Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, November 04, 1916, Image 5

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    BUY D I RE C T
Of General Interest
I want to extend to
ou my heartfelt
b a n k s for th«
IwneitU derived
from Ihe use oi
your medicines,
also for the kind
atul good advice
obtained. I am a
proud mother,
" I hail been a
three times 1 was
;iven up to die—
Mir months ago.
the last time being four
I doctored with several doctors but
obtained no relief. Wo* told that an
operatiou would effect a cure, to I
submitted to one, but this proved like
all the rnedicim-s I had taken — not
beneficial. I obtained, ami started at
once taking * Favorite Prescription.'
♦'Four months ago the doctors and
nurse said it would lie a year or more
before I would be able to do my house­
work, and, of course, I thought to
myself as I was not able to walk
across the Boor for several week*.
am now able to do my housework and
to care for my children aud I do not
feel as though I could ever thank you
enough for the benefits I have re­
ceived."— Mas. M abju -LU Km -, 184
South Fasadena Ave.
W hy should any woman continue to
worry, to lead a miserable existence,
when Dr. l'ierce’ s Favorite Prescription
Is sold by druggists, in cither tablet
or liuuid form ?
Sick people are invited to consult
Dr. Fierce by letter, /ret.
A il corres­
pondence is held as strictly private
and sasredly confidential.
Pasadena, Cal.-
{ Do Your Own Plumbing |
dlrwt from us #t vhulMal« «H i m
•nd u u U m plNnilar'i pruftte. Write us u>-
dajr your vumm S s W s w ill «lit you our rusk*
botiuni "dlrwt.to-rou" prices, f. s b. rill or
bout. Ws Mkullr *#vs you fr«»m 10U II psr
SsnL All gowls susrsntsMl
About Oregon
III burin«
Crime Decreasing in Oregon
Declares Warden of State Pen
Northwest hssd<|usrt<*rs for l / w t e W sU r
.Salem “ Statlitira o f this inatltu-
tiori during the current calander year
| warrant the Itellef that crime in Ore-
i gon is ateadily dvcreaaing, and that
| the number of commitment* to the
i (»«nitentiary may be materially re­
duced during the next few yeara,"
nay* Warden John W. Minto in hia bi­
ennial report to the atate board o f con*
H I B rsrvtt St.. N * «r Ninth. Portland, Ora.
Speaking o f the reformation o f pris­
Portable Electric and Oxy-Acrfylme Plant. oner«, the report says that 76 per cent
lUady at .11 H oms .
o f them can be reformed and the re­
O a y -A c .ty U «. W .UItn. ami C ulli«*.
W .ld in . maining 26 per cent “ are criminal* by
by T bsi»id . IJsctrtcdy. Oay-Acstylsns.
nature, training and inclination,” ami
that “ their entire lives w ill be spent
W siding of Shssl Stssl. Coat Iron. Aluminum
Be see. tic. HoiUr ami Manns Work
either In some |>enal institution or
s Specially.
dodging one.“ The 76 per cent sus­
A l i t o AUITNTM- Th# Ifsnderson Willis Welding ceptible to reformation are “ unfortun­
! Culling t o Kt la »u k tl S. A
ate victims o f passion, financial diffi­
ass Works. dt»i HI. A Redftis Ave., Chicsgu.
culties, careless raising, unfavorable
environment and weakness In the face
o f temptation, ” say* the report. The
«egregation o f prisoners is recom-
j mended.
Systems and Kullsr A Jubnnun Ditfln«.
IIS TVIrd Slrsst.
Ksrllsmi. Or#«on
The Mathews Welding
& Cutting Co.,
N ew Houston Hotel
- .............- ...........
Four Block« Irum lliUmi Rtalinu. Undor n r *
maitaa.nt.nl, Ail ru<.ni. n.w ly (J.nor.lod
K « ln 90c. 79c. ( I . »1.90 I ’ m Day
Car License Cards Issued.
Salem—To the 40,000 motor vehicle
\ owners and chauffeurs of Oregon, Sec-
: retary o f State Olcott has mailed *p-
1 plication blanks for registration for
the year 1017.
A transmittal card
with the horsepower of each machine,
Pipe. Flume, Pumps, Cíate*. Weira,
figured according to the Oregon law,
Tanka, Troughs, Silo*.
