FALLS CITY NEWS FALLS CITY OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1916 VOL. XIII MIDDLE AGED MEN To Bo Sont Abroad TO BE GIVEN TEST Knocked Down Houtot PLANT W ILL EM PLOY 1000 M IN Em plo ye rs H o p * to Prove M e n Bo- twoon 4 6 and 65 Are Not Reedy fo r " S c r a p Heap Portland to AM in Rehabilitation ot War Strlokoo Countries CHRISTMAS OBSERVANCE. A community Christmas Tree has been arranged by some o f the citizens o f Falls City, that all, re­ gardless o f church creed might take a part and enjoy it. Here saint and sinner, alike may {> el free from the restraint that some­ times exists in exclusive "chgrch affairs." An interesting program has been arranged and it is the inten­ No. 16 SAFETY DEMANDS FEDERAL CONTROL OF THE RAILROADS CHRIS T M A S Til ME Only Wiy to Moot Emergencies of Notion, Soys A. P. Thom. Chicago, Dec. 8.— The work o f testing the efficiency o f men be­ A factory for the building of tween the ages o f 45 and 65 houses which, knocked down, alongside o f an equal number of will be Hhipped to Europe, India, young men was begun today by tion that everyone entering the hall will receive some little remem­ South America, China and Japan the committee o f 15 large em­ brance. An invitation is extend­ will be established by the Penin­ ployers recently organized, with ed to everyone to come out and Principles Which Railways Held Shauld sula Lumber company, in con-1 Benjamin J. Rosenthal, a Chicago Govern Regulatory Syotom In Inter­ enjoy a social hour as friends and est« of Publie and tha Roada—Com- junction with its ^hipbuildintr capitalist, at its head. neighliors. It will do you good. pulaory Syetom of Federal Incorpo­ plant and lumber mill, at the foot The committee was organized The entertainment will be held ration Favored. o f McKenna street, Portland. primarily, Mr. Rosenthal said, at the Wagner Hall, and Friday Washington, Dor. 4.- That the Inter­ A contract for the moving of "to upset the fallacious theory night, December 22 has been nal* of national defense require that 200,000 yards of material, which that men between the ages o f 45 selected as the date that it might control o f railway Duet abonld reft will prepare a Bite for the plant, and 65 are fit only for the "scrap not interfere with any entertain- with the federal government and not has been signed with the O-W. heap." rnent previously planned. It will with the (tales was the claim ad­ K. & N . Co., whose tracks run In response to advertisements also give those who are expecting vanced b j Alfred P. Thom, counael through the plant. in the newspapers, several hun­ to visit during Christmas week an (o the Railway Executive*' Advisory Committee, I d concluding hi* prelim­ The sawmill and its subsidiary dred applications for work from opportunity o f attending before inary atatement o f the caae for the plants are expected to employ men who had reached middle age they go. railways before tbe Newlanda Joint 1000 men by April 1, according or beyond have been received by Committee on Interstate Commerce. to the officers o f the company. ‘‘ We muat be efficient as a nation If the committee and a large force REVIVAL. The possibility o f establishing o f clerks, loaned by business we are to deal successfully with our The revivaj at the Free Method­ national emergencies," said Mr. Tbom, such a plant has been in the mind houses, today began to sift and ist Church is still in progress, and “ and we must appreciate that efficient of F. C. Knapp, president o f the classify them. there will be services every night transportation la an essential condition company, for several years. He "W e will start our first test this week and the meetings will of national efficiency. I f we are to halt and weaken our transportation has investigated the field thoroly next w eek,” said Mr. Rosenthal. continue till Friday night, Dec. 22 system* by state lines, by tbe perma­ and believes that a wide sale for "T w en ty middle-aged men whom if not otherwise announced Sun­ nent Imposition o f burden* by unwise the products can be worked up. we have enlisted will be employ­ day evening. Interest is being regulation, we will make national effi­ ciency Impossible.” The Peninsula Lumber Co. has ed by one o f the largest houses manifested and God is working. Stats*’ Right* Would Not Suffer. spread out considerably during in Chicago. The head o f this This is a good place to get right Mr. Tbom cited many Instances In the past two years. It has a house, to make an efficiency test, with God. which shippers In one state were In- modern mill, cutting 200,000 feet will put them in the correspond­ jurlously affected by selfish regula­ o f lumber a day. It has built a