Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, December 16, 1916, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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(Ehr Kiûiw (Ciîii Nrimi
1 - —■ - ■
Hom e Cookery
, “ The banks are full of gold and 1
Pappar V cjt* ible Soup.
| no borrowers,” ¡¡f paraded as an |
TV «me « upful of »ItriHldtHl gieolT
== je\ ¡donee of the pinspen'iis eondi-l • licci1 |1'P|Hus add one cupful each of
L. W O O D ft SON.
«H ill entrola, tomaio pulp ami Inna
I tiens of the country.
beali.■ Add enough wa 1 er to c«»\ « r ami
Hoarded visild never broujrht cook
nut 11 Iill the i u . idahlea an» ten.
gr. ' rv4
pioli • ( »*• iwolPffi«'»
Il I
I n i j l'uU l'.m nlr. l " ■ »«*. »Olivi Ih» pii\s|H»rity to a country no more Oer. rr*ss Hi rung li ii «le» a. ad i i ie
A t •: l\'0*r.'»* of Marrk V l'I »
than do closed mills and factories. Juice Of Ull »ntou. Iw* * iuH«'«p «nifitlM
Of »Vualioil rice and more wallor If
Ttlrpiionc Vus Olile*. M.
Rather, il is an indication that tU‘ Os«ary il'«M*k until the r i.» 1« loll
Sab-.rlptlon Rat«»: Onv>v»r. *1.00. «»month*. (J,0 busillOSS conditions of the der. *ITii'ii a■ UI ene heal dug table.ipoau-
H g a r o . '.hre» uvooth». J-W agu; Magi» « *» '• t r i * .
country art' such that it is no lon­ lui o f bulle!', ni .1 li»( milk li, «libilo lo
thè «l<*sl|V«l OOUHlatVUCy ScasOU »vitti
Ad rHlalng Rates: Duplay. IScaaUan taobi l'o r p ro fita b le er safe to make; »alt nml pippor tu inai* nml serve »» liti
Rudi i Notice*. ' Pont* » lift«; Wr Male. R pp I. 1
Rxch . jp. Want »ml r»jr Kntarlalniueul So­ new ventures or enlarge those orviutoUM.
ItC«« rt - 1 ». » lino. Card of Thanks McUTI « « « already in operation, except it lie
C u rrie d T n p » .
If otti », lo*ml rates.
for manufacturing munitions of
('ut In o |>oiiml« o f trt)*»» lui»» sin.ili
Coj i !,trn«w ads. andi ban^esshottW b« sent war.
piece*. CiMik l\»>» Ialite tdlc»«l olitoli')
to Tti • News not later tban Wednesday._____
lu a ovuli*!«' o f ti«bte«i oonfiils of «trip
Off te ,1 Vewspai»r ef the City ef Falls Cits
pluga uiiill ttu'„»' are a golden brow o
wheat looks mighty good to the Adii lo them two-tbtrd» «T u pim o f
Issi i : d E v e r y S a t u r d a y M o r n in g farmer who has it to sell, but how atoek, one l.iI>I i ' s | k » i > i i lui o f litui r timi .1
traapoouful v»f curry imiulrr, omk
many profited by these prices? | aliout
foriy tlv,i minute«, tin ti slmili |
The Allies haveselected another 1 *u‘ averaKe farmer has been j j U<l «.m tb* tri|
*«>. ami
uud i »-«*»»w slowly
Innit an .....
hour. Ilefore
ml»l “
" ju s t a little too
‘ ‘war lord” to direct the winning
soon” to get these prices, ‘
a hot clutter nini siirrouml »»Itti tsilleil
of the war.
'then he buys back his Hour ami rlce.—Coluitry (ìciit leiunu.
! his meat and other necessities at
The wages of the section men
. . . .
, ,
B a k e d S p ic e d H a m .
on the Falls City branch of the a Pr,cf that overshadows any b,g Select a nice ham, from l »»civ© to
lift ecu | miuu >I h ; soak overnight In cold
S. P. have been cut 10 cents a [T,ce ^ may have rece,ved for water,
wipe olf nuU |>ut on »ucugb wa
• .
. . .
