Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, November 11, 1916, Image 3

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B o m M, 9 o U .H «n lM Í
I Kapèlra I
U u n»l(U cor MHh.
I’urUami. Urn
lu • fid from ail iMilnU on bouMhokl
■ ml «utoiiM-MI»ft
Information eh«*#rfulljr
. ■
Pacific Coni Forwarding Co '•
BPl WI Iron liUlti
I 'n r U M i Ora
O m io n
vuloanizino C ompany
movml to I I I to i l l It u mairi* Hi.. Fort
latiti. Oro. U r v M l Tiro Kopalr rioni
In Iho NnrUiwool
( « u n try aorvloo •
•pooiolty. lift* I'orool I'uot
250 Men on Boat Eight With 150
Deputies on Shore.
Irrigation Systems WOUNDED TOTAL F0RTY-E0UR
Pip«, Flume, Fumín, Gates, Weirs.
Tank», T ro u a i», Hilos.
W * spo
clallca on Irrigation and Dralnago
A . L. G A G E & SON
303 S paldln « B id «.
Portland, Ora.
Invading Steamer Retreats After One
Thousand Shots Exchanged -
Expulsion Causes Trouble.
V aal. Pork, H.af,
Poultry, fluitar.
Butter, F
E .««»
* * *
and Farm Produca
la the Old lleltable l.vtrdknr houaa with a
H O S T E T T E R ’S
Stomach Bitters
Portland- Wheat— Blueetern, |1.68;
forty-fold, «1.61; club, «1.48; red fife,
$1.48; red Russian, «1.43.
Oats— No. 1 white feed, «34.
Barley— No. 1 feed, «37.
Flour- Patents, « 8.20; straights, «7
<87.40; exports, «7 ; valley, «7.70;
whole wheat, (K.40; graham, « 8.20.
M illfeed - Spot
«23.60ftt.24 |>er ton; shorts, «26.60«i,26
per ton; rolled barley, «30.60X441.60,
Corn— Whole, «48 per ton; cracked
Hay— Producers’ prices; Timothy,
Eastern Oregon, «17X/.20 per ton; tim­
othy, valley, « I 644I 6 ; alfalfa, «16X4
16.60; valley grain hay,
« 13(6416;
clover, «12.60.
Butter — Cubes, extras, 32 44433 )c.
Jobbing prices: Prints, extras, 34Xf;
36c; butterfat, No. 1, 36c; No. 2,
83c, Portland.
Eggs — Oregon ranch, current re­
ceipts, 40X443c per dozen; Oregon
ranch, candled, 45X446c.
Poultry— Hens, 1 344 16c; springs, 14
X416c |ier pound; turkeys, live, 22ft/,
23c; dressed, 26X427c; ducks, 134417c;
geese, lift/, 12c.
V eel— Fancy— lOX/.lOJc per pound.
Pork— Fancy, 12ft/. 12Jc per pound.
Vegetables — Artichokes, 76cX4l. 10
per dozen; tomatoes, 76cXi,«1.26 per
crate; cabbage, «1.26X41.76 per hun­
dred; pep|>ers, 6ft/,7c per pound; egg­
plant, 6x48c; lettuce, « 2 ; cucumbers,
«lft/ 1.60 per box; celery, 604476c per
dozen; pumpkins, lc
squash, l i f e per pound.
Potatoes —- Oregon, buying price,
«1 .40 44 1.60 per hundred, country
[joints; sweets, « 2.25442.60 per hun­
Ontons Oregon buying prices, «2.60
per sack, country points.
Green Fruits— Apples, new, 60cXi*2
per box; pears, « I 44I . 6O; grapes, «1X4
2 ; casabas, 1 Jc; cranberries, «0.60
[jer barrel.
Hope— 1016 crop, 8X4IIJC per pound.
Wool — Eastern Oregon, fine, 23(<4
26c; coarse, 30ft; 32c; valley. 83c.
Mohair— 40c per pound.
Cascara bark— Old and new, 6|c per
C a ttle — Steers, prime, «6.40447;
good, «64/6.40; common to fair, «644
6.76; cows, choice, «6.60X46; medium
to good, « 4 .6OX46; ordinary to fair,
«3.604/4; heifers, «4ft;6 ; bulls, «344
4.25; calves, «44/7.60.
H ogs— Prime, «0.25469.75; good to
prime mixed, «8.264x0; rough heavy,
«8X/8.26; pigs and skips, «8X68.26.
