MID MiKHtl) BY H( DONGS VILA lEKHIHtD POPUUIION SURVINS OF CURRENT WEEK Œlje Italia (£lti| Nruns WORLD’S ^ 5 ? D. L. WOOD * SON, Publisher*. »»t.-i.d •• •»ooiid-.-l... Mil *1 tk. poMsrtle» ■t r .l l t City. Folk CoMty. “ « Set *t C w ifrm of March S. 1ST».____________ Tskshss«—News Offkt, *3. So Werte non Rataa: Onayaar. U.OO; mix months. H canta: thraa montha *4 conta: Binala copy. S eta. Advertising Ratea: Dtaplay, »» centaan Inch: Rust neat Notices. » cents a line : For Rale. Rent, exchange. Want and Pay R ntenalnm ent No- Ucea. 5 eta. a line. Card olThanks- W eta: Lega Notices, legal ratea Brief Resume of General News from All Around the Earth. UN1YERSAI HAPPENINGS IN A NUTSHOJ Copy for new ada andchangeeahould he sent to The News not later than Wednesday^_______ Live News Items of All Nations and M^MalHwpeper^f^h^hty^j^UU^to Pacific Northwest Condensed I ssued E very S aturday M orning for Our Busy Readers 0IT1C IA L DIRECTORY OT FALLS CITY H. J. Griffin, M ajor. R M. W onderlj, C ouncllm an-at-Larf« G. W. Brentner. G«or*e O* March. C. J. Bradley, Councilman I. G. Singleton. C. L. Hopkins. K. Belie. C. K McPherren. Auditor and Police Ji Walter L. Tooxe Jr.. City Attorney. Pat Murphy. Marshal and Water Snpt. M. L. Thompson, Treasurer Dr. F. M. Uellwarth. Health Offloar. TheCouncll meets in regular session on tha drat Monday night of each mouth, at T tt o'clock, In the offlee o f the Falla City News. p ro fe s s io n a l C a rO s PHYSICIAN F. M. HELLWARTH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office one door east of P. O. Falla City. Oregon Seiden« Phone 368 b u s in e s s C a r te HOTEL 1 jfalls Cit\> botel Sam ple Rooms Boot A c c o m m o d a ti o n s F . O r o e o e , P r o p r ie to r BARHER SHOPS Bohle’ s Barber Shops Fa lls C i t y , O re g o n Whtrt ysa u s tel * Shive, lair Cot. lath or 'Shine* Aient For Dallas Steam Lanidry Bun' unies forwarded lu esday evening MONUMENTS G. L. H A W K I N S M A R B LE A N D G R A N ITE MONUMENTS D a l l a s . O re gon FU N ER A L DIRECTOR The keel of the superdreadnought California, building at the Mare Island navy-yard, will be laid October 25, the navy department has announced. The Labor Temple, the largest log building in Alaska, built last winter by the Alaska labor union, was de­ stroyed Tuesday night by fire caused by a defective flue. The loss is $12,000. The heaviest snowstorm of any au­ tumn in the past ten years prevailed in the Michigan copper country Tues­ day. All shipping was forced to seek shelter, and Lake Superior was de­ serted by boats. Wholesale prices on men’s and wo­ men's footwear have been advanced 50 to 75 cents a pair within the last three days and certain lines have been withdrawn entirely from the market, owing to a shortage in leather. John S. O'Connor, pioneer cut glass manufacturer and inventor, died at his home at Hawley, Pa., as the result of a fall. Mr. O’Connor cut the glass that took first prize at the Paris expo­ sition. He was born in Londonderry. Ireland, June 6. 1831. Seventy-four hostile aeroplanes, of which 21 were French and 53 were British, were shot down by the Ger­ mans during September, according to an exact list compiled by the German military authorities, says an Overseas News Agency statement. Ernest Olis. a sentenced burglar, scaled the 30-foot east wall of the pen­ itentiary at Joliet, 111., with a braided twine rope and escaped. Twenty feet from where he went over the wall a guard was on watch with a rifle, but he failed to see the convict. President Wilson and Secretary of War Baker cabled Governor Harrison, of the Philippines, asking him to con­ vey their greetings to the Filipino peo­ ple on the occasion of the convening of the first Philippine legislature com­ posed entirely of natives. The United States supreme court re­ fused to review the convictions of four labor leaders in the 1913 West Vir­ ginia coal strike who were sentenced to six months’ imprisonment for con­ tempt of court in failing to obey an injunction by a federal district judge. The Culebra Island naval station off the Porto Rican coast was almost com­ pletely destroyed last week by a hurri­ cane which swept that vicinity. The station has been practically abandon­ ed by the navy, and only a few houses and supplies, used by the marines who practice advance base maneuvers, are left Plans for a campaign to make Chi­ cago “ dry” in 1918 were formally an­ nounced at a luncheon of the Dry Chi­ cago Federation. Fifty thousand dol­ lars was pledged to carry on the cam­ paign. It is planned to submit the question to a referendum vote in the spring of 1918. Ex-Representative Hobson, of Alabama, spoke at the meeting at which the campaign was launched. : k' El Paso, Tex.