Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, June 09, 1917, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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confessed forger was sufficient to
drive me to insanity.
The jury was obliged to bring in
a verdict of guilty, but recommend­
ed the culprit to mercy. The con­
sequence was that in s e n te n c in g her
the judge gave her thu lightest sen­
tence possible Within the law. He
d the Facts In Her
condemned her U> serve s term of
alx months in the state penitentiary.
That a woman 1 had come to love
should spend one minute behind
bars was not only abhorrent to me,
"fey E D W A R D B LA K E
but it unbalanced iny equanimity.
A lawyer, *»p«cielly • criminal ( at once moved for a new trial,
lawyer, liaa often great difficulty in then when alone with my client
learning from hia client the exact confessed my love for her.
She was strangely moved by my
facta in a caae for which he ie re­
tained. The lawyer ihould know confession. It seemed to give her
whether or no hia client, if accuaed both happiness and misery. When
I asked tier as to her feelings to­
of a crime, it guilty or innocent.
ward in« she broke down, weeping
Soon after I began to practice my
rofuselv, hut gave no answer.
profeaaion I waa retained by a wo­
fhsn aha had quieted she begged
man accuaed of forgery. 1 a eked her me to let the sentence of the court
if ahe waa innocent, und ahe confeaa- stand. She would serve her term
ed that ahe waa guilty. I aubmitted and the suspense would he ended.
a aimilar hypothetical caae to the
I would not agree to this. I ob­
judge before whom the woman waa tained a new trial, which could not
to he tried and aakod him whether be brought to pass for Severn!
it waa my duty, knowing her to be months, nut the judge was willing
guilty, to defend her or refuae to to aecept bail, and I furnished the
do so.
necessary amount myself, so that
Hia reply waa that it waa my duty my client’s liberty until the case
to defend her; that it waa the buai- was finally closed waa not in ques­
neaa of the jury, not the attorney tion.
nor the judge, to determine the
One morning the president of the
matter of guilt or innocence.
bank on which the forged check
Mr*. Rebecca Irwin, my aelf con- had been drawn aent for me. 1
feaacd client, waa a very feminine went at once to eee him. He took
perron, but back of her femininity me into hia private office and said
was evidently a certain peculiar to me:
strength. I would take her rather
"Th i* caae of yours in the matter
for,one to give away what she had of the state against Mrs. Rebecca
than to take money from another, Irwin ia a very singular ona. Do
especially dishonestly.
She was you know that your client ia not
aomewhere between thirty and forty guilty ?”
year* old and a very pretty woman.
“ I believe It, but 1 can’t prove it.
T became interested in my client at And this fact is driving me mad.”
“ You don’t need to prove it. We
The crime was forging a check have the proof here in the bank.”
of Edgar Jones, payable to himself.
"W hat do you mean?”
When the forgery waa discovered
"Listen, from the first we have
and reported the officers of the had a detective working on the case.
bank, suspecting that aome one of When Mrs. Irwin confessed I told
tho Lank.'a clerks had something to him that there was no further use
do with the fraud, employed a de­ for hia services. He replied that
tective to investigate the matter. the case would prove to be a mys­
Ho was at work on the case when tery and that he had got hold of s
my client went to the president of clew which might lead to ita solu­
the bank and confessed that ahe had tion. O f course I told him to go
made the forged check and had ahead. He claimed that Mrs. Ir ­
win’s confession, turning suspicion
drawn the money.
I entered a plea of not guilty for from the real culprit, would aid him
my client and called in two experts (the detective) greatly in prosecut­
in chirographv to pass upon the ing his investigations.
"W ell, ho has just made a report.
writing. Tho body of the check was
in one hand, while the signatures It is thia: One of our clerks named
were in another. My experts stated Dixon, a youngster of twenty, is tho
that the writing in the body was forger. He has been friendly with
something aimilar to that of my cli­ Julian Irwin, aged aixteen, the son
ent, but they pronounced the signa­ of the self accused woman.”
"W hat!” I interrupted.
“ She
tures to havo been made by another
person from the filler of the paper | never told me she had a son.”
"Young Irwin was one day scrib­
and certainly not that of my client.
The prosecuting attorney's experts bling on some blank checks. Dixon
declared that mv client had both got hold of one of those checks,
filled in the check and written the the body of which was filled in, the
name of the drawer of the check
What puzzled me was that Mrs. and the person to whom it was
Irwin manifested no interest in se­ made payable alone being minting.
curing an acquittal. She said she Dixon filled in the name and made
felt that she had committed a sin the indorsement and a long while
and could never hope to obtain any afterward asked Irwin as a favor to
mental comfort in the matter till draw the money.
