Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, September 30, 1916, Image 3

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About Oregon
O f General Interest
P O R T L A N D . ORE*.
PO R TLA N D Y. M. C. A.
A u to m o b ile
O ff«!* practical aho(i training In ConaLruation and
Operation o f Autom obil««
Mpaelal daUlUd In*
formation furnlahml !mm«Mll«Uly on rvqoaal. Kn-
tar aujr Um«. Addroaa T h » RagUtrar. Y. M C. A .
P o r t la n d . O r e g o n
Cnr f O n fl *'* roturn mall w will aand you
TUI #A*UU , )ll# (¿#nul.»a Maatiatlo Btonl
Iliad«UuarattUwd Kxtra Mullnw (Tround Kaa«r
Uigwihor with a I kmi UI« Canvaa U ltra tfaary
Strop and On« Curburumluin lio n « to U m to*
tal valua o f $t> SB. ail for Uia prfoa o f «TOO.
Supply limitali. W rit* today ancioalna Kl poa*
i or «a p ra «« monay onlar WTI00 IMOIAlTV
Royal Annas Ridir. Portland. Oregon
Johnston &
U m b a rger
411*412 Allah r B aiU iag. Pari land. Or agon
Krault« Guaranteed.
p i
* * *
Veal. Pork. Baof,
Poultry. Buttar, Egga
ami Farm Produco
to the OUI Katlatda Everding hotiaa with a
raourd *>f 4*1 yaara o f thiuar# l W n g e .e n d
U aaaurad of T O P M A R K E T PRICES.
4 M 7 Frani Strani
Portland, Oragnn
Cream Shippers
will out money in their pocket*
ii|>pir>ir their cream to u*.
e , , |>uy
y p
. . _ give
weight and correct testa.
heavy demand fcr Hazelwood
Hutter mean* we mutt have
more high Krade »ream. Ship
whare quality count*.
Y«a, There'» a Lot of Itl
Area of 23,400 Acres to Be
Put Under Water on Ochoco
Prin eville- The board o f directors
o f the Ochoco Irrigation district, at a
meeting at Prineville this week, ac­
cepted the report o f R. W. Rea, proj­
ect engineer, which haa been forward­
ed to the State engineer for his ap­
proval, and as soon as that office haa
had an opportunity to go over the re­
port an election o f the land owners in
the district will be called to vote the
necessary bonds for construction.
The report shows that the Ochoco
project ia one o f the moat worthy and
feasible projects in the state o f Ore­
gon. The lands in the project form a
compact area comprising 28,400 acres
o f irrigable land. O f this area about
3f> per cent ia partially irrigated, 30
per cent la dry farmed and 35 per cent
is undeveloped land. These lands with
water w ill raise from three to five tons
o f alfa lfa to the acre.
W ater fo r the project w ill be ob­
tained from Ochoco and McKay creeks.
The reservoir p roceed for Ochoco
Greek w ill have a capacity o f 47,000
acre feet, and be created by a dam o f
the hydraulic earthflll type, with a
maximum height o f 126 feet. For the
time being only the flood waters of
McKay creek will be used, the storage
dam and reservoir not being considered
necessary for at least 1 0 .years.
Prineville— The decision o f the Su­
preme court Tuesday in the suit ot
George H. Brewster against Crook
county for $332, unpaid salary, haa
Anally disposed o f a matter which haa
been a source o f contention and dis­
pute for years over who was liable for
the (tay and control o f the water mas­
The decision reached Judge Duffy
thia week, and his decision o f the con­
troversy has been completely sustained
and the county court has lost ita battle
which has lasted for two years.
W ater masters in counties where
there is considerable irrigation have
important duties, as the right to use
water is most jealously guarded, and
the importance o f this decision is far-
reaching and Anally determines a ques­
tion th.vt has been a source o f much
Backache, RheumatJim and Dropsy.
Kidney, Bladder and Uric Acid troubles
bring misery to many. When tho kidneys
• are
HI weak
*»!■«* or diseased,
»um itani. those
Wtuai itaiiU
iai unaro
<k> not cleanse tho blixxl sufficiently, and
the poisons are carried to all parts of the
body. There follow depression, aches
and pains, heaviness, drowsiness. Irrita­
bility, headaches, chllllnos* aud rheu­
matism. In some people them are sharp
pains In the back and loins, distressing
bladder disorders and sometimes obstin­
ate dropsy. Tho urte acid sometime*
forms Into gravel or kidney stones. When
tho uric acid affect* the muscle* and
joints. It cause* lumbago, rheumatism,
■out or sciatica. This Is the lime to try
During digestion orte acid Is absorbed
Into the system from meat eaten, and
even from some vogntables. Tho poor
kidneys got tlrod and backache begin*.
