Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, December 09, 1916, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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P K C K M B K K 0, 1010
Hilplulnassind Encouragement
Urged by Alfred P. Thom.
In ert«»* » f Transportation F m IIIII m
N «e«««ary 1» H«eur« Relief From
High Coet of Living May Thu« B«
Provide ' For by the Railroad*.
Washington. Nov. 211.—A new policy
of government railroad regulation,
heeed on construct)*» principle» ¡ J
helpfulneee and enmuragenient Inelead
of upon prlw lple» of repreeelon and
puulehinent, we* urged by Alfred I*.
Thom, <*oun«el for Hie Hallway Excel»-
five»' Advleory Committee, the first
wltnee* on hehalf o f the rallroaila be­
fore the Newlauda Joint Committee on
Interetate Commerce, which ha* Inatl
luted a KenernI Inquiry Into the prob
lent* of railroad regulation.
“ It la pro|K»e<| by the Joint reaolu
tlou o f T'ongre»».“ >uhl Mr. Thorn, “ to
go li.tn a eomprehenalve atudy o f the
whole auhjeet o f tranaportatlon. to
make a new aaaeaament. after 1*11 year*
o f ei|ierlment, of Ita blalory, Ita pre»
ent condition* and Ita future neqd*.
The railroad* accept the view that reg
illation la a |>ermanrnt and enduring
part of government In America and
that the Ural duty of the carrier* la to
the public.
That duty I* to afford
reaaonahle fa, lllflea on reaaonable
term» and at reaaonable rate*, and thl*
rnuat tie done liefore any private inter
eat i can be conaldared.”
Simple Tests Telling
Quality of Textiles
ple. Cottou burns quickly with flame.
Linen Inirua In the same way, but does
not < atcli so readily, aa It bus less oil
In the fiber and less air In the woven
clotli. Wool burns slowly, giving off
There are a great many lesla that an islor like burnt feuthera and leav­
may be used to determine the genuine- ing a gummy residue. Milk burn« more
lie»« mid value of material«, lint only n slowly Ilian wool and with leaa odor
few tbal are practicable for the home and leave* a crisp nsh.
I f Ibe buyer la pot aliaolutuiy sum
that (he material In question 1» as rep
resented It la beat to s»k for a small
»ampin and apply aome of the born«
lesla before making Ibe purcbuac.
t Mini Cement. Make a thick solu­
For Instance, to ascertain If a mate
tion o f gum arable by dissolving two
rial la all linen and not mixed with cut- tubleapnoiifuls of It In hot water. Into
ton, apply a drop of wutcr. Tbe mol*- this stir plaster o f purls until the mix
turn spread* rapidly on linen, but will lure la tbe consistency of gruel. Apply
remain unabaorbed on coltnu for some lo tbe edge o f tbe china with a One
time. However, this I n not always a brush. Allow Ibe china to ataud three
safe test, aa cotton and llueu am often days before ualng.
heavily alxed with dressing lVlikh pre­
Mewlug Hint.— When stitching pock­
vent* tbe water from being absorbed
ets on aprons, eklrte, e tc, you will And
Another teat for cottou and llueu Is a that they will not rip off us easily If
drop of glycerine. Linen will become Ibe silt* hlng Is begun about half au
transparent, but cottou wl!J not be nf- Inch from the top, atltcb upward, thee
Crushing In the hands will turn downward. When you come to
I show the difference between cotton and
the other aide etltcb downward tbe
linen, aa lined wrinkles nioru Hum cot
aarric distance as you stitched upward
ton Hl/.lng may I n .- discovered by rub
on tbe first side.
hlng tbe materials between the bunds
Feather Advice.—Never sun feather
to see If the dressing will come out. beds or feather pillows. Air them on
Washing also will remove the dress
a windy day In a oool place. The sun
Ing and reveal the true nature of the draws the oil, and the feathers win
have a ram'ld smell If they remain hi
Cottou and wool mixtures when nmU
tbe sun.
tened wrinkle more than pure wool ma
»M ildew Remedy. An excellent rem
edy for mildew I* lo saturate an ar
In examining materials II Is well to tlclo with kerosene. Roll It up and let
know that cotton fillers nre short with It stand for twenty-four hour* aud
fuzxy ends, while linen libers nre long then wash lu very hot soapsuds.
