L. WOOD « SON, Publisher*. t in t o r i i l #m»nd a 'I i m •I r-I U City mali al *«• |K»#toffle# VN>1H Otttttttj A cl . f C \ » f r # « * f U m b TelcpNoae Ovato*. %m *l t*9 t , MITI K c m i OH ìcc . S u W rip U on R at««: Onttyaar. tl-00; #ix m onth* M canla; thr*« monili*. 25 w n tt ; « i ® ® P F . 5 ct*- AiIrcrtUlni RmUa 15 cttBtaa* Wtth. Bueln*»# Noticaa, 5 canta a l lo * : F ot Bai«. RtnU Rxol a^ig«. Want and Vay Knlertalnroant No- tle«a, l e u n line. Card of Thanfca 50cU;l-tt*a NotK-ra, Itgal ratea. Copy for newada. andohangeaahould be aeut lo The New# not later that» Wadneaday. Official Vawapapar of lha City mi Falla CUj I s s u e d E v e r y S a t u r d a y M o r n in g SAYS STORAGE FIRMS DESTROY FOOD STUFFS Senator Stone Says This Is Done To Make Fietitious Values. 1,500 per cent profit from the I’ortland firms get slice of government, and at the same time Alaska Railways supply con­ the small editors o f the country tracts. who really represent the govern­ Oregon City Contract let for ment and do whatever is done to new chautauqua auditorium at protect the people against such Gladstone Park. extortion are expected to give to Oregon City- Willamette a n d : the governm ent free the only West Linn school districts plan ' thing that they have for sale. union high school. The proposition is too preposter­ ous to l>ear discussion. Rose burg— Local contractors to But here is something, in my build hospital for Soldiers' Home opinion, that ought to be discuss­ at cost o f #20,«46. ed. Pendleton— Bridge across Uma The government is going to till« River at Mission and Thorn spend thousands o f millions for Hollow now assured. the allies. This country gives Columbia river points are be­ the money to the allies, and the ing viewed for site for govern­ allies will spend it with our am­ ment nitrate plant. munition makers and various raw material trusts, copper, steel, etc. j Klamath Falls to start work on The first little loan will be] California & Eastern railroad be­ #7,000,000,000. tween here and Day Washington is discussing the' Oregon-Callfornia land grant advisability o f increasing the decision throws open 800,000 postoffice charge for carrying acres o f agricultural land in newspapers through the mails ] Oregon and incidentally the withdrawal Philomath Beaver Wood Pro- o f the verv wiM provision which enables, not the editor, but th e , diicts C u. to start here, lo m a n - reader, to ¡have his local news­ ufacture tool, brush and broom paper carried free in the country. handles. Where could you get from the Coos Bay— Kruse and Banks government II in this way you shipyard is using 70 electric could get several dollars by cut- horsepower and will increase to ting off the exorbitant profits o f j 150 soon the trusts in their sales to the Marshfield—Plant to utilize allies. wood waste from sawmills for As long as the United States is manufacture *of chemicals to be going to furnish the money built here. through taxation to pay these Berid—Shevlin-Hixon Lumber trusts for goods supplied to the increases capital from $1,- allies, why would not the United States government regulate the 000.000 to $3.000,000 to expand prices at which the goods shall lumber business. Money-Saving Subscription Bargain T he F alls C ity N ew s . N orthw est F a r m s t e a d . loth 1 Tear 1 year $1.00 l 1 year $1.00 } Only $1.50 $2.00 ) To On* Address Total value. UNUSUAL CLUB OFFfcR YOUR Y E A k S READING We «m il »■ \n\ on# of our tubai'rlbar» to lake kumirillftt« « ilta iil»«' of lUl#|r*at #ub •( rIp|loti bargain- II Will htt Moot! for but • •Port 1 1 hi * mi e « mi «I your ii#w *»r r#u*oal •o!>#oriptini •( one# If >ou nr# now « Mil* • t: Ib#r lo #llli#r, Cf#*lU will I * •ll#li«l#<) Th# N#w# ha# btt#n fortnn«t# In making u r mug # m ilita Willi III# NOHTIIWKNr FAHMHIKAI» ttl>#r«by biilh may b# o«#r #*1 for « abort U n t a i only Mettiti« n ttft than iht . I t i l i I » MB “ I no r pa|t#i I ....................I pay tip jour au boeri pit 6 0 for anolfitr y#ar f Oil# ) # # r 50 C cn ti Lb# old ittllabl# S O U T H " hs i r AKM SI IT A 1> tv III b# blfg«r and bftttr than #v#( thl# coming avatott. It# «dilor# will d #\olv thatr b«ct #(VnrU In making Milt papn lh# 1*##1 In th# country. Kach ,w##k you'll i# ottlva a clean, wall #dtt#d laaii# on battar