Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, December 09, 1916, Image 1

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Til ME
entertain the Annual Convention,
numbering about two hundred
The city election whh pulled off delegates.
Tuesday and was a very quiet
The canvass for tlnancial pled­
alTair. Hut little intorest waa ges for the Methodist Church cur­
manifested. Only two aapired rent expenaea ia alanit completed.
to the honor o f the mayorahip I The returns todate are very en­
and four were interested in the couraging. Everyone signing a
emoluments o f city marshal. pledge is furnished with a pack­
There waa a Councilman-at-large age o f dated envelopes for the
and, the election notice «aid three year.
councilmen to elect, yet the
ticket said "V o te for fou r."
Just how this will harmonize is a
We are in your city to lift up
Christ and plainly point out his
The vote stood aa follows:
way o f salvation. We have test­
For M a y o r:
ed his grace and power, with
Albert Teal ........................ 80
millions o f others and know he ia
W. B McKown
.............. 75
For Councilman-at-large,
no mighty to save. Notwithstand­
candidate, F. K. Hubbard’ s name ing the spurious, shoddy counter­
feits that have deceived and dis­
waa written in and he recived 48
gusted many, Christ is what he
claims to be and will do all he
F o r C o u n o il m o n :
has promised. When his direc­
.. 143
Chas. Hubbard .........
tions have been honestly followed
Clay Oxford
it has brought peace and joy to
G. D. Treat
the heart, harmony to the home,
R. A. Titus
courage and victory into the life,
F o r M a r n h a l:
and triumph and glory in the
. 26 dying hour. Are you in trouble?
C. J. B ra d le y .............
...... 18 Are you bound by the power o f
Tom Robinson
J. J. Sammons........... ...... 113 sinful habits, or a slave to strong
11 appetites. Come teat hia power
H. M. Webb
F o r A u d ito r ;
to deliver. It ia written o f Him,
...... 143 "W h erefore h e j s able also to
C. E. McPherren
Maj. Hammond came in for hia save them to the uttermost that
usual number o f votes for office come unto God by h im ."
from Mayor down the line.
B. C. D ewey .
W. H. Beard, who lately dis­
posed o f his stock in the Bank o f
afternoon from a business trip to
Falls City. Folk € o . where he
closed a deal for a controlling in­
terest in the Bank of Falls City
and expects to move there about
the first o f December.
The removal o f Mr. Beard and
family will be a great loss to
Sellwood, where they have seen
active in business and social cir­
cles for several years, and the
best wishes o f a great many
friends go with them.— Sellwood
A double wedding took place
at the parsonage o f the Free M e­
thodist minister at 2:20 o ’clock
Sunday. The contracting parties
being Kufus Ferguson and Miss
Kuby Magee; Alvin Ferguson and
Miss Rosella Magee. Kev. Long
o f Portland who is holding a ser­
ies of protracted meetings here,
The young people are well
known in this city.
Dry Amendmanf
May Not Stand Tost
S u p o r in t o n d o n t o f A n t i - S a l o o n L e a g u e
For some time during the sum­
mer there has been numerous
petty thieving going on. Houses
that were used for stowing goods
have been entered and things
taken out, and various other small
articles have been stolen. The
perpertrators of all these petty
crimes have covered their tracks
pretty well.
Several days ago someone stole
a 1-pound bottle o f Ping Pang per­
fume valued at $-1 from the dis­
play counter o f Thompson’s drug
( ■ p r e s s e s F e a r S u p r e m e C o u r t W ill
D e o la r e t h e L a w U n c o n s t i t u t i o n a l .
Eugene, Or., Dec. 4.—Fear that
the bone dry amendment may be
declared unconstitutional by the
Oregon supreme court, if a test is
made, was expressed by R. P
Hutton, superintendent o f the
Oregon Anti-Saloon league, in an
address here.
Mr. Hutton said he was afraid
the Oregon prohibition law may
suffer the same fate as did the
Arizona law on the ground that it
may be proven discriminatory in
that it restricts the importation o f
liquor, but does not restrict its use
Mathodlit Church Notes.
within the state.
The pastor will have a story
“ Those who were responsible
sermon for the boys and girls for the drawing up o f the bill fail­
before the regular sermon Sunday ed to provide these restrictions,
morning. Morning sermon sub­ and it is possible the court may
ject, “ The Sabbath Day.” Even­ hold that since we had the oppor­
ing, “ Thou art not far from the tunity to include them both the
I bill is not constitutional,', said Mr.
