Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, November 04, 1916, Image 2

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©lye Jalla ©it vi Nruia
D. L. WOOD ft SON.
P u b lish «».
B a t o n « u s a r a a S -r la » m a il at t k « p o o to ftln
a t Balla C ity . Polk C o a a tj. O ra«oa . a a «a r tka
S a t o l C oa cna a of k la rrk *■ U T » . ______________
Telcphoat—Ntw» OfTJc*. B .
Subscription Ratas: Oaa paar. t i . » : aia msatha.
M osata; t i n s months, » o s a t a ; sin« 1« copy. I ata
AdTsrttstnf Rat*«: D isplay,ISc*nt«anlnch;
Business Notices i esnu a 11ns; For Sals, Rant.
Kachans*. Want and Pay Kntsrtalnmsnt No­
tte««. » eta. a Uns. Card of Thanka 10 eta ; Ls«a
Notions Issai ratas
Copy for new ads. andchans*«should bs tent
to Ths News not later than Wednesday.
Offtaial New*pspar af tka Ctty af Falla CIO
I s s u e d E v e r y S a t u r d a y M o r n i n g
Brief Resume of General News
From Ail Around the Earth.
Live News Items of All Nations and
Pacific Northwest Condensed
for Our Busy Readers
Spokane grocers and butchers are
discussing the question o f advancing
prices on their goods.
H. J. Orlffln, Mayor.
R. M. Wonderly, Councilman-at-Larsa
G. W. Brentner,
George C. March,
f I. n Q.
m Singleton.
r‘ d,'* r
C o u n c il»««
C. L. Hopkins,
N. S tilt.
C. 1. McPh*rr*n, Auditor tnd Pollot J a i f «
Walter L. Toose Jr.. City Attorney.
Pat Murphy, Marshal tnd Water 8npt.
M. L. Thompson. Treasurer
Dr. P. M Hellwtrth. Health Officer.
TheCouncil meets in regular seaalon on the flret
Monday night of each month, at 7-80 o'clock. In
the office of the Fall» City New».
professional darte
The British steamer Bornu has foun­
dered 25 miles west o f Ushant in a
heavy gale. A ll the passengers , and
crew were saved by the Norwegian
steamer Rein.
Miss Jessie Ashley, sister o f Clar­
ence D. Ashley, former dean o f the
New York University Law School, is
adjudged guilty o f distributing birth
control literature in court in New
York and fined $50.
Office one door east of P. O.
Because o f the car shortage, Port­
land fuel men are employing auto
trucks to transport wood to the city
from nearby forests.
Andrew Carnegie has bought from
S. P. Sbotter, o f Savannah, Ga., the
Shadow Brook estate in Lenox, Mass.,
and will occupy it as a summer home.
The deal is said to involve more than
A Klamath Falls, Oregon, sheriff
pours 200 gallons o f seized liquor into
the Main street sewer.
Pali» City,
Business darte
The importation o f goods for private
use in Petrograd has been prohibited
on account o f traffic congestion. Spe­
cial permission o f the ministry is re­
quired for shipments for other than
government purposes.
Jails Cit\>1botel
S a m p l e R o om s
Boat A c c o m m o d a tio n s
Frank Moore, injured 16 months ago
when a motor car he was driving was
run down by a Southern Pacific train
near Thurston, Ore., leaves the Eugene
hospital almost fully recovered from
his injuries, which included a broken
F . Droege , P ro p rie to r
Bohle’s Barber Shops
A $1,000,000 timber deal was con­
summated at Tillamook, Or., when
W allace MeCamant, o f Portland, as
master in chancery, received from
John P. Oleson, o f Chicago, a $25,000
check to bind the sale o f timber lands
in Tillamook, Washington and Lane
Falls C i t y , O re g o n
Where y»o cab get a Share, Bair Cat lath
or ‘Shine'
Agent for Dallas Steam laundry
Bundles forwarded Tuesday evening
G. C. Burris, a Superior Court juror
at Seattle, was taken from the jurybox
and lodged in the county jail, charged
with disobeying a court order directing
him to pay $10 a week for support of
his w ife. Burris was arrested on a
lazy husband warrant last May and re­
leased on promise to make payments.