I ter to « 0 1 . * Milliner fm tluvc lioui-s
Ihe mteligent farmer and luisi- h.t (,H)1
wllkh „ u„
and take out ami trim. Put
The Germans have produced a
.. . .
prices are abnormal, that as soon j 111,0 "
*,lk "'ih dove
wai machine that IS much more
lumi cover with brown k upar. Hake In
terrible than the English “ tank ” as
European war is over that „ moderate!» hot wen for two hour«,
It can be run at a rate of 25 miles
wil1 takf the other extreme ^
with w™«»-«mi .«one with an,
and woe unto he who hath budded
d r
Ibis hopes and mvostini his money !
Pear Pudding.
Ill-lit two «-.a;» until light. mul one
with the expectation that high
Viscount Grey, British Secre­ prices have come to stay, for he pint uf sink* tiivadcruiuliN. ont» pint o f
tary of Foreign Affairs says the is foolish, even us he who ‘builded ilicv.l i vur.«, une lo i» ) tahlc«V<*oufal of
butter. tiii«> fourth cupful r f siv .ir, on«-
allies’ invasion of Greece is en­ his house in the sand.’
fourth tvdS|monful of cluDnmou, n
pinch o f salt ami one inni one half cup
tirely different from the German
Wool and all woolen goods are fu!« o f milk Mix well nml la k e In
invasion of Belgium. To be sure! in great demand. The mills have u 1'ijliiTeil baking dish In n hot ovru
It’s the Allies this time.
all the foreign orders they can until Urui. Serve hot with lemon saure
or any other favorito awoet aulivo.
handle. Everybody is catering to
Government investigation of the foreign trade and letting the,
Steamed Corn Bread.
A cupful .«our milk, n cupful . \j ■|‘ j
the higii cost oi living roveais i,oniefolks tlo the best they can.
that there is a greater surplus of : Fheepraising at this time is verv milk, n cupful cornmMl. u eiifffi riti
wheat Hour au<t un »:g well tenteu; |
beef and pork on hand than there profitable, yet the man who would
salt nml augar. each n «poonMl; n U- |
was last year. But what will invest his cash in sheep at present lili s|H'oiiful un ta' i'». Mix nil lo-.i''b*r. I
. ,
, put Into n «1I.«U that will nllow It to 1
the government do about it'.’
will surely come to grief when rui«. steam two hour« nud bako ooo I
the war’ is over and join the sheep half hour.
“ War” is being used as a scape men of the “ Cleveland reign.”
D . .
Lvonnaise Potatoe*.
goat for high prices, scarcity,
If tlve country were truly pros- Brown urn- third cupful ehopi •I
and in
in fact
i^ct almost every tiling («.'pous the banks would be loaned ***''*11 1,1 '
'* ‘
11 1 " '
’’ni.« « ubo,I cooked
conceiveable. It has even been (0
|jJnjt antj nien would be pill s, mill till« e
poluto«'.«. Mull ill
• p r nml fry till
asserted that the scarcity of re­ anxious to borrow money that nicely brow m il.
: I l i o .servili.,
cruits for the army is due to the they might expand in business or sprinkle over «ln
id palali.'
open up new. New buiklings
Dents in F u m i jure
, “
w ould be going up and old ones
In gaining a victory over the would be repaired and re-painted.
Romanians the («ermans captured 'jj^g factories would be belching when wood i« ba«n> «leub i or
70.000 prisoners, IM cannon, 120 jorth smoke and the roar of much- r " ,
V ! ■ f T " 1'">,,!rm :
machine guns and oooty and war iner>. would be heard throughout ’ J,d,e e
,or.:‘ l" io T v .;
matei ¿al incalculabl©, yGt thG A. 1 -
laud —not manufacturing im* !, K> ^ the i . Hiiiflc c • . ui . u 111 •
li«s say that the victor, i, insl*.
„ f doslniObn'. but fie
o.,‘o o"l S
t ie benefit of mankind.
j four time*, then ¡»uiiiite with wmer.
