NORTHWEST MARKET REPORTS; T ME GENERAL CROP CONDITIONS DORT A UT OMOB I L E THE LAST WORD In auto perfection In power in per­ formance In beauty in comfort in durability and In economy. THIS WONDERFUL CAR has at last bean brought to tha Pa­ cific Northwoet. No other car la Ilka It no other car can touch It, with Ita famuua Wealinghouaa starling and lighting; ita true cantilever springs and Its nig, roomy, rull-laathar upholatarad aaata. ‘B u ilt in F l i n t ” $695 factory YOU M A Y BE TH E AG E N T in your community. proposition. Send for fine catalog. Ask for NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway at Couch, Portland, Oregon. Plena« aand catalog and full datalla o f Dort car without ob­ ligation on my part to M C S i| n name and atldreee, and mail today. THE NEW PERKINS HOTEL S p e c ia l S u m m e r R a t e » Court R o u m , Single, 7 5 c; Double, $1 . Outside Room, Singl«, $1; Double, $1.50 (Hath i»rtvll»K» Included) R oom s with Private Beth, Single, AGENTS: TOBAC-O-MOIST Keeps Tobacco In best smoking condition. Pits $u>y tobacco tin or cigar bua. gn$ok»r* buy on sight. HsUs evsrywhere Itljr pruAu. ¡Í7tid 10 cents fur sarnuls TO B A C -O -M O IST DEPT., 61o Dekum lildg.. Portland. Oregon. $1.50; Double, $2 00. (When you Register Ask the Clerk for Hummer Ke'~*.) Auto-Ilea Meets Train*. A ll Cent from Union D*i>ot 1'esa Our floors. NEW PERKINS HOTEL Cor. Waablncton 4 r tflh Bt».. POR TLAN D ORE n t f in I V SSS * v “ *- Porfc' B«ef* Poultry. Butter, E g g . Farm Produce tO'the Old Reliable Kvsrdmg house with a record of 46 years o f Huuar« Dealings, aud be aseured of T O P M A K K tlT PRICES. F. M . C R O N K H 1 T E 45-47 Front Street Portland, Orogon RUPTURE D o Y o u r O w n P lu m b in g J o h n s to n & By buying direct from us *t who*---sis prices end seve the plumber's profits. •• r ii» us to­ day your needs. W# will give you our rock- bottom *dircct-to-you" prices, f o. b. reti or boat. W# actually save you from 10 to 36 per sent. A ll goods guaranteed. Northwest hra>l(j(tartem for lea der Water Systems and Kullsr A Johnson Enginea. RUPTURE S T A R K -D A V I S C O . 212 Third Street. Portland. Oregon U in b a rg e r S P E C IA L IS T S 411-412 A lu k, Building. Coti Und. O r .* o a Resulta Guaranteed. S K IFF i M lli.F R . U t i l i 1 1 J 1 U y Take pleasure In announcing that they are k>- estoat at 46A-46V Morgan bldg., (4th floor). Wash- lngtiiu at Untwlway, Portland. Ore., where they will bn pleased to meet their friend* and patients. These offices will l«e condurted on s policy o f serv- loe st nHslerale uric«» to the beet of our ability We always stand tiohlnd our work, as ws know that a satisfied patient Is and shall always ba the best asset Dr. EW T. Hedlu id. Dr. Seymour S. Skid. Dr, J. Howard Miller, DENTISTS. Telephone. Marshall 90. O rebon v u l c a n iz in o C o m p a n y (The Tire Shop) has nr■»veci Into larger quarters in the heart o f the automo­ bile district. Burnside at Broadway. Uj.l and 33b Burnside »1., Portland. Or. HIDES, P E L T S , C A SC A R A BA RK , W OO L AND M O H A IR . Nl want all rw M»a Writ* lar priai ad stoppini I « » THI H. F. KORTON CO. Nflland. Or».. Hall». Wi FARMS AND BUSINESS SOLD Do you w .n t t » .*• It your r.rm. botti, or hti.lne*. for ciotti' Wrtto to I A K T K R R E A L T Y CO.. 604 B uch.t i.n Mut.din ., LortUnd. O r .,o n Mora Than 8700 W ill Ba Olatrlbutad at Saattla Land Show for Baat Coun­ ty or Community ExhlblL Portland— W h ea t- Bluestem, 81.82 per buahcl; fortyfold, 81.28; club, The beat county or community dle- 81.26; red fife, 81.27; red Russian, play at the land show In Beattie from 81.24. October 4 to 14 will receive a caab Flour— Patenta, 86.60; atraighta, 86 prize o f 1400 and a handsome trophy <06.40; exports, 86; valley, 86.20; banner. Tha second prise la for $200 S B * th« third prize $100. whole wheat, 86.80; graham, 86.60. Already there la