G. L. H A W K I N S
D a l l a « , O re gon
Short skirts and m ilitary footwear
are chiefly responsible for the high
cost o f shoes, according to C. E. Boa-
worth, special agent o f the bureau of
“ Three years ago,” says Mr. Bosworth,
“ there was no market fo r glazed kid.
Skirts then became shorter and shoes
lengthened, which used up the supply
o f kid.”
Mrs. Mary Fairbanks, mother of
ex-Vice-President Fairbanks, died sud­
denly at Indianapolis at his home Tues­
day night. Mr. Fairbanks was cam­
paigning in Illinois at the time. Mrs.
Fairbanks, who was 87 years old, had
been enjoying good health and took a
long motor ride just before she became
suddenly ill.
A wireless press dispatch
Bucharest says an official decree has
been issued committing for trial on a
charge o f conspiracy two men named
Babosh and Thot, who are charged
with having attempted last year to as­
sassinate Premier Bratiano, o f Rou-
mania; M. Costinesco,
minister, and the late M. Filipesco,
former war minister.
Notice to News Subscribers
A mark here indicates that
your subscription is delinquent.
Please call and fix it.
forno S e e k e r-
O rc h a rd Land
Passenger Train Schedule
Effective Oct. 4,1914
W W T B O l'M l
1 «!
am. am.
Salem . . . 7:00 9.45
D allas. . . 8.15 11.02
FallsCity. 8.50 11.35
lA S T ftO V I'D
V ».
Bl’k Rock
Falls City.
9.30 1.25
D a lla s . . . 10.10 2.00
Salem . . . 11.01 3.15
A. C. Powaaa. A s m
Dublin, via London — The British
steamer Marina waa torpedoed with­
out warning, according to a statement
made by American survivors o f the
vessel, who arrived here Tuesday night
from Bear Haven.
Six Americana
were killed.
The survivors declared that two tor­
pedoes were fired at the Marina and
that the submarine watched the boata
I containing the survivors for half an
| hour without offering assistance. The
I statement was made to the Associated
Twenty-eight American survivors of
the steamer arrived at the seamen’s
home here from Bear Haven.
In the
statement to the Associated Press they
“ We reached safety after more than
30 hours in a rough sea in an open
boat. Captain Brown was last seen
lowering himself to a raft.
“ The Marina, with a cargo o f whis­
ky from Glasgow to Baltimore, waa
struck by a torpedo without warning
off Skelling’s rock at 4:14 o’ clock
Saturday morning and sank in a few
minutes. A second torpedo struck the
port side o f the vessel about 10 min­
utes after the first.
“ AH Americans aboard were mem­
bers of the crew except one, a passen­
ger named Middleton, of Fredericks­
burg, who was drowned, and two stow­
aways, who also were drowned.
“ The submarine watched our boats
for half an hour and offered no assiat-
The British mine-sweeping vessel
Genista has been torpedoed and sunk,
according to the British admiralty. All
the officers and 73 members o f the
crew were lost, only 12 escaping.
Even the price o f stale bread has
been increased
in San Francisco.
“ Yesterday’s bread” used to sell two
loaves for a nickel. Now the price is
three loaves for a dime or four for 15
Investigation by Government Will Not
Halt Because o f Election.
London Thinks Ship Recently Used
by Navy-Technicalities Likely-
German Version Awaited.
Washington, D. C.— So many con­
flicting elements have appeared in the
destruction o f the British ship Marina
by a German submarine, with the loss
of Amercan lives, that the incident
threatens to fall into a technical dis­
cussion rather than a clear-cut issue of
whether Germany has violated her
pledges to the United States.
It became apparent Thursday, both
from the attitude o f the State depart­
ment and from foreign dis|«trhes, that
much which is essential to a determi­
nation o f the responsibility remains
un-discloaed, if, indeed, the United
States, Germany or Great Britain is in
|K>ssession o f the full facts.
