Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, December 16, 1916, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    A new pen or your money
back. Our customers to
be the judge of satisfac­
tion received.
We have a good assort­
ment to choose from.
Prict $1 It $8.
Headquarter* for Candy and Cigar*
Candi«**, Tobaccos and Cigare, at
The building occupied by Ralph
Preparations are being carried
out for tlie community Christmas Adams on Dayton street caught
tree. Everyone seenui interested fire Friday about 11:30 o’clock.
and a good time is expected. Come The flames made great headway
and you will enjoy hearing the and the house was a blackened
C. 0. Johnson purchased the
shell before they could lie extin­
program to be given.
Elle home.
Lois Beard was enrolled in tin*
The fire started by the upset­
Fret! Deueltgen's children have High School register last Monday
of a can of coal oil on the
the measles.
kitchen floor. A small child of
The Sophomores are giving a
Reti Hot Drinks at Wonderly’s party Friday evening. Dec. 17 at Mrs. Adams carried the can of
oil into the room and upset it on
Talbott’s hall.
the floor, the oil running over the
floor. Coals from the stove drop­
George March moved back from
out igniting the oil and
Hoskins Tuesday.
school are, Ara Lane, Clyde Robin­ catching some clothes that were
son and Basil Cox.
hanging on a line, spread to the
Mrs. Emma Hinshawe came
Mrs. Grant, Van Den Bosch and walls and other parts of the room.
dow’n from camp Friday.
Robertson were School visitors
Mrs. Adams attempted to
the flames with a
Mrs. Throckmorton has been
Rosella Magee visited High blanket, hut finding that it was
quite ill but is improving.
beyond her control ran to the
School Friday.
Mrs. C. O. Johnson was in Port­ Falls City will celebrate Christ­ house of Fred Chapin and phoned
land Monday and Tuesday.
mas this year with a Community for help. The fire department
responded, but there was some
Mrs. A. J. Wertzberger of Salem Tree, Friday evening, December uncertainty as to where the fire
twenty-second at Wagner’s hall.
came Tuesday to visit friends.
No admission will lie charged and was at. It was at first thought
that the h o u s e of Mrs.
is invited to attend.
Mrs. Edith Brown who has been
Emma Hinsh^w was the scene of
ill with measles is able to be up.
An interesting program will be
the fire, and owing to the thick
given to which the school children
Hal Wade has bought an inter­ and towns people will contribute fog that hung over the city it
est in the Finley short order house. There will be appropriate songs was some little time before it
was located.
Mr. and Mrs. Randal Fry and and recitations, and a short play The delay caused the fire to
daughter of Dallas were visiting by the high school students. The get a good start and it was some
program is in the hands of Mrs.
friends here Saturday.
Singleton. Miss Hammond. Miss time before it could be got under
control. Some of the household
Fresh Bread, takes,Cookies,Pies Leone Chapin. Mrs. Moyer and goods were saved. The loss is
and other bakery goods, every day Mrs. Paul.
unestimateable and no insurance
at the Falls City Bakery.
Generous donations of money was carried. The house is own­
have been made by business men. ed by Joe Aufdemauer of Hebo,
Mrs. Crawford and two children lodges and fraternal organizations
from Springfield, Ore. are here on as the celebration is to be financed
a visit during the Holidays.
entirely by voluntary contribu
tions, persons wishing to help,
Mrs. Burt Harrington of Port- whom the committee has not been
and is here and will visit with able to call upon, will please com­
relatives during the Holidays.
municate with Prof. Lowe
After the program, a bag of
Miss Priscilla Otterbein who has
and nuts will be given to If good ever comw to yon, you'll have
been employed at the Persev home
to go after It
each person attending and the To die for one'a country la One, but
returned to Salem Wednesday.
tree will be large enough to hold to live for one'« country la better.
Austin L. Titus, who is selling one for every man. woman and One way to loaa your credit la to
too roucb
Pugh’s Loganberry Juice to the child. Through the kindness of have
It la uuwlse to pry too closely Into
dealers was at home a few days Mr. Ellison, the tree will be bright­ the business of n boruet.
this week.
ly lighted with innumerable tiny If you don't want to get bit keep
•away from where bitting ts going on.
R. Paul got the third finger of electric lights. The Domestic Art Tbe man who wants everything be
his left hand mashed at Powell’s classes of the High School have sees is likely In tbe end not to be able
to get wbat be needs.
camp Saturday while loading wood made five hundred sacks for the
candy and nuts.
on the shay.
Claude McGrew was injured at
Spauldings Camp Tuesday by’
falling limb, which struck him on
head and shoulder.
Mrs. A. G. Atwood -got a mes­
sage Saturday stating the death
of her father, Z. C. Colborn of
Minneapolis, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Elle left Friday
for Portland where they will make
Office hours: Daily, except Sun­ their future home. Their many
friends regret thir leaving.
day, 8 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.