farming, marketing, pric#«. profit«. #duca lion Ct|lt«u«hlp. home and social III# It# gular prlca alotit, 91.00 per y#gr. U r Ev try Subscriber next month. That’s what this offer Is worth to you, but you must act at once. Come TODAY? TH E FALLS CITY NEWS, Falls City, Or. W ashington, May 4. Charg­ ing that cold storage concerns in the United States are actually de­ stroying food in their plants and on the farms in order to keep up prices. Senator Stone. Missouri, toda> suggested that the govern- ment commandeer these plants during the war or place them under supervision. Stone’ s revelation came during a wide range discussion o f the em bargo provision o f the admin- istration’ s espionage bill. “ I am reliably inform ed—so reliably that I believe it is actual- ly true,” Stone said, ‘ ‘that cold be bought and act as purchasing Hood River— Bridal Veil Lum­ storage managers not only 'take agent? ber Co. purchases plant from food out o f their own plants and In other words, instead o f tax- Wind River Lumber Co . this will destroy it in order to keep up ing the people 47,(XX),000,000 in double their capacity. prices, but go out into the coun- order to enable the allies to buy Roseburg—$100,000 worth o f try and buy food in the field and o f our trusts at 500 per cent pro­ improvement work to be done on garden and allow it to rot in the fit, why not cut 450 per cent off road through Canyon Creek Can­ ground. that profit and save the money yon. Government to aid. ‘ Should it not be made a crime that way? Portland—1200 trainmen o f the for these and other buyers to de- I think editors throughout the stroy healthful foods o f any kind country would find it worth while Portland Railway Light & Power before they had been properly to write to their congressmen Co. in on big salary raise. More ( inspected and condem ned?” and senators on that subject. than 490,000 a year added to pay­ Taken with Senator Borah’ a And -1 have no doubt that the roll. If the postoffice department | DEADLY LILY OF THE NILE. compare favorably with other race*, strong denunciation o f the pack- president himself, busy as he is Marshfield—Construction of so far aa the actual diving ia con­ really wants to do a real Christian ' ing interests, it is now obvious would be interested if his mai by-products plant, shipyards, cerned, they do not, on the other that the senate is in the mood to included many letters from loca standard oil distributing plant act, one that would m aterially' T h e r» la P o iso n In Its Touch, and ts hand, possess that special faculty Tat<# It I, to Dia. take the most drastic action in editors, suggesting that under and Donaldson block io begin reduce the expenses o f that de­ One of the very unuauul flowers! "hich enables the Asiatic diver to partment, they would discontinue the history o f the country to curb his direction the United States soon. of the world is the lily of the Nile, discover shells on the ocean bottom. the franking privileges granted a member of the Araccae family. It This faculty is comparable to the speculation in the price o f food- government make itself the pur Roseburg— Douglas c o u n t y Senators and Congressmen on all is not uncommon in Egypt, how­ remarkable power» of observation stuffs. chasing agent o f the allies anc The bills will be introduced em- spend wisely and economically » ants $555,000 bond issue in ad­ the bunk sent out through the ever, where it grow» rankly in which aboriginals exhibit in trailing marahea and stagnant water. But man or beast over a country, when powering the governm ent to com ­ the money that the allies are dition to state measure measure. mails. not many people living in other a European would fail to notice a mandeer packing and cold stor­ going to borrow from us, instead People to vote on it June 4. part» of the world have seen the tingle trace. age plants during the war ap­ o f handing that money over to The Powers That Be, would do flower; even the best botanies tell Toledo— Lincoln county votes Saw N a DifUrsrtcs. the allies and letting them pay 4428,000 port bonds insuring well to profit by Russia’ s exper­ little or nothing about it. peared assured today. “ l ’eople who aeek books from the Merely to handle the peculiar The food situation is para­ our trust gentlemen 44 in Am er­ $836,000 improvement for Ya- ience. The Russian people were fiction section mako tome funny and treacherous plant ia to risk poi­ mount, in the minds o f the senate ican tax money for one dollar’3 quina Bay bar making that port forced into a war in which they soning your skin, and to take any breaks," says a librarian of the Li­ now. It ran i n t e r m i t t e n t l y worth o f goods. Yours very one o f best on cost and assuring brary of Congress. “ I have made had no grievance, a quarrel part of it internally would be cer­ note of a number of these, but none A. BRISBANE. through the entire debate today. truly. development o f vast timber and tain death. A skillful and careful among the nobility. Trouble in botanist who preserved a specimen of them amused me more than the Reed, Missouri, took exception other resources. request of a sour looking spinster^ to the drastic panaceas suggested Germany is rumored from the that grew in a Los Angeles private Oregon Weekly Industrial Review. Sho sternly demanded of me a A garden received a severe headache by Stone and Borah same cause. The people are be­ of ‘The Recollections of a Liar.’ that lasted for a week. There is much uneasiness ‘ ‘The question to solve is not ginning to wake up and inquire 1‘he bulb at the base of the flow­ fold her that I didn’t know it, but Ten mile New hotel to be built among the allies about the re­ high prices or low prices, profits er, as large as a croquet ball, is a that I could give her ‘The Recollec­ ported friendliness between the into the cause o f war. They here or losses— but the question o f bowl of rank poison. The food of tions of a Married Man.’ ” German and Russian troops on want to know wherein the cause " ‘That will do,’ abe said acidly. tho plant is not drawn from the wa­ production and how to deliver Florence has good prospects the Russian border o f justice, liberty or humanity ter and dank earth in which it root* ‘ It’» practically the same thing."' it ,” Reed declared. for shipyard. has been trampled on, or will be so much as it ia from the insect life Hsr Idea of It benefitted by the slaughter o f lured into its magnificent “ parlor” Heppner— Farm on Rhea Creek The sitting room carpet was be­ A powder explosion in Japan millions o f their fellow men and eaten alivel It ia said that the ing taken up preparatory to house sells for $10,000. plant actually assimilate» mice. Lei Ammunition Makers last Sunday killed fifty persons before they engage in it. cleaning, and little Dorothy, aged Corvallis— Contract let for new Fortunately, it blooma only once three, was watching the operation and injured many more. Four a year. And do not imagine that it with a great deal of childish curi­ Set The Example brick building here. thousand residences and over 30 is a snow white lily of purity rising osity and interest. Taking up car­ Oregon City—Contr^ t let for factories and warehouses were G old T h a t Blackana. from the black soil. Instead, it h »9 pets evidently was something new Blackening of cuffs and shirt an immense, gorgeously purple en­ destroyed. (German plot?) If They Will Give Their Goods to the new $5,580 auditorium. to her infantile mind. Finally, aft­ fronts by the rubbed off gold ia a veloping leaf or spathe that sur­ er some hard thinking on the sub­ Florence—New shingle mill to Government Free, the Editors matter of much annoyance to jewel­ rounds a tall clublike spadix as ject, she looked up at her mother start operations here soon. The Independence Monitor says ers when their customers come thick as a woman’s wrist. The Will Do the Same and asked: Coos Bay—North Bend Mill that ‘ ‘Skunker” is a new word back, - thinking they have bought shape of the whole is like that of “ Mamma, is you goin’ to let tho brass. The skin on the neck as the little jack in tho pulpit that we floor go barefooted?” — Exchange. originated by Speaker Champ buys river boat Wolverine. Rather Humorous to Call the Copper well as on the fingers is frequently marveled over in our first nature Clark, and is defined as being a M an a Patriot Because He Accepts Klamath Falls—35,000 feet ca­ man, too old or unfit to be draft discolored by 14 carat, 18 carat ana, study day*. The big leaf spreads Two In On*. ^ tome say, pure gold. and crinkles like a wonderful shell From the