PAGE 4 ¡ r * The best show aLthe Gem tonight Th« Conklin Slogan A SATISFIED C U STO M ER A new pen or your money back. Our customers to be the judge of satisfac­ tion received. We have a good assort­ ment to choose from. Prie« $1 to $8. THOM PSONS DRUG STORE. Grandma Oourter is quite ill. Fresh cider for sale. Hubbard. F. K. Red Hot Drinks at Wonderly's Confectionery. The two children of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Olts are quite ill this week. A light fall of snow fell Tues­ day night covering the ground a half-inch. The city council are taking another set-to at an electric light Headquartera lor Candy and Cigar* franchise. WEATHERLY CONFECTIONERY. Much interest is being manifest­ ed in the meeting at Free Method­ ist Church. J. S. Moyer, who has been quite ill for the past month is slowly improving. L. T. Murphy, guard at the Salem State Penitentiary was in the city Sunday. Drink Pugh’s Loganberry Juice SOLD EVERYWHERE There was an old fashioned spell­ ing match at the High School Fri­ day afternoon. Mrs. Edith Brown has Iteen laid up with an attack of measles but is convalescent. Mrs. W. I. Reynolds of Dallas was visiting her daughter. Mrs. Clarence Powell made a trip to W. F. Nichols this week. . Portland Thursday. Mrs. Julia Frink of Newberg came last Saturday to visit her Mrs. Fred Deultgen made a trip sister, Mrs. Mary Miller. to Salem Wednesday. Measles have broken out at Dal E. A. LaDow is having quite a las and a number of cases are re-, tussel with a bad cold. ported. If people would go back to some of “our grandmother F. K. Hubbard made a business methods“ there would be little trip to Dallas last Saturday. danger. Mrs. Elmer Lewis visited friends and relatives at Dallas last Satur­ day. Caudi«s, Tobaccos and Cigars, at L. B. WONDERLY’S SATURDAY, HKCKMIIKH I», 11)1». KAU-S CITY NBWS The snow Tuesday morning was a chilly remembrance of last winter’s snows. C. F. Vick of Salem attended a meeting of the directors of the bank here Tuesday. The County Court estimates that it will reqnire $306,202.62 to run the county next year. Fresh Bread. Cakes,Cookies,Pies and other bakery goods, every day at the Falls City Bakery. Mildred Thompson went to Salem Friday to spend the week­ end with friends and relatives. The Falls City Good Roads Club will meet in regular session at the city hall Cecember 21, at 2 P. M. Dr. Turner, eye specialist of Portland will be in Dallas again Wed. Dec. 13th at Hotel Office hours: Daily, except Sun­ Gail. day. 8 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. W. H. Dorman who underwent Mail arrives, from an operation at the Dallas hospital Salem 9.00 a.m.. 6:15 p.m. for appendicitis several weeks ago Dallas, 9:00 A. M., 6:15 P. M. was brought home Thursday. Portland & Eugene train 101, 11:55 a. m. The morals of Falls City should be materially improved. Within Black Rock, 1:30 P. M. a month there has been two elec­ Mail closes for: Salem. 8 50 A.M., 1 P.M. and 5:30 tions and two religious revivals. P. M. Wm. Wooden and wife came in Dallas, 8:50 A. M. aud5:30P. M. from Salem Wednesday. They Eugene inta in the United StateH. Notary Public officially connected with the Bank. Upon R o n -P ro - ■ roca iva C it iio n o - November 28, 1916. To the Editor of Beaverton Times: Anybody can “ kick.” it takes ' brains and progresaiveism to i build up. The writer has both. ‘After sitting on the fence of i neutrality for a number of years OF he finds the policy of “ watchful waiting” a failure. Taxpayers have a right to see that the place MAKE T H IS A they are supporting is in a de­ cent condition. Beaverton is a Rev. Dewey, evangelist at Free disgrace to modern day life. Methodist church has proven him­ She is a standing insult to tho self an able speaker and Falls City CHRISTMAS progressive men and women who will be greatly benefited by his have made their home there. preaching during this series of 112.50 Ladies’ Watch, now • $6.85 Personally I would tie miles away meetings. $13 50 Gents’ Watch, now - 6.50 if I were not tied down. Young $16.60 Gents’ Gold Watch, now 9.76 men and women refuse to live Married.