Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, April 28, 1917, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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S A T U R D A Y , A P R IL M , Iftlï
It W m More Than
That Later
I mu mi old mull]. 1 huve iw-vur Imd
• love iilTnlr mid never i -\| i « h '| lo have
on«' Perhaps IliU Is why I Ink» mi In
terrst III Ills loves of other people.
Nothing Is so attractive to iuu us to
watch a young couple drifting Into
that curreut which ul Drat move« ao
Imperceptibly that they art? not «w are
they am In It indeed, ao uneouacloua
are they o f hclng liicl|ilent lovers that
It dues not occur to them to conceal
tlu> fact from any one else
And to mu there Is something es(m
dully touching almut the loves o f chil­
Home deny that (hero ta such
a thing aa a pair o f children lovers. I
deny their uegatlou. and I do so uu a
very sound basis.
When I was ten
yours old I wua In love with a boy of
This la thu nearest i ever
came to love
1 remeiulivr one day sitting at my
window wwlng when a boy and a girl
lataaed on the other aide of the road.
The boy'a straw hut was dingy, and
there was plenty of ventllatlou In Its
crown ills only other rlothlug was a
shirt and trousers uo shoes or stock
lugs, nothing around bis thrisil, Ida
collar betug open and duplnylng the
tanued skin
The girl's clothing was
neither lidtcr nor worse, uud there
was about as much of It.
The two were evidently ahaorlicd lu
each other. What they Were talking
about I was too fur from them to hear,
hut It was o f vital Importance.
may be that ttu* boy had been "kept
lu" after school mid they were Indig­
nant over time thus lost lu (day. it
may be that some urchin had smashed
the china ticud o f the girl's doll.
Whatever It wus It was being discuss
ed with animation.
Ami i maintain that Utaaa ahUtftah
Interests are of more real Importance
for the time being than those which
como later. No addition to mi ndult'a
atock o f wealth gives the same zest as
a new toy to ouo of Iheae little people.
Often afterward I saw these two and
always together,
lu this they were
dltTereut from other children who play,
boys with hoys uud girls with girls. 1
learned that they were lleury Morse
nud Lila Itunker, a t tinner's boy and
farmer's girl
Indeed, we were nil
farmer folk, all knew one auolber, ev-
erybody being Interested In some degree
at least In every one else, u simple com
niunlty uud more than usually tree from
the petty Jealousies couiuuu to man­
lleury Nause a father wus dctuimlucd
that his sou should luive a good cducu
tion. and the boy was sent a w a y ,lo
a< bool. After this 1 Used to see I.llu
going by our house, hut uo companion
supplied Henry's place
She was al­
ways alone, mid I fancied her thinking
of her other self, liuf this was simply
fancy on my purt, As 1 have suld hi
(he begin slug, not having hud any love
affairs o f luy own. I conjure up love
nffnlrs for others.
lu this case of
lleury uud I.llu 1 knew nothing of
what was passing between them except
from observation, so I tuny lie excused
for tilling lu occasionally that the story-
may not seem too disconnected. At the
last I was present mid shall not have
to draw on my lmugliintlou.
Wbeu lleury cutue buck front school
there was a more modish uppeurunce
to Ills clothes and lo Ills maimers.
I ’oor Mia, who bad remained on the
farm. Imd only an unadorned beauty,
freshened by pure air uud sunshine
They were now about sixteen years
old, though Henry wus hulf p head
taller, and I could not see (hat their In
tercst in each other hud waned, though
thu childish uiu-ouaciousnos* that they
wore o f dllTercnt sex had disappeared
I used to see them go by the house to.
gether us formerly, but the prattle of
childhood Imd given plucc to the more
sober conversation of youth. I often
wished I could hear what they were
saying to each other.
Henry did so well at school thnt his
father decided to send him to college.