—Villa's attack on Cus- lhulrlKchtc is described by survlvurs in an article printed by K1 Democrata of Chihuahua, as sccompanled by hor­ rors without parallcl In the history of the recent revolution. Women and children as well as men fell in the massacre, and the survivors told of the rase of a woman, who, be­ cause she had nursed the wounds of General Garza, was said to have been shot, wounded, and with her newboru child, was soaked with petroleum and burned to death. Villa is represented as (urulug a deaf ear to all supplica­ tions for mercy. "We are informed," says the paper, "that the people in the section are frightened to such an exleut that they do not sleep iu their houses, but seek refuge iu the woods or in the Interior of mines.” Copies also reached El Paso of a printed appeal for aid from the char­ ity society of Zacatecas. Verifying the stories of disease and starvation there the appeal said typhus and inanition caused 2000 deaths in the past four months. It declared that owing to typhus the fields were not cultivated aud there would be no crops, while corn is beyoud the means of the poor classes- $250 in paper money for a hectolitre, or less than three bushels of corn—and there is absolutely no work. The population, the appeal con­ cluded. with winter coming on, was threatened with extinction. CRUSHED TO DEATH IN FREIGHT WRECK VASTHOUJVD U. S. Warship Rushes Out. Bar Harbor, Me.. Oct. 15.—The ab­ rupt recall of a liberty party from the destroyer McDougall and the ship's subsequent departure at full speed to­ day, suggested important develop­ ments in connection with the war­ ship's neutrality patrol. Early this afternoon the vessel put in here from Eastport and gave shoro leave to a party of her sailors. Four blasts of the ship’s whistle soon recalled them, and the last boatload had hardly reached the destroyer's side when she steamed out of the harbor. The wild coast line in this region, with its innumerable coves, has long been one of the favorite regions pick­ ed out by rumor for hidden wireless stations and secret submarine bases. 3 164 am. 11:55 16« pm . 1.05 Bl’k Rock Falls City. 9.30 1.25 Dallas. . . 10.10 2.00 Salem , . . 11.01 3.15 170 pm. 6.10 6.40 7.45 A. C. F n w tu , Aonirr s^S ■— Late reports concerning the cyclone which struck the Danish West Indies Islands early in the week show that the country districts In the Island of St. Croix suffered heavy damage. En­ tire villages and numerous mills were destroyed. The damage done In St. Thomas is estimated to exceed $1,000,- 000. ONE D UD ; MANY BOATS LOST Earth Shocks Sway Office Buildings, Driving People Into Streets— Wind Reaches 114 Miles. 2200 Mill voli 10 [NO S IM M ; RiSUMf WORK IN SAN IRANUSCO San Francisco. Oct. 15.—The strike of the boilermaker» and allied crafts, involving about 2200 men in the San Franetaco and Alameda plants of the Union Iron Works and the Moore & Scott Shipyards at Oakland, was set­ tled today at a mass meeting of the unions concerned. The strike was called last Thursday by the boilermakers on the refusal of the employers to discharge members of the Shlpflttera’ Union, an urganlza tion which had withdrawn from the American Federation of Labor. Un­ der the terms of the settlement the shipfitters will Join the International Boilermakers' union and the Ship­ wrights and Caulkers' union, anotlier independent union, will become part of the United Brotherhood of Carpen­ ters and Joiners of America. No ques­ tion of wages or hours hud a pluce in the controversy. Mayor James Kolph, Jr., took an ac­ tive part in the bringing about of a Elwood, Neb.—Ten men were killed, Settlement of the international dispute fatally crushed, and 11 others ser­ which hail been hanging fire two iously injured, when a train on the years. Burlington railroad crashed into the freight caboose in which these were riding, 12 miles east of here Sunday New Loan of $ 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 morning. Five other men, standing Puls Check on Rapid Imports on the rear platform of the caboose, Chicago.—Beyond question, the flo­ saw the approaching train soon enough to Jump to safety. One other tation of the British loan of $250,000,- man in the caboose cupola was thrown 000 In this market in the early part clear of the wreck and escaped injury. of September has been Instrumental The trains in collision were the sec­ in checking the flow of gold to this ond and third sections of a regular country, aud to that extent, has been stock train. Lack of lights and warn­ beneficial. Up to the third week in September ing signals is given by survivors of the collision as the cause of the acci­ the gold imports this year aggregated $384.450,000, against exports of $93,- dent. All the victims are residents of Ne­ 500,000, so that the excess of Imports braska towns of western and