Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, June 02, 1917, Image 1

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:cfivt Drift
M iy Havi Loopholu
Many Ways by Whlah tba “ Pa trla r
M lfM Esoaps Strvloa
In brewing the Selective Draft
bill the dear public wus assured
that it was the only equitable
plan of raising an army; that the
rich man’s son would find him­
self in the same pen with his less
fortunate biother. That for one
time in history this would be the
peoples’ war.
Now comes an
intimation from Washington that
they are apprehensive that it
may be evaded through political
or other undue influence whereby
a> n • m ight etcap).
South Carolina is giving the
departm ent much concern; feud-
ists are particularly active. The
Munnings are much interested in
getting the Slease faction d ra ft­
ed while they remain at home,
while the Hlease contingent are
equally active in getting the
Munnings to the front.
Anyone found aiding in the
evasion of the d raft law will be
given a short shrift. However
distaslfull the whole thing may
be to you it won't bring you any
relief to protest.
Bank Depositors Throathon to With­
draw Funds Bsosuso of Investing
in liberty loan Bonds
Lincoln, N e b .,- Reports are
being circulated th at pro-Ger­
man sympathizers threaten to
with-draw their accounts from
banks investing in liberty bonds,
and has caused the Nebraska
State Council of Defense to in­
struct county councils to investi­
gate all such cases, which are
termed ‘‘distinctly acts of trea­
Action will be taken against
such persons, according to a let­
ter sent to county councils by the
s ta te council.
P O W D ER .
P e ril« III« W o rk e r« W ho M a k «
l i p l o i i v i M u il K «< «.
T h i«
Smokeless powder is niude in
•tick», «onic-tliing like macaroni. It
«or» tliiougli it imiiitwr of process­
es, and for tliu mke of safety those
processes arc conducted iu small
buildings remote from one another.
Ill a New Jersey plant tho pow­
der is coni eyed from one building
to another on flat car» drawn by
elrct/ic motor cara. Six 100 pouud
open boxes arc loaded on each flat
car. The wheel trucks have to he
blocked hy a wooden bur, which the
brakcitian adjusts before the motor
One day la»t spring a hrakeman
failed to adjust hia woodqn bar
properly. The car was derailed,
and tha powder was spilled down
Well, Mirimi," wuû be, alter n
thoughtful pause, “ I guess I’ll have
to have more evidence liefere I sen­
tence you.’’
A Boom erang fltbu k «.
A certain high school professai,
who at times is rut her blunt in
speech, remarked to Jus class of
boys at the beginning of a lesion.
“ I don't know why it is—every time
I get up to speak some fool talks.”
Then he wondered why the levy»
hurst out into a roar of huc'litcr.
T he A nim al Is Abla ta T u rn Aim««*
A ro u n d In Its Hid«.
It appeara that the pelt of an
adult budger is extremely thick and
difficult for a biting adversary to
au embankment. No guard happen- penetrate, and so loosely does the
ed to be near, and aa quickly as »kin cover the body that the annual
>ni»ible the hrakeman and the mo- ia, so to speak, able to turn around
ormau »hoveled up the pow der and in it* hide.
put it back on the car. In a few Should a dog acquire u hold on
minutes the load was delivered at tho throat tlie badger turna him­
the grinding house, and no one ex­ self so that the dog’s grip is on the
cept the two men knew of the acci back of tho hHdgcr's neck, without
Unfortunately, they hsd I huving loosened his first hold. Then
thovaled up somo gravel with the the badger secures u visclike grip
powder ’i'll» H im e men in flit upon some vulnerable portion of
grinding IJmse heard the harsh Ins enemy, and while his long tusks
crunching of the small atone* as penetrate to the limit he digs and
they passed through tho rollers.
•crab lie.« with his front feut, that
Kverv powder mill employee re- j tre furnished with cluws almost as
reive* minute instructions about formidable and deadly as might be
what to do when anything goes expected from an snteatcr of the
wrong, and one of the three, fol­ dark continent.
lowing instructions, threw open the
He who has removed the pelt of a
door to make a way of escape.
badger and is at all observing does
The crunching continued. One of not wonder at this animal being
the gravel stones emitted a spark sharp bitten and that lie is able to
aa the rollers crushed it. In no in­ hang with bulldog tenacity when
stant there was a great flash and a the formation and adjustment of it^
roar, nnd the building disappeared. claws are noted. Neither is it much
Three blackened and mangled corps
es were picked up In order to save bore through the soil so rapidly
themselves from rebuke and per that half a dozen men with shov»!s
haps from discharge two workmen cannot overtake him, for lie is a
had sacrificed the live* of three oth­ mass of cords and muscle;, particu­
er faithful men and placed the lives larly in the neck, chest and shoul­
of thousand* in jeopardy.
ders, very similar in physical con­
In a Delaware plant a young man struction to the ground mole.
operating s cutting machine, in
The badger toes inward sharply
which long sticks of smokeless pow­ when traveling and always on. the
der ore cut into shorter pieces, saw walk, twisting here and there very
an iron nail coming down with the much like the movements of a
powdor. He did not have time to skunk, while if it be in winter he
stop the machine before the knives makes a business of hunting buried
struck the nail. If he tried to dormant woodchucks.
snatch it out he might lose a hand.