1 wondered what effect Ills four years'
association with young men and worn
en o f the world would have on tuy pet
love affair I feared that Henry, hav­
ing become used to the polished girls
he would meet, would return to ace III
I.ila a country girl lacking the airs
and graces o f her slaters of the city
Would this alienate him? It wus to he
expected thut it would. And, though
country horn and bred myself, I don't
know that those o f us who go to the
city and uci|ulre city ways ure to be
blamed vv hen we return and yield (o
dissatisfaction with country vvuys.
Henry remained away a year at col­
lege before he came back to the farm.
Then one July morning, vvliun sitting
at my window durnlng socks, I looked
up, aud, there on the opposite side of
the road were the couple I hud Orist
noticed eight or nine years ago as
children Though Henry was plainly
dressed, his clothes were uot country
clothes. It seemed to me that be might
pass anywhere us a city bred young
man. And I.ila—how my heart went
out to the pour child In her effort to
drosa In a fashion more III keeping
with the apparel o f those girls to whom
Henry hud been accustomed. It wus
all Inference with me but It was plain
to see that she tiud prepared herself
agnlust his return to modify the differ­
ence between her and their habiliments.
i wondered If ne noticed this and If
It pleK-'.al or displeased hint. Unruly her
effort wua not very successful lu the
country one uiay get city fusblous, hut
It Is not every worker who euu make
them np Itut In lh « few liniments llu-y
WHO passing It wus Impossible for Dio
to loll If them had been tiny ehaiige lu
lenry a feelings for 1,11a. Ho I pieced
out the story lu this wt,«. Henry was
bcglimlng to sen tile difference between
tier nud the girls he had mot. I menu
by "her" her clothes - u ci-i1uln deO
el*..... In whut illy i>vciplu rail ebie.
I am not referring to I.ila us a soul,
not even us a body, for til bodily beauty
she would doubtless fur surpass many
s elty girl Well, whut do l-refer to?
Why, clothes mill manner, tlint's all.
After this lleury seldom < nine home
during vacations. I heard thut he
usuully went camping with Ins fellow
■indents. At any rale. I lost Hack of
my levers. I was reluctantly obliged
to consider m.v story. If uot tlnlsheU, at
Isast passing through a stage o f Inter­
ruption. lleury hud become Interested
In a career which would have noth­
ing to do with farina or farmer people
Wlu-ii he was grudunted l leatin-d that
bu wus llitcudlug to study medicine
Hut before he eiituu-d a medical col-
lege his father, who spaicd no expense
uu bis educatlou, sent him ahroud
When I heard o f ull these matters,
which were Inking him farther and
further away from provincialism and
his provincial sweetheart. I groaned lu
spirit, for I saw thut my lova story
was likely to end In Uotlillig,
It wus Home llinc beforo Henry wus
to leave thu medical college that I
heard hud news of Mia They said
she hud, some trouble that was drag­
ging her down, but the doctors could
not discover what It was. They could
uot dlaguose U—thut Is whst they
■aid of It. Her father sent lo the city
uud brought u doctor lo the fairn rape
dally to see If he couldn't tell what
waa the matter with her. The doctor
satd he couldn’t tlud any organic trou­
ble, whatever that menus, and the only
remedy he thought might beueflt her
was rbnuge o f aeenu. Hu advised her
father to taka her ou a trip, tint
t'Urmer liuuUer couldn't uffoid to do
that, and I.Un didn't care to go.
I considered this merely a part of my
love story. It wus plain to me that
lleury Morse hud drifted away from
tliu little girl I hud seen him going by
our house with when they were chil
dreii, uud the purthig was killing her.
They say atury writers often fall In
love with their Imaginary characters
Therefore It a nut strange that a atury
creator like myself should fall lu love
with u real person o f tlesh uud blood.
