Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, April 21, 1917, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    F A L L 8 C IT Y N E W S
SATU RD AY, A P R IL 21, 1017
Ne Chanoe Far a Breach ot Premia«
Bull From Thla Laltar.
Mr. Wilaan Made the Tanthi Four Vie«
President« Ha elected.
Woodrow WIlNon Is lha U-utti i>rral-
di-iit to t>a electcd for a at-coud term.
The other ulnar ware Washington, Ji-f
fi iwjij, Madleou, Monroe, Jackson, Lin­
coln, Grant, Cleveland and McKinley.
Thomas Itlley Marshall Is III# llrst
vice prealdeut to be Inaugurated a sec­
ond time since the present system of
party conventions came Into use. Actu­
ally be la tho fourth tnau to bold the
ofllce a second lima.
John Adams was twice t-lecled vice
president to serve with George Wash­
ington; Daniel D. Tompkins served
through the term» with President Mon­
roe. John C. Calhoun was twice elect­
ed vice president on tickets with John
Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson
and served until his resignation near
the end o f bis second term In 1832.
March 4 has fallen on Holiday three
times In an Inauguration year. Presi­
dent Monroe, actlug on the advice of
Ciilef Justice Marshall, set a precedent
and took the oath on Momluy, March 6.
General Zachary Taylor followed this
precedent when lie wts Inaugurated In
isII). March 4 again fell on a Sunday,
and ha postponed taking the oath until
the following Monday. President Hayes,
however, took precautions sgnlust any
opportunity fo ra charge o f Irregularity.
The final vote o f the tribunal which
guvo to him the high office and thus
ended the Tlldeu - llayee controversy
was announced on Saturday, March 3,
1877. Mr. Mayes st once look llie oatb.
The form o f a president's luaugursl
was largely devised by George Wash­
ington, a m i, like most all o f his work,
has stood the test o f time. The cere­
mony was conceived when the fore­
fathers were lu tho throes o f a great
revolution, and they luteuded It to bo
distinctively American. Through the
lapse o f more than a century virtually
no rbsngo has tx-eu made In the actual
ceremonies, although elaborate and
beautiful necompunlmchls bsve been
added.— New York Times.
Many w i f i tho fuinous characters
reduced on tho circuit* of early
ays, *ay* Arthur W. Spaulding—
men fearlea* in duuger, unwearying
in labor, enduring in privation, pow­
erful in exhortation, ready in wit
and often prepared to uao physical
a* well a* spiritual inuaelu in their
combat* w ith tho devil and bi* hu­
man agent*.
Among the most interesting of
thorn wn* Lorcuzo Dow, a roving
preacher, whose work wa* not con­
fined to tho mountain* on the fron­
tier, for ulthough lie labored from
tho high peak* of North Carolina
to the bank* of tho Mississippi and
from Georgia to Canada, lie was
well knowu also along tho Atlantic
coast and even in England and Ire ­
land. Itestles* uud eager, ho con­
tinually traveled.
Nor would ho
marry until he hud found u young
woman who would promiso that she
would spare him from homo twelve
months out o f thirteen.
His proposal o f inurriage, a letter
that is, I think, unique in the de­
liberation and caution with which
it approach ■* tho subject, ran as
“ I f 1 am presorvod, about a year
and a half from now 1 am in hopes
o f seeing this northern country
again; and if during this tune you
live and remain single and find no
ono that you like better than you
do mo and would be willing to give
mo up twelve months out of thir­
teen or three years out o f four to
travel, and that in foreign lands,
and never say, Do not go to your
appointment, etc.— for if you should
stand in tho way, I should pray to
God to remove you, which I believe
Ho would answer— and if I find no
ono that I like better than I do
you, perhaps something further
Try This Man's Scheme When Vou
may be said upon tho subject-"—•
Have a Fit of Dspreseion.
“ Th e Men o f tho Mountains."
“ On my desk, betweeu Ibe calendar
Sawing Machine Gama.
" I learned to use the sewing ma­
chine in an enchanting gome,” says
a writer in tho Woman’s Homo
Companion. “ First, fo r the action
merely, ray mother left the machine
unthreaded, therefore without com­
plications. Sho showed mo how to
fold a square o f thin paper diagon­
ally once, then again, then a third
timo. Then placing the point o f tho
triangle, which was the center of
tho square, under tho needle, sho
started tho wheel and let mo guide
tho needle haphazard about the tri­
angle, covering it with weird trac­
ery. Behold! When the paper was
unfolded, a beautiful symmetrical
design, mado by me! Many on iron
holder I proudly worked in chain
stitch from my own designs so
London's Highest Lovol.
