Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, September 30, 1916, Image 2

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    flltyg jPalla (Eitii Nruie
• » m d ••
n i l *« t* .
■t r»ll* City. Polk Ooamj.
S e t ot Ctoagms ot M«rch J. 1K7*.____________
Tdcphoae News Office. S3.
S ubscription R atas: O uoyuur. $1.00; « ii m o n th s
i s cunts: thruu m o n th s 25 canta: sln cla copy. I c t s
A d rc rtls in g R a te s : D isp lay . 1 4 c e n t s s n I n c h ;
B u sin ess N o tic e s S c e n ts a l i n e : P o t Sale. R ent,
E x ch an g e. W a n t a n d Pay E n te r ta in m e n t No­
tices. 4 eta. a lin e . C ard o f t h a n k s 40 e t a ; L egs
N o tic e s le g a l r a t e s
C opy fo r n ew a d s. a n d c h a n g e s s h o u ld b e s e a t
to T h e N ew s n o t la te r t h a n W ednesday^______
O fficial N ewspaper ef th e City ef Tails Ctty
I ssued E very S aturday M orning
H . J. G rlffln. M ayor.
R. M. W o n d arly , C o u n c ilm a n -a t-L a rg «
G. W. B re n tn e r,
G eorge C. M arch,
C, J. B ra d le y ,
C o u n c tlra c a
I. G. S in g le to n .
C. L. H o p k in a ,
N. 8 elic.
C. K. M cP h erre n . A u d ito r a n d Police J u d g e
W a lte r L. T o o te J r .. C ity A tto rn e y .
P a t M u rp h y . M arsh a l a n d W a te r S u p t.
VI. L. T h o m p so n . T re a s u re r
D r. P. M. H c llw a rth . H e a lth Offleer.
T h e C o u n c il m e e ts in re g u la r sessio n o n t h e d rat
M onday n ig h t of e ac h m o n th , a t 7 N> o 'c lo c k . In
th e o ttc e o t th e F a lls C ity News.
professional CarOs
Office one door east of P. O.
Office a n d r j $
R esid e n c e * n o n e OOO
F a lls c ity ,
O reg o n
Ißusincss Caris
jfa lls C it^ lb o tel
Sample Rooms
Bost Accommodations
F . D r o e g e , P r o p r ie to r
Bohle’s Barber Shops
W h m yea can Jet a Shave, Hair Cat, Bath
or 'Shine'
Agent for Dallas Steam Laundry
B u n d le s
forwarded luesday e v e n in g
G . L. H A W K I N S
Da ll as, Oregon
R. L. C H A P M A N
W e attend fo alt w o rk prom ptly.
Dallas and Fails C ity, Ore.
Notice to News Subscribers
A mark here indicates that
your subscription is delinquent.
Please call and fix it.
M r. H o m a S a a k a r -
C IT Y , O R E G O N
Buy O r o h a r d L a n d
f ------------------------ «------------------------
Passenger Train Schedule
Effective Oct. 4,1914
i« i
am. am.
Salem . . . 7:00 9.45
Dallas. . . 8.15 11.02
Falls City. 8.50 11.35
p m .
Bl'k Rock
Falls City. 9.30 1.25
Dallas. . . 10.10 2.00
Salem . . . 11.01 3.15
A. C. Po W inn, A gent
■■ a .......
This Shell Crashed Through Her Home.
Brief Resume of General News
from All Around.lhe Earth.
Uve News Items of All Nations and
Pacific Northwest Condensed
for Our Busy Readers.
A large hotel for working girl» and
women i» to be constructed in Chicago.
A special session of the New York
legislature may be called to pass a
measure dealing w ith the streetcar
strik e in New York City.
Aside from the capture by th e Ital­
ians of an im portant mountain peak
on the T rentino front, only bombard­
m ents have taken place in the Austro-
Italian th eater.
A Medford. Ore., lad of nine, was
seriously injured by exploding dyna­
m ite caps. He lighted one cap w ith a
match, the concussion from which ex­
ploded another in his hip pocket.
All guns and movable machinery
above w ater have been stripped from
the wreck of the armored cruiser
Memphis in Santo Domingo harbor and
will be brought to the United S tates by
the transport P rairie.
Mr. an4 Mrs. Edlefsen, of Portland,
who were lost on Mt. Hood Sunday
morning, were found by a searching
party Tuesday, a fte r having wandered
in a severe storm 72 hours w ithout
food or shelter.
