(Ulfe Jalla öUty Nruia WORLD’S DOINGS Of CURRENT WEEK D. L. WOOD * SON. Publishers. hM H •r.-MXl^UM mall at ta. poatomca at ralla Oltj. PoU Ooaaty. Or««am Act at Ooaarraa ot Marc* ». ISIS. Telepliea«— N « w i O ffice . 83. Subscription Rataa: One rear. «LOO; atm aaaatha SO canta, three month* SS canta; atn«l« cour. « eta. Advertíalas Rate«: Piapiay. 1& cen t«an Inch! Busine.» KOtica», i canta a U n«; Por Sala, Rant, Exchange. Want and Pay Entertainment No­ lle«». S eta. a Un«. Card « I Thanka SO c u : L « f a Nolle««, legal rate». Brief Resume of General News from All Around the Earth. UNIVERSAL HAPPENINGS IN A N U O T I Copy for new ad*» and change* *hould ba *ent to The New* not later than Wedneaday. Live News Items of All Nations and Of^^al N«wapap«r of th# City of Fata City Pacific Northwest Condensed I s s u e d E v e r y S a t u r d a y M o r n in g for Our Busy Readers OFFICIAL DIRECTORY OF FALLA CITY REBELS SNOOT DOWN TWO U. S. OfflORS IN SAN DOMINGO Santo Domingo— In an engagement between American troops and rebel forces Tuesday, General Ramon Ba­ tista was killed. Several Americans also are reported killed, including two officers, and one American officer wounded. The names o f the American officers killed are given aa Captains W illiam Low and Atwood. Lieutenant Morri­ son was wounded. The American commander attempt­ ing ed to arrest General Batista, and the latter ordered an attack on the American forces. Fighting continued for a considerable time, but the rebels were eventually defeated. The engagement took place opposite Santo Domingo C ity and caused a panic in the capital. Reinforcements were sent there to aid American troops in maintaining order. The number o f rebels killed snd wounded in the fight are at present unknown. fD rOR OH 2S00 COMMERCIAL WAR 8I0S CMS M l B CAU t UNION PACIFIC RAItROAD CUSH NOT FEARED OVER FRENCH ACT THREAT IS GRAVE Real Menace is Seen ia Plan of Allied Natioas to Control. ISSUE IS ON RAW MATERIALS American Importers and Manufac­ turers Depend on Great Britain for Fouiteen Base Items. Portland Th* Union Pacific system Tuaaday railed for bids un 1000 auto­ mobile cars and 1600 box cars, requir­ ing nearly 16,000,000 feet o f lumber. The specifications require that all the lumber be purchased from mills in Union Pacific territory — Oregon, Washington and Idaho. It is probable that Twohy Brothers, o f Portland, will bid on this contract aa they are equipped to build cars in their Kaat Side plant and have been eager to enter this field o f activity for several months. Judge R. S. Lovett, chairman of the Union Pacific, w ill be In Portland this week and is expected to give some at­ tention to the prospects o f successful car building here. When questioned about it at hia office in N ew York a few weeks ago Judge Iorted in cable dispatches from Roumanians lose Constants, an im­ o f rebels who recently revolted from sive summary o f British trade policies Pekin, brings to the front one o f the portant port on the Black Sea, to the as to imports into this country. As a the Doimnican army, and that it did Germans and Austrians. most complicated anti most romantic result the recent Paris economic con­ not presage any general attempt at ference o f the entente powers is re­ points o f conflict between old China Seattle proposes to take over the disorder. power plants o f the Puget Sound Trac­ I,ast reports from the island told*bf garded here with far greater disquiet and the Western world. tion company, at an estimated cost of comparative quiet throughout the re­ than before. Official* here indicated Monday that The proposed commercial war after TheCouncIl meets In regular »«salon on th* Hr»« *10,000,000. public, where the American marine aa an international affair little import­ the war, at first viewed skeptically as Monday night o l each month, at 7 n o'clock. In W illiam G. Sharp, American am­ forces are busy organising the native outlining policies which could not sur­ ance waa attached to France's action. th« office of the Fells City Newt. bassador to France, sailed on the constabulary, which is to place the vive the heat o f war or the operation Tien-stin, back in the days when El Paso, Tex. — Francisco Villa led country under the direction of Am eri­ American line steamship St. Paul, ac­ of perennial economic forces, is looked the Carranza vanguard under General foreign ambassadors sought admission can officers. companied by his fam ily, to return to upon as s more practical proposition Carlos Ozuna into an ambush lietween to Chins in vain, merely was a small, his post. dirty town, with |>ractically no trade. \ in the light o f the investigation. Bants Yaabel and San Andres, on the In 1860, after the Britiah and Consequently an earnest study of the western division o f the Mexican North­ P H Y S IC IA N Viscount Grey, secretary o f Eng­ facts