Th e highest part o f the city of
London is tho middle of l ’ annicr
alley, running between Newgate
street and Paternoster row
Jonson tells us thut in his day this
was a stand for tripo sellers and
earlier still for bakers. Tho exact
spot is indicated on tho east wall by
a stone monument consisting o f a
boy sitting upon a baker’s basket,
holding a bunch o f grapes. On the
pedestal is this inscription:
Whan yo havo nought tho city round.
Vat attll thla la lha hlshast ground
Aug 27. 1GSS.
Were we to include Greater Lon ­
don, then Hampstead heath would
bo the spot, for it is 424 feet above
sea level.— London Standard.
Scott'a Rapid Writing.
Sir W alter Scott was ono o f the
most rapid writers that the world
has ever known. He wrote “ Guy
Mannering” in a couple of months,
and tho same time sufficed for “ Old
M ortality,” while “ Ivanhoe” was ac­
tually dictated as Scott lay upon a
couch Buffering from excruciating
pain. But perhaps the most rapid
work even he ever accomplished
was his colossal “ L ife of Napo­
leon,” in nine volumes. This he
wrote in one year, intermixed with
much other work.
Father In the Secret.
A girl in Philadelphia, who had
recently figured in a romantic run­
away match, was, after her return
home, telling her dearest friend all
about it.
Th e latter interrupted with this
question, “ When you eloped with
Louis did you leave a note telling
your folks whero you had gone?”
“ Why, o f course,” said the wife.
“ I f I hadn’t, how on earth would
papa have known whert* to send us
any money?” — New York Times.
“ A man tried to pick my pockets
in the street yesterday, but my wife
prevented him.”
“ Did she gTapple with him or
just scream?”
“ Neither. She wasn’t there.”
“ Then how could she prevent
him ?”
“ She had been through my pock­
ets tirst.”
aud the clock.'' said Mr. MacKllcker-
ton. “ 1 have placed a little card with
this on It, ‘Now Get Out and Walk.'
" I used to carry thot card tucked
away lu my bat, but then I never
thought o f It when I needed to. Now
I have It where I can't fall to see It
several times a day, where It la kept
practically always In mind.
“ I suppose tho best o f us have pe­
riods o f depression, times when we
sink. U not Into a slough o f despond,
at least Into a state In which we loae
cheerfulness and energy, a slate in
which we can accomplish little end
what we do la of no account
“ 1 can shake off all mental Ills aud
stave off pretty much If not quite all
of a bodily nature, too. Just by walk­
ing. A fter I have once got fairly start­
ed I sited troubles ut every step till
they are all gone. From a good brisk
wsik 1 come back always refreshed.
Invigorated, renewed.
“ 1 always knew that I could have
walked off ono o f those (Its o f depres­
sion any time, but Ibo trouble w ts that
I never thought o f doing this when the
depression was on And then I struck
ilia card plan.
“ Now when I begin to get dull and
sluggish, with things dragging and go­
ing hard. I am not permitted, as I once
was, to slide Insensibly down to the
bottom o f the decline. My eye Is sure
to light on that sign, and I drop thing*
right where they aye and get out aud
“ And It
York Hun.
works every
Pasts and Mold.
Mold Is a vegetable growth Induced
by tbe projicr amount o f beat aud mois­
ture. Bottles of library and office paste
so generally used lu offices aro likely to
be covered with mold, particularly
where tbe paste Is not used very often.
As with many other plants, too much
water will check tbe growth o f mold.
Keep tbe top of the paste covered with
water aud tbe mold cannot Increase.—
New York Hun.
Not Americanisms.
Those “characteristic Americanisms,"
such as “ take It from me," "the real
stuff,” “ piker," "sure thing," aud so on,
have been traced to Sheridan, Thack­
eray, Hmollett, Dickens and others and
aro In common use In Great Britain,
while there appears to be little question
that Aristophanes was the llrst to use
the expression, “ We take the cake.”
Making Him Happy.