This Is a good tlmo to take * Anurlc.*
the now discovery of Dr. i'lorce for Kid­
ney trouble and Backache.
kidney trouble Is responsible for many
deaths, and Insurance Company examin­
ing doctors always tost the water of an
)p!icant before a policy wlU be Issued.
ara you evor set aside a bottle of water
g or twenty-four hours? A heavy sedi­
ment or settling sometimes Indicates kid­
ney trouble. The true nature and char­
acter of diseases, especially those of the
kidneys and urinary organs, can often
be determined by a careful chemical an­
alysis and microscopical examination—
this Is done by expert chemists of the
Medical Htaff of the Invalids’ Hotel. If
you wish to know your condition send a
»ample of rour water to Doctor Pierce’s
Invalids’ Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.. and de­
scribe your symptoms.
It will be ex­
amined without any expense to you, and
iMK-pir Pierce or bit Stalf of Assisting
Phyilclana will Inform you truthfully.
KNOW T U r S K L V i
Read all about yourself, your system,
physiology, anatomy, hygiene, simple
nome cures, etc.. In tuo‘ Common Mente
Medical Adviser.* a book of WU» pages.
Mend to Dr. V. M. Pierce, Buttalo, N. Y.,
three dimes or thirty cents In ouo-cout
stamps for » cloth-bound copy.
Water Master Wins Suit.
The Now York "T im e «" published
the other day on account of an inter
view with his Excellency John Uon
tano, Titular Archbishop of M illion«
and Apostolic Delegate to the United
State* The Interviewer finally asked
the apostolic delegate to tell some
thins of hi* opinion of modern Anterl
cau literature as he had obaerved It
during hla stay of four years In this
country. Tito learned father looked
carefully down Madison Avenue for a
moment and then gave hla verdict:
Corn Show is Scheduled.
“ Of modern American literature. I
The city o f Coquille has
would aay that 1 am convinced that
concluded to make ita successful corn
It la plentiful."
It might well be added that one show of last year an annual affair, and
trouble with our present <lay writing
la that very few of thoae busied there w ill stage the festival this year on
in can express themselves with the November 10 and 11.
clearness, restraint, and force of that
The Coquille valley, at the time of
sentence.— Collier's.
the 1915 corn show, produced surprises
in exhibitions o f corn, and the affair
Por bruisca use Hanford's Hainan).
was a big aid in developing a new line
o f agriculture for all sections o f the
Minnesota corn won
A Shell Qsms.
A gentleman who dined regularly at highest awards, and was declared by
i certain restaurant often ordered a visiting experts and judges to be the
loton clams.
One day ho countod best adapted fo r culture in this terri­
hem aud found but 11. Still another tory. The large acreage o f last year
lay the dozen was one short.
He was increased this season, and the ex ­
'ailed the waiter and asked him: hibits are expected to be better and
'W hy do you give only 11 clams when more numerous.
order 1 2 ?''
"Oh. sir," replied the waiter, " I did
»ot think you'd want to bo Bitting 13
Coyotes Are Menace.
it table, air."— Christian Herald.
Bend— That coyotes are becoming a
For inflamed acre eyea apply Han menace to the settlers in the Millican
ford's Balsam lightly to the closed lids. valley was reported by P. B. Johnson,
It should relieve In five minutes. Adv. postmaster at Millican. Mr. Johnson
reported several instances o f attacks
New Occupation.
by coyotes recently, the latest being
"W hen wo went across In 1912," when Forest Ranger H. E. Smith, who
said Mrs. Blunderby. "w e didn't know was sleeping on the ground when on a
one word of French or Oerman."
trip, woke to And a coyote only a few
"Didn't you find It hard to make
them understand what you wantedT” feet from his head. C. L. Evans and
R. R. K eller have killed coyotes that
asked her caller.
"Indeed we did.” responded the old were attacking their stock in the past
lady. "W hy, my hustmnd had to hire ten daya. A stag belonging to M. D.
a man to go about with us as Inter­ W illard showed signs o f rabbies after
rupter.” — Boston Transcript.
Aghting with a coyote.
Suspended Sentence.
