Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, September 23, 1916, Image 2

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    Wails (C ity
N p u ib
Of General Interest
D. L. WOOD ft 80N.
■ a t m « u .m o d i l i i i Mil •« U » ( O f » "
r i l l * City, Polk Coaoty. O m « . " O “ !*•
Act «f O a « r m «Í Murk ». 1*7».
T«l«yk«a«—htwi Office, 83.
HaWrtptioe Rat«»: Onoyoar. U.00; ala
M m i l . thTM M ath*. » caoU: alngl« copy. I c
advartUln» Rata*: Duplay. ISoan«*»Blachi
Bulina«* Notlca*. » oauu a Una: Por Bala, Bent.
Bichan»«. Want and Pay Bntartainmant No­
lle««. » et*. «U na. Cardo) Thank I SOeU;L«g*
Brief Resume of General News
from All Around the Earth.
Notlca*. l«»*l rala*.
Copy for naw adì. and ch*o»*a ihould ba aant
to Tha Nawi not latar than Wadaaiday._______
Live News Items of All Nations and
Official Nivipapar at tha City af fail« City
Pacific Northwest Condensed
I ssued E ve ry S atu r d a y M orning
for Our Busy Readers.
H. J. Griffin. Mayor.
R. M. Wonderly, CouncUman-at-Lar(a
G. W . Brantner.
Georg« C. March.
I. O. Singleton.
C. L. Hopkins,
N. Selig.
C. 1 . McPharran. Auditor and Polle« Jeê*«
Walter L. Too*« Jr., Ctty Attorney
Pat Murphy. Marshal and Watar 8upU
M. L, Thompson. Traaiurar
Dr. P. M. Ucllwarlh. Health Officer.
Tha Council meets In regular M i l o » on the drat
Monday night of each m onth, at 7 ID o'clock. In
the office of the Pall* Ctty News.
p r o fe s s io n a l d a rO s
F. M. H E L L W A R T H
Office one door east of P. O.
Office an d n u - v - n o c q
R esid en ce r 1 1 0 0 6 o t> o
Falls i tty,
O regon
B u s in e s s d a r ts
jfa lte d it^ lb o te l
S a m p le R o o m
Beat A cc o m m o d a tio n !
Seven hundred thousand workers in
New York are said to be ready to
strike in sympathy with the streetcar
More than 700 vessels have been
added to the fleets flying the American
flag in foreign trade in the two years
ended June 30. 1916.
The British steamers Llangors E.
Buttown and Swedish Prince have been
sunk by submarines.
The crews of
the vessels were saved.
A purchase of 300,000,000 feet of
timber has been made by the Oregon
Lumber company, near Baker, Ore.,
and a new mill will be built.
Armenians in Asia Minor who took
refuge in Aleppo when exiled recently
by the Turks, now have been ordered
to leave the new locality, according to
dispatches to the State department.
Two buildings, including the stock-
house of the International Cement
company's plant at Irvine, Wash.,
were destroyed by fire Monday. The
losa was $100,000, covered by insur­
Surprise raids on two alleged gam­
bling houses in San Francisco, main­
tained, according to the police, in two
hotels in the so-called downtown ten­
derloin district, resulted in the arrest
of 230 men.
The Cooks and W aiters’ union has
filed a suit for $300,000 damages
against the Law and Order committee
o f the San Francisco chamber of com­
merce, alleging it has formed a con­
spiracy in violation o f the penal code.
F . D r o « g « , P ro p r ie to r
One o f the largest sales of the year
was consummated in Pendleton, Or.,
when Henry Bain, o f Havana Station,
disposed o f his fine 600-acre Umatilla
county farm to Elmer McCormmach, a
prominent young farmer, for $60,000.
R . L. C H A P M A N
We attend to all work promptly.
Dallas and Falls City, Ore.
Notice to News Subscribers
A mark here indicates that
your subscription is delinquent.
Please call and fix it.
M r . H or na S e e k e r -
C IT Y , O R E G O N
and B u O y r o h a r d L a nd
Passenger Train Schedule
Effective Oct. 4,1914
i« i
am. am.
Salem . . . 7:00 9.45
Dallas. . . 8.15 11.02
FallsCity. 8.50 11.35
Bl’ kRock.
Bl’ k Rock
FallsCity. 9.30 1.25
Dallas. . . 10.10 2.00
Salem . . . 11.01 3.15
1 m ra a ,
|7 0
a < i * i « t
New York The most serious rioting
since the transit strike in this city be­
gan two weeks ago occurred Tuesday
night in various sections o f Manhattan
when'attempta were made to run cars
on tha Forty-second and Fifty-ninth
street croaatown surface lines. Moba
of strikers and their sympathisers
stormed two carbarns, overpowered
the police and put to flight all railway
employes in the vicinity.
