklyn navy that her husband would at nuy time paycbo’ogy more than It does the body. J lug to see a middy ci'ine upon the participate In n natal engagement and | yard W e now have naterprnofed clothing, j edge o f tbe vortex, get drawu in. >lrop “ Can I do anything for you at home!“ the excitement attending the reoeut which Is n much more effective protec- light had been a strain u|>ou her uervvs out, giving place perhaps to a fellow he asked o f Peckham. tion than the umbrella, lull people go middy, perhaps to aD officer. Whether “ Nothing, unless you will take a let­ that bed produced balliiciustion. He on buying and using umbrellas just the prescribed a sedative ami left direc­ tbe girl realized tbe wrong she was o f­ ter for my wife. You will mall it as same. Their bodies do uot really need tions that she w h s to lie kept ipiict. ten doing, whether she was uncon­ | soon as you pet to Brooklyn.” But Mrs. Peckhuui did not recovar them, but their minds have become uc i “ W ith pleasure." replied Holt. scious o f It or whether she bad no ap­ custom»«! to them Meanwhile letter ! Peckham wrote a short note to his from tbe atriilu as souti as wus c iis i t- carriers 'and policemen go without ! preciation o f the tenderness of men's ed. And one morning sonii'thlng ac- wife and gave It to licit. beans, certain It Is that she never s w u . them and not seem to get any wet j "Th e trap Pm to command Is not curred to give her a terrible baelt s»'t. ter than other people do. ed either ashamed o f her conquests or A telegram from Key \V»"»t appeaml 1 very seaworthy." said the latter. “ I f proud of them. Indeed, she gave every It is probable that a colored umbrella i I meet a big blow I may not get evldeuce tbat sbe regretted then». protects a woman's psychology In a j A fine field for sueb girls it either tbe j through. But I promise you. Hector, j rainstorm better than a black timbrel- j West Point or Anna|>oitM aciu.emy. ! that your w ife shall have the letter.” la would. Having chos<'ii the color In Peckham hoped that his friend • where young men are trained for tbe accordance with fashion and her own j army or navy. Kate LangtUw tbe tear I would get through safely, and they taste In tints, she has, as It were, a o f the breaking out of the Spanish- j parted canopy o f consciousness over her, nf- I One morning young Mm. Peckham American war visited tbe N aval acad­ fording her a One protection. On the i emy as the guest of ber aunt, -Mrs. was sitting In her room nt Annapolis other hand, n black umbrellu is a bet L ja il, the w ife o f one of the profc isors. ! reading accounts o f the naval tight off j ter protection for a man's psychology 8be hadn't been there a n et's tv fore Cuba—she had read them many times i 1 than a colored one would la*. A re»l j before—when a draft blew open tbe 1 ' sbe bad half a dozen middies "by the umbrella over the average man. now. •ars." Soor and there came Into the room a would «»'em to him to gather nil the l In the class to be graduated the fo l­ jtrong smell of the sea. Standing be- ' raindrops from the floosac range to | lowing spring were two young men. fore tbe opening was Leslie Holt, pale | Mount Desert and precipitate them upon Ills egregious head. - Boston Tran. 1 Hector Peckham and Leslie Holt. Both and exhausted. “ Why. Mr. H olti” exclaimed Mrs. i 1 script. met Kate Langdon. and both fell vio­ lently in love with her. In tbe govern­ I Peckham. I f ment academies tbe standaid o f hon­ Without a word he handed her a let- , or is very high. Neither o f the cadets ' ter Thinking It to be from her hus- j | would take tbe slightest advantage o f band or that It might bring ber bad i The Rev. Irl R. Hicks Almanac the other, but neither comd find out- ; news from him. ber attention was mo- | for 1917 comes out bright and bet­ which was really tbe favored one» Nor mentarily turned from its liearer to a were they ever sure but tbat one o f the letter. It bore evidence o f having f ter than ever. His splendid por­ several other middies might not after been wet. A dampness clung to It. » trait in four color work, taken ail carry off tbe prize. and the letters o f the address had «■ from life in May, 1916, proves that Peckham finally won. K a te gave run together. She tore It open and d this old friend of the millions is him her heart and. to the surprise o f read it. It was simply an announce^ every one. gave him the whole o f lt- ment that tbe writer was well, had r very far from being “ a dead Tbere were a number o f dlsappchnt 1 snffered nothing in the recent engage- t man.” Every home, office and meats in consequence o f this victory, ment and hoped before many weeks to b the most serious of which was Leslie return to her. Having satisfied her- M business in America owe it to this Holt. Kate had given him a great detil ! self that it boded no harm to the man faithful, old friend of the people of encouragement and for gome tirnr- she loved, she turned to its bearer. He A a fter she came to a decision hsdDY. * was not there. * to send for his Almanac and Mag­ the heart to break with him. When it j Thinking that what had passed be- a finally came out that Peckham had ! azine for 1917. This Almanac is tween them before her marriage had I! won. Holt went to see her to ask if | led him to go away without even hav- 0 35c by mail. His monthly Mag­ the news were true. Sbe «xmfessed. and he told her that she had wrecked Ing been thanked, she tossed the letter ‘ azine with Almanac, one dollar a on a table and ran out Into tbe hall to ^ his life. year. Send to WORD AND WORKS Young men ha i e said this before to stop him. Not finding him In tbe hall. g young women, to marry some other she went out on to the porch. He was n PUBLISHIN G COMPANY. 3401 Frank­ and live happily. Borne have remained rot there, nor was ne anywhere to be lin Avenue. St Louis. Me single, cherishing their idol in their seen, though there was nothing for ^ f, hearts, to meet that idol when past some distance to obstruct her vision. "Plrange!” she said to berself and fl Correspondents wanted in every middle age and find it demolished. Holt so long ns he lived—he did not returned to her room, a fear coming s, neighborhood in this section ol tue live long—never recovered from his In- over ber that the affair was in some t| country. fatnntion Th»- words be used at his wav connected with u misfortune to Today, tomorrow, or next week you will (Inti the host that ran he bought at uny time or any place. SHOES AND LOGGERS SUPPLIES Price« as low as consistent first-class merchandise. with Low Round Trip Fares Many dates in June. July, Aug. Liberal Stopovers. Limit 3 months and Sept M A N Y A T T R A C T IO N S A N D DIVERSIO N S Round Trip Fares On Sale Every Day. Return October 31. Also Week End On Sale Saturday and Sunda-t Return Monday. Fur information aak your local agent John M. Scott. General Passenger Agent Portland, Ore. Southern Pacific Lines Have you bought your liberty Bonds? H ip GAFE Loya’ innalzine r-ftr? r m h j ca _ "'■-•iM^boiOniyw a year I'-r-set. C a t u r ' l o l l . »ur** M m ‘ Read by 5«»0,tKI0 boys * * », Ihr I.- p r ni* ©VOS* Every Housewife or Mother is ever under that Nervous S tra in s which so often results in Headaches, D izzy Sensations, Faintness, Depression and other Nervous Disorders, Dr. Miles* NERVINE is Highly Recommended ■i Such Cases. IF F W ST B O TTLE F A IL S TO B EN E FIT, V W « MOREY W IL L BE REFUNDED. B A D LY RON DOWN. •1 had baron* grsaEr raa Seien amt eiy nerves ware le terrible eendltM » t had frequent head- aeheu and became very weak and wee unable to do M ietila* I heaght a bottle of Dr. ■ B a r ftewv- taa. I eoa« b-wan ,0 fwg better, aer nereua ware « «M a l I re MWH rR A N T T M 17» Broadway. Rebel