Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, September 16, 1916, Image 3

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    Two I# Company.
Thar* 1» a ifutxl poaitlon -oppor-
tunlty—Inrresaed pay a* auon aa
you ara qualified.
During the pa»t four month»
we placed 149: salaries ranging
from 45 to 125 dollars per mo.
257 positions we could not fill.
Why not »pond a profitable Win­
ter with uaT Wit'.# for catalog.
BUSINESS O i u u . l :
fw lU a d . Ora.
I. M W A L K tJ t. Prw .
Portland Y.M .C.A. Auto School
!>*y Arni night r it t a « «
K«i*«*rt training
tu it v t lr in v , d rtv tn * wm I m teh ln t w«> r k ,
Inclutling fo r fè , la lh t, shaper, tirili lirett.
trtrto rs, t t r
t lin e unllitiltMl,
W )M P K -
1C8 H U IT U K I )
O R E ..
«I i I m L brat «M|ui|>p> t) tn<l most
phuul. K ip ert imlrurUuiui In
driving tiui t lju a lin i
I’ rtrtl*
n th« repair ahoi* You do the
your own hands I >*y and night
Add mat
U a vU w rR s A*#.
Cortland. Or*.
HIDES, P E L T S , C A S C A R A B A R K ,
W O O L A N D M O H A IR .
Wt east« p* Oti «mu tar pncii m tMpP'M t «»
Tai H. F. N orton C o .
or*. son * »*
Bought, Sold. Rentsd ami Konairad
W A l . K K K K I.K tT K IC W O RKS
llurntklo. cur. lOUs.
Portland. Ora.
To nnd from til pointa un huutthuid ftsids. pianoa.
and autuna.lNles
In form ation ch arrfu liy given.
Pacific Coast Forwarding Co.,
Do you want to «all your farm, lo.inr nr tmalnra.
for aaah? W rit. to C A R T t R K K A L T Y CO..
«0 4 Buchanan UuiUtma. Portland. O r .fo n
O rison
vulcanizing C ompany
(T h « T tr« 8hui>> h w nvivrd into la r»«r
guariera ln lha heart o f tha automo­
bil« district, Human!« at Hraadway.
IAS and IDS Huruald* at.. Portland. Or.
Going the Limit.
"Did he tell you that you are the
only girl he has ever loved?"
"Yea, and he went farther than
"H e did? What else did he say?”
"H e said that I was the only girl
he ever Intended to love."— Detroit
Free Tress.
Easily Flxsd.
"M y suitcase Is badly rubbed In sev­
eral places.
I hesitate to take It
"Nonaense, those rubbed places are
easily remedied. Taste on these la­
bels. They are from very swell ho­
tels."— Louisville Courier-Journal.
Aftor a#ylng hie prayer« st night
| tho 7 year old ion of parents In llryn
I Mawr announce'' that ha waa ao tired
of the kind of life he waa compelled
to lead that hn believed there waa
nothing for It but for hlin to run away.
I The father ronaldered the matter
| thoughtfully, and then said:
"Genre«. If that la the way you feel,
j there la money In my pur»« bore, you
may take It all.”
The boy packed up hla grip, got to
the front door, came back on the
ground of having forgotteu hi» tooth
brueli, and went dowuatalra again. The
parent! were much dlaturbcd to know
what he would do. lie opened the
| front door, went out on the veranda,
and all w ai alienee. The father and
mother looked at each other, but
' thought the course they had adopted
the heat, and hence did not make a
After lb minute» of Intense anxiety
I he door opened aud a boy'i voice
called out: "Hay. dad. If I'm going
»w ay alone I'd better take mother
glOBg, don't
tliln k T'
If You Cnn't Get It In Town.
Someone In almost every town In
the United State» »ells tlunford'a lla!
■am of Myrrh. If you can't get It
write 0. C. Hanford Mfg Co., Hyra
i use, N. Y. Price 60c and $1.00, Adv
A Girl's Proposal.