central over exports this year has been $291,- parts of the state, most of them farm­ 445,000, which compares with an ex­ cess in gold imports over exports for ers or Btockmen. The second section train had stop­ the corresponding period of last year ped at a point about half way between of $247.171,000. Whether gold imports can be long Smlthfleid and Bertrand because of held in check is a difficult question to hot boxes. determine, as much depends upon the Members of the crew were at work llritlHti requirements and the attitude on the hot boxes when the third sec­ of the American banks and the invest­ tion. running 10 minutes behind the ment public. But it is certain that first, crashed into a caboose. It is sooner or later gold will again flow declared that the crew of the second Into this country in considerable vol­ section had failed to put out torpedoes ume. unless, of course, the war should or lights to warn the train following, come to a sudden and unexpected ter­ and that the headlight on the engine mination. pulling the third section had gone out. This enormous accumulation of gold No one was aware of the danger until which has taken place since the begin­ the third section was within a few ning of the war Is resulting in a tre­ yards of the rear end of the second. mendous expansion in various forms The engineer reversed his engine but of credit. This expansion is a form of he could not stop. inflation, but, being based upon gold, The heavy stock train Jammed into is not dangerous the train ahead, driving the waycar One of the unfortunate results of under a car of cattle ahead. The 21 the upward tendency of prices Is the men on the floor of the caboose were effect that they have on corporations jammed into a space of less than four having a fixed earning rate, for these feet in width and this was filled with corporations can only increase their wreckage. The railroad ran a special revenue from an increase in volume, train from Holdredge with physicians and, naturally, there are limitations and the Injured were taken to Hast­ even on that. This applies especially ings for hospital carre. to the railroads. CABOOSf GROUND INTO BITS Subscribers Bl’kRock. Captain H a n s Rose, commander of the U-53 of the German navy, sank at least six — per­ haps seven—steam­ ers off Nantucket lightship w i t h i n twenty-four hours after he left New­ port, Saturday. His action has brought about strained re­ lations with Ger- ni a n y, relations more strained than at any time since the sinking of the Lusitania. Atlantic City. N. J.—Major-General Tasker H. Bliss, assistant chief of staff of the United States army, ap­ peared again Tuesday before the American members of the Mextcan- American joint commission. Later it was intimated that the discussion by the joint commission of the various schemes for border control would not be forced by the Americans until a sufficient time had elapsed for Gener­ al Carranza to show the efficiency of his latest punitive expedition, relative to which new assurances were given the commissioners by Ambassador- Designate Arredondo, through Louis Ten Dead and Eleven Injured in Rear Cabrera, chairman of the Mexican commission. End Stock Train Smash-up. Mr. Cabrera said his government would begin at once an "intensive" campaign against Villa. The Americans were told that "thou­ sands of the best troops in the coun­ try were being taken into Chihuahua and Durango for an extensive cam­ paign, which it is expected will be­ come evident shortly in a series of Five Escape by Jumping — Hot Box movements that will lead either to Villa's isolation in the mountains with­ Halts Section of Train — Crew out a force of any size or to his de­ struction.” Fail to Put Out Signals. El Paso, Tex.— Passengers arriving at Juarez from Chihuahua City said a report was current there that a force of 1000 Carranza soldiers left their base at Santa Ysabel Saturday to operate against Villa, only to meet a serious reverse at the hands Of the bandits on the road to San Andres. Arrivals here over the Mexican Northwestern railway say that Villa’s men are in possession of Namiquipa. Two-Cent Mali Extended. Washington, D. C.