and bare even ends Wool fibers urn
Fish Odor.—To remove fish odor
abort, kinky and stiff. Milk fillers ore from «liver knives and forks or from
long, straight and lustrous.
cooking ulenrlls let stand tn cold wn
The nature o f the material may also ter before washing.
be ascertained b>; pypiln " a amaM sam­
Certainty, Safety and Huffieieney,
Mr Thom contended that the real In
tereaf o f the public la In being aaaured
of certainty, safety and aurtlctency of
tranaportatlon facllltlea, rather than In
rate«. The flrat conalderatlon of the
public la tu obtain tranaportatlon fac|||.
tie«. What the coat I*, la In- reality a
second conalderatlon. he «aid.
Mr. Thom proposed an Increase of
tranaportatlon facllltlea aa a method
o f securing relief from the high coat
of living. “There have l«een leaa than
1,000 mile* of new- railroad construct
ed In the Cnlted States during the |iast
year." he «aid, "lea« than lu any year
alnce 1H4N, except the period o f the
Civil War. and yet the coat of living 1«
dally advancing owing to a shortage of
aupplles which might be remedied by
securing access to new areas o f pro
d notion.
Credit Mult B« Improved,
“ This leads to the consideration aa to
whether railroad credit Is as good as
the public lutereat require*. It Is Im­
possible for railroad* to earn enough
to supply the necessary new facilities
from current revenue. They must be
provided from cred it Investor» can­
not he coerced, but must Is* attracted.”
Among the conditions affecting rail­
road credit which deter Investors he
mentioned the following:
“ Flrat, Railroad revenues are not
controlled by Investors, but are llxed
and limited by governmental authority ,
and not by one but by several govern- j
mental authorities, which do not recog
nlzo responsibility for assured results
to Investors and are uncoordinated
"Second, Railroads cannot control
and the government cannot and doe»
not limit the expense account.
"Third. The present system of regu
latlon Is based on a policy o f regulation
and correction and not on a isillcy of
helpfulness and encouragement.
“ Fourth, The outstanding obligations |
of the railroads have already exceeded i
the tlnam-ial rule of safety and Involve
a disproportionate amount of ohllga !
tlons bearing fixed charges.
“ Fifth, The Investor must accept a
aulmrdlnato obligation or security with
no assurance of a surplus of earnings
to support It.
“ Sixth, Other competitive lines of In
veatment present superior attractions.
“ Seventh, The railroad business |s !
largely controlled by political Instead
o f business considerations.
Look Forward, Not Back,
"W e may debate about whnt has |
caused the present conditions,” said
Mr Thom, “ but we cannot debate about
what the people need. The Pres'dent
has taken the view that we must look
forward If» thla matter and ‘mako a
fresh assessment, o f circumstances' In
order to deal helpfully and Intelligent­
ly with the problem.
Abuses are
no more prevalent In the railroad busi­
ness today than In any other btialneas
humanely conducted. The great ques­
tion now la whether the existing sys­
tem o f regulatlqn gives the public To­
llable assurance o f sufficient present
and future railroad facilities.
‘Those who oppose any change must
tnskc their appeal on the groin d that
the present systems assure the public
of the continued adequacy o f trans |
portatlon facllltlea. I f they do not, no
argument based on the desirability of
the present dual system o f regulation
will he accepted by puhltc Judgment.
The question of ‘states' rights' Is not
Involved. I f the regulation o f transpor­
tation facilities privately owned should
fall government ownership must fol­
low, and then all power o f the states
over the railroads would disappear.
"L e t ua debate this question, then,
not upon any mere theory or Jealousy
as to the distribution of governmental
power, but upon the large Issue o f |
what the public tntereat requires In
respect of the assurance o f
transportation service.”
Worth Knowing
°°Ü3i?[h‘=>3Ca©[p raa8oaò ao(3
q ïï M
Q q q î ?
s fq
The constant strain of
factory work very often
results in Headaches,
Backaches and other
Aches, and also weak­
ens the Nerves.
will quickly relieve the
Nerves, or Pain, while
Dr. Miles’
Heart Treatm ent
is very helpful when
the Heart is overtaxed.