We «p e ­
was inclosed with each application,
d a li*« on Irrigation and Drainage
and also a notice requesting owners
Wurk A. L GAGE & SON
not to ask for the assignment o f any
Purtland, Ore. certain number.
303 Spalding Bldg.
“ The attempt to accommodate those
who have wished for the same number
A C m C Telia It M*4> S.:
Il Doe* Not Grow So. each year, as well as those asking for
specified numbers, has proven unsatis-
T h .r* U unlr on. way te rut •
* . m .I Viuiin Without U n i t K i- i factory and impracticable, ” said Sec-
|Mnu, which U S.ful In yuur i retary Olcott, “ and therefore requests
( lit IU 4 t> M .n d h . v . t l t in t .
Intunn Old Uwud U m . K id - o f this nature w ill rece've no atten­
m at.. gtv.n Iru.. All wurk tion this year.”
rutmtMl. Hnrul 1 «
Irrigation Systems
m h M w n t.
r.tud. a.
Apples Wait for Cars.
Hood R iver— W ith immediate orders
O rison V uicaniiino C omrany
moved to 834 (w 8*7 Mu maid# Hi., »'url­ for 400 carloads o f apples and without
isi.<1. lire. L*r*«*»t Tin» Kspeir Pleut
in ih# Northwest Country services a single refrigerator car available
■i-ecmlty. Use Parcel Pest
officials o f the Apple
growers’ association declare that the
apple market situation ia being seri­
She Was Shopping.
ously affected by the car shortage.
8 h* had been sitting lu tha furni­
The local storage terminals are fast
ture shop for nearly two hours, In­ filling up with apples, and unless cars
specting the stock of linoleums. Kali are available soon growers w ill prob­
after roil the perspirtug assistant ably be filling the basements o f local
brought out, but atlll she seemad dis­
business houses with boxed apples.
satisfied. From her dress he Judged
“ It ho* been reported that re frig e r­
her to be a pereon of wealth, aud
thought it likely she would have a ator cars have been used to transport
good order to give. W fen at last he wheat. Wc are investigating to find
had shown her the last roll be paused whether or not this is true,” said W il-
In despair.
nu r Sieg, salcsmanager o f the apple-
“ I'm sorry, madam," he said apolo­ growers.
getically, "but If you could wait 1
could get lume more pieces from tha
Entire Fruit Pack is Sold.
Perhaps you would coll
Brownsville — The canenry o f the
The prospective customer gathered Linn and Benton Fruit Growers' asso­
her belongings together and rose from ciation, located here, has sold the en-
i tire peek o f this season and all the old
the chair.
"Yes. do," she said, with a gracious stock except a few black cherries.
emlle, “ and ask them to send you one
Tho goods are commanding the best
or two with very small designs, suit price ainee the establishment o f the
able for putting in the bottom of a
plant in 1906. They ore loading ears
canary's cage."— Chicago Journal.
to the lim it o f their capacity, some­
time* putting in 100,000 pounds, be­
“ Anuric” cures Backache, Lumbago,
Rheumatism. Send 10c
Dr. V. M. cause o f the scarcity o f cars.
The cannery has packed about 12,000
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., for largo trial
cases this season, and contemplates
putting up 3000 or 4000 more.
‘T can not understand why my sec­
Clean Bill Given Camp.
ond husband is so fastidious," con­
North Bend— Dr. Ira B. Bartle, who
fessed u Washington lady to her
bosom friend "H e scarcely eat* any­ was requested by the state health au­
thing. My first husband, who, died, thorities to examine the Buehner Lum­
used to eat everything 1 cooked for ber Company's logging camp at A lle­
ghany and determine whether it was
"Did you toll your present husband
in an insanitary condition as reported
to the health authorities by a logger,
"Y es."
"That's tlio reason." — Pittsburgh he said in part: “ The men employed
at the camp had no complaint to make
on the charges contained in the letter
C h a r a c t e r A n a ly s is .
o f criticism ; the bunkhouses are large
" I always told Charley that he had and well ventilated, bug proof, of
too sensitive a nature,” said young steel, and the kitchen was clean, while
Mrs. Torklns
the food waa wholesome.”
"S en sitive!"
brutal brother In law.
Polk Road Body Form ».
"Yes. You said yourself he had no
Dallas — The Polk County Road
business playing poker because he
was always shy."— Washington Star. Builders’ association was organized in
Dallas recently.