Several motormen and conductors
who had not joined the strike were
beaten. Much property damage was
done before police reserves arrived.
The police assert that the strikers
took advantage of the fact that many
policemen were detailed to polling
booths in the primary election. The
strikers apparently planned their at­
tacks, it was said, as disorders oc­
curred in many places at the same
At Forty-second street and Broad­
way. one o f the busiest spots in the
city, a large crowd bombarded a car
with stones they had gathered from a
subway excavation.
The police reported late in the day
that all surface cars had been ordered
to the barns.
Numerous arrests were made and
many of the rioters were clubbed.
Several passengers were hurt by
Later, the strikers attacked the ele­
vated trains from housetops with bot­
tles and bricks. Policemen then were
stationed on the roofs along elevated
A fter a citizens' committee had
failed to effect a basis of settlement
between the striking union car men
and their employers, it was announced
that apparently the only hope o f avert­
ing a threatened sympathetic walkout
o f 700,000 workers, set for Friday,
lies in a final appeal to be made to the
labor leaders. The citizens' commit­
tee probably will confer with Mayor
Mitchell and Oscar S. Straus, chair­
man o f the public service commission
in an effort to find some solution of the
Fewer Irish Go Insane.
Dublin — Insanity in Ireland has
lately shown a decrease, chiefly among
This is something new, as
Ireland's statistics for insanity have
always been unusually high.
The su­
perintendent of the asylum at Belfast
declares the reason is due entirely to
the improved standard o f living and
to the restrictions on the liquor traffic.
Many who lived in poverty are now in
comparative luxury. There are solid
grounds for
hope that, especially
among women, Ireland will witness a
great diminution of neurotic disorders.
The employes of all the big German
banks hold special meeting to discuss
the cost o f living. They adopted unan­
Rebel Drum is Returned.
imously a resolution asking directors
Richmond, Va. — North and South
o f all Berlin banks for an appreciable
increase in salaries, that the employes shook hands Wednesday in the White
House o f the Confederacy, now a mu­
may be able to make both ends meet.
seum of the Confederate Memorial Lit­
Frost fell over the Great Lakes re­ erary society, when the Worcester
gion Sundy night, according to reports Continentals returned a Confederate
to the Weather bureau.
The frost drum captured on a battlefield near
extended as far south as Northern Winchester, Va.
Crowds lined the
Tennessee. A heavy snowfall, with streets and cheered as the Continen­
temperatures ranging from 24 to 28 tals, escorted by the two battalions of
degrees, was reported from Hibbing, militia remaining in the mobilization
camp here, marched up with the drum.
Fiorina, an important town in North­
Train Burned by Bandits.
western Macedonia, is carried by as­
sault by French troops, according to
El Paso, T ex.— An American arriv­
an official statement. The Bulgarians ing from the interior o f Mexico said
are retiring in disorder in the direc­ that on September 9, bandits captured
tion o f Monastir, the statement adds. a southbound passenger train on the
Serbian troops also have gained suc­ Mexican National line about 35 miles
cess in the region of Lake Ostrovo.
south of Torreon. A fter robbing the
passengers and taking such clothing as
A general strike of longshoremen on
they had, he said they burned the
the Atlantic Coast in sympathy with
the striking longshoremen on the Pa­
The passengers were picked up by a
cific Coast will be urged upon the in­
northbound train and taken to Torreon.
ternational officers of the union, it was
announced by J. A. Madsen, of Port­
Famous Diplomat is Dead.
land! secretary-treasurer o f the Pacific
Chicago— William J. Calhoun, ex-
Coast district. International
minister to China, died late Tuesday at
shoremen’ s association o f America.
his residence here. Mr. Calhoun was
British railway trainmen hold out 68 years old. He had been in ill health
for 10 shillings advance in pay.
for some months, having been stricken
with paralysis, and thereafter a com­
To the high cost o f living is now plication of ailments set in.
Mr. Cal­
added the high cost o f being barbered. houn gfcined fame
as a diplomat
On and after an early date it will cost through his mission to Cuba just pend­
half a dollar for a haircut in San Fran­ ing the war with Spain and as specisi
cisco. The Barber Shop Proprietors' commissioner to Venezula for Presi­
association, at a meeting held recently dent Roosevelt.
decided to raise from 36 cents to the
higher figure the price of haircutting.