Three-year-old Keith had told his
mother a deliberate lie and sho bad
put him to bud ns a punishment. Sit­
ting by the bedside, she asked him
what he would do If he had a little
boy who did such a thing. A fter a
moment's thoughtful silence the child
replied. " I fink I ’d give him another
chance."— Christian Herald.
What a Tourist Heard.
A tourist In Ireland came upon a
couple of men "In bolts" rolling on
the road. The man on top was pum
moling the other within an Inch of his
life. The traveler looked on for a
moment In alienee and then Inter
" I say, lt‘a an Infernal ahame to
strike a man when he’s down."
"Faith, If yez knew all the trouble
I had gcttln’ him down yez wouldn't
be talkin' like that," came the Inter
mlltent reply.— Judge.
for the welfare of
the Nation
For the welfare of the
Stomach and Bowels
Stom ach
B itters
"Don't tell me you can’t find work,"
said the hard faced housekeeper.
"W ell, mum," replied the tramp at
tho door, "It's true a man orfered me
a Job only las' week, but I couldn't
take I t ”
"And why not?”
" 1 wuz paralyzed.”
"You seem all right now.”
"Yasaum. Yer see, I wuz paralyzed
wld fright.”— Birmingham Age-Herald.
General Bell at Astoria.
Astoria— A party o f army officers,
consisting o f General J. Franklin Bell,
commander o f the Western division;
General Sibert, in command o f this
Coast artilley district, and their staff
officers, arrived in the city Wednes­
day. They were met here by Colonel
Ludlow and his staff and escorted on
Des Moinea, Iow a.— “ Four years ago
the Bteamer Captain James Fornance 1 was very sick and my life was nearly
He Knew.
"A re you In pain, my little manT” to the forts st the mouth o f the river.
spent. The doctors
asked the kind old gentleman.
The visitors are on a general inspec­
stated that I would
"N o ." answered the boy, "the pain's tion trip, it is said, and also gathering
never get well with-
In me.”— London Saturday Journal.
data at the various posts relative to
ou t a n operation
accommodations for
and that without it
bodies o f troops.
I would not live one
Eyes inflamed by expo­
year. My husband
sure to Son, Oast and Wind
Fruit Expert on Visit.
o b j e c t e d to any
uick)y relieved by Marlas
operation and got
Hood R iver— W. Schleussner, o f the
ye Remedy. No Smarting,
me some o f Lydia E.
just Eye Comfort. A t bureau o f markets o f the United States
Pinkham’a Vegeta­
four Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Marla« Eye department o f Agriculture, who has
ble Compound. I took
lalvstnTuoes25c. ForBsokotiheEyefresaik been placed in charge o f the Spokane
It and commenced
Jruggitts or Marls« Eye Kenedy C «„ Chicago office o f publicity o f the Fruit Grow­
to get better and am now well, am
ers’ agency, was here visitin g the
stout and able to do my own housework.
ofiftcials o f the Apple Growers’ E x­
I can recommend the V»getable Com­
change, local sales agencies.
pound to any woman who ia sick and
Schleussner says he w ill distribute
run down as a wonderful strength and
daily information to growers and ship­
health restorer. My husband tays I
pers as to the receipts o f apples in 2 0
would have been in my grave ere this
central points.
Such information, it
if it had not been for your Vegetable
is said, w ill tend to prevent glutting Compound.’ ’— Mrs. B lanchb J effer ­
son , 703 Lyon S t , Des Moines, Iowa.
Before submitting to a surgical opera­
New Road Handles Stock.
tion it ia wise to try to build up the
Eugene— The first solid trainload of female system and curs its derange­
rite about your wants in this line to livestock over the W illam ette Pacific ments with Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege­
railroad is scheduled to arrive in Eu­ table Compound; it has saved many
gene from Marshfield Monday, on its Women from surgical operations.
Portland, Ore. way to Portland. The train w ill be
183 Madison 8t,
W rit« to the Lydia E. Plnkham
loaded at M rytle Point with cattle be­
Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for
longing to the Dement fam ily and w ill
No. 40. ISIS
advice—it will be confldentiaL
P. N. U.
consist o f between 16 and 2 0 care.
Sore Granulated Eyelids,
Eyes 2
Wife Cured by Lydia EL
Pinkham’a Vegetable
W. L. D O U G L A S
Portland.— Wheat— Red fife. 31.27;
bluestem, 31.33Vi: red Russian, 31.24.