The association is
T h ro u g h .
composed o f three delegates from each
"Is Dill Jenkins still paying atten o f the road districts o f the county.
tlon to that red headed Smith girl?” Every road district was represented,
"N ot very much. They're married there being 57 accredited delegates in
A permanent organiza­
tion was perfected with the object of
Accounted F o r .
recommending to the county court
"This play i* a howling success."
each year necessary road improvement
"O f course. That cornea from try
lng it on the dog."— Baltimore Amerl and repairs in order that the court
may be aided in making up its budget.
Altaic? Bldg., Portland, Or.
Mr Booklst, “Chronic Plsaass. Its Causa
and Curs,” bring! new hop« to tha invalid.
Many ao-calteu incurahin« rsstorud to
health and happiness. WHITK TODAY.
W rite abont your wants In this line to
183 Madison St.,
P. N. U.
Portland, Ore.
No. 46, 1018
Phone Line is Proposed.
Bend— A proposal that an effort be
made to connect the towns of Bend
and Burns by telephone was made at
the meeting o f the Commercial club
here recently by J. E. Weston, man­
ager o f the Inter-Mountain Telephone
& Telegraph company, of Burns.
Weston estimated that the cost o f the
work would be 112 , 000 .
The present lines of communication
are by way o f Baker and Portland.
The matter has been taken up by the
club’s transportation committee.
Potato Yield is Heavy,
Aurora — Potatoes and hops have
come in so plentiful for storage that
practically every storeroom in town is
full, while the difficulty in obtaining
cars renders it almost impossible for
buyers to make further purchases ex­
cept for future delivery. The yield
and quality o f the potatoes in this sec­
tion ia better than for years and i f the
car shortage does not interfere with
the sale of them, there is every pros­
pect o f a rich harvest.
Send three dimes ( or stamps) for
;es to Dr
Dr. Pierce's Invalids'
nulling charges
o, N. Y ., and you will re-
receivee-t copy of the "Common Sense
Medical Adviser," mil charges prepaid.
What He Bald.
" I* your husband fond of golf?"
"Fond of It? He had the nerve tt
tell me tho other night that I could
consider n y e e lf lucky that he bad
married me before he was Introduced
to the game."— Detroit Free Prees.
of Good Digestion
is strongly reflected in your
general health and happi­
For any digestive weak-
* ness, l i v e r and
bowel trouble or
m a l a r i a , fever
and ague
You should try
O S T E T T E R ’S
H Stomach Bitters
Not a Square Deal.
Mias Mason was explaining to h*r
Sunday school class the lesson for tbs
day. the subject being the tare* and
tho wheat.
“ Now, remember, children, the tarea
represent the bad people and the
wheat the good ones."
"W hy, Miss Mason!” exclaimed a
rosy-cheeked boy, who bad been lis­
tening through the lesson with deep
interest, ‘‘did you say the tares are
the had folk and the wheat the good
"Yes, James,” replied the teacher,
pleased at the lad's Interest.
•'Well, that’s funny, I th in k !" re­
marked tho matter-of-fact child. "It's
tho wheat that gets threshed; the
tares don't.”— Philadelphia Ledger.
The High Calling of Motherhood
demands the utmost precaution in maintain •
ing health at high efficiency.
Portland —W h eat- Blueetem, $1.61;
fortyfold. $1.66; club, $1.62; red fife,
$1.62; red Russian, $1.60.
Oata— No. 1 white feed, $34.
Barley— No. 1 white feed, $87.
Flour — Patents, $8.20; straights,
$7.00 @ 7.40; exports, $7.00; valley,
$7.70; whole wheat, $8.40; graham,
It U doubly important and nothing in the world I f
so needful as Scott's Emulsion , good cheer and
S c o t t ’« E m u ls io n makes the blood
rich and pure. It contains the vital flesh­
building and b o n e - b u i l d i n g properties
and insures abundant nourish­
ment. It strengthens the nerve»
and creates energy and vitality
daring this period.
Expectant and nursing mothers
always need Scott’ s Emulsion.
$ 8 . 20 .
M illfeed— Spot prices; Bran, $23.60
@ 24 per ton; shorts,
rolled barley, $89.606441.50.
Corn— Whole, $48 per ton; cracked,
Hay— Producer»’ prices: Timothy,
Eastern Oregon, $176420 per ton; tim ­
othy, valley, $16@16; alfalfa, $166$
16.50; valley grain hay,
clover, $12.60.
