Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, June 16, 1917, Image 3

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    H A T i m n A T , J U N K TB.
d arò«
p ro fe
A Mistake
PH Yiin*»
Oiii' e one door east o! I’ 0 .
ralla <Tty.
ieiMeiirt Phone 36 H
The Story of How Two
Sisters Were Reunited.
Hr l’A U I IN f . U. t.DW (AMOS
Although tin- lloruer slater« Unit lived
In the sane lioitaa for forty year*, dur­
ing tweuty of lima* long year« they
bail not ««changed a word.
No on* In Rosedale knew why Abl- ;
gall hml suddenly taken up liar resi­
de nc« (In tha noMh wing of tlia old !
bonar and Koplila hail settled liar be­
longing» lu Ilia «unity «until half At j
tha time conjecture had lu ui rlfa, but |
Itlia nine day«' u .... In bid Mttlad Into
fa »Hong • nniMli.ii Unit il.r had ill«
■ 111.11111 otnr th" '|iro|ity for ,t «ria
abortly uftar old Judge llorncr'a death
that tha eatruugetui-ut Imgan.
fcvery Holiday morning tha alatara
Btappad prltnly down tha graveled path
to tha gala and In wordless allanra
wandisl Iholr way lo church and up
tha alala to tha Hornar paw. lu vain
had lha pualnr retnouatrati-d with them
singly and togvlbar. While upon to
rvaaou and conviction on every other
point, they wet« dumb regarding the
cause of their wordle»« strife
It waa Jute now, aud So|ihla waa
digging utuong her pau«li*«. She waa
alight and pqle. with a pleasant. mild
face that now and then atarlled oue
by nettling Into Arm line» around (he
nmuth Abigail'» fnit li r e « were caat
In a aterucr mold, and the tinea about
her mouth were deeper, nnd this char
e< lerUtlc feature lu both alatora waa
.known aa "Horner »punk." and it waa
generally agreed that "Horner spunk"
waa at tha root of the trouble.
Abigail stood under the cedars with
a copy of the county paper In her band.
She was alowly reading an article for
the fifth time:
Jtu liev Paul Waarnam, paator of th*
Park Alvthodl«t church. New York, will
preacii In the Ptret church at lloaeilale
on Burnley evening neat. It will he ra*
11 .•11,1.1.1. I Hi,1 it,., rum .Imr.'i of II ac
dale wee Mr Wnemere' Are! charge, end
hie return will he the occasion of much
plur >re to lile old frlrnda end perlahlon•
are. Mr Weeniers will be accompanied
by hie wire.
Hire looked across the boxwood hedge
Into Sophia's garde* The newa would
Interest Sophia aa well as herself.
Abigail thought of this aa aba stood
there looking at Kophla'a stooping
form. There was a certain stern In­
tegrity about Abigail that urged her
to break the lung alienee nnd to tm
part the nows uhe had read Cn her els
ter There was an underlying tender
v ne««. too, toward her younger sister
that the bitter reeentinent of years
could uot destroy. Stic resolved that
Sophia abould not be taken unawares.
She leaned over the hedge and drop
pod the newspaper under Sophia's
Sophia aquraked with surprise aa the
paper rattled among the panties, and
there waa blank aatoulxhraeut In her
nearsighted eyes as she lifted them to
gaze upon the grim, uncompromising
face of her sister.
The latter pointed to the paper with
an old time gesture of command, and
Sophia, adjusting her spectacles,
sought the wrong page with agitated
eegerneaa. Then she turned the sheet,
and presently a nervous cluck aud the
dull reddening of her cheek announced
that she hud found the Item. In her
excitement the younger woman spoke.