With the dose of the European i fluuilj *l ! t U e " ■’ ■l" 11 " ■*
. .
ture tu drip n way. Now neat a Unlirafl
England seems to imagine the war the
munition paints will lose] utlli| n u about tb »Mirmlli rcjUiiyil
peace proposal offered by Ger­ their big business; the farmers fur laundry work, t’lact* the dump blot­
many is an indication of weak-; will face four-bit wheat and two- ting paper over tlie dent and pte*#
firmly with Ihe Iron. A m r >» a« ih«'
ness. It probably was made j bit corn. The sheepraiser will paper dries examine the mark. It will
so that should England ref use. market his wool at a lower price. (lii-ii b© found that the cavity linn tilled
Germany could have a valid ex­ While the east has beeii luxuria­ U]i to a surprising extent When Ihe
dent la very deep n s«*- -lid or even a
cuse to wage a relentless sub­ ting in prosperity not dreamed third application on the lltn-s ii ll' iited
marine warfare on all merchant of. the Pacific coast lumber in- , ,ni£rht ,,p lri‘ '1 Ho<’,»er or l»Kr «van
ships carrying food or war sup-'dustry Ivas been corres,wndi»gly
plies to an enemy nation. Y\ itn depressed. The rehabilitating of j tbi* plan win i»o 8un»ri>€*n at the it- uit
a few boats like the Deutchland these war-stricken countries will, ”f ,lu‘ 'rei,,DU‘,lt i:*i«*n*idni: will
to carry supplies the submarine J open up the lumber market and i might tinany 'rVnndn
torpedo lioats can do great; jtl) era 0f prosperity never before
damage England had best give 'enjoyed will be due the Pacific f a t h e r ’s F ttlie E c o n o m y
up the idea ol wiping Germany ; coast.
__ ___
- so
as tut cost \
off the map
|or twin* 10 Ht«M ru
Th* On* Thing N «*«'*d ta Malta Ing.
[h e A merican ß o y
T h e SAFE boya’ magazine
eieaibe el
O n Iy $ !a y c a r
R e a l l>y 500,0» »
i r « ndtirftrd b> H m If p
©¡ÎQVQQÛD “îüo© tbraOùÜ
stfarOs OljjQ
Over-work, worry and
the constant strain of a
business life are often
a cause of much trouble.
Ramarkabla display of Narva
Spanish Bull Fightsr.
D r. M iles’ N ervine
is highly recommended
for all Nervous disor­
ders. It is particularly
invaluable to business
women. Regulate your
bowels by using
DR. M IL E S ’
•'I •uffi*r».l with nervouii at­
tack* and hradA- in a. Till n my
II» it Rut out of order am! II
aeeinrd « » O iouk I i my wtiol«
ayittem wa * u|'»»t.
I rom-
tm-n.-cl ualittf Dr. Mllaa' N«-rv-
Ina and tl>o took Dr. Mllca'
Liver 1*111« and now 1 fe«l per­
fectly well lu ivory way. My
bowel« al*o nr« In good ahapa
lit * Portland Av#.,
Itochoatar. N. T.
of Food
iVtade with different Baking Powders
leur Youft HAIk my j E i F-
Some decades ago. when certain l nited States manufacturers will
well meaning members of the soon expire and it is stated that
House of Commons were endeavor-they will not purchase any more
ing to persuade the government of finished shells in the United
the day, in London, to exert its States but procure them from
fatherly authority for the help of Canada. This may end some of
a certain island, in the British the war prosperity in the East.
Empire, which was unhappily I
w ithout the services of a doctor.
it occurred to a well meaning sup-j NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,
porter of the movement to find, That the undersigned, W. F.
out the whole truth of the situa-; Nichols, has been duly appointed
tion. The result .was scarcely by the County Court of the State '
what had been expected. The of Oregon for *Polk County, as
fact was revealed that the island : Executor of the Last Will and
in question happened to be about Testament of Gideon Sowers,
the healthiest part of the British j deceased.
Empire. The unsophisticated is-
All persons having claims
landers, not apparently having against said estate shall present
experienced any of the advantages the same, duly verified, and with
of a tuberculosis week, were in- proper vouchers, to the said
nocent of tuberculosis. Never Executor, within six months,
having joined a party for the ob- from the date hereof, at the Law
servation of mosquitoes, they were Offices of Walter L. Tooze, Jr..'
not troubled with mosquitoqioLson- In the Dallas National Bank
ing. Not being suspicious of thel Building, Dallas, Folk County,
health of their neighbors’ children, Oregon.
their own children enjoyed good
Dated and first p u b l i s h e d
health. In sl^irt, they seemed to December 9, 1916.
be justified in
famous j
W. F. Nichols,
saying on the subject of history
Executor of the Estate of
and happiness into the phrase
Gideon Sowers, deceased,
healthy is the country that has no Walter L. Tooze, Jr.
Attorney for the Estate.
AKQUMO ____»
T h is
w iu .
® V I * 1.