Sheep— Lambs, «84x8.76; yearlings,
wethers, «7447.60; old wethers, «6.25
466.60; ewea, $5X66.50.
Everett, Wash. —- A t least six men
killed and 44 wounded Sunday in
record at 4,’, year, ut H juera I leali ne,. stvl
baaaaurad at I O P M À H K M P K U .Í3
a pitched battle at the Everett city
F. M. C R O N M I I T E
wharf between 260 members o f the
t W 7 Frani Street
Pert lend. Oeecaa
Industrial Workers o f the World, who
came here from Seattle on the steamer
Verona, and a poaae o f 160 citixena,
Vanished Simplicity.
headed by Sheriff Don McRae.
"W hat's all thla talk shout a full
Ex-lieutenant C. O. Curtis, o f rum
dinner pall?" naked thu woman with party I,, Washington National guard,
a positive manner.
was killed.
Nineteen othera in the
"W h y ," replied the eampalKner, "1 posse were wounded.
ant endeavoring to rail your attention
Five o f the dead and 26 o f the
to the atlvantu«« o f an abundant noon wounded were on the boat. Sheriff
day lunch."
"W ell, I'll have you to understand wounded.
that my huahand doesn't expect me
A fte r the shooting, in which about
to fix up any lunch for him to carry
Dinner pall. Indeed! When 1000 shots were exchanged, the Verona
thu whistle blow a at noon he cat» at turned around and started back to Se­
a rafe. where ho haa alt the luxurlea. attle. Many men were seen to fall on
Including the prlvllegu o f Upping the the deck o f the steamer, and others,
waltor."— Washington Htar.
Some were taken from the water, but
Just Curious.
others disappeared and it is believed
The Verona
Hotel Attendant (le t your head out they were drowned.
of the elevator abaft.
Whal'a the reached
Everett shortly
matter with you?
o ’clock.
Uncle Ifiben—Just a minute, son.
A call to Industrial Workers o f the
There'a a fellow Just made an ascen­
World members from all over the state
sion In that duru thing and I'm going
to watch him make Uie parachute had been issued earlier in the week
and the citixens of Everett, at a meet­
drop.— Puck.
ing held Saturday night, planned to
meet the invaders and deny them
o f landing.
The sheriff
step|>ed forward and informed the men
on the boat that they would not be
permitted to land.
One of them, evidently spokesman
for the [tarty, began arguing with the
sheriff and then made a speech. A p ­
parently as a signal, the man dropped
his hand and armed men on the
steamer opened Are on the posse as­
sembled on the wharf.
The first man to fall was Sheriff
McRae, seriobsly wounded.
One man
Portland Warehouses Sell
was killed instantly and in a moment
the crowd on shore was panic-stricken.
1,500,000 Pounds of Wool
Deptuy sheriffs quickly rallied their
Portland — Several big wool deals,
forces, however, and returned the Are
involving about 1,500,000 pounds o f
o f the invaders on the Verona.
Men on the wharf and on the boat the Oregon clip o f this year, have been
were seen to fall and the Verona im­ closed in this city in the past few
mediately backed out o f the dock and
days. One o f the transfers was a
started back toward Seattle.
The trouble between the I. W. W 's. block o f 1,000,000 pounds. The wools
and the authorities at E verett has sold have been held here since early
been o f several months' standing and summer by the Columbia Basin Wool
was the outgrowth o f a strike o f shin­ Warehouse company and the Portland
gle weavers here. A fte r several minor
Wool Warehouse company. The prices
outbreaks o f
violence during the
were not made public, but it
strike. Sheriff McRae organised the
Citixens’ committee and expelled all is known they were the highest prices
members o f the Industrial Workers of ever paid for wool in this state.
the World from Everett.
The bulk o f the wool sold went to
A week ago 46 members o f the In­ Eastern woolen mills, but Boston deal­
dustrial Workers o f the World came ers also secured several large lota,
from Seattle by Hteamer, but were met Three or four million pounds remain
Should Protect Bats.
at the wharf by the citizens’ posse, unsold in the local warehouses.
Cincinnati, O.— Charles A. It. Camp­ loaded into automobiles and escorted
Stocks o f wool in Portland have
bell of Ban Antonio, Tex., pleaded for
to a point south o f town, where they been larger than anywhere else in the
the life of the hat at the closing ses
slon o f Uie annuul convention of the were liberated and ordered to go back West, except Chicago, and this fact
haa turned the attention o f buyers to
American Public Health RHHortation to Seattle.
