Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, November 25, 1916, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    nered in. The warehouses and
$ h r JFallB (£itt| Nrute J graneries
are fairly bursting with
i I----- ------------------------------------------ •
M other’s
their contents and prosperity sets
a guest at almost every fireside.
Our President and the govern­
P n b llth a n .
ors of the various states have des­
E cterad *• Serend-clssS n a il •* tk* poatafflce ignated the day on which the peo-
• t f a lls City. Pots t'oanty. Oragoa. oad»r " »
M a t A s t r t a t of March ». 1 W .____________ I pie shall express to a bounteful
Creator their gratitude for’ these
T»l»*h»«*— HewxOftlre. M.
A Love Story.
S ubscription Ratos O a ey a e r. H OC; ala month«. blessings.
M o a sts : t h r a s m a t h s . M coma, alnslo copy. I eta.
And to the many positive and
material blessings which have
A d v e rtisin g R ates P ia p la r 1» conta a s In ch
B u sin ess K o t'eas. 5 c an to a lln a f o r k ale. R ent. been ours, there has been added
R x eh e n g s. W an t a n d P ay R n te r tiin m e a t No
W hen fa th e r d rat .p o k e of bringing
ttcaa, 5 e ta a U na. C a r d o f T h a n k a 90 e ta : L a ta on this occasion the especial bless­
.tu ile n t to board 1 w as glad. Any
N otices, leg al ra te s
ing that we as a nation have been
uew co m p an io n .h ip seem ed prom t.lug
C opy fo r now ada. a n d c h a n g e s a h o n ld ha sen t so issolated as to have escaped
1 Hut w hen I co n.ltlered th at the atu
to T h e N ew t n o t la te r th a n W ed n eed ay .
the possibility of being drawn into deni, M u g m usical, m ight also be lb«
O fficii ■aw apap*' al Urn City of F a lit City
the great war that is scourging (v s .e s .o r of an u n c e rtatu tem peram ent
my tro u b les ap p eared to be Increasing
the nations across the waters.
I s s r r .P E v e r y S a t u r d a y M o r n in g
But while while we have these One like fa th e r w as had euough la auj
fam ily, flying off ou Ihe sllghlect prove
That’s right, blame the other palpable blessings for which to be ra tio n Into a lit of tem per or. lu hi*
fellow. He’s probably doing the thankful, we have other things b etter moods, listening apparently
for which to express our gratitude w ith an a p p reciativ e entile ae one re
same to you.
and these antedate and underlie la led som e personal Incident, only to
find a t Ita conclusion th a t his inlud
The latest “threat” is that the our present happiness and pros­
bad beeu engaged w ith som e beloved
mill at this place will start about perity, our peace and safty. We "score.” Nora, the cook, w as my only
have to be thankful that back in com fort, au d Nora bad not w h a t one
the first of January.
the days when our nation was be- m ight call an "u n d e rstan d in g " mind
; ing born, a land of heroes, than
F a th e r told me his plan one eventug
If you feel like cussing us for
whom the world has never pro­ w ith his cu sto m ary tardiness. T he atu
what appears in these columns,
duced greater, had impressed up- d en t w as to arriv e a t 8 o'clock and
let ,er rip. We know then that
th e south room to be prepared for hi*
| on their hearts to lay the founda­ disposal. H e w as com ing "free" upou
you read the paper.
tions of that nation upon the only condition of exchanging secretary
T S. ..
?- —-
| possible true and lasting base - w ork for lessons. T his alone w as s
Despite the Democratic good
the Fatherhood of an omnipotent recom m endation to th e stu d e n t's mu
.le a l ability. F a th e r w ould receive no
times, past, present and future
: God and the brotherhood of man. pupil w ith o u t prom ise o f skill. Ex
the little old dinky job of city
And we have to be thankful d te d ly he nam ed Ihe young tnan as
marshal is very alluring.
that all down the years since that ‘‘h i. discovery.” Eric Know Ison's fit
to re, he said, w as assured So I w ent
time there have been heroic souls to m o th er's p ictu re about lb I have
Rockefeller has been squander,
j — worthy sons of noble sires—who a w ay of going to m other's p ictu re In
ing his money again. This time
i have never ceased to call us with all my Joys a n d perplexities to receive
he gave a little girl thirty cents.
advice from Us so ft eyes. You see.
clarion voice to watch and pre­ m other left th is w orld as I entered,
Watch the price of gasolene.
serve the old landmarks, to plant slipping o u t very silently before even
our feet upon the everlasting rock my baby a rm s could reach her.