available is being made, and western railway Friday, a report re­ French had forced their way over the land’s foreign affairs, says allies won’t every effort extended to supplant the ceived by Mexican government agents Taku forts and humbled the Mam-bus talk peace, but declares objects o f this F. M. H ELLW A R T H at Pekin, the right of residence was j information now at hand. Every indi­ here said. war must be realized, as a guarantee PH YSICIAN AND SURGEON granted to the subjects o f the two cation since the conference has tended o f international peace o f the future. According to this re|>ort, which was Washington, D. C. — Charges that to decrease the feeling that its provis- obtained by secret service agents for countries. Office one door east of P. O. Spontaneous combustion caused the General Carranza is preparing to leave | ions could not be carried through. 1 he United States, an interested on­ Falla City, Office and explosion of a 20,000-gallon tank of Mexico were being freely made by his Since then, it is pointed out, the black­ the Federal government, V illa retreat­ looker, won the same right soon after­ Oregon Residence Phone 368 gasoline at the plant o f the California political opponents in Mexico Wednes­ list, which had been enforced by Eng­ ed from a position outside o f San ward, and Germany entered into the Food Products company at San Pedro, day. They are based on his decision land for some time, has been accepted Andres, 40 miles on the railroad west arrangement in ¡861. Separate sec­ o f Chihuahua City toward San Andres. which was partially destroyed by the to leave his capital for Queretaro, and j in principle by all the allies. tions for the four nationalities were This let! the Carranza vanguard into the fact that Mrs. Carranza already fire which followed. What is more, the agreement made the trap which V illa is said to have set aside and small local centers of has crossed the border into the United In a then for the closer economic unity be­ set for them, the government ruport residence and trade grew up. The U. S. Supreme Court refused to States, accompanied by the w ife o f her tween the governments is shown by HOTEL few years, however, the American review the conviction o f the three said. The bandits, who were hidden husband’ s war minister and chief sup­ reports now coming in to be working in the rocky defiles along the railroad, government abandoned its settlement, officials of the Western Fuel company, porter, General Obregon. out through mutual concessions, ex- poured a heavy fire into the Carranza first, because it had no use for it, and o f San Francisco, who were convicted Information to this effect is reach­ no money to pay for It, and, second, 1 eluding other countries from their o f defrauding the government by false ing officials here from various reliable benefits. In the compilation o f the troop* from behind rocks. The same because, under the conditions it had S a m p le R oom s weighing o f dutiable coal. The men sources. So far nothing tangible tend­ various agreements which England has source o f information claims to have become known as the “ middle king­ Bast A ccom m o da tions w ill now have to serve their respective ing to support the story has come instituted in this country to prevent confirmation o f the report that the dom” between the German anti British prison terms. F. D ro e ge, P ro p rie to r through official channels. It is known, allied resources from going to Ger­ Carranza troops then retired to Santa concessions, where all sorts o f lawless­ Yeabel, thence to Pslomss, and are in A wreath o f flowers entwined with however, that many officials here be­ many’s aid is seen a strong indication Fresno, the first station west of Chi­ ness prevailed. an American flag was dropped from a lieve General Carranza has committed Tien-tsin grew fast, and construction : o f what the aliles might do through huahua City. B A R K E R SHOPS height o f 1400 feet by Johnny Green, a political blunder, at least, if he is o f the railroad in 1897 made Tien-tsin different methods after the war. Carranza officials here admit that an aviator, on the cemetery at Rome, not in fact preparing fo r flight, by This domination o f the supply of there has been heavy fighting between the premier city o f that whole vast Ga., in which Mrs. Ellen Wilson, w ife permitting his fam ily tolek ve Mexico certain raw materials demonstrated | Santa Ysabel and Chihuahua City, but section. In 1900 came the boxer re­ o f the President, is buried. The just at this time. after a year o f war, considered in con­ General Gonzales, in Juarez, insists bellion, when Tientsin became the base wreath was placed on Mrs. W ilson’s The purpose o f the visit o f Mrs. nection with article 3 of the Paris that he has received no details of the for the march o f the nation on the grave as