3AVE us '
me D ucihg the (
i HlOH cost or j
Fi< ¿it a Series of Elaborate Chemical Tests :
A n equal quantity o f bread ( biscuit) w as made
with each o f three different kinds o f baking powder
cream o f tartar, phosphate, and alum and submitted
separately to the action o f the digestive fluid, each
for the same length o f time.
Thp relative percentage o f the lood digested is
shown as follows:
Bread made with
Koyal Cream of T artar Powder:____________
- -
| ICO Per Cent. Digested
Bread made with
phosphate pow der:
T í 9"1 Oían tat («.OOMiM'êôwL. IT'st i
tâluci« LIKE Ctwcnr .
t---- '- —Z J
[ 68**i
Per Cent. Digested
Per Cent. Digested
by a
T h » fnuii'UM S|iaulah tow adbf II*-
» » r l » Uguroil lu oua o f iho moat thrill
Ing tmliloulM » * » r wltiioaao«l In lb*
Imlt nghftug art'll*
Il WB' af llayonn» A flo r dlapiialng
o f two hull» Iti vortehad twk#plungvd
ItUaU'-nl Inf'i a third o f great aim igth
ami fiTiMlty. und a» III» lioaat «'«intln-
iii «1 can-orlng «»Hilly iho a iw la lo ra h*-
«an In til-« ll*v *rt* for bungling.
\v tinth'il in ih » vory uul»k o f hi»
pi 1 i|i-. lli» Hpaulnrd »hoUloil, "T h * hull
>« ala la !" and. throwing aald* hi»
Nvrord, «nifk »u ono kliw with foldot
arm* In Ih » mlilillo o f Iho ring
I I » ««n* right, hut In* had not al
lowed fur lli» mnrglu o f ai'oldont. Th*
« ■. it Dil hen at • harg«»d full U| m , u him,
i-ut i h» tuiilmlor. »pli-mlhl to th » la»l.
k'o II uii*lI1 *iil»»a u« a »lain *, whll* tb*
--IHTtatora In UI th»'.r l*r»alb lu liorrl
(lixl aiu|K'iiMP.
U»a iilng lit* Ylittm, Iho hull lllrral-
1.» U umlial at I-1 ii >. nml un Ii» »prang
he '.ink In di'Hlh, " U ll tila laid »(Tort
ill» lug mi» f. nrful lung» o f th* head
that druv«* n horn Into th* thigh o f lb*
kneeling limn and laid Imr» 111» bona
frnni III» ku »» to Hi«» Joint.
Still It»» »11» n »v »r fllnebad, hut ra-
lua lut'd kiuvlUlg, ex ull ant In vlelory.
hut calmly contemplaoaa o f applaus*.
till lie «»a* carried away to heal him
of hi* grlnvou« wound.
Indian "M o o b i ."
T im » la calculated among Ih* Red
IniliuuM by U1IMIU» Instead of month*.
January I* called the "hard moon.’*
l ehruary "iho taccoou moon." March
"»o r» »y e moon," April "Iho moon In
wkk'h g o »»» lay » g g «,’’ May "the plant­
ing moon," Jim» "the moon when tb*
slruw U-rrle* are red," July "th * mono
w lieu choke cberries are rl|i«,'' Auguat
"Ih » linrv«'*,t moon," H»|»t»iulier "tb*
inoou when r l» » 1» laid up lo dry." Oc-
tol>er " t b » rlix< drying moon.” Novem-
lier "tin* deer killing mouu" and Do-
ceinber "Ihe deer moon.”— Philadelphia
D a n m a r k ’s S o v a ra ig n a .
Denmark baa had ii moat curloua a r­
ray of aov» reign a, the Mlu«* Tooth,
Forked Beard, Hlmpl», Hungry, Hare-
root, l.aiuh, I’loua and I'ruel bring
among them.
Thla latter, who waa Clirlatlau 11.,
ladle«! Ida real name by gaining th*
additional title o f the Nero of the
North. There waa probably tittle hap-
l*lii«- « In Dpiiiuark when he sat upon,
the throne. —London Mall.
A Mun»y Bavar.
Bread made with
alum pow der:
j 67%
liah tha Wwrl«j Lunguaga.
