Saturday. Octutier 7, l»lfl THE TALLS OITT NEWS. 4 ♦ WATCHES Mr. and Mrs. C. T. West return­ ed Tuesday from Salem. 7 Jewel in Silveroid Case $3.00 11 “ 5.00 The frost Sunday night put the 15 ................................ 6.90: kibosh on all garden truck. 17 “ “ “ " 8.85 Mrs. Edith Brown made a trip Everv watch guaranteed a per­ to Black Rock Wednesday. fect timekeeper. Ingersoll Dollar Watches for Chas. Hartung made a business the boys. trip to Black Rock Tuesday. PERSEY, The Jeweler, Falls City, Oregon. CHIROPRACTIC DR. W. L. Holloway CHIROPRACTIC Will be at Fall* City Hotrn MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY Afternoon* o( Each Weak. T o o th N ail Baby H a ir H and Hat Fa c e C lo th e s S h a v in g BRUSHES For every purpose; all sizes and shapes; in all finishes solid backs; bristles that won’t come out—and all at the fairest price. THOM PSONS DRUG STORE. NI6H SCHOOL ROTES Walter L. Toose, Jr., Lawyer, County teachers’ institute will be held at Dallas on Monday, tf. Tuesday and Wednesday of next Frank Heydon was over from week. Our teachers are looking the Siletz the first a f the week. forward with pleasure to the va­ Nettie Grahan and Mabel Otte cation. visited in Dallas Saturday even­ At our last council meeting it ing. was decided to classify and re­ Alex and Sam Courier returned arrange the books of our school Thursday from a hunt in the library. Also to systematize the mountains. method of keeping the record of Dallas, Oregon. A. H. Benton returned Thurs­ the books loaned. day from Dallas where he has The high school orchestra is been drying: prunes. working on a number of new Fresh Bread, Cakes.Cookies.Pies selections and promises to play- and other bakery goods, every day soon. Here’s to our orchestra! We are all proud o f it. By the at the Falls City Bakery. Harve Montgomery and wife way, the orchestra needs a set of moved to Dallas Sunday where drums and a quantity o f music. The Student Body government is thus far proving to be a success Chas. Nine came in from Hos­ and it will continue to lie so with kins Wednesday to take charge of the co-operation of all the students. the lumber company store. There are mvsterious reporters Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Norton of in the high school watching their Oakfield, N. Y. are visiting th«> chance to bring the students be­ latters brother, F. E. Driggs. fore the council for misdemeanors. Mrs. I. G. Singleton was called But even if there are a great to Monmouth Sunday afternoon to many ‘ ‘green” students, they are see her mother who was quite ill. showing their ability to cope with J. C. Talbott hrs disposed of his high school problems and seem hardware and furniture stock to more interested in making goal at M. L. Thompson and A.F.Courier. their studies rather than in lath­ Supplies for the new logging ering their neighbors. Since the camp have been received and the inauguration of the Student Body- camp will be opened up full blast government there seems to be more school spirit and less class Monday. enmity than heretofore. W. S. Wingo and wife returned Grace Hastings. Wednesday from an extended trip to Salem, Portland and other points. RECEPTION Harve has secured work. SOLD EVERYWHERE Deafness Cannot Be Cured b y \orz) applications, as tlr'.