Rifle Plant to Resume.
Rock Island, 111.— The small arms
A number o f young society men of
Chihuahua City have been sentenced plant at Rock Island is to be opened
by Acting Governor Trevino to serve September 25 and the government
as street sweepers for 20 days. They wants workers.
CongTess at its re­
were found guilty o f disturbing the cent session passed an appropriation
night’ s rest o f the household of the which will enable the plant, which has
father o f Governor Ignacio Enriquez been discontinued since 1912, to re­
Rifles are to be
while serenading the town after a sume operations.
manufactured. It is expected that at
least 800 men will have work in this
“ Mary,” the big circus elephant department alone.
which killed her trainer at Kingsport,
Tenn., recently, was hanged at Erwin.
Polar Party Heard From.
A railroad derrick car was used in the
York— News o f the relief party
execution. The animal was forced to
the tracks by other elephants, heavy headed by Dr. Edmund Otis Hovey,
chains were tied around her neck and which was dispatched by the American
she was hoisted in the air. She was Museum o f Natural history to help the
McMillan Crocker Land expedition,
valued at $20,000 by her owners.
was received here Tuesday.
The mining town, You Bet, Cal., is Hovey wrote July 10 from Parker
Snow Bay, Greenland, that he was
swept by fire.
starting for North Star Bay and that
Returns from Thursday’s elections the entire expedition was in good
in British Columbia, indicated that health.
From North Star Bay he
women have been given the right to planned to go to Battle Harbor.
vote and that prohibition has been
Tidal Wave Wrecks Ship.
The Turkish government consents to
shipment of relief supplies from thy
United States to famine sufferers in
Syria. The action reverses the pre­
vious attitude o f Turkish officials who
had refused two urgent pleas by the
department for the privilege to make
San Juan, Porto Rico — The four-
masted schooner J. Holmes Birdsall,
o f Philadelphia, laden with coal, was
washed on the rocks at the entrance to
the harbor here Tuesday by a ground
swell and was abandoned by her crew.
The loss will reach $200,000 and is
covered by insurance.
Evea Higher Prices Are Predicted Be­
fore Winter is Over.
Cotton Goods Soaring With Woolens;
Women’s Shoes Double — All
Cigars in Line of Rise.
Chicago-—The cost of living this
winter will reach an unprecedented
scale and will affect every peraon, no
matter what object may be purchaaed,
according to a table of com|>arative
pricea compiled here Thursday. Mar
chants and producers are virtually
unanimous in a forecast o f further in­
creases in prices which already ad­
vanced alarmingly within
the laat
Food pricea, it is said, vary accord­
ing to quality and quantity, but it is
the small purchaaer at retail who must
[iay most. Wholesalers say canneriea
throughout the country have Informed
them that fall and winter deliveriea
will be only one-third normal, while
the laat vegetable crop is said to be
only half the quantity expected.
Canned fruit will be 30 per cent
higher and canned vegetables are ex­
pected by wholesalers to increase 20
per cent in price.
Cotton goods have advanced between
26 and 35 per cent.
Woolens have
kept pace with cottons.
The best lines of women's shoes for
fall and winter will cost twice as much
as the same article last year, dealers
Even collars, that two-for-a-quarter
staple which men have known for gen­
erations, will be a thing of the past.
Collars now have been advanced to 15
cents each, and the laundries which
have for years laundered collars for 21
cents have announced that 3 cents each
will be the future cost.
Cigar jobbers raised their prices this
week between $4 and $5 a thousand to
the dealer.
Many Paroled Men
Make Good Showing
Salem — Men paroled from the Ore­
gon penitentiary under the plan pur-
eued by the preeent administration
have more than juatifled the confidence
placed in them by making good, mo-
cording to Joaeph Keller, state parole
With the new system now followed
in the release of convicts on |>arole,
they are Hret provided with employ­
ment, and reports made by them to
the parole officer show that during the
last year paroled men earned a total of
$66,614.86. At the present time there
are 326 men on parole. Thirty-one
were recommended by the parole board
to Governor Withyrombe for executive
clemency this month. Of this number
26 were recommended for parole. Offi­
cer Keller said that he hail found work
for nearly all of these prisoners.
Since the passage of the parole law
in 1911, the records show that 711
prisoners have been paroled. The per­
centage of parole violations during
this time has been 29, and 26 per cent
during the preeent administration.
Of the 711 paroled men in the last
six years, 173 have been discharged
after having demonstrated that they
had made good outside the prison. In
the same period 76 parole violators
have been returned to the penitentiary,
and 136 violators were not returned.
