Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, October 28, 1916, Image 3

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MnMlhl, Sold. H *nlw l in d R «p «lr*d
W Al K Kl( M -M T IU C W O h K »
lluriutid«. cur. lull«.
1‘ortlaiiiJ, Oro.
To Mia from »II point« on hou»whoUi itmm U, plano»,
»ml auU'inoMI*». InforiiiHlImi ch««rfully irlvon.
Ridile Coist ForwirdlngCo.,^,'^,1
i movcNl to BS9 to BBT Murimi«!« Ml.. l‘ort-
! I »ml. Or«. l,»m<Hit Tim ««p a ir IMant
" In tit« NoriliwM t
Cminlr/ »»r v lc « a
•luHially. U m lJ»ro#l r «»t .
C IV f f n
I T*
V#»l, Pork. B»of,
Poultry, ButUr, F.gg*
And F a r m P r o d u c o
to tho OUt lUltabl» Kv»r<tlmr H o u m with a
rvcKinl o f 46 y « « r » of H«iu»rw I>*«limr». and
bm iM u m l o f T O P M A K K t:i PKJCtB.
4 M 7 Pront S tr«»t
Portland, O r««a n
Automobile School
o f f m pn ellrftl «hop training In Cunstmelion and
(Iteration o f AvUHtxiblh,.
Hiwclil dsteilod In*
formation furnl.I.~l Immediately on r-qiteat En­
te, any Uma. Addraaa Ik e K.alalrar, Y .M C.A.
Portland, Oregon
Up To Data.
Bliter Busy's showing shoes of slick-
iif an.
Such «kill In allowing ahuos our Bls-
ter Huey shows;
She altakea tint slippers and the slop-
py sneakers;
So ahort tho aklrta that Buoy alao
She aktmpa on aklrta and ocatlura caah
on footwear;
She saves her huttona; alyly aewa
thfin on;
She ahyly secs tho bootblack on tha
And then aha wondora where her
dtmee have gone.
Shoemakers owe a lot to Slater Suay;
And other girls of faahlona that
SumctImea I wlah that like tho auto
They'd make u specialty of skldlesa
— Brooklyn Kagle.
Irrigation Systems
Pipe, Flume, Pumps, Gat«*, Weira,
Tanks, Troughs, Silos.
We ape-
ciallzo on Irrigation and Drainage
303 Spalding Bldg.
Portland, Ore.
A Dog's Life.
"H e leads a regular dog's life,1*
sighed portly Mra. Wright aa sho
fondled her pet l ’omeruiitan's silver
"W hat o f It." snapped her friend,
who hated doga. "Borne dogs get bet­
ter treatment from women than their
huabanda do."— New York World.
A Hint to Chaae Himself.
Sapplelgh—Am I walking too fan*
for you. Mlaa KthelT
Mlaa Bright— Oh. no; you may run
If you like.—Boston Transcript
But There's a Reason.
“ I don't know why the men grumble.
This soup Is really excellent.”
"They won't grumblo, sir. If tho
cook would admit It to be soup. He
Insists that It la coffee."— Bystander.
Of General Interest
of the Stomach
About Oregon!
Car Shortage Reaches 2186
in State of Oregon
Salem — Thu ear shortage on the
Portland division o f tho Southern Pa­
cific Wednesday reached 2186, a new
record, and indications that it will
continue to mount are given in reports
which have been received by the Ore­
gon Public aervice commission. The
company reported that it had orders on
Die for 2C67 freight cars and only 371
empty cars available for loading.
Kesidenta In Tillamook county who
own stock are threatened with serious
consequence« because o f their inability
to obtain hay. Large amounts o f hay
are ship|ied annually to Tillamook.
This year only a few ear* are available
and a shortage In hay has resulted.
The Public Service commission re­
ceived a vigorous complaint from
Koaenberg Borthers, o f Tillamook,
asking for relief.