' M other." I sighed, “If w e m ust have
President Wilson should not ; and stand firm.
o th er m an In th is house, oh, let us
hastily construe his election as
And over and above all else, we hope th a t he may be a saue one!" My
an endorsement of his adminis­ have to be thankful that a merciful experience w ith men ended w tth fa
tration down to date. It may be God has so moulded the hearts th er. and I fancied them all like him.
the sort of verdict that we some­ and lives of the people of this Nora encouraged me In th is belief
“T h e y 're all th e very old devil," she
times see rendered by a jury,
nation that we are enabled to look said. A nd w ith h er re m ark In my ears
“ Not guilty, but don’t do it
in to th e m usic room and Inci­
above and beyond self and see for d I en ran
tally also Into th e stu d en t. The
lOvrselves the great principles of sudden en co u n ter su rp rised hint as
eternal truth and justice that m uch a s It did ine. H e bad been re ­
Some significance m i g h t be I must ultimately rule the whole m oving his violin from Its case, whl«
tlin g so ftly .
H is w histle stopped
attached to the fact that of the earth; that we are enabled to ab ru p tly . T hen a fte r we had stared
eleven state seceeding in 186-1. not grasp the truth that an injury to at each o th er aw hile he bowed.
one of them has since been car­ ourselves, and that a kindness to "E rie K now lson." he explained.
“M erey!" I exclaim ed rudely.
ried by the Republican party; yet our fellows calls down a benedic­ should
n ever h av e guessed It. Not the
people are wont to say, “There is tion upon our own heads.
“T he sam e.” he replied, “long hair
no North no South.” With the
an d soulful eyes m issing perhai>s." H e
absolute assurance of the electoral
sm iled. “Bound lo be a failure, then
vote of these states the Demo­ Women’s Clothes of
None of th e esse n tia ls.”
cratic presidential candidate en­
“ I am P ro fe sso r L udlow 's daugh
r," I stiffly reproved him . "and will
ters the race with the same lead
Day Called Disgrace te show
you to y o u r room .”
as the fellow matching a footrace
Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 22,—It " I t Is my tu rn to say ‘M erry!’ 1 n ev­
of 350 yards with a 100 yards the
have guessed It." th e young
is impossible to tell the pure e m r an should
re m ark ed pleasantly. "Y our f a ­
woman from the courtesan, Luenda th e r h as alw a y s spoken o f you as 'my
D Smith of Kansas told the Na­ d au g h ter, th e housekeeper.' N aturally
W. C. T. U., in convention I Im agined a staid, sensible appearing
Tax Limit.
so rt of person Again, none of the es­
appealing for dress reform. sen tials.”
The Tax Limit measure recently
Short skirts and low necks worn Suddenly my sm ile answ ered his.
enacted by the voters of the state
the modern woman are a dis­ “ You shall see,” I challenged. So.
is bringing forth great howls from
to twentieth century civiliza­ w ith free an d m erry ch atter, w e found
interested parties. That it will
ourselves In th e sh o rt space before
d in n er upon astonishingly friendly
sadly deplete the fund from which tion, the speaker declared.
*$ 2 $ ________________
they have been drawing in such a
prodigal manner, is greatly de­
Hated Hiram Again.
plored. It will place many officials
are two more Hiram
in the sad plight of having to
from the Los
actually do their own work instead
Angeles Times of last Monday—
of employing clerks at the expense picked at random out of a long list:
of the dear people. Desperate
A correspondent is indignant at
efforts are being made to evade the Times for comparing Hiram
the voice of the people and have Jrhnsoi, to a political Benedict
the measure set aside or at least Arnold. If* says that the friends
delayed until after the tax levy j of Arnold are hot about it, for Ar­
nold was guilty of hut otte act of
is made. Such cruel restrictions treachery, after which he left the
will make it impossible tor these country, while Johnson has com­
“servants" of the people to tak e, mitted u dozen or more such acts,
their usual fishing and hunting and vet remains in the s'.ato. The
trips, vacations to pleasure resortir Tiaxes offered to placate its corres­
pondent by comparing .Johnson to
and many other little excursions a political Judas Iscariot. But
they have been accustomed to. all that, he says, would be unfair to
because the taxpayers have re­ Judas, for that historical character
belled at such extravagance., threw the price of his treachery
Verily, the politicians troubles upon the ground and went ami
hanged himself, while Johnson
grow apace.
pocketed his gains and has no use
for a rope.