"He will call." she said softly, at If to
The next day whs Satufday, and alt'
day long Sophia's lavender muslin bung
on the clothesline, bending and swaying
In the soft west wind like a misty
wraith of Sophia herself. Abigail look­
ed sternly upon the dress. She had
been on her way to the front chamber
to look over a well preserved summer
silk, but tbo sight of the dress seemed
to proclaim tho boldness of Sophia—a
iMildness that was unexpected and that
seemed to route a stern mnldenltncss
In the older woman. She reddened
darkly and went hastily downstairs
lu the solitude of her own front
room she sat and thought The stern
upbringing of the Horner girls had
discouraged the coming of suitors, and
ft was not until after their father’s
deuth tbnt l ’aul Weemers came to
preach at the First church. He had
been equally attentive to both sisters,
and It was perhaps natural that each
should believe herself to bo the pro
ferred one and tho other aq Interloper.
When Paul received n call to a larger
parish he came to say goodby. and
when he naked old Hannah tf Miss
Horner was In the sisters appeared
simultaneously. Suddenly Abigail was
► called away, and when she returned to
the parlor tbo young minister had gone
and Sophia was standing at the win­
dow with a bewildered look on her
pretty face.
Then a wldto rape had taken pos­
session of Abigail, and her touguo had
loosed upon the frightened Sophia, who
turned fiercely with upbraiding contra­
dictions After that scene, which no
one witnessed, began tho long silence.
As her thoughts wandered back to tho
past she knew she had been nnjust to
her sister, for really neither of the sis­
ters had any real reason for thinking
Mr. Weemers was In loro with her.
which made Abigail's outbreak toward
her alster all the more unjustifiable. It
wns of these things that Abigail was
The next day was Sunday, and So­
phia stepped down the psth alone, her
worn hymn book clasped In her mlt-
tened hands. She cast many anxious,
backward glances at the north wing,
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E. K. P IA S E C K I
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B a s t A c c o m m o d a t io n #
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Bohle’s Barber Shops
F a i t s “ i«». O r o i o w
Whrre y* 1 taa fet a' ik»»«.
Cal. I*tk
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A, car for r*ibs Vta* Ijaulry
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G. L . H A W K I N S
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toward your goal: go forward step by
and laughed heartily
where Abigail's stern profile was out­
“You do not know. Miss Abigail, bow step- and don't get your sequences
lined against the window-pane
(the hard 1 strove one day. many yenrs ago. mixed. Do one thing at a time. If
waa bent over 'he pages of a rellglou« to aak you to sell ine that famous tea­ your Job at the moment Is to keep
Journal, and It was evident she did pot. I bed seen It and succumbed to books master bookkeeping thoroughly
not Intend to go to church that morn- its beauty. I remember. Just u day or and study the fundamentals of ac­
In Sophia went on alone, swinging ; , 0 r,efor¿ , |,.ft Rosedale. I railed to ' countancy; don't merely keep your
her fresh muslin skirts and holding M y goodby and at the «ame time to books mechanically. From accountan­
her bead rather high, quite unaware atk If you would «ell 11 . but I realized cy go on to study finance, and this
that Abigail waa watching her wltL my presumption and hardly lu>|K-d you will help to open other doors. Or If a
scenting eyes of mingled pity and re would do so I tried to broach the sub man starts In a manufacturing depart­
sen 1 meat.
Ject. but somehow I couldn't seem to ment let him first master that depart­
Sophia did not know why «ba waa make any headway I recollect that ment and then learn all there Is to be
hurrying to church that morning with you were called from the room, und I learned about other departments.
a pink «pot In either faded cheek, but * tried to approach your sister on the Thus will he become familiar with the
her heart beat quickly, and «be Wav 1 subject, but she seemed to want to whole process of manufacture.