They assert that
they annually ship in from 100 to 150
cars of hay from the W illam ette valley
and store it in their warehouses. This
season they declare they have been
getting only one car every 10 daya,
where they need from one to three a
day. With no hay stored, the T illa ­
mook people foresue a serious situa­
tion next winter, when it w ill be im­
possible to ship In because of the un­
certain railway connections at that
time o f the year.
Hood River School Board to
Use Fuel Oil This Winter
Hood R iv e r — Hood R iver's high
school building and the $30,000 annex
to the structure, now nearing comple­
tion, will be heated with oil. W ith a
few nereaaary changes made the old
wood furnace will be used.
From a
12 , 000 -gal Ion tank the fuel w ill be
pumped to the furnace by the electri­
cally driven pump.
By using oil instead of wood the
school board estimates a saving of
more than $275 will result this year.
The oil delivered at the big new tank,
costa $1.20 per barrel. Body fir cord-
wood is sellnig for $5.50 per cord. By
the time the wood ia sawed and put In
basements the cost is increased about
$1 per cord. A barrel o f oil, it is
said, ia more than equal to half a cord
of wood.
Coos Tract May Be Cut.
Marshfield— A company o f Marsh­
field men o f whom W. J. Conrad is an
interested member, is negotiating for
the timber from a tract of Southern
Pacific land lying west o f Boulevard
Park, an addition located between
Marshfield and North Bend. The tract
contains about 700 acres and had some
o f the only remaining old growth tim­
ber adjaqpnt to the city o f Marshfield.
In the event the deal ia consummat­
ed. the timber will be . logged into
Pony inlet and sold t o r the various
mills on Coot Bay.
The timber in
question lies in the Pony inlet water­
shed, but its cutting would not affect
the Coos Bay Water company’s supply,
since the reservoir is above the place
where it is proposed to cut.
When weakness develops
REM EM BER---------—
Stomach Bitters
The genuine has Private
Stamp over the neck of
Bottle. Insist on having It
Progressiva Havoc.
militia captain whose company
was about to march against an Invad­
ing enemy thus depleted the awful
consequences of the foe's success:
"Gentlemen, they will lay your towns
in wasto, murder your wives and chil­
dren and pull down your fences."—
Boston Transcript.
H ad T e rrib le P a in s
in K idn eys and B ack.
Ttrnr M r. Editor—l want to write yon
about " Annric.” I was very sick, could
hardly be u p ; I was in bed most of the
time. Had terrible pains in tuy kidneys
and back, so much so that I had to
remain Sometimes when I was sitting
down and wonted to pot up, the pain
was so great. I had tried a well-known
kidney medicine but it didn’t help me.
1 heard of Dr. Fierce’s Anurio Tablets
so 1 thought I would tnr them. I took
only one box of the Tablets, and my
back is now free from pain and I con
work and take care of my family. I
feel I cannot say enough for this medi­
Sincerely, Mas. W m . K elljcu .
N ot « :
This "A n n ric » is adapted
especially for kidney complaints and
diseases arising from disorders of the
kidneys and bladder, such os backache,
weak back, rheumatism, dropsy, con­
gestion of the kidneys, inflammation
of the bladder, scalding urine and
urinary troubles. Tho physicians and
specialists at Dr. Pierce’s great Institu­
tion, at Bnffalo, N. Y ., have thoroughly
tested this prescription and have been
with one accord successful In eradicat­
ing these troubles, and in most cases
absolutely curing the diseased kidneys.
Patients having once used "A n u ric"
at Dr. Pierce’s Invalids’ Hotel, have ro-
eatedly sent back for more. Such a
eraaud lias been created that Dr. Pierce
has decided to p u t" Anuric” in the drug
stores of this conntry, in a ready-to-use
form. I f pot obtainable send one dime
by mail to I>r. Pierce for trial package
or 50 cents lor full treatment.
Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery
is a blood cleanser and alterative that
starts the liver and stomach into vigorous
action. It (bus assists the body to make
rich, red blood, which feeds the heart,
nerves, brain and organs of the body.
You feel clean, strong and strenuous.
A Wish.
Mail Service Improved.
e = = = CIVIL W A R s====
Marshfield— Smith R iver residents,
who live on a tributary o f the Ump­
N.ut law «iv a . tUI. when married prior to
Juno 17. ISS.
K.m jurfot widow, airain a
qua river, and have a stream navigable
widow nlaobrnoflted Write for tilanka. Auk
for 26 miles, are to have an improved
l i m i C n n M i-rrl, w rvlet. Rrinxton A W il­
son, Washington, D. C. Kataldlihrd nuit..
mail service.
Instead o f receiving
semi-weekly mails, th iy will hereafter
Double Proof.
be supplied three times a week.
A tramp knocked at a farmer'« door tain W illiam Dewar has obtained the
and called for something to eat.
contract, w ill leave Sulphur Springs,
“ Are you a Christian?" asked the at the head o f tidewater, on Tuesdays,
good-hearted country mail.
The maU
"Can’t you tell?" answered tho man. Thursdays and Saturdays.
“ Look at the holes worn In the knees route is between Sulphur Springs and
of my pants
What do they prove?" Reedsport, but arrangements have
Tho fanner’s w ife promptly brought been made fo r a private extension to
out the food, anil tho tramp turned to Gardiner, three miles from Reedsport.
Smith river is one o f the moBt fertile
"W e ll! W e ll!” asked the farmer. and productive sections o f Oregon.
“ What made those holes In the hack
o f your pants?"
"Backsliding.” replied the tramp aa
70 Cars of Apples to Go.
he hurried on.— Christian Herald.
Roseburg — That approximately 70
carloads o f apples will be shipped from
Douglas county to the Eastern markets
during the present season is the esti­
mate o f local buyers.
The Umpqua
Onr graduate, am occupying cmrlahlo pn-d-
Valley Fruit Union w ill handle about
tiona. Thn teaching prawaa I, different from
30 carloads o f apples, while the Pro­
ordinary hutfnoaa achiml*. Thorough. Practi­
ducers’ Fruit company w ill ship about
cal. Individual. SCHOOL FOR MEN O N L Y .
AddrasaTh. R «,i,lr a r . Y. M. C. A .. Portland.
the same amount.
In addition to the
Oragow. and got detailed Information.
consignments handled by these firms
not less than 10 carloads o f apples will
be*aasembled and shipped from distant
"81 Hubbard told mo that he got a parts of the county.
heap of work out of you when you was
Thus far this season 11 carloads of
*w o rk ln ' for him.” said the farmer.
"W ell, I allow he did," said the apples have been shipped from Doug­
las county.
hired man.
"Yas. Fact Is, I guess he Jlst about
Economy Proves Costly.
got It all.”— Boston Transcript.
Portland -S a v in g o f waste paper and
Many Like Him.
other combustible material by business
Hawltt— He's a pessimist, all right.
Jewett— I should say so, ho could houses of the city will necessitate the
see the dark aide to a blond!— New city incinerator once more to use fuel
in the furnaces at the city incinerator.
York Times.
The heavy supply o f paper and other
inflammable stuff has made the pur­
chase o f fuel at the plant unnecessary
for several years. It is reported that
an insufficient amount o f combustible
material is being received now to keep
the fires going. A request is made for
a $2000 appropriation for purchase of
fuel for the plant next year.
W rits about your wants in this line to
183 Madison St.,
» . N, U.
Portland, O re
No. 44, 1010
” 1 wish success were a woman.”
“ W hy?”
"Then everybody would know Its se
cret.”— Detroit Free Press.
A Home Strike.
Biggs— People aro striking every
Diggs—Gosh, yes.!
My wife has
Just struck me for a new fall outfit.
Boston Transcript.
Just The Thing.
“ You'll like this refrigerator, sir.”