—At the residence of $6.00 Silveroid Watches, now 3.00 here. I have done a man’s share Frank Chapin at Dallas Monday $5.50 Mission Kitchen Clock, now 2.85 in interesting outsiders in this afternoon. Fred Chapin to Miss One fourth to one-third off on all Jewelry, and Silver Novel­ town. They came, looked with Lillian Jahn. Rev. E. A. LaDow ties, except Diamonds and Contract Goods. disgust and went off on the next performed the ceremony. The I Drop in. Do Your Shopping Early. DO IT N O W ! car. Now I have given up in de»j couple will make their home in spair. What are our mayor and Falls City. PERSEY, THE JEW ELER , Fall« City. Orafon. eouncilmen doing? If they have not funds to improve they are O. Aurland is quite ill with hound by their conscience to keep asthma. He contracted a cold the property to look after which before coming here and the rainy we voted them in, in a decent weather has aggravated it. He condition. They have not don# is very desirous of disposing of his | so. The advent of a new council­ interests here in order that he man is a signal for a'new light or may go to a climate more suited A LL OREGON PAPERS a couple up his way to guide hisv to him. wandering feet thru the dark $ 1.00 Falls City Nows One year, The funeral services of G. night. Some of us who live “ in Sowers were held at the Odd Fel­ town” can't walk up right after 1.00 Evening Telegram, Three months lows cemetery Sunday at 12:15 dusk, though we be “d ry.” It The leading Republican paper in the State. o’clock. The services were at­ costs the city nothing to compel tended by quite a number of the property owners to build new or LOO ;; Rural Spirit, One year friends of the deceased. Rev. Jas. repair old sidewalks. Refuse is Erwin of the Methodist Church A weekly for the farmer and stockman. burned on the streets the culprit preached the funeral sermon. has plenty of private space. Re­ Poultry Life, One year fuse lies on the streets. Trees H. A. Bowman, who got his leg Devoted to progressive |>oultry culture in the line its road for months. Side­ broken while falling timber last Northwest. walks are so crooked that a man spring was brought home from Total value, $ 3.50 :: gets his neck twisted trying to the hospital Thursday. He had| walk when the moon is dark. been home from the hospital for Ditches are dogged up and stag­ some time, but the bone being nant water stands a menace to badly splintered, and it being an health and cleanliness. The'plum- irregular break, the bones would YOU SAVE $1.25. ber tears up our roads and where not unite. He was taken back to he goeth he who runs (or rides the hospital where the bone was - ¡ - H —H —H —i- l- H —l-;-l—1 - H - H - i-l-l—l- l- H H -l-H -H - H H -l-H - H - M - l- l-l-l'-l- H -H - l- by Ford) may read. If more spliced with a steel plate. The water mains are tapped on our bone united and the plate was I"l- l -l- l-.|--l l -H -l -H - l -H -I -I -I H I I I I I I I I I I I H - public property the speed signs taken off. can be taken down for travel by auto will be difficult. Pigs thrive G E T YO U R NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. in city limits and the odor is awful. We want more publicity Notice is hereby given that the in public doings. If an election partnership heretofore existing impends, if any public meeting is between R. G. Masters and Wm. announced we do not want to Hinshaw under the firm name of . P R I N T E D AT T H I S O FF IC E. compelled to saunter down to the Masters & Hinshaw has this day post office or bank and with gap­ been dissolved by mutual agree­ ing mouths go over the dozen or ment, R. G. Masters retiring free + + -H -+ - so notices posted up to discover from any obligations whatsoever s o m e recent announcements. to the firm aforesaid. pendence, Girtie Gibson at Black Some of us have not the time nor Dated this the 13th day Nov­ NIGH SCHOOL NOTES Rock, Norien and Lew Bell at inclination. Others of us send ember 1916. Interest in spelling is no longer Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Ixjwe our children or maid to “ get the R. G. Masters. confined entirely to the contests spent their vacation in Salem and mail.” We have our weekly paper which would be sadly miss­ held regularly in the grades. An Portland. A Good Position. ed. Why not throw it an ad old fashion spelling match was The school Orchestra received Can be had by any ambitious held in the High School Friday and is now playing several new now and again! Then we could young man or young