Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, September 30, 1916, Image 1

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Criticism o f the Democratic
Administration in passing the
Adamson "Eight-Hour B ill" is
confined to the Republican
Toboceo Will Be Frowned On and
Newspapers o f unquest­
Drinking Not Tolerated Thie Tear,
in no uncertain
Edict Announoee.
terms denounce Wilson’ s coward­
Salem, Or., Sept. 28.—"Blue ly surrender.
laws,” placing a ban on tobacco,
cigarettes and dancing, has been
Charlotte, (N . C ) News: The
promulgated by the faculty o f trainmen are not on trial in this
Willamette University. The new controversy.
Neither are the
rules are almost the sole topic of railroads o f the United States.
discussion on the campus.
Democracy is the defendant at
'The faculty’s edict governing the courthouse.
student activies is much more se­
vere than any enforced in past
Greenville, (S .C .)N e w s . One
yearB and declares that all social hundred million American citi­
activities must lie subordinated zens, who had most at stake,
"to conserve health and to pro­ were not consulted by their rep­
mote scholarship." Midweek dates resentatives in the Congress o f
are to be avoided.
the United States who surrender­
Whereas daily attendance at ed their legislative power.
cha|>el was semi-compulsory last
The country has paid dear for
year, this year all students will thie "peace at any price.” A
be required to attend, and the most dangerous precedent has
edict advises that "persons not been established. Where will this
fully approving this requirement policy o f surrender end? What
are requested not to matriculate." has become o f ‘ the rule o f reason’
Eight absences from chapel will which is supposed to govern the
mean automatic expulsion from settlement o f economic questions
in this Republic? What has be­
the university.
Among the regulations which come o f our sacrosanct doctrine,
have been printed and distributed hallowed Dy the fathers, o f ‘equal
among the students are the follow­ rights for all and special privi­
leges for none?”
" A student who uses intoxicants
Houston, (T e x )P o s t:— It is as if
or cigarettes severs his relation to
a court had first executed a pris­
the university.
"Th e use of tobacco is discour­ oner and tried him after the
aged and will be looked upon with funeral. There was no investi­
gation o f the merits o f the con­
"Students are forbidden to hold troversy between the railroads
dances and are requested and ad­ and the men. There was no de-
bate. The railroads are to be
vised not to dance anywhere.”
compelled to stand and deliver,
and the people are to be compell­
ed to stand and deliver, and it is
In older countries like Great the Government that will hold
Britain the census is taken and the gun in their faces.
made public in twenty-four hours.
Newport News, ( Va ) Daily
In our country the census bu­
reau has become a continuous bur­ Press:— We are told that Cong­
den and is continually seeking new ress acted in the interest o f peace.
But is peace so sweet as to be
To keep the army that is em­ purchased at the price o f liberty?
ployed in the bureau busy they
Greensboro, (S .C .)D aily News;
are now investigating what it
Mr. Wilson before surrendering
costs to delivei groceries.
the single-bore opportunists
The census experts pretend to
are managing his campaign,
believe that the high cost of living
rather have pronounced
is due to the high cost of operat­
“ God help the
ing delivery wagons.
What the federal government
"T h e "D a ily N ew s” once more
intends to do ai>out it after they
itself undone. Upon more
find out what it costs no one
occasion this paper has
knows—probably set more officials
support the President,
to work.
that he had changed
It might be all right for the gov­
his position, some­
ernment to spend a lot o f money
Only yesterday
on this work if it had not already
desire to
been done very thoroughly.
The Harvard college bureau of
Business Research has already and we ventured the opinion that
made this investigation and fur­ the press generally would be glad
to do so. But we likewise ex­
nishes it free to any merchant.
O f course, it has one drawback pressed the hope, despite reason
in that it was done without an ap­ and experience, that Mr. Wilson
would stand by himself. It was
propriation from Congress.
It looks as if the functions of a work o f superogation.