F A I L » T O B E N E F IT YO U , YO U R
M O N E Y W I L L BE R E F U N D E D .
" I used to suffer a great deal
with lumbago In my shoulder#
and back. A friend Induced me
to try Dr. Mile»' Antl-Paln
Pllla and I am only too glad to
bo abl# to attest to the relief
that I got from th e»« »plendld
T h «y form a valuable
medicine and do all that It 1*
claimed they will do."
Marietta, Ohio.
Must be Watchful
For great efforts are being made in
this vicinity to sell baking powders of
inferior class, made from alum acids
and lime phosphates, both undesir­
able to those who require high-grade
cream of tartar baking powder to
make clean and healthful food.
The official Government
tests have shown Royal
Baking Powder to be a
p ure, h ealth fu l, grap e
cream of ta r ta r baking
p o w d e r , of h i g h e s t
strength, and care should
be taken to prevent the
s u b s titu tio n of an y
other brand in its place.
Royal Baking Powder costs only a
fair price per pound, and is cheaper
and better at its price than any
other baking powder in the world.
T h e Devil s
H ow
M a n W o n ,a
Bride by Scaling It.
ii------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- H
There w ai or appeared to be every
reason why A m « Hteele should marry
Eva Cowles. Neither had a large for­
tune, but each bad a small one, and
the two together would produce an
Income sufficient to enable them to
maintain the social position to which
they had been accustomed. Tbetr fa ­
thers bad been partners In business
and on ibis account some of tbelr In­
vestments were on Joint account aud
needed to remain so hi order to be
made profitable.
There w a« but one tblug to keep
them apart. While Amos Kteele was
endowed with a lot of practical com­
mon sense Kva Cowles was Intensely
romantic. Thera was In her a good
deal o f that Herman element which
loves tal-s o f valiant knlghta who fight
for fair women. She doted on mys­
tery, on sentiment. She delighted In
the o|«ru* o f Ittchard Wagner, not be­
cause she loved tbe music, for It did
not ap[H-al to her. but because the
Ihemes are based on some fantastic
tale about a Lohengrin or a Flying
Steele was anxious for tbe match,
not only because It would be advanta
gcous tu both, but liecause ICva wa* a
‘ harming girl, and he wanted her for
a wife. ( A fter the usual gifts o f such
trumpery as a woman may accept from
a man - probably because It may be
swept out within a few days after Its
reception without material loss— he
He looked upon nothing
with ralnliow eyes and doubtless his
declaration was matter o f fact. He
could not lie anything else.
Eva admired her suitor for his real
worth, but a proposition which dwelt
mainly on tbe advantages to be gained
by troth parties was repulsive to her.
Khe rejected Amos, and when he press­
ed her for a reason she told him plain­
ly that the man she married must love
her better than his life; must be w ill­
ing to endure poverty with her; must
be ready to defend her b» case o f ne­
cessity w ith his heart's blood.
Amos undertook to break down this
opposition by making light of It.
" I fear you h aT e been rending ro­
mantic stories,” he said to her. “ There
Is no romance In America. In Europe
they have their legends of heroes and
heroines, their Sir Galahads, their
L»relels, their th ou san d aud one tm
possibilities In America we h a v e only
the Salem w itch e s, which, being old
women riding on broomstick*, are not
pleasing to contemplate. Besides, all
these beautiful fancies wither before
an empty stomach or a h o le In one’s
stocking. W hy do we call that period
o f Intense affection between newly-
married persons the honeymoon?”
"Because It Is very sweet, l suppose."
“ Very sweet and very fleeting. A
moon lasts but twenty-eight days. No
one expects the exul>erance o f love to
endure more than a month."
"The man I marry must love me
forever, his love growing stronger ev­
ery hour, every day, every month, ev­
ery year. He must be , man o f cour­
age, ready to strike at any moment
lu my defense. I think I shall marry
a soldier, tall, handsome” —
"Suppose he gets bis nose shot off?"
"H e will woo me by diving to bring
me i<earls; he will climb mountains,
standing on giddy heights to show that
he can look upou an abyss without
"W h y not marry a man in a flying
1 machine?”
"Enough o f this," said Eva sharply.
" It is evident that you and I are not
fitted for each other. I wish a man
to lift me up, not to drag me down.