lady in the afternoon in which the Freshman pieces, two of which are 'A Hag digest public notices with our field of railway or commercial tele­ and Sophomores were lined up Of Truce’ and ‘Avenger’. They wives and families sitting around graphy. Since the passage of the against the Juniors and Seniors. are preparing for the school play the fire. Why not a couple of women on the council? They eight hour law by congress, it has Recent visitors at school are: and entertainments that will take have keener sensibilities and created a demann for telegraph place during the holidays. cleanlier methods? Make the operators. Positions paying from Mrs. M. L. Thompson, Mrs. Ward, Ten new Library liooks pertain­ three “ R’s” anyhow an esaenti" Miss Hammond, Mrs. Powers, $75 to $90 per month with many ing to teaching arrived Tuesday. condition of dffice. I hope to chances for advancement. It will Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Ro­ ceive a reply in next issue and Clyde Robinson and Fred Dunn am willing to thresh out the sub­ pay you to write Railway Tele­ bertson, and Mr. Wonderly. graph Inst., of Portland. Ore., for The Teachers Training class is are absent from school this week. ject with any man. The women Anna Persey has returned after —God bless ’em—we leave to full particulars. Adv. now doing observation work pre- several days illness. their husbands. paritory to practice teaching next A LONG SUFFERING TAXPAYER. Lois and Margret Beard were week; Vicie Benton is preparing to teach Reading in the second enrolled in the public school regis­ GETS EMBLEM SOUVENEIR. grade; Hettie Newman will have ter and Harold Beard in the High P. M. Jones was delightfully The school and some of the pa­ Arithmetic in the Third grade; School register, last Monday morn­ surprised Thursday when h trons had a genera] "cleanup day” Sybil Wilson will be in the First ing. opened a letter in the postoffice to a short time ago including a good Mary Marshall and Priscilla Ot- grade; Margret Sammons will take find a small 14-K three link Odd dinner at noon. Fifth grade Geography; Marion terbin visited High School Thurs­ Fellow’s pin. It was given hir W. L. Barnhart is bedfast with Crocker will have Seventh grade day afternoon. as a souveneir from Onwart an attack of rheumatism. Agriculture and Claude Graham $100 Rew ard, $100 Lodge No. 38, Fortuna, Cal., fo of t h li priper will b* Roy Graham is busy loading will teach Sixth grade Geography. TIi« pl**»ed to learn th a t there la a t leaat one the 24-years he had been a mem cars with wood. nreadeil Hlaeaae th a t aclence haa been able to cure In all Ha ataaea. e n i th a t la her. He was a charter membe Regular rehearsals are being C a ta rrh . H all’a C a ta rrh Cure la the only J. Ford is at W. L. Barnhart's poaltlva c u re now know n to the m edical held for the ‘Family Affair’ which frate rn ity . C a ta rrh betnc a '•onatltutlonal assisting with the chores. WILL EXTEND DEPOT. disease, requires a co nstitutional tre a t­ m ent H all1« C a ta rrh Cure la taken In­ Mr. Moffitt has gone to Califor­ will be put on in the near future. tern Agent Powers received ally , a c tln c directly upon the blood and m ucous surfaces of the ayatem. th ere ­ nia to visit relatives. munication Sunday from the A number of the out of town by destroying the foundation of th e dis­ ease. and giving th e patien t stre n g th hy Ted Moffit is helping Mr. Lynn Faculty and students spent vaca­ building up the conatltutlon and assisting perintendent that an n a tu re In doing Its w ork. The proprietors will be built onto the S. P- de blast stumps. tion at their home, Miss Lewis in have ao m uch fa ith In Ita curative pow- era th a t th ey offer One H undred Dollars Just how soon the work will begi The Barnhart family took Portland, Miss Miller in Corvallis, fo r any ra se th a t It falls to cure. Send for Hat of testim onials. Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Miss Haslop in Portland, Miss Address r J CHENEY * CO , Toledo, Ohio. is not known, but it is thou all Dmyylsts, TV that it will not be very tong. Kennard with her sister in Inde­ Hold Mrs. Geo. King. Taka Hall s ra n lly Pills for constipation. N EW ARRIVALS USEFUL XM AS GIFTS JEWELRY OUR 1916-1917 COMBINATION OFFER so:: ALL FOUR PAPERS FOR $2.25 B U TTE R W R A PPER S