"Why so?”
" It has a secret drawer for a pint
bottle."— IxiuisvUle Courier-Journal.
Her Health Restored b y L y d ia
E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Indianapolis, Indiana. — “ My health
was so poor and my constitution so fun
down that I could
not work.
I was
thin, pale nnd weal;.
p ï f S .
w e i g h e d but 109
pounds and was in
f q p m ¿ j f b e d m o s t o f tho
" 4 ‘ 5 ||! time. I began tak
JS S * p i ! 1 ing Lydia E. Pink
ham's V e g e t a b l e
Compound nnd five
months later 1
weighed 133 pounds.
I do all the house
work and washing for eleven and I can
truthfully say Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg
etable Compound has been a godsend
to me for I would have been in my grave
today but for i t I would tell all wo­
men suffering as I was to try your valu­
able r e m e d y .” — Mrs. W m . G r e e n , 832
S. Addison Street, Indianapolis, Indiana.
China Pheasants Liberated.
There Is hardly a neighborhood in this
Gaston — J. H. Wescott, of this
place, has just recevied a crate of country, wherein some woman has not
young China pheasants from the State found health by using this guod old-
Game commission, to be liberated in fashioned root and herb remedy.
I f there is anything about which you
this locality. They were turned out
on the Benjamin Ward farm near a would like special advice, w rite to the
patch o f kale and w ill be carefully Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co^ Lynn,
Portland— W heat— Bluestem, $1.57;
fortyfold, $1.51; club, $1.50; red fife,
$1.51; red Russian, $1.48.
Oat»- No. 1 white fe c i, $32.
Barley— No. 1 white feed, $37.
Flour — Patents, $ 8 . 00 ; straights,
$6.80 Of 7.20; exports, $6.80; valley,
$7.40; whole wheat, $8.20; graham,
$ 8 . 00 .
M illfeed— Spot pricee; Bran, $23.60
(u 24 per ton; shorts,
rolled barley, $38.60(1(89.50.
Corn— Whole, $43 per ton; cracked,
Hay— Producer»’ prices: Timothy,
Eastern Oregon, $17(1(20 per ton; tim ­
othy, valley, $16(1(16; alfalfa, $154$
16.60; valley grain hay,
clover, $12.50.
Butter— Cubes, extras, 33c bid. Job­
bing prices: Print», extra», 37 Jc per
pound; butterfat, No. 1, 37c; No. 2,
35c, Portland.
Eggs — Oregon ranch, current re­
ceipts, 42c per dozen; Oregon ranch,
candled, 444(4 5c.
Poultry — Hens, 13$4(15c; springs,
16 @ 17c; turkeys, live, 22 <j$ 32c;
ducks, 124(18c; geese, 104 $ 11 c.
Veal Fancy, lliK ll^ c per pound.
Pork— Fancy, 12w 12$c per pound.
Vegetables— Artichokes 75c4$$l per
dozen; tomatoes, 504(75c per crate;
cabbage, $1.25 per hundred; peppers,
54/7c per pound; eggplant, 64(8e; let­
tuce, $2.35 per box; cucumbers, 604(
75c; celery, 604(75c per dozen; pump­
kins, lc per pound; squash, lc.
Potatoes — Oregon
buying price,
$1.25 4$ 1.35 per hundred, country
points; sweets, $2.26.
Onions— Oregon buying price, $2.10
per sack, country points.
Green Fruits— Apples, new, 50c4($2
per box; peaches, 40c; pears, 76c4}
$1.25; grapes, 75c @ $1.75; casabas,
ljc ; cranberries, $9.504(10 per barrel.
Hope— 1916 crop, 104$12c per pound.
Wool — Eastern Oregon, fine, 234(
26; coarse, 30(<$32c; valley, 304(32c.
Mohair— 40c per pound.