¡ Butter— Cobea, extraa, 83c bid. Job­
bing prices: Print*, extra:., 37Jo per
pound; butterfat. No. 1, 87c; No. 2,
& $
a SSV&H h
86<-, Portland.
Save M oney by W earing W . L. Douglas
Eggs — Oregon ranch, current re­
shoe«. For sale by o ver OOOO shoe dealers.
ceipts, 44w46c per dozen; Oregon
The Bent Known Shoes in the W orld.
ranch, candled, 466446c.
. L. Douglas name and the read price is stamped on the bot­
tom of ail shoo at the factory. The value is guaranteed and
Poultry — Hens,
136416c; springs,
the wearer protected again« high prices for inferior thorn. The
16 64 16c; turkeys, live, 22 @ 24c;
retail prices arr the same everywhere. They com no more in San
ducks, 136417c; geese, 1 0 @ lle.
Francuco than they do in New York. They are always worth the
Veal— Fancy, 1064101c per pound.
price paid for them.
Pork— Fancy, 12c per pound.
'"phe quality of W. L. Douglas product is guaranteed by more
Vegetable«— Artichokes, 76c64$l per
1 than 40 yean experience in making fine shoes. The smart
dozen; tomatoes, 76c64$1.25 per crate;
Myles are the leaders in the Fashion Centres o f America.
cabbage, $ 1 . 26641.60 per hundred; pep­
They are made in a weU-eauipped factory at Brockton, Mass.,
pers, 6647c per pound; eggplant, 664
by the highest paid, skilled ahoemakexs, under the direction and
8c; lettuce, $2.25 per box; cucumber*,
supervision of exprrirnced men, all working with an hone«
determination to make the be« those for the price that money
$1641.60; celery, 60@76c per dozen;
can buy.
pumpkins, lc per pound; squash, 164
A sk your t h o . rta sl.r (o r W . L D o u g las shoos. I f ha n o -
not .a p p ly you w ith tlis kin d yon wnnt, take no other
Potatoes — Oregon
buying price,
m ake. W r i t , fo r Intoi-mting booklet .x p ia in lu g h o w to
get .b o o . of the h lg h e .t .ta n d n rd o f q u ality fo r the price,
$1.40 6$ 1.50 per hundred, country
b y return m ull, postage free.
Boys’ Shoos
points; sweet«, $2.26642.50.
LO O K FOR W. L Douglas
Isti In the Wort*
Onions— Oregon buying price, $2.36
the retail p r ic e
$3.00 f 2-501 $2.00
per sack, country points.
P r re
id a e n t O _
Green Fruits— Apples, new, 60c@$2
per box; pears, $1.00641.26; grapes,
76c 64 $1-76; casabas, l i e ; cranber­
When to Begin
ries, $9.606510 per barrel.
I f we «11 had our liv e » to live over
Hope— 1916 crop, 106512c per pound.
Wool — Eastern Oregon, fine, 2364
If we might start afresh and anew.
26; coarse, 306432c; valley, 33c.
What a joy It would he for us women
Mohair— 40c per pound.
and men,
And what wonderful things we
Cascara Bark— Old and new, 51c per
should do!
Cattle— Steers, prime, $6.40667.00; How straight we should walk and how
wise we should talk;
good, $66J6.40; common to fair, $564
How cheerful we’d be and how gay;
6.75; cows, choice, $5.50656; medium But If w e’re in earnest about our re­
to good, $4.60645; ordinary to fair,
Resinol Ointment, wish the help of Resinol
$3.50664; heifers, $4645.25; bulla, $3
W hy don’t we begin them today?
Soap, usually removes pimples and makes tbs
@4.26; calves, $46;,7.50.
complexion clear and fresh. I t is a moot vain-
abl# household remedy for »ores, bums, chai-
Hogs — Prime, $9.25@9.75; good to W e feel that w e’d never be foolish and
in **, dandruff, etc. Sold by all dru grists, f o r
prime mixed, $8.26659; rough heavy,
trial free, write to Resinol, Baltimore, lid.
A ll our strength and our labor away,
$8648.26; pigs and skips, $8658.25.
Sheep— Lambs, $8648.75; yearlings,
able thing.
wethers, $7647.60; old wethers, $6.26
Without either profit or pay.
Eyes inflamed by expo-
@6.60; ewes, $5645.50.