Last week the Industrial Worker, this city. This is what the wool men
on Friday. Campbell said It la known
that the bat feed« almost exclusively the official organ of the Industrial Hnd warehouse men o f Oregon have
on mosquitoes, and for that reason Workers o f the World in Seattle, an­ been striving for, the making o f Port­
should be protected, ns mosquitoes nounced that the forcible expulsion of land a wool center where stocks could
sprsad malaria.
He ndvorated that men from E vreett must be avenged, be accumulated and sold direct to the
laws be paused by the various states and called for 2000 volunteers to go to consuming trade.
prohibiting the killing of bats.
Everett to establish the ‘ ‘ righ t o f free
As the holders o f the wools just sold
have realized a good advance over the
The fight must be won,” said the prices prevailing during the early part
hy S u ffer W ith B ackache ,
paper, ‘ ‘ as the whole future o f the In­ o f the season, they have demonstrated
dustrial Workers o f the World in this their wisdom— this time, at least— in
K idneys or R heumatism
section depends upon the outcome. not taking first offers, but in holding
We want all foot-loose rebels in the fo r the late market.
httUr TM* nf tMoAookai-for PmertpHmu
O ta r H e'u lm —lt I can do any good In West to center their attention upon
the world for others, I wish to do It, and Everett and the labor trust’s mill and
Cranberry Prices on Higher.
1 feel that it la my duty
wilt ■ als.ut logging properties. Get on the job and
Portland— Cranberry prices were ad­
the wondenul reaulta I received from thu use your judgment.
use of * Anurlc." I wna suffering from
vanced all along the line Tuesday. Job­
A real cat can exercise pretty
kidney and bladder troubles, scalding
□ rlne, backache and rheumatism, and feet good judgment, and when he does, my, bers are now quoting Eastern cranber­
and ankles swelled so that at times I how the masters w ill squirm!
We ries at «124612.50 a barrel and Pacific
could not walk without assist
Coast stock at «0.60.
Had taken several different kinds ol need men, men-cats, you know, real
The first car o f Florida grapefruit
kidney remedies but all failed. I sent Toms. Head this way, and i f you can­
for a box of Dr. Plerco's newest dis­ not join the invading army on Ever­ has arrived and w ill be quoted at «5.25
covery, " Anurlc,” which 1 received by
to *5.75.
mall in tablet form. I soon got bettut ett, you can get on the job and, be­
Sweet potatoes are very firm at
and am convinced that this populaf sides making a stake you can— well
Local stocks are small and
new medlclno Is good. I wish to rec­ you know.”
ommend It to my neighbors and every­
ow ing to the car shortage cannot be
body »uttering from such troubles.
replenished readily.
Bank Robbers Get $ 7 0 0 0 .
Mas. M. J. OaJioK.YT.
The potato market was barely steady
Calgary, Alberta— Tw o masked high­
N o te : Yon’vo all undoubtedly heard waymen blew open the safe o f the on the street at «1.75X62.
o f the famous Dr. Plerco and his well-
known medlclnos. Well, this prescrip­ Merchants Bank o f Canada, at Oke-
Biennial Report Shows Well.
tion Is one that has Ix'en successfully toka, 30 miles south o f Calgary, at 2
used for many years by thn physicians
compiling his forthcoming bien­
and specialists at Dr. IMerce’s Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, presumably in an automobile, with nial report, Superintendent o f Public
N. Y., for kidney complaints, anil dis­ about $7000. The robbers, before go­
eases arising from disorders of th» kid­ ing to the bank, cut the telephone and Instruction J. A. Churchill, finds that
there are 1628 teachers in Oregon who
neys and bladder, such as backache,
weak back, rheumatism, dropsy, conges­ telegraph wires at each end o f the hold life state certificates or life diplo­
tion of the kidneys, InllamtnaUon of the town and the authorities here did not mas. The numljer o f teachers holding
bladder, scalding urine, and urinary learn o f the crime until a motor car
life papers is 112 greater than in 1916.
The regularity with which the chil­
Up to this time, "Anurlc* has not arrived here from Oketoks with the
been on sale to the puhllc, but L tiy
bj tho news. A member o f the staff sleep­ dren attend school in Oregon is worthy
ersuaslon of many
___ . , patients and tho ing in the bank was gagged and bound. o f notice. Through the efforts o f the
_ demand for this wonderful
country teachers to keep the attend­
aline Tablet, Doctor Plerco has finally
Decided to put It Into thn drug stores of
Russian Warship Hit.
ance up to 92 per cent, the average re­
this country within Immediate reach of
Berlin— (B y wireless to Sayville, N. quired before a school may be consid­
all nifforers.