Mlllfeed— Spot prices: Bran. 323 per
ton; shorts, 326; rolled barley, 335.60
Corn— Whole, 342 per ton; cracked,
Hay— Producers' prices:
eastern Oregon, 310.60® 18 per ton;
timothy, valley. 316® 1«; alfalfa. 314.60
@15.60; wheat hay, 313.50@14.50; oat
and vetch, 313®13.60; cheat, 312;
clover. 310.
Butter— Cubes, extras, no bid. Job­
bing prices: Prints, extras, 33®34c;
butterfat. No. 1. 31c; No. 2. 29c. Port,
Eggs—Oregon ranch, current re­
ceipts, 33® 3 4 44 c per dozen; Oregon
ranch, candled, 36c; selects, 36®38c.
Poultry— Hens, 14® 15c; springs, 16
® !7 c per pound: turkeys, live, 23®
24c; ducks, 12®16c; geese, 1 0 ® llc.
Veal— Fancy. 13@1344c per pound.
Pork— Fancy, 12 44@13c per pound.
Vegetables— Artichokes, 75c@31 per
dozen; tomatoes, 60®65c per crate;
cabbage, 31.36 per hundred; peppera.
4 ® 6 c per pound; eggplant, 5@6c; let­
tuce, 20®26c per dozen; cucumbers,
26® 50c per box; celery, 60®75c per
dozen, corn, 1 0 @ 20 c per dozen.
Potatoes—-Oregon buying price, 90c
®31 per sock; sweets, 244 @3c per
Onions—Oregon buying price, 31.50,
country points.
Green Fruits— Apples, new, 75c®
31.40 per box; cantaloupes, 60c®31.25
per crate; peaches, 50®75c per box;
watermelons, lc per pound; plums.
75c® 31; pears. 75c© 31-50; grapes,
75c@3l.75; casabas, 144c; Turkish
melons, 3c per pound.
Hops— 1916 crop, ll@1144c
Wool— Eastern Oregon, fine, 23®
26c; coarse, 30®32c; valley, 30®32c.
Cascara Bark— Old and new, 5c per
Cattle— Steers,
good, 36@6.50; common to fair, 35®
5.50; cowa. choice, 35@5.60; medium
to good, 34.5G©5: ordinary to fair, 34
@4.60; heifers. 34@5.75; bulls. 33®
4.25; calves, 33@6.
Hogs— Prime. 30 50@10.05; good to
prime mixed, 39.50@9.65; rough heavy.
38.75©9.25; pigs and skips, 38.25@
Sheep— Lambs. 35.50@8.50; yearling
wethers. 35.76@7.25; old wethers, 36.50
@7.25; ewes, 33.50 @5.50.
$ 3.00
$ 3.50
$ 4.00
$ 4.50
$ 5.00
Save Money by W earing W. L Douglas
shoes. For sale by over9 0 0 0 shoe dealers
The Beat Known Shoes in the World.
. L. Douglas name and the retail price a tramped on the bot­
tom of all shoe, at the factory. The value is guaranteed end
the wearer protected against high price« for inferior shoe*. The
retell price, ere the ume everywhere. They cou no more in Sen
Francaco then they do in New York. They are eJways worth die
price paid for them.
'T h e quality of W. L. Douglas product ia guaranteed by more
than 40 years experience in making fin* shoe*. The
tty!** are the leaders in the Fashion Centres of An
They are mad* in a well-«aiiipped factory at Brockton, Maas.,
by the highest paid, skilled ihoem aken, under the direction and
supervision o f experienced men, ail working with an hone«
determination to make the b e « shoe* for the price that money
can buy.
A . k r o a r sh oe d e a le r f o r W I - d o n g le * eh oee. I t h e can­
n ot .a p p ly you w ith th e k in d you w e n t, ta k e n o o th o r
m a k e. W r it e fo r In te re s tin g b o o k le t e x p la in in g h o w to
g e t .h o e . o f th e h lg h e e t sta n d a rd o f q u a lity f o r th e prtee,
b y retu rn m a ll, p o sta g e fr e e .
name end the retail price
•tamped on the bottom.
13.00 12-60 i $2.00
L i)»M g l«ijjio «C o :J i n » c ^ ^
Mark Nation’s Progress.