From the time of the landing of Suggest. Horsewhip
the Pilgrim Fathers, Americans
For Fair 'A ffinities’
have been accustomed to set aside
one day in the year wherein to re­
San Francisco—Reversing the
view the past year and take stock uaual order, Judge Graham yester­
of the dealings of Providence with day recommended horeewnipping
us as a people.
for single women who knowingly
What was at first the spontane­ associate with married men.
ous expression of grateful hearts
Mrs. Thomas Tippett, in apply­
soon hecame a custom, and as the ing for a divorce, testified that her
years sped this custom became husband, a real estate dealer, had
fixed, until today it assumes the absented himself from home many
■acredness of a permanent insti­ times during the last year, osten­
sibly on business trips
This season is again with us.
Her suspicion was aroused when
The fruits of the broad acres of ‘■he and their daughter saw Tippett
our fair domain have been gar - 1 I at the theatre with a young woman.
SATURDAY, NOV. ‘¿ft, 191«.
term s. It w as fa th e r's forbidding pres
ence w hich c a st form ality over the
meal. A fte rw a rd , upon th e top step of
th e sta irs, 1 listened to th e ir music,
fa th e r a t th e piano, the stu d e n t w ith
his violin. And th e sw eet s tra in s of
th e In stru m e n t a t his charm ed touch
caused even me. su rfeited w ith music,
to linger. In to th e “ Spring Song”
cam e a d o m in an t, personal note, th at
was suddenly a clear, com pelling call.
Slowly I m oved In an sw er dow n the
stairs, th en paused perplexedly In the
doorw ay. T h e a tu d e n t smiled.
“ 1 called you,” he said daringly, "and
l knew th a t you w ould come."
So o u r love began, abruptly. Inex­
One day E ric told m e th e story of
his life. TTneventful It had been, yet
one of «a< rlflre HI* fath er, a violin­
ist. had d eserted E ric and his m other
Just a s th e lad w as beginning to realize
his Inherited musb-al gift. A fter th a t
he had quietly laid his am bition aside
w ith his violin and tu rn ed to care for
his m o th er
And now she w as dead,
now only had he dared to Indulge his
d ream s, an d fa th e r In a m easure had
m ade th is posalhle. F or him self money
had n o t m attered , he said T here hed
been b u t one th in g he coveted a w hite
m arble stone fo r his m other’s gtave.
T his he m ust have. "A nd now th e re ’s
you, N ance!" he cried. "1 m ust have
you!" T hen he caught, up my hand to
look a t my rin g s— m o th er's em erald and
Its tin y guard.
“ D ear,” he said, " a t first I feared
th is eoatly rin g m ight be algnlflcant.”
"Oh, no!” I told him. " I t has been
th e b e tro th a l ring of o ur fam ily, h and­
ed dow n fo r generations. F ath er's
m o th er placed it upon my own d ear
m other's finger, an d now th a t she Is
gone fa th e r tr u s ts It In m y keeping "
“ I t Is o f g re s t value,” E ric said, his
eyes sud d en ly aglow aa he bent over
th e w ondrous stone; th en w ith his first
sign of Im patience my lover turned
from me
"W h a t Is It?” I asked him, troubled.
"T h e Ja rrin g tho u g ht, perhaps, of
o u r d ifferen t sta tio n s," he replied—
“yo u r m o th er’s costly em erald, my
m o th er’s u n m ark ed g rave.”
F a th e r coming lit a t Hits liiom ent, I
hasten ed lo draw the lea table n earer
th e lire. Route!hlng w u i w rong w ith
th e alcohol lam p, so I drew my ring«
front nty Anger, bending In ad ju st It.
1 (ton th e m antel stood a sm all brass
clock. Ita high cen ter spindle, w ith a
so rt of latticew ork beneath, m ade an
excellent ring tray . O ften I slipped
my rtnga over the spindle, nml there,
hidden from sight, they safely aw aited
my pleasu re
So I heard them now
tin k le dow n to th eir place and cam e
w ith a laughing rem ark to brlghleu
E ric's sober mood But ll w as u n a b a t­
ed w hen Nora called m e to Ihe kltvheu.
A fter Ihe evening m eal there w as no
between all station* in
sum m ons in th e m essage of the violin.