N otw ithstanding the loss of two Zep­
pelins in an air raid on E astern Eng­
land Saturday night, th e Germans
Monday night again returned to the
attack w ith airships and dropped
bombs in the northern and northeast
The E arl of Essex was found dead in
bed Tuesday.
He had been il! for
some tim e. He was 59 years old. He
was a large land holder, owning about
15,000 acres. H is second wife, whom
he m arried in 1893, was Adela Grant,
daughter of Beach G rant, of New York.
A carload of liquor, consisting of
more than 13,000 pint bottles and two
50-gallon barrels of whiskey, was
seized by the police in Seattle and de­
stroyed. Although the liquor ostensi­
bly was consigned to P etersburg, Alas­
ka, the police allege th a t it really was
intended for sale in Seattle.
There were more than 7000 persons
a t th e afternoon perform ance of the
first circus which came to Coos county.
Or, and exhibited a t Marshfield Tues­
day. There was one woman 75 years
of age present who had never seen a
circus before.
A nother woman, 91,
who is a resident of the county, was
a t th e perform ance.
Secretary Baker announces th a t the
President will nom inate
General Pershing, commander of the
American expeditionary forces in
Mexico, to be a m ajor general to fill
the vacancy created by the death of
Major General Mills.
Except in France th ere have been no
im portant engagem ents on any of the
various fronts. Berlin reports the re­
pulse of Russian attac k s in Volhynia,
Galicia, and th e C arpathian moun­
tains. P etrograd is still silent as to
operations on th e eastern front, but
unofficial advices say th e Russians
have begun a new offensive on a large
scale in the hope of p u ttin g down the
counter attack s of the Teutons and
piercing th e ir fro n t before w inter.
Advices from Constantinople, says
the Overseas News agency, tell I of a
m utiny among troops of the Russian
Caucasus arm y because of lack of pro­
A revolution in the Greek island of
Crete is reported in a Havas dispatch
from Athens.
The revolutionists are
said to have proclaimed a provisional
Admiral Mayo, commanding the A t­
lantic fleet, reported F riday th a t a 12-
inch gun on the battleship Michigan
had exploded during firing tests on the
Southern drill grounds, the muzzle be­
ing blown to pieces, seriously injuring
one man.
American Red Cross officials have
given serious consideration to the
S tate departm ent dispatch saying th a t
nearly 1,000,000 Chinese are homeless
and thousands d estitu te as a result of
the flooding of 7000 square miles by
overflow of the Hwai riv er in Anhui
province, China, two months ago. The
American consul a t N anking reported
th a t autum n crops were destroyed and
calls for relief were pouring in from
many d istricts.
W hile Mrs M ary S w ann and h er
little d a u g h te r M ary w ere e atlu g lunch
In th e ir hom e th is en o rm ous 16 inch
sh ell sm ash ed th ro u g h th e house from
one side to th e o th e r and fell a t th e ir
back s ta irs . N e ith e r m o th e r n o r child
w as h u rt, an d a fte r a w hile little Mary
m ade a p la y th in g of th e shell. It w as
fired in a navy te s t a t In dian H ead.
Md. It p ierced th e h e a v ie st a rm o r
plate used by th e navy. A fter It passed
through th is o b stru c tio n It ploughed
through a san d bank, th e n c e th rough
the house of S w an n , a g u n n er, who
lived se v e ra l h u u d red y a rd s aw ay. T he
shell e n te re d th e ho u se th rough a wall
of the secoud sto ry , ploughed through
the second floor und cam e out n e a r the
ground floor th ro u g h th e re a r (torch.
Commissioners Demand
SHIPPING COMBINE Mexicaa Withdrawal
of American Troops
Two Largest Companies Unite for Im­
provement of PuMic Service.
President of New Company Declares
Great Increase of Trade Makes
Move] Almost Necessity.
S e a ttle .— M erger of th e
P acific
C oast S team sh ip com pany and th e P a ­
cific A lask a N avigation com pany Into
a new ste a m sh ip com pany to be know n
as th e P acific S te a m sh ip com pany is
a n n o u n ced here.
T he m erg er, affe c tin g 13 larg e pas­
se n g e r an d fre ig h t ste a m sh ip s of the
P acific C o ast S te a m sh ip com pany and
n ine of th e P acific A lask a N avigation
com pany, will go Into e ffe c t N ovem ber
1. T h e m e rg e r w as ra tifie d by the
b o ard s of d ire c to rs of th e P acific C oast
com pany an d th e P acific A lask a N avi­
g atio n com pany, th e fo rm er m eeting
in New Y ork and th e la tte r In T acom a.
