i FALLS CITY NEWS SHIFT? WILSON ON COLONEL'S BODKIN Elusive Balancer on String ol Words Pinned Down by Proof That In Fifteen Public Ut* terances He Took Forty- One Different Positions on Preparedness. EACH STAND CONTRADICTED FROM 1 TO 6 OF TH E OTHERS Dsmocratio Candidate Said Thai Out Army Wat Ampla and Thai We Did Not Hava Enough Troopo lo Patrol Iho Border) That Wo Wore on Iho Vorgo ol a Maelotrom and That There Wee No Critical Situation; That the National Quard Would Not Do and Then That It Muat Do. In the fourteen month* extending from Iteoembor Htb, 1UM, to February loth, 101«, there were fifteen men *aK<‘*. letter* and a|ieei'bre o f Prrsl- dent Wllaon which I have read In these fifteen messages, letter* and *|>eeche*, during thoee fourteen mouth*. President WlUon took forty- one different positions about prepared ne** and the meaiure* necessary to secure It; and each o f the*e forty-one poaltlon* contradicted from one to *U o f the other* In many of bl* speeches the weasel word* o f one portion of the *t>eech took *11 the meaning out of the word* u»ed In another portion o f that speech; and these latter word* themselves had a weasel significance a* regards yet other word*. He ar­ gued for preparedness and against preparedness lie stated that our army was ample; and that we did not have enough troop* to patrol the Mexican border I ft* time o f peace. He aald the world was on Are. and that aparka were liable to drop anywhere and cattae na to hurst Into flame; and he also said that there tvaa no Imme­ diate danger. He said that there was no sudden crtal*. and then again that he did not know- what a «Ingle day would tiring forth. He aald that we were on the verge o f a maelstrom; and then that there waa no «pedal or critical altuatlon He said the dan gcr waa constant and Immediate; and also that we were not tfireatened from any quarter. He aald that there was no fear among us; and also that we were In dally danger of seeing the vital Interest snd honor o f the country menaced and the flag of the United Ktatea stained with Impunity. He said that we were In very critical danger o f being Involved In the great European struggle, and alao that there was no need to dtscuss the question of defense, or to get nervous or excited about It. In one and the same speech, he «sld that a sufficient number o f men would volunteer, and that If they did not he would he ashamed o f America; and he also said that he did not know of any law which laid upon them the duty o f com Ing Into the army, If It should be necessary to call for volunteer*. He aald that we needed .100,000 volunteers, and that If there was any legitimate criticism of this demand It was be cause It was too small; and as soon as Congressman Hay objected to the plan, he promptly abandoned It. He aald that the National Guard waa not the proper body upon which to rely: and then not only changed hla own mind hut forced his own Secretary of W ar out o f his cabinet, because this Secretary possessed less flexible con­ victions and was unable Instantly to reverse himself when going at full speed From the Speech of Colonel Roosevelt at Hattie Creek, Michigan. In Ilehnlf o f Mr. Hughe*. Mr. Hughes la seeing how big the w-est Is, and the west la seeing how hlg Mr. Hughes la. It la a happy ar­ rangement. FINNEGAN’S PHILOSOPHY P itile s s P u b lic ity " I sec Mr. Hughes uuil like to know fwhat's come to 'Pitiless Publicity.' Meaelf could tell him. 'Where's “ Piti­ less Pu blicity?'" saya Hughes. 'In the Asb Can,' saya I. T ’ was all right on the stump, but In Wnshln'ton 'tls d if­ fer. The Harp that war,at through Trenton’s halli — I mane Tumulty. W bln be bursts Into aong now he picks hls chune! ‘"Tls not that Prlsldlnt Wllaon la less public than Candydate Wllaon— he's leas pitiless. 