Long Beach, N. J.— A fte r receiving
It appeared certain no move w ill be
unofficial information that six A m eri­ I made by the United States until the
cans had lost their lives by the sinking German version o f the affair, as well
of the
British steamship Marina, as that o f the destruction o f the lirit-
President Wilson communicated with ish ship Rowanmore by shellfire, with
Secretary o f State Lansing Tuesday endangering of Americans, has been
night an d 'd irected that all possible obtained.
haste he taken in obtaining the facts
The positive developments were the
concerning the sinking o f the vessel.
action o f Count von Bernstorff, the
Secretary o f State Lansing informed German ambassador, in asking his gov­
the President that, in addition to a re­ ernment to forward full details by
quest to the American embassy in wireless and the issuance o f a state­
London for information, informal in­ ment by Secretary Lansing that the
quiries had been sent to the German investigation would be in no wise de­
layed because there is a political cam­
W hiie it was made clear here that paign in progress.
on action would be taken pending the
W hile they await full details, two
collection o f all the facts, it was indi­ outstanding facts attracted the atten­
cated that the situation contained tion o f officials.
One was the an­
grave possibilities.
nouncement that the Marina was
armed with a 4.7-inch gun mounted
astern; the other was a news dispatch
from London, the language o f which
was regarded as significant.
It said:
“ It is regarded here as quite prob-
I nble that the American State depart­
N ew London, Conn.— The German ment w ill make still further inquiries
merchant submarine Deutschland ar­ I with the object o f determining defi-
rived in the harbor here early Wednes­ 1 nitely the status o f the Marina. While
day morning.
j it is said that she was under private
Captain Koenig said the Deutschland charter when she was torpedoed, it
left Bremen on October 10. The en­ appears that the vessel may have en-
tire crew comprises 25 men.
The imaged in adimralty work not long be­
Deutschland appeared in the harbor fo r e ."
shortly after midnight and proceeded
This was generally construed as re­
to the dock o f the Eastern Forwarding flecting some indications o f doubt in
London over whether the ship was en­
Captain F. Hinsch, o f the Forward­ titled to the immunities o f a peaceful
ing company, accompanied by D t . R. merchantman.
E. Black, the health officer and other
The question o f the Marina's arm­
officials, met the submersible on a tug. ament, however, is likely to become
The usual quarantine regulations were the point on which the case w ill re­
waived and the Deutschland tied up at volve unless other circumstances arise
the dock near the North German Lloyd clearly to define other issues.
steamer Willehad.
bringB the submarine question back to
The Deutschland was said to have a a point where Germnay and the United
large cargo o f chemicals and possibly States have held opposite views. Ger­
many has steadfastly contended that
The submersible, under her own in view o f the novel conditions sur­
power, slid into a pocket that had been rounding submarine warfare and in
prepared for her at the wharf.
The view o f the British admiralty’s alleged
cra ft’s entry into the harbor was so instructions to merchant captains to
silent that only a few persons were destroy enemy submarines, any armed
ship was liable to destruction on sight
aware that Bhe was there.
Captain Koenig said that the boat and without warning.
originally was supposed to leave on
October 1, but she was injured in a
collision and put back to port, delaying
her sailing 10 days. The clearance
papers were made out for “ Baltimore
or any Atlantic port.”
Philadelphia — A ll records fo r the
number of pieces coined were broken
by the United States mint in this city
Washington, D. C. — Bids were during October. The total number o f
opened at the Navy department Wed­ coins turned out was 45,231,413, or
nesday fo r four scout cruisers and 27 more than one-fourth the coinage for
coast-type submarines, leaving only any o f the past five years, the yearly
proposals for four battle cruisers to be output having averaged around 150,-
received before construction o f the 000,000 pieces.
Included in the month’ s coinage were
1917 building program can begin.
Figures for four battleships and 20 10,013 McKinley memorial gold dol­
destroyers are
under consideration lars, 6,000,000 old design dimes, 3,-
000,000 new design dimes, 9,657,200
and awards may be made next week.
