S A T U R D A Y , M A Y 19, 191? FALLS CITY NEWS »perilled that tbe property lie turned over ou the 1st o f June, 1000, to the line person nearest to twenty years of uge. No ouu had yet appeared to be uearer than they to lliu designated p i i ratei a V age, but tlie properly, under a literal Interpretation o f the'will, could not be Work of Uncle Sam In Preventing given to either. Roger Deane and Julia Inid*worth and Fighting Them. P H Y S IC IA N A N D S U R G E O N visited the attorneys with n vfuw to n It W at Half a Century O llic e one door east ol I*. O. compromise. They at first suggested Falla rii». Before It Produced that the property lie divided between ZoLncí Phot,« 36» Or; ( od RIGID RULES FOR CAMPERS. T h e S A F E boyo* magazioe them But the lawyere would not do Crops this without an order from the court of All|«r*y fornii ItfMw. D'>* * ' ; '>r • a firn liaueery, Deane took the man o f law The P erm it System H a s B»sn a Big a tv ti ivi!«« f I I « f pD *jr»-«*, 3 i t ' » ' : d « I ' * * v * r y AT T O K N M - A T TA W nwftfh. ff»r ty,trlAr'txtrrftravvLMvtn* ■ side and nuked him If marriage would Hy F . A . M IT C H E L t utili'; ■% I. p' I U\ trituri I / Paetor In Cheeking the Destruction of nettle the matter. The reply wus that i r l*©/«* h>*foff*. /'••Ir » | rrt.v-«- !• »•»* artfe * ■* * • f»* «h *jf arti ntfctr T ree s— How the A lert Rangers D i s ­ O though man aud w ife were one In cer­ f «ori k Ii®r 5 f a r * >»* * ,f . Kit- t 't r .U y . ri t.fTTpr« ». lVTtrW fc tl*'*. ff'/W in Mafcf> cover anil Lo ca te a Blase. tain res|>ecta !•» the eye o f the law j Rdrift ( '¡lui fi»*». ' jile>f Ma, &>»*»», o.,r. In I Wo UlUiu Dvano «m l llrrhsrl they wero not lu all respects. A fter «/ftlPrf In*' i *Urn*$ nnA IM u f >1 V '»a«icn. Eternal vlglluuce la lint wat hword iHxU'.voith |nt Into ■ 1 « whii II over a much delay tho lawyer auggested that A T T O R N E Y A T - L A VV piece of |>rnIrlv laml l<* ntivl a cnupls the only way out o f tlie matter was uf the forcat service of the t'ulted 6 J 0 Mill Street DALLAM OPE State« In preventing and lighting for o f miles from ilio renter of tbs city of for one to lay claim to tlie eatute and cat tires. August and Kcptcmlicr arc Chicago. Tbe property wus worth the other to dispute the claim. Tbia rated the critical time when forest nothing, «m l tbo ex|ien«es of the suit would bring the matter before tlio tires arc moat numerous aud disas­ court, who would glvo a decision. were heavy. They were a'lvUod hy trous. These are tbe driest months o f However, nothing could be done be their lawyers to meet with a view to tbe year ou the I'aclttc «lo p e, and lu fora the 1at o f June next, aud that was effecting u roniiirouilke. They came to­ ■till three months distant. Meanwhile cousequence the gras« and brush In Hi*TPL gether, and I>iiiiie said to Dudswortb: Roger J>eane aud Julia bodsworth bnd tbe forests are tinder dry and offer the rnrt '*MÍOfU-1 by ff’Al/ fer an** " I t Is Itupoealble for either you or mo a common Interest. They met quite leaat real«lance to tire. Throughout tho dry season, which to realise anything out of this acre o f often with a view to finding some way begins ubout April anil eztenda through S im p 's R o o m s worthleea luml We're too old Hut I by which they might at least divide the curly part o f November, accord B o a t A c c o m m o d a t io n s lliluk there« going to he a big lily the Inheritance. It was suggested that big to . the lutltude o f tho differ i H + H -*■H -M - H - H -M - H -I-1- H - hero some day, nnd the property In, they hunt up tbe doctors who presided r . Drocgo, P ro p rlp iw / cut states, the forest service o f the at their birth In order to discover say, fifty you re from now may come within tile town limit«. It will then he which had been bom at the earlier department o f agriculture luercusca Its working forces until It liaa a boat of BARKER SHOPS worth aotuethlng »oppose we leave It hour o f the day. beuue s i » success­ ful " 1 Lis part. He foimd the doctor men throughout the taiigi a ever ou the Jointly to our helm?" alert for tires These additional forces "That would be like dividing an who brought him Into tho world, who augment lliu regular