Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, April 28, 1917, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    y alta d itti N rutß
But M o d of Thom Wouldn't if Paopla
Wore Properly Careful.
I t is a bloody battle which inflicts
death or wounds upon one m every
seven soldiers. Casualties ol 140,"-
■i>t#r#4 M K fc n H .n « m*U at IS# |K,#|..fflc#
000 in an arm v of 1,000,000 are
•« r#lto City. Polk Oooetj O#r*o». au.»*r tb#
avvsv above battle averages.
Act ,*i Ctasi#M Of March S. 1ST»
Americans are so wasteful of the
Telrphaoe— Ntw» Off!«. ~________
most precious thing we have— hu­
■ u W rtrrto n R*t## On# y#ar. >1-00. six m~nh#.
man life— that they suffer casual­
H e#nt*; thr## month#. IS c#nt#,- «Inal# copy. * H s
ties from accidents during every
year equal to such a heavy battle.
Ad c rtliin i Rales: Displsj. 1» cants au Inch,
One roan in seven is killed or in­
Su»>n«M Noticoa. Scant* a lin e : Sot Sal«. Kent,
«x c n .n g a . W . n i and P*J S u l«tta ln n i# u l No­
jured. I learn from an insurance
tices, s r t t . a Una. Card o l Thanks 40 c l. ; U s a
company, which has paid $10,500,
K o llo » legal rates.
000 in twenty-two years for 138,000
Copy f o r « « » ad*, a n d chaiigaa should ba *«a t
accidents, where and how the aci-
to The Newt not lator than Wednesday
dental blow falls.
O fficia l
The wagon hurts more persons
than the automobile by 25 per cent
I s s u e d E v e r y S a t u r d a y M o r n in g
Noisy as it is, the motorcycle is
fairly harmless, and the bicycle has
N eith er matrimony nor Canada almost ten times as many victims
to its credit.
w ill afford a haven for the young
City folk think of their elevators
man who does not want to fight. falling, but they rarely do it, where­
as we never reckon the horse among
It is stated that the "hom e- beasts of prey, and yet Mr. Equine
g o in g ” deters many Senators kicks and bites nine times as many
from voting fo r the Conscription persons as are injured in elevators.
More men fall through trap doors
than are drowned, but it seems hard
The war party commend the to believe it. Almost as many are
hurt by falling from bed as get their
German people fo r w anting to fingers caught in electric fans.
make peace and condemn t h e 1 A gun is a deadly thing, and yet
its army of victims is only a sixth as
great as that of the innocent look-
Th e A llies think that the khaki
clad American soldier would look mass but it *ocumu]. t * a fine a3.
good leading a charge against
the Germans.
■ ■ ■'■ ■ 1 ■ 1
How long do you im agine that
the war in Europe would last if
the German, the English and the
French people had the chance to
It 8av«a Labor and W ait* and Oaini
In Nutritive Value.
Our mason advanced for the titgli
cost o f food abroad is the shortage In
manual labor, a result o f the war. An
Ingenious method o f dt»|>eu*lutf with
s large part o f this, hitherto consider­
ed necessary In-for» the grain iu the
Held can appear In the form o f bread
upon the table, bus I--on Invented In
According to Agricoltuni Toscana
sn excellent bread, not only highly
nutritious, nut delicious In flavor and
appetising o f taste, is made from
wheat which bus never been milled.
It Is Important that the grain should
be o f good quality ami free from for
eign material.
It Is first carefully
washed and sifted and then placed In
tepid water to soak for a period of
from forty-eight to sixty hours, ac­
cording to the degree o f hardness At
the end o f this time it has become
“ vitalised“ —L e., tt has beguu to
germinate, and has therefore t>ecume
quite soft and tender unit has under
gone profound chemical modifications.
When the proper degree o f vttaltza-
tion has been attained the grain I*
fed directly into a kneading machine,
where it is triturated aud kueedeil
till it Is ready to bo molded into loaves.