The scout cruisers are a new type, 6-cent pieces and 25,014,200 bronze
designed to make a sustained speed of pennies, with a value o f $1,643,015.
In addition,
1,500,000 pieces of
35 knots an hour.
Each w ill be
equipped with a catapult device for 5-centavos for the government o f Sal­
launching aeroplanes at sea. The ves­ vador, of the value of $75,000, and 50,-
sels w ill be large enough to cover long 000 gold “ pound blanks” for the gov­
scouting distances and will depend up­ ernment of Peru, of the value o f $243,-
320.95, were made.
on their speed for defense.
Deutschland Reaches American
Port Safely for Second lime
Philadelphia Mint Breaks All
Records for Coinage Last Month
Navy Opens Bids.
A t ’ a sale conducted under the direc­
tion o f the United States District
court at Cleveland, the W heeling &
Lake Erie railroad was sold to Blair &
Co. and Kuhn, Loeb & Co., o f New
York, for $12,000,000. The reorgan­
ization plan calls for the addition of
$9,984,708 to the road’s treasury.
Stockholders are Ao be assessed $27 a
Ocean Sw eeps Newport.
share to provide this amount and in
return are to receive 6 per cent pre­
Newport, Or. — Wednesday’s storm
ferred stock o f the road.
caused the heaviest seas along the
The new Trolpastta canal in Sweden Coast here seen for years. A mam­
has been opened by K in g Gustav. The moth wave came in on N ye Beach,
canal connects Wener Lake and the flooding the restroom floor and, dash­
North Sea.
ing up the plank incline on Beach
street, caught Samuel Houten, a citi­
Ten persons, mostly school children,
zen o f Newport, overthrew him and
remained for an hour and a half in the would have dragged him back intfcthe
municipal hydraulic elevator at Oregon surf had he not obtained finger holds in
City, Or., when the cage stuck mid­ a crack in the walk.
way in its 90-foot shaft.
This wave is the biggest ever known
Detectives in St. Louis have recov­ here, being one foot higher than the
ered $13,000 o f the $32,000 stolen from record high wave one year ago.
a paymaster o f the Burroughs Adding
Machine company in Detroit August 4.
Toll by Wind *10,000.
Hood River, Or.— The heavy wind
storm that prevailed over the Hood
R iver Valley Wednesday night le ft a
blanket of fallen apples under trees of
East Side orchards. The loss is esti­
mated at $10,000. The wind was ac­
companied by a steady downpour of
rain. E. W. Birge, local weather ob­
server, reports a precipitation o f .35
of an inch. The wet ground w ill make
transportation o f apples picked and in
boxes, stacked in orchards, difficult
Constitution in Drydock.
Boston — The friga te Constitution,
relic o f the early days o f the United
States navy, is going into drydock for
the first time in nearly three score
years, according to plans announced at
the Charleston navy-yard. In the last
naval bill an appropriation waa made
for the repairing of the ship. A new
bottom is necessary. The operation is
regarded as a delicate one for it is
feared that the frig a te ’s hull is not in
condition to stand any great strain.
The last time the Constitution was in
drydock was in 1858.
Dime Coinage to Continue.
N ew York — Coinage o f the new
dimes w ill not be suspended. Secretary
o f the Treasury MeAdoo said here
Thursday, taking cognizance o f re­
ports that such action was being con­
sidered by the Treasury department
because of the appearance o f the art­
ist’s initials upon them.
He said the initials were “ obscure
and insignificant,” that they appeared
on other coins and that the circulation
o f the dimes would continue.
s l u m 1 m aih na io r -
Isindon— A private telegram received
at the American consulate Monday a f­
ternoon from Crook Haven says that a
number o f Americans were drowned
when the Hritieh steamship Marina
waa torpedoed by a German submarine.
Great Excitement Prevails on Boards
At Chicago This Week.
London - The American embassy
Monday receive*! a report from Wesley
Frost, American consul at Queenstown,
that thv British steamship Marins had
been torpedoed without warning.
is believed a number o f Aniericane
were on board.
