ti <4*W 4, r a t VOL. XIII FALLS ÉITY NEWS CHRISTMAS ‘ Wl»lIn the •ti«f»ti#fno d o w n A n d g i r i » ) at * -. t i r « i n t u i i " FALLS CITY, OREGON, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 23, 191« Beligerent Asked To Discuss Peace The President Sends Notes to All the Natlous at War Asking That “THE BIG STICK” No. 17 a thing, yet he ha« that power under the Smith bill. Safeguard la Rojactad. Sanate By Pa?ty Vnte Paaeaa Bill to To guard against abuse of ex­ Permit Shelving of Judg«» ecutive power, Senator Suther­ A land, of Utah, offered an amend­ ment which would have permit­ ted the President to retire a Fed­ eral Judge only when the Chief Executive Can, if ao Inclined, Placa Justice of the Supreme Court cer­ Litigation In Manda of Juriata tified to his unfitness or disabil­ Who Will Do HIs Bidding ity. This would have taken from the President the right arbitrar­ Washington, Dec. 19.—The ily to hold that any judge was first hill to he passed by the Sen­ disqualified, as he can do under ate at this session was one which the bill. The Sutherland amend­ gives the President arbitrary ment was voted down by a Btrict power to appoint from 17 to 20 party vote, save that Senator La- Federal Judges, at salaries of Follette voted with the Demo­ $7500 a year each. It adds to the crats. T h e Oregon Senators Federal payroll a maximum of voted with their party to give the President full power over Federal $160,000 a year. This legislation, though couch­ Judges. Senator LaFollette, who refus­ ed in general terms, was drawn to enable President Wilson to ed to come to the aid of Mr. shelve several Federal Judges, Hughes in the late campaign, be­ unpopular with Democratic Sen­ cause he said that to speak for ators, who have refused to retire, Hughes would be to throw away though eligible for retirement. every Democratic vote he other­ One is in Georgia, and the addi­ wise would get, is evidently go­ tional judgeship bill was drawn ing to "tote fair” with the Demo- and pushed by Senator Hoke crats who did support him, He is starting out as the lone Repub­ Smith, of that state. lican in the Senate to array him­ Republicans Oppose Measure. self with the Democrats on strict­ It was the contention of Re­ ly party legislation. But no one publican Senators that the legis­ can doubt how LaFollette would lation, in the first instance, is not ' have voted five or six years ago necessary. Democrats support- j had President Taft asked Con­ ing the bill contended that some gress to give him the unrestrict­ Federal Judges are now over­ ed power to appoint 20 additional burdened and need relief. The judges and to remove other answer was that where a judge judges at will. has more work than he can do, GIVES PRESIDENT FR IE HARD This is the season of the year They Submit Terms of Peaee. when the genial spirit of man Mediation Is Not Off red.. flood should be made manifest. The May Result birth of a Savior, his sublime teachings, his example and his crucifixion should have a mellow - Washington. Dec. 29.—Presi- ing influence, removing lli<* petty Wilson has appealed to the spite and vindictive feeling you beligerents to discuss terms of may cherish against your fellow- peace. man. All have an e activity of the powers of nature, cerned, and he confidentally grown beyond the capacity of a at failure of the War Department and the gods, who were originally hopes for a response which will j single judge. to take any action upon his for­ Notwithstanding the fact that merely the symbolical personifica­ bring a new light into the affairs investigation in the event of a employment has been all to the there are today five judges doing mer request to withdraw from controversy is not to the liking of detriment of the principle.” tion of the«?. In more northerly of the world. ” nothing but detail duty, and the border Troop A, Oregon Cav­ labor unions. The right to strike countries, this fact must have It is beginning to develop that This latest development in the others who have leisure, the alry, and Battery A, Oregon Field is the only defensive weapons they made itself particularly palpable- Wilson’s old antipathy for labor Artillery, Governor Withycombe hence the Colts and Ormans, rapidly moving world events to­ Democrats, bent on creating ad­ have and to deprive them the use unions is breaking out in an ag­ jammedetoday forwarded a telegram to of this is the blow that "killed gravated form. from the oldest times, celebrated ward a discussion of peace was ditional judgeships, bill. The Newton G. Baker. Secretary of not permitted to become known through the Smith the season with great festivities. daddy.’’ To deprive a man the right to At the winter-solstice the Ger­ until tonight when the notes were President, wishing to prevent a War, urging prompt measures in Samuel Gompers, president of quit work when he believes his connection with those troops and mans held their great yule-feast, well on their way to the Amer­ certain case from boing tried be­ asking that they be returned to the American Federation of Labor, inetrests were not conserved ican ambassadors in the belliger­ fore the judge before whom it in commemoration of the return of * their homes from Calexico by who played such an important would be to bring about enslaving the firey sun-wheel; and believed ent capitals and probably already naturally would be heard, may part in the Wilson campaign says conditions that the American appoint a new judge, and thus New Year’s at the latest. that during the twelve nights in the hands of some of them. that he will fight against such leg­ worker will not tolerate even The executive wrote to Secre­ reaching from the 25th of Decem­ British embassy officials de­ sidetrack the judge in question. islation with as much vigor as he though his refusal should bring tary Baker on