The boust of the disposal of 500
Wilson Buttons and the signifi­
cance attached to this remarkable
feat is in line with a candidates
enthusiasm after visiting a certain
neighborhood. He said, "E v e ry ­
body is going to vote for me. I
only found one man who refused
to take my card.”
OvpjrrfirMwtbf Doubled*?.
Since the settlement o f the dif­
ficulties o f the lumber company
here preparations for beginning
logging have begun in earnest.
The rebuilding of the large shay
was commenced last week and
parts were shipped to the machine
shops at Salem. It will take about
a week at the shops and three or
four days to re-assemble. They
have room to deck between six
and seven million feet o f logs
for the day when the mountains
are filled with snow and the log­
ging camps must shut down.
That the company will put in
logs very naturally creates a sus­
picion that they intend to saw the
said logs into lumber.
labor Organizatona
Perhaps his managers concluded
that there was neither wit or
Wisdom and are trying to forget.
Lest our Indpendent friend and
publisher o f the Indpendent pa­
per at Independence should ac­
cuse us o f a lack o f Indpendence
we shall assert our rights o f Ind­
pendence and publish extracts o f
Woodrow’s speeches made while
he was Independent.
N ew Outings marked at the old price o f 10c a yard
N ew Warner Corsets priced from $1.00 up
N ew Silk A rt Thread 10c, $1.00 a box
Canned String Beans
Sauer Kraut
3 Cans Astor Milk
3 Boxes Quaker Corn Flakes
SELIG’S, Cash Price Store,
“ Meeting and Beating Competition” .
Labor Organizations
"W e speak to exclusively of
the capalistic class. There is an­
other as formidable an enemy to
equality and freedom of opportu­
nity as it is, and that class is
formed by the labor organizations
and leaders o f the country.” — Or.
Wilson at a dinner in New York. M ch
18. 1907,
Since the fall of the Independ-
" I am a fierce partisan to the
enc bridg the Itemizer is inclined open shop and everything that
to suspicion that the recall might makes for individual liberty, and
be worked to some benefit.
I should like to contribute any­
thing that might be possible for
me to contribute to the clarifica­
tion o f thinking and the forma­
Sixteen tons oat and wheat hay. tion of right purposes in matters
Good clean hay. $10 per ton in o f this kind.” — Or. W ilson's reply
barn or $12 delivered. Also 40 to an invitation to address antistrike
Road Island Red laying hens, 80c advocates at a banquet, dated Jan.
each. F. E. Wells, phone Blue 53 12, 1909.
Extract« from Wilton Speech««
" I f it is not right on the part
o f the workingman to organize
then there ought not be a right on
the part o f capital to organize.
It is the organization that makes
capital strong, and it is not fair,
from the legal point o f view or
anyother point o f view, to pre-
Semaphores were placed at the I vent the rest o f the men dealing
crossings on North and South with capital from getting strength
Muin streets to warn autoists to with organization that only or­
turn to the right. It is said that ganization brings.” — At Fall River.
the lamentations over these "ob­ Maas., September 26. 1912.
structions" Sunday morning were | | Fall Klver 1« a tlrong labor union town.—ltd|
long and loud and were likened
Justice for Labor
unto the wail o f the Whangdoodle
" I am for the laboring man.
in travail.
Justice must be done him or there
It is true that it will be difficult
to make some of the turns at a i can be no justice in this country.
rate of speed greater thau thirty I We must all be partners in the
miles an hour, yet it is no* likely I game o f government and no one
to cause anyone to miss his dinner ! man must be allowed to play the
part o f a hog. ” — At Chicago, April
or cancel a date.
6. 1912.
It is to be hoped that this ordin­
ance will be observed as the safety
Below are extracts from some
o f the pedestrian depends upon o f Woodrow’ s speeches made be­
the carefulness of drivers. They fore the presidential bee had lit
will be surprised at how easy it is in his bonnet, and do not appear
to obey the laws when they know in the campaign book, "W it and
they must.