—Conclusion of a convention providing for a 2-cent let­ ter rate between the United States and New Zealand Is announced by the postoffice department. New Zealand Is approximately 7000 miles from the eastern coast of the United States. RDIN WROUGHT BY GALE AND QUAKE Gulf Coast and Southera States Suffer from Tropical Hurricane. Carranza Makes New Promises. After several hours’ struggle with the heaviest sea in months, the coast­ guard crew from Manistee. Mich., suc­ ceeded in rescuing P. T. Daily, a con­ tractor, and eight workmen, who weTe carried out into Lake Michigan on a derrick scow which earlier in the day Tragedy Bared In Ashes. broke from its moorings here during Flasher, N. D —That P. B. Wilkison, a fierce storm. The nine men were nearly eight miles out in Lake Michi­ a farmer, shot and killed his daughter, gan when the coastguard reached Gladys, and then set fire to the fam them. ily home near here and killed himself Although the registration of 738,710 was the conclusion reached by au­ voters in New York City exceeded last thorities Tuesday with the finding of year’s record by 70,899, the predic­ the two bullet-riddled bodies In the tions of political leaders were not ful­ ruins of the house. A shotgun was the filled. The complete registration fig­ ures now available show a gain of 33,- weapon used. Domestic difficulties, it was said by 424 over the registration for the last presidential election in 1912. Politi­ neighbors, prompted Mrs. Wilkison cians have prophesied that a total of and another child to quit the home two 750,000 to 800,000 would be attained. hours before the fire was discovered. One reason given for the failure to Notice to News reach these figures is the return to Retrial Is Begun. Europe of many men of foreign birth. San Francisco.—The Becond trial of Reports from the Portland office of A mark here indicates that the bureau of labor statistics of Ore­ six men under indictment in the so- your subscription is delinquent. gon, show that during July and August called Oregon land fraud case began Please call and fix it. 1663 applications for help and 5139 ap­ Wednesday morning in Federal Judge plications for employment were re­ Doollng’s court. ceived. The bureau furnished employ­ Nat C. Coghlan, chief attorney for ment for 4661 persons in the two Norman D. Cook, one of the defend­ months. ants, cannot be present on account of an engagement at Los Angeles, but Ten army machine guns of the most M r . H orna S a a k a r - his absence is not expected to delay up-to-date design, which will consti­ A L L 8 C I T Y , OREGON COMETO F FA the hearing. The jury disagreed at tute the government’s principal evi­ and Buy O ro h a rd Land the first trial four months ago. dence in the baring of an alleged plot to violate the neutrality laws of the Explosive Cache Bared. United 8tates by shipping the arms to East Machias, Me.—An explosion Mexico, arrived in Los Angeles Fri­ day and were immediately seized by which shook this village early Satur­ ------------------------ *------------------------ N 1 federal authorities. day has revealed that a building at SO U THERN PACIFIC COM PANY the head of navigation on the East A delegation of six men from the Machias river has been used secretly Passenger Train Schedule | Danish West Indies, who were chosen as a storehouse for some powerful ex Effective Oct. 4,1914 by the colonial councils of the islands, plosive. Efforts to ascertain the own­ 161 1*7 161 ! left San Juan for Denmark to report ership of the explosive were unsuc­ W1STBODKD am. am. pm. to the committee with regard to the cessful. Reports that boats had been sale of the islands to the United heard passing up the river during a 4.00 Salem . . . 7:00 9.45 Dallas. . . 8.15 11.02 5.30 | States. The delegation has been in- heavy storm Friday night and Satur­ day morning could not be confirmed. 6.05 | structed to recommend the sale. Falls City. 8.50 11.35 ( Commander of the German Submarine U-53. Prices On 8hoes Soaring. Pittsburg. — Wholesale prices on men's and women’s footwear have been advanced 50 to 75 cents a pair within the last 72 hours and certain lines have been withdrawn entirely from the market owing to a shortage In leather, according to announcement here by officers of the Pennsylvania Shoe Travelers’ association. Many letters were read from firms manu­ facturing shoes announcing an ad­ vance of 37 to 60 cents a pair on up­ per stock and eight to 10 cents a pound on sole leather. Idaho Man Buys Blooded Bull. Lewiston, Idaho.—Dean Iddlngs, of the University of Idaho, states that Henry Thiossen, of Sweetwater, Ida­ ho, has purchased at Kansas City at the American Hereford Association sale the bull Prince Rupert ROth. pay­ ing $2200 for the animal. Mr. Thles- nen came to Idaho from Germany as a stowaway several years ago. He is now said to be the greatest produc­ er of pure bred Herefords this side of the Mississippi river. It has been Mr. Thlessen's policy to always raise the best cattle possible, regardless of the price. Twelve Fly In Great Air Boat Buffalo, N. Y.—An enormous flying boat built after the lines of the Amer­ ica, with 11 passengers seated In the cabin, and the pilot, made a trial trip at a height of 500 feet over Lake Keu- ka Monday afternoon. The new flying boat has a greater spread of wing than the America. It Is not of the tractor type. There are two pusher propellors, each operated by an eight-cylinder motor of 200- horsepower. Lights Show U. ®. Flag. New York.