lntereat over Wash­ M lllfeed — Spot prices: Bran, 828 ington, Oregon and Idaho In this con­ per ton; ahorta, 826; rolled barley, test and a large number of Washing­ 836.60(036.60. ton communities will try for the Corn— Whole, 842 per ton; cracked, prises. Oregon counties and com-i 843. munltles will also be well represented, Hay — Producers’ price«: Timothy, tha dlaplaya coming from the state Eastern Oregon, 816.60(018 per ton; talr at Salem. The contest has been thrown open timothy, valley, 816(0 16; alfalfa, 814.60(0 16.60; wheat hay, 818.60® to any commercial club, grange, farm era’ association, Improvement club or 14.60; oat and vetch, 818 <0 18.60; other county or community organise cheat, 812; clover, 812. tlon In the Northwest. Butter — Cubes, extras, 29c per The management of the Northwest pound. Jobbing prices: Prints, ex ­ Land Products exposition has aet tras, 32$®34c; butterfat, No. 1, 81c; aside $226 In gold for the best lndl vldual farm exhibit. The first prize No. 2, 29c, Portland. Eggs - Oregon ranch, current re­ calls for $160 and the second prize ceipts, 80c per dozen; Oregon ranch, $76. Indications are that the first land candled, 32c; selects, 84<086c. show ever staged In Seattle will be Poultry — Hens, 14(016c per pound; the greatest agricultural exhibit since broilers, 17c; turkey«, live, 23(024c; the exposition of 1909. The Great ducks, 12(016c; gees«, 10(01 lc. Northern railway has taken space for Veal— Fancy, 128®13$c per pound. an agricultural display and the Mil waukee will make a similar exhibit Pork— Fancy, 12$c per pound. Vegetables— Artichokes, 76c<081 per and In addition will bring the Mon dozen; tomatoes, 3(R04Oc per crate; tana state exhibit to the show. The Alaska display will be the cabbage, 81.36 per hundred; peppers, greatest ever made and the entire ex­ 4(06c (ter pound; eggplant, 6 ( 0 6c; let­ hibit of grains, grasses and vegetables tuce, 20(026c per dozen; cucumbers, from the annual fall fair at Fairbanks 26(06Oc per box; celery, 6O(076c per will be shipped to Seattle the latter dozen; corn, lO<026c. part of this month. The land show at Seattle will cover Potatoes— New, 90c® l per hundred; more than 70,000 square feet In the sweets, 2|(03c per pound. Onions— Oregon buying price, 81.36 heart of the business d istrict the city authorities giving permission to tent country points. over Fifth Avenue adjoining the Green Fruits — Apples, new, 76c(0 Arena, the city’s largest assembly hall. 81.40 per box; cantaloupes, 60cf;xtra fancy and $1.60 for ences.” fancy on the second car. The second "F or Instance?" "W ell, If the heroine geta grease on car was shipp ad one month ago. The a pair of white gloves the women spec Rock Island district, almost without NEW MOO MEN DANCING. tators will becomn Just ns excited as exception, always ships the first E. Fletcher Halloinor*. the leading Dancing Ex* they would over the blowing up of a | pert end In, true tor In N ew York City, write*: "1 straight car o f winter bananas every bridge."— Louisville Courier Journal. neve u e d A L L E N 'S FOOT-EASE. th . snticcptlc year and usually receives top prices. powder to ba «haken Into tha .hoee, for tan y w ir . Rochester, the market anti recommend It to all my p u p ila " It curca ana Direct from prev.nta wir« feet- Bold by all Drug and Depart­ center o f New York apple district, F. ment S t o ic , tbc. Sample FREE, dibit— a lid i E. Thorn, representative o f Kimball 8. Olmatad. La Roy, N . Y. Brothers o f N ew York, brings the Oregon's oldest, best equipped and most practical school. Expert instructions in Prolonged Mourning. news that the apple crop of the Empire repairing, driving and adjusting. Practi­ Rones, a hostler, failed to turn up state is o f poor quality and w ill have a cal work in the repair shop. You do the work with your own hands. Day and night at tho livery yard one morning. large percent age o f culls. V