Wisdom o f Woodrow Wilson.”
N o. 5
Tribute to the American Laborer
"Y ou know what the usual
That the County Commissioners standard o f the employe is in our
should need the opinion o f an ex­ day. It is to give as little as he
Labor is
pert bridge engineer to determine can for his wages.
standardized by the trade union,
if the Independence bridge was
and this is the standard to which
constructed properly or not seems it is meant to conform. No one
to be a joke. According to report is suffered to do more than the
the bridge very promptly fell average workman can do.
down as soon as the false work
one is suffered to do more than
government were being expanded
was removed, scarcely giving the
Defending one libel suit for workmen time to get out o f the the least skillful o f his fellows
for the purpose of making jobs.
can do within the hours allotted
$100,000 and prosecuting another way. Such being the case the to a day’s labor, and no one can
for $1,000,000, Henry F ord is like­ Commissioners certainly need no work out o f hours at all or volun­
ly to lose some o f his pacifism.
expensive expert testimony to de­ teer anything beyond the mini­
As usual the citizens of Falls
cide that it fell down.
City and vicinity caried off most of
" I need not point out how eco­
nomically disastrous such a regu­
the prizes at the County Fair. J.
Luther Burbank’s turning to
lation o f labor is. It is so unprofi­
S. S. Powell took the lead in farm Wilson indicates that, having
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ellis o f Dal­
table to the employer that in
and garden produce. Inasmuch achieved success with the thorny las were in town Thursday.
some trades it will presently be
as Polk County puts up the coin cactus, he wants to see what he I
W. M. Stevans of Portland was not worth his while to attempt
and Falls City the exhibits, why can do with a lemon.
anything at all. He had better
in town the first of the week.
stop altogether than operate at
not move the whole show over to
an invariable loss. The labor of
this city?
Maine Guardsmen on the Mex­
At the annual meeting of postmas America is rapidly becoming un­
ican border were permitted to
ters In Washington recently the first profitable under its present regu­
vote in the late election. They assistant postmaster general lauded lation by those who have deter­
W. N. Crook o f Monmouth and went Republican in the ratio of tha postal savings system. That must mined to reduce it to a minimum.
two to one. I f this is to be taken have been a bitter pill tor Postmaster Our economic supremecy may be
Miss Eva Harris of this city were
as an indication o f the trend of General Burleson, who sat on the same lost, because the country grows
married last Saturday at Dallas. political opinion among the men platform with hts assistant. When the more and full o f unprofitable ser-
The bride is the daughter of down there, we will bet a big red postal savings bill was passed Mr ! van t».” — Dr. Wilson in a baccalaur­
Burleson, then a congressman from
Mr. and Mrs- W. T. Harris and is apple there will be no "Johnny Texas, voted against It. Every vote eate sermon, Princeton. June 13. 09.
comes marching home” business east against it was oast by a Demo
an excellent young woman.
before election—because, while ernt. Not one Democratic congress
The groom is an energetic young
Wilson was not in politics in
there are about 100,000 Guards­ man voted for U. ï e t President W il­
farmer living near Monmouth.
men in Texas, a lot o f them come son says the Republican party has not 1909 and did not seek to pad his
Their many friends send greet­ from States that do not permit had a new Idea in thirty years. Whose speech or mislead the public— Its
Idea was It?
different now.
the voting of soldiers in the field.
ing wishing them happiness.
Oregon has but one Normal School. Thla school
is located at Monmouth. Excellent as Is the work
of *his school It is utterly unable to supply but a
small part of the need for trained teachers for the
O f m o r e t h a n 6 COO s c h o o l t e a c h e r s In th e p u b lic s c h o o ls
o f O r e g o n , b u t 13 p e r c e n t h a v e b ee n t r a in e d f o r t h e ir
p r o f e s s io n o f t e a c h in g in N o r m a l S c h o o ls .
It la a well established fact that our one Normal
School cannot supply the needs of the entire state.