range force, which applo into u couple o f dozen parts. by reference to certain uotea ho had taken down with regurd to his patients Is on duty the year round. F a l l a C l i p . O ro g o n I'ainlllea multiply, and I doubt If the found a record that Roger had been High up on some lonely (teak, far Inheritance »111 ever be worth more Where yoa caa get a Skive. Bair Cat, Bath bom at 2 o'clock III ttfe morning of from the centers o f clvlllzatlou, stands than, say, a hundred dollars. Suppose or 'Shine* April IO, 1078. This, tbe lawyers said, a high watebtowor thut daily is the wo arrange so that It shall go to one A(eat far l i l l j s 'treat Lasidry would Dot give him the property uulesa post o f u forest ranger, who. with pow Bundles f * * f r « l e » J lu eeday evening person yet unborn?" proof was adduced that Miss Dods­ erful binoculars and telescope. Is on tho bodsworth was ready for any propo­ wortb had been bora at a later hour of lookout for the thin, telltale banner of sition that would rulleve him o f further the day. Ho there was nothing gained vii|K>r that t e l l s . ( f own story of the •H -H -H "l -l"P-H " l"H - l" H " l" H -P,l“ H "t-r 1-H - t- M -H -H -P !■ l l t H F 1 U -H - H - p bother concerning tbe property, and for Deane MONUMENTS And as for Miss bods­ legal documents were drawn up be­ worth, It simply meant that by hunting queathing It to sue b- descendant of up her own record she would run either as should ba nearest to twenty twelve ebauces to one o f giving tbe m a r b l e a n d g r a n it e years old on June I, 1000. (loth men propei iy to Deane. wero over fifty at the time the arrange­ By this time this matter o f mutual ment was made, and both had sons Interest had drawn them so closely to­ D a l l a s , O ro g o n and daughters. gether that If It could have been set But none o f those sous or daughters tied by tbelr marriage there would took the slightest Interest lu the prop­ have been no further difficulty. nrxKRAi. Rntr.cToH erty that had, so to speak, been put Mts* Dodswortb remembered that n away for the enjoyment of some oue worn a n mimed McCann bad lived with yet unborn If, Indeed, any o f them her mother as housekeeper or upper The United States has entered the greatest war the world R . L. C H A P M A N ever Visited It they saw a part o f the servant for many years. When Julia has ever seen. The part we play may determine the future o f prairie, on which, after a rain, atood was about twelve years of age Mrs FU N ER A L DIRECTOR Europe both politically and socially. Every American man, woman a pool of wuter varying from one to McCann bad left the family. Khe was twelve Inches In depth. Wo a’.tsrtd lo all work promptly. and child is vitally interested in this war. Some o f us will give with them when Julia was born and When forty years had rolled round might rememtier the hour o f her birth. our lives, all o f U3 must make sacrifices. Dills* and F affa City. Ora. neither Deane nor Dodswortb nor any Julia began a system of advertising child o f cither was living. There were for tbe woman, and a reiqiouse was tnuny grandchildren, none o f whom finally elicited She wrote Julia that L L A i F - fA IK knew anything about the acre o f prop­ ■he had kept a letter blank book, In is the title o f a new 32 page at'as just placed on the market. It is erty that bad been tied up for half a which she had noted Important events J. O. M IC K A L S O N century Before tire death o f tbe tes­ the most comprehensive work o f its kind and is accurate in the This book was. with other effects, In a tators a fund bad I wen provided from trunk In a garret o f one o f Mrs Mc­ D '»1er in smallest details. * which the taiea were to he paid, and Cann's relatives. She would get It and l t l . A I . L IS T A T E a certain arm of lawyers were to pay There are 15 pages o f maps in three colors (15x11) covering see If It contained the required Infor­ them, lu 1890 this hrm dissolved, and Falls City, Oregon. minutely the various theatres o f war, and showing all the towns mation. the duty devolved upon their success­ While waiting for this Julia told and villages mentioned in the daily dispatches from the front. ors Ity this time the property