'J k * t k * * ) , * * ■ - K | " , i I . FALLS eiTY NEWS LABOR VERSUS POLITICS. 7 FALLS' CITY. OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1917 VOL. XIII LAWS THAT MAM CRIMINALS. The idiocy o f tome o f the freak legislation foisted on the people o f different stateg cause» great sutTering and crime. Frees reports say that in an eastern state a garment maker who had contracted what was claimed to be tuberculosis was barred from working at his trade. He had a family and six chil­ dren and the edict o f the board o f health cut him out from all chance o f earning u livelihood. The mother tried by all kind o f Vork and hardship to support the childrer and the father who was debarred from supporting them. The state that enated this law and the board o f health that en­ forced it against the bread win­ ner did nothing to help the family, Finally in the blind desperation o f motherlove the woman stole food for her suffering children and waH arrested and put in jail. The fumily had been industrial­ ly annihilated by law and the de­ cree o f the state medical board but the man grew well and strong. The man was humiliated, the innocent children suffered, and the mother driven to crime by a law that made no provision for the results o f its enforcem ent These half-l>aked laws do more harm than good, producing crime and pauperization and the com­ mon sense o f the judge refused to send the mother to prison. Laws that interfere with a person making a living at any honest industry should provide for those who suffer from such laws. The Labor Clarion of San Fran­ cisco does not believe in the great variety o f compulsory labor legis­ lation. “ The faddists who are at the present time advocating all sorts o f compulsion for the workers, such as compulsory ar- britration, compulsory sickness insurance, compulsory military training, etc., as a general rule, know that they are not to be caught up in the clutches o f the law they so vigorously advocate. ” The above quotation is signific­ ant because it is from one o f the most radical and progressive organs of unionism. The professional politician who advocates all kinds o f compulsory labor laws not only injures indus­ tries, but injures the cause o f labor. The political reform er sees a chance to buy votes by advocat­ ing some form o f compulsory labor legislation and he put through a new law. Those who toil are “ caught up in the clutches o f the law ,” and the politican who put it over is looking for new bait for vote catching. STRAIGHT TALK. It is all very well for certain zealous citizens to keep their pa- riotism at a high temperature, but they ought not to permit the pot to boil over. W e have no use for ihe jingo or the fireband, but the most contemptible o f all these patriots-on-parade is the fellow who openly questions the loyalty o f all those who do not happen to be shouting their patriotism from the house tops. We mean the fellow who would measure measure a a » picion suspicion and an attempt has been made to create the im­ pression that they are involved in an intrigue against the gov­ ernment. The only basis for this insidious accusation is that they happen to be o f German birth and expressed personal sympathy with the German cause at the outbreak o f the war and prior to th<* trouble now brewing between the two countries. All o f which was plausible at that time, and in no sense should reflect upon the genuine Americanism o f these men when the real test comes. We hold no brief for the men who have been maligned. They need none, for their public and private records as leading citizens o f the commonwealth speak for themselves. Appreciating t h e ties that bind them to the father- land, we have only the most pro­ found sympathy for the suffering that they must naturally exper­ ience. To censure them now is criminal. For when the real time does come, we look to see every man o f them step to the front, and by their deeds o f de­ votion to the country o f their adoption, put to shame the ex - 1 elusive school o f ultra-patriots who dare to point the finger o f suspicion at them now. It! the meanwhile, those who persist in prematurely judging the patriotism o f others, and who would scatter broadcast the seeds o f their own evil suspicions, con­ vict themselves o f being on a par with traitors. They are undesir­ able citizens themselves and will prove a curse to any community that countenances their pernic­ ious activities. We cannot afford to tolerate the character assassins any longer. Bad blood is brewing about the city, and it is high time that the dirty tactics be abandon­ ed. Goodwin’s Weekly. INGERSOLL’S POLITICAL MAXIMS. Nobility is a question o f char­ acter, not o f birth. To be self-respecting we must be self-supporting. He loves his country best who strives to make it best. He who commends the brutal­ ities o f the past, sows the seed o f future crime. To the well developed, to the strong, life seems rich, obstacles small, and success easy. Hope is the almost universal liar who has never lost his repu­ tation for veracity. Justice should remove the Sandage from her eyes long enough to distinguish between the vicious and the unfortunate. When perfectly civilized one o f the necessities o f man’ s life will be, that the lives o f others shall be o f some value to them. Liberty is the air o f the soul, the sunshine o f life. Without it the world is a prison and the uni­ verse an infinite dungeon. A man should allow himself to grow, to bud, to blossom and bear fruit, and not be satisfied with the rotten apples under the tree. A politician is a man who wants his country to do something for him ; a patriot is one who wants to do something for his country. Courage without conscience is a wild beast. Patriotism without principle is the prejudice o f birth, the animal attachment for place man’s patriotism by the amount o f noise he makes. ‘My gracious!” exclaimed the An acute situation has arisen beautiful creature as she rushed in this community that threatens past at terrible speed. “ Don’t to create extreme dissention and detain me! I ’m going to the doctor do gross injustice unless the vie- j to be vaccinated! Brother Willie ious propaganda is promptly has adenoids, and I don’t want to stamped o u t A goodly number get them. I ’ve tried all my life o f our best citizens have been to keep from being exposed to made the victims o f sinister sus-1 them. SHALL WE SAVE OR INVEST. RAILROAD SITUATION IS NOW LARGELY UP TO CONGRESS What caused the war in Eu­ rope? In the last analysis this: France rented money, while Ger­ many made money work. The French are the money lend­ ers o f the world. They save and lease their savings at low rentals (interest) to those who know d how to use it. The Germans also save. But instead o f lending their money, renting it, they make it perform to its full earning power. The Germans took their savings and backed each other in industry. Having bought out Mr. Brentner’ s Jean, the Frenchman, bought “Unification of Regulation !a Eoeantial." A Complete, Harmonious, Coneietent a bond—he rented his money. and Rotated System Needed— Federal Harts, the German bought a stock I have established a bargain Incorporation of Railroad» by Gener­ share o f stock—and made his al Law Favored. money work for him Washington, March 2fl.—Responslbll- section of various items and rem­ And so France stood still with Ity for tbe railway development o f the an income that gave her a living country, for providing necesaary trans­ and nothing more. Germany portation facilities to care for tbe grow­ nants. went ahead by leaps and bounds, ing business and population o f tbe her expanding industry absorb­ country, now rests largely with con­ gress and not entirely wltb tbe rail­ Call in and inspect, you will find ing world trade until sh^became road managers. This was tbe state­ a menace to those o f other nations ment o f Judge Robert 8. Lovett, chair­ man o f tbe executive committee o f tbo who make their money work. some excellent values. Union Pacific system, to tbe K e w ’ands The clash—regardless of how joint congressional committee when it started in the present instance that body resumed Its inquiry Into the subject of railroad regulation tbia — was bound to come. week. There is meat in this thought In making this statement o f the for all o f us. In spite o f the changed condlUons o f tbe railroad sit­ prominence which Wall Street uation Judge Lovett undoubtedly bad In mind tbe decision o f the supreme gains on the front pages, the court on the Adamson law, handed great mass o f American savers down last week, which establishes tbe are money renters not investors. right o f the federal government to flx railroad wages and to prevent strikes. They rent their money to savings This decision is regarded by railroad institutions at low interest. They men and lawyers as marking an epoch In tbe development o f transportation are ultra-conservative. • In tbe United States. A recent book is causing ani­ "W e have our share o f responsibil­ “ Meeting and Beating Competition” . mated discussion in financial cir­ ity," said Judge Lovett, “ but It rests primarily on cougress. When tbe gov- cles. It is written by H. L. Bar­ 1 crument regulates the rates and tbe ber. u Chicago financial expert, Inanclal administration o f the rail­ and it is called: “ Making Money roads, the borrowing o f money and tbe Issuance of securities it relieves tbe Make Money.” rstlroad officers o f tbe res|>onslbllity of In this volume the writer has providing uiid developing transporta­ called attention to the rapid con­ tion systems, except within tbe limits WE S E L L T H E BEST o f the revenue that can bo realized from centration o f wealth in a few such rates uud under such restrictions. hands. I maintain the theory “ For a country such us ours, for a that this wealth could be largely people situated as wo are. to blunder aioug with a series of unrelated, incon­ distributed if the public could be sistent, conflicting statutes enacted by Today, tomorrow, or next week you taught to invest its savings. different states without relation to each other. Instead o f providing a com­ will find the best that can be bought In other words, the average plete and carefully studied and pre­ at any time or any place. American saver rents his money pared system o f regulation for a busi­ to those who know how to make ness that Is so vital to the life o f the SHOES AND LOG G ERS S U PP LIES it work, and who have the cour­ uation, la worse than folly." lie summed up tbe present problems age to make it work. Those who and difficulties o f tbe railroads as fol­ Prices as low as consistent with have this knowledge are the few lows: first-class merchandise. First.