I I iiy I iik I nn - ii for yimra a taarliar nf
Cnsllali In fur«l«iui'ra ami In hick
»< I iko I piiplla ii « wall aa a atmlmi ,,f
uum I m m luasunst'*. Ilm aulijm'l of au
liilcrusllaasl laiiKUast» tutaraala u,»
Bit'* fly.
i ««rtuliily o f lh«> four liii|Hir|*iii 11114.
, i ii tuiicii«»« I’luslUk 1 « Ik«, « him I» n | am|
■ nu|ile«l lii uriimimir, liavlnc no awful
.. mlfiH «urli
(i»riiian amt no ili» R(|
fill v»rti« Bin’ll aa K m irli ana llallaii.
II luia no Unilllu« aapltia ami aubllrll»a
il;* III» laet I wo Uii'lil 1 «,Ui’il |«| Ull,
liii|Mia»llili' |iroiiunt'lallon aa th» drat
Y »l. In »pUi' o f lla alinpllc lly. It la *
»«•ry Imnl tausuaii« f „ r forelgeerw lo
" > " 1 1 U l I« dllS, I (H I, aulaly |0
It« uiitli|iiaf«'«l uirikutl tut lai k o f math
•all » ( »polllns. 'H>» tlllQriiltlaa arlalng
from lli» ilHIt-ri’ii' o l>«'tw«<«,u tha a|>«i||
in« uf Knsll»li wurila ami ihi'lr pro-
ii mu In I loti ur» almuat luaur uinuulabla.
fatal lo Ua iiii I » » i « m I ilUTualou. Ilow
m mii . i usllraly i:n«llali M|i»*kliis iwopla
il.* wo know, <«lin nil'll, nay, lufallac-
nml, \»ho Mlni|>ly CMiiuot M|>«||, who
I iii > » g lii'ii up try lu g!
All ovar Ih » i'oiitlii»ul oua heara ra
llir iiii -,1 with iMirlug laouotouy: " 1 iu *
lo i«-ui! Ih » KngllMb. Itut nol |o a|ioak
II I n (no ill It!«-lilt lo |ir»tlOUI|i'0. I
mu n e t f f ti'll how a uow word ahoulS
ho mm Id." Ill I- rm i'li auil (>»rmau ear*
Inin li ller couiblBSIIoua luvarlaldy r»p
r« »ui I'vrUlu aoumU, whllo Itallnu la
nliMuluii'ly pbonelk’ . In Italian ai hoola
I hero la no muo I i thing aa a a|M'lllug
Ii- .on Thluk »* 1ml a caving o f Hina.
1« iu|M-r aud gtvy (or In It gray) matlar
(Ida 1« to iho growing rblld!
It 1 « all w ry »»»II lo limUt iiimui iba
rlnaalc origin o f our orthography, hut
• oui|>uio II for olio luoiucut with iba
n»nr amt arl»lo. rallc imrcut o f lha tlat-
Y*t tin Unit do** not haaltat* to
m l all artllh'lallty.
I fool niifY Hull only olio thing will
urnk«> 1.n«ll»li. »»h l'h atnml* today a*
Ih » oaalaat and wont roucla* o f Ian-
. iuii '» » only «no thing will maka If th*
uulvoraal lauguagr, and that la «lm
|ilin»d » i a -11 Ing -J H llarrln lu Now
York Ttmoa.
"Y ou are foollah to buy your furni­
ture on the Installment plau.
have to |>ny nearly twice a» much aa
you iitlierw l.«* would."
“ Yea, hut look at all Ihe money I
» a » » on moving expense*.” - 8 t . lamia
- •
Tin se tests, which are absolutely reliable and
unprejudiced, make plain a fact o f great importance
to everyone : Food raised with Royal, ¿J cream o f
tartar Baking Powder, is show n to be enti rely diges­
tible, while the alilm and phosphate powders .are found
to largely retard the digestion o f the lood m ade from
Undigested food is not only wasted food, bv’it it
is the source of very many booily uilments.
Character Analysis.
"Hllggins go«'» around asking *o
much advice that he never mronipltth
cm nuy-llilug."
" l e a , " replied Ihe man whoae mind
lingers In the past, "not enough Inllla
live and too much referendum."—
(VaHliInglon Star.
A Toaat.
T o our moihi'ia: May their eye* oar
er lie o|*en*d ami their hearta never
doaed lo our wcakueNaee!— Life.
The Markaman'e Bye.
Blue ey«»a prevail among markal
o f renown. The bine la aald lo be
atrougeat eye aud gray next.