Start Building Logging
Road to Timber Tract
A Well Known Woman Speakt
la Ovary Tow a la (tregua Neighbors
Say tha Sama.
Torti and, Oregon. — " I have osad
■ D r . Tierce's Fa­
vorito I’ reiH-riptioii
for my n e r v o *
and a g e n e r a l
break - down
altor using only
t h r o e bottles I
w as
cured. 1 also lined
Doctor T ierce's
< bilden
Discovery for the
blood and It proved
very beneficial,
« I can heartily recommend Doctor
Pierce's medicines.” — Mit». J. U.
l i t null, (H3 Dear il m Ave.
The mighty restorative power of Dr.
Merca'a Favorite Tniwmilion speedily
causes all womanly trouble* to disap­
pear—compels Urn organs to properly
perform their natural fiinotions, cor­
rects displacement*, overcomes Irregu­
larities, remove* pain and misery at
certain time* aiuf brings bark health
and strength t« nervous, Irritable and
exhausted women.
It Is a wonderful prescription, pre-
pap'd only from nature'» roots and
fieri)*, with no alcohol to falsely stim­
ulate and no narcotics to wreck tho
nerves. It banish«* pain, licudacbe,
backache, low spirits, hut fliuhes.
dragging-down sensation, worry ami
■Iccideeanaaa surely and without loss
of time.
Why should any woman continue to
worry, to lead u miserable existence,
when certain help Is at band ?
What Doctor Tierce’* Favorite Tre-
acription bas doue (or thousand* It
will do for you. It's not n aooret
tcmvdy for Its Ingredients are printed
on wrapper. Get It tills very day
from any medic'va dealer iu eitlici
liquid or tablet form.
"So your boy Josh is a soldier nowT”
''Yep.” replied Fanner Corntossel.
"And I want to tell you the discipline
Is doing him good. It's tho first time
In many a year that Joeh couldn't put
on airs ‘cause he was better dressed
than 1 was."—Washington Star.
Sutherlin—Two carloads of railroad
grading machinery arrived in Sutherlin
from Portland Tuesday, and grading
on the Sutherlin line to the Roach com­
pany's timber, 16 milee east of here,
Spoke In Ringing Tons*.
will commence at once. The grade
why don't you answer the
stakes were set during the past week
by a crew o f Roaeburg engineers. doorbell?"
"Ol didn't hear It say In' anything,
Workmen are busy establishing a camp mum."
six miles east of town.
"You must have heard Its tongue
The work on the grade to the upper going BrldseL”— Boston Transcrlut.
sawmill site, a distance o f eight miles,
will be completed within the next six
weeks. From 25 to 30 teams will be
employed at the outset, and the work
will be under the direct supervision of
the timber company.
The engineer
will be sent to the boundary of the
Roach company’s 60,000-acre tract im­
mediately. From that point the first
logging branch of the road will be How She W as Relieved from
staked into the heart of the best tim­
Pain by Lydia E. Pinkham’s
ber an additional six miles, making
New York— With only 864 election
Vegetable Compound.
the distance from Sutherlin to the first
districts remaining to be heard from
logging ramp to be established a total
at 11 o’ clock Wednesday night, the
Taunton, Mass.—” I had pains In both
of 21 miles.
vote in the Republican primary for
•Idas and when my periods rams 1 had
governor gave Charles S. Whitman
to s t a y at home
Canneries Need Workers.
213,789 as against 39,983 for William
from work and suf­
M. Bennett. In the Progressive pri
fer a l o n g time.
The Dalles—The fruit and vegetable­
mary, with returns from 1400 districts preserving industries o f this city are
One day a woman
missing, Mr. Whitman’s vote was 10,- badly hampered by the lack of labor.
came to our house
233, as against 6889 for Samuel Sea- The companies are not in position to
and a s k e d my
mother why I was
handle all the output o f this vicinity
In the Republican contest for the as a result.
suffering. Mother
The Libby-McNeill-
nomination for the United States sen­ Libby plant is working with only half
told her that 1 suf­
ate, William M. Calder received 141,- a crew, which is all they can muster.
fered every month
387 votes against 134,817 for Robert They are busy on Bartlett pears, csr-
and she said, ‘ Why
Bacon, with only 333 districts missing. rota and peaches. The Dri-Fresh com­
don't y o u b u y a
William F. McComb received a total pany also is working short, suffering
bottle of Lydia E.
o f 81,771 votes as against 42,156 for from a labor famine. They are evap­ Tinkham’s Vegetable Compound? ’ My
Thomas F. Conway, with returns from orating peaches, pears and prunes, but mother bought It and the next month I
1102 districts missing in the Demo­ will be unable to handle all that they was so well that I worked all tho month
cratic primary for the nomination for wish to.
without staying at home a day. 1 am
the United States senate.