had be­ Roger about H. Roger aald that If the come a snug fortune, and there was no There are pages o f photographs, many o f them made ex ­ book coolatued a memorandum o f the danger o f any beano or bodsworth pressly for this book, o f persons, places and things about which so BROWN SIBLEY ABSTRACT CO. hour o f Julia's birth be or sbe would who lived In Chicago not knowing 610 M ill Street. Dotila«, O re? dit. much is said and so little definitely known. Photographs o f Zeppe­ something about It. Hut both families Inherit the acre. But he had o dozen JOHN fi. 81 BLEY, M auater. chances to one o f being the heir. Then lins, submarines, submarine chasers, mines, torpedoes, torpedo had spread out fanllke aud bad scat he told her that he had lieeome attach­ Uur abstract f l a u t *s posted d a f l j f r o * tot . it nets, anti air-craft guns, gas masks, giant guns that shoot 2-ton Polk Comitjr Decorila. In 1898 Ackley A Thorp, attorneys, ed to her and proposed that, whether be shells, German trenches, etc. wero charged with the payment o f the or she or neither the one nor tho other There i3 a complete chronological history o f the war to date, tuxes oil the acre, and the sums were Inherited, they pass tbe rest of their Uvea as man aud wife. Julia waa of sudlrtently large to lie noticeable. Kid­ and the answers to a thousand and one questions on every phase o f ney Walker, a young man who bad tbe same mind, and they plighted tbelr troth, their union to take place Irre­ the costliest and bloodiest struggle in the history o f mankind. Just been ndmttted to the bar, waa a clerk In the office o f Ackley A Thorp, spective o f what by this time they bad come to call the golden acre and tbe payment o f tbe taxes was In A few day« after their betrothal Mrs. trusted to him. In this way he came McCaun sent her notebook by register­ A mark here indicate« that to a knowledge o f the strange Joint Possession o f this book will enable anyone to give exact in­ your subscription is delinquent. will o f begue and Dodswortb. It oc­ ed mall to Julia. Julia turned over tbe leavea hastily till she came to May and formation on suojects on which his friends 3peak from heresay. Please call and fix it. curred to Walker that when the time It is a valuable addition to any library and contains a wealth o f came round to put the property Into June. 1878, «nd there found an entry, “ At 10 o'clock I p the morning o f April tho hands o f the legitimate heir It facts on the one subject in which everyone is interested at the 10, a little girl w h s bora.” would lie Important that all tbe men) Miss Dodswortb construed this as present time. (•era o f the Deane and bodsworth fam i­ proof that she bnd won. since she was The book itself is printed on the finest grade o f enameled lies should lie accounted for. Realiz­ tom o Sookor— born uearer to the 1st o f June, 1000, ing that whoever did this work would IL L S CITY. O REGON ] paper and is the best that skilled workmanship can produce. tinn Roger. She sent the notebook to doubtless be paid for tt, he began a O rch a rd Land the attorneys, wrote Roger that she itcarcb for every member o f both fam ­ Falls City New* one year and Atlas S I .30 bad made up her mind she did not love ilies. But he kept bis Investigation to him as much ns she thought she did himself. Roger Deane, aged tweuty-two, a snd broke the engagement. Thla break prevented any further grandson o f Ellbu Deane, a party to conference, and when tho 1st o f June tho will mode In 1850, resided In Chi­ Office hours: Daily, except Sun­ came round each received a notice to Send us whatever news you cago between 1800 and 1000 and had day, 8 am. to 6.30 p.ui. gppear at uoon on that day at Ackley light ahead to tbe watcher. Ou other r.igid rules "nave been laid down for his eye on tbe acra as being the possi­ A; Thorp's office. They found there Peaks there arc similar wntchtowers, persons camping In tbe woods, and the know. W e will riot publish your ble heir. He was a member o f most Mail arrives, from quite a number o f descendants o f the ami the watchers here, too. may mark Ore permit system has lessened the name but will publish the news. o f the clubs o f the city and