■ c ■ loua of a pleasant ex- ltement hi ,a|g ,.f , .. thing ox ;,i the K m ;
“ His next step would be to learn the
the Idea of seeing Paul Weemers «gain. ( Rave tt up and went away. I wrote outlets and the uses for bis manufac­
That waa all. She fluttered the leaves
yol, once „„fi asked about It. but as ture—the market for his product. By
of her Bible as «be waited for the *erv. j ( ,H.ver beard from you I presume the studying what and bow much bis mar­
lea to begin. She wondered vaguely |e(|er went astray."
ket will take or will not take he be­
where Mrs. Weemers would «It and I Abigail and Sophia were looking at comes a capable merchandise man.
concluded that she waa the fashionably raob other over the blue teapot. There This double know ledge of manufactur­
attired woman who sat In the minis wn„ „ Htartled expression In Sophia's ing and merchandising qualifies him to
ter's pew. She was a plump, pretty ®je(l- while Abigail looked pityingly at fill an executive position and opens the
woman, with dark hair waving back her sister
way to rise to the very top. whereas
from a fresh, youthful complexion 1 Abigail found her voice first. "My vtte fellow who v i a content to Jo*
Then Paul Wearners came Ui. und So »inter and I would like to give y ou the along tn a rut In one department will
pbla gasped with surprise. He was teapot. Mra. Weemers.” she »aid, with •till be about where be began."—B C.
rather stout and much older, und blv decision In her tones. “There Is no one
Forbes In Leslie's
hair and beard were quite gray.
to care for It after we are gone, and
The next morning while the sister» I yoll all(j y0Ur husband seem to prize It
L o y a lty M u s t B o Blind.
were »ttendiug to their separate house «0 highly we would like you to have It
It Is generally believed that business
hold duties the doorbell tened dismally
"But—we cannot—It Is too much''— and poetry have nothing In common,
Abigail went Into the front ball and. stammered Mrs. Weemers.
yet when Tennyson wrote "The Charge
peering through the sidv window light,
“Oh. íes!" cried Sophia eagerly. "You of the Light Brigade” he committed to
saw a man In clerical garments accom­ must tuke It. We want you to have It. paper the nost * ital lesson a business j
panied by a woman. She paused for a Abigail and I bare so many old fash­ employee can learn— tbe lesson of blind,
moment with a hand on the knob; then ioned things.”
blithe loyalty. No commercial organi­
she opened the door.
Abigail left the room to wrap the tea­ zation can live In which loyalty is lack­
Now. Miss Abigail, I don't believe pot In paper and to escape the effusive ing; none can largely succeed in which
you recognize me." exclaimed the man thanks of the delighted Weemers. So­ It is lukewarm. The man who accepts
heartily. "I didn't see you In church phia followed her sister, trembling with pay must give more than his time,
yesterday, although I am sure that 1 some unexplained emotion.
more than his intelligence; he must
recognized your sister."
Removing the lid, Abigail thrust her give also his heart. The boss may blun­
"Mr. Weemers. Isn't It?" asked Abi­ hand Into the teuput and drew forth a der. Amt the rlfcfct kind of etaployee
gail coldly. "Won't you come In?"
yellowed envelope. She held it toward goes ahead anyway, doing the best he
"Yes. and this is my wife; my dear, Sophia.
can.— Electrical Merchandising.
this Is Mlsa Horner. 0110 of my old
It's 9 T
she said shortly.
friends ntul imtlsblmicrs."
t -\,v; it s yours." returned Sophia.
Tools F or tho Farm.
I have heard my husband speak of ) “ If It's mine." said Abigail tn grim
In Farm and Fireside are given the
you and your lovely old house. Miss tones. "I'll hum It up." And she thrust following list of the tools every farmer
Horner," said the lady pleasantly.
It Into the stove.
must own :
They went Into Abigail's cool parlor.
“Shall we have tea together In the
"Under the title of ‘Repair Shop,' C.
' Where is Miss Sophia?" Inquired big dining room tonight. Abigail?" I. Gunncss, a Massachusetts machinery
Mr. Weemers with evident Interest.
asked Sophia timidly
expert, lists the following tools as In­
"I will call her." said Abigail relue
“Of course we will," said Abigail.
valuable on every farm. The chest In­
cludes ripsaw, crosscat saw, claw ham­
She stepped across the hall and open­
mer, steel square. Jack plane, block
ed Sophia a door. That waa the signal
plane, spirit level, brace and set of
when there was company for both.
auger bits. Many other tools might be
"Don't you care. Sophia." she whis­ Advice to Y oung M en W ho W a n t to
mentioned, but with those listed practi­
pered with tierce Intensity as her sister
Get Ahead In Business.
cally all of the necessary farm carpen­
followed her Into the room
President Bedford of the Staudard ter work can be done.”