'Tls like the show­ man H e tells ye all, an' more, about th' lllyfant, hut he haa mlntal res-va slump about the spotted baby. "Bo. l t la wld Wilson. HKa jofneti, i N o. 8 KALLS CITY OREGON, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 21, 1916 VOL. X lll the hard heart Iv T ltlless Publicity.* 'How about the Postmasters T axes the refawrumera. 'W e’ll ulver tell ye says the ("m lslniq 'For why?' aay* the l.esgue. "F'wid enihnr'ss th' Ad minis'hrnshun,' says the P inlshuu And the people laughs. ‘ 1* fired th' Hid o f the Clnaus,' aaya Hughe*. 'Ye He.' ssya KedBeld. ‘ He rsyslned »Id - out bein' axed.' says he. 'Ye lie yer- self,' says Durand. 'Ye towld me ye'd lire me. an' ya gev me pia•* Teddy ‘" M e Ity'le Msslher will nlver con slnt,' saya th' other. 'Thin,' say* Ted dy, 'I'll kind Dewey at wanst. There's no use wallin'.' Teddy say*. Tlow ld etn,’ say* the Aratiassydure 'W e sgree,' says he. an' dlvtt a lilt did we know how It was for a dogen year. •"W e'll have Ferdy Carey alive or the Tlashl Bar.onk dead.' says Teddy, in ' bark comes Ferdy. An' the pa tiers say*, 'tin demand Iv the State Depart meut Ferdy Carey haa been released.' An’ that's all. "H ow I* It now? The greasers slaughters twlnty at Hanty Isabel 'Another Mexican Crisis.' says the headlines T w ln ty Americans killed,' they aavs 'The Presldlnt Calm.' say* they 'A te* Bacon and Eggs. Plays Ooluf.' says the hnwdllne* An' the pa per goes on: '" T h e Prisldtnt'a appyttte at break fast was good, th" leader Iv the na shun gettln' outsido tv grape fruit, ha con an' eggs, hot biscuit an’ coffee Whin Docther Oraywon announced the bill I t fare the tlnwhun over Mexico was much relaved " 'The Prlsldlnt I* solvin' In privacy the fateful question. "W ill me throat laat?" The answer la waited wtd fe ­ verish anxiety.’ “ Mondah the papers says- 'Naahnnal Disaster! Sore Throwt Feared! Psnlc ■ t the Capital! The Prlsldlnt Calm! " 'Consternation was spread among all classes today he the report that the Prlsldlnt awoke with a sore throat Strong men fainted before they cud reach the nearest saloon. There la talk Iv applnttn' a day Iv prayer It I* hoped that Senor Arre-ye on though will rlattn that the dead Americans rayststed Ixlcushun A high author’ty states that this wurt end the crisis The Prlsldlnt msde "hut wa.n remark "A v they'd not been there they'd not lv been kilt." ' "Chik'sdah. they say*. 'Hope revives No sore Ihroat. Blttr*n by insect President calm All Phrnscs lv Mat- ther to he considered " 'The anxiety In the s ’npltal was re laved today he the follow in' bulletin: •• • “ The rrtsldlnt hnn a slight per­ foration In the cutteJe over the Infery- ure maximary caused h*- a Insect hirin' him whin asleep. The patient was too proud to acrntch. (Hlgaed) Grayson." '“ It la reporter I also that C.lneral Scott will go to the bonliT to bury the dead, and apologize to tlte lnsurglnts He will axe Carvanzy. w h ith er he wild accept a loan I f offered. This Is con­ sidered the thrCie a'lutlon lv the dlffl eulty.’ "Wined*h the Prlsldlnt (jnes motor In', Thursdah t«e writes a note and Glnernl Scott starts lo r thy border. Fridah the headlines sa.v* 'Peace In Europe near. PrlaldeAt atuilj'ln’ terms. W ill he atop the w a r! Another note expected. Capital exetted over report.’ "But w e’re comforter i be beta’ towld the Prlsldlnt will n( >t he liethrayed Into hasty ackshun. "Stindah, he’s com dderln’ th’ Ar- tnenyan question, an’ Mondah he ad- vlsea Grandmother* about auckln' eggs. And another erl sis Is past. "So It goes Ivry May As I was sav­ in’, there's a’plenty p ubilclty, but 'tls not the brand Iv .1012.'" single line, to get new laws for levying more taxes, raising sala­ ries and making jobs. It is a The HIZZ Remedv Company fact that punlic school expendi­ and Fun Makers will close a two t u r e 's in Oregon, including l weeks engagement here to night, higher education, have increased 'rhe performances throughout 300 per cent in ten years. The have been exceptionally good. state has not increased in wealth Many have said they have paid or population in that