prominent original Deane and Dodswortb o f va­ the rising column o f smudge from afar. number o f tires very appreciably. The Salem 9.00 a.m., 6:15 p.m. aoolally. He banted up all tho Deanes rious ages. Mr. Ackley thus addressed All report to a central station, where greatest loss comes from tbe negli­ Dallas, 9:00 A. M., 6:15 P. M. and bodsworths he could find. There those present: the lire is accurately located. gent pleasure seekers, who drop light­ was none uearer than he to the re­ Portland via Gerlinger, train 102 "R y the terms stipulated Bfty years A t each watebtower there Is a cir­ ed matches In the grass and low R a th e r A ttractive. quired age. But he found one bods- ago today by Elthn Deane and Herbert cular map o f the district within tbe brush. The Are permit cards can be 11:55 a. in. “ Just think. Bobby.” said his mother, worth, a woman about bis own age. Dodswortb a certain acre o f land was view of that particular tower. By trl- obtained either at the general office or "those poor little children are orphans Black Rock, 1:30 P. M. who might be nearer than he. He bequeathed to such one of their de­ angulatlon on this map tbe watcher o f any ranger, and there is no expeuse and have no |e an Mail closes for: declined to give It on the ground that be uearest to twenty years o f age on tower. The other watchtowers do the ed by this arrangement appears In the orphan, would you ?" Salem. 8 50 A.M., 1 P.M. and 5:30 a woman's age Is her private property. the 1st of June. 1000. There are four same, and all report to the central sta­ “ I feel like it sometimes, m a r was The truth Is that If he knew her age persons living w ho were born near that tion these various directions. Where fact that when a lire breaks out It Is P. M. aud It w-ns nearer the prize thau his date and who are descendants o f ei­ the triangulutlon lines meet on tbe possible to know w ho had n permit to Bobby'» reply.— Pearson's Weekly. build a tire’ lu that territory, for a Dallas, 8:50 A. M. and 5:30P. At. he might prepare himself to prove that ther Deane or Dodsworth—viz, Roger great map o f the central station there close record Is kept o f the permits Is­ THa Yukon Vallay. he was older or j’ouuger than she was. Deane, Julia Portland via Gerlinger train 102 Dodswortb, Edward the tire is. It Is a simple aud yet a sued. There are no blizzards lu the Yukon Miss Julia Dodswortb was equally as Payne aud Emmn.Osbome, born May 1 p. m. most effective method. The tire locat­ The Are permit card authorizes the valley in winter, and there Is little wind. prominent In society as Roger Deane, 20, 1880. Emma Osborne, having pro­ ed, the Qghtlng forces o f the district Black Kock, 1 A. M. and the possession o f property worth duced satisfactory evidence o f birth, are mobilized nnd tbe battle begins. holder to build camp tires on the na­ Snow about tw o feet deep c overs every thing from early October till spring. severul hundred thousand dollars would will undoubtedly be adjudged the heir It may be short, and it may last for tional forest land between certain dates, provided the following require­ Mail Order and Postal Savings be as much o f an advantage to bar as by the surrogate." weeks, but It la fought none the less ments are complied with: T o build window closes at 6 P. M. to him. She therefore concluded to There was an Involuntary hum of relentlessly. small tires only, to build Ores in the cultivate him, wrlth a view to getting dlSkatlsfactlon throughout the assem­ Stretching In every direction from open and not against a tree or log or The Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1 91 7 Almanac S unday O nly out o f him his age. Neither would be bly. Roger Deane and Julia Dods­ the central ranger stations are miles Office hours: 9.30 to 10:30 a.m; on June 1, 1000, much less than two wortb looked at each other and laugh­ o f telephone and telegraph wires that within twenty feet o f standing brush, The Rev. Irl R. Hicks Almanac years above twentj-, but no one o f the ed. Both being rich, they could afford are used in time o f danger to mobilize to scrape away all leaves and trash Mail arrives from baleni, 9 PO from around the tire, never to leave a for 1917 comes