I bad always known the Hunkers, so I
went to seo I.ila. That wus lu the
spring— May, 1 thluk I found her sit­
ting In an easy chair at her window,
pule, languid and without Interest lu
anything. It may be thut she divined
by my ticnrtiig toward her thut I knew
whut wua thu matter with her. At any
rate, when I went up to her. took her
hand uud drew tier head down on my
shoulder sho left It tiiqre utid teemed
to get relief from the tears thut came
While she was weeping on uiy sboul
der 1 W'us thinking. Nut haring any
lover lo bring back for myself. 1 wish­
ed I could bring buck one for this poor
girl. Aud I formed a p!au.
Hut It was some lime before I car­
ried It out, uot till summer came.
Then 1 told l.ila's parents that 1
thought It would do her good to come
and uiuku me a visit, Since I.ila suld
she would like to do so, they couaeut-
cd, and within u few days she wus In
my room, the room from which I had
llrst seen her go by with her child
I said nothing about Henry
Morse either iis boy or mini any more
(hull If he didn't exist. Hut when I
put Lila lu an easy chair ut the very
window from which 1 used lo wutch
her uud him, and thought o f her as she
was then uud saw b e ns she was now
I made up my mind thut if I wus go­
ing to tuuka u good, real sfory of her
case I couldn't rely on things to hap­
pen themselves. I'd huve to bring them
about myself.
I was thinking, too, that my love
story hud been going on long eiiough,
nud it was time it was brought to a
close. Besides, Lila was so weak that
I feared In her condition she'd contract
some rout disease.
So 1 wrote l>r.
Henry Morse, vv ho had Just been ad
mltted to practice, that 1 had u patient
in my family who was dying o f some
disease that none of our country doc­
tors could tell anything nhodt, and I
would pay him whatever be naked If
he would mitke u Dying trip uud diag­
nose the ease.
Ho wrote hack that he remembered
ino very well ami would run down In a
few days.
Of course I didn't let on to Lila what
I had done. SI.-' |>oor child, wasn't
dreaming what an Influence my seeing
her go by my wiudovv so many years
before would have on her life. I hoped
Henry would coiue us soon ns ikish II i I c ,
for she was drooping more uiul more
every dny.
Well, one morning he cutue. He said
ho had answered my call nfter his
arrival even before going home.
was glad o f this, for I was fearful he'd
bear something that might Interfere
with my plan. I Just lad him upstairs,
opened the door, and he weut lu uud
I closed It behind him.
I reckon lie didn't make as long n
call as that on n patleut for a good
many years. I don't kuow whut hap­
pened between them—didn't see the
surprise of either of them All I know
is that when he came out two or three
hours after he weut In he looked at me
as though he was going to say some­
thing, hut pressed my hand Instead.
Then I went In to Llln. She had the
hnppicst smile on her face I ever suw.
She put her arms around m.v neck and
cried and laughed. And that s the cud
of the story.
I don’t ace why real story writers
don’t do something themselves to fin­
ish their own stories.
P A L L S C IT Y N Ä W «
Soma Dor.'ta for laothsrs I . Tue«
Over In Thair Minds.
A fsw d'-nt's might well tie eoneptcu-
ously posted In many a mother’s mind.
lion't consider It necessary to sys­
tematically underrate yoor child. Yoor
1 adult friends will know yon do not
! mean It. hut the child wlil not, and
! probably more characters are weak-
ened by the lack o f self confidence en­
gendered by such a process than by the
1 vanity which followa the silly brag-
[ glng o f overfond parents.
lion 't think that the moment you are
alone with your boy or girl yon must
find fault or endeavor to Improve this
occasion by a little moralizing, no mat-
' ter In how loving a spirit. This ta the
hardest of sll. for no one Is so anxlons
! ro help a child toward perfection as la
I ita i«ren t, yet It surely leads to an
| avoidance o f the moments alone to­
gether. which should be times of hap
j py confidences.
Don't correct the child before others.