time 100 p e r! 25 and 50 cents for shows no bet- cent, neither have incomes o f ter. citizens or wageH increased. G. T. Morey is an all-round mu- The crusade to raise salaries of sician, impersonator and ventril- all teachers, regardless o f effici- oquist. I f there is any musical ciency or experience, has been metrument that he is not master largely responsible. The state of it w as not brought forth, organization o f educators has put J. J. Walsh, the black-face com­ over arbitrary rules for their edian and A1 McDonald, the Irish own benefit that have doubled comedian contributed their share the cost o f overhead in schools to the mirth-provoking entertain­ without corresponding e ffl deny. ments while Prof. Frank Becker Contributed. sedately presided at the piano. The prizes given each evening together with the diamond rings "VOTE FOR THE MAN" to be given to night, are o f no in­ ‘Cast polictics aside and vote considerable value. for the man for county offices,” 1 The best part o f the entertain­ ment, however, was the lectures is the hoarse whisper o f the Dem­ given by Dr. G. W. Pardev, the ocratic candidate as he extends proprietor. Each one was worth the gtad hand to the Republican many times the price charged for voter. "T h ere is nothing in the admission. The cause o f various perframance o f the duties o f the diseases,their prevntion and cure, county official w herein the princi­ and simple rules for keeping well, ples o f partisan politics obtain.” were all invaluable. In recom­ Wonder if they present the same mending his remedies he does not asgument to the gentlemen o f claim any wonderful discovery, the “ Solid South?” but simple remedies given at the We will agree with our friends, time and for the right disease. the enemy, that about all the Dr. Pardey is no stranger in Republican principles involved in Oregon, nor in this section. Dur­ performing the duties o f a county ing his stay here several parties office are. honesty and efficiency. from nearby |towns have called I f a candidate be honest and effi­ and have nothing but praise for cient he will discharge the duties his remedies, his honest and gen­ o f the office in the most economi­ tlemanly treatment o f all who cal and business like manner. It have had dealings with him. is not impossible for a Democatic During his short stay here he I ; ; l-K -HH-H- i-H -l-H -l-l-l-H -l-H -l-I-l- • I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 H - H I 1 1 I candidate to have such quulifica- has effected, we will not say cures tions. But if our Democratic as the time has been to short to t friends are honest in their con­ determine, but that great relief tention o f setting politics aside, afforded those who have sought it why do they come out under the elsewhere and failed. Democratic banner? In states He denounces in no uncertain where they hold the halance of Falls City News, One year terms the too ready use o f the power and the ravages o f Democ­ surgeon's knife and the ‘ ‘high and racy is painfully apparent they Evening Telegram, Three months low cut” women's wearing appar­ boldly shout. “ Vote ‘er straight The leading Republican paper in the State. el o f the ultra fashionable set. boys and give the Repubs, h i! They will be at Dallas Oct. 30, That’s about all that is left when Rural Spirit, One year to November 36. they get to the bat. _____ A weekly for the farmer and stockman. Mr. E. K. Piasecki, who Dem­ ocratically aspires to the office o f H. A. Bowman was in Dallas Poultry Life, One year District Attorney, was in this Tuesday to consult the doctor in Devoted to progressive poultry culture in the city Tuesday and made a valliant regard to his leg. Mr. Bowman’s Northwest. plea of. "vo te for the man,” of leg was broken about six months Total value, - course supplementing the plea ago and did get along as well as with argument that he was the was anticipated. For a time it "m an .” Mr. Piasecki