“ D ifferent statio n s." I repeated to my
self pettishly. "W h a t In all the world
la w o rth having save only love aud
nn Southern Pacific Line«.
happiness?" T hen I rem em bered nty
rings I bad left them upon th e clock
On Salt No*. 29Hi and 30th
Return limit Deo 4th.
D own th e sta irs I crept silently - t h e
household m ight lie sleeping T h e light
of a stre e t lam p shining through the
w indow guided me ncroaa ihe room. I
felt for th e rings Ju s t one w as titer*.
T he em erald m ust he upou the floor,
at reduced rate* to nil sUitiuns in
or perha|>s the m autelshelf. or— I
pressed Ihe electric buttou. F ath er, en
tertng unexpectedly, found m e u | k » u my
knees a fte r a last hopeless search
'T h e ring, of course." he exploded.
on Southern Pacific line*
“ You show It off to a isninlless young
vagabond, th en leave It upon the matt*
On Salt Nov. 26th, 27th and 28th
teishelf a fo rtu n e w ithin easy reach
Ask lu c il « s tilt lo t tit*tsIlr«l In lo iin « tu u i or w rit«
o f a stran g er." Still m u tterin g accu­
sations. fa th e r w ent carefully over th e
polished su rface o f th e floor, w here no
JOHN M. SCOTT. General Pasnontfer Ajfent,
sm allest glinting th in g m ight hide.
Portland, Oregon.
T hen, as 1 hail so m any tim es done, he
lifted each article from th e m antel
ahelp. T h e re w ere b u t fo u r—the c an ­
dlestick«. th e clock an d m o th er's pic­
tu re T he rin g had com pletely d lssp
o u t h e r n
a c if ic
in e s
pea red
F o r one long mom ent fath e r
eyed me In stern condem nation.
"Y ou will m ake no m ention of this
loss." he com m anded sharply, "nor let
th e a d v e n tu re r know th a t he Is ana d - t - H - H - H - H - l - H - l- H - H -h -t-l-H -K -l l I I I I H K'H -M - I M i l H -1+ H H - t
In th a t Ilea our ouly hope of
recovery. H e shall tie w atched
t* tile only person, ex cep tin g o u r tw o
selves, w ho h as e ith e r en tered or left
th is room tonight. T h e re Is no |si»at
hie w ay th a t th e rtu g could have ea
I t seem ed a lt very true. B ut- per­
haps, I reflected. Eric had tak en the
rin g for th e night Into hla ow n safe
In th e m orning he would
sm ilingly chide nte for my careless­
ness as he resto red tt. In th e m orning
The leading Republican paper in the State.
E ric w as gone. Nora brought a note
from him a s I w ss dressing.
"D earest.” tt read. "I am called aw ay
A weekly for the farmer and stockman.
very suddenly. W ill explain when 1
see you.”
A sickening sense of th e ttrs d e this
new s w ould brlD g fo rth from tny fa
Devoted to progressive poultry culture in the
th e r cam e over me. Jlnd If be should
learn th a t th e m an w as m y lover, my
prom ised h usband! In tny ow n heart
w as no th o u g h t of E ric's guilt.
“ FTe's covered up bis tra c k s p retty
w ell.” fa th e r said b itterly , "b u t we'll
And him yet. T h a t rin g c a n 't be dls
posed o f w ithout a sen satio n .”
B ut they did not find him
My own
eyes, filled w ith sad questioning,
m other’s
sm iling
“ W alt," they seem ed to bid m e—
"w ait!”
And a t la s t E ric c am s I wa* quite
alone in th e dusk, and a t flrat he did
n o t apeak—Just folded m e close In hla
arm s.
“ I t h as been so long.” I m urm ured
brokenly, “an d no w ord.”
"T here w as to m uch to a tte n d to,”
my lover said. "A nd I w as h u rry in g
back to you. On th e w ay I stopped to
place a stone—a fine, tall w hite m arble
one—on m other'a grave.”
F ra n tic a lly I endeavored to push
him from me. F a th e r stood before tts
A llho?fornii
n 11 boi
now , n o tn rh lM fln n
Cim ili
I h ad n ever know n his w rath to reach
n va IrJ f i l i l o # « piotate*.