Simply ask for Doctor Pierce’s Anuria Y .— It is reported unofficially that the ered standard, the percentage o f daily
Tablet*. Thore can be no Imitation. Rusaian battleship Sevastopol struck a attendance in the rural schools is
Evsey package of " Anurlc* is sure to be mine several days ago and was badly slightly over 90 per cent, which is
Dr. Plen a’s. You will And the signature
The report was received higher than in any other state in the
qq the nftekage Just as you do on Dr.
avorlte Prescription, tho ever- Sunday by the Overseas New s agency United Statea. The percentage o f at­
.lend to ailing women, and from Stockholm.
According to this tendance in the city schoola ia still
________ e’s Goldon Medical Discovery,
proven by ynara to bo the greatest gnn- information, a Swedish merchant, who higher, so that the average attendance
sral tonic and reconstructor for any has just returned from a trip through for the entire state ia 94.8 per cent.
one, beaidee being tho boat blood-maker Russia and Finland, says the Sevasto­ The number o f absences from school
pol struck a mine eigh t days ago and was 2,317,410 less last year than dur­
was partly destroyed.
ing the previous school year.
n e w s it e m s ! f e w e r
General Interest
About Oregon
Crossings to Be Guarded.
Salem — To obtain information and
suggestions looking toward legislative
action to provide fur the elimination
and protection o f grade crossings o f
railroads and public highways, the
Oregon Public Service commission an­
nounced Wednesday that it would hold
a hearing in Portland November 23.
State, county, municipal and rail­
road officials and all interested are re­
quested to be present.
"Statistics show that accidents are
increasing yearly at grade crossings,”
said Frank J. Miller, a member o f the
commission, "and in this state there
are approximately 2800 grade cross­
ings, 96 per cent o f which have no
protection other than the ordinary
standard highway crossing warning
sign. In the last eight years there
have been many accidents at these
crossings, 147 o f them being attended
by serious injury and 40 proving
fa ta l.”
Lumber Shipping Steady.
Marshfield— C. A. Smith, chairman
o f the board o f directors o f the C. A.
Smith Lumber & Manufacturing com­
pany, ia authority for the statement
that the company w ill not at present
make any changes in its method o f dis­
posing o f its lumber output from the
two mills on Coos Bay.
Mr. Smith
was in Marshfield recently and while
hare gave reasons fo r continuing the
shipment o f the m ills’ output to Bay
Point, California.
When terminal rates were granted
for lumber over the Southern Pacific,
it was believed the Smith mills, like
several others on Coos Bay, would ar­
range to manufacture a large portion
o f its lumber on Coos Bay.
Smith declared the company’s plant at
Bay Point is a large concern and the
business ia well established and perma­
$275,143 Left in Fund.
Salem— The report o f the State In­
dustrial Accident commission from
November 6, 1913, to October 31,
1916, shows that the total receipts
have been «1,599,682.61, of which the
workmen have paid «182,774.72; em­
ployers. «1,210,123.34, and the state
«202,010.56. Interest on the general
fund has equaled «4673.99.
The commission has set aside to
guarantee the payment o f pensions
«501,319.28. In tim e loss it has paid
out «436,167.02; first aid, «187,961.38;
burial expenses, «11,862.60; pensions,
and administrative ex­
pense to date, «137,473.04.
Since the commission’s organization
15,748 accidents have been reported, o f
which 2161 were fatal.
Farming System Better.
Klamth Falls — “ Since I was here
two years ago a marked improvement
has been made by the farmers o f K la­
math county in general farm ing condi­
said Professor Edward B.
Fitts, extension lecturer from Oregon
Agricultural college. Professor Fitts,
with Professor J. E. Larson and Miss
Anna M. Turley, gave four farm ers’
short courses in Klamath county, one
each at Plevna, Mount Laki, M errill
and Bonanza.
‘ ‘There is one general criticism I
would make o f the methods o f dairy­
ing in Klamath county, how ever,”
Professor Fitts continued.
"T h a t is
as to the type o f stock used. Many of
the farmers are tryin g to do a dairy
business and still make beef out o f the
steers from the dairy cows. This can­
not be done profitably.”
The Public Health Service reports that more people live to
the age of forty years to-day, but from forty to sixty years
mortality is increasing from degenerative diseases.