Lloyd'a report says only 34 members
o f the crew o f 104 have been landed
at Crook haven.
American Consul is now procuring
affidavits from survivors.
A report on the sinking on October
26 o f the British steamship Rowan-
more also was made to the American
embassy by Mr. Frost, who states that
the vessel was torpedoed.
Americans, including five Filipinos,
were on board the Rowanmore. Sev­
eral o f them have given Mr. Froet affi­
davits stating that a submarine shelled
lifeboats while they were being low­
ered an»! a fter they were clear o f the
ship, without causing loss o f life.
Conditions Considered Dangerous by
Many Traders— Corn Reaches
Highest Mark Since 1867.
Chicago-- Speculation has gone wild
In everything, especially In foodstuffs,
with grains taking the lead.
has never been anything like the spec­
ulative buying and advancing tendency
o f values, «ts shown in the wheat mar­
ket o f late.
A 13-rent advance in 24 hours was
followed by an eight-cent break and
Newport News, Va. There were 60
a 12-cent bulge.
To sec December
Americana on the Hritaih steamship
wheat sell at $1.90 in Chicago, $1.97*
Marina, reported torpedoed and sunk
in Minneapolis, $1.86 In Kansas City,
without warning in dispatches from
$1.89| in Winnipeg, and $2.02! for
I<ondon, when she sailed from Newport
durum wheat in Duluth, and $2.0H for
News. The Americsna were signed
the cash article o f the latter variety
here as horsemen.
in Minneapolis is something that the
Washington, D. C. — Dispatches to grain trade of today has never experi­
the State department say the Marina, enced.
Predictions o f $2 wheat at Chicago,
when sunk, had a mixed crew o f Brit­
ish and Americans and that she was which were not expected to be realized
before next March or April, may be­
sunk by gun fire without warning.
Consul Frost st Queenstown speci­ come a reality this week, unless some­
fied that the Information he transmit­ thing develops to check the bullish en­
ted was “ provisional.”
Investigation thusiasm and the heavy volume o f buy­
w ill be made at once to determine the ing, despite the fact that prices have
status o f the Mnrlns and the nature o f mure than doubled within about a
the attack to determine whether any year. Wheat prices are the highest
o f Germany’s pledges to the United since 1888, when the market was ar­
tificial. Present prices are legitimate,
States had been violated.
as prices the world over are abnor­
mally high. So long as nothing de­
velops to disturb the confident feeling
'■ existing among holders, there is no
telling how high prices may go. The
level, however, is gettin g so high,
Washington, D. C,— The next move with the market a long one, that It is
o f the United States in the controversy regarded as dangerous by many trad-
over the blacklist o f American firm*, | ers.
w ill not be determined until officials
The high prices are bringing out
have had ample time to examine Great liberal quantities o f wheat, as ideas of
Britain's reply to the American note farmers are met by the advance and
o f July 28, protesting against it. The , interior reserves are being reduced,
reply reached the State department while the visible supply Is increasing.
Monday from the London embassy.
There is a general impression in the
Secretary Lansing said he had not de­ ! trade that the bulk o f the cash Decern-
cided when it would be made public.
her wheat in the United States and
The note refuses the American con­ Canada is owned by foreigners and ex-
tention, which termed the blacklist ! porters. They are expected to take a
"a n arbitrary interference with neu­ ; delivery o f the cash grain in Decetn-
tral trade,” but is understood to offer j tier.
methods o f relief which may be avail­
Cash corn sold up to $1.12* fo r No.
able in some instances to lessen the I 2 yellow last week, or the highest
rigors o f interference.
: since 1867. Corn at $1 s bushel and
An American reply is almost certain over looks high by comparison, but
to be made, based on the contention with wheat above $1.90 it is not out
that the blacklist violates the criminal i o f line.
treaty of 1815; that in singling out
certain American firms, undue discrim­
ination is shown and that an Illegal
action is taken, designed to prevent
trade with Germany and to end which
should l>e accomplished through block­
ade and contraband restrictions. It
London — A telegram received in
may lie argued that the blacklist is de­ Rome from a German source reports
signed to cripple firms trading with there are indications o f the beginning
Germany to destroy German trade o f a tremendous new Russian offensive
more than for the immediate purpose in Galicia and Poland, says a dispatch
o f war.
from the Italian capital received by
the wireless press.