"When Ir »in , though innocent,
she had paid the penalty. Her ac­
tions were so strangely at variance found himself implicated in the
with her confession that I was forc­ matter he went to his mother and
ed to the conclusion that she was told her th$ circumstance*. An at­
laboring under a hallucination. torney was consulted, who told the
Without intimating to her my ob­ mother and son that if Dixon was
ject I asked her for information as prosecuted Irwin must stand trial
to her family record, thinking I for forgery, with the probability of
might discover that there was in­ conviction, for Dixon would doubt­
sanity in her family which had crop­ less try to throw the whole respon­
ped out in her. She resolutely de­ sibility on the boy he had made his
clined to assist mo in the matter, tool.”
" I see it all. But go on.”
but I hunted up a cousin of hers,
“ T o hush the matter up, thus
who informed me that a maternal
randmother of hia own and Mrs. saving her son from a blighted life,
rwin’s had in her old age fancied his mother confessed herself a for­
herself to be troubled with malig­ ger.”
"God bless her!” I exclaimed.
nant spirits.
Acting upon this, I called in "She tried to conceal her nobility
alienists, hoping to prove bv them from me, but failed. My client has
an abnormal mental condition on not yet been informed of this dis­
the part of my client. The first covery?” I asked.
“ No. You are the only person
alienist who examined her pro­
nounced her in perfect health in thus far, besides myself, to know
every respect, including her mind. it.”
Getting from him the address of
The second, after a great deal of
Irwin, I called a carriage and
cross questioning, in which he was
endeavoring to fulfill a theory, gave drove to where ho was employed
it as his opinion that sho had re­ and told him I wiahed him to go
ceived at some time a severe shock with me to hia mother. He did so,
which might have produced mental and I announced to both that there
was no necessity for further mys­
Never did an attorney get hold tery, since the case had been work­
of a moro puzzling case, and both ed out to a finish. Their first act
judge and jury were similarly affect­ after the announcement was to
ed. As for mo my sympathies were spring into each other’s arms. Mrs.
so far enlisted for my client that I Irwin had persuaded her son to
could not fix my mind on any other make no opposition to her course,
subject. I f she were of sound mind assuring him that she would never
and guilty of the crime there was have to j o to prison.
And so it was that I fell in love
something unusual, something no­
ble, in her desire to expiate it. I f with a confessed forger and married
she were not of sound mind and a noble woman.
not guilty, the mystery of the oase
Earliest Qerm of Vitality.
was sufficient to enlist one’s deepest
microscopic dot or earliest
The result of all this was that I germ of vitality ia the marvel of
Everything that
fell in love with my client. She science today.
was fully ten years my senior, o lives, whether the giant oak or the
widow, and living on the slenderest monster animal, has each to begin
income. None of these considera­ its individual growth from this mi­
tions was in itself sufficient to pre­ croscopic dot, which actually con-
vent my loving her or marrying ner, taint all the past atory of the liv­
but to feci that my happiness was ing growth and every part in minia­
dependent upon a union with a self ture of ita future frame.
A Self Confessed
local Nowi H oms
profesional darte
n iY siciA »
Tim beat show at 111 « Gem tonight
Walter I,, 'froze, Jr,, Lawyer
Dallas, Oregon.
The road bonds w ere defeated
in Falla City.
J. W. Smith waa a Salem visitor
last Sunday.
Mrs. N ew m an went to Dallas
Thursday afternoon.
Zim ri Hinahaw o f McMinnville
waa in town Wednesday.
N ettie Graham visited in Van­
couver, Wash., this week.
Oregon Champion Gooseberries
for sale. F. K. Hubbasd.
Roy Graham and family return­
ed from Portland thia week.
J. R. Moyer who haa been very
ill for a long time ia improving.
Mra. Clay O xford and aon Ken­
neth le ft Thursday for Browns­
Today, tom orrow, or next week you
w ill find the best that can be bought
at any time or any place.
Prices as low as consistent
first-class merchandise.
Mrs. Vernon Harrington drove
with her parents to N ew b e rg Sun.
day. Mr. Harrington went over
Mrs. W illiam Reeves returned
Monday to her home at N ew b erg
a fte r a fe w days visit with Mrs.
John W alker.
Vernon and H ow ard Brentner
came down from N ew b e rg W ed­
nesday. They attended the High
School commencement exercises.
Mrs. Emma HinshavtN^ill leave
Sunday night for Greenville, Cal.,
on a three or four weeks vacation.
She w ill visit the training camp
near San Francisco.
Clarence Sphon, a d river at the
mill is laid up with a crippled foot.