Sophia was visibly agitated. She
Oil Company of New Jersey has him­
stammered greetlnga to the minister
self traveled unaided every step of the
Declaring War.
and his wife, which Abigail tried to
there Is a real distinction between
rover by commonplace remarks, but way from the valley of obscurity to
there w-as an atmosphere of constraint the summit of success. I asked Mr. declaring war and declaring that a
Bedford to tell some of the things he stato of war exist*. A government de­
over the four people,
learned during his Journey, to give clares wsr when it purposes to make
"Will you have some refreshment?"
asked Abigail presently. "It Is a very some suggestions or poluters for the war on another country. It declares
that a state of war exists, as the Unit­
warm day." she observed. She left the guidance of other climbers.
"Well," he began, “my advice to ed States did when another government
room and presently returned with
had »Iready attacked it.
foaming glasses of root beer and a every young man would be this:
"Do everything you are told—and do
plate of freshly cut sponge cake She
ate nothing herself, but looked Intently tt with all your heart and strength—
Flea* are abundant in the orient and
from her sister to Mr Weemers and willingly, cheerfully and enthusiastic­
ally, and then look around for more afford the subject of many proverbial
then at the minister's wife.
expressions. This insect is only twice
The latter set down her glass. “Do work to do.
"Don't measure your work by hours, mentioned In the Scriptures, In Samuel
yon know, Miss Horner, that when my
husband told me he was coming to but by what It Is possible for yon to xxtv. 14 . and In the same hook. xxvl. 20
Rosedale on Sunday 1 was delighted accomplish from the time you enter In
The first thing I said was. ‘Now I shall | the morning-and be early rather than
H e r E x p re ssio n .
late—until the place closes In tho even­
see the Horner teapotf "
SUckton—They tell me your daughter
Abigail's face softened. "So he re ing, and don't quit tbe moment tho •tags with great expression. Fllckton
membered our teapot?" she asked.
place officially closes tf there Is work —Greatest you ever saw! Why. her
own mother can't recognize her face
“Yes, Indeed. I have a mania for old still tn be done.
china, and Paul shares the mnnla. He
"Rend and study and tblnk along when she s singing.—Puck.
has spoken of the teapot us such a the lines of your business. Learn
lovely example of willow pattern, nnd what It Is all about, what service It
Not Being Done.
I told him I positively must see It."
He—What did you think of the play?
contributes to making the world go
Abigail went to a w alnut cabinet nnd round more comfortably and efficient­ She—It wasn't true to life. He—How
brought forth a large blue nnd white ly. Cultivate the habit of looking so? She—Well, the wife continually
teapot. It had been In the Horner ahead, of acquiring as much foresight asks for money and gets tt.—The
family for many generations and was as possible. Have imagination and Lamb.
a treasurer! heirloom,
"How perfectly lovely!" exclaimed
An act of yours is not simply tbe
“Then try to plan out your life, to
Mrs. Weemers > while her huabaud map out a course; consider and ealeu thing you do. but It Is also the way
hung over It In silent admiration Sud­ late the steps neeessnry to carry you you do It.-Wendell Phillips.
denly he straightened track In his chair
m rn
Ot tiles. O '»«»"
B e g in to S a v e Now .
How many people say to themselves.
"Next year will find me with a nice lit­
tle aavlnge account,” and then realize
later on that it was like so many other
good resolutions—never carried out
The time to begin la now. Nothing Is
ever gained by Indecision. Begin by
doing without some one thing which,
possibly, may not come under the bead
of extravagance and still Is not a ne­
cessity. It Is not to much the amount
you save at first that counts, but It
paves the way for the systematic saz-
lug. w hich in tbc end makes the suc­
cessful men and women of tomorrow.