“ Fairs and expositions are the time
pieces that mark the progress of na­
tions,” Is what the late ex-Presldent
William M cKinley once said.
you should try Anti-Uric, the famous
Sorely they uplift, surely they are remedy made from Roots and Berries.
educators and just aa surely they It is guaranteed to cure this cruel dis­
mark— aud mark with mighty distinct­ ease in every stage.
ness— every advancement we make In
We want every reader o f this paper
;\y f
production— whether It be In products who is suffering from
of the soil, of pasture, of school or any form to try thia discovery. Every
package guaranteed or money refund­
"In these times of rapid change and ed. Price 3L50 prepeii, or we will
advancement, nearly every state In ; send by Parcel Post C. O. D. Circu­
the union la developing pride In Its lars arid convincing testimony free.
great annual fairs— and nearly every­ Address A N T I-U R IC CO.. 102 Sher­
one la more or less Interested In excel­ wood Building, San Francisco.
ling, if possible, at least its nearest
neighbors In the quality, variety and
magnitude of Its products, and In
their striking display,” says a well-
known writer on each subjects.
It Takea the Fire Out.
To take the fire out of a burn or |
scald quickly use Hanford's Balsam of
Myrrh. Apply It lightly at once and
the Inflamed skin should be quickly .
cooled. Be prepared for accidents by
always having a bottle on hand. Adv.
Our graduates are occupying enviable posi­
tions. The teaching process is different from
ordinary business schools. Thorough. Practi­
cal. Individual. SCHOOL FOR MEN O N L Y .
Address T h « Registrar, Y M C A .. Portia md.
Oregon, and get detailed information.
Do you want to a*n your farm, home or 1
for eaah? W rite to C A R T E R R E A L T Y C O ,
No Tim e L o st
604 Buchanan Bui id ime. Portland. O r « »on
It was at the sign of the three gold­
en balls and the grubby little urchin
entered ita portals carrying in hla
Twelve Cents is Offered for
hand a large frying pan.
. Bought, Sold. Rented and Repaired
"M u w e r wants threepence on th is:”
Hops in Oregon and Washington he said boldly, handing it across the
Burnside, cor. 10th. Portland. Ore.
Portland. — The hop market is counter to the proprietor. The man
steadily gaining In strength, with en of pledges took It, then dropped it
largement of the Eastern demand with a howl.
To and from all points on household goods, pianos
“ Hang It all,” he exclaimed, “ the and automobiles. Information cheerfully given.
Buying Is still confined chiefly to Cal­
ifornia for some reason that the deal beastly thing's h o t!”
Pacific Coast Forwardiae Co.,
“ I know," said the youngster. “ Muv-
ers here do not understand, but they
believe that the inquiry wil soon be ver’s Just done the liver and bacon on
it. and now we want th/tppence to get HIDE8, P ELTS , CASCARA BARK,
turned this way.
. It was reported that two Eugene the beer wlv.”— London Answers.
lota, those of Anderson. 65 bales, and
wt rat « in km Wnk hr price* tr,. iMpphgtip
Hardy, 80 bales, had been bought by
Pimples, boils, carbuncles, dry up and
the H. F. N orton C o . ftra*. or*, sat* n
T. A. Ltvesley & Co. at 1144 and 11 disappear with Doctor Pierce's Golden
cents. There were also reports of 12 Medical Discovery. In tablets or liquid.
O regon vulcanizing C ompany
cents being offered In this state.
moved to 33* to 3*7 Burnaid. SC. Port­
A Hitch.
T w elve cents was freely bid inWest-
land. Ora. Laraaat Tire Repair Plant
ern Washington, but growers would
“ How did community singing turn
in the Northiveec Country service a
«peciaity. Ua* Parcel Poet.
not sell. In the Yakima section better out,in your neighborhood? The peas­
than 13 cents was offered during the ants are strong tor It in Europe.”
day. The Shadbolt lot of 150 bales of
“ Our 310,000 a year peasants would
Mere Formality.
Yakimas was sold.
not mix with the 35,000 a year peas­
The California market held strong at ants."— Louisville Courier-Journal.
“ Shall we tell papa?” asked the girL
15 cents for the, best hops and buying
was heavy.
Proctor purchased 1200
Cheerful Acquiescence.
"Th at you are his son-in-law e le c t”
bales and W olf 300 bates at this price
"Don’t you suppose that the old man
"See here, Mary, I am determined
Among the Sonoma and Mendocino to put my foot down on any new knows that something Is up after I
lots sold at 15 cents were: McCutch- household expenditures.”
have been hanging around here for
eon. 140 bales; Dick Hall. 280 bales;
“ AH right, John, as long as you put two years? What's the use of bother­
Peterson, 80 bales; Williamson, 100 it down on a new ca rp et"— Baltimore ing him with a notification commit­
bales; Sterner Bros., 250 bales; Sto- American.
tee?”— Louisville Courier-Journal.
vey. 150 bales. W olf purchased 300
bales of Yolos at 1144 cents and 100
Lacking the Final Touch.