ence department. Alongside of tions Imposed on the railroads by INDEPENDENCE BRIDGE OPENS neighboring states. He pointed out wharf from which coastwise and them will be 20 young men and The much paid for bridge at that federal regulation would be no In foreign shipments can be handled each individual will be given the Independence is open for travel, vaaion o f the rights o f the states but Its shipbuilding plant is being same work to do. They will open, would be the means o f preserving the The work has not been accepted. I rights which they acquired when they enlarged so that four ways will entered the Union, one of which was be available by January 1 and its sort and file correspondence, and the right to tbe free movement o f tbelr j _ first vessel, the Alpha, is practi­ do auditing work. products across state boundaries. " I f these 20 middle-aged men cally complete. Owing to trouble Wh at tha Railroad* Advocate. in launching the vessel, she prob­ do half as much work as the The principles which the railroads ably will not be placed in the younger men, they will be paid believe should be Incorporated in any water for several weeks, changes Just system o f regulation were sum­ being necessary in the ways half as much salary. I f their e f­ marized by Mr. Thom a* follows: ficiency is equal to the younger under her. 1. The entire power and duty of reg­ The company is said to be plan­ men and they prove it, they will ulation should be In the bands o f the ning numerous other side lines receive the same salary. national government, except ag to mat­ also, all o f them along the line ter* so essentially local and Incidental "R ecently I took a score o f men o f the utalization o f the produets that they cannot be used to Interfere o f its mill. A broom and basket and put them to wrapping parcels with the efficiency o f the service or tbe Just rights o f the carriers. factory is one o f these adjuncts, in a large concern. They were 2 As one o f the means o f accom­ all experienced and so were the it is said. plishing this, a system of compulsory 20 young mer who wrapped be­ federal lncor|K>fation should be adopt­ side them. Not only did the ed. Into which should be brought all HIGH PRICE OF WHEAT railroad corporations engaged In Inter­ older men do as much work as The food commissioner o f N. Go home for Xmas. state or foreign commerce. the younger, but in some in­ 3. The Interstate Commerça Commis- Dakota has issued a statement in stances more." Stay for New Years slon under existing law* has too mnrh regard to the high price o f wheat Day. Our low round to do and la charged with conflicting in which he says the people are Including the Investigation, trip Holiday tickets functions. pmaecutton and decision of cases The mislead by the talk o f two dollar BANK ELECTS NEW OFFICERS. allow you plenty of latter duties should be placed in the wheat. There is very little o f hands o f a new body which might be Recently we have filled fifteen large A t a meeting o f the directors time. AH the two dollar grade on the mar­ called the Federal Railroad Commis­ o f the Bank o f Falls City Decem­ sion. Regional Commissions should orders at Jones Cash Store Prices, ket, at least while it is in the ber 5, M. L . Thompson was elect- j OREGON* be established In different parts of hands o f the farmer. The farm ­ tha country to assist the Interstate ed as president, C. C. Gardner, CALIFORNIA - er rarely gets more than $1.00 a and Commerce Commission by handling lo­ vice-president, W. H. Beard, WASHINGTON bushel, but as soon as it gets into cal cases cashier and R. G. White, assis­ 4. The power o f the Commission the hands o f the speculator or and IDAHO if you contemplate sending a mail tant cashier. The directors are should be extended to enable It to pre­ miller, presto change, and it scribe minimum rates and not merely W. H. Beard and O. M. Beard. order give us an opportunity to figure undergoes a wonderful change. maximum rates as at present This Under the new management would increase their power to prevent By the time it roaches the table Holiday Sale Dates on the order before you send it. the bank now is strictly a local unjust discriminations. o f the consumer it has increased concern, all parties being more Between Oregon points Justice to Publie and Roads. in value more than three and one 5. It should be made the duty of the closely allied to the city and its D eo. 2 2 to 2 5 inc; Deo. half times. This is probably Interstate Commerce Commission. In interests than could possibly be 3 0 to J a n . 1 inc. Return the exercise of Its powers to fix re* true o f the high prices charged with the largest stockholders limit J a n . 