Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, September 16, 1916, Image 1

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C yru s Hatoh of Dallat Run Down by
Autom obilo Sunday M o rn in g
Caroloaa Driving
Cyrus S. Hatch, aited 73 was
run down by an automobile and
killed Sunday morning at Main
and Washington street, Dallas,
Orejron. The car was driven by
W'eldon Black. Careless driving,
and violation of city ordinance
and state law. is verdict of coro­
ner's jury. Hatch was walkin*
down Washington Htreet when
Black dashed across the corner
from Main street instead of circ­
ling the semaphore. The auto
knocked him down, his head
striking the cufb fracturing the
skull. It is said the auto was
going lf> or 20 miles an hour.
Careless driving. The man is
dead! Doubtless the driver ia
bowed down in grief, but that
does not restore life sacrificed to
speed-lust nor deter some other
reckless driver from violating
the laws. In palliation of the
crime it is stated that dozens of
automobiles violate the ordinance
every day, and even the county
otficers are not immune. The
more reason for the strict en­
forcement of the law. What are
city marshals for? When they’re
rebuked for not enforcing the law
w ill w hine about no one making
complaint, juBt as though they
were expected to sit “ in state”
in some billiard hall waiting for
citizen to become exasperated at
the utter disregard of the law
and make complaint.
Law enlorcement is not diffi­
cult, but it cannot be done when
an officer fails or refuses to act.
Had the laws been rigidly en­
forced at Dallas in the past, in
all probabilities Cyrus S. Hatch
would have been living. Who is
indirectly responsible?
Otto Kneeboneof this city who
i running a jitney from Horst's
lop yard to Independnce had the
nisfortune to c o l l i d e with a
niggy last Saturday night. He
vas passing a wagon when Fred
Scholl attempted to pass between
Hie ear and the wagon. In the
nix-up that followed the buggy
kvas smashed throwing Scholl
jut dislocating his shoulder. The
iorse ran away colliding with
mother auto, receiving serious
:uts. It is reported that Scholl
vill bring a suit for damages
igainst Kneebone.
James J. Hill, the great finan­
cier, offers the following as a
test to your ability to succeed:—
“ If you want to know whether
you are destined to be a success
or not, you can easily find out.
The test is simple and infallible:
Are you able to save money?* If
not, drop out. You will lose.
You may not think so, but you
will lose sure as fate, for the
seed of success is not in you ”
These words are worth ponder­
ing over. When you come to
sum it all up you will realize the
truth, that success lies in your
ability to save.
N o . 3.
that it is an hereditary affliction O-
with Salt I^ke locale,” said Ma­
rine Sergeant Busch today, "but
it is a peculiar fact that very
It 1*
lluit we are
sbucklngly unprepared. T here la
many males of this city have star-
no room for contro v ersy on tills
Itoard gambs longer than their
point since th e object leaaou on
left ones. One explanation is that
the M exican border.
All o ur
the male forbears of this younger
m «liable reg u lar troops (less. I
believe, th an 40,000) a re th ere
generation had their legs pulled
or In Mexico, a n d as these hove
so often and hard by their filural
been deem ed lnstiflP lent th e e n ­
wives during the spring bonnet
tire nutional c u a rd has been o r­
dered o u t T h a t In, we a rc sura-
season tliat their offspring has
■nulling praetlenlly all o ur mov­
been marked with a list a-port."
able m ilitary force.'» In o rd er to
p rev en t b a n d it Ineuridonn.
view of th e w arn in g s o f th e p ast
th re e years. It I* Inexcusable I
th a t we should find ourselves In
th is plight.
F or o ur fn lthfol
guardsm en. who w ith h flue p a­
trio tism responded to th is call
and a re lieu ring th is Im rdcn. I
have nothing b u t praise. But I
think It little sh o rt of atm urd
Ih u t w e should lie com pelled to
ra il men from th e ir shops, th e ir
factories, th eir offices aud th r lr
professions for such a purpose.
Thts. how ever. Is not nil. The
u n its o f th e n atio n al gourd w ere
a t peace stren g th , which was
only ab o u t one h a lf th e required
stren g th . It w as ?ie<-es*arjr to
tiring In recru its, for th e m ost
l>art ra w an d u n trained. Only a
sm all p ercen tag e o f lb e regim ents
recru ited up to w ar stre n g th will
have had even a y ear's tra in in g
In the n atio n al guard, w hich at
th e m axim um m oans a h u n ­
d re d hours of m ilitary drill, and.
ou th e av erag e, m enus m uch less.