—When the American line steamship St. Paul which arrived here from England, approached the American coast Saturday night, she was brilliantly Illuminated so that no German submarine might, mistake her for a vessel of the entente allies. Cap­ tain A. R. Mills ordered also that a cluster of lamps be swung out to port and to starboard so passing craft might distinguish the American flag painted on each side. Atlanta, Ga.—The south was racked by earthquake aud swept by storm at Hie Hume time Thursday. While a tropical hurricane wa» flaying the Gulf coast, earth tremors overturned chim­ neys aud frightened away many peo­ ple from (heir homes in Georgia. Ala­ bama and Tennessee. The earthquake did tittle damage, but a wind that reached a velocity of 114 mite« au hour lifted roofs from houses at Pensacola, Fla., and sank several vessels Iu the harbor. One V life was lost. Mobile reported that It had been touched more lightly, although the wtml blew 110 mllee an hour. Two small buildings were destroyed and a negro woman was killed by a live wire. Shipping at Mobile had been warned aud apparently suffered little harm. Two river steamers were sunk, a schooner and a steamer were driven ashore and small boats were lost. The earth shocks were felt shortly after 4 o'clock and were severest In Montgomery and Birmingham, Ala., where swaying office buildings were emptied within a few minutes. In these towns chimneys were destroyed and articles were hurled from shelves In residences and shops. Elsewhere no damage was reported. The earthquake was felt aa far north as Louisville. Ky., and east of Augus­ ta. Ga. Its duration was about thru« minutes and there were two shocks. The hurricane had been sweeping northward from Yucatan and hit the coast early In the day. It then moved into the Interior with decreased In­ tensity. Mobile was struck early in the day aud wire communication went down Iu a short time. Soon ivusamla. too, was cut off, and not until night was it possible to reach that city. Esti­ mates put the damage in Mobile at $15.000, but no estimates had been made of the loss at Pensacola. New Orleans escaped the storm. Everywhere the high wind was ac­ companied by a torrential downpour of water. At Ilurwood. La., there was a fall of nearly 11 inches during the day. Montgomery, Ala., was swept by a heavy wind and there was a heavy rainfall, but little damage. Houses were damaged at Opp, Ala., and there was damage at other small towns throughout Alabama. Houses and • tori were unroofed .It 'I r..v 111 Ho se sections there wus no report of loss of life. Reports coming In from many small towns in Alabama Indicated that dam­ age in rural districts might reach many thousands of dollars. Traveling salesmen reaching Montgomery told of buildings blown down and unroofed and of thousands of acres of timber being damaged throughout Alabama. Virtually the same district on the Gulf roast suffered heavy damage in the great July hurricane. Then shipping sustained the most serious loss ever known In a Gulf storm, and in scores of cities and towns the damage went into the thousands of dollars. A short time later millions of dol­ lars of damage was done by a storm In the two Carollnas. Birmingham Feels 3 Shocks. Birmingham. Ala.—Birmingham fait three sharp earth shocks separated by brief Intervals Thursday. Little dam­ age was done other than to windows and chimneys, but the quakes caused great excitement. Thousands poured from office build­ ings ami downtown structures. A ma­ tinee audience at a theater rushed for the exits. All the county courts ad­ journed In alarm. The main central telephone ex­ change set a new record by handling 25,000 calls within an hour. Berlin Curbs Taxicab Use. Berlin, via The Hague to London.— Berliners in the near future must en­ deavor to arrive at the theaters In time for the play without the use of taxicabs. It Is planned to forbid the use of these vehicles /o r trips to and from places of amusement. The taxl- eabs, 11 Is hoped, will be available for a more Important purpose. At the be­ ginning of the war there were 2600 taxicabs running In Berlin. This num­ ber has been reduced to 800. Turkish Transport Taksn. Petrograd, via London.—The Rus­ sian submarine Tulen, October 12, af­ ter an engagement near the Bosphor­ us, captured the Turkish 6000-ton armed war transport Rodltsto, says a Russian official statement. The transport, which was commanded by German officers, was taken to Sebas­ topol. Dividend is 700 Per cent. Pittsburg.—Directors of the Quaker Oil A Qas company, the producing and of the Pure Oil company, have declar­ ed a dividend of 700 per cent. The di­ vidend is payable at once.