Post Office Time Card
Mail arrives, from
Salem 9.00 a.m., 6:15 p.m.
Dallas, 9:00 A. M., 6:15 P. M.
Portland <fc Eugene train 101,
11:55 a. m.
Black Rock, 1:30 P. M.
Mail closes for:
Salem. 8.50 A.M.. 1 P.M. and 5.30
P. M.
Prof. H. H. Lowe and N. A
Lunde went to Dallas today to
attend the School Directors meet
ing. Business of importance is
expected to come before the meet­
An epidemic of measles has
thrust itself, uninvited upon this
community. It is the Rubeola, or
Dallas, 8:50 A. M. aud5:30P. M. red measles and is the most infec­
Eugene <fr Portland train 162, tious of all eruptive fevers.
germ is unknown. Perhaps, like
1 p. m.
Topsy, “ It jess growed up.” The
Black Rock, 11 A. M.
great danger is the complication.
Mail Order and Postal Savings
window closes at 6 P. M.
S unday O nly
Office hours: 9:30 to 10:80 a.m:
The Berean’s had their monthl.v
Mail arrives from Salem, 9:00
class meeting at the Christian
a m.
Portland & Eugene train 101, church Monday night. There was
an attendance of about fifty. The
11:55 a m.
Mail closes for Salem, 8 50 a. m.
Eugene <fc Portland train 102, 1
p. m .
Effective Oct. 20, 1915.
I ra C. M khrlino , Postillaste
News will bring
Get your butter wrappers priut-
ed at the News office.
Walter L. Tooze, Jr., Lawyer,
Dallas, Oregon.
following officers were elected:
Class President-M rs. Skeels: Vice
Pres. —E. A. LaDow; Sec. Mrs.
Robt. Wonderly; Treasurer—L. C.
Tyler; Editor Berean News—Mrs.
The following program was ren­
dered :
Reading, Mrs. Brmdley.
Monologue. Mrs. Nina Chamber-
Reading. Mrs. Paul. '
Duett, Jesse P jau I and Opal Ro­
Reading, Rebah Powers,
Reading, Mrs. Singleton.
After adjourning refreshments
were served and a good tinjie was
.Li^t week Alvin Fergpson re­
ported to the News that a double
wedding had taken place at the
Free Methodist parsonage Sun­
day December 3. That the con­
tracting parties were Rufus Fer­
guson amj Miss Ruby Magee and
Alvfh Ferguson and Mi9s Rosella
Magee and that Rev. Long of
Portland performed the cere­
mony. Since then we have learn­
ed that the statement was untrue
as only Rufus Ferguson and Miss
Ruby Magee were married. Just
why he should give such a report
we are at a loss to know. It
places the young lady in a very
unenviable position and certainly
was a very lame attempt to joke.
While we do not feel that we are
in any way to blame for this un­
fortunate occurrence, we are in­
deed very sorry that it was made.
start a checking account with the
Bank of Falls City
At the time of your first deposit we will (five you a
supply of Blank checks anti one of our handsome leather
covers in which to carry them.
Paying by check is not only sensible and convenient
but is also the best manner to keep check on all your
This la A
O H R I8 T M A S
CHRISTMAS JEWELRY “That’s what I shall give for a
\ MAS G IFT," are the remarks
Jewelry, new in design and appealing then ever in taste, ia
here at your disposal.
A pair uf Cuff-Links, Scarf-
Pin or Holder, a Watch. Chain
or a Locket. Emblem Pin. Match
Box. Toilet or Manicure set.
LaVallier. Bracelet, Pin. Bet
King, Gold Pen, Deak Set Tag,
Silver Thimble or any of thehun-
dreda of other beautiful things.
DoUnt Watch and Chain or
fob, etc. Sp**cial Bargain Prices
on jewelry, Watches and Silver
Novelties, except Diamonds and
contract goods, this and next
A 5 Reel Show
The Christmas program will be
given Sunday evening, the night
before Christmas. Taking the
place of the regular evening ser­
vice beginning at 7:30. Program
will consist of Christmas songs
and recitations. But the special
feature of this service will be that
instead of giving a treat to those
present each person is asked to
being something to tie given to
soitieone else. Baskets will be
made up for those who are not
able to have much for their Christ­
mas. Should no one nearer be
found who would be glad for such
a basket a barrel or box will be
packed and sent to the city to be
iven to those who are in need,
or there are hundreds in the city
at this time of the year who will
be in need of food and clothing.
Some of the classes are planning
to make up baskets. But individ-
uaJs are urged to bring, a potato
or an apple or a basket of either,
or a piece of clothing that has
been outgrown by the owner or a
iece of money however small.
Iveryone invited. Be happy by
making others glad.
After The First Show
D in a h P o p s C o r n
Ntw Clast of Scouts.