out bright and bet­ descendants o f the original Deane or to laugh. tho fire tight lug army. Once the call Are unattended, even for a short time, a m. ter than ever. His splendid por­ Dodswortb had turned up nearer the Mr. Ackley walked up to n demure has been made they como from every Mail closes for Salem, 8.50 a. tu. required age, and It seemed probable looking girl dressed very plainly and direction prepared to combat the com­ without first extinguishing It; to ex­ trait in four color work, taken tinguish fires first use water, then that one or tf?e other of these two congratulated her on attaining the pos­ mon enemy. General Delivery Window Open Frequently these tires session of the golden acre. Mr. Sidney occur within a short distance from cover with dirt; bonfires are not al­ from life in May, 1916, proves that would get the fortune. From 9.30 to 10:30 A. M. lowed. It la further provided that this old friend o f the millions is Aa the ttmo draw near for the turn­ Walker also congratulated her. Yield­ smuli villages and towns, and then tho Effective March 11, 1917. ing over the acre to tbe designated ing to an Impulse, sbe threw her arms problem becomes more complex, lu that when camp Is moved the ground must very far from being “ a dead be left in a clean aud sanitary condi­ man.” heir Messrs. Aifkley & Thorp wrote to about bis neck. Every home, office and the homes, once aflame, are extinguish­ I r a C. M e h r u n g , Postmaster tion.—Nevy York Tribune. Walker during his Investigations as ed with greater difficulty. the Deanes and bodsworths to state business in America owe it to this their ages. Roger Deane arfd Julia to who would Inherit the golden acre Besides the use o f the telephone and faithful, old friend of the people F a c t s About the Dollar. Dodswortb were Included In the In­ bad found a little schoolteacher living telegraph, the forest rangers also use When you break a dollar the pieces to send for his Almanac and Mag­ quiries. Knob had been endeavoring to In Missouri who was about the re­ the heliograph, with which they are Extra copies ol The News are learn the other's age, but neither had quired age. He corresponded with her, able to send flashes o f sunlight mauy disappear mysteriously. printed each week, and will be sent azine for 1917. This Almanac is A dollar spent Is far smaller than a told her o f the fortune that was to be succeeded. Therefore neither had any miles to bring aid. These are where advantage over the other in thts re­ turned over to tbe legal heir and helped 35c by mail. His monthly Mag­ to any address desired, postpaid, telephone and telegraph lines are not dollar saved. Doubling a dollar Is far harder than spect. Them was nothing for either her to obtain undoubted proof of the yet available. At centrally located de­ azine with Almanac, one dollar a for 5 cents per copy. day and even the hour o f her birth. to do but give the true date o f birth. pots aro caches o f dynamite that are dividing it. A dollar thrown away can never, Thla be did merely in tbe line of busi­ Boon after doing so each received a also used for slguallng purposes. At year. Send to W O R D A N D W O R K S Correspondent« wanted in every let ter saying that both had been born ness. Tbe girl came to love him, but these depots are stored materials for again be found. neighborhood in this section of the A borrowed dollar Is never so big as P U B L I S H I N G C O M P A N Y . 8 4 0 1 F ra n k - on the same day, and thts would render did not show her love till the day the Ore lighting purposes and highly spe­ a dollar lent.—Baltimore S ud . country. the will Inoperative »lore It distinctly was adjudged an heiress. tin Avenue, St. louia, Me cialized apparatus. __ - The Golden Acre OUI FOREST FIRES professional Caro« encan ßoy P. M. HELLWARTH K r f f i i 'O n l y S I a y e a r E. K. P IA S E C K I V Read by 500,00í? boys A\ Business CarOo ifa lls d ít^ lb o tc l G E T YO U R B U T T E R W R A P P ER S Bohle’ s Barber Shops P R I N T E D AT T H I S O F F IC E . G. L. H A W K I N S T H E W ORLD’S G R EA TEST WAR MONUMENTS “ The World’s Greatest War” Nolice to News Subscribers A n Invaluable Reference Book for the Home Post Office Time Card