Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, June 16, 1917, Image 4

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DO N T FORGET the private
j sale of household goods, furniture
stoves, rugs, etc., now on at the
residence of W. A. Persey.
Tli** beet «how at the G«m tonight
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Boughey of
and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Walter L. Tooie, Jr., Lawyer
Siiverton were guests of
Dalla«, Oregon.
Hammond Friday.
Tills Congress Committee That
Mrs. Dave Grant and son were
E. A. Sayre, a former resident
An S80 Maohine for S50
Lead World.
in Dallas Monday.
of this city but now of Monmouth,1
Miss Edith Montgomery went to was here Thursday shaking hands
A S 75 Maohine for $45
with friends. He looks ha'e and
NO G O VERN M EN T OW NERSHIP Salem Wednesda:..
A $60 Maohine for $35
Mr. and Mrs. George Chamber-
H W ould M oan P o litic al C o n tro l a n d
Portland Thursday.
Lose of Efficiency— D o c l.ro . T h a t
lain. Dee Chamberlain and Mrs.
C ris it C o n fro n t. C o u n try on A ccount
Mrs. Droege and Norman were R. E. Chamberlain made a trip to
Tho Two-In-One Maohine;
of T ra n a p o rta tio n S itu a tio n — Lowoot
Albany Saturday evening return­
F re ig h t R atoa to Bo F o u n d In U n ited in Dallas Saturday.
ing Sunday evening.
•ta te n .
Look and Chain Stitoh.
Grandma Starr is visiting her
Mrs. Frank Hippock has re­
W ashington. D. C.—T h a t th e T o tt­ son Harry this week.
ed S tate s is face to face w ith a s e ri­
turned from a six weeks trip to
ous crisis in its com m ercial a f's ira ,
Miss Clara Sampson was visit­ California. She was accompanied
due to th e conditions by w hich its
Why pay the agents such prices as $80.00, $75.00 and $60
tra n sp o rta tio n system is confronted, ing in Dallas Tuesday.
home by her mother who will
w as th e opinion expressed uy W . M.
make an extended visit.
when we can sell to you for $50, $45 and $35 for the same
A cw orth. E n g lan d 's leading a u th o rity
on railways, before th e N ew lands Joint
machine and on easy terms if you like.
committee on in te rs ta te com m erce at in the city last Sunday.
Rev. Fdgar Long and wife left
a special session held h ere to enable
Friday morning for Salem, and
the committee to hear h is view s before
where they will attend
his departure for London. Two step s
are necessary, according to Mr. Ae- for sale. F. K. Hubbasd.
the quarterly confeeence of the
w orth. to avert th is c risis and to solve
Free Methodist Church.
the threatening railro a d problem con­
Mr. and Mrs. G. Fry of Dallas
fro n tin g the country.
J. R. Moyer who has been con­
T he first is to allow th e railro a ds to were in town last Sunday.
c h arg e fre ig h t ra te s su fficien t to m eet
fined to the house the past two
th e gTeat ad v an ce in o p eratin g ex­
Chas. Trimble and wife came months was down town Wednes­
penses w hich is tak in g place an d to
Oregon City Sunday.
day. We hope to see him a regu
enable them to com m and th e cred it
n ecessary to provide th e exten sio n s
ar visitor at the postoffice again.
and im provem ents needed to m eet the
Mrs. Nellie Sears and Sybil
grow ing dem ands of business. The sec­
Wilson attended the Rose Fair.
Richard Paul is among the
ond is to do aw ay w ith th e m ultiple
wounded. Last week while work­
and conflicting sy stem s of regulation
th a t now h am p er railw ay o peration
Miss Mary Hammond was a ing on the pond he fell on a log
and to p rovide one c en tralized reg u la­ Dallas visitor Tuesday afternoon.
trikmg his side on a knot. He
tory agency w ith such local subdivi­
sions as m ay be necessary
continued to work, however, until
Luella and Opal Ward and Ma- Idondday when he slipped giving
H igher R ate« a Public N ecessity,
Mr. A cw orth s view« on th e transpor- ble Otte were in Dallas Saturday.
a severe wrench completely
ta tio n situ a tio n in th e U nited S tates
separating the bones. He says
w ere expressed in an sw e r to questions
S. G. Wood and wife visited at
by m em b ers of th e com m ittee, who Dallas Saturday night and Sun­ that he can feel the ends of the
asked him to apply his know ledge of
wnes grate together. Not a very-
ra ilw a y condiU cns thro u g h o u t th e day.
w orld and of th e experience of o th e r
c o u n tries w ith g overnm ent ow nership
Mrs. Dale Bell and
to the p re se n t problem before the
Magee were visiting in Dallas
U nited S tates
"T h e fun d am en tal facto r in th e situ ­ Tuesday.