T he fin a n c ia l d e ta ils of the m erg er
w ere no t given o u t In th e announce
m en t h e re , b u t th e v esse ls involved
a re said to be valued a t m ore than
New London, C onn.—T h e fat h as
been th ro w u Into th e fire, so fur as
th e A m erican and M exicau com m is­
sio n ers a re co n cern ed , by d evelop­
m en ts w hich took place h e re T h u rs ­
T he M exican co m m issio n ers p recip i­
ta te d a situ a tio n w hich bodes ill for
u n less
P re s id e n t W ilson
should back down.
A cting u n d e r In stru c tio n s from G en­
e ra l C arran za, th ey d em anded th u t
G eneral P e rs h in g 's tro o p s be w ith ­
draw n. T h e A m erican com m issioners
flatly refu sed to do a n y th in g of th e
T he co m m issio n ers in siste d th e ir
g o v ern m en t could not c o n sen t to pro­
tra c te d n eg o tia tio n s so long as A m er­
ican so ld iers w ere in o ccu p atio n of
M exican te rrito ry .
T h e A m erican
com m issioners in q u ired If G eneral
C a rran za w ere read y w ith tro o p s to
occupy th e te rrito ry w hich. If th e Mex­
ican d em and w ere heeded, G eneral
P ersh in g w ould ev acu ate.
T he M exican co m m issio n ers d eclin ­
ed to bind th e ir g o v ern m en t to any
condition, holding th a t a s a m a tte r of
rig h t they w ere ju s tifie d In req u irin g
G eneral P e rsh in g to leave th e ir coun­
try . an d a s a m a tte r of Justice, of
frien d sh ip , P re s id e n t W ilson o u g h t not
to h e sita te in d ire c tin g him to re tu rn
n o rth of th e border.
H ere th e m a tte r re s ts. T h e A m eri­
can co m m issio n ers forw arded the
facts to S e c re ta ry L ansing, w ho will
su b m it the re p o rt to the p re sid e n t for
h is decision.
It is c e rta in th a t G eneral P ersh in g
will not be w ith d raw n , so fa r a s the
A m erican co m m issio n ers a re co n cern ­
ed, u n til se c u rity for life and p ro p erty
alo n g th e b o rd e r h a s been arran g ed .
London- Combles, the pivotal point
In tha German Una guarding the ap­
proach to Hapaunie, on tha north, ami
Peronne on the aouth, of tha Somme
front, fall Wedneaday before attack s
of French and Hritiah, the Germane
fighting to death, or aurrendering
when there waa no longer hope.
French and Brltiah troops sw ept in
from th ree aides a fte r th eir capture of
Morval and Fregieourt. broke through
th e German defenses, overran the
town and carried all before them.
This (dace, w ith ita marvelous su b ter­
ranean passages and powerful fortifica­
tions, had been caught in the g rip of
the entente allies, who, coming from
the north and aouth, had already ad­
vanced far beyond It ami cut off com­
munication w ith the rear, except a
narrow strip which was covered by the
allied guns.
At the end of the fighting the town
was filled w ith the bodies of Germans,
the French official statem en t says.
Prior to the loss of Comblea, the
effect of the French and Brltiah arm ­
ies in th e capture of inqiortant s tr a t­
egic points on the previous day was re­
flected in the official communication
issued by the German war office,
which, a fte r describing briefly the
g reat artillery bombardment of the en­
tente allies, lasting four days, and the
attack between the Ancre and the
Somme, adm ita th a t “ th e conquest of
these villages on the line of Gueude-
court m ust be recognized,“ and add»:
“ But before all we m ust think of our
heroic troop# who faced the united An­
glo-French principal force and the
massed employment of m aterial of the
whole world's war industry, prepared
during many m onths.”
Thiepval, at the northw estern end of
the B ritish line, and th e fortified town
of Gucudecourt, northw est of I.ea
Bouefa, also have fallen to the B rit­
ish. G eneral S ir IKiuglaa H aig ’s men,
a fte r capturing Thiepval, drove on
eastw ard and took the Zollern redoubt,
a strongly fortified position which lies
between Thiepval and the bend in the
British line a t Courcelette.
The French likew ise advanced be­
yond Fregieourt and captured the
woods between th a t villago and Mur-
valand the g rea ter p art of the German
fortified positions lying between thia
woods eastw ard across the Bcthune
road to the w estern portion of the St.