Never mind i f a well meaning relative
does say; “ My dear, I am surprised
1 that you do not show more force of
1 character. Your children are suffering
j from a lack of discipline." I'ass the
| matter over until you and the small
offender can have It out alone. I f the
circumstances are such that It cannot
be paused over take him out o f the
Lastly, laugh often with, but never
at your child. This takes self denial,
but It pays. Make up your mind that
whatever others may say he can de­
pend upon you for a quick, sure un­
derstanding without quibble or joke at
his extiense. This does not mean that
be must not take bis share o f harmless
fun. It Is wholesome, and too much
sheltering would make him oversensi­
tive. but the mother who lets her child
know that she never makes fun o f
him w ill be surprised at the confidence
with which he relies upon 1L—Moth­
er's Magazine.
The Manufacturer
Both papers, one year
Falla City New«, one year
Increased Cost of Papers
The subscription price of th Evening
Telegram has been increased to $5.00
per year. We will, however furnish
you with the FALLS CITY NEWS one
one year for
Send your subscription to this office*
•W -H -l-H ,,H ,,l,,H " H -H " l- l“l-l-l~H-H~h'H iiIi » 11 I I M 'H - H -
-P-i-H-K-i-l-H -l-H -l-l-I-H -i- l- i -i-l-H ";- •
Its Members, Thair Product and ths
Heat of a Sting.
A colony of hues in summer consists
of from 50, (MSI to KXI.OOO Individuals.
Each colony coutaiua a queen, several
hundred Urout-s und the bulanco work­
ers. The latter ure neuter or undc-
velopud females, uud they do nil the
work In the liive, gather their food
from the flowers, which consists of
honey and |>olleu. They also gather
propolis, a resinous substance used to
stop cracks and boles in the hive.
It Is uot generally known that honey
ta not thick aud sirupy when first gath­
ered. It Is called nectar by beekeepers
aud looks like water. When first gath­
ered It can be shaken from the combs
Sometimes It Is necessary to shako
bees from a brood comb, and the bees
as they fall ure so deluged by the wa­
tery nectar that they look like the pro­
verbial "drowned rats.”
This, how­
ever, does no harm, as they at once
proceed to clean each other, and when
bees clean up they do a good Job. I
have put out a dish from the table that
was daubed with bouey. aiyl in a very
short time It wus as cleuu us though
Many persons are very much afraid
of the business end of the bee, and
Itiose who are uot u*cd to t>ee sting
poison suffer |tuln when stung. The
sensation o f a bee sting ean be comper­
ed to the prick o f a needle point in the
flesh, and then try to imagine that
while just under thu skin the needle is
heated white hot nud hold there for
about five minutes.
Beekcc|>ers w ill
agree that this statement is not over­
drawn. Rpokoopers working about the
hives every day are seldom stung, as
they know the habits o f the bees and.
avoid their prods. In time one becomes
more or less immune to the poison.—
tleorge Slither In New York Sun.
iH rn c u l
F. M . H E L L W A R T H
Olti-a one door ea»t ol P. O.
Men uinl women follow ing virtually
every business, trade and profession
were included. Even school children
became addicted to ttxe habit o f using
these drugs.
It is u ail full knowledge o f such oc­
currence» that ibe police are doing
everything possINe to stop Illegal traf­
fic In drugs. Criminals o f this class
present a problem even more difficult
than the old time I tank robber and gen­
eral crook. The pc Uce may arrest 1.000
offenders a n n u a l l y b u t the problem
will not be solved until boys and girls
are taught the tci ‘.-lble results which
follow upon the u »a o f habit forming
drugs. It Is at this ,oolnt that teachers
o f physiology nncl personal hygiene
must lend powerful, oo-operstion.—Cen­
tury Magazine.
Skating Held iHIm.
O f all the sight» a Japanese student
at Missouri university b xs seen Hi this
country the one ta ost wonderful to him
Is skating, nud tc> the list o f things be
tntends learning while In the United
States Is the ark o f glldln.T over real
Ice. lu Japan, he told the Missourian,
lie never had seon any lee tbh*k enough
to skate on. the ugh tn the ixiountain
regions there Ice dot's form on the lakes
In sufficient sirengUi to nfford a chance
for skciters. —Katisas City Time«.