But If we're so keea at reform to be
sureto Sos, M i a i W M
Ely relieved by HariM
I f we're pining to enter the fray.
Wheat Buyers Draw Out
‘ /. No Smarting
The question arises with pertinence
Comfort. A t
just Eye Coi
for Lack of Freight Cars
t ]9
s 50c per Bottle.
Your • Druggist’
W hy don’t we get busy today T
Solve in Tubes 2 5c. For Beek «I Ike fy a f mask
Portland — The larger wheat buyers
Druggists or Marise Eye Remedy C*.
have withdrawn from the market and The days that are gone are most thor­
oughly gone,
say they w ill do no more buying until
W e can’t bring them back if we try;
Certainly Not.
can get cars, regardless of But the days that are coming roll
"P o o r laddie,” said the lady to the
whether the market advances or de­
hotel lift boy, “ don’t you find thle
And no one can ever tell why.
clines. Orders from Eastern mills for Unless it should be they're to help you work rather trying and monotonoua?”
"N o fear, missus!
I like 1L It’*
wheat are coming along strong, but
and me
full of excitemenL First of all. there’s
Do sensible things while we may.
are being turned down, as there is no
T h ey’ll certainly help us to live over always the funny people coming In
and ou t Then there’s other things.
immediate prospect o f moving the
our lives,
“ Only yesterday a man tried to get
If we start out to do It today.
wheat that has already been bought.
out before the lift was down and
— Tacoma Labor Advocate.
It is estimatd that not over 20 per
cracked his skull. Then last week the
machine broke, and the thing came
cent o f the crop has been shipped to
K Cures W hile You Walk.
Allen'# Foot-Ease 1# a certain cure for hot. straight down from the sixth floor to
date, although the fanners have dis­ aweating,
callus, and swollen, aching feet. Sold the bottom, and everybody was hurt
by all Druggists. Price 26c. Don’t accent any ’cept me. This ’ere rope, too. looks a
posed o f close to 80 per cent. The substitute.
Trial package FREE. A&dres#
bit weak, but it’ll probably last till w e
remaining 60 p ercen t has been sold to Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy. N. Y.
get up, though I don’t know what w e’ll
Eastern m illers or to foreigners, but it
do if it doesn’t, ’cos the engine man
The Vital Point.
is still here.
Farmers are showing a disposition
A beautiful young lady interviewed ! Is away ill today, and ’is mate's just
joined up, and I'm In charge of every­
to meet the market now, but find buy­ a fortune teller on the usual subjects.
thing and I don’t know nothing about
ers are not plentiful.
A t the Mer­
i it.
So tt ain't really what you could
chants’ Exchange bids were reduced 3
call a dull life, is It?"— London An­
to 6 cents, but there were no sales.
all rivals and marry the man of your swers.
Oats were unchanged and feed barley choice. He w ill be tall and dark and
was 50 cents lower.
Dr. Pierce’s Pellets are beat for liver,
aristocratic looking.”
Considering the channels through
"And young?” interrupted the lady. bowels ar.d stomach. One little Pellet
for a laxative— three fo r a cathartic.
which the Northwestern crop is mov­
“ Yes, and very rich.”
The beautiful lady grasped the for­
ing this year, business on the local ex ­
H cnisty in Politic*.
change in the month o f October might tune teller s hands and pressed them
Politician — Congratulate me, my
be called quite active. The October hard.
"Thank you,” she said. "N ow tell dear. I ’ve won the nomination!
sales were 95,000 bushels o f wheat,
His W ife (in surprise)— Honestly,?
me one thing more. How shall 1 get
400 tons o f oats, 100 tons o f barley rid of my present husband?"— New
Politician— Now, what in thunder
and 600 tons o f m illfeed, o f a total York Times.
did you want to bring up that point
value o f $165,300.
In October last
for?— Case and Comment
year the board sales were 140,000
Pensions for Re-married W idow s.
N ew R e n d erin g .
bushels of wheat and 800 tons o f oats,
T h . remarried widows tif now s widow) o f Civil
W ar Union roldiere, nai'.ora and murines may now
"Young Smith says that Miss Faddy
o f a total value o f $153,700.
secure pension on the service o f the first 'Civil is his bete noir."
W ar) husband. Fee fixed by law and contingent
"D ear me! He must be awfully fond
upon success. Over SS years experience. Taber
Strong Turkey Market Predicted.