“ When I die," said tbe husband, " I
want you to have this sentence placed
on my monument: 'There are peace aud
quiet In heaven.' "
“ I think,” rejoined the wife, "It
would bo more appropriate to say,
There were peace aud quiet lu heav­
en.' " —Indianapolis Star.
To Open a Sardine Can.
In opening n sardine can start tbe
key In the ordinary way and, after
giving it a few turns. Insert tho point
of tbe Ice pick In tbe key loop. With
the pick acting ns a lever the whole
top o f tbe can will wind off easily and
without breaking the sardines.
Artistic Success.
"So your son Is succeeding consider­
ably at an actor. Who Is supporting
"1 don't mind telling you that I a in."
—Baltimore American.
He—A woman Is alwaye Illogical.
She—How do you make that out? He
—Sho can always remember her birth­
day, but never her age.
Dangars of Poisoning to Which tho
Workers Aro Exposed.
The making uf m<xli-rn munitions of
war has brought Into prominence sev­
eral types o f Industrial disease« bltb-
| erto utmost unknown.
One o f the moat troublesome of Lbesa
Fall« City New», one year
i la that commonly known aa “T. N. T.
! poisoning.’’ dun to exposure to the
The Manufacturer
| fumes o f trt nltro-toluol or to tbe In-
| balatloh o f dust generated in mixing
certain high explcalves o f which it
| forms a «onxtituent
$ 1.3 0
Both papiers, one year
l.'uusual drowsiness, frontal head­
ache and eczema are the first symp­
toms o f T. N. T. poisoning, and work­
ers so affected are promptly given
so dm other ocruimtlon, when tbe symp­
toms quickly dl uippear.
Less dangeroas, but very trouble­
some, Is tetryl planning. Manipula­
tion o f this exidoslvo produces a light
dust, which gets Into the mouth, uuse
t"H -f-l-l -H " l" l'-l 4-H " l-H -l-l-l-H -H -H -'l I 1 I I I I I 1 H 4-4-H-P1-4- H 4 P-H -I-P ;
and eyes and seta up a painful sore­
ness, accompanied by beaduche, nau­
sea and an ajxuost Intolerable Itching,
j Curiously enough, individuals vary
| very considerably lu their susceptibil­
ity to tetryl poisoning. Home workers
are not all affected by It or only lo a
very alight degree, while others can
hardly enter a room In which it la be­
ing bar,died without suffering severely.
Luckily tetryl |»nburning does not en­
The subscription price of th Evening
danger life, nor ore the symptoms In
• uy case so sevete as those due to T.
Telegram has been increased to $5.00
X. T. poisoning. Tetryl possesses the
per year. W e will, however furnish
annoying property, however, of stain-
| lug the skin aod hair yellow, but
you with the F A L L S C IT Y N E W S one
means have been found of largely
year and the E V E N IN G TE LE G R A M
; counteracting tills if tbe workers care
to avail themselves o f them.
one year for
Other lndustrinl diseases o f a similar
nature more or less prevalent In muni­
tion works are due to bundling fulm i­
nate o f mercury, to exposure to tbe
fumes o f a subtdance known aa tetra-
Send your subscription to this office
! chlorcthane, to Inhalation o f various
other noxious fumes aud dust gene­
rated In the workshops by tbe differ­
ent processes carried on there aud also
from lead poisoning.
Yet another danger the mnnUion
worker is exposed to Is acute poison­
ing due to the accidental escape o f
nitrous fumes into the work placet-
I I ■r i iiM iili,M ,,M ■H I I I I 1 l-l-l l-H - H 4-1 1 M-frI-1--I ' H -H l-l -H I I I 1 I I I ¡- F * i Many o f these cases are apt to terml-
| nate fatally, for the gas is extremely
| deadly.—Pea Mon's Weekly.
pro fesio n al
Increased Cost of Papers
b »t r a ic i A *
(»flic * one door ea»t of P. O.
2 S J S Î Phone 383
'Îîî^ o J i'’
a t t o b h e y - a t - l a w
E. K. P IA S E C K I
A T T Í iR N E Y A T L A W
6*0 M ill Street
B t if t t n c M ¿ a r o s
S am p le R eam e
B eet A ceem m ed a tlen s
F . D ro e e e . P re p rto to r
HAKhKK suor*
$ 5.00
•M-H - H t i l l I "l-l ■H -H
Falls City, ore. I
■l-l 1 H ■H - H -M -H -H -l 4-1 I I I I I M 1 I I I I
How Ono W iu Men Utilize* Hi* Open
Air Sporting Outfit.