He is a fur hearer of ruther
If he let it go nothing but a miracle coarse quality, and there is a great
could prevent sn wxplosion, for the range of value in the pelts taken,
nail would be sure to give off a all the way from 10 cents to $2 or
spark if struck by the knife.
more, depending upon the length of
There was only the fraction of a the coat. A badger is chiefly valu­
second in which to decide. With able when it has a long coat, ao that
the coolness that characterizes those the guard hairs can be plucked and
who spend their dnvs in tlie pres-I . .
cnee of danger, he snatched the ' " d t °
»having brushes—
nail from under the knife nnd put it
into his pocket. So quickly did he
move that not even the skin of hi«
urn n B 8 th# V anities.
Savonarola once marked hia
of"7 777V7ow 77\7777tö
fw o
No. 40.
A T T R A C T IO N .
Perfectly Smooth Surface«
A d h a r« te Each O the r.
W ill
The ultiiuule particle* or mole­
cules of matter we believe to be
held together hy powerful forces,
known variously us cohesion and ad­
hesion, but being in any case forces
of attraction those forceJ tend
to prevent any expansion of the
matter, be it solid or liquid. It
might be thought that these Yorec*
would cause two bodies in contact
to adhere to each other, hut par­
ticles have to ho so near together
to be acted upon by them that it is
difficult to bring bodies into such
close contact that sn appreciable
area of one is within this distance
of the other.
However, two clean pieces of lead
can readily he pressed so closely to­
gether that they will adhere, and a
set of copper cubes was once made
with such true faces that when s
doxen of them were piled one on
top of the other the series adhered
together so well that the whole
could be lifted from the top one.
But the best example ia furnished
by pieces of optical glass whose sur­
faces have been worked so plane
that when pressed together they will
as readily break at some other spot
as at this plane.
Perhaps it is unfortunate that
these useful forces, which hold all
matter together and keep it from
collapsing into impalpable dust, are
confined in their action to such s
limited range. If this were not so,
a break of any sort could lie fixed
hy merely bringing together the
broken ends. Glue of any kind
would be unnecessary.
But even this state of affairs
would have its drawback*. A hook
laid on a table would have to be
pried off with a wedge, nnd the
same instrument would be required
to open it. Everything would stick
to everything else, and the pleasure
of walking would be lost in the
tedious procees of prying first one
foot ami then the other from the
visclike grip of the sidewalk or the
Th« O rig in a l t-O v «r«’ L eap.
Sappho’s Leap was the name giv­
en to a white cliff or promontory
anciently called Leucadia, now Cape
Duiato, at the southern extremity
of Santa Maura, one of the Ionian
islands. It was so called because
Sappho, the poetess, is reported to
have thrown herself from this
height into the sea. A criminal,
with birds attached to him to break
hia fall, was thrown from the cliff
at the annual festival of Apollo,
and if he reached the water un­
hurt he was picked up bv a boat
placed there for that purpose. This
is the rock from which, according
to the storv, lovers throw them­
The Real Issue
hand was broken. - Youth’s Com- ttT0^ " ^ d o m Z ? o n oTluxurv by selves in order to be free from the
The President’«
apparent pamon. ____________ _
collecting a large number of articles pangs of love.
S ELIG ’S. • Cash Price Store, *
“Meeting and Beating Competition” .
Today, tomorrow, or next week you
will find the best that can be bought
at any time or any place.
Prices as low as consistent with
first-class merchandise.
change of his conception of why
A n o th e r C o n .p ir .e y .
. w l,ifj h e ^ » r d e d OS V a n itie s dUT-
F in d in g Hi» Place.
we went to war with Germany is
two landladies were compsr- ! 3 » U,c
to .** ^ F orence,
rnt ,D the
workmen sometimes
incomprehensible to Congress­ ing notes.
I find it W V ? ™ , Shrove Tuesday. 1497. In this make the worst foremen,” says i
man Edwin E. Robbina of Penn­ thing» are so awfully dear, to serve ■‘burning of the vanities” were in­ Dean Herman Schneider in the
sylvania Mr. Robbini thoroly the breakfast pijnng hot,” snid one cluded fancy costumes, carnival American Magazine.. “There is the
on Sundays. Then I serve
“ ¡“'v
- -
approved the words of the Presi­ "Except
It cold.”