Coscara Bark— Old and new, 6 c per
Cattle— Steers, prime, $6.40@6.85;
good« $64(6.40; common to fair, $54$
5.75; cows, choice, $6.594(6; medium
to good, $4.504(5; ordinary to fair,
$3.504(4; heifers, $44(5.25; bulls, $3
@4.25; calves, $44(7.50.
Hogs — Prime, $94(9.35; good to
prime mixed, $8.264(9; rough heavy,
$84(8.25; pigs and skips, $84(8.25.
Sheep— Lambs, $84(8.75; yearlings,
wethers, $74(7- 60; old wethers, $6.25
@6.50; ewes, $54(5.60.
$ 3.00 $ 3.60 $ 4.00 $ 4-50
All "Ea ts” Climb Higher Eveiy Day.
Tacoma— The unprecedented rise in
food prices continued Wednesday, with
potatoes and flour the chief features.
Potatoes advanced $3 a ton and flour
40 cents a barrel.
Yakim a potatoes
are now $40 a ton and locals $35, and
indications are that the rise is not at
the highest point yeL
Jobbers say
that the price o f potatoes w ill not be
lower until next August, and that they
w ill probably gn higher. The New
York sugar market advanced 10 cents
and the effect is expected to be fe lt
here in a day or so. Mr. Ultim ate
Consumer w ill have to tighten up his
belt another notch.
Grapes arrived in large quantities
from California.
The Yakim a Con­
cords are off the market, due to a
heavy frost.
The late California
grapes include the wine and black
grapes. Some o f the jobbers are g iv ­
ing the wine grapes other names be­
cause some o f the purchasers fear the
officers o f the law w ill be on their trail
as liquor manufacturers if it is known
they bought wine grapes. The grapes
are arriving in lug boxes, which sell
at 65 cents. A few boxes o f peaches
may still be found on the market.
California head lettuce is now on the
The fish market is flooded with dark
fall salmon. The run o f these fish this
year is very heavy, forcing down the
jobbing price to 6 i cents a pound.
As usual halibut and small fish are
scarce. The meat market shows a
firm tone, with tendency to advance.
Eggs, butter and cheese prices remain
A ll kinds o f canned goods have gone
up with the general advance, especially
condensed milk. Wholesalers have re­
ceived notice that both Carnation and
Astor brands were oversold and no
more orders could be received fo r some
time. Mount Vernon brand advanced
10 cents on the strength o f this and
the tone of the market.
Yakima Shippers Demand Cars.
North Y a k i ma — Yaki ma shippers
telegraphed railroad companies Wed­
nesday notifying them o f their inten-
ion to begin offering consignments of
fruit and to resort to the courts i f re­
They demand cars to relieve
the shortage. H. M. Gilbert wired the
Interstate Commerce commission that
the Northern Pacific and O .-W . R. &
N. assert Eastern roods are holding
their refrigerator cars fo r shipment
of all kinds o f merchndise, even salt,
snd asking the commission to compel
delivery o f these cars.
Roads Held Responsible.
North Yakim a — Shippers o f the
Yakima valley met recently and decid­
ed to serve notice on the O.-W . rail­
way company and the N. P. that they
intended to tender their fru it fo r ship­
ment and then hold the railroads re­
sponsible if it cannot be shipped for
lack o f cars.
It is believed that there
are over 4000 cars of apples yet to be
shipped while it is almost impossible
to get refrigerator cars enough. Fruit
is coming in from the orchards at the
rate o f six cars daily for e very one
that is sent out
$ 5.00
S a v a M o n e y b y W e a r i n g W . ( . D o u g la s
■ h o e ». F o r » a l e b y o v e r BO O O » h o e d e a le r » .
T h e Beet K n o w n S h o e s in t h e W o r l d .
. L. D o u g in a im s and the retail pnee ■ va m ped on the bot­
tom o f all »hoe* at the factory. T h e value u guaranteed and
the wearer protected againac high price» for inferior shoe*. T h e
retail price» are the »ante everywhere. T h e y coat no more in Sen
Francaco than they d o in N e w Y ork . T h e y are always worth the
price paid for them.