Coin Profiles.
■W here a face Is used on a piece o f
money it is alw ays In profile, becai’se
the cameo Is more rvndily struck with
the die in that mum or, aud if a full or
three-quarter face w ere repiesented the
nose o f the gentler inn or l.xdy would
get damaged In vl reulation aud pro-
dur«; a ridiculous d feet.
Not Tkiorough.
“ Bllgglns affect si to be a regular cave
ma n.”
•'Yes,” replied Miss Cayenne
“ But
he doesn’t carry - out the idea. His
clothes are sufiU ietjtly out of style to
be annoying w ithout being prehistoric.
— WasHinglou Star.
Operations and Operations.
How Society Is Facing an Exceedingly
•A fter all. success is merely a mat­
Dangerous Human Element
te r o f enviroumeu t.”
In rigorous effort to suppress the Ille­
“ As for example ?”
gal sale and use of habit forming draks
“ Well, the grea test surgeon might
tho New York police are now urresFuig possibly bo a dlsn ml failure operating
iimiun 1 ly about 1)00 persons and sr cur­ i ax the Stock Excliaugg.'*—Boston Tran-
ing 700 convictions. O f these fu'.ly 75 •crlpt-
l>er cent have had previous pot) ee rec­
ords, which include every criir e In the
H » r S a c re d W o rd .
statutes. This Is an official v tntement.
“ Not golnig to A Dee's luncheon? But
one o f sinister portout It means thut yen.i gave y our sacred word!"
law abiding society is fncf.ng a human
•'So I di d. and Td go in a minute if
element new and ezceedlngiy danger­ m y dress had come home.” —Harper's
ous—so grave. In fact, that one of the B tzar.
most Important duties o f the police lies
tn stamping out this trr.fflc.
A Specialist.
The danger Is by no means confined
“ Ta. u hat’s a. specialist?”
to largo cities like N ew York; It Is
” A ma n who has discovered which of
probably g ro w in g 'In towns and vil­ his talents will bring him the most
lages all over the country. T olle« In­ mi mey, my son.*’ —Boston Transcript.
vestigations have revealed an appall­
ing lncreuse o f drug addicts.
1 -lever mind where you work. I^ t
than uu e-half o f those confined In tho yc sir cat s be for the work Itself.—
cltyr prison^ !he Tomka. were victims. Si furgeon.
Strategy Used to Keep People From
Spoiling the Effect.
Street crowds are notoriously diffi­
cult to handle for the movies. They
will never do what you want, and even
when you are sneaking them there is
always some smart Aleck in the fore­
ground who Insists upon looking into
the camera and cracking his foolish
On one occasion Donlon wished to
get a close up picture o f a crowd look­
ing skyward. It was to be used as a
cut-in for an aeroplane story. T o hire
s lot of extras might hare cost a cou­
ple of thousand dollars, so he took a
chance o f getting what he wanted with­
out paying for it. Knowing the psy­
chology of crowds, Donlon took three
cameras downtown, where he set one
on the sidewalk for the purpose o f tak­
ing a close-up proQle o f the crowd he
was to assemble, one in a second story
window, shooting straight Into the peo­
ple’s faces, and one on top o f the build­
ing, also shooting down.
When all was ready Donlon stood in
the middle o f the street with a mega­
phone and began to call directions to
one Ben. who stood on top o f the build­
ing. The crowd assembled immediate­
ly and. seeing the cameras, began, as
usual, to rubber right into them. Then
Donlon called out;
"Is Beu ready to Jump?”
And Ben called back: "Just a min
ute, Ed. I ’m a bit nervous. W ait till
that yellow car gets by. I think I ’ll
try for the top o f that big Pasadena
car. It ’s wider.”