& Whitman Co., Washington. D. C.
of her to call her a pet name like
that.”— Baltimore American.
Portland — A strong m arket
fo r
H e r F ir s t O rd er.
Thanksgiving turkey is predicted by T.
Mrs. Youngbride (to butcher)— I've
G. Farrell, who says:
just thought of something for dinner B I A r v losses surely prevehto
“ W e believe that there is an aver­ my husband is very fond of. You have
age crop o f turkeys this fail, not a chickens?
W « r g j o g lr**iu reIUhle;i
F •. ■’’>
preferred by'
Butcher— Y es'm ; nice and fresh.
very big one, but a good average crop.
M 18 wcsttn*
Mrs. Youngbride— W ell, please cut M
P a t f V t f L J l men, because they \
Conditions are pretty good, men are
pretty well employed, and prices on all out the croquettes and I'll take them
v¿¿etnee fall.
with me.— Boston Transcript
Write lor booklet and testi noala?*.
commodities are high. We, there! ore,
10-do*« ***. Black!« Pill*, ft.CO
90-date pk*. B. icklt* Pills. $4.00
predict that there w ill be a very fine
Hie Way.
iny ixlectof. but Cutwr • «impl«* »ad «»un i«t-
price for fancy dressed turkeys, ge ese
Th. «uperioritr »1 Cut»» products la dun » ore» 15
“ What an energetic executor your
yours ctspoclsllxin, ia VACCINO AND «»> ’>■»
and ducks for the Thanksgiving trade. late uncle appointed."
oncy . I nsist o» Curva« *■ II uaoUuiuxUs.
order cflrect.
_ . .
_ ...
There have been a few marketed al­
•‘Y es; he is working with a w ill.”—
Tha Cuttar lihwatary, »wkalay. Callfwnl
ready for early shipment to rem ote Baltimore American.
points, Alaska, Manila, etc.
were good and sold well, 27@2?|c.
We believe that fine goods on the
Thanksgiving market w ill bring this
much and perhaps more.
“ There w ill be a good demand .also
for fine dresesd geese and ducks.
Chickens on the Thanksgiving m arket
is simply delicious w h en made with
are generally poor sellers; they w ill
be wanted later.
W. L. D O U G L A S
cleared away
my pimples!
Eyes g
Some Have to Keep on Until
They Almost Drop. How
Mrs. Conley Got Help.
Here is a letter from a woman who
bad to work, but was too weak and suf­
fered too much to continue. How the
regained health :—
Frankfort, K y .—“ I «offered eomoch
with female weakness that 1 could not
do my own work,
bad to hire it done.
I h e a r d e o much
about Lydia E. Pink-
ham'e V e g e t a b l e
Compound t h a t I
tried it. I took three
bottle* and I found
i t to be a l l y o u
claim. Now I feel as
well as ever I did and
am abla to do all my
own work again. I
recommend it to any woman suffering
from female weakness. You may pub­
lish my latter i f you wish. ’ ’ —Mrs. J ames
C o n l e y , 616 S t Clair S t,F ra n k fo rt Ky.
No woman suffering from any form o f
female troubles should lose hope until
she bos given Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg­
etable Compound a fair trial.
This famous remedy, tha medicinal
Ingredient» o f which are derived front
native roots and herbs, has for forty
years proved to be a most valuable tonic
and invigom torof the female erganlsaa.
▲11 w o m e n mro in v it e d t e w r i t *
to th o I.y d ln K . P in k h n m M e d i­
c in e C o ., L y n n , M u z , f o r a p o d a l
a d n lo v r lt w ill
Potatoes and Onions Advancing.
Portland— There has been no chiuige
in the potato situation, so fa r as g e t­
tin g out shipments is concerned. Trad­
ers hope for re lie f soon, though they
do not say where it w ill come from.
The market ia on a firm basis and buy­
ers quote up to $1.60 for the best
On the street Oregons are
jobbing at $1.76.
Onions are firmer
at $2.36, country points.
Jobbers for
a time quoted $3, bat w ere unable to
move stock at over $2.76. There is *
very fa ir trade in apples, at steady
EC B aking P cv V der
Pure— Healthful— Economical
The highest grade o f baking powder pos­
sible to buy and your money refunded
if it f«iiq to satisfy.
Ask your dealer.
Jaques Mfg. Co, Chicago