is a very was feared it would have to be promising young lawyer, (in fact amputated. He believes now, we rather like h im ). He prom- however, that he will be able to ised to conduct the office in a use it again, very exemplary manner, if e l e c - ---------------- *---- ted, and not allow ahy county + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + bridges to fall on him. We have + + no cause to dispute his sincerity + “ IGNOBLE EASE” AND PEACE- + FUL SLOTH ARE + yet why should he ask the Repub­ + + NOT PEACE. + licans to do that which he will There Is nothing that we of + not. It reminds o f the proposi-1 + t ion to consolidate all church de­ + this conntry so much need as to + + practice the doctrine o f service. + nominations into one church. + As a people we need the sterner + With few exceptions all were in + virtues even more than we need + + the softer virtues Material pros- + favor o f such union, but each in­ + perlty. bodi" ease, money, pleas- + sisted that his doctrine be adopt­ + ure, are all desirable; hut woe + ed. So it is with Mr. Piasecki; | + to us if wa consider them as the + + be-all and end all o f our private + he is willing for everyone to vote + lives or of our collective national + for the man, but o f course wants + life! Woe to us If our material + + prosperity brings in Its wake + to be the “ man.” + lethargy o f spirit and deadness + It is very probable that the + o f soul! I^et us In our lives ap- + Evidently Me. Wllsig i has made up Northern Democrat do not know + ply the great doctrines of duty + hta mind abou'c someth Ing. He refers the real spirit o f many o f their + and of service. Above alt let us + In hls accept» nee spoil! b to "the sov­ + realize that lofty profession Is a + ereign authority of M e ilo o ." He may brethren o f the "Solid South.” , + mischievous sham when it la not + have decide? | to w hom , he was refer­ nor do we believe they would + tranalatetl Into efficient perform- + ring l.ess than two ye trs ago he was stand for such Democracy. We + ance Among the companions o f + not sure * vhether It w *s the soldler- + Lucifer In Milton's mighty epic + bsndlt Vy la or the gnx pr grafter Car- have seen county office buildings + there was none smong the fiercer + ranxa. decorated with rebel flags. We ♦ "5 o il» an dangerous ss he who + “ WltA words clothed In rea- + have know a candidate to have ♦ son's garb. + It's nr>t to lie wondereif that Thomas printed on his cards the fact that ■f + Counselled Ignoble ease and + A. Erigmn favors Wllsou's re election. peaceful sloth. + The (»leetrleal wizard naturally likes he had served in the rebel army, + Not peace." + and for such "service,” presum­ + anything that switches rat and off. + —From the Speech of Colonel + ed to ask for office. ♦ Roosevelt at Battle Creek, Mich + HIZZ REMEDY COMPANY SUGAR SPECIAL On account of heavy supply will for a short time sell SUGAR $8.00 PER SACK CASH This is the present Portland Wholesale price and you will do well to buy a sack while this price prevails SELIG’i Cash Price Store, ‘•Meeting and Beating Competition". 1 I D H -DH-h OUR 1916-1917 COMBINATION OFFER 1 ALL OREGON PAPERS $1.00 1.00 1.00 r a - $3.50 ALL FOUR PAPERS FOR $2.25 YOU SAVE $1.25. Wcv>* .**>/».?** r + Igan. In Rehalf of Mr. Hughe* + + ♦ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + EFFICIENCY AND OVERHEAD Did you ever stop to consider A number o f educators conven­ that when you vote for a Demo­ tions and conferences oi' parents cratic candidate, even for some and teachers are being held in petty office, that you are endorsing back and you will find they lead ___________ and a lot to the principles as set forth by seueral parts o f the state, Most free trade, states rights o f the work is directed along a of Democratic bunk. j Trace them C onfederate States of America. kmA ' fm r S», *<•>/ 'to e / L - C k M I A. « —Carter In New York Sul “ IN A FIGHTING MOOOl”