American Contention on Blacklist
is Refused by Great Britain
Russians Begin New Drive; Great
Offensive in Galicia and Poland
Skilful Counterfeiter’s Plant for
Making Bogus Bills is found
Los Angeles— A counterfeiting plant
which was said to have produce*! the
notorious spurious $10 Federal Reserve
Jackson silver certificate, was found
Sunday in the studio o f H. Russel W il-
ken, when secret service operatives
from San Francisco brought Wilken
here to Beize the outfit a fter his arrest
in Santa Cruz and his alleged confes­
sion that he had made and passed more
than $50,000 o f spurious paper in sev­
en years.
The plant— a copper etching outfit—
was found concealed in a covered sink
in a room on the serond story o f 311
South H ill street, three blocks from
police headquarters and in the heart of
the city. W ilken’s quarters were fit­
ted up as a studio, and he pretended to
carry on a business o f commercial
art, according to the
There were easels, unfinished pictures,
a painting jacket and brushes about,
although Wilken apparently worked at
his profession only enough to make it
a blind for counterfeiting.
Berlin— The Russians have renewed
their attacks on the Austro-German
line west o f Lutsk, in Volhynia, and
war office announced Monday, deliver­
ing an assault Sunday a fter two days’
nrtillery preparation in the vicinity o f
Zaturze. The attack, according to the
official statement, failed completely,
with heavy losses to the Russians.
Petrograd — Austro-German forces
launched a series o f violent attacks
against the Russian and Roumanian
positions on both banks o f the river
Bystritza, in thè region o f Doma
Watra, Sunday, says the official state­
ment by the Russian war office, com­
pelling the Russian advanced poste to
abandon tw o heights.
Premium Paid to Holland.
Washington, D. C.— A new arrange­
ment for d ivertin g Dutch products un­
der which England w ill be assured o f
obtaining a greater percentage than
she has iieen able to get by purchase
in the open market in competition
with German buyers was reported to
this government.
The report says
England w ill pay fo r many Dutch
agricultural products the same prices
she now is paying her colonies, the
English government making good the
difference between such prices and
those paid by Germany.
Three Die in T w o Auto W recks,
Palouse, Wash.— Roscoe Davis, age
22, and A lvin Siler, age 21, were
found dead under a new automobile
Sunday, two miles from here. There
were no witnesses to the accident. The
Shot Fired at Prem ier.
tracks indicate that the
swerved and was jerked back so sud­
Melbourne, Australia— An attempt
denly that it overturned. The ma­ was made recently to assassinate W il­
chine was the first in the Davis fam ily. liam Morris Hughes, the Australian
premier, st his home in N ew Victoria,
Kellogg, Idaho — Mike Bogonovich, according to n Reuter dispatch from
30, was found dead underneath his au­ Sydney, which says the information
tomobile on the highway between K e l­ was obtained from close friends o f the
logg and Wallace early Sunday night. premier. A man is said to have forced
s window at night and have fired a
Nicaragua Revenue Taken.
revolver shot into the premier’s bed­
Managua, Nicaragua — Americans room. The bullet did not take effect.
are taking over the management o f all The would-be assassin escaped.
the internal revenues o f Nicaragua.
France Will Fix Prices.
A dispatch from Managua, October
1, says It was reported American
Paris— The French senate passed a
bankers to whom the Nicaraguan gov­ measure Monday authorising the min­
ernment was indebted, had notified ister o f the Interior to fix the lim its o f
Nicaragua that it must liquidate the retail selling prices o f butter and
indebtedness by October 15 or that cheese.
These products now sre
otherwise they would take over suffi­ bringing from 50 per cent to 150 per
cient o f the country’s revenues to re­ cent more than they paid before the
imburse them.