Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, December 30, 1916, Image 1

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Community Christmas
Tree Draws
Excellent Program Rendered.
School Children,
Christian Church and Others Assist in Making
the Entertainment a Success
It It Es llm ittd That There Wart Mora Than 70 0 Peeple tn A H tn d tn o t.
Young and Old Nava a Oood Tima
Did you attend the Community
Christmas tree?
I f you did not
you missed a treat.
’ ’ Peace on
Kurth, Good Will Toward Men,”
was written in
language upon the fa c t« o f those
Saint and sinner felt
that it was a‘ ‘community tree” in
Spirit ana in truth. The Baptist,
the Catholic, the Methodist, the
Christian the Adventist, and oVen
the "blundering" editor o f the
Nows, could all join in saying: " I t
’ is "our Christmas tree.”
The program rendered by the
school was exceptionally good. It
required much time, itatience and
l>ereevcrence to train the young­
sters to give such u credible |>er-
formance. The Christian Church
members had planned to have a
tree at their church, but joined
movement for a community tree
as did many o f the members o f
other churches.
All acquitted
themselves in a very satisfactory
The coming of Santa Clause
was heralded with delight and the
distribution of the presents wus no
small job. Soon the hum of voices
from all parts of the hall rendered
it difficult to hear the names called
and it is likely that some were
missed in that way.
The crowd was greater than
the committvuJuRwwaUai and the
presents run short at the last. It
is estimated that more than 700
assembled, quite conclusive evi­
dence that a majority were in
happy accord with the movement.
Reports gleaned from different
parts o f the country indicates that
the "community” spirit has been
manifested this year to a greater
degree than usual.
The idea to
create a community interest and
good feeling in matters o f common
interest is too often neglected to
the detriment o f the town.
the trial, the statements that the
' wine was manufactured for per­
sonal use.
To limit the right o f a man to
go hell crosslots is not within
the power o f the sta te." Judge
Court Hoids That Liquor import McGinn said. " I f he attempts
to send his neighbor to hell cross­
Limit Is UnoonitHutiouol
lots. that is the state's affair.
MeCItiii Supports Two Points Made
by Attorney M. 6. Montrozia.
H Dooision Stands, Prohibition Law
and Bono Dry Amendment
Limitation o f the amount o f
liquor a man may import is an
interference with his constitu­
tional right "t o go to hell cross­
lo ts," and therefore illegal, Cir­
cuit Judge McGinn ruled this
morning. He also upheld the
right o f a man to manufacture
wine for his own use, without
interference from the authorities.
The questions arose in the suit
o f Mario G. Montrezza. attorney
for A. J/ma, for an injunction
restraining the district attorney,
the sheriff and the police from
invading Lim a’s home in search
o f wine he and his fam ily mède
from grapes. For the purpose
o f a demurrer, Deputy District
Attorney Murphy, for the state,
admitted Lima made the wine for
his owt » use and that the state
intended to search his home.
Judge McGinn refused t 9 grant
1 „¿he injunction, but he overruled
demurrer. The injunction
not granted because Murphy
for the state Lima
; be interfered with until
could be heard on its
Murphy will contest, on
In some trades wages have ad­
vanced more than the coat o f liv­
ing, which is placed at 16 per
cent. It is doubtful, however, if
the average income of all workers
has risen more than ten per cent,
and therefore the condition of the
wage earners is not as good as it
was at the loginning o f 1916.
In a statement made after he
returned his decision, Judge Mc­
Ginn explained that it meant
simply this:
‘ T h e state has no right to in­
terfere with a man’s importation
or manufacture o f liquor for his
own consumption."
"B u t,” he added, " it must be
understood that it must be con­
clusively shown the liquor is for
liis own consumption."
The state probably will appeal
from the decision. I f it were
sustained, the bone dry amend­
ment and the present prohibition
law, insofar as it limits the
monthly importations o f liquor,
would be knocked out."
We didn’t think LIoyd-George
would accept the peace proposal.
The Welshman is a game fighter,
and he prefers to fight to a finish.
In brief the position is as follows:
Germany has won the war militar­
ily up to now, England believes
further fighting will favor her
side, therefore is unwilling to
forego the effort.
Start the New Year paid up.
Restrictions on trade continues
to harm our commerce hut we
have no merchant marine.
Secretary Baker has received
$8,500,000 for the relief o f families
dependent upon the men upon the
President Wilson’s manoeuvre
asking for an early avowal o f the
terms upon which the beligerent
nations will conclude the present i
war came as a distinct surprise,
_ The president makes it plain
that he is not proposing peace or
offering mediation. He is seek­
ing light upon what constitutes
(!arranza appears not to be in-' reparation, restitution and guar-
clined to assume obligations. He rantees, which are said to be the
w on ! agree to anything—not even requisites o f peace.
a disagreement.
1 1 What the world wants to know
is whether the nations are now
The fact that Great Britain had continuing their struggle for
bought from the Roumanians the selfish purposes, even if they be-
wheat which the Teutons captur- gan it through high motives. A
ed will make some sweet bread.
war for indemnity, territory or
vindictive revenge is not to be
Carranza has not signed the endured without thé-knowledge
agreement o f the conference be­ o f its existence.'