Vaaat woods, nipping off another por­
tion of the German line of com munica­
tion south of Bapaume.
The German casualties in the fight­
ing are declared by P aris to have been
heavy, and, in addition, during the
two days' fighting, more than 1200
Germans were made prisoners by the
French, while the B ritish took in ex ­
cess of 1500.
Large q u an tities of
booty were taken by th e entente allies.
five Hundred Captured Vistas
Pay Death Penalty at Chihuahua
large Dirigible, Aflame, Brought Down
With Shrapnel in Suburbs.
Second Flyer, Disabled, Lands and
Crew Made Prisoners- Much
Property Loss by Bombs.
Ixmdon — Of the 12 big Zeppelins
which Invaded the B ritish Isles S atu r­
day night to deal death and destruction
from the skies, two lay Sunday stark
and black masses of steel amt alum i­
num in the little village of Mangold,
Essex county.
One came down a flaming torch,
while the aeccnd, diaabled by gunfire,
effected a landing, which aaved the
livea of the crew, who are now pria-
onera In England.
The crew of the
firat raider died In the conauming
llamea of th eir own ahip.
The death and burning of the firat
Zeppelin waa witneaaed by tana of
thouaanda of Ixmilun residents, but the
wounding and descent of the second
raider waa a m atter of doubt until offi­
cial statem enta were given out. Few
detaila are available of thia aecond
raid er's condition, but it ia reliably re-
portetl th at the crew surrendered to
special conatablea.
Many who saw the ahrapnel bursting
like skyrockets about the invader,
which subsequently caught fire, think
there muat have been several direct
hits. Many aeroplanes were aloft and
attacked the Zeppelins from all aides.
The raiders took a heavy toll of lives
before th e ir destruction, 28 persons
being killed and 99 wounded in the
m etropolitan d istric t of Ixmdon. Two
persona were killed, probably four, and
17 wounded in the provinces.
The property dam age, while widely
distributed, ia confined for the most
p art to amall dw ellings and ahope,
some em pty cars being deatroyed and
p art of th e track* torn up.
The roar of dropping bombs waa
heard in many d istiic ta where the
raiders were invisible. It ia not be­
lieved th a t more than tw o or th ree in­
vading Zeppelin* which croased tile
east coast succeeded in reaching the
environs of Ixindon, and th a t tw o of
these paid the death penalty givea the
g reatest satisfaction to th e m ilitary
Seattle Ferryboat Triton Sinks
While Crossing lake Washington
S eattle — The Lake W ashington
steam er Triton, owned by the Ander­
son Steam boat company and engaged
in ferry service, struck a snag while
approaching Byera’ Landing on the
east shore of Lake W ashington and
sank juat as she was drvien on the
beach. All the passengers and crew
landed safely.
The vessel ran a mile a fte r strik in g
the snag before the crew knew th a t
she was leaking.
When the vessel
w h s a short distance
from the shore
the w ater began pouring into the en-
gineroom, but C aptain H iram Riddle
waa able to drive her on to the beach
alongside the w harf at Byera’ Landing
before the w ater stopped the engines.
There were only 25 passengers atxiard
and all stepped safely off the upper
deck onto the wharf.
Ten m inutes a fte r the vessel had
been abandone«l she turned over and
now is lying subm erged alongside th e
In m ak in g th e an n o u n c e m en t. M an­
a g e r A. F. H ain es of th e P acific A las­
ka N av ig atio n com pany, gave out the
follow ing s ta te m e n t p re p a red by P re s­
id e n t H. F. A lex an d er:
"T h e P acific S te a m sh ip com pany
has been form ed by th e P acific C oast
W ashington, D. C.—Official S tate
S te a m sh ip com pany and the Pacific-
A lask a N av ig atio n com pany to o p e ra te departm ent advices Tuesday report
along th e e n tire P acific C oast, in clu d ­ seizure of the Dutch steam er P rins
ing A laska, w ith th e fu rth e r purpose Hendrik by G erman warships, but did
of e x ten d in g its se rv ic e In o th e r dlrec not say on w hat charge Isador Polak,
tions, and h a s m ade a rra n g e m e n ts to the naturalized American, removed
o p e ra te a ll of th e v esse ls of th e Pacific from the vessel, was being held. The
C oast com pany a n d th e Paclfic-A laska
departm ent ia in v estig atin g further.
N av ig atio n com pany.