Wednesday evening Dec. 13th Hutton.
the pastor will give the first o f a
series of four lectures on “ The
Lord's Prayer.” Each Wednes­
day evening 20 minutes will be
devoted to a song service 25 min­
utes to the lecture address and 15
Dallas, Oregon Dec. 4. —Fisher
minutes to prayer and praise. Boise, a native son o f Polk county,
Everyone is invited to these ser­ aged about 60 years, dropped dead
at his home in this city Sunday
j Native Son off Polk
County Drops Dead
The Salem District Epworth
League delegates in convention at
Oregon City last week gave Falls
City special consideration when
they elected Miss Ella Mehrling as
District Secretary and Rev.Erwin,
President o f the District. There
are about fifty Epworth Leagues
in the District. Let us hope that
soon Falls City young people can
No. 15
■■■ — .....
afternoon. He was the.eldest son
o f Judge R. P. Boise, who for
more than 30 years in the early
history o f Oregon was a judge of
the circuit court for this district.
Mr. Boise was never married and
is survived by a brother, R. P.
Boise, and a sister, Mrs. J. H.
Lauterman, both residents o f
I Salem.
Tw o
C h ild r e n o f M r e .
W o ila e e )
Proposed by President to Bel­
ter Condition of Carriers.
C a ll a h a n .
B o o r g ia
(n e e
F o r m e r ly
F a l la C i t y , L o o e e T h e i r U v e a
W hen
H o m e le B u r n e d .
Black Rock, Ore.,
Nov. 30.
MAY CHANGE PR ES EN T SYSTEM News was received here today
Official* of Road* Praparad to Advooat#
Federal Incorporation, Supsrvlilon of
Socuritla* and Extension of Authority
of Intoratato Commerce Commission
Washington, Nor. 20.—Ten member*
of Congress, five Senator* and five
nx inlx-ra o f tbe House of Representa­
tive*. Ix-iran here today an Inquiry Into
the subject o f public control and ati-
pervlalon of rallroada that may lead to
the revolutionizing of the whole scheme
of governmental regulation o f theconn-
try'a transportation tinea. Incidentally
the committee 1* to look Into the qua*
tlon o f government ownership o f rail­
way*. tclepboue and telegraph line*
and express companies
Tbe member* o f the committee
which will conduct thl* Important In
vestlgatlon are Senator Newlanda of
Nevada, chairman: Senator* Robinson
of Arkansas. Fndcrwood of Alabama.
Cummins of low * and Rrandetree of
Connecticut, and Representative* Ad­
amson o f Georgia, Sim* of Tennessee,
Cullop o f Indiana, Each o f Wisconsin
and Hamilton o f Michigan
The In­
quiry waa recommended by President
Wilson In his message to Congress In
December of last year. H e described
a* Its purpose to determine what could
be done "fo r bettering tbe conditions
under w hich the rallroada are operated
and for making them more useful serv­
ants of the country aa a whole."
P r o m in e n t M an a* W itn e ss* * .
In order to obtain the view* o f all
Interests affected by the operations of
the transportation lines the committee
has Invited prominent shipper*, bank
era. representatives of commercial or­
ganization*. railway executives, e>*>«e>
mists and other* to appear before them.
The first to be heard are railroad
commissioners o f various state* who
began their evidence today.
testimony I* directed chiefly to oppoa
Ing any enlargement o f the federal
authority over commerce that would
detract from the power* now exercised
by state bodies. They will be followed
shortly by officials o f railway labor
organization* who are expected to reg­
ister their opposition to the Increase
of governmental authority over wages
and conditions o f labor.
Chief Interest In the hearings cen
ter* in the proposal* that will be put
forward by representatives of the rail­
roads. for It I* reported that they will
advocate an extension of federal au
thorlty over rates and securities to the
practical exclusion of state control of
these matters. It la understood also that
they w ill go on record In favor of fed
era) Incorporation of all railroad lines
Legislative Program of Railroads.