He had been moving some heavy
timbers and stopped the horse and
turned around fo r some purpose
when the horse became frighten­
ed and jumped jerk in g the timber
on his foot.
2 îd .»Î
3 8
relis CI»fri
Phone C
a t t o r n e y
- a
tab m u it rast.
- l
a w
vallas ,
O tK
Btwtnew darte
! at Independence on Tuesday eve­
ning o f this week, the players and
orchestra making the trip by auto­
The High School Commencement mobile.
Exerciseo at W a g n er’s Hall Wed-
W ednesday afternoon the teach-
nesday evening o f this week w ere e/s w ere delightfully entertained
a fitting close to the school year. at an informal luncheon given by
The class colors, red and white, Mrs. Aurland at her home.
were brought out by decorations
o f red peonies and w h ite clematis
with a background o f Oregon i
Mrs. J.O . Mickalaon haa return­
The graduates took their places
ed from a visit in Lane and Linn on the platform as the orchestra
played the “ Im perial M arch.”
fte r another selection Mrs. Cour-
J. R. Morris arrived Tuesday
eer sang “ The Sweetest Story
from M yrtle Creek and will reside
E ver Told,” in a most delightful
in this city.
way. The address o f the evening
The County has re-decked the was given by Supt.\J.A.Churchill.
bridge across the Luckiemute on He told how, in order to accom­
B ridge Street.
plish our aim, it was necessary to
James Bohle returned home on have a purpose in life, to prepare
Tuesday from Oreton where he for em ergencies and to be willing
to work. Principal H. H. Lowe,
has been teaching school.
with a few appropriate words
Fresh Bread, Cakes,Cookies,Pies
presented the diplomas to the
and other bakery goods, every
class o f 1917:
d y \ at the Falls City Bakery.
M a rgret Sammons,
Ronald W hite has been absent
Sybil Wilson,
from the bank several days this
Morris Selig.
week on account o f sickness.
Delbert Deal,
Elizabeth W agner,
The Independence High School
H ettie N ew m an,
students put on a very creditable
Cecil Buell,
play Monday night at the hall.
Marion Crocker,
Miss Florence Lacey who has
O live Deal,
been attending school here will
George W agner,
leave today for her home at Airlie.
H al Thompson,
W alter Inch o f Hoskins, civil
Vfci Benton,
engineer for the Falls City lumber
The members o f the alumni o f
company was in town Wednesday Falls City High School welcomed
0 . Aurland is getting some Auto
experience. He had a “ blowout''
W ednesday and rode in on the
Office one door east of (’. O
Post Office Inspector C.W . Line-
baugh o f Portland was here
Wednesday to ask for bids on a
lease fo r post office building. The
present lease is due to expire soon
and it is the desire o f the depart­
ment to submit it to competitive
bids that those desiring to do so
may submit bids. A lease for a
term o f five or ten years w ill be
The buildinr; must
contaid 1150 square feet o f floor-
space and be furnished w ith the
necessary office fixtures, heat,
light and water. Complete speci­
fications and lease form can be
had at the postoffice, as w ell as
other information relating thereto.
Bids must be in the hands o f C.
W . Linebangh, Portland, Oregon,
by June 20.
O w ing to his inability to secure
tin cans, C. J. Pugh is compelled
to abandon his canning project
for this year at least. Mr. Pugh
had contemplated operating a can­
ning factory in connection with
his loganberry juice plant fo r the
purpose o f handling the evergreen
the class o f 1917 to their organiza­ blackberries. This w ill be quite
tion by an informal reception held a disapointment to many who
at Seligs Hall a fte r the commence­ w ere expecting to pick berries.
ment exercises.
N ew officers
w ere elected fo r the coming year.
Pres. Mrs. Jessie Moyer,
The Falls City Logging & Lum­
Vice-Pres. Geo. March,
company expect to deck 10-
Sec. M art ret Sammons,
feet o f logs before snow-
Treas. Cora Page.
have aproxim ately 3-
The rest o f the evening was
decked. This will
spent in a social w a ^
assure the mill and plainer a
The following program was
steady run during the winter,
given at the H igh School Thurs­
which means prosperity for Falls
day afternoon:
1st and 2d Grades
F lag Drill
- - 3d and 4th “
Girls Chorus - High School Girls
The Falls City. Dramatic Club
Presentation English Medal
w ill present to the theatre going
to Elizabeth W agn er
I public on Saturday night, June 16,
— Prin
.. .
iJ ^ 0 the thrilling melodrama the N igh t
Miss Haslop Riders. This w ill be their last
Song - Am erica
| play this season and they are put-
Hoop Drill - 6th and <th Grades j ,ng forth their best efforts to make
F la g Salute
j it a success.