Men fresh from th e ir peaceful
em ploym ents a n d physically u n­
prepared have been hurried to
th e border for actu a l se rv ic e
They w ere w ith o u t proper e q u ip ­
m ent. w ithout necessary sup­
plies: su ita b le conditions o f tr a n s ­
p o rtation w e re n o t provided. Men
w ith dependent funillles were
sent, end conditions which should
have been well know n w ere dis­
covered a fte r th e event. And
yet th e exigency, com paratively
speaking, w as not a very g rave
one. It Involved nothing th a t
could not readily have been fore­
seen d u rin g th e |ia st th re e years
o f d lstn rh n n ce und required only
a m odest talen t fo r organization.
T h a t th is a d m in istratio n w hile
pu rsu in g Its course In Mexico
should have |ie rm ltted such con­
d itions to ex ist Is alm o st In­
H ughes'
Speech of Acceptance.
Everybody lielivea in advertis­
ing of some sort. Some use bill
Iniards, trees, rocks, fences, circu­
lars and newspapers. The ques­
tion is which of these methods
bring the best results? The great
trouble with the bill board, rock
and tree route is that they refuse
circulate in polite society and the
much desired customer is unable to
distinguish the differnce between
an invitation to vote for free
whiskey or Benson’s Hog Cholera
Cure as he whisks by in his lami­
nated Ford.
If you are a manufacturer or a
jobber, choose a publication that
reaches the territory you desire
to cover. This rule will apply to
local merchants. A newspaper
may have a circulation of 10,000,
yet if only 100 copies enter your
territory it has far less value as
an advertising medium than the
local paper of modest circulation.
If a newspaper of a few hundred
circulation covers all the territory
you can reasonably expect to reach
it gives it more advertising value
than the more pretentious sheet.
The merchants of Falls City are
not interested commercially in the
territory adjacent Portland or
Salem; they don’t expect to sell
to people living in West Salem,
Crowley, Broadiruad. Perrydale,
Balston, Buell or Bunea Vista.
Smooth grafter often beguile the O
merchant into paying extravagant t + + ’- + + + + !• + + + + + + + + ■
prices for advertising upon the 4-
representation of the great circu­ 4* P E R T I N E N T P A R A G R A P H S
FR O M H U G H E S '
lation of the publication. If the 4-
merchant would stop and consider 4*
pot- ■
how few of this alleged prodigious •I* ''W hat. Is th e p re sid e n t's
any one know ? H as ■
number ever reaches his particu­ -I- ‘. h r ~<loes
executive ev er had a policy •
lar territory he would think twice 4* (or m ore th a n six m onths on •
th e Mexican question?"
and then put his money back into
elected p resid en t 1 will •
his strong box and give advertis­ 4- se e '5f to I am
It th a t A m erican rig h ts ■
ing fakirs the “stony stare.”
+ tu Mexico n re respected."
' T h ere Is no m an w ho could
-I- successfully p resen t to an Amer-
Ivnn com m unity, th e platfo rm
+ th a t an A m erican citizen 's rig h ts
The wealthy city automobile
slop a t th e c o a st line.”
ow’ners will present a scheme to 4> "W e wtl: get thro u g h w ith tb 's
strife betw een cap ita l ami
the coming legislature whereby i f 1 •P old
latwr. W e a re not lab o rers and
incorporated into law the state
c a p italists In thla country. We
a re fellow citizens."
highway fund will be inflated
ll th a t th e w orkingm en
nearly a million dollars. The | -I* w "A
a n t Is a sq u are deal.”
scheme is to increase the license -c "W e w an t tho U nited S tates
efficiently m anaged. I w ant to
fee to twenty dollars and up. The
see men In office who lielieve In
amount collected would be placed -!■ prosperity.”
T he Iiepuhllean party stand.-*
in the state road fund for expen­ -I-
diture on state highways at points •P for n prosperity produced by
4- sound A m erican policies."
designated by the state highw ay + "W e have removed from office
commission. What a nice lot of 4. men of experience and substi-
tu te.l o th ers to satisfy p a rtisan
wire pulling this would bring out 4 4. obligations.