It is then allowed to ferment, or “ rise,"
for the proper length o f time, where­
upon it is placed in the baker's oven
The bread is gray in color and. being
made o f the whole grain. Is much rich­
er In food value than bread from flour,
containing s higher percentage o f m in
oral salta, lecithin aud vegetable pep­
sin. There Is a saving not only in
manual labor, but in wastage, so that
a given weight o f grain yields a con
aiders bly larger number o f loave#
w hen unground than when converted
Into flour. Another advantage ia that
there is less risk o f adulteration than
when flour is used.
T he F alls C i t y N ews . I ytar C l.00
N orthwest F armstead , l your $1.00
Total value,
by slow degrees.”
It appears that in order for any
county to get the benefit o f the
proposed $6,000,000 road bonds
that they must grade all roads,
ready fo r the hard surface; fa il­
ing in this they are out in the cold, \
even i f they should happen to be
on the proposed line. This alone
will be a burden. Take the high
cost o f living, high taxes, special
taxes and w ar taxes the little
farm er w ill be kept to the grind
F o rtu n e Spent on Buttons.
T w o Fatal Mietakea.
Marie Antoinette, escaping from
th e Tuileries, turned to the right
instead of to the left after passing
th e inner arch. She lost hef way,
loi t time and by this means lost her
own head and the head of Loui3
X V I. So the story of Carlyle runs.
.Queen Draga of Servia meant to
Under like circumst ances it will
leave Belgrade, but waited for a go­
fail in any co u n try — hence con­
ing away gown, being anxious that
as a fugitive she should appear in
becoming attire. It was a fatal de­
Bears In tha Home.
Tha oltl rallahla NORTH WEST
Al K Al) will bo bigger and batter than ever
thU coming w ito u . K b editor* will «lavoto
thair b«»t effort* in making thl» paper the
best In the country
hat h wuck you'll re.
calve a claau. well ailited i»»m' on better
farming, marketing, price*, profits, educs
tion cltitenthtp, homo anti eocial life. He
gular price alone. 41 00 per year.
Michelangelo's fresco in the Sis-
tine chapel of the Vatican com­
pletely cowers the vaulted roof,
which measures 133 feet in length
and 43 feet in width. This painting
delineates th£ creation of man, his
fall and the early history of the
world, with reference to man’s final
redemption and salvation.
Ww w h lit #vwry ou«* «if our mbM rlberi to
Nke Itutm'tliiiii* mlvftiiUtfi* of tliUurcat still*
•crlpllon l»tU||*tii It w ill I»« k ii< m | for hut »
si-nrt llin»- »«» M’ M'I your nrvtr or r»li»ur*l
lutin rlplli it h | mill) If you urt» now * suit
to ffilther, « rt*«l<l will 1»«? «•xtrn<l*<t
Ilio Newt Hus I umm fortunate lu maRtttf
itrrantit’ iitaolB
tht* NOHTII^ W T
► A It MS IK A I» W lutti» by both may ba .*«• »•»!
for a abort lima «Ion i rifranta inora 'bau tba
iugular priüo of our i«| w r fonia tu bm «1
!»•/ up your aubacripiloti for an o lh tr year
who renews or subscribes
for The New* within the
next month. That's what this offer is worth lo you, but you must act
at once. Come TODAY!
T H E FA LL S C ITY NEWS, Falls City, O r.
Every Farmer, Business or
Professional Man Should
Use Printed Stationery. . .
Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envelopes,
Hand Bills, Posters, Pamphlets, Notes, Receipts,
Checks, Business Cards, Visiting Cards, Butter
Wrappers, Etc.
2 s
:{ .. Si '
Our Magazine Offer
| j
j ]
one gram of each; oil of wintergreen,
three drops; oil of cinnamon, two drops; |
oil o f eucalyptus, five drops; tincture of
cudbear, one and a half drams; tinc­
ture o f rhatany, half a dram.