-y cannot reach the diseased portion o f the ear. Th* re is only one w ay to cur:* deafness, and that is by c o n stitu tio n i l r medies D eafness is caused by an Inflamed co n d i­ tion o f the m ucous lining: o f the E usta­ chian Tube. W hen this tube is inflamed vou have a rum bling sound or im perfect nearing, and when It la entirely closed. D eafness is the result, and unless the In­ flam m ation can be taken out and this tube restored to its norm al condition, hearin g will bo d estroyed forev er, nine cases ou t o f ten are caused by C atarrh, w h ich ii nothin g but an Inflamed con d i­ tion r f the m ucous surfaces. We will give On»» nnndrefl Dollars for an ▼ ca®o of penf 'caused by ca»arrhuhatcannot b<* cured by Hall s Catarrh Core. Send for circulars free. F. J CT1BNEY. * CO. Toledo, Ohio. fBoVJ by Druggists.75c. Take Halls family i’ii^ tor constipation. Times must be pretty ‘ bum’ Fred Chapin was in Dallas on when a traveling salesman will business Wednesday. eat cheese and crackers on the Joe Harlan and daughter were back steps of a vacant house in­ Salem visitors Wednesday. stead o f taking dinner at a hotel. Mrs. W. A. Persey was taken F. E. Wells has traded his farm to the Salem hospital Wednesday near town, for Salem property. to have an operation performed. The papers of transfer were exe­ Parent-Teachers meeting next cuted last Saturday. Mr. Wells will move to Salem about the 16th. Tuesday evening at 7:30 at the Mr. and Mrs. Brentner returned school house. Mrs. C. L. Hopkins, last Saturday from Portland where President. they had gone to place Howard in business college. He is well pleas­ ed and entered upon his studies with much enthusiasm. W. J. Warren who has been preaching at the M. E. church the past year has been assigned to West Salem for the coming year He moved the first of the week. J. C. Erwin will preach here. can be had by any ambitious young man or young lady in the field o f Railway or Conmercial 1 ______________ Telegraphy. Since the passage The best show at the Gem tonight o f the eight hour law by Con­ gress, it has created a great de­ Mrs. John Walker was a Dallas mand for Telegraph Operators. visitor Tuesday. Positions paying from $75 to $90 per month with many chanci Mabel Otte visited with Nettie for advancement. It will pj Graham last Saturday. you to write Railway Telegrap Mrs. Addie Montgomery went! Ins’ t of Portland, Ore., for ft to Dallas Monday night. i particulars. Local News Items Mrs. F. E. Driggs will entertain the Art Club at her home next Tuesday. All are cordially invi­ ted to be present. Mrs. I. G. Singleton, Mrs. Chas. Moyer and Miss Bertha Frink went to Dallas last Saturday afternoon by auto in Hal Thomp­ son’s car. They attended a meet­ ing of the Republican county cent­ ral committee. Mrs. Singleton FO R S A L E was elected chairman and Bertha Sixteen tons oat and wheat hay. Frink secretary of the woman’s Good clean hay. $10 per ton in auxilary. barn or $12 delivered. Also 40 Road Island Red laying hens, 80c List of Unclaimed Letters. each. F. E. Wells, phone Blue 53 A Good Position Finnegan s Philosophy •H - f H 1 Ten new students registered Monday bringing the total high school enrollment to 57. Twenty- six o f the students are freshmen. This is the largest freshman class of which we have any reconi. Caodies,‘.Tobaccos and Cigars.'at Drink Pugh’s Loganberry Juice ■ It. K .W i l u a m s . M. L . T h o m p s o n , W .F. N icholh . BALAAM It is reported that G. Sowers, One of the most pleasant social who went to the Dallas hospital affairs of the season was a recep­ Headquarter? for Candy and Cigar» recently, was operated on and is tion held in honor of the new WEATHERLY CONFECTIONERY. doing nicely. teachers of our public schools at Mrs. C. S. O’ Brian of Yaquina. the home of Miss Edith Johnson spent Monday and Tuesday in on Wednesday of this week. Besides the teachers, the mem­ Falls City visiting her sister, Mrs. bers of the school board were in­ I. G. Singleton. vited guests. Dallas has received $60 in fines Music and games furnished a during the month of September. large part of the evening’s enter­ The marshal is evidentally trying tainment. A dainty two-course to earn his salary. luncheon was served, after which G. W. Hudson who has