Much significance is attache«' by offi­
"In view of th e g re a t sc a rc ity of ves
sets on th e P acific C oast, due tp th e cials to G erm any’s seizure of mail
Some tim e ago
g re a te r dem and fo r th em In o th er aboard the steam er.
tra d e s, an d th e In ab ility to secu re ad Germany claimed th e rig h t to censor
d ltlo n al v essels u n d e r e x istin g condi le tte r mail on th e basis th a t The
tio n a fo r th e tra d e of th e Pacific Hague convention, declaring the “ in-
C oast, th e P acific C o ast com pany and voilability” of such mail had been
th e P acific A lask a N av ig ation com rendered inoperative by failu re of sev­
pany, a fte r ca re fu lly c o n sid erin g th e
situ a tio n , have decid ed th a t th ey can eral of the belligerent nations to r a ti­
b e st se rv e th e in te re s ts of th e public fy it, but more recently th e practice
w ith m ore e ffic ie n t se rv ic e and m ore \ apparently had been discontinued.
fre q u e n t sailin g s by o p e ra tin g th e tw o j
fle e ts u n d e r a m a n a g e m e n t th a t will J
Car Shortage H its Baker, Or.
e lim in a te th e d isa d v a n ta g e s to the
B aker, O r.— T h e co n tin u ed sh o rta g e
tra v e lin g an d sh ip p in g public w hich of freig h t c a rs is still e m b a rra ss in g
n e c e ssa rily a tte n d th e o p e ratio n of the th e B aker lu m b er com p an ies, w ho re ­
tw o fle e ts s e p a ra te ly .”
p o rt th a t they a re now 40 c a rs behind
T he m e rg e r involves sh ip s h aving a in th e ir o rd ers. M ills a re still ru n n in g
g ro ss to n n a g e of m ore th a n 55,000 and sto rin g th e lu m b er th a t c an n o t be
to n s, th e to n n ag e of th e P acific Coast shipped, but th e s to ra g e room will
S te a m sh ip co m p an y b eing m ore than soon be filled. G rain d e a le rs say th e ir
34,000 tons.
w arehouses still hav e plenty of room.
El Paso—Wholesale executions are
tak in g place in Chihuahua City follow­
ing the Villa attack, it was announced
a t m ilitary headquarters here T hurs­
Five hundred V illa adherents
have been executed since the fight, the
report to General George Bell, J r .,
says, and many other prisoners have
been taken.
General Bell also has s report of a
skirm ish which is reported to have oc­
curred a t Arena, 10 miles south of
Juarez, Sunday night.
He says
wounded Carranza soliders have been
brought back to Juarez from th a t sec­
tion. The Carranza officials in Juarez
insist th a t these wounded soldiers were
brought from Chihuahua City follow­
ing th e fight w ith V illa forces.
A report from Chihuahua th a t Gen­
eral M atias Ramos had returned to
th a t sta te capital w ith only 35 men
left of his original force of 350 also
was received by General Bell.
A prom inent Mexican who was
taken prisoner by V illa a t Chihuahua
City and la ter released reached the
border and reported to m ilitary author­
ities th a t Villa had executed only two
of the 38 prisoners taken during the
Chihuahua battle. One of these was a
chauffeur for General Trevino.
gave the others th e choice of returning
to Chihuahua City or joining him.
T hirty-six returned and the rem ainder
joined Villa.
The Mexican refugee
was one of these and says he saw Villa
personally and th a t the bandit leader
walked w ith a crutch because of his
bullet wound in the leg and th a t he
carried his crutch on his saddle on the
Auditor C loses S eattle Institution.
S eattle — The E quitable Savings,
Loan & Investm ent association of Se­
a ttle was closed by the sta te auditor,
who took charge of all records. In
le tte rs sent to th e stockholders, Au­
d ito r Clausen said th e association was
overloaded w ith real estate which had
depreciated in value and which made it
impossible for the association to “ con­
tinue in business.”
H. O. Shuey,
president of the association, said the
liab ilities amount to 175,000. The
assets equalled the liabilities, but
could not be realized on im m ediately.
Severe W inter F o recast.
Hood River, Or. — Indian w eather
forecasters and hunters who have
killed bears th is fall are predicting an­
other hard w inter for the mid-Columbia
d istric t.
H erman Pregge, of Oak
Grove, killed a 450-pound bruin th a t
had invaded the orchard d istrict. The
rolls of fa t are declared to indicate a
long, severe cold period. Indian George,
90-year-old p atriarch of local redmen,
who foretold the big snow last year,
warns his w hite friends of coming cold.