Dissolve the salts in water before
adding the alcohol. For use add an
equal part o f water.
Oldest Infantry Regiment.
Which Is the oldest existing infantry
dne regiment In the world? The dis­
tinction 1* held by the Royal Scots,
who have been nicknamed “ Pontius
Pilate’s bodyguard.” They were rais­
ed In 1625 for the service o f Sweden
In the thirty years’ war, passed Into j
the service of France after the death of
Gustavus Adolphus and were present­
ed by Louis X IV . to Charles II. on the
restoration.—London Answers.
$ 1 . 2 5 FOUR MONTHLY MAGAZINES $ f .25
And Our Paper
All One Year
H o m e .L if e »
Get The Most For Your Money
Send your subscription to our paper at once, and we will give you a year
subscription to these splendid magazines for only 25 cents additional. Tha extra
quarter brings you $1.35 worth of stsndurd magazines.
This offer ia open to old and new subscribers. If you are already s sub
scriber to any of these magazines, your subscription will be extended one year
from date of expiration.
This offer also includes a FREE, dress pattern. When you receive your first
copy of Today's, select any dress pattern you desire, send your order to Today's
Magazine, giving them the size and number of the pattern and they will send it
to you free of charge.
Never before has any newspaper been able to offer magazines of such high
character at this price. W e are proud of this offer and we urge you to taka
advantage of it at once.
$ 1 . 2 5 Send Your Order Before You Forget It $-1 25
The Magazines W ill Stop Promiitly When Time Is Up
Not Identified.
Teacher—When did Horatlus hold ;
the bridge?
Pupil—Nobody of that
name has given any bridge parties in
our neighborhood for several years.— j
A u th o r-S o m e
o f my brightest
thoughts come when I am asleep. Edi­
tor—Your great trouble Is insomnia —
New York Times.
To Ons A (Idrata
“JWe have a friend,” says Com­
merce and Finance, “ who is fond of
tellipg how his elderly mother took
him a side when he was about to be
One Kind of Thrift.
“ Why do you give your little son only
marriud and advised him always to
keep t wo bears in his home if he a penny at a time?”
"I'm trying to encourage thrift and
would be happy. When he asked
He knows that he’il have to
her wluit she meant, she explained
save five before he'll have enough
that tb*' animals she had in mind
money to buy a movie ticket.” — Bir­
were “bev ri and ‘forbear.’ ” — Phila­ mingham Age-Herald.
delphia Ledger.
A Fam ous Freaco.
Only $ 1.25
$2.00 j
75 Cenis for Every Subscriber
Forty thousand pounds was paid
by Louis X IV . for one set of but­
tons for a waistcoat. This monarch
had a positive passion for buttons,
and in the year 1685 he spent a very
large amount on this hobby. Among
the items of his expenditure two
Mouth Wash.
Dr. A. B. Wadsworth, director of the
are wwrthv of note— August, 1685,
two diamond buttons, 67,866 francs; division o f laboratories aud research
seventy-fire diamond buttons, 586,- of the New York state department of
health, recommends a mouth wash
703 franc*. It is estimated that
made as follow s:
during his lifetime he spent £1,000,-
Sodium chloride, half a dram; sodium
000 on buttons alone, and that at a bicarbonate, ten grains; distilled water,
tiny* when the empire of France two ounces; glycerin, one ounce; alco­
wa/i in a state of bankruptcy.
hol, five ounces; thymol and menthol,
English lords have invaded
Am erica and are urging conscrir,.
tion as the only means o f raif'm g
an army in the present crisis.
The volunteer plan failed '¡n E n g­
land for the simple re ason that
the people did not w a r,t to fight.
Leslie M. 7,haw, one-time secre­
tary of the., treasury, has been
amusing h imeelf in the ephere of
prophesy. “ The Republican party’
he says., "has won m any a cam­
paign on the I ariff issue and it can
win more in the future.”
But he
tbiuks Mr. Wdlton is going to
attempt to cu t the ground from
under them.