With you I should always feel that
I was chained to earth.”
It was evident to Amos that he was
gaining nothing. lu fact, the more he
endeavored to instill the practical Into
the girl he wanted tbe more be seemed
to antagonize her. He took leave of
her and went away sorrowful.
Amos had an uncle whom he was
very much like In Ills nonappreclatlon
o f the romantic, only the uncle was
experienced, while \mos was not. HLs
uncle was manager o f Amos’ property
and would remain ao until the heir be­
came thirty years old. The guardian
bad favored the match, and at Amos'
failure he reported It to his unde, glv.
Ing the cause.
"M y boy,” replied the older man,
"never oppose a woman.
With the
aofter sex one must stoop to conquer.
You made a mistake In ridiculing Eva's
sentimentality. Yon should not only
have appeared to appreciate It. but
have In every case gone her one better.
Y'ou must take a hack track.”
" I f I recall what I have said I shall
receive only contempt.”
“ Never mlud what you have said.
Our words are of little moment beside
our acts. Contrive a scene In which
you wlfl Jump In the water to save
aome one'* life.”
f “ I can't swim."
"W ear something buoyant under
your clothing.”
"Whose life shall I save? Persons
won't fall Into the water especially to
enable a man to show his prowess In
saving them.”
“ Oh, a dummy will do. How do you
suppose they contrive to have persons
wrecked on trains, drowned In sunken
boats, blown up In powder magazines
for the mot lea?”
“ I never thought o f th at”
“ And you a practical man? Doii't
talk aliout failure with a woman when
an uuodu'-aied movie manager will
succeed with the whole world.
mint marry F,va and marry her a*
aoon aa possible
The Tenth street
prrqierty which yon and Evs own
H o lly must either lie owned by both
as one or divided T o divide it would
be ruin. Come! Bestir yourself ”
"I'll see what I can do,” replied
Amos a* be atrode away thoughtfully.
Amos and Eva lived In a hilly roun
try that In part might be called mouri
There was one place called
(be lie v ir* Climb becau«e an ambitious
youth had lost bis Ilf* trying to get up
It. Amos was driving past It one day
when be saw a man scaling It like a
Indeed, while be climbed with
tbe agility o f a cat, be seemed to be
endowed with Invisible wings. He not
only climbed, be flew. No part o f tbe
cliff waa so perpendicular that he could
not mount It. A t times It seemed be
was about to fall backward and be
mangled on rocks a ^hundred feet be­
low, but he always caught, sometimes
on the edge o f a landing above him;
sometimes be would draw himself up
by a tw ig that seemed too slender to
sustain a kitten. Yet np be went, sur­
mounting every difficulty, till be reach­
ed the summit, then turned and, at-
Nuniliig/» theatrical attitude, took off
hla ban and waved It to Imaginary per­
sons » l o w .
As loon as he had achieved bis ex­
ploit a group o f persons who had beeu
stnudlng near liegan to shout and wave
to him to tbe music o f a movie cam­
era which had l>een set up near enough
for Amos to hear. Then, the abow be­
ing over, the players moved away.
Then Amos, looking about him, saw
things that he bad not noticed before.
Several cameras were being removed
aud placed In vehicles. A man on top
of the cliff was taking down a sort
of derrick that had been hidden from
view, while one at the bottom was coll­
ing a wire and taking apart an ap­
paratus similar to that above. A man
was directing the transfers, aud Amos
approached him.
"The man who climbed the cliff was
pulled up by a wire, I presume?” he
sa Id.
"/ust so; and s donkey engine.
There It Is going Into that wagon.”
“ Could I secure this paraphernalia
and these men to hoist me up there?”
“ I rck on you can If you want to pay
for It.”
“ What would It coat?"
"W ell. I reckon about a hundred dol­
"I'll pay you the hundred dollars If
you'll permit me to choose my own
time. Would I need any practice?"
"Y'ou could do a better Job by having
had practice, but It Isn't absolutely
Amos paid tbe mau $20 on account,
and he agreed to tie on hand with the
apparatus set up the following after­
noon at 4 o'clock
The next day Amos took Eva to ride
and directed his car to the Devil's
On reaching n point a few
hundred yards from It Amos pulled up
and, assuming au air of Injured Inno­
cence, thus addressed her:
“ Y'ou have thought proper to Im­
pugn my courage You have Intimated
that I am nothing better than a worm
o f tbe dust. Y'ou have said that you
wished some one for a husband who
would elevate, not drag, you to earth.