He points out the condition of moss on
the trees and a g reat crop of acorns.
Animals Are Fed B etter.
Berlin — German horses and cattle
are now sharing in the improved condi­
tions of sustenance made possible by
the more plentiful harvests th is year.
The rations of oats for horses kept in
Germany have been increased from
three to four pounds a day and those of
bulls have been increased two and a
half pounds. D raft oxen are now al­
lowed two and a half pounds of oats
daily, and d ra ft cows one and a half
fiounds, while employed at harvesting.
D uring th e last year d ra ft oxen and
cows have had no oats.
W heat G rains Multiply.
Oregon City, O r.— Three years ago
George Bon Jension planted 12 grains
of w heat he had carried from Russia,
his native land, in his pocket. This
year he harvested 1276 pounds of
cleaned w heat from the 12 kernels.
He lives near Mount Pleasant.
This gTain is somewhat larger than
the ordinary v ariety of domestic w heat
and is darker in color. Several Clack-
amaa county farm ers have decided to
give the imported w heat a trial.
P ro se cu to r is Fired On.
Lakeport. Cal. — While sittin g in his
office D istrict A ttorney H. G. Church­
ill narrowly escaped death a t the hands
of unknown persons. A bullet crash­
ing through th e window struck the
desk at which Churchill was sittin g .
The d istric t attorney said he had re­
ceived a th reatening le tte r a few days
ago which was not signed, w arning
him against prosecuting a liquor case
which involved a violation of the
county laws.
Naval Airmen A ccurate.
Norfolk, V a.— Reports from the A t­
lantic fleet on the Southern drill
grounds announced th n t two airm en
with gunners ascended from th e N orth
Carolina, carrying 12 bombs, small
rapid firers and small arms. N ine of
the 12 bombs were dropped successful­
ly on ta rg e ts. Canvas targ ets, rep re­
senting men, were h it by rapid-fire
guns and sharpshooters.
The te sts
were declared the best ever recorded
and the firat for the A merican navy.
Germany Still Holds American
Taken from Dutch Steamer
Robber Suspect is Held.
D ouglas, A riz.— F lin t (R u sty ) T ulk,
a cow boy, a rre s te d on th e c h arg e of
rob b in g th e U n ited S ta te s m ail in con­
n ectio n w ith th e ho ld in g up of th e
G olden S ta te L im ited p a ssen g er tra in
on th e El P aso & S o u th w estern ra il­
road S ep te m b e r 6, n e a r here, w as
bound o v er to a w a it th e action of th e
fed eral g ran d Jury. Bond w as fixed
a t $10,000, w hich h a s n o t been fu r­
nished. R ay P re sto n , of P o rtlan d , Or.,
te stifie d th a t he reco g n ized T ulk, d es­
his m ask, and saw him tak e two
Theodore Roosevelt and W illiam H. p re ite
g iste re d m ail pack ag es.
T aft, it was announced in New York,
have accepted invitations to attend a
H erm it L earn t of War.
reception in honor of Charles E.
Hughes at the Union League club on
Marysville, Cal.—John C. Carlton, a
October 3. Elihu Root, president of 75-year-old m iner, discovered the Eu­
the club, will preside.
ropean w ar T hursday, when he paid
A fter outstripping a Miami, Fla., Marysville his first visit In three
sheriff’s posse in a motorboat race out years. Carlton lives in a cabin In the
Yuba county m ountains. He once sub­
of Rock Harbor, four bank robbers scribed to a new spaper, he said, but
who got $6000 in a daylight holdup of the editorials did not su it him and he
the S tate Bank of Homestead aban­ stopped them 11 years ago. Since then,
doned th e ir boat and have struck into he said, he has done all his reading In
the Everglades again w ithout leaving one book, the Bible. Hi« cabin Is 20
miles from Marysville.
a trail.
1 1,000,000 Fire at Phoenix, N. Y.
Syracuse, N. Y.— F ire early Sunday
destroyed the en tire business d istric t
and more than half the industrial sec­
tion of th e town of Phoenix, N. Y., 16
miles north of here, causing a loss of
more than $1,000,000. One person is
known to have perished. E ighty-tw o
buildings were destroyed.
The fire
burned w ithout check for 15 hours.
Not a store was left standing, and the
people are confronted w ith a serious
problem of food supply.
Looters in­
vaded the ruins, and scores of deputies
were sworn in w ith orders to shoot.