irginia classes Addresa "W here's Rones?" the boss asked. presents the opposite situation. It 446 Hawthorns Ate. Portland. Ore. " Ills father's dead, air,” explained has the large st and best quality crop one other hostler. in its history. The orchards in the "O h !" The next day again Bonea failed to Shenandoah va lley and Cumberland turn up. And the next day still he valley are loaded with fine fruit. was absent. "Bones not about?" said the boss. Klamath Wants Grazing Toll. Keeps off flies or money back. $1 "H la father,” said the other hostler, Klamath Kails, Or. — A movement "as 1 told you before, sir----- ” a gallon from your dealer, or order "W ell, look here,” said the boas, to secure fo r Klam ath county the taxes by mail. P L U M M E R DRUG C O . "you slip on your coat and run round said to be due it fo r the grazing of Third and Madison, Portland, Or. to Bonea' house and find out If he transient livestock within its bounda­ Intends to stay away all the time hla ries has been started here by the father Is dead."— Chicago Journal. Klamath Commercial club. The club is com piling data concerning the Send 10c to Dr. Pierce Invalida’ Ho­ amount o f such stock grazed in K la­ tel, Buffalo, for large trial package of “ Anurie” for kidneys, cures backache. math county during the season of 1916. The state law provides that owners o f livestock grazed in coun­ Fearing the Worst. ties in which the ownnrs o f the stock "Do yon want your wife to vote?" "Certainly.” replied Mr. Qrowcher. do not reside are liab le for a tax on "A ll I hope Is that she won't get up a this stock. series of campaign processions and make each of ’em as expensive as an W estern W ashington Hops Sold. Faster parade."— Washington Star. W rite about your wanta In thia line to Several hundred bales o f new W est­ Free. ern Washington hope were sold this week. The tw o M iller crops, aggre­ "Vacation la a great thing." 183 Madiaon St., Portland, Ore. "Don't have to watch the clock then, gating 400 bales, w ere sold at 9 cents, ehT" and Car! Kohler sold 100 bales at 8 "Don't even have to watch the cal­ cents. The Gus Olda crop o f 90 bales No. SB, IBIS P. N . U. endar.”— Louisville Courier-Journal. waa also sold. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL CASH PRIZES OFFERED FOR BEST D ISPLA YS P R IN T E R S A N D P U B LIS H E R S . A T T E N T IO N ! PERFECT PRINTING PLATES Furnished on abort notice. W rite for Seal* o f Price. Portland Electrotype & Stereotype Co.. Front I Stark. Portland. Or. Across the Continent In Five Days— W / 2 Hours. W. L. DOUGLAS "T H E SHOE THAT HOLDS IT * SHAPE ” $ 3 .0 0 $ 3 .5 0 $ 4 .0 0 $ 4 .5 0 & $ 5 .0 0 S a w « M o n e y b y W e a r in g W . L D o u g la s F o r sale b y o v e r 9 0 0 0 sh o e dealers. ah T h e B e st K n o w n S h o e s in the W o rld . ■ »tamped on the bot- .L . Douglaa name 1 » guaranteed and too of all .hoe. . inferior ehoae. The the wearer protected again« mors in Son retail price, v e the worth the F ra n o *» than they price paid for them, n p h * quality of W . L Dougta. product i* guaranteed by more -I than 40 yean experience in making fin* ehoem. The unart the leaden th* Feehioa Centra of in a well-equipped factory at Brockton, Mas«., I shoemakers, under the direction and by the higheM pud, .killed , all working with an honor tttpervmon of determination to moke the bert shoes for the price that can buy. W A sk y o s r a b oe d e a le r (n r W . L D o u g la s shoe*, I not su pply yon w ith th a k in d y e a w an t, ta k a ike. W r it e fo r In te re s tin g b o o k le t e a p la in ln i 1 sh o o , o f t h * h ig h e s t sta n d a rd o f q u a lity f o r th a 1 retu rn i ■II. postage fres. LOOK FOR W . L Douglas tbs retail pries ta tha bottom. “L eader ” and “ R epeater 99 S hot S hells For the high flyers, or the low flyers, “ Leader” and “ Repeater’ shells have the reach, spread and penetra­ tion. Their great sale is due to these qualities, which insure a full bag. Made in many gauges and loads. BE SURE TO ASK FOR TH E W BRAND Soma One Ought to Tall Her. Dear little W illie waa only recently married, and for the past fortnight he had been wearing that fatuous smile which a man wears on only two occa­ sions— when he is first married and when the first baby arrives. That smile, which suggests a codfish in paradise. Is extremely annoying to the onlooker. Therefore, W illie's friends were relieved to see him appear one morning looking very glum. "Hallo, W illie! What's the matter?" they cried In chorus. “ Oh, don’t chaff, boys— don’t chaff! Marriage Isn't what I thought It was! My w ife can’t sin g!” “ Can’t sing? Why, you ought to be thankful for th a t!” "Yea. I dare say. And I might be— : only, you see, she doesn't know I t ! " — Sold Under a Binding Guarantee H A N F O R D 'S Balsam of Myrrh ____ A L I M I M I N T For Cuts, Burns, His Honor in Error. Mose Ham was arrested for “ loud i Bruises, Sprains, and uproarious language" and "dis­ Strains, Stiff Neck, turbing the peace.” Judge Briles read Chilblains, Lame Back, the document in the case and th en ' turned to the black-as-ebony prisoner. Old Sores, Open Wounds, "M ose Ham," said he, “ you are and all External injuries. charged with shouting, groaning, cry­ ing loud In the night, lamentations. Made Since 1846. Impure language, cursing, swearing, Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 breaking the peace and general noisy conduct not befitting a citizen. What have you to say?" "Des dls, Jedge. dey ain't no spec’ er dat de truf; all I had wuz er slight visitation ob religion. E f I talked D O N ’ T S U F F E R FROM loud, Jedge, hit wuz becauz I ’m further away from th’ Lawd dan mos' folks.” — Philadelphia Public Ledger. Fred W . Vogler, president of The Northwest Auto Co., of Portland— premier speed boat enthusiast of the Pacific Coast—allround sportsman and general good fellow, has been pre­ vailed upon to bring a duplicate of the famous Marmon 84, that crossed the country In less than six days, to Pen- dleton during the Round-Up week— so that some of our real riders may have a chance to see this wonderful car. When the railroad situation looked as If It might tie up every road in the country. Mr. Vogler said: when you can easily find quick reliaf "W e can move troops fast enough What a Tourist Heard. from this cruel disease in any stag*. with the Marmon 34 to stop anything A tourist In Ireland came upon a j Anti-Uric, made from Roots and Ber­ —and one man proved It beyond a couple of men "in holts" rolling on the ries, gradually soothes away the poi­ doubt.” S. B. Stevens arrived at San Fran- road. The man on top was pummel- son from the system, no m atter now claco Just 6 days, 18V4 hours after the ing the other within an inch of his severe or long standing the case may car had left Columbus Circle, New life. The traveler looked on for a mo­ be. Send $1.50 today for a treatment ment In silence and then Intervened. prepaid to your address. Results York City. 3476 miles away. " I say, it’s an Infernal shame to guaranteed or money refunded, or sent This completed the most remark­ C. O. D. by Parcel Post. W rite for able and fastest Journey ever made strike a man when he's down.” “ Faith, If yez knew all the trouble circulars and letters from those bene- across the United States In a motor Simply send car— the average rate of speed being I had gettin’ him down yez wouldn’t fitted. Don’t put it off. almost equal to the schedule of the be talkin’ like that,” came the lnter- today. Address A N T I-U R IC CO., 102 Sherwood Building, San Francisco. fast transcontinental railroad trains. ! mittent reply.—Judge. All Dealers Rheum atism You may be famous for your cooking, or just a “ beginner” In E it h e r C a se KC B aking P owder will help you. I ts goodness recommends