Rome’s tribute to her mem­ Carranza and Mrs. Obregon, as ex- capital. agreement, is believed to constitute a fighting. The report that General ory. 1 plained at the Mexican embassy, is for In 1894 Japan secured a settlement distinct menace to this country. Ar- Ozuna had been killed is receiving a tour o f the United States. Word o f in the city, snd after 1900, Russia, Private Charles Callahan, o f the | tid e 3 says: credence here in official circles. Belgium, Italy and Austria obtained headquarters company of the F ifth the arrival at the border also o f Mrs. “ The allies declare themselves concessions on the left hank o f the riv­ Ohio Infantry, stationed at El Paso, Jacinto Trevino, w ife o f the military agreed to conserve for the allied coun­ er, making nine foreign nations hold­ Tex., received a leave o f absence in commander o f Chihuahua state, had tries, before all others, their natural It was pointed ing snd administering small slices o f which to journey to Detroit to take not been received. resources during the whole of the per­ territory. possession o f a fortune estimated at out, however, that Trevino has been iod o f commecrial, industrial, agri­ among Carranza’ s staunchest support­ Boston— ‘ ‘ BiH” O ’ Hara, once a star $350,000, willed by his aunt. Mrs. cultural and maritime reconstruction, ers and if the first chief believed his Mary Callahan, who died in Detroit and for this purpose they undertake to left fielder o f the Toronto International hold on the political situation was recently. establish special arrangements to fa ­ league team and a former scout for weakening, Trevino probably would be cilitate the interchange o f these re­ the New York National league club, The Austrian premier, Count warned, in order that he might also has been recommended for the military sources.” Stuergkh, who was assassinated while place his fam ily in safety. There are no less than 14 different I cross in recognition o f his bravery snd at dinner Sunday in Vienna, by Lud­ The State department had not re­ forms for various kinds o f materials , skill in hurling bombs for the British London — A hostile aeroplane ap- w ig Adler, publisher, was shot three ceived word that Generals Carranza which American importers must file army on the Somme battle front, ac­ peared Sunday over the fortified sea­ F U N E R A L DIRECTOR times. Count Stuergkh was dining at and Obregon had left Mexico City for cording to advices received here from with their consuls Defore certain goods port o f Sheerness, at the mouth o f the a hotel when the publisher attacked Queretaro. Previous advises, how­ can be released to them from the Brit­ his home in Toronto. Thames. Four bombs were dropped. him. Three shots were fired, all o f ever, said that the first chief could go When O ’ Hara played in the Inter­ ish dominions. No casualties have been re|x>rted offi­ which took effect, the premier dying to that place in connection with the These materials, according to the national league he was noted for his cially. instantly. meeting o f the constitutional conven­ throwing and strength. complete list, include tin, chloride of accurate An official communication issued Samuel H ill declares before a San tion, for which delegates were elected tin and tin ore; wool, jute, shellac, O ’ Hara, a lieutenant in a Canadian here says: to last week. This is the only explana­ regiment at the front, is now hurling Francisco audience, that Washington, tanning materials, antimony, rubber, “ A hostile seaplane was shot down Oregon and California should petition tion obtainable here for Carranza’s de­ diamonds, mica, raw leather, plum­ deadly bombs instead o f baseballs. and destroyed Sunday afternoon by one the government to build a highway parture. bago, all the alloys of iron, including of our naval aircraft. The machine Fruit Diet Test Ends. along the oceanfront in these states, ferromanganese, cobalt, chrome, tung­ fell into the sea. Judging by the time, Berkeley, Cal.— An exclusive diet o f it probably was the seaplane which which could be used in time o f war to sten, molybdenum, vanadium, nickel R E A L ESTATE carry materials necessary to the pro­ and several kinds of ore. alligator pears for two weeks ended visited Sheerness Sunday.” tection o f the coast, or in peace times Where possible the restriction is Tuesday night for Alwyn Baker, a The following official accouut o f the for the benefit o f pleasure seekers, or Paris— In a powerful series o f at­ effected through the chief American University o f California student, eat­ attack was given out: for other legitim ate purposes. tacks on the Verdun front, the French associations o f maunfacturerB interest­ ing under the direction o f the depart­ “ A hostile aeroplane approached Baker has lost Sheerness at about 1 :45 p. m. Sunday, A fte r killing Sheriff Stier. o f Queens have