The Buell saw mill, lacated two
atio n is v ery sim ple,” said Mr. Ac-
Don’t miss the show and dance
north of town was destroyed
w orth
"It lies in th e fact th a t you
Several attended Mr. Miller’s
Wagner’s Hall tonight. The
can n o t get th ree -q u a rte rs of a c e n t’s
by tire Thursday night. The fire Night Riders,” last and best
w orth of w ork done fo r less th an three-
is supposed to have started from show of the season.
q u a rte rs of a cent, no m a tte r w h eth er evening.
the furnace.
th e agency p erform ing it Is a govern
m ent or p riv a te e n te rp rise
F reig h t
ra te s m ust ad v an ce when th e co st of
M pa is a Hard Shell Baptist
perform ing th e serv ice advances as
i t is doing a t p re se n t. Just a s th e p rice Saturday.
My ma ia a Campbellite;
Today, tomorrow, or next week you
of b read or m e a t or any o th e r com
Lester and Roy Bowman left My sister Sue is a Methodist,
will find the best that can be bought
m odity in c re a se s w ith increased c c st
While I’m a Catholic Knight.
Miss Hammond entertained her Sunday for San Francisco where
o f productio n .”
any time or any place.
Lester Our creeds all differ widely.
In an sw e r to a question Mr A©- pupils Friday afternoon of last they will join the navy.
w orth said th a t he th o u g h t A m erican week to a picnic.
will enter the pharmacy denart- We can’t all see the same;
freig h t ra te s had been a t m uch too low
ment and Roy the wireless.
But to say that we only differ.
a level for sev e ra l y ears past, th a t th e y
Prices as low as consistent with
Mrs. R. E. Chamberlain retum-
Would be putting it rather tame.
had reach ed th is low point durin g th e
period of c u tth ro a t com petition am ong ed home Saturday from i three
first-class merchandise.
Ma nags pa. pa fusses at ma.
th e roads and had since been held
And I “ have it” with sister Sue;
th ere by reg u latin g bodies. U nless re ­
A farewell party was given by The
lief w ere afforded to th e c a rrie rs very
way we get our religion mixed.
prom ptly, he said, the re su lt w'uuld
O. Aurland and wife left Thurs­ Miss Margurete Dorman Saturday
Would puzzel an Irish Jew
be a trem en d o u s loss to .he people of day for eastern Oregon.
They evening, June 9th in honor of Miss
th e w hole co u n try thro u g h in su ffic ie n ­
Grace Hastings who is leaving for I have a Methodist “girlie,”
cy of tran sp o rta tio n facilities.
Sue has a Catholic beaux.
her home at Pedee.
W eakness of G overnm ent O w nership.
But if they don’t join the Woodman,
Fresh Bread, Cakes.Cookies.Pies Games of various kinds (were We are going to let them go,
On the su b ject of g o v e rn m e n t ow ner­
and other bakery goods, every played. A dainty lunch was serv­
ship of railw ay s Mr A cw o rth said:
It is im possible to o b ta in sa tisfa c ­ day, at the Falls City Bakery.
ed by the hostess. At a late hour We don’t mind mixing religion
to ry re su lts on g o v e rn m e n t railw ay s
they bid Miss Hastings good-bye For we are used to that, you see,
in a dem o cratic s ta te u n le ss th e m a n ­
There’s only one lodge good enough
Mrs. 0. P. Driggs and children and departed for their homes.
agem ent is cut loose fro m d ii« c t po lit­
For my sister Sue and me,
ical control. N e ith e r A usti*alia n or from Gaston are visiting at F. E.
Those present:
sn y o th e r co u n try wit>j a d e m o c ra t­ Driggs’ for a couple of weeks.
Margurete Dorman, Grace Has­ Pa wields the gavel in our lodge,
ic co n stitu tio n —p e rh j'p g gn exception
While I watch the inner door;
ought to be m ade of S w itz e rla n d —h as
tings, Evelyn Johnson, Hettie And ma she reads the minutes
Rev. Hansen arrived last Sat­ Newman, Margret Sammons, Vel­
succeeded in m a in ta in in g a p e rm a n e n t
On Sale via California
Of the meeting we had before.
severance. In F r a n c e , in Belgium , In urday from Montana and will
Many dates in June, July, Aug. and Sept.
ma Goodspeed, Mabel Teal, Treval But we always ‘chuck’ the hatchet,
Italy, p a rlia m e n ta ry in te rfe re n c e n ev er
Stopovers. Limit 3 months
h as been a b p ^ 1(jone(j for a m om ent. take charge of the M. E. Church. Powers,
Everett Estelle, Loyd When we meet on Tuesday night
T he facts
(¡ja t g o v ern m en t in ­
Miller, Eldon Frink, George Wag­ While working for our Order,
te rfe re n c e ' J9 a m ean t ru n n in g th e rail­
N. N. Christy is laying ’off this
And forget our religious fight.’
w ays not fo v th e b en e fit of th e people week with a badly twisted knee. ner, Jamss Bohle.
Enjoy a Beach Outing Trip
a* .a rg e , b u t
gatjgfy local and se c ­
He slipped while at work on the
tional a n d Cven p e rso n a l in te re sts.”
P ru s s ia , M r. Ac-worth said, w as th e log pile.
F uture M elting P ot c t h i W orld.
For the Next Ten Days you can get any
old machine in the Second-Hand Department
for $5.00; Singers, Standard, New Home and
a dozen other makes. We want to clean up
The Reliable Homefurnisheri.