The president in asking the
tween our commissioners and his
to say just what will
own at Philadelphia. Maybe the
end the war makes 1
old gentleman thinks we ought tft
any o f them to
pacify the country for him.
continue the war unjustly. None
o f them will dare to say " I fight
The hopes o f the Entente were
for money, I ask for booty. I
very high when Roumania enter­
seek to s tea l." N ot saving this
ed the war and the morale of the
they must say what they intend
Allies has been severely shaken
by the brilliant success o f Macken-
The truth is that this latest
sen and Falkenhayn.
move will not only clarify the sit­
uation, hut, in doing so, it will
Despite our great prosperity fin-
a reasonable agreement
ancial circles are scrutinizing loan, mucf, more probable. „Wjiile the,
collateral closely and some of the ^j|jeg would’ not acbept G e r-( '
larger New \ork banks are de- many's terms the act o f the pres
manding interest above the quoted idpnj[ may c a iw the_ t o K |ay
No. 18
20-pounds good Jap rice $1.
Small sizes in overcoats worth $16 in order to
close them out have made a special price o f $5.
Mens wool Mackinaw coats, regular $8.50, special
price $6.95.
Good reliable merchandise will rule high this
coming year and we suggest that you anticipate
your requirements. Prices will rule especially high
in all leather shoes. As an instance, Dr. Edisons
cushion insole shoe is being advertised in leading
magazines at $6. Our present stock o f this identical
shoe will still be sold at old price o f $4.50.
Again we say supply your needs.
SELIG’i Cash Price Store,
“ Meeting and Beating Competition’ *.
Id o not question the police
power o f the state to prevent
the rafo nn industrial loans.
j ’________ _________ *___ i__»
down conditions precedent which
■v I * * *
sale o f liquor, or its manufacture
Germany will be glad to accept.
for the purposes o f sale. Because
While you are getting "right
o f the crime, because o f the de­
with God” it would alsp be.a good i
gradation, because o f the poverty
idea to get right w rth ^ trt*
which has resulted from liquor
e editor with a propensity
man, inasmuch as most o f us are
the state may stamp it out.
declares that there is
better acquainted with our feUpw
"O u r prohibition law was aim­
in modern wars
man than W f i£ e wjth
ed at the saloon. The state has
for Germany’ s action— "an unde­
unquestionably the power to re­
feated beligerent asking her
It begins to look like the high
gulate liquor traffic. But there
adversaries to meet her and dis­
are certain constitutional guaran­ tide o f the war will come in 1917. cuss un formulated
tees which no law may stamp We predict a general effort on the peace." There is no need o f
out. A law may regulate a man’ s part o f the Allies to break the precedent; the necessity never
acts where they affect his neigh­ German line in the west. I f this existed before the occasion, and
bor, but it cannot say what he fails—but the Allies say it will not any act which ends the war will
shall do with his body and his fail.
be approved by almost everyone.
soul and his mind. A higher
Presuming, as we have done.
Canada shows her littleness in
power than that o f the law gave
th4t4hA German peace offer is
the man his mind and his body. barring the moving picture films rejected, what will be its effect
Some day that power will exact of the Hearst company. This fol­ ujjon the.ju dgem ent o f history
an accounting for the use he has lows the expulsion o f his news as- ufloh the warring nations?
made o f his body. But that is 1 «ociation from England, and the the Central Powers, speaking j
not the province o f the la w ."
exclusion o f his papers in all Al- from the
o f terms are not materially bettered o f the mills haYe been larger.
Judge McGinn attacked the lied territories.
strength J ' have the offer reject- j through the fighting o f the Allied
W hatever Increase there are in
proposed interference with Lima
ed, and continue • to hold their troops, i f hi the end the’ offer is production costs are usually ex-
The editor of the New York own on the battlefield, their offer shown to have come from an un­
as a feature o f "an inquisitorial
presed in percentages, which are
la w ." The proper proceeding, Evening Journal is reported to be at this time will render ju dge­ defeated a n d
uncOnquetable apt to be misleading.
An in­
he said, would have been in a a millionaire. He got it through ment absolute upon the fact that enemy, the world may well a f­ crease o f 25 per cent in wages or
the salary route and wise invest­ their enemies, and not thenCare ford to give credit where credit 100 per cent in the price o f dyes
criminal court.
"B u t this is admitted to be an ments in real estate. I f all our responsible for whatever misery is due.
does not mean very much when
attempt to invade Lim a’s home,” |subscribers would pay up w e’d may follow from this time.
translated into additional cost
he continued. "Th is is an equity be in the same class ourselves,
l^egardless o f who started the
r / e >,rd
fln',h,?d f* brJ c
proceeding, bnt I will grant re- although a far ways from the war there is- one alliance ready j ARE HIGH PRICES SPEOlUm VET fTh
same is true o f the higher
lief. The state is not going to thought o f a million,
to end it. I f this offer is based | There seems to be considerable prices being paid for raw ma­
interfere with a man’ 8 hom e."
on weakness, being actuated difference o f opinion as to wheth terials.
The case was brought primarily
Dispatches state that Germany through a desire to talk terms er or not the high prices iir vogue
There is evidence, however,
to test the right o f a man to man j ¡a preparing for new commercial while at the height o f success, are really speculative.
that quite a bit o f the advances
ufacture wine for his own con- undertakings as soon as war is no credit can ever be given Ger­ manufactures are conceding that in various textile goods is due to
sumption. The question o f im- over. Several o f the largest ship many and her allies for asking the advance in production costs an overdemand, which has caus­
portation was not involved in the'ow ning companies have amalga- their enemies to discuss peace. has not been sidpnent to account ed mills and their agents to raise
case, but Judge McGinn extend- mated. New shipyards are under The end o f the strife at this time for the rise in p ic e o f the finish­ the prices on goods when they
cd his decision to include it. H e ; construction and something new will undoubtedly be a German ed product W ie proof of this, could not supply them. It was
cited an Arizona case in support ¡R ocean greyhounds is being victory: no one denies this. in the opinio* o f an authority, is
o f his contention.
promised for the end o f the war. . Nevertheless, if in the end the in the fact that the net earnings
(Concluded on page 4)