— 8 . IV. Straus.
r r a « lai . di "B fator
Ft. 1. C H A P A l * N
We e'tind lo e l work « w n R x V
Dallas »nd Falls C ly. Ore,
r-V.f t ESTATE
J. O. M C K A L SO N
1er in
llE A j. E S T A T E
The Island of Hongkong.
I ’a lia C ity . O regoff
Hongkong is an island about eleven
miles long, with a width of from one
to three miles, and consists almost en­
tirely of a series of hills. There is a
good road around a portion of the fa-
land on the sea front, but the grades
up the mountains are too steep for
practical automoblltng. and the streets
generally are not wide enough and not
strongly enough constructed to permit
the use of heavy cars upon them.
610 Mill Etreet
Hall**. Or«f db .
JOHN R. rfai LEY. H in tc e r .
«>at Bbttract
Polì. Coiutty Record*.
Father's Peaceful Role.
There Is nothing in the theory, ad­
vanced by the funny papers, to tho ef­
fect that Indignant fathers kick objec­
tionable suitors down the front steiw.
All a father does when his daughter
entertains a young man who is objec­
tionable to him Is to growl to his wife.
— To;» ka Capital.
So He Rese.
An Irish M. P. once declared with
due solemnity. "Mr. Speaker. I cannot
sit »‘.ill here aud keep silent without
rising and saying a few words!"—Lou­
don Telegraph.
He w Uo conceals a useful truth is
equally guilty with the propagator af
an Injurious falsehood.—Augustine.
Notice to J evi* Subscribers
A mark here indicates that
your suits n iption is delinquent.
Please cad and fix it.
M r. Horn* S S a e a t k a r
■ ne B ty Orchard Land
Post Office Time Cird
Offico hours: Daily, except Sun­
P lan t M eat Eaters,
It has lont; been known that such day, 8 a.tu. to 6.30 p.m.
plants as Venus' flv trap actually
Mail turive*, from
catch and squeeze to death flies and
other insects alighting on their
leaves, hut the discovery is compar­
atively recent that the plants digest
the softer parts of their prey by
means of a peptic ferment seevetad
by the loaves.
Correspondents wanted in every
neighborhood in this section ot tra
Salem 9.00 e.m.. 6:15 p.m.
Dallas, 9:00 A. M., 6:15 P. M.
Portland via Gerlinger, train 102
11:55 a. m.
Black Rock, 1:30 P. M
Mail closes for:
Salem, 8 50 A.M., 1 P.M. and 5:30
P. it.
Dallas, 8:50 A. M. and5:30P. M.
Portland via Gerlinger train 102
1 p. m.
Black Rock, 1 A. M.
The Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1917 Almanac
Mail Order and Postal Savings
closes at 6 P. M.
The Rev. Irl R. Hicks Almanac
for 1917 comes out bright and bet­
ter than ever. His splendid por­
trait in four color work, taken
from life in May. 1916, proves that
this old friend of the millions is
very far from being “ a dead
man.” Every home, office and
business in America owe it to this
faithful, old friend of the people
to send for his Almanac and Mag­
azine for 1917. This Almanac is
35c by mail. His monthly Mag­
azine with Almanac, one dollar a
year. Send to WORD AND WORKS
lin Avenue, St. Louie, Mo.
S unday O
n ly
Office hours: 9:30 to 10:80a.ni:
Mail arrives from Salem, 9:00
a m.
Mail closes for Salem, 8:50 a. tn.
General Delivery Window Open
From 9 30 to 10:30 A. M.
Effective Marcii 11, 1917.
I ra C. M ehrling , Postmaster
Extra copies of The News sr*
printed each week, and w ill be sent
to any address desired, postpaid,
for 5 cents per copy.
Calf for sale, one month old.
Apply at this office.