Low Round Trip Fares
b e s t ex am p le of rvn efficien t govern
in e n t ra ilw a y sy stem , and he pointed
o u t th a t m i l i a r y c o n sid eratio n s w ere
tre a te d a s of p ara m o u n t im portance in
th e P r u s s ia n railw ay system . W hile
Ameri«ri n f r e ig h t ra te s had been re ­
duced n e a rly 40 p er cen t in th irty
y ea/ s, rate» in P ru s sia w ere n early as
b l'^h as a t Mie b eginning of the period.
T.v’hlle th e c h a rg e for m oving a ton of
freig h t one m ile in th e U nited S ta te s
w as a triG e o v er th re e -q u a rte rs ot a
cent, th e ra te in P ru ssia w as 1.41
As Illu s tra tin g th e d ifference In ra te s
betw een g o v e rn m e n t and p riv a te roads
Mr. A cw orth com pared th e railw ay s
of New S o u th W ales, A ustralia, w ith
th o se of T exas W hile th e am o u n t of
tra ffic to> each m ile of line w as ab o u t
th e sam e in both cases, he pointed out.
th e T exs s railw ays perform ed for the
public fffvur tim es as much serv ice as
th e g o v ern m e n t owned roads of New
South \<’a!es. T he ch arg e iff T exas
fo r h au U c g a ton of freig h t one mile
w as le s s t* ^ n 1 cent, while in tbe A us­
tra lia n « ta te It w as well over 2 cents.
"A m e ric a n railw ay s lead th e w orld,"
said Mr. A cw orth
"N ow adays when
m en in a n y o th e r p art of the world
w a n t to know how to run a railw ay
th e y co m e to th e U nited S ta te s and
stu d y y o u r r a l h a^3 -¿c. - a e A m er­
ican ra ilw a y s a re e n tire ly th e re su lt
of p riv a te e n te rp rise , and I th in k they
go a lor.« w ay to w a rd proving th e case
» .v ,__ z o v r : SC 3M t o w s a r c h is ”
J. A. Bowman had the misfor­
tune to gel his little finger badly
mashed Wednesday while work-
at the mill.
A1 Brown received a Mogul
tractor Monday which he will use
for ploughing and general work
on the farm.
Sunday School 10:00
Morning Worship 11.
Junior League 3:00.
Epworth League 7:00.
Evening Service 8:00
Gospel Chorus 730 p. m. Tuesday
Charles Norris left last Sunday Prayer Meeting 8, pm Wednesday
for Marshfield where he has a
position as bill clerk for the rail
The new partor of the Metho­
road company.
dist Church is anxious to meet
everyone. You are cordially invi­
Mrs. Newman and daughter ted to help boos the services of the
Hettie and Iva left for Idaho Mon­ church by your presence and in­
day. They have been here during terest. Let us endeavor to keep
the past year.
up the [interest during vacation
just as much as possible. There
A lot of Dallas high school stu­
will be special music next Sabbath
dents passed through here Mon­
both morning and evening. Come
day on their way to Black Rock
and enjoy the services with us if
for an outing
you are not attending elsewhere.
There was a small blaze discov­ Services at Black Rock next
ered in the dry kiln at the mill Sunday afternoon at 3:00 o’clock.
Tuesday but Manager Smith’s
A. F. Hanson,
fire-brigade soon extinguished it.
Pastor M. E. Church.
A rgentina bids fa ir to I»- the tu tu re
m elting pot of tb e world. O f her
•5,000,000 people m ore th an h alf a re
foreign born. D uring her history «be
has received over a million Italian Im­
m ig ran ts, a h a lf million S| anlards. a |
six th of a million F rench am i a q u a rte r
million In o th er nationalities. Buenos
A ires Is th e m ost cosm opolitan city In
th e w orld, not even excepting New
York.—D an W ard In W orld Outlook.
Fancy G ardening.
I t la a fancy of C hinese gard en ers to
p lant sta tu e tte s o f tiny men firmly In
pots. Ju st like real p lants, ami th en to
tra in live evergreens to grow up over
th ese sta tu e tte s. T he vines th u s form
a kind of robe for th e s ta tu e tte men,
th e ir w hite facca nnd han d s protruding i
from out the greenness A rgonaut.
“The little son o f tlie hostess Is
m ighty ugly, Isn 't he?"
‘‘Do you think so?”
‘‘H e certainly d o esn 't fak e a fte r his
m other. M ust look like his fa th er.”
“ H is m other says he does. I ’m his
fa th e r.” —H ouston Post.
C ha ap E nough.
“Oh. John, th e baby lias sw allow ed a
dim e!"
"W ell, this diet Isn 't expensive, as
food goes, b u t I doubt If It's nourish­
ing.” —Boston Trans« ript.
Newport or Tillamook
Round T rip
On Sale Every Day. Return October 31.
Also Week End On Sale Saturday and Sunda«S
Return Monday.
For information ask your local agent
John M. Scott. General Passenger Agent
Portland, Ore.
Southern Pacific Lines
Have you bought your Liberty Bonds?
Red Cross Week
June 1 8 -2 5