been all departed to their homes, glad suffering with a boil on the back to have welcomed Prof. Lowe and of his neck is some better. He family, Miss Haslop, and Miller has had quite a serious time with into our midst. it L. B. W O N D ERLY’S ■ "I H W f H + F+-H 4 1 I I H > » m Durray, Mrs. David Howard, Mrs. R. B. Young, Miss Beula, 5 G entlem en . Billy, Mr. Klamath H H I Well Jo 1 wind the etoVy, eald Ftmicgan. Ualauw wag a highbrow that kuowed leas limn Ida .laekaaa. lie look an office to curse the people The Jackass »axed them. T la all In Numbers Twlnty two. Och hone! ‘Tin different these times. The Jackas* kuew better till Hnlaani tamed him. “ Lav* me ride ye," says llulunw, "an' I'll make ye the biggest Ass In the wurld." "U reat." says the Ass; “ what d'ye feed?" "P ork ," says lialnnw. “ Me savior." says the Asa. So Balaam mounts. But soon the Jack batka. "P h w at la it?” says Balaam. “ Snakes," says the Ass; " l 't looks like the Jawbone uv ine mother." “ O 'w an,” says Balaam, hlttlu' the Ass a clip, “ 'Us me furreu' policy.” he says. “ Phwat'* ut for?” axes the Asa. “ l ’ t derlhda the nashun,“ says Ba­ laam. “ Ilo w ? " says the Ass. “ Faith," says llalnutu, "ut takes a bigger Ass than you to know that Lave It to Brine," says italusm to the Ass; an' the Jack walks on medita- tin . “ He*, haw ." saya the Ass. balkin' an' kickin'. "W hat n ow ?" says Balnani. "D lvll a Jackass ever seen the like." says the Ass. “ Ft could be a frog," says he, "fo r ut stands up In front, an' Bits dow n behind, an' 'tls mos'ly mouth," says the Ass. " l 't has white feathers," says the Jack, "w ld ja iler streaks, that changes," he says, "to Very Croo* Ited. or Nlagaray Blue, an' now they're Carrysall Yaller again. ’ saya he. "IIIvins, have I tan'll drink- I n 'r screams the Ass to Balaam. “ Saluts l>e praised." says Balaam "Me W atchful Waitin' can still change Its mind,” he says. “ O 'w an, where glory waits,” he says. "G 'w an, In the service uv Mankind." says Balaam to the Ass, touching him up. An’ the Ass shutlles ahead, wavin' his ears In admiration. "H e e haw! H ee-haw !" says the Jack, rearin' up wld hia eyes bulgin'. "P h w a t’8 grlppln' ye n ow ?" saya Ba­ laam. Impashunt like. "I douuo," says the Ass. "U t looks like the Flyln' Dutchman with a So clallst C rew ." be says. " 'Tls me Ship Bill," says Balaam. "Side step to the right," he says; "side step to the left,” says he. weltin' hlui. “ Back up," says Balaam, near wrench. In' off the Jack's Jaw. “ Now forward for the Merchant Marine an' fifty lulUyuu pork." says Balaam wld a shower uv blow s; an' the Ass goes on thremblln'. "W ab-hee! Wah hee! Wall bee!" says the Jack, shyin' so he near threw hla rider. “ I'll learn ye to shy at mo Naval Bill," saya Balaam, lar iuplu' the baate ao he cud scarce aland. "Y e can't pass ut wtdout wearln' Itepubllcan clothes," says the Jack In a coarse whisper. “ Ye Ass,” says Balaam “ Don’t ye know that anny d o e s Is betther nor nakedness? G 'w an ." says Bulanin, In tones uv thunder. So the poor baate lopes on, limpin' wld pain. I've not time to tell ye all the adven tures they had. but they kep' on over rough roads, now an' then crossln' a ditch on a wan term plank, which made even Balaam unalsy. lviry time the Jack kicked, he got short rations an' a xvallup. So when the Journey was near over, the poor baste wus all In, and far too proud to fight Any Jack-Ass can be that xsiien he's licked. Wan atormy night, the Jack blooms Into a harmony like a Dlmyerat Tariff Hymn played on a gasplpe wld the feet. “ Phwat alls ye n ow ?" calls Balaam, clubtln ' him wld both hands. "N lvver did I pass the like," yells the Ass, sw eatin’ and thremblln’ . “ Ut says ut’s an eight hour law. Oh, phwat is u t?" screams the Ass to Balaam, feebly w