captured the village and fort of ed, such as the New York Metal Ex­ ment o f nutrition. advanced beyond the change for metal, the National A sso no weight, but said he was very hun­ flying very high. Four bombs were county, New York, with a shotgun, Douaumont, drop|>ed, three o f which fell into the and keeping at bay a posse o f police Thiaumont work farm and also occu­ ciation o f Tanners for tanning mater­ gry- The fourth fell in the vicin­ The official findings on his experi­ harbor. and deputy sheriffs who had surround­ pied the Haudremont quarries, no th ials, the United States Shellac Import­ ed his home, Frank Taft, 65 years of o f Verdun, according to the bulletin is­ ers' association for shellac, and the ment w ill be announced next week at ity o f a railway Htation and damaged age, was shot and instantly killed by sued by the war office Wednesday T ex tile Alliance for wool and jute. San Diego at a meeting o f the Avoca­ several railway carriages. In cases where the importer cannot ap­ do assoication, composed o f growers in “ British aeroplanes went up and the one o f the besiegers. T a ft shot Stier, night. The prisoners captured and counted ply through and be vouched for by Oregon, the Sacramento valley and raider made off in a northeasterly di­ who served him with a warrant after Nearly two such an organization he signs a per­ Southern California. rection. No casualties have been re­ he had been adjudged in contempt of thus far number 3500. ported.” court fo r failin g to appear as a w it­ miles was gained on a front o f four sonal agreement with the British con­ and a third miles. sul. ness. C offee T h e f t s Extensive. The official communication says: Armed Steamer Delayed. San Salvador, Republic o f Salvador Chief of Police W hite of San Fran­ ‘ ‘ On the Verdun front, after intense Land Applications Are Up. Philadelphia — The departure o f the cisco has abolished the police detinue — Two arrests have been made in con­ artillery preparations, an attack on San Francisco — Thursday’s session system, under which persons are ar­ nection with the theft o f coffee ship- British steamship Missouri from this rested and held incommunicado with­ the right bank o f the Meuse was o f the United States district court, in ped from San Salvador, disclosed port to Baltimore was delayed Monday out any charge being placed against launched at 11:40 a. m. Wednesday. which the so-called Oregon-California through complaints made by American owing to the fact that the vessel, be­ The enemy line, attacked on a front of them. Notice to News Subscribers land-fraud trial is being held, was oc­ merchants that 10 pounds o f coffee ing engaged in a coastwise trip, car­ seven kilometers, was broken through cupied by identifying some 800 appli­ were missing from each o f many bags ried a gun on her after deck. Clear­ S. A. Appold, a student aviator, who fell in a biplane near Los Angeles, everywhere to a depth which, at the cation s for land, filed by Attorney Mil- consigned to them. ance papers which were held up on A mark here indicates that died later in a hospital. His young center, attained a distance o f three ton Cook, one o f the six defendnats, The value o f the coffee stolen ap­ orders from the Treasury department kilometers, nearly two m iles.” w ife saw him fall and helped take your subscription is delinquent. in behalf o f applicants. W. S. Boyer, proximates 300,000 pesos. The inves­ at Washington, were later granted him from the tangled wreckage of bis a special agent o f the Department o f tigation, which began a month Bgo, when formal assurances that the vessel Please call and fix it. aeroplane. B id d e r s W an t N a v y C r a ft . * Justice, was on the stand and testified haa not yet concluded. was armed for defense purposes only Washington, D. C.— The extraordi­ that in many instances the applica­ The German Order Pour Le Merlte were made to the State department. Zeppelin Stirs Dutch Ire, has been awarded Lieutenant Com­ nary demand for shipe on the Pacific tions for certain described quarter sec­ The Missouri arrived at this port from mander Arnauld De La Perriere, com­ Coast was demonstrated Wednesday tions o f timber land under dispute Amsterdam— Dutch newspapers are London, carrying merchandise. mander of the submarine U-35, f i r his when bids were opened at the Navy were duplicated. indignant over the report by the li»n - M r . H o m a Seeker— achievements In sinking 12« vessels, department for the sale o f the torpedo delsblad that on Sunday a Zeppelin S heriff Sent to Jail. C O M E TO FA LL S CITY. O R E G O N I totalling 370,000 tons. Bryan to Teach Japanese. boat Fox, now lyin g at the Puget dropped a bomb near Gorkum (Gorini- a n d B u y O r c h a r d La n d Columbus, O. — Sheriff Alonzo T. San Francisco— Nisamori Kano ar­ chem), 22 miles southeast o f Rotter­ Swepston, o