"And I have tried to make It cRu'
to you lu every way I knew
a»ked you to tilt» houae, time» without
I've pluycl tennis with you,
and walked and talked with you. ant.
ridden your rounds with you lu you;
bumpy old milk wugon. I've simply
thrown myself at your head, day afte
Hut you -you wouldn't under
stand. You wouldn't look at me. Not
listen You mooned about, and moped
your ridiculous heart out.
R e « hum
you thought I was such a blind, sill}
fool, 1 couldn't look past your poverty
and your III luck, and set; how aplendtd
you really are. Ilecauxe you thought
I was such a »tuck-up simpleton I'd
not want to marry you. because you
v i / ' a milkman, when I'd chare the
cows for you. If you wanted me to.”—
Woman’s Home Companion.
If You Are Looking
fo r a place to send your Cream,
Poultry, Veal, Hogs, where you will
get good prices, prompt return*.
Hazelwood Co., Portland
of tha
Our gradual«« sra occupying «n vlsb l« pod-
Th» toachlng pm o m 1« different from
ordinary buctncw achuolc. Thorough. Practi­
cal. Individual. SCHOOL KOK MKN O N L Y .
Address T h . Ragutrar. Y. M. C. A.. Portland
O r « . « « , i n i g « t dvtaiWd Information.
Too Much to Aak.
A party of englnoera were tracing a
township line across some farm lands
In Illinois. As chance would have It,
tho lino passed directly through a
large barn, having double doors on
each side of it, and they found they
could continue their measurementa
through the barn by opening the doore
and thus avoiding the dreaded detour
Tho owner watched their progress
with considerable Interest, but mada
no comment until they had reached
the farther aide of the barn, when be
"Th at a railroad ye-all surveyin'
for ?”
"Certainly,” replied the chief, with
a humorous twinkle In his eye.
The farmer meditated a bit as he
closed the barn doors behind them,
when he remarked somewhat aggres­
sively: "I haln't got no objections ter
havin' ‘er railroad on my farm, but
I'll be darned ef I'm goln' ter git up
at all houra of the night ter open and
shet them doors fer yer train ter go
through."— Youth's Companion.
The Softest Thing.
"Father.” cried the little boy, put­
ting h!s 60th question to his long-suf­
fering father, who was trying desper­
ately to slide into hit afternoon nap.
“ What ts so soft that even a soft-boil­
For lame back use Hanford's Hal ed egg without the shell can break It?"
»am. Hub It on aud rub it In thor­
“ Oh. run away for goodness take,"
oughly. Adv.
groaned poor father.
"W ill you give It up?" pursued the
Safety First Sslflshness.
"W ith pleasure," sighed the father.
" I f your children are to be sure of
"Your morning fa s t!" triumphantly
escaping Hit» particular germ.” said
the scientist, "you'll have to take them yelled the kiddle at he darted out of
the room.— London Ideas.
Into the country."
"W on ’t you please keep that a se
Regularity Personified.
crct for a few hours longer?"
The doctor had listened to his pa­
"Ho that I can move out before the tient's heart, taken hla blood pressure.
country people hear about It and re In short, made a thorough examination
fuse to take any children to board.” of hla physical condition. Then he
announced hla verdict
— Washington Star.
"W hat you want la to get more ex­
For hot grease burns apply Han­ ercise, walk more regularly.”
"W ell, doctor, 1 don’t see how 1 can
ford's Ralsam lightly until the fire Is
do that," answered the man. "I'm a
extracted. Adv.
postman.”— Chicago Herald.
Deserving tha Fair.
An Abnormal Complexion.
"Colonel." asked the beautiful wife,
On hla crossed heart young Tatrlck
"when was the most trying moment
had denied old Tatrtck's accuaaUon of
of your life?”
"It waa when I went to my wife's wrongdoing. Old Tatrlck was uncon­
father for the purpose of asking him vinced.
"Don't I know ye?" he said. “ Ye
to let me have her. He was very deaf
and I had to explain the matter before look Innocent enough, ye young scally­
20 clerks."— London Saturday Journal. wag, but looks Is deceivin’. Y eT e that
braxen that ye could stand there an'
lie till ye was black In the face with­
Feminine Perceptions.