This, coming from one I love better
than my life, has blighted It. It Is no
-value to me. I am going to risk It to
convince you that I am a mau. not a
Jumping from the car, he ran to­
ward the Devil's Climb. Reaching a
point directly beneath It, he paused
and looked up. H e was doing some­
thing w-ith his hands, but Eva could
not discern what It was. He hooked a
wire to a belt under his shoulders.
Then he liegan to climb.
“ Great heavens!” cried Eva. "Is he
going to try to scale that cliff?”
Amos sprang lightly over the lower
rocks, which were comparatively easy
to scale. Then he reached a per|>en-
dtcular rock higher than his head, lie
sprang up, clutched It, and tn another
moment stood upon It. The ascent now
liecame more difficult, but the more
difficult It was the easier It seemed for
him. When be was nearing the top
he stopped beueath a straight up and
down face In the rock and carefully
placed a foot In a cavity. Then catch
ing a slight projection he placed the
other foot on a similar support. Ho
was midway up the face o f the rock
when he fell backward.
Eva gave a shriek loud enough to
wake the dead and covered her eyes
with her hands.
In a moment she took them away
and looked again. Heaven be praised!
Amos had been caught by a scrub tree
growing out of the face o f the cliff.
Giving a spring, he seemed to fly
back to the cliff slightly below the
rock from which he had fallen and
proceeded to make a second attempt
to scale It.
Eva shouted to him to stop. Wheth­
er or not he heard her he paid no at­
tention to her. This time he succeed­
ed In standing npon a narrow landing
and resumed hla ascent.
He was saved from another fall by
setting a projecting root; he slipped,
he staggered, he caught at what seem
ed straws, and nil the while Eva wa?
watching him in agony. At last hi
stood upon the summit.
He was about to descend by the
»ame route he had come up when Eva
sprang from the car and ran towan’
him, beseeching him not to do so. T l:'
time he heard her and came down
slope at the side o f the cliff, whk
was an easy descent. Eva threw h-
arms about him and went Into tu
The next day Am o» Informed lil-
unrie that the wedding day had beer
)ro fC 06 lo n a l C a r t e
O ffice one door east o f I*. O.
■ I»f|
e» «
n o n
K«II(1<IIH'« I IlOllC uUU
f a i t e < l|y .
J F a lt e C itç lb o te l
Sample Room«
Bast Accommodations
F. O r o * « « . P rop rietor
Bohle’s Barber Shops
Falls City, Oregon
Where yea cab get a Shm. Bur C*L Balk
er •Shine*
A it*i for Balias Ream Laandry
Buiiol«« forwarded 'lueaday evening
Dallas, Oregon
Notice to News Subscribers
A mark here indicates that
your subscription is delinquent.
Please call and fix it.
Mr. H orna Saekar-
C IT Y , O R E G O N
and Buy
Orchard Land
t ------------------ ------------------- \
Passenger Train Schedule
Effective Oct. 4,1914
161 j 16)
pm .
Salem . . . 7:00 9.45
D allas . . . 8.15 11.02
Falls C ity . 8.50 11.35
164 [ l«t>
am. pm.
Bl’k Rock
Falls City. 9.3011.25
Dallas . . . 10.10 2.00
(7 .4 5
Salem . . . 11.011 3.15
A. C. Fowl««, AGENT
Frea Methodist
Sunday School 10 a. m.
Preaching service 11 a. m.
Song and praise service 7:30
followed by preaching at 8:00.
Mid-week prayer meeting 7:30 p.m
Everyone cordially invited to
attend these services.
Edgar N. Long, Pastor.
Methodist Episcopal Church
Rev. J»me» C. Erwin. Pastor
Sunday School 10 A. M.
J. R. Moyer. Sunday School Sup'».
Preaching 11 A. M. and 7:30 PM
Junior League, Sunday, 3 P. M.
Miss Marv Hammond.
Epworth Leagae, 6:30 P. M,
Hanvey Deal, Pres.
Mid-week services, Wed. 7:30
P. M.