( *he quality o f W . L . D ou glai product is guaranteed b y more
- l than 40 yean experience in m aking fine »hoes. T h e »mart
ttyles are the leaders in the Fashion Centres o f A m erica.
T h e y are made in a well-eauipped factory at Brockton, M m ,
by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction end
supervision o f experienced m en,’ all working with an honest
determination to make the beat shoes fo r the price tliat money
can buy.
A s h r o a r sh oe d e a le r fo r W . !.. I So a f las »b o a s . I f ba <
n ot .u|iply you w ith th e k in d yon w an t, ta k e a o o t h e r ,
b i o w t o I
m a k e. W r it e fo r In te re s tin g b o o k le t e x p la in in g h
:et a
. h h o o e e . e o o r f th e n
h ig b
h e a
s t .la
sta n n d d ! a rd o f q u a lity f o r tk # p r ie « , |
by retu rn m a ll, p o sta g e fr e e .
W. L
D o u g la s
Boy*’ Shoos
Bwt Is th. World
name and tho retail price
.tamped on the bottom.
$3.00 $2.50 $ $2.00
It Swing» Clear of the Mire.
That'» 80 .
The supreme court is a great con-
"A disgruntled telephone subscriber
servatlve force and the Judicial er- would never make a good fisherman."
mine seems to be about the only thing
"W h y not?”
of the kind that isn’t from 12 to 15
"Because be would complain In-
Inches shorter in the skirt than it stinctlvety if he found his line was
used to be.—Ohio State Journal.
busy.” — Baltimore American.
Starvation Diet.
First Moth— Why so thin and emaci-
ated this spring, brother?
Second Ditto— I was shut up all win-
ter with a young lady's bathing suit.
Not another bite to eat in the closet!
— Punch Bowl.
Lets Georglana Do It.
Mr». Exe— I make it a rule never to
ask another to do what I would not do
Mrs. W ye— But you would not go to
the door yourself and tell a caller you
were not at home.— Boston Transcript
Small orders a» weil ms bt*.
Fourteenth Year.
i ErwroW. Urn, Wswri
Ornamentals. Fruit Trees, Etc. all guaranteed.
Fifteen Thousand Orders Last Year.
W A S H IN G T O N N U R S E R Y CO., TwK-sà. WaA
Listen to this argument:
I f you want all the money
you can possibly get for your
Cream, Eggs, Dressed Meats
and Poultry, ship where they
pay according to grade. We
started this plan and find that
the producer likes this method.
L et us have your next ship­
ment and see for yourself.
Crude Musical Sense.
"T h a t boy of yours is constantly
"Yes. He carries a tune much bet­
ter than his sister, who is learning to
play the piano, and doesn’t cost me a
cent for lessons."— Washington Star.
Lines Be Bothered.
In her draped and darkened tent the
amateur palmist was reading hands
for a charity. Her present client was
a fair maid, who waited impatiently
to hear her fate.
“ Ah,” said the palmist, with slow
impressiveness. " I see by your hand
that you are going to be married."
"H ow w onderful!” said the girl, with
a blush.
“ And,” went on the wise one, a not«
a acerbity in her voice, " I see that
you are engaged to Mr. Binks.”
“ It's perfectly am azing!" gasped tha
girL “ How can you tell?”
“ By the long study of the art,” cam «
the evasive reply.
"But surely the lines in my hand
cannot tell you the name of----- ”
‘‘Who said anything about lines?"
retorted the sibyl, with cunning scorn.
“ You are wearing the engagement
ring which I returned to Mr. Binks
three weeks ago.”— Philadelphia Led­
Granulated Eyelids,
Eye« inflamed by expo­
sure to Ssa, Destand W M
quickly relieved by Marios
Eye Remedy. No Smarting,
just Eye Comfort. A t
Ask anybody about it— Hanford's
Your Druggist’ s 5tte per Bottle. Mmrlo« Ey«
Balsam. Adv.