"W hat shall I do at the meeting out ever changin' c o lo r!” — Thiladel-
when I want to make a speech and phla Tublic Ledger.
some others try to head me off?"
Phonetic Spelling.
"W hy, get the chairman to recog­
Teacher— Tommy, can you spell fur?
nise you."
Thomas— Yes sir, F-U-R.
"Oh, that Is easy enough. I was
Teacher— That's righ t Now can you
Introduced to her last week at Mrs.
tell me what fur is?
Pinkie's tea.” — Baltimore American.
Thomas— Yes. sir. Fur Is an awful
For calks use Hanford's Balsam. long way.— Albany
The Situation.
"Is the world getting better?"
"M aybe so a» a general proposition,
but what good does It do me? My boss
From One Who Knew.
Is Just as grouchy, my Janitor Just
"Don't the poor fishermen ever lose
as mean aud the neighborhood kids
money In this seine fishing?"
pestiferous." — Louisville nounced the teacher during the lesson
"Oh, no. It Is a business In which
In proverbs. "Now. give me a sen­
tence different In wording, but mean there are bound to be net profits.”—
Baltimore American.
Ing the same thing.”
"Please, teacher," came a small
Gallant Address.
voice, "A washed child dreads the wa­
“ I see where women have become
ter."— London Ideas.
conductora of street cars in Europe
'■Anuric” cures Backache, Lumbago, since the war. 1 wonder how the pas­
Keeps off flies or money back. $1
Rheumatism. Send 10c.
Dr. V. M. sengers address them?"
a gallon from your dealer, or order
“ Probably Uiey call them fare la­
Tierce, Buffalo, N. Y ., for large trial
dles."— Baltimore American.
Third and Madison, Portland, Or.
Something In His Favor.
"There's one thing I will say for
that fellow whose mistakes cause so
p i i i n
v «ai, Pork'
1 I
Poultry, H u tter, Eg»«
much trouble.”
anj Farm Produce
"W hat la It?"
to tha Old Kaliabla E vtn lin c houaa with •
"H e doesn't claim that his inten­
Sudden Death.
record o f 45 years o f Squan* Deal infra, and
tions were good, anyhow.”— Detroit
be aaeured of T O P M A R K E T PRICES.
Free I’resa.
Boforo an Insurance Company will
take a risk on your life the examining
4 M 7 Front Street
Portland, Oregon
Just So.
physician will test the urine and report
" I ’o»*cartls are said to Increase pos
whether you are a good risk. When
j tal business greatly.”
your kidneys get sluggish and clog,
“ Why should that be?"
you suffer from backache, sick-head-
"W ell, we write letters to our nche, dixxy spells, or the twinges and
j friends, but we send postcards to ev ­ pains of lumbago, rheumatism and
erybody."— Louisville Courier-Journal. gout. The urine is often cloudy, full
R u p tu r« tr*at#H m .r h »n ir «Ily .
P r iv a t»
A ttin g r u n «»
H igh est b-KtinumisU. K .-
of sediment; channels often get sore
■ulU gu áran te«»]. Call or w r it «.
Some Compensation.
nnd sleep is disturbed two or Uiree
She— There Isn’t a bit of wood In times a night. This is the time yon
the house nnd the gas Is turned off.
411*412 Alia!«, Building. Portland, Oregon
should consult some physician of wide
i He— Hurrah! Then, for once, the experience— such ns l)r. Pierce of the
cook can't burn Jhe dinner!— London Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute,
Buffalo, N. Y . Send him 10 cents for
sample package of his new discovery,
"Anuric.” Write him your symptoms
and send a sample of urine for test.
Experience has taught Dr. Pierce that
"A n u ric” is the most powerful agent
in disaolving uric acid, as hot water
you should try Anti-Uric, the famou- melts sugar; besides being absolutely
harmless it ia endowed with other
remedy made irom Roots an t Berries
It is guaranteed to cure this cruel dis­ properties, for it preserves the kidneys
a healthy condition by thoroughly
ease in every stage.
cleansing them. Being so many times
We want every reade1- o f this paper more active than lithis, it clears the
who ia suffering from Rheumatism in
Write about your wants in this line to any form to try this discovery. Every heart valves o f any sandr substances
which may clog them ana checks tho
package guaranteed or money refund­ degeneration of the blood-vessels,
ed. Price |1.50 prepaid, or we will well
as regulating blood pressure.