From an authoritative source Is ob­
tained the following outline o f the leg­
islative program which the rallrtg^ls
will ask the committee to consider In
Its Investigation: They will endeavor
to demonstrate to the commission that
one o f the principal defects In the pres­
ent system o f railroad regulation la
the lack of coordination resulting from
the simultaneous and conflicting regu­
lation by the federal government and
by the 48 states. They will, therefore,
ask that entire governmental control
of the rates and practices o f Interstate
carriers, except purely local matters,
be placed In the hands o f a federal
body so that Interstate traffic may be
regulated without reference to state
lines, leaving to the state commissions
Inrlsdlctlon only over local matters and
local public utilities. As a part o f this
plan, a compulsory system o f federal
Incorporation Is to be recommended,
accompanied by federal supervision of
railroad stock and bond Issues.
A reorganization of the Interstate
Commerce Commission will bo asked.
In order to enable tbe commission prop­
erly to exercise Its Increased powers.
It Is also proposed that the preparation
and proaecntlou of cases against the
rallroada shall be delegated to some
other agency of the government, possi­
bly the Department of Justice, so that
the commission may devote Its ener­
gies to Its administrative functions.
With the commission thus relieved
of some of Its present duties and equip­
ped to handle tta business more prompt­
ly. the railroads will urge that the pe­
riod during which the commission may
now suspend proposed Increases In
rates be reduced from ten months to
»10 days, with provision for reparation
to be paid to the shippers If the ad­
vance shall he declared unreasonable
They will also ask that the commis­
sion be given the power to prescribe
minimum as well as maximum rates
so that In meeting complaints of dis­
crimination the commission may order
the advance of a rate which It conald-
ers too Jpw.
o f the death o f Glenn LeRoy and
Virginia M yrtle Callahan, chil­
dren o f Mr. and Mrs. Roy Calla­
han o f Fellows. Cal.
Mr. [Callahan was working
about one-fourth o f a mile from
his home. About 4:30 P. M..
Mrs. Callahan went to take him
a lunch, intending to be gone
only a few minutes, she had left
the two children in the house.
While she was away the house
caught fire, igniting the electric
wires, exploding the gas. T h e * 1
house was burned to the ground.
There were other houses with­
in a few yards, but the deadly
Mames had done their avyful work
before anyone could do anything.
Seeing the flames Mrs. Calla­
han ran into the house, but was
rescued by a neighbor in time to
prevent the roof from falling on
her. She was badly burned.
M r# Callahan was formerly
Miss Georgia Wallace lived in
Falls City with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mts. G. A. Starr for a
number o f years. She is a sister
o f Mrs. Beryl O ’Brien o f Black
Mrs. Callahan has many friends
in Falls City and vicinity who
will be sorry to hear o f her sad
The Official canvass shows that j
Hughes carried Oregon by a
plurality o f 6726 over Wilson.
I f you not captured, or at least j
taken a shot at a white owl this ]
fall you are not an up-to-date
For part or all o f my property
at Falls City.
Two t,ood houses
on South Main Street and two lots
on North Main Street.
O. Aurland, Falls City, Ore
O ur store is w ell supplied
with gifts c if practicable
value for the entire fam ily.
SELIG’S, Cash Price Store,
“ Meeting and Beating Competition” .
Still goes on and will continue every night
this week and during next week. God is
helping Rev. Dewey to preach the truth in
its purity aud simplicity.
That the undersigned, W. F.
Nichols, has been duly appointed
by the County Court o f the State
o f Oregon for Polk County, as
Executor o f the Last W ill and
Testament o f Gideon Sowers,
All persons having
against said estate shall present
the same, duly verified, and with
proper vouchers, to the said
Executor, within six months
from the date hereof, at the Law
Offices o f W alter L. Tooze, Jr.,
in the Dallas National Bank
Building, Dallas, Polk County,
Dated and first p u b l i s h e d
December 9, 1916.
W. F. Nichols.
Executor o f the Estate o f
Gideon Sowers, deceased.
W alter L. Tooze, Jr.
Attorney for the Estate.
Tins <5T The most Important recoin
mentations for which th j railroads
■ will ask favorable consideration Is
j that the commission be specifically
i authorized to take Into account In
rate regulation the effect o f rates
upon total earnings In tbe light o f ex-
j pensee.
While the Netvlands Committee Is
| required, under tbe resolution creat­
ing It, to submit a report by January
i 2 next. It Is not anticipated tbat the
j Committee w ill have come anywhere
near completing Its labors then.
1 .i s
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