“ I didn’t know your business allow­
ed you much time for sports," said tbe
visitor as be glanced around at tbe
athletic paraphernalia displayed on
tbe walls of bis friend's den.
“ It doesn't—much,” replied tbe mld-
j die aged business man. "W hen I get
| a chance I sneak off to a gymnasium
or to tbe country club, but most of
■b4~l- l-4"l"l--¡"H~l-H* l 'M ' I 1 i I I 'M 1 l-l-1 l -l-M -M l■■l■■l ■l ■l■■l -l-^ !■ H I I 4 I I I H - h my exercising I do right here In this
“ Surely you don’t use the basket ball
or tbe Ice skates or that rifle here."
A Darling of the Gods.
In 1886, when she was twenty- said bis friend, with a smile.
Mechanism and Operation of Thooo seven years o f age and at the height
"You're wrong; I do,” said tbe busy
Deadly Naval Woepons.
o f her fame, Miss Mary Anderson, man briskly. "See that hook in the
The modern torpedo dates from “ Our Mary,” retired from the stage. celling? I string the basket ball up.
1876, when the British engineer As illustrating the popularity of put on that pair o f old kid gloves and
bang It around for ten minutes every
Whitehead produced a torpedo Miss Anderson before her retire­
other morning or so. Best punching
carrying twenty-six pounds of gun­ ment the follow ing story may be bag I ever tried.
cotton and traveling straight as an told : One night she was appearing
“ Those ice skates are Just tbe right
arrow to its mark at a speed o f as Galatea and in this character weight to use as dumbbells in some
eighteen knots.
had to turn with outstretched arms very quick exercise. Any one o f those
The head of the torpedo is pack­ to the audience, with the words, golf sticks makes a wand such as they
ed with several hundred pounds of "T h e gods will help me.” On this use In gymnasiums to take the quirks
guncotton or other powerful explo­ particular occasion the audience out o f the muscles of tbe arms, chest
sive, the Germans preferring trini­ •was so carried away with her acting and back.
“ Those tennis balls are Invaluable
trotoluene. A steel rod or striker ex­ that with one accord the “ gods” of
for strengthening tbe grip o f the bands
tends through the head. This pro­ the gallery roared out the hearty and tbe cords o f tbe forearm. Take
jects a few inches beyond the head response, “ We w ill!”
one in each band end squeeze it about
o f the torpedo. It may be equipped
fifty times as bard as you can every
with cutters that will cut through
Nothing to Do but Live.
“ With that hunting rifle 1 haven’t
the protective steel nets swung out­
The Friendly islands o f the south
board by a battleship. Th e inner seas are described as an earthly used in four years I go through tbe
end o f the steel rod is pointed. Eden. The natives have nothing to same stunts, including the manual ot
arms that Uncle Sam has worked out
When the nose o f the torpedo do but catch fish, gather fru it, sing
to keep Ills soldiers In good trim. I
strikes a ship’s side or bottom the songs and grow fat. Th e women must admit that that tennis xgcUct has
steel rod is forced back, tho sharp­ are very beautiful, but a trifle heavy, puzzled me. I can't thin£ o f a thing
ened end strikes a detonator and weighing between 250 and 400 to do with it except practice strokes
the charge of guncotton is exploded. pounds. When a white man goes with one o f the balls against that clear
Back o f the head o f the torpedo there to live he has to deposit $50 part o f the w a ll."—N ew York Sun.
is its fish shaped body, containing
all the machinery to drive and steer
after it has been launched. From
forward aft we find compartments
us follows: A compressed air reser­
voir, an immersion or balance cham­
ber, engine space and a buoyancy
chamber. In his book “ Submarines,
Th eir Mechanism and Operation,”
Frederick A. Talbot sava o f the tor­
“ Th e tiny engine is> driven by
compressed air, which is compressed
to a high degree, and it rotates the
propellers whereby the projectile is
carried through the water. * * *
Th e immersion or balance chamber
provides the means o f maintaining
the depth at which tho torpedo
shall travel through the water after
being launched. * • • In the en­
gine chamber there is also the de­
vice for keeping the projectile to its
designed path during its travel.
This is achieved by means o f a gyro­
scope. * * * Th e buoyancy cham­
ber, which is placed a ft o f the en­
gine chamber, ia virtually a vacu­
um. * • * W ithout this chamber
the torpedo would sink.”