agglin’ his ears. “ I dlnno phwat ut is meself,” says Balaam, “ but I know phwat ut's got," Balaam says. "P h w a t?" axes the poor Ass. “ Five hundtber thousand votes." says Balaam, wld a pious air. “ G'wan, ye big Ass. an' doant ye argue wld an Idayllst," says Balaam to the Ass. “ W e ca n 't pass ut In the dark," pleads the Ass. “ Lave us wait for light." moanB the Ass, weepin’. "N ix," says Balaam, "There's a hot time cornin' an' the votes'll spile. Do ye thurst for sixteen more years In the wilderness? G lddlp." says he, “ purg in’ y e'r heart,” says Balaam, "lv ivlry thought that’s selfish," says Balaam, “ or personal,” chants Balaam to the poor Ass ticklin’ the Jack's slats wld a couplin' pin. By this time, the Ass was so wore out wld his ardyous labors, that he know no more than Balaam himself. So, wld one despairin' cry. he dropped his ears, as he an’ bis master stumbled forward Into the dark. + + + + + + + + -H - + + + + + + + + Remaining uncalled for in tliiH 4* office for the week ending Sept. + SURRENDER TO + WOULD TEND 30. 1916. L a d ie s . I'residriit •F •F + •I* •F •F •F + •F •F •F + + ■F •F J* FORCE TO DISASTER. ------ “ That kind of virus in our Ilf*— surrender to forco— would bring us no ond of disaster. If wo lot capitalists or workingmen, any intaraat, laarn that tha way to gat what is wanted is by apply- ing pressure and if wa continue in that course for a few years, democracy will bo a failure, and wo might as wall give up our force of government.” — Mr. Flughoe in Hie 8peech et Port- land, Maine. -F + + + + + + + + + *F + -F + + + *F These letters will he sent to the dead letter offke Oct., 15, 1916 if not delivered before. In calling for the above, please say “ Adver­ tised,” giving date of list. + + • F F -F -F -F -F -F -F -F -F -F -F -p -F -F -F i-f I b a C. M e h r l i . ng , P. M, Vice-Prssidsnt Cashier Jt. G. W h i t e . Assistant Cashier Bank o f Falls City F a l l s C i t y , I’ o i . k C o u n t y . O ke o o n Does a General Hanking Business. Interest Raid on Time Deposits. Exchange sold on ull points'in the United States. Notary Public officially connected with the Hank. Judge Teal is slowly improving. HUGHES FOR ARBITRATION. He Would Be Flret to Acoord to Leber All Rights Found Juet After Conelderetien. tu bis Maine ei-eevhe« Mr. Hughe» made It platu thut ho xvas not attack lug labor ur the oiiulty o f the pro- posed Increase o f wagea for tin* rail road meu. He was atmply contending for the all Important principle of arbi­ tration as the right tneaaa o f settle­ ment o f such questions. Speaking at different places In Maine Mr. Hughes dw elt upon this question, saying: “ I deeply deplore. In the name of lubor. In the name o f Justice, In the name o f American Ideal*, the surren­ der o f the (executive and o f Congress to force. Instead o f permitting reason to reign. "T h e measure to xvhlch I have allud­ ed was not, properly apenklng, an eight-hour measure It was a wage measure It xvna a plain proposition for a changg In the wage scale. I do not speak o f the equity o f that. That Is a matter to lie fairly cousldare.1 I want what Is Just and right with re­ spect to wages. I am for the arbitra­ tion and Ibe peaceful settlement of these Industrial controversies. We can settle everything In this country If xve approach those matters with s fair and open mind and an examina­ tion o f the facts. "T his particular measure show* on Its face that It was legislation In ad vance o f the Investigation. Instead o f Investigation In advance o f legisla­ tion. It la said that there xvas In Its favor the Judgment o f society The judgment o f society In this country has never been passed tu favor o f leg Islatlon without knowledge o flb c e q u l ty and regardless o f the facts o f the case. There was