Salve in Tubes 2 Sc. ForUeokoltheEyefrwask
D ruggisu or Maria« Eye Remedy Ce., Chic ago
To Be Expected.
"W h at did you get for your birth­
Crowded Hour.
day, little girl?”
“ Please state to the court exactly
" I got candy.”
what you did between 8 and 9 o'clock
"W h at else did you get?”
on Wednesday morning,” said a law­
" I got sick."— Baltimore American. yer to a delicate looking little woman
in the witness box.
For any sore use Hanford's Bal­
‘‘W ell,” she said, after a moment’«
reflection, ” 1 washed my two children
sam. Adv.
and got them ready for school and
sewed a button on Johnny’s coat and
"D o you ever wake yourself up snor-1 mended a rent in N ellie's dress. Then
I tidied up my sitting room and mada
" I t amounts to that. I frequently two beds and watered my plants and
wake up the baby.”— Boston Trans­ glanced over the morning papers
Then I dusted my parlor and set
crip t
things to rights in it, and washed som«
lamp chimneys and combed my baby’s
T o cool a burn apply Hanford’s Bal­ hair and sewed a button on one o f her
sam. Adv.
little shoes, and then I swept my out­
side steps and I brushed and put away
the children's Sunday clothes, and
"K itty Is such a resourceful girl.”
wrote a note to Johnny's teacher ask­
“ Is she?”
ing her to excuse him for not being al
"W hy, the other day when she’d left school on Friday. Then I fed my ca­
her reticule at home she powdered her nary and cleared o ff the breakfast
nose with a marshmallow.” — Boston table and gave the grocer's boy an
order and rested a few minutes befor«
the clock struck 9. That’s all.” — Loo-
Have Hanford's Balsam on hand for don Tit-Bits.
accidents. Adv.
Dr. Pierce’s Pellets are best fo r liver,
bowels and stomach. One little Pellet
At Last.
Grubbs— Binks says that at last he for a laxative— three for a cathartic.
is the undisputed master of his house.
Stubbs— He is, too. His w ife and
Downed, A t Usual.
fam ily are away on a visit and the
Peck— O f course, like all women,
cook has qu it— Richmond Times-Dls- you have an inordinate curiosity.
Mrs. Peck— Got a curiosity, have I?
I ’ve got a freak.— Boston Transcript
Every Household Needs It.
FVir cuts, burns, sprains and bruises
Barnyard Society.
Hanford’s Balsam of Myrrh should
"Y ou look small for a chicken that
give quick relief. These may happen was hatched out in April.”
any day in any home and the prudent
" I was hatched in June. I'm on«
housewife w ill always keep a bottle of the younger s e t ” — Boston T ra n »
crip t
on hand. Adv.
Cause and Effect.
Getting the Story.
" I t Is said that the taste for frog-
"M y father enjoys the movies.”
eating is increasing in this country."
“ Thought his eye-sight was gettini
“ Maybe that is the reason why so poor.”
many people are croaiking.”— Balti­
“ He fan follow the piano perfectly."
more American.
— Louisville Courier-Journal.
A ll Growing Children
a r e d e p e n d e n t o n n o u r is h m e n t f o r g r o w t h .
T h e ir h e a lt h a s m e n a n d w o m e n is la r g e ly
e s t a b lis h e d In c h ild h o o d .
I f your child is languid, bloodless, tired when rising, with­
out ambition or rosy cheeks, Scott’s Emahion is a wonderful
It possesses nature’s grandest body-building fats so
delicately predigested that the blood absorbs Its strength
and carries it to every organ and tissue and fibre.
First H Increase« their appetites then it adds n*.h atrencthen.
the bone»—makes them sturdy, active and healthy.
No alcohol or narcotic in Scott’» Emulsion, jo$t parity and strength.