The commission-houses are over­ in good health now and have told lota of
parked and they are busy shipping to girls about it.” —Miss C l a r i c e M o r i n ,
22 Russell Street, Taunton, Muss.
the outside.
Thousands o f girls suffer In silence
every month rather than consult a phy­
University of Oregon Enters
sician. If girls who are troubled with
Chihuahua City— Revolutionary at­
Class of Large Universities painful or irregular periods, backache,
tacks were made upon Guadalajara,
headache, dragging-down acnsnUont,
Tampico and Vera Cruz on September
University of Oregon, Eugene— The fainting spells or indigestion would taka
16, simultaneously with Villa’s Hidal­ university
this year is rounding
go day attack upon this city, according the turn between the medium-sized and Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com­
pound, a safo and pure remedy mode
to reports received here Thursday by the large state university.
The resi­
General Jacinto B. Trevino.
Other dence enrollment in liberal arts and from roots and herbs much suffering
than to say that, although well timed, sciences will show a one-eighth in­ might bo avoided.
Write to Lydia E. Tlnkham Medicine
the attacks in all three cities were crease and will reach one thousand for
promptly suppressed, no details were the year, and this figure, combined Co., Lynn, Mass, (confidential) for free
with the enrollment in other depart­ advice which will prove helpful.
General Trevino announced a revised ments, will give a total registration of
list of the casualties in Saturday’s en­ about nineteen hundred. The univer­
sity will thus be in the upper half of
A lady stopping at a hotel on tha
The government losses in killed and the forty-eight state universities in
Pacific coast rang the bell the first
wounded he placed at 53, while the point o f attendance.
morning of her arrival and was very
Villa casualties, he estimated at be­
The increase of attendance during
tween 200 and 250, including 94 pris­ hard times is due to the improved ■ M h surprised when a Japanese boy
opened the door and came In.
oners taken and executed.
He assert­ standards which are keeping Oregon
"I pushed tho button throe times
ed that he had learned from captives students at home and to new work for a maid,” she said sternly, as aha
that the bandits, who are reported to offered in commerce, journalism, ami dived under the bed covers.
be reorganizing in the Sierra de la other departments.
"Yea," the little fellow replied, "me
Silla, have with them about 160
wounded, who have neither medical at­
Power Plant Proposed.
tention nor medical supplies.
Klamath Fall»— The waters of Link
Seattle Bank Deposits dump.
river within the city of Klamath Falls
Seattle — With 29 out of 31 report­ are to be used and a mammoth dam
ing banks showing gains in deposits constructed across the head o f the riv­
er, according to plans o f the United
ranging from $2000 to $1,300,000, to­
States reclamation service. This is to
tal deposits in Seattle banks at the
be accomplished by leasing the right
close of business September 12, accord­
ing to reports of condition made to the on the river.
The reclamation service has been
call of the comptroller o f the treasury,
for the development of the
reached the aggregate of $98,969,465.
Since the last official call of June 30 vast water power now going to waste,
there has been an unprecedented in­ but, on account o f lack o f appropria­
crease in total deposits of $4,687,886, tion, the government is unable to do
making an average monthly increase of the work itaelf.
more than $1,800,000 and an average
Tygh Valley Fair Success.
daily increase of about $62,000.
The Dalles— The Tygh Valley Fair
came to a close Friday, ending In a
Cattlemen Purchase Island.
San Francisco— The island o f Lanai, grand ball. Fully 1000 patrons were
one of the Hawaiian group, haa been on the grounds each day. The racing
purchased by United States Senator program was excellent and included
Key Pittman, of Nevada, and a group several good size purses. Thursday POOR APPETITE
o f wealthy Nevada cattlemen, accord­ was The Dalles day and about 30 autos
ing to H. I. Lorentzen, who arrived from The Dalles were there.
here Thursday from Honolulu.
The stock show drew an immense
The deal, said Lorentzen, involved crowd and the fact that the section can
more than $1,000,000, but he refused raise fine blooded stock was proved by
to discuss it beyond stating that he the number o f thoroughbreds exhib­
was on his way to Nevada to gather ited. The School Fair was a special You'll find it a splendid aid
cattle with which to stock this land.
Gov. Whitman, of New York,
Leads in Both Party Primaries
Lour Attacks Made at Once.
An Excellent
Stom ach
B itters
Try a bottle for