For American boys residing In rural
communities where no Boy Scouts of
America troops have been formed •
new class of scouts, to be known as
the boy pioneers. Is to lie organized.
Heretofore thousands of boys in
sparsely settled districts hsve been un­
able to enrol! as scouts because of In­
sufficient numbers to make up boy
•cout troops.
R id d le a n d A n s w e r.
What Is the answer to this:
through a field of w h e a t
I picked up something good to tat:
A t 1 w slk e d
I t w a s n e ith e r flsh n o r flesh n o r bona,
Yet I k e p t It till It w alk ed alo n e
Answer.—An egg.
Mother’s Dolt Story
There was once a nice rag doll by
the name of Dtnab. She wore a Mack
calico gown and a red kercblef aernsa
her shoulders. Her hair was a beauti­
ful black, and the atrangest little curls
always tied her hair up Into kinks Of
course Dinah had a lovely dark akin.
Juat the color of chocolate drops
One day Dinah* mamma wanted
ygry much to go out In tbe kitchen.
Hat It n i i almost time for Thanksglv.
Ing, and tb^cook Waa very buay mak
ing nice spicy things to go Inside of
pies and the turkey. So a little girl
like Dinah’s mamma was In tbe way.
cook said.
But Dinah knew just how to man­
age It.
"Walt till cook goes down cellar to
get more apples," said Dinah. “Then
you must lock the door till I have time
to pop some corn for us.”
8o Dinah'* mamma locked the door,
and Dinah flew to the closet where the
pop corn was kept. In a short time
she bad enough picked off the cob to
make a whole poppgrful.
“la tbe Ore Just right, Dinah f asked
her mamma.
"Fine!” cried Dinah.
So she stood at the end of the long
handled popper and shook It like any­
thing, while plop, plop! went the pretty
yellow kernels. Soon the popper was
full of white balls as big as Dinah's
hand, which was Just about as big a*
a good sized pop corn, but not nearly
so white.
Just then the cook came In. She had
left tbe cellar by the outside door. In
stead of being cross, she took all of
Dinah's popcorn and made It Into love­
ly molasses balls. So Dinah and her
mamma went out In the sunshine and
ate till their lip* were all sticky it A
their hands were.
Mottiodist Churoh Notts.
T he Jew alar.
Will be awarded to the one presenting the
largest number of Coupons.
Don't Forget Monday
Christmas Night
d-H-H-H--H-d"l "l I I I-IH- h - h - i - i - i - h - h -W -H H -I-H -I 'I' I I I I I I I | | I N I
- H --M I H t- M - M I t- I t- l l > H . IH ->
$100 R e w a rd , $100
m.« rc a d a ra o f th la p a p e r will ha
p lr a a rd to le a rn t h a t th e re 1« a t Icaat on*
d re a d e d dlaeaao t h a t scien ce h a a been
ab le to c u ra In a ll tta alag ea. a n d th a t la
C a ta rr h . M alt a C a ta r r h c u r e la th e on ly
p o altlv a e u ro now k n o w n to th e m ed ical
f ra te r n ity . C a ta r r h b ein g a c o n s titu tio n a l
d laeaae, req u ire« a c o n s titu tio n a l treat*
m ent
H a if a C a ta r r h C u re Is ta k e n In­
te r n a lly . a c tin g d ire c tly u p o n th e blood
a n d m ucoua s u rfa c e * of th e sy stem , th e r e ­
by d e stro y in g Ilia fo u n d a tio n o f th e d is­
e a s e an d g iv in g th e p a tie n t s tr e n g th b y
b u ild in g u p th e c o n s titu tio n an d a sa la tln g
n a tu r e In d o in g l«a w o rk . T h a p ro p rie to rs
h a v a ao m u ch f a ith In Its c u r a tiv e pow ­
er« t h a t th e y o ffer O ne H u n d re d D ollar«
f o r a n y caae th a t It falls to cu re. B«nd
f o r Hat o f teattm o n lala.
Address T 1 CHENEY A CO , Toledo, Ohio.
Bold by a ll D ru g g is ts , 7V
T ak a H a ifa Fam ily Pills for coo atlp allo a.
Notice ia hereby given that the
partnership heretofore existing
between R. G. Masters and Wm.
Hinahaw under the firm name of
Masters & Hinshaw has this day
lieen dissolved by mutual agree­
ment, R. G. Masters retiring free
from any obligations whatsoever
to the firm aforesaid.
Dated this the 13th day of Nov­
ember 1916.
R. G. Masters.
A Good Position.
Can be had by any ambitious
young man or young lady in the
field of railway or commercial tele-H^
graphy. Since the passage of tho
eight hour law by congress, it has
created a demann for telegraph
operators. Portions paying from
$75 to $90 per month with many
chances for advancement It will
pay you to write Railway Tele­
graph Inst., of Portland, Ore., for
full particulars. Adv.