‘ ‘In m yopim ou ,” he
says, the President is already a
candidate for a third term, and I
predict the.t within the next four
years h# w ill be the moet p ro ­
nounced. Protectionist in the u s-
tion .” H e .w lJj the ld tc U o n th at
' any sort o f an acrobatic etuut .is
possible woth the Democratic p a rt)-1
— W a te rlo o (111) Republican.
then drawn into shape and held firmly
by a piece o f chemically prepared
sticking plaster.
The wound needs no further dress­
ing. and the subject o f the emperor of
the Flowery Kingdom goes on about
his business us if nothing had happen­
ed. In a few days tt Is entirely hral-
ed, when the surgeon Is visited and re­
quested to remove the plaster, aud
with the plaster comes the fee.
The Japanese say that their eastern,
not to say Mongolian, appearance is a
disadvantage to them in their commer­
cial and other relations with western
races. Whether this is so or not. it is
a positive fact that some o f the high-
est officials in chrysanthemum land
have fallen in with the popular fancy,
and European medical men out there
are making lots o f money by the use
o f their scalpels. One authority states
that the mikado himself has had his
eyes "westernized."
1 Yaar
out* ymtkt
| sc,rtment of accidents— six times as
many as the snorting motorboat.
Your true accident bobs up when
'eajd expected.
1 once saw Samuel R. Kirkpat­
rick, who is now a broker but was THEY WANT STRAIGHT EYES.
formerly a newspaper man, return
from a 5,000 mile journey. He had So Natives In Japan A re Resorting to
the Surgeon'a Knife.
plastered himself with accident in­
You tiilnk that it Is impossible to
surance, but nothing had happened
A letter from a Pennsylvan ia!
be stepped upon a lead pencil mistake a Japanese on account o f hU
almond eyes, peculiar to the yellow
town o f some 7.000 inhabitants i in ^
office *fter his return,
| and then he was in drydock for a race. Do not be so sure, for it is quite
says that there has not been a|
likely you aro wrong.
O f recent years a curious fad has
single enlistm ent from
What a wonderful thing it would taken root in Japan. This Is nothing
patriotism be if all persons should suddenly more or less than the alteration, by !
does not run to a fe v e r heat there. become Teally careful!— Girard in the surgeon's knife, o f the shape of the
Philadelphia Ledger.
eye. so that in future the Japanese
will not be distinguished as one o f the
Advocates o f the selective d ra ft
“ almond eyed" races. The operation
A T a lls y ra n d Story.
say that it w ill g iv e an opportun­
A curious anecdote is illustrative is said to be simple and quite pain­
ity to get a lot o f worthless fe l­ of the disposition o f Talleyrand. It less.
The surgeon takes a scalpel In his
lows in the arm y who would was refiolved that each of the allied
right hand aud. stretching the skin
otherwise stay at home. W e
with the forefluger o f tils left band,
would like to know who has the sioner charged with the surveil­ makes an Incision on the outer point
lance of Napoleon at St. Helena. o f the eyelids in a straight line for the
divine right to pass on who these
Talleyrand proposed to the king for barest part of an inch. T h e lashes are
worthless fellow s are?
this oftice M. de Montchenu, de­
scribed as “ an insupportable bab­
It is reported that more than bler, a complete nonentity.” On be-
50,000 young men from the U n i­ | ing asked why he had selected this
ted States have gone to Canada I man Talleyrand replied: “ I t is the
j only Tervenge which I wish to take
to work on the farm s in order to
, for his treatment of me. How-
escape conscription and there is i ever, it is terrible. What a punish-
a measure being prepared to nrent for a man of Bonaparte’s
prevent their going. It is aw ful y'tamp to be obliged to live with an
how unwilling some people are to ignorant and pedantic chatterer! I
know him. He will not be able to
sacrifice their lives fo r the sake
support this annoyance.
It will
o f humanity.
make him ill, and he will die of it