183 Madison St.,
Portland, Ore. send by Parcel Post C. O. U. Circu­ "A n u ric” is a regular insurance and
lars and convincing testimony free. life-saver for all big meat eaters and those
Address A N T I-U R IC CO.. 102 Sher
who deposit lime-salts in their joints.
P. N. U.
No. 38. 1910
wood Building, San Francisco.
Ask the druggist for "A n u ric ” put op
by Dr. Pierce, in 60--cent packages.
S p ra y -a -C o w
Why “ A nuric” is an
Oregon Hernia Institute
B R O S .,
It will be money saved to protect the lumber against winter
weather. Get Color Cards from your local dealer.
Come with I)r. I ’lorco’s Golden Medical
Discovery. This is a blood cleanser and
alteratlvo that starts the liver and stom*
ach Into vigorous action. It thus assists
the body to manufacture rich red blood
which foods the heart, nerves, brain and
organs of the body. The organs work
smoothly IIko machinery running In OIL
You feel clean, strong and strenuous ta>
' of tired, weak and faint.
W. L. D O U G L A S
Portland Wheat— Bluestem, |1.36;
fortyfold, 11.38; club, $1.31; red fife,
f 1.80; red Ruaeien, $1.28.
Flour — Patents, 88.40; straights,
86.80® 6.20; exports, 86.80; valley,
88; whole wheat, $6.60;
M illfeed— Spot prices: Bran, $23.60
per ton; shorts, $26.60; rolled barley,
Corn— Whole, $42 per ton; cracked,
Hay — Producer«’ prices: Timothy,
Eastern O-egon, $16.60® 18 per ton;
timothy, valley,
$14.60; wheat hay, $12.60®13.60; oat
and vetch, $12®12.50; cheat, t i l ;
clover, $10.
B u tter— Exchange prices: Cubes,
extras, 29c bid; 30c asked. Jobbing
prices: Prints, extras, 3 2 i® 3 4 c; but-
terfat, No. 1, 31c; No. 2, 29c, Port­
Eggs — Oregon ranch,
prices, current receipts, 29c per dozen.
Jobbing prices: Oregon ranch, candled,
30®31c; select, 32®33c.
Poultry — Hens, 13®14ic; broilers,
16®18c; turkeys, live, I8®22c; ducks,
ll® 1 4 ic ; geese, 9® lie .
Veal— Fancy, 18c per pound.
Pork— Fancy, 12)®13c per pound.
Vegetables— Artichokes, 75c®$l per
dozen; tomatoes, 30®60c per crate;
cabbage, $1.50 per c w t.; peppers, 4®
6c per pound; eggplant, 5®6c; let­
tuce, 20®26c per dozen; cucumbers,
26® 60c per box; celery, 60@76c per
dozen; corn, 10®25c per doz.
Potatoes— New, 90c®$1.16 per c w t.;
sweets, 2f@ 3c per pound.
Onions — Oregon and W alla Walla,
$1.60 per sack.
Green Fruits — Apples, new, 76c®
$1.40 per box; cantaloupes, 50c®$1.76
per crate; peaches, 40®65c per box;
watermelons, l @ l j c per pound; plums,
75c®$l per box; pears, 60c@$1.26;
grapes, 90c®$1.60 per crate; casabaa,
pound; blackberries, 76c
per crate.
H o p s — 1916 crop, nominal; 1916
contracts. 8c per pound; fugglea, 12c
per pound.
Wool — Eastern Oregon, fine, 23®
26c per pound; coarse, 30® 32c; val­
ley, 80®32c.