M I r :
such bounds. In artic u lately he raved,
m ark in g his accu satio n s w ith a th re a t­
i n n f o r t hol I »nA o t h e r
r*a H c r n r tm c n 'a o f M rc h a o lrn . E l e c t r ic i ty ,
ening fist, w hich, g estiru latjn g . brush
hotori»*»hy, I 'c v l a r B
f ip flo s H ow ____
to _ M al o
h •"<*'. tta z a p C ollectIo**, ('h trh e n a . lV t« ,ü a r -
ed from Its re stin g place m o th er’s pic­
'iln.% Itiv n n tio n a nti'1 r i n t a n i Y/<m4«r«
ture. I stooped to pick It up, m echan­
ically a d ju s tin g the catch of th e heavy
fram e, th e n —I atood breathless.
" F a th e r!" I gasped
E rlc'a sta rin g
eyes tu rn ed to w ard me. T h e hack of
th e p ictu re w as held In place by tw o
broad strip s o f brass. In the low er of
th ese pockets and evidently Jarred
from Its w edging place gleam ed the
fatefu l em erald ring. F or a m om ent
— •»Of* n d o r i ' t l by »brlr ptlfPlIb
we all stood looking a t It.
“ I d o n 't u n d erstan d ," m u ttered Eric.
“ D on’t you?” I cried, laughing
through my tears. “ Well, one evening
I th o u g h t I had slipped the ring over
the clock's aplndle. b u t If bounded, It
seem s, tu rn in g dow n Into the open
p<" ket of m o th er's fram e, hiding th ere
close and light, it la the Itetrothal
ring of our fnm lly, E ric, handed dow n
from p aren t to child. And. now . d o n 't
yon see? M other Is giving It back to
me to w ear fo r you.”
My lover cam e close; fa th e r w as fo r­
“ N ance,” said E ric, oh, so ten d erly —
"N ance, you'd lak e m e like this, a pen ­
niless stu d e n t? You'd believe In me
52 I S S U E S
through all false ap p earan ces ag ain st
The favorite family weekly of America.
all the w orld?"
12 Great Serials or Groups in 1917, and
250 Short Stories, a thou send Article
“ Yes. E ric,” 1 told him sim ply. Then
and Suggestions, a thousand Funny-
he said: "I am glad I'm not q u ite so
lama. Special Pates for all ages.
unw orthy. My fath e r died a few days
ago. T h a t's w hy I w ent aw ay so sud
denly. H e sent for me when he w as
dying. H e's left me all hla money.
N ance, and It’s q u ite a lot.”
T h e F ashion A U T H O R IT Y followe-t
F a th e r cleared hla th ro n t several
Uoos of A m erican w omen Ymi
the 12 monthly nutura v I
tim es before we turned to listen. T hen
malting not merely a "dr-
as he spoke we hardly knew his voice.
partment" but a fashion m aguinc
of 1917.
It w as all so so ft and hum iliated.
"B oy," he said; "hoy. I'v e done you
Issues and I Sc.
McCall Dress
w rong In my thoughts. Will you for
$ 2 .i°
Pattern for . . ,
give m e?”
“ Forgive?" laughed Eric. "W ell, 1
• 1 10 ( I n r o a a or f 0 M o w . Otite) to
should say ao, for If I h av en 't stolen
th o p u M la h c ri o f th e TV*par In which
th is O tar ip p o o ri u 4 f t
yonr Jew els I have - tolen your d au g h ­
r f iu .
3- 5 .° v ’P.V*,P N fer ,sz
*"<1 »he 1*17 Home Calend.ir
ter, th a t’» atire."
(This Offer is to new Youth sCompanion subscribers only.)
Then fa th e r reached over and put the
i t ir ii f r i ' 3
"J0"»1» for one year; also choice of airy 15-r
Dress Pattern FREE for 2 cents extra to covpr mailing.
em erald rin g in E rlc’a hand, while
m o th er’a eyes sm iled at its all through
th e firelight.
Go Home-Turkey Day
Thanksgiving, Nov. 3 0 th
15-Day Round Trip Tickets
Falls City Ntsvs One year,
Evening Telegram, Three months
Rural Spirit, One year
Poultry Life, One year
Total value,
YOU SAVE $1.25.
Thr SAFE boys’ magazine
Ä Ä l i ' O n l y $1 a y e a r
R ead b y 500,060 b o y s
No Combination
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The Youth’s Companion
McCall’s Magazine
H I - 1 I II I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I F H - ! I I I H I H H H I I I H I I I I H i t