December 1, but Power Could Be Abused. ber to the 6th of January they clared they were utterly taken by fought for the passage of the about a revolution. has received no reply to his re­ could trace the personal move­ surprise, were wholly unable to What is more, the President, Adamson Law. He says: quest for removal of the troops. ments and interferences on earth explain it, and were emphatic in by boldly abusing the power re­ "It took four years of sanguin­ In his telegram he said: of their great deities, Odin, Berch- their statement that no exchanges posed in him by the Smith bill, ary war costing hundreds of Form er President T a ft "Receiving no answer to my ta, etc. But the church sought to whatever had passed through the can in effect retire any judge thousands of lives and untold combat and banish-and to a embassy here as a preliminary, over 70 years old, regardless of letter, dated December 1, re­ treasure to reverse the "Dred M a k e s W ar Prediction large extent was successful—the The wish and hope of the Ger- his qualifications and his ability questing withdrawal of Oregon Scott” case. It is my purpose to troops now held in Southern Cal­ Fall River, Mass., Dec. 21.— deep-rooted heathen feeling by man powers that President Wil- to serve, if he (again the Pres­ ifornia, and being besieged with prevent another such a revolu­ William Howard Taft, speaking adding-for the purification of the son would intercede in some w ay ident) is willing to say that the inquiries concerning them, I ven­ tion.” heathen customs and feasts, has long been known and has judge has been rendered incom­ ” 1 understand the intent of the for the League to Enforce Peace ture again to query you as to Hence also originated, at a later conveyed in different ways to the petent by age, illness or other suggestion. It is to stay the men here yesterday, piedicted that if what action is proposed, Cannot period, the Christmas-tree adorn- White House. The attitude of cause. It is a vast power; one from acting in concert until a the machinery of war continues they be returned before the new ed with lights and gifts, the cus- the entente allies as expressed bv that could be abused, and one that commission has made its investi­ to grow, the next conflict will year? tom of reciprocal presents. Thus, their statesmen and certainly un- would enable a President, if so gation. In the mean time a con­ find the United States a partici­ "They have done their duty Christmas became a universal til recently in official advice to inclined, to shape decisions of the certed quitting of work would be and made big sacrifices. Citizen social festival for young and old, the American government has Federal courts. That this power unlawful and punishable. Invol­ pant. soldiers, intended for emergen- "All nations, when the curtain high and low as no other Christian been that a peace offer by the would be exercised hy a Presi: . . , , . . o cies only, should not be made to untary service can not be enforc­ falls upon the terrible panorama United States would be consider­ dent was not charged in the Sen- a f , . festival could have. ... . , 7 . suffer because regu ar Army is ed under the Constitution of the of strife and bloodshed on the ed almost the next thing to un­ ate debates, but the possibility . . , . is there inadequate to cope with situation. ITnited States. friendly. "You may make strikes illegal European battle fields, will be . Such treatment will underline Ban an Sm oking at AH that, however, was before To illustrate, when the Adam- possibility, of enlistment ih future and may make them criminal, but looking to us, " h e said. "They you'are not going to avert strikes will look to us to prevent a repe­ M c M in n villa C o lla g a ! t*1G ^ erman a^'es ° f their own ac son railroad law was taken into emergencies." - 1 cord brought forward their pro­ court, had the Smith bill been in ^ __ when strikes are necessary in tition of the terrible catastrophe order to express the needs of that has shocked the world and Smoking by the students will posals for discussions of peace- effect the President would have not be tolerated at McMinnville President Wilson specifically say«| had it in his power to appoint a Wilson And Labor America’s workers for a higher all but prostrated nations. This college, either on the campus or in the notes he is somewhat em­ Federal Judge before whom that and better consideration of their places a trust upon us. It is a elsewhere, according to an edict barrassed in making the sugges­ case was to be heard whose views President Wilson’s plan of pre­ rights. The experience of coun­ trust to help if we can. the less of the college authorities. Stu­ tion at this particular time "be­ he knew in advance. He could venting strikes is not meeting with tries who have tried compulsory fortunate brother. "If the machinery of war con­ dents who do not wish to con­ cause it may now seem to have have so made the appointment the approval of the labor unions arbitration and the enforcement form to the wishes of the faculty 1 been prompted by a desire to play that the case would have to go that were responsible for his re- of compulsory award, and the ex­ tinues to enlarge and grow more in the matter of smoking have a part in connection with the re- before the judge of hia selection. election. The idea of forcing men perience of countries in which terrible, the next war as Pres­ been asked not to return a fte r, cent overtures of the central It is not charged that the Pres­ to continue in the employ of a compulsory investigation and a ident Woodrow Wilson has said, ident would do so extraordinary company pending a government stay of the workers from their will be a war with no neutrals. the holidays. 'powers.’’ MERRY CHRISTMAS ANDA HAPPY NEW YEAR To You One and AIL SELIG’S, Cash Price Store, „