8 , 1 9 1 7 . aonable rates, to so adjust these rates for other commodities and blamed that they shall be just at once to the elsewhere. A bank is a very To California points Doo. to the war. public and to the carriers. To this end necessary institution and its use­ the Commission, in determining rates, 2 1 to 2 3 inc; D oo. 26 to fulness in the community is whol­ should consider the necessity of main 28 inc. Return limit 1 5 tatnlng efficient transportation and ex ­ ly dependent upon the people. Three Bachelors to da ys from date o f sale. tensions o f facilities, the relation of Keep your money in an old shoe, expenses to rates and the rights of To Pacific Northw e s t Bo at 10 Cents Each or bank in Dallas, Salem or Port­ shippers, stockholders and creditor« of poiqts in Washington and the roads. this old friend o f the millions is Glen Carbon, 111., Dec. 9.— land and you cannot hope to have fl. The Interstate Commerce Commis salâ,'"“ ls “ that the Constitution a» vt very far from being "a dead Idaho Doo. 2 2 to 2 5 inc. a prosperous bank in your town Three bachelors, guaranteed to slon should be Invested with the pow- now la gives full authority to Congress man." Every home, office and Return limit J a n . 3 , 1 9 1 7 . er'to flx the ratdk fo r carrying mall». to regulate the instrumentalities of In­ be good providers, to be tract­ able to accommodate you to a 7. The federal government should terstate commerce In all their parts. business in America owe it to this Ask local Agent for able and gentle, will be raffled at small loan when you need i t 1 have exclusive power to supervise the I f the power of regulation Is to reach faithful, old friend o f the people time o f trains, Issue o f stocks and bonds by railroad the public requirements, it must tie co­ a Christmas dance here Decem­ mighty bad. It is the duty o f every citizen to contribute their carriers engaged In Interstate and for­ extensive with tbe Instrumentalities of to send for his Almanac and Mag­ fares, etc. ber 23. Turkeys, roasting pigs, azine for 1917. This Almanac is eign commerce. commerce.” prize cakes and plum puddings part towards the support o f every 35c by mail. His monthly Mag­ John M. Scott, G. P. A. 8. The law should recognise the es­ Mr.’ Thom explained that tbe roads sential difference between things which are not asking cither ot the Committee azine with Almanac, one dollar a will be rival attractions on the reputable institution where it is Portland, Ore. restrain trade In the case o f ordinary or o f Congress any Increase In reve­ possible for them to do so. auctioneer’s block. year. Send to W O N D A N D W O R K S mercantile concerns and those which nues, but that they are merely asking 1 > ♦ ♦ 1 --- The bachelors will be raffled restrain trade In the case o f common ! the perfection ot a system which will P U B L I S H I N G C O M P A N Y . 3 4 0 1 F r a n k ­ carriers. The question of competition be responsible to any need that may lin Avenue. S t . Lo u ie , M o . "sigh t unseen" and must be Judge Teal Resigns is not the only felr criterion. arise. taken "a s is ." Chances are sell­ 9. The law should expressly provide *"■ Us! of Unclaimed Letters. On account o f illness incapaci­ ing at 10 cents each. for the meeting end agreement o f traf- Bain, Anna tating him from giving the ofljee fle or other officers o f railroads In re­ Excitement is intense among Th« R tv. Id R. Hicks 1 9 1 7 Almanac Coppers, Mgs. Anna spect o f ratea or practices. This proper attention, John B. Teal the feminine contingent in the should, however, be safeguarded by Deo, John The Rev. Irl R. Hicks Almanac countryside. The identity of the tendered his resignation, last F O O T U U requiring the agreements to be filed Hubert, Paul Judge. with the Interstate Commerce Commis­ for 1917 comes out bright and bet­ three bachelors is secret but the Saturday, as County LaBoute, Jake Oragon n . Pennsylvania sion and to be subject to be diaapprov- j ter than ever. His splendid por­ bachelors’ club promises the m en1 Governor Withycombe appointed Ouderkirk S., Esq. ed by It. trait in four color work, taken Pa a a d e n a , C a l.. J a n . 1 at. Van Hassen, Ed E. C. LKirkpatrick o f Dallas to will "stand hitched" after bai.ng "M t .legal juogostiloa." >Ir. Thom ,r*i u _ ____ i from life in May, 1916, proves that fill the unexpired term. won. STATES’ RIGHTS PRESERVED 1 Our store is well supplied with gifts c if practicable value for the entire family. j *: SELIG’S, Cash Price Store, “ Meeting and Beating Competition” . Travel on Low Round Trip HOLIDAY FARES “Jones Pays the Freight’ BUT We Deliver the Goods Falls City Logging SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES & Lumber Co.