masks, false hair and rouge pots, ease of a drayman for a big job­
bing house who was promoted to
dent when he declared before
“Why do you do that ?’’ asked the ™rds "nd d'ce box‘‘.i - bo®k* a"d if * foreman because of unusually faith­
We co-operate with those who patronize this
Congress "We will not choose other
in every manner permitted by best conserv­
able sculptures of questionable char­ ful and loyal work. Forthwith he
the path of submission and suf­
“Well, on weekdays my boarders acter. Built up into a pyramid of grew fretful and worried, then his
ative banking methods. We assist by extending
fer the most sacred rights of our have to eat breakfast in a hurry, «even stage«—signifying the seven health began to fail. He proved to
credit where credit is due, by advice, by counsel,
Nation and our people to be ig­ nnd if it is hot they don’t have deadly sins—the pile was burnt by be one of tho most incompetent
by giving the customer the benefits of our knowl­
timo to wait for it to cool, and so
nored and violated.” But we they eat very little. Sundays they lighting fagot* placed in the center, foremen ever employed by the firm
edge and experience and taking an active interest
children standing round sang One day he asked for his old job
are now treated to an entirely m t !o-s because it is cold. I assure | while
in his welfare...............................................................
and became once moro happy and
crowd*. efficient.”
different view of the war. Mr. you, Mr*. Jones, hut for this dis- ,1>Inn* boIoro ,l,e
We have money to loan on improved farms and write Fire Insurance
Wilson proclaiming th at we are enverv I should have lost money
C oin«d In B sdlam .
in several reliable companies.
The phrase “to sham Abraham’’
T h « T a ra n tu la .
fighting for humanity and the these last twelve months.” — Ex­
was coined in Bedlam, or Bethlehem
The sting of the tarantula (a name
establishment of democracies. change.
hospital, where there was at one derived from Taranto, a town in
Mr. Robbins asserts that the war
T h « F ly and th « Match«*.
time au Abraham ward, the inmates Italy), the most venomous of spi­
One would be inclined to sav that of which upou certain days were ders, was popularly supposed to pro­
will never be popularized with
American people if they are told for a fly to empty a box of matches permitted to go owi ns licensed beg­ duce a disease called tarantism,
th a t it is our purpose to go to is utterly impossible, yet it can he gars on behalf of tho hospital. which could be cured only by music
Europe and overturn ertablished made to accomplish this feat Catch These mendicant lunatics were or dancing, and the dance which
governments; to cast down the an ordinary housefly alive and, tak­ known as “ Abraham men,” and their cured it was called tarantella. You
German autocracy while re-estab­ ing hold of it carefully by the i success in invoking the pity of the can ace the peasants dance the ta
lishing the monarchy of Belgium, wings, let it touch a match in an charitable was such that they had rantella now, but without waiting
Up to May 28th Dallas has
p r to drive out the dual monarchy uncovered box with its legs. It many unlicensed imitators, who, i for spider bites.
$409.10 for the Army
of Austria Hungary while loaning will at once grip the match in jts when discovered, were said “to have
Work for this year, i
money to the kingdom of Italy.
shammed Abraham.”
A B ird M yatery,
still busy. Re- j
We are lighting Germany because the fly the insect will in turn lift
After years of study devoted to
she has attacked our rights on the match. Pull the match away
W a n te d to C o n v e rt U to p ia.
the topic Professor Alfred Newtou ports are not in for the other
the high seas, and it is the opin­ from tho fly, and the same maneu­
When the “Utopia” was first pub­ of Cambridge stated that without towns in the County.
ion of Mr. Robbins the President ver can be repeated time after time lished it occasioned a pleasant mis­ doubt bird migration ia the greatest
All who wish to contribute and
is making a fatal mistake when until the box is empty.
take. This political romance rep­ mystery in the entire animal king- who are not seen by a member
he attem pts to alter the princi­
resents a perfect but visionary re­ I'dom, “a mystery”’ he added, “that
A S u rp ris e d Juw tict.
public in an island supposed to have can be no more explained by the of the committee are requested
In a New England town a local iieen somewhere in the Atlantic, modern man of science than by the to send their pledge or contribu­
celebrity was brought up before the near these western shores.
simple minded savage of antiquity.” tion to Eugene Hayter, Treas.
justice for stealing chickens. The
“As this was the age of discov­
M. G. Ellis, Secy, j
prisoner was noted for never telling ery,” saya Granger, “the learned
O r * D ay.
San Angelo, Texas, —C. P. the truth when he could help it and Rudaeus and others took it for gen­
Finish every day and be done with
Morris of San Antonio, Texas consequently there was general sur­ uine history and deemed it expedi­ it. You have done wlint yon could
Send us whatever news you
wan arrested here last night on prise when lie pleaded guilty. It ent to send missionaries thither to Some blunders nnd absurdities no
We will not publish your
staggered the justice. He convert the people.” — “Book of doubt crept in Forget them a«
ch arg ^ o f having made improper evidently
rubbed fits glosses nnd then scratch­
name but will publish the news. J
soon Ss you can.—Emerson.
rem arks about President Wilson. ed hi* h°'d “Tjpicwf—I’m afraid—| Queer Things.”
O ther arrests are expected.