Thousands of well-informed men and women to-day are
learning the true value of
as a powerful blood-enricher and strength-builder
to ward off the headaches and backaches that mean
weakness. S C O T T ’S helps fortify the body against
grippe, pneumonia and weakening colds, through
its force of medicinal nourishment
Refuse Alcoholic Extracts That Do Not Contain Cod Liver Oil.
is -«
Small order* ft* wall a* bi*r Ornamental*. Fruit Tree«, E tc. Hardy and guaranteed.
Largest Nursery between Rockies ami Cascades
14th Year.
15>W Orders La«t Year.
C mé *mkh. 0 «te Frac.
Dictionary — Reversible
The Court of Civil Appeals of Texas
does not seem Inclined to recognize
Messrs. Johnson, Webster, Funk ft
Wagnafls et ml., lexicographers, as In
any wise inspired or otherwise gifted
with infallibility. In Corpus Christl j
St. ft Interurban Ry. Co. v. KJellberg, j
185 Southwestern Reporter, 430, the
learned court held It reversible e r r o r !
for a Judge to send hls Jury a diction­
The opinion was by Fly, C. J.. and
reads In part as follows: "A fte r the
definition of the word 'produced’ had
been given as ‘the proximate cause of,'
It seems that the Jury knew no more
what 'proximate' means than what
'produced' meant, so the officer i n ;
charge was sent to the court to obtain :
a W ebster’s Dictionary, and the court
ordered the dictionary to be furnished
the Jury, and it was furnished, and
they used it In the privacy of the Jury
room. What the Jury obtained from
that stupendous work, filled with In­
conceivable words and maxims and
aphorisms, no one knows. No book
should be consulted by a Jury in ar­
riving at a verdict, and especially one
that defines and treats on everything
expressed by the English language.
No maker of dictionaries should ever
be allowed to define legal terms to a
such definitions
through the medium of the trial judge. j
the only one authorized by law to give !
definitions and explanations to a
“ Anuric” cures Backache, Lumbago,
Rheumatism. Send 10c.
Dr. V. M.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y ., fo r large trial
A Moral Lesson.
A t the end of a South Carolina col­
ored meeting It was decided to take
up a collection for charity. The chair­
man passed the hat himself. He drop­
ped a dime in It for a nest egg.
W ell, every right hand there enter­
ed that hat. and yet. at the end, when
the chairman turned the hat over and
shook It. not as much as his own con­
tribution dropped out
"F o ’ de Ian's sak e!” he cried. "A h 's
eben los’ de dime Ah stahted w iv !”
All the rows o f faces looked puzzled.
Who was the lucky man? Finally the
venerable Calhoun W hite summed up
the situation.
"Breddern,” he said solemnly, rising
from hls seat, "dar 'pears ter be a
great moral lesson roun' heah some-
whar."— Case and Comment
Send 10c to Dr. Pierce Invalids' Ho­
tel, Buffalo, fo r large trial package o f
"A n u ric” fo r kidneys, cures backache.
TsyyrsMh. Wok
The Phillips System o f stopping sympa­
thetic nerve-waste, the cause o f Chronic
Disease, is without an equal. It stops that
waste o f vital energy, harmonizes your
vital force« and transforms you into a new
being. It is the scientific application of
nature's law-assisting nature in nature's
own way. The many chronic invalids re­
stored to health by it attest its superior­
ity. For full particulars call on or write
DR. R. A. Phillips,
A X 1 S K Y B L D G .,
Try this easy way
to heal your skin
The first use of Kcsinol Ointment and Resinol
Soap usually stops sli itching sod burning asd
makes your tortured skin feel cool and comfortabls
at last. Won't y e « try the easy Rcsiaol way to haal
eczema or similar akin-erup­
tions? Sold by all druggists.
¿>a**pU f r e e , Dept. 2 - T ,
Retinel, Baltim ore.
I Irxr-TT——HT*
1 C esin ^ I
One on the Judge.
It la sometimes possible for a law­
yer to prove that his opponent is tha
wiser man, as is evidenced In this case.
A police magistrate in Cleveland
was disposing of cases at the rate o f
about two a minute, with great exact­
ness and dignity, being judge, jury,
and attorney all In one.
“ Then you are sure yon recognlsa
this linen coat as the one stolen from
you?" he said to a complainant
"Yes, your honor.”
"H ow do you know It is yours?"