Old Fashioned.
bales of Buttes
Buyers offered 12-
"D o you feel that you have become
" I f you think you’re worth more
cent options on Sacramentos.
a really practical motorist?”
money why don't you ask for It?"
"N o t yet. I ran over a policeman
"W ell, I'm a little old fashioned. I
yesterday and It actually made me guess. I ’m inclined to think that the
Market Conditions at Tacoma.
uncomfortable for 20 minutes.”— Rich- boss himself will tumble to the fact
Tacoma.— For the fourth time In mond Times-Dispatch.
If I give him time.”— Detroit Free
1 0 days eggs are to advance and the
price for fresh ranch eggs, w ill be 41
Made since 1846— Hanford’s Bal-
cents. General conditions are said to gam. Adv.
The L is t
be responsible for the rapid rise in
“ Can you name the colored races?”
egg prices. Dealers report light egg
Mental Reservations.
"Sure. A man green with jealousy,
receipts with steady demand.
“ You have declared for prohibition, blue with trouble, red with rage, white
Eastern flour advanced 20 cents a haven't you?”
with fear and yellow with envy.” —
barrel and the advance ia expected to
"Yea,” replied Uncle Bill Bottletop. Baltimore American.
reach here in a day or so. With the " I also sing T Want to Be An Angel,'
continued advance o f flour, bread but I ain’t in any great hurry about
For weak Joints apply Hanford's
prices may be expected to go up. In I t " — Washington Star.
Balsam thoroughly and well rubbed
Tacoma this is likely to take the form
In. Adv.
of smaller loaves.
When Women Vote.
Peaches and cantaloupes hold well.
He’d Be Safe Then.
Mrs. Knicker— James, I wish you
A car of Elberta peaches showed up,
“ Do you think with your native
would fire the cook.
but Is expected to be the last whole
Knicker— It is so close to election American independence you would
car. Late Crawfords and other late
that the president says we shall have feel unnerved in the presence of a
varieties will gradually finish o ff the
to grant her demands and arbitrate king?”
peach season.
afterward.— New York Sun.
“ N ot if I held an ace.”— Baltimore
Cantaloupes are meeting with a
lighter demand and the price is steady
Golf In German.
at 31 a crate. Only a few dealers have
Cause and E ffe c t
“ Golf has been changed to ‘locker-
any watermelons on hand and there
“ The orator electrified his audi­
seems to be no demand for them. Ca­ ballsplel' by German professors, so
sabas are practically o ff the market. that it will have no British flavor.” ence.”
"H e's a live wire, all rig h t” — Balti­
Plenty of grapes continue to be the says an exchange. How the Scotch
feature of the market. Tomatoes are will roar at thia!— Detroit FTee Press. more American.
growing scarcer and the price ad­
vanced to 60 cents. Sweet potatoes
declined to 244 cents a pound.
Dealers say It Is hard to estimate
the potato crop this year but the
general opinion is that potatoes will
be high. The local crop Is good, and
no Yakima potatoes are being import­ QiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiniMiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'ii^iiiio
Give Statistics on Dyestuffs
Washington.— A detailed analysis
of dyestuffs Imported during the
year prior to the outbreak of the war
was made public by the bureau of for­
eign and domestic commerce to aid
American manufacturers in their ef­
forts to supply the dye which formerly
came from Germany.
The figures
show that the total consumption of the
synthetic dyes in the fiscal year 1913-
14 exceeded 29,000 tons. With reports
of federal Investigators American dye
makers will be able to regulate their
Polk County Prune Crop Record.
Rlckreall, Or.— Rickreall Is harvest­
ing the largest crop of Italian prunes
In Its history. The yield this sea­
son Is fair, while the large acreage of
old trees and the new ones Just enter­
ing the bearing age swells the total
yield to a high figure. The crop Is be­
ing sent to the driers at Dallas and
j H unting
| R ifles
When you look over
the sights of your rifle
and see an animal
like this silhouetted
against the hack­
ground, you like to
feel certain that your
equipment is equal
to the occasion. The
majority of success- - —
— —
fu] hunters use W in - □iWlllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIHIIIIIMIIlHIIIIIIIIlllO
== Chester Rifles, which shows how they are esteemed. 3
= They are made in various styles and calibers and =3