That la why we ask for your work and vote for the
proposed Eastern Oregon State Normal School at
Pendleton, Oregon.
E i g h t c o u n t ie s In t h e W illa m e t t e V a lle y h a v e e m p lo y e d
d u r in g th e peet f iv e y e a rs . 203 t e a c h e r s w h o h a v e g r a d u ­
a ted fr o m th e M o n m o u t h N o r m a l a s a g a i n s t 39 M o n m o u t h
N o r m a l S c h o o l g r a d u a t e s f o r th e e i g h t le a d in g c o u n t ie s
of E a s te r n O rego n.
D u r i n g t h a p a s t f iv e y e a r s th e a t t e n d a n c e of s t u d e n t s
fr o m n in e W illa m e t t e V a lle y c o u n t ie s w a s 877 s t u d e n t s
aa a g a i n s t «1 s t u d e n t s f r o m n in e of t h e le a d in g c o u n t ie s
of E a s te r n O rego n.
Owing to the crowded condition of our one Normal
at Monmouth and also the distance and expense of
attending, students from Eastern Oregon are com­
pelled to go to neighboring states to secure their
training as teachers.
T h e a n n u a l m a in t e n a n c e c o s t o f t h e p ro p o s e d S t a t e
N o r m a l S c h o o l In E a s t e r n O r e g o n a m o u n t s to b u t one
25th of a m ill o r 4 c e n t s on a t h o u s a n d d o lla r s o f t a x a b le
p ro p e rty . I s n 't It w o r t h t h is to h a v e y o u r c h ild r e n t ra in e d
to b e c o m e u s e fu l a n d p r o d u c t iv e c f t l i e n s ?
Among those who etrongly endorse the establish
raent of the proposed Eastern Oregon Normal School
are Governor Withycombe, J. H. Ackerman. Presi­
dent of the Monmouth State Normal; Vf. J. Kerr,
President of the Oregon Agricultural College; P. L.
Oampbell, President of the State University, Robert
C. French, former President of the Weston Normal,
and practically all of the leading educators o f the
State. J. A. Churchill. Superintendent of Public In­
struction. voices the senU/nents of those who are
most familiar with the need of more adequate Normal
facilities when he says:
" O r e g o n ’s g r e a t e s t n eed fo r It s r u r a l s c h o o l s la th a
t e a c h e r w h o h a s h a d fu ll p r e p a r a t io n t o d o h e r w o r k
S u c h p r e p a r a t io n c a n b a st c o m e t h r o u g h N o r m a l S c h o o l
t r a in in g .
" I t r u s t t h a t th e v o t e r s o f th e s t a t e w ill a s s i s t In r a is i n g
th a s t a n d a r d of o u r s c h o o ls b y e s t a b l is h in g a S t a b s N o r ­
m a l S c h o o l at P e n d le to n . T h e lo c a t io n la c e rrtra i. t h e I n ­
terne t of th e p eo p le o f P e n d le t o n In e d u c a t io n m o a t e x c e l­
lent. a n d the la r g e n u m b e r o f p u p ils in th e p u b l ic s c h o o ls
w ill g iv e a m p le o p p o r t u n it y to s t u d e n t s t o g e t t h a a m o u n t
o f t a a c h ln g p ra c t ic e r e q u ire d In a s t a n d a r d n o r m a l s c h o o l. "
AU the above educator* insist that a Standard
Normal School must be located In a town of 6000
or more population and having enough grade pupiia
for teaching practice.
• y v o t in g Y E S f o r N o. 30S y o u w ilt help t o § ! » • t o t h o
s c h o o l c h ild r e n o f O r e g o n t h a s a m e a d v a n t a g e « e n j o y e d
b y th e s c h o o l c h ild r e n o f o u r n e ig h b o r in g ataSaa.
V a t s Y E S fo r N o. 30S.
Eastern Oregon State Normal School
. By J. M. QwlfWi, Soey, Asndlaton, Of«.
(PsM advertisement)