Cascara Bark— Old and new, 4|c per
Cattle— Steers, prime, $6.60®7.16;
good, $6® 6.50; common to fair, $6®
6.60; cows, choice, $5®5.60; medium
to good, $4.60@6; ordinary to fair,
$4®4.60; heifers, $4@6.76; bulls, $3
@4.26; calves, $3(«i6.
Hogs— Prime, $9.55@9.76; good to
prime mixed, $9.50 @ 9.65; rough
heavy, $8.76@9.25; pigs and skips,
$8.26® 8.75.
Sheep— Lambs, $5.50® 8.25; year­
ling wethers, $6.7 6® 6.50; old weth­
ers, $5.60@6; ewea, $3.50®6.50.
$ 3.00
$ 3.50
$ 4.00
$ 4.50
$ 5.00
S a v e M o n e y b y W e a r i n g W . L . D o u g la s
sh o es. F o r s a l « b y o v e r 9 0 0 0 s h o e d e a le r s .
T h e B est K n o w n S h o e s in th e W o r ld .
. L. Douglas name and the retail pnee ■ stamped on the bot­
tom o f all »hoe* at the (tetory. The value m guaranteed and
the wearer protected againw high prtcae for inferior »hoe.. The
retail pore» are the »»me everywhere. They coat no more in San
Francaeco chan they do in New York. They ere always worth the
price paid for them.
' J ’h* quality of W . L Douglas product is guaranteed by sure
A than 40 yean axperience in making fine shoes. The smart
style* an the leaders in the Fashion Centres o f America.
They are made in a well-equipped factory SC Brockton, Maas.,
by the highest paid, skilled shoemaken, under the direction and
supervision o f experienced men, all working «nth an honest I
determination to make the b e« shoes for the price diet money ‘
can buy.
A sh y o a r ih iM d e a le r fo r W . L . I ) o . | I m »h o s t , i t h . M e .
an t su pp ly you w ith t h . h in d you w an t, ta h e no o t h e r j
■asks. W rit«- fo r In tero stin a b o o h le t « » p l a i n i n g h o w to I
g o t s h o o , o f th o h ig h o e t s ta n d a rd o f q is a llty f e r US« p rioo .
b y retu rn m a ll, f
LOOK FOR W. L Douglas
name and tha retail price
stamped on tha bottom.
W j L D
3 vV
Boye’ Shone
Is the W«ri 4
1300 «2*60 & *2.00
oue I m ^
at '6
A m m u n itio n
M a d e f o r all k in d s o f
s h o o tin g
f x m
/ v Granolaled Eyelids,
Eysa lim ned by e^e-
“ W hy la that pig always trying to 3 0 l C
sure to San, Dost and
get Into my room ?" inquired the sum­
illicitly relieved by
mer boarder. "D o you think he has
ye Beaiedy. No Smarting,
token a fancy to me?”
just Eye Comfort. A t
" I t ’s his room during the w in te r,"!
whispered the hired man, cautiously. Your Druggist** 50c per Bottle. ItariM Eye
SalveinTubes25c. ForBeokellheEyeFreeaek
Druggists or Mariae Eye Remedy Ce.,
Extremes Meeting.
"Th at was a remarkable idea of con­
trasts the animal painter had In his
latest zoo picture.”
Greene— What makes you think he
“ What was it?”
la a vegetarian?
"H e painted a laughing hyena stand­
Browne— I have smoked hla cigars,
ing under a weeping willow."— Balti­ — London Answers.
more American.
Soldier Sweethearts.
Hop Demand is Good;
Not Its First Appearance.
Mis t r e s s - I see that another soldier
Picking is in Full Blast
“ It seems to me I ve seen your face
called for you, Mary. I thought
somewhere else.“
you had only one sweetheart?
A more general demand has devel­
MI shouldn’t wonder. This isn’t the
Cook— Oh, no, mum, two. You $o$.
oped in the hop market and buyers are first time I've ever taken it out.”— one’s a regular and the other's a sp^
Cjaj reserve.— Pearson’s Weekly.
offering higherjprices throughout the Detroit Free Press.
state o f Oregon. Eight cents was be­
ing freely bid on contracts^n the W il­
lamette valley, with a substantial
premium for fugglea.