Grade Pupils
Song Auld Lang Syne
One hundred and three men
The visitors w ere much inter­
registered at Falls City Tuesday
ested in the exhibit o f the w-ork
In the southwest there w ere 46:
done by the girls in the Domestic
N . E. 27, N . W . 10 and S. E. 20
A r t and Science classes under
Th ere w ere quite a number from
the direction o f Miss Miller. This
the camps registered in the S. WT
w as a practical as well as inter­
g ivin g it the lead.
esting demonstration o f the effici­
ency o f our schools.
The following teachers have
le ft for the Summer vacation:
The Falls City School closed
Miss Lovise Persey and" Amelia
Meissner came from Portland last
Saturday to visit the fam ily o f W.
A. Persey. Miss Persey, who is
a sister o f W . A . Persey, le ft the
first o f the w eek for Scott’s Mills
where she w ill visit a short time
before returning to her home in
Miss Haslop and Miss Lewis. Thursday. The term has been a
Minnesota. Miss Meissner left Portland; Miss Miller and Mias verv satisfactory and successful
Monday fo r Salem.
Kennard, Corvallis.
Miss Ken- one
fa ils City is justly proud o f
nard was accompanied by her sis- her schools and has in her making
ter who had been visiting here for
men ancj women who w ill help
$100 R ew a rd , $100
Tha readers o f this pspsr will bs the past w eek A fter finishing h e r , in the future greatness o f our
Blessed to lesrn that there Is s t least one
dreaded disease that science has been
Miss Lois sta tr: and nation. It is the duty
able to cure In all Its stsfes. and that Is school w ork at Alsea.
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia the only Beard w ill spend the week-end 0I e v e r y one to use their best ef-
positive cure now known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh beln* a constitutional
^ a t the high standard
disease, requires a constitutional treat­ with Miss M iller at Corvallis.
m ent Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In­
The Commencement play “ The set may be maintained, putting
ternally. acting dlractly upon tha blood
and mucous surfaces o f the syatem, there­
Secretary P r o Tern”
was well aride all selfish motives. Do you!
b y destroying the foundation of the dis­
ease, end giving tho patient strength by
or you! or I, do it?
building up tha constitution and assisting given on Saturday evening.
nature In doing Its work. The proprietors
The proceeds w ere used to de­
Graduating exercise w ere held
have to much faith In Its curative cow­
a n that thay o fltr One Hundred Dollar*
W a gn er’s
for any caaa that It falls to cure. Send fr a y commencement expenses and Wednesday night at
w . m m o o . , Toledo, Ohio. the rem ainder be applied on the Hall. T w elv e w ere aw arded di­
Sold by all Druggist*, TV,
piano fund. The play was given plomas:
Taka Itali a fam ily Wlla for constipation.
Sampla R oom s
Boot Accom m odatio ns
V. Orooeo, Proprietàr
Bohle’s Barber Shops
Falls City. Oregon
Where yo* (a* t«' • ihm. lair Cat. lath
ar ‘ibiic*
Attui far Dolisi '.team I aun try
bu Du log for w a nted
lue**Uy evening
D allas, Oregon
We attend <e ail work promptly.
Delia? and Falls City. Oro.
J. O. M I C K A L S O N
Dealer in
Fall* City, Oregon.
•10 Mill Street. Palla*. (>ref.»a.
j n n v rr s r m r r Weooror.
Our abstract plant 1» pnatel daily trom
Polk County Records
Notice to N u ts
A mark here indicates that
your subscription is delinquent.
Please call and fix it.
lo m o S oekor-
Orchard Land
The various railroads in Oregon
have asked the
Commission for a blanket increase
o f 15 % on intrastate freigh t rates.
This increase is based on the high
cost o f operation.
From May 1915
to May 1917 there has been an in­
crease in the cost o f materials o f
from 50 to 353 %, probably an
average o f 75%. The public gen­
erally are aw are that the brother­
hoods threw the g a ff into the rail
roads, and the people as well,
when they forced Congress to pass
the 8-hour law. It would natur­
ally follow that in order to meet
the increased cost o f labor and o f
material the railroads must raise
their rates that they meet this in­
crease. W hether 15% is too much
or too little the average shipper
has but little idea. N aturally he
objects to additional expenses, but
unless the railroads w ere making
enormous profits under old condi­
tions, they surely are not now
more than placing even, i f indeed,
they are not falling behind.
Extra copies of The News are
printed each week, and will be sent
to any address desired, postpaid,
for 5 cents per copy.
C alf for sale, one month old.
A pply at this office.