Tho propellers and ruddera are
astern and outside the torpedo’s
Th e twenty-one inch Whitehead
torpedo carries a bursting charge of
330 pounds of guncotton and has a
maximum range o f 11,000 yards or
6Vi miles. A t this range it has a
speed o f thirty knots. A t a Tange
o f 7,000 yards or about four miles
it travels at forty-five knots.
with the governmeut. I f he lives a
decent life this money is returned
to him at the end o f two years. I f
he makes trouble the money is con­
fiscated and he fit deported.
Tho Bottor Lot.
“ L e t ’s give that motion picture
star an interest in the business,”
said the film manager.
“ L e t’s give her the whole busi­
ness,” replied tho partner, "under
agreement that we are to have rea­
sonable compensation.
Then she
can owe herself her enormous sal­
ary.” — Washington Star.
Wh*re Rain I* Scarce.
A certain congressman in discus­
sing tho long droughts that some­
times afflict his state tells this story:
“ One day some one asked an old
farmer, ‘ How would you like to see
it rain Y ‘I don’ t care about it my­
self,’ said the old man, ‘but I ’ ve got
a boy six years old who would like
to see it rain.’ ”
A m .irk here indicates that
your su Ascription ia delinquent.
Please c all and fix it.
Post Office Time Card
Office h o u r«: D a ily , t*o etp t&&T»
day, 8 a.on. to £.30 p.m,
M a il a rrives, from
The Word '‘ Rubaiyat."
The word ‘’Rubaiyat” is the plural of
"ruba’i,” meaning quatrain, and the
plural is used to denote a collection of
The form has a verse
scheme ot its own and is tbe distinc­
tive and most ancient Persian meter.
It Is said to have been invented by
Rudagl, the earliest o f the great ■Per­
sian poets.
Nearly all the Persian
poets Include Rubaiyat among their
works. Edward FitzGerald made it an
English form.
I t is evident that Dickens’ char­
acters were alive to him as well as
to hia readers and that he moved
them on and off the board with
sympathy and consideration.
“ 1 can never forgive you, Mr,
Dickens,” a lady once said to him,
Money Panic.
“ fo r tho death o f L ittle N ell in ‘ The
"W h at was tbe worst money panic
Old Curiosity Shop.’ ”
you ever saw?" asked one financier of
"Surely,” he replied, “ you would another.
not havo liked her to marry a butch­
•’The wost mouey panic 1 ever saw."
was tbe reply, “ was when a fifty cent
er otr a baker.”
Commercial Complexities.
Noti :e to News
piece rolled under tho seat o f a street
car and seven different women claim­
ed i t ” —Exchange.
Shrewd Woman.
“ I am encouraging my husband to
buy an automobile."
“ They cost an awful lo t "
“That’s Just I t I f he pays $2,500
for the kind he wants he won’t be able
to pxeach economy to me for quite
awhile."— Boston Transport
Snubbing Science.
“ I hear old Smudge’s doctors have
given him up."
"Yes; be is getting well In the nat­
ural way.” -Baltim ore American.
Salem 0.00 a.m ., 6:15 p.m.
D a lla s, 9:00 A . M., 6:15 P. M.
P o rtla n d via Gerlinger, train 102
11:55 at. m.
Black Flock, 1:30 P. M.
M ail closes fo r:
8.50-A.M., 1 P.M. and 5-30
P. M.
Salem ,
Dallas, 8:50 A . M. and5:30P. M.
Portland via Gerlinger train 102
1 p. m.
Black Rock, 1 A. M .
M ail Order and Postal Savings
window closes at 6 P. M.
S unday O nly
Office hours: 9:30 to 10:80 a.m:
M ail arrives from Salem , 9:00
a m.
M ail closes for Salem , 8:50 a. m.
General D elive ry W indow Opeu
From 9 30 to 10:30 A. M.
E ffective March 11, 1917.
I r a C. M e h r l in g , Postmaster
Extra copies of T h e News are
printed each week, and w ill be sent
to any address desired, jw etpaid,
for 5 cents per copy.
She’s a Believer.
“ Do you believe in heredity?”
Correspondent* wanted in e w ry
“ I certainly do. All my children got
in this section of toe
all their bad traits from their father’s
side."—Detroit Free Press.
o f y » «n