Government 300 Per Ct. pacity mill to be built here. "What do you want?” demanded ed, who advocates conscription. An expert says, even in the case of royal purple velvet and shade» to Mr. Newlywed, as he confronted Profit and Ask Newspaper Editors of pure gold, this coloration of the red down in the heart of the bloom, tho tramp st the door of his little St. Helens—Nearly one mile o f to Work for Nothing skin is not due to any particular and the rigid, upright “ club” in the week end cotfaga down in the coun­ pavement will be laid here. / It seems that the French offic properties of the metal, but is the center is as smooth, as spotted and try. “Breakfaat or work?” Coquille—Robert Dollar Co. ials are wasting a great deal o f result of chemical changes in the as repulsive ns a snake. Snakelike, Mr. Courtland Smith, President “ Both, sir,” replied the tramp. sawmill here to double output. time in receptions and banquets body or, rather, in the perspiration too, it sheds its skin when the "H ’m !” said Mr. Newlywed, and o f the American Press Associa­ and natural oil of the skin.—Ex­ blooming is over. disappeared momentarily into the Astoria—435,000 improvement when they should be attending to change. tion: But the worst thing about this house. Presently he returned carry­ business In such a crisis as they work to be done on six streets. My Dear Mr. Smith:— treacherous lily, aside from its poi- ing a large piece of hia wife’s home­ K in d n e s s Paid. represent there is no tjrne for You have noticed, probably, sonousnesa, is the horrible odor that May 7 . - Portland— 435,000 deal Mr. Leatherby sold children’s rises from it during the first few made bread. “Then eat that,” he such foolishness. that the m anage*sot the copper for business corner closed here, ■hoes. Business became dull, so he day« of its opening, while it is shak­ exclaimed savagely, "and you’ll have Weekly. trust have been called patriots ~ had Mrs. Leatherby send out invita­ ing out a fine black powder— its both."— Pearson’s --— «...______ j L because they consented to sell , reRon 'ty M anufacturing Co. tions to a birthday party for little It appears that the only way own sachet, as it were. It is the N e t Su rp rise d . copper to the governm ent for 16 have new looms in and mill starts. devised by the United States to Lewis Leatherby, aged six. She sent odor of decayed meat— the lure that “ Funny thing about Boliver,” to 17 cents a pound. Thear.nual Eugene—$400,000 c o n t r a c t com bat the German submarine is the invitations to all the children doubtless attracts the carrion feed­ said Wiggins. ing insects.— Youth’s Companion. report o f one o f the biggest cop- awarded to canning interests to build ships faster than the in Lewis' class at school. “ What* that?” aiked Bjonea. Immediately the mothers of the "Why, they operated on him for per com panies show s it costs here. Germans can destroy them. This invited children rushed downtown E x p s r t P ea rl D lv sr s. appendicitis the other day, and, by them 5 cents a pound to produce With increasing war taxes and may meet with the approval o f and bought new shoe# for their lit­ In an investigation conducted by ginger, when they came to look it. high cost o f living cities, counties ship-builders, but how about the tle girls and boys tc wear at the the Australian government of the there wasn’t anything there,” s a i ^ Copper men, steel men and and school district officials can dear people who will have to pay party. It was the liveliest week reasons for the almost complete ab­ Wiggins. W that Mr. Leatherby’s store had had sorption of the pearl industry by “ Well, I’m not anrpriaed,” »aid others are called ' ‘ patriots” be- serve their country by reducing for this spectacular display o f in many years. Kindnesa always the Japanese it was unanimously Bjonea; "I never could tee any­ cause they take only from 300 to fixed charges and O v e r h e a d .” firew orks.” sgreed that* wlyi]« European divert thing in Boliver myself.” p»y»- THE NEWS PRINTERY Every Farmer, Business or Professional Man Should Use Printed Stationery. . . Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Hand Bills, Posters, Pamphlets, Notes, Receipts, Checks, Business Cards, Visiting Cards, Butter Wrappers, Etc. : : : : : THE NEWS CAN SUPPLY YOU.