“ You can see that it Is o f a pecu­
liar make, your honor," replied the
witness. "T h at is the way I know i t "
"A re you aware, sir,” shouted the
justice, turning to a closet back of
him and producing a similar coat,
"that there are others like it?”
“ Indeed I am,” replied the witness
still more placidly. ” 1 had two stolen."
— Case and Comment
Pensions for Re-married W id o w s.
The remarried widows ( i f now a widow) a t Civil
W ar Union soldiers, sailors and marines ir.ay now
secure pension on the service o f the first (Civil
W ar) husband. Fee fixed by law and eontinsent
upon success. Over 35 years experience. Taber
A Whitman Co.. Washington. D. C.
A Sympathetic Son.
Petty Arithmetic.
"W hen I was at your age,” remark­
“ I suppose you always looked out
ed Mr. Grabcoin, " I never had as
for number one?” said the admiring
much as a dollar at one time for
spending money.”
"N o, sir,” replied Mr. Dustin Stax.
"P o o r old dad!” replied young R egi­
“ A man who confines himself to such
nald Grabcoin.
“ When I hear you
a small figure as No. 1 is likely to
make a remark like that I feel as if It
get left out o f the big calculations
were my duty to take you out to a
Sunday Shows Stay Shut.
that go with modern affairs."— Wash­
cabaret with me some night and make
Eugene— Eugene w ill have no Sun­ you enjoy yourself.” — Birmingham
day theater performances, i f a decision Age-Herald.
An Air Castle.
o f Judge J. S. Coke, o f the Circuit
"H ow about that concrete house you
An Innovation Approved.
court, is to obtain. He denied an ap­
were figuring on building?”
plication by the Progressive Amuse­
" I understand that owing to possi*
“ It is still in the abstract."— Boston
ment company fo r an injunction to ble paper shortage the use of the
restrain the city authorities from in­ slate and pencil is to be revived.”
"Good id ea !” said the statesman. " I t
terferin g with the operation o f its
w ill make it easier to express myself
theater on Sunday.
Granulated Eyelids,
without creating a record that may
The plaintiff attacked the city ordi­
Eye, inflamed by expo­
nance, contending it was in conflict
sure to Sis. Dust and Wind
Ke w r
quickly relieved by Msitsa
with Lord’s Oregon Laws, which ex ­
Erudite Language.
Eye Kenedy. No Smarting,
cepted theaters from Sunday closing.
"W hat are you doing with that dic­
just Eye Comfort. A t
Judge Coke takes the view that inas­ tionary?”
Your Druggist*« 50c per Bottle. Martas EyS
much as the theaters were excepted
" I gotta little spare time now," re­ SalveinTubes 25c. For BeokellbeEytfrsexsk
under the state law there is no state plied the umpire. “ I ’m Just looking Druggist, or Marts« Eye Kernedy Ce.. Chicago
up a few of them names the Boston
law applying to Sunday theaters.
highbrow rooters called me.”— Louis­
ville Courier-Journal.
P. N. U.
No. 46. 1916
Possessor Keeps Land.
Pendleton— J. W. Maloney recently
>n the suit brought against him by
Frank Rogers for possession o f a quar­
ter section of Indian land.
The jury
brought in the verdict for Maloney
within 15 minutes.
Each had leases to the land, but Ma­
Save Money by W earing W . u Douglas
loney, who had had possession fo r sev­
shoes. For sale by over9 0 0 0 shoe dealers.
eral years, produced a new lease made
The Best Known Shoes In the World.
in June, which was declared valid.
. L. Douglas name and the retail price is stamped on the bot­
tom o f all shoes at the factory. The value is guaranteed and
When Rogers attempted to take pos­
the wearer protected against high prices for inferior shoes. The
session recently and started to burn
m a il prices arc the same everywhere. They coat no more in San
the stubble, Maloney ordered him off
Francisco than they do in New York. T hey are always worth the
at the point o f a gun, it was testified.
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$3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 & $ 5 . 0 0 * » W „
Supreme Court to H ear 186 Cases.
Salem— The trial docket o f the Ore­
gon Supreme court fo r the coming
term shows a total o f 186 oases, o f
which 86 are from Multnomah county.
Marion county is second with 21 cases
to be heard.
Other countiea having
cases on the docket are:
nine; Jackson,
eigh t;
Lane, Washington and Yam hill, six
each; Clatsop and Coos, five each; Co­
lumbia, four; Hood R iver, Josephine,
Tillamook, three each;
Crook, Klamath and Wasco, tw o each,
and Lake, Lincoln and Polk, one «ach.
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