no Judgment o f so­ ciety In favor o f the ronds which x-.ere excepted from Its provision*. If there waa a Judgment o f society, why uot ap­ ply the rule to electric or other kinds o f roads or roads less than 100 mile* In length? I say. aw ay with such pre­ tense! It was a surrender to force In stead o f a clear, candid, faithful fram ed examination o f the fact*, and then action In accordance xxlth American principles. “ Autocracy represent* force; tyran­ ny represents force. Democracy rep­ resents the rule o f the common Judg incut after discussion, utter uu oppor­ tunity to know the facts." It All Depends. “ If Hughes wins nn Oregon town will get a new shingle mill employing fifty meu." says tho Olympia Recorder, "according to an announcement o f the Individual who took nn option on tim­ bered land. If Wilson wins the option will be allowed to lapse. That a the way with a thousand and one enter­ prises. all waiting to see which way the wind blows. The moment It Is us. sured that Charles E. Hughes Is elect­ ed, Just watch tho wheels o f Industry spin and listen to the hum o f buslnens." Ed Sampson was a Dallas visi­ tor Wednesday. F. K. Hubbard nas been in the country several days this week insuring houses, hams, Imy and v grain. ; * e Miss Emily Miller and Miss I/iuiso Haslop, the new teachers are stopping at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. 1. G. Singleton. The grand jury have indicted Weldon Klack for manslaughter for causing the death of Cyrus S. Hatch who was run over a few weeks ago in Dallas by Black's automobile. Miss Ethel Johnson. Miss Bessie Kennard and Miss Iva Graham of i Falls City schools are among the Polk County teachers who have recently received professional cer­ tificates. Owing to the rush o f papers received at the office at the close o f the year these certifi­ cates were among the last to be awarded. i •F-F-F-F-F + -F-F-F + -F + + -F -F + + 4/ + + + + ¡V PUBLIC OFFICER SHOULD + STAND LIKE A ROCK. + + ------ + ■F “ Government under p rorrir» + le not Amerioan govomnxont. •F Whonovor proaiur* is applied to + any public officer ho ought to •F otand liko a rock and aay; 'Hora + I atand until wa substitute roa- + son for force. It it not an Amori- + can doctrine to legialato firat and + invaatigata afterw ard.'" — Mr. •F Hughs* in Hia Speech at Port- •F land. Main*. + + -F + + + + + + + -F + -F + •!• + + -F + + + -F -F + -F + + + + HARD ON THE “ PUP” \ ‘ ‘'There is a difference between giving out 500 Wilson buttons to those who voluntarily asked for them and pinning Hughes buttons on every man, woman, child and dog met on the high-ways and by­ ways as has been the methods of theiRepublican committee.” Dai- as Itemizer. We shall caution Walter L that in the future he paste the buttons on pups, as their hides appear to lie exceedingly thin. ■ F-F-F-M --F-F-F-F-F-F-H - I--I--H --I--M M I -H - I- G E T YOUR BUTTER W RRAPPES P R IN TE D A T T H I S OFFICE. "I- F'I-F-I M-F I 0Û© 5)(B1 } I I l"l -F'F'l''H "l"l I H - I - H I I H - l- H - S G O ftfe lP tfp C M îa OpaQoa GaoadMifâa99 W hen travel­ ing, attending a Theatre or som e Social Function, or if S hopping, don’t forget to have DR. MILES' -A n t i • PAIN PILLS with you. They are in­ valuable for Headache aod all other Pains. MB MB Canto. IF F IR S T B O X IS N O T S A TIS ­ F A C TO R Y , YO U R M O N rY W IL L B E R K FU N D K D . BRING D ESIR ED R E L IE F . " I ha** ueed Dr. Milas' Aatl-PUn Pill» for soma time and Sad them an lave! ue bln remedy for headache. I have always taken treat pleasure hi recommending them to - T friende, being confident that th*f will bring the deelred relief. I a® never without them and uee them for all attack* of pain, knowing that they will not dieappolnt me. MRS. W . H A BMMBON. W i t Haven. Conn. V j