f Ross county, vice presi­ The House of Commons has passed Sound navy yard and condemned. She the second reading of the Rhodes es­ was built at Portland in 1897, and the rived Thursday from Japan by the Si­ dam. The Nieuws Van den Dag says: dent o f the American Sheriffs’ associa­ tate bill, which would exclude Ger­ board o f survey recently appraised her beria M in i to study under W illiam “ I f German airship commanders had tion and president o f the Ohio Sheriffs* mans henceforth from enjoying schol­ at *500. John Rothschild & Co., San Jennings Bryan at Lincoln, Neb. He not displayed supreme contempt for association, waa sentenced to 40 days arships at Oxford University under Francisco, bid *1800; Chicago Machin­ is a son o f Viscount Kano and is a the protests o f the Dutch government in the Delaware county jail by United the Cecil Rhodes trust fund. ery & Equipment Co., Seattle, *1033; graduate o f Imperial university at this deplorable incident, which only by States Judge John E. Sater here for SOUTHERN PACIFIC COM PANY Orders for more than 200 aeroplanes Nieder & Marcus, Seattle, *3111, and Tokio. Young Kano is a friend of a accident lacked serious results, would permitting federal prisoners in his Passenger Train Schedule former protege of Bryan’s, and it was not have occurred.” have been placed by the U. S. war de­ Phillips Morrison, o f Seattle, *1505. custody to take tong automobile rides Effective Oct. 4,1914 through him that he made arrange­ partment as the first step in expan­ — 7 —--------- and have other liberties. He was re­ 161 16J I 1«7 sion of the aviation service under the ments to come here and study under Q u a k e Renews Oil Flow. 226 New U-Boats Built. leased on *500 bond pending a hearing am. am. pm. army reorganization act and contracts Bakersfield, C sl.— Advices received the ex-Democratic leader. He expects Geneva, Switzerland — Prince von o f the case on error. S a le m . . . 7:00 9.45 4.00 for about 100 additional machines of to be in this country several years. Buelow, former German imperial chan­ Dallas. . . 8.15 11.02 various types probably w ill be award­ Wednesday from the Maricopa oil dis­ 5.30 World C rop Falls Short. trict, 40 miles southwest o f here, re­ cellor, recently informed a neutral Falls C ity . 8.50 11.85 ed In the near future. 6.05 New Loan Made to Britain. late that the earth tremblora o f last newspaper that since the beginning of Rome, via Paris— The total wheat B l 'k R o c k . 11:55 Six Inmates of Sing Sing prison. Sunday have caused the resumption of New York — Official announcement the war Germany had constructed 226 harvest o f the world is estimated by 164 I 1W New York, drove past a guard in a the flow o f oil from a well that had was made Thursday by J. P. Morgan submarines, says a dispatch from the International Agricultural Insti­ am. pm. pm. prison automobile truck and made been latent fo r more than tw o years. & Co., that a new British loan by Constance. tute an 7 per cent below the average Bl’ k Rock 1.05 their escape about noon Friday. The The well is in the foothills near American bankers, aggregating *300,- The German naval authorities, the and 25 [>er cent below that o f last Falls City. 9.30 1.25 6.10 finding of the abandoned truck a half It w ill Prince is reported to have added, are year. The institute’s report includes, Dallas. . . 10.10 2.00 6.40 hour after the escape gave the first Maricopa, and it is said that in the 000,000, had been arranged. Intimation that the men, all of whom past when earthquakes were fe lt the bear interest at 5| per cent and is pay­ paying more attention to submarinea for the first time, the crop o f Euro­ Salem . . . 11.01 3.15 17.45 to battleships, and Austria- pean Russia, which it estimates to be were serving sentences o f from 16 various wells in that vicinity have in­ able in two installments, one o f three than A. C. P o w im , AOUT creased their production. years and one o f five years. years to life, had fled- Hungary is doing likewise. 20 per cent less than that o f last year. H. J. Griffin. Mayor. R. M. Wonderly, Councilman-at-LArf* G. W. Brentner, George C. March« C. J. Bradley, Councilman I. G. Singleton. C. L. Hopkins, N. Balls. C. E. McPherren. Auditor and Polte« Jmége Walter L. Tooxe Jr.. City Attorney. Pat Murphy, Marahal and Water 8upt. M. L. Thompson. Treasurer Dr. F. M. Uellwarth. Health Officer. The wholesale price o f ttour i l now- quoted in Portland at 87.SO a barrel. Trap Set by Villa; Vanguard of Pursuing Carranza force Ambushed professional Carte Cairanza Thought Preparing to ilee; family Already in t). S. Business Carte jfallsCit^lbotel Baseball Training Wins War Honors. German Airman Shot Down in Sunday Raid on British Coast R. L. C H A P M A N FUNERAL DIRECTOR We attend all work promptly. Dallas and Falls City, Ore. French Regain Ground at Verdun. ( r J \