Back and forth they called excited
warnings and directions, and the
crowd was right on tiptoes.
didn’t know what was going to happen,
but it promised excitement. All this
time the camera men clicked that fool
crowd into celluloid immortality.—Rob
Wagner in Saturday Evening P o st
fa lls '' I l f ,
Phon*. 8«8
A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W
«ZU Mill Street.
Business Caros
S *m p l* Rooms
Bost Accommodations
f . Drotg«, Proprietor
Bohie’s Barber Shops
Falls C ity, Orsgen
Wlwrc yoa css get s Shive, Bair C m , talk
■>r ‘Milne-
Afest for Dallas A t»m Laistfry
Bundle* for*aided luemdmj evening
G . L. H A W K I N S
Dallas, Oregon
Falls City, Ore.
f H ' I 'H I 1 1 4 -H -H -
R. L. C H A P M A N
V Jt altsnd <o ail work promptly.
Dallas and Falls City, Ore.
J. O. M IC K A L S O N
Dealer in
H E A I . IN S T A T E
Falls City, Oregon.
SID Mill »irret. Osile*. Or*r>»-
JOHN K. SIBLEY. Rentier.
nur eb-tract pieni I* pouted delly trow
Polk C om ily Records.
Notice to News Subscribers
A mark here indicates that
your subscription is delinquent.
Please call and fix it.
Homs S « « k « e -
Buy Orchard Land
Decimating an Army.
Post Office Time Card
T o say that an army is decimated
means, strictly speaking, that, it loses a
Office hours: D aily, except S u n ­
tenth o f its men. If. then, an army is
8 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.
decimated ten times, what is le ft of it?
An English publication that raised the
Mail arrive«, from
question, because war correspondents
9.00 a.tu.. 6:15 p.m.
so frequently misuse the word "deci­
mate,” was astonished to find that
Dallas, 9:00 A . M-, 6:15 P. M.
many o f its readers think there would
Portland via Gerlinger, train 102
be nothing left of I t In point of fa c t
11:55 a. m.
an army o f 100.000 decimated ten times
would still numlier 34.S70 men. Figure
Black Rock, 1:30 P. M.
it out for yourself.—Youth's Compan­
Mail closes for:
High Cost of Living.
The researches o f Professor Mead of
the University o f California show that
310 men own 4.000,000 acres o f the
best land on the continent and that
one railroad owns 5.000,000 acres.
The report o f the secretary o f agrt
culture shows that less than half of
the arable land in the United States is
under cultivation.
Here is a suggestion for those seek
lng the cause at the high cost o f liv-
ing —St. Paul News.
Borrowed Books.
Whenever you lend a book Jot down
tn a small blank book kept in a, con­
venient place for that purpose the date,
the name o f the person to whom the
book ts lent and the title o f the book
This will prove a safeguard against
losing books or forgetting where they
are to the person who allows many
books to be taken from his library.
There are few minds to which tyran­
ny Is not delightful. Power Is noth­
ing but as It is felt, and the delight of
superiority Is proportionate to the re­
sistance overcome.—Johnson.
Salem ,8.50 A.M ., 1 P.M. and5:30
P. M.
Dallas, 8:50 A. M. and5:30P. M.
Portland via Gerlinger train 102
1 p. in.
Black Rock, 1 A. M.
Mail Order and Postal Savings
window closes at 6 P. M.
S u n d a y O n l y
Office hours: 9:30 to 10:30 a.m:
Mail arrives from Salem, 9:00
a m.
Mail closes for Salem, 8:50 a m.
General Delivery Window Open
From 9.30 to 10:30 A. M.
Effective March 11, 1917.
I r a C. M e h r l i n g , Postmaster
E x tra
copies of The
New s
printed each week, and w ill be sent
to any addreas desired, postpaid,
for 5 cents per copy.
Correspondents wanted in «v e ry
In the march o f life don't heed the
order o f “ Right about!" when you
know you are about right.—Holme«.
neighborhood in this section ot the