M cN eff Bros,
have purchased between 600 and 600
bales o f fuggles at 12 cents.
In Western Washington the market
has also become more active. Seven
hundred bales o f clusters were bought
in that section at 8 cents, including
the crops oLF rye, Bremer, Cooper and
No trading was reported from Y a k i­
ma, but the market there was also
firm. The first sample o f Yakimas
were received by M cNeff Bros, and the
quality was fu lly equal to that of the
beat previous years.
California ad­
vices were o f the sale o f 600 bales o f
new Sacramentos at 8 and 84 cents.
Pickers are busy in all the Oregon
hop sections. The favorable change in
the weather enabled the pickers to re­
sume operations, and it also held back
the mold. It is too early fo r a definite
estimate as to the size o f the Oregon
crop, but many o f the dealers believe
it w ill run close to 100,000 balea.
N ew York wires estimated the yield
in that state at 8000 to 10,000 bales,
and the quality very fine. Offers up
to 30 cents are being made for states
and growers are asking 32 cents.
Letters received from London deal­
ers put the English crop at 300,000 to
Philadelphia, Pa.—‘ I started the Change of Life
310,000 hundredweight. The London
five years ago. Pa l ways had a headache and back­
Times has the follow ing from Canter­
ache with bearing down pains and I would have
bury, dated August 24;
heat flashes very bad at times with dizzy spells and
“ The hope have not made so much
nervous feelings. A fter taking Lydia E. Puikham’s
progress during the past fe w weeks,
Vegetable Compound I feel like a new person and
owing to the pronounced drouth. The
am in better health and no more troubled with
crop w ill vary In yield according to
the aches and pains I had before I took your won­
districts, many o f the hops being on
derful remedy. I recommend it to my friends for I
the small side. In the districts where
cannot praise it enough.”—Mrs. M argaret G rass -
rain has recently fallen the prospects
man , 759 N. Ringgold St., Philadelphia, Pa.
are the best. Vermin has disappeared
lleverly, Mass.— “ I took Lydia E. Pinkham’s
and mold is not spreading to any ex­
Vegetable Compound, for nervousness and dyspepsia, when I was
tent. It ia now expected that the
going through the Change of Life. I found it very telpful and I
picking w ill commence earlier than
have always spoken of it to other women who suffer as I did and
was anticipated. Trade on the market
have had them try it and they also have received
ia quiet, and in the few sales effected
good results from i t ”— Mrs. G xorqb A. D unbar ,
prices are below recent quotations.’ ’
A Woman9d
How to Feel Well During Middle
Life Told by Three Women Who
Learned from Experience.
The Change of Life is a most critical period of a
woman’s existence, and neglect of health at this time invites
disease and pain. Women everywhere should remember
that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will
so successfully carry women through this trying period as
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, made from
native roots and herbs. Read these letters: —
17 Roundy St., Beverly, Mass.
Central Washington Sheep Shipments,
Wenatchee — The Great Northern
railw ay estimates that between now
and the middle o f October, 360 care of
sheep w ill be shipped, as compared
with 200 cars during the whole season
last year.
F ifty cars have already
been shipped.
The value o f the sea­
son's shipment w ill run close to $500,-
000. Arrangements have been made
the Canadian government to
drive sheep across the line into British
Columbia next summer.
The first
trainload o f lambs w ill leuve Thursday
fo r the Chicago market.
Erie, Pa. — “ I was in poor health when the
Change of life started with me and I took Lydia
E Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, or I think I
snould not have got over it as easy as I did. Even
now if I do not feel good I take the Compound
nnd it restores me in a short time. I w ill praise
your remedies to every woman for it may help
them as it has me.” — Mrs. E. K isslinu , 931 East
24th St, Erie, Pa.
No other medicine has been so successful in relieving woman**
suffering as has Lydia E, Pinkham ’s Vegetable Compound.
W om en may receive free and helpful advice by writing the Lydia
E. Plnkhain Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Such letters are received
and answered by women only and held In strict coofldeao*»