—Tbe multiplicity o f regula­ who are gathering all the wealth. tions by tbe several states with respect The money lessors are struggling to tbe issue o f securities. Involving de­ to a competance through bitter lays and conflicting state policies gen­ erally dangerous and possibly disas­ years o f penurious sacrifice. trous. The whole flow o f financial ad­ Second.—The state regulation of vice given to savers is toward rates in such a manner as to unduly this ultra-conservatism, this sy­ reduce revenues, to discriminate In fa­ vor o f localities and shippers within stem o f renting out, wings. The its own borders as against localities ones who do not heeti this advice and shippers In other states and to dls turb and disarrange the structure o f are the richest men in the land. < Interstate rates. When E. H. Harriman died his Third.—The inability o f the Inter­ strong boxes were found to con­ state Commerce Commission, whoever the commissioners may be, to perform Mark out your route before you start Have tain many shares o f worthless the vast duties devolving upon It un­ an object in wo ^ ^ m l earning, saving. A busi­ stock. But those investments der existing laws, resulting In delay— ness for yourself, l^ W fe , a home, an education, which had been winners made which should never occur In commer­ cial matters—and compelling the com­ a pleasant trip. Have a fixed idea, an end to be the losses trival by comparison. missioners to accept the conclusions of J. Pierpont Morgan left behind their employees as final in deciding accomplished, and a check account with this bank. him plenty o f “ undigested securi­ matters o f great Importance to tbe The man with a Bank Account and a Destination commercial aud railroad interests of ties. is pretty sure to Arrive. These men were investors, the country. Fourth.—The practical legality that who make money do work. They make their mistakes. But their has been accorded conspiracies to tie eggs were never all in one basket. up and suspend the operation o f tbe railroads o f tbe country by strikes and When they lost they lost moder­ violence and the absence o f any law ately. When they won they won to compel the settlement of such dis­ big. putes by arbitration or other judicial Tony with the pushcart invests means, as all otfier issues between citi­ $10 in stock and makes this in­ zens in civilised states are to be set­ W e used to worry when people vestment earn 25 per cent a day. tled. and obligations to tbe public and the Fifth.—Tha phenomenal lncreaae In But even this concrete example government, so that every Investor will said something unkind about us. o f the earning power o f money tbe taxation o f railroads In recent know precisely what every railroad Now we worry when they don’t corporation may and may not lawfullv fails to teach him the lesson. He years. for then w e’re afraid w e’ve not Sixth.—The cumulative effect of deposits these earnings in a sav­ these conditions upou the Investing do." done the right thing. Judge Lovett contended that the so­ ings bank and gets 4 per cent in­ public, to which railroad companies terest on them, while those who must look for tbe capital necessary to lution o f these problems and difficul­ ties rested with congress. He told the invested in the saving bank’s continue development. committee that under the constitution Now that we must fight Ger­ stock are receiving from 20 to 40 “ W e believe tbut the unification of the authority o f the federal govern­ many let us do so with a free hand regulation Is essential," said Judge per cent profits on their money. ment Is paramount, that consress has When Tony accumulates $1,000 Lovett, "and that with the rapid in­ the power to legislate for a centralized and not take up the family quar­ he takes it back with him to the crease o f state commissions In recent control o f railroads under federal char­ rels o f European countries. Pres­ old country. I f he had learned years congress will in time be com­ ters and that It only remains for that ident Wilson says that we have pelled to exercise its power in tlle I body to exercise that power to make money work he would be premises. To unify regulation there been badly t r e a t d M f a ^ M here still getting rich. should be a complete, harmonious, con­ seas, which < The moral is this: Don’ t rent sistent and related system. We be- your money. Be conservative in , lleve the best. If not the only practical W hat has become o f Mr. High entirely! your investments, but invest. plan, is the federal Incorporation of C o st o f Living. He must have The A i Have faith in your fellow men. railroad« by general law, whtcfc -frill shirk their thereunder com- SMie back to visit his w ife's rela- Back their brains and your own ma ka^taAorporn t ion tl country, but do i pulso#^ Pfroa 1 m lread t m , for we have not heard a K •H *n l judgment. Don’ t have your eggs ut fhe United Ci __ _ th in g about him, aside of course o f going to the companies fl^roui all in one basket. Make your States tbe rate powi savings work for you. and you restrlcl from the agonised groans o f the to take a hand in a w a r o f th e t to the! U are headed toward wealth. m s i l i # lava • people w ho h av e to pay his trib u te . other fellows choosing. 1 cU l optrei the game duties BARGAINS! BARGAINS! Musi Share Responsibility I F uture Development. ROBERT S. LOVETFS VIEWS .4 SELIG’S, Cash Price Store, GROCERIES FALLS CITY LOGGING & LUMBER CO. HAVE A D ES TIN A TIO N BANK OF FALLS CITY. 3 3 t ........