T his m ust stop."
and what a fine chance for politic­ +
ians to demonstrate to the admir­ + -
ing ones his pull with the higher-
The annual meeting of the state
highway commission would be
equal to a woman’s bargain day
in a department store. The com­
mission would look wise, make the
suppliant think for the time being
that he w as "it” and then in the
end probably build a hard surface
road to some summer resort. The
farmer who has purchased a
! cheaper car for pleasure and busi­
ness will wake up some fine morn­
Salt Lake City, Sept. 14.—Six­ ing after sending in his twenty
teen applicants for enlistment, dollar tax for owning a $400 piece
whose right legs were longer than of machinery to learn that his $20
has been spent probably a hun­
their port side members, were re­ dred miles away and left him with
jected at th“ local recruiting sta­ a muddy stretch of road access­
tion of the Uhited States Marine ible only part of the vear and
Corps, during the month of Aug­ while his car lies idle in the garage
he may read of the other fellows
ust, according to Sergent Frank account
of a pleasure trip over
R. Busch, the non-commissioned that new hard surface road in
officer in charge.
another part of the state.—Bea­
“ I take no stock in the theory verton Times.
j . 4-
-p 4* -P 4- 4* + 4- 4* 4- + 4-
New Outings marked at the old price of 10c a yard
New Warner Corsets priced from $1.00 up
New Silk Art Thread 10e, $1.00 a box
Canned String Beans
Sauer Kraut
3 Cans Astor Milk
3 Boxes Quaker Corn Flakes
T H E C O M P E L L IN G P E R O R A ­
T IO N T O MR. H U G H E S '
Wo live in a fateful hour. In
a true tens«, the contest for tha
preservation of tho Nation ia
never ended. Wa must still be
imbuad with tha spirit of heroic
sacrifice which gave ua our
country and brought ua safoly
through tho days of civil war.
Wa renew our pledge to tho an­
cient ideals of individual liborty.
of opportunity denied to none
because of race or creed, of un­
swerving loyalty. We have a
vision of America prepared and
secure: strong and just; equal
to her tasks; an exemplar of tho
capacity and efficiency of a free
people. I indorse tho platform
adopted by the Convention and
aocept ito nomination.
“ Meeting and Beating Competition”.
The salary p a rt of th e rural credit
system has already begun
Mr B ryan th lu k s Sir H ughes uu
fitted for th e bench because of th e prej
udIced fram e of mind evinced by his '
speeches. W ake up. Bill, he a in 't run
ulug for no ju dgeship
Mr. Wilson u n d erestim ated the s u f­
fragists; b u t It ap p ears tbey have him
sized up properly.
III fares th e land w here public office
is bought and th e people a re sold.
B atnbrldge Colby Is alm ost a s vlo
lent in Ills criticism of Mr. H ughes
as be was In condem nation of Mr
W ilson's position ou P anam a tolls
tw o y*t»rs ago.
Of course President Wilson has a
1 perfect right to change his mind a»
nften as he pleases, hut th a t Is quite
different from repudiating distinct
prom ises m ade 10 get votes
If the
pledges on which he rode Into tbe
W hite House lin te p rm e d w orthless
because he changed his mind, what
faith Is to be put in the pledges be Is
now m aking In his appeal for re etoc
(offaiCs C Racolâtes
— no m a tte r w h e t style of
chocolates your friends
prefer, th e y ere packod
under th is well known
Somotim o t r y V 0 Q A N S
O regon has but one N orm al School. T his school
ia located a t M jq m o u th . E x c e 'le n t as is th e w ork
of th is school it is u tte rly u n ab le to supply but a
sm all p a rt of th e need fo r tra in e d te a c h e rs for the
S tate.
O f m o r e t h a n 6 000 school t e a c h e r s In t h e p u bl ic schools
cf O r e g o n , b u t 1 3 oer cen t h a v e been t r a i n e d f o r t h e i r
profe ssi on of t e a c h i n g in N o r m a l Schools.
It is a well esta b lish e d fact th a t o u r one N orm al
School can n o t supply th e needs of th e e n tire sta te .
T h a t is w hy we a sk for your w ork an d vote for the
proposed E a ste rn O regon S ta te N orm al School a t
P endleton. O regon.
T he high frag m en tatio n of those
H ughe» bom bs Is causing consterna
Hon In tb e W ilson trenches
SELIG’S, Cash Price Store,
S ecretary D aniels. how ever, has the
distinction of being one o f the g reat
est arg u m en ts the R epublicans have
ever bad.
In 50c and S I .0 0
and $ 2 00
Had this government by tha
ota of both inlormal and formal
diplomatic opportunities loft no
doubt that when ws said "striot
accountability” ws msant pre-
cicely what wo said and that wo
should unhositatinjty vindicate
that position I am confidant
that thoro would have boon no
destruction of American lives by
the sinking of tho Lusitania.
Thara wa had amplt notice— in
fact, published notice. Fu rther­
more, wo know tho aituation, and
we did not require specific no-
tioo. Instead of whittling away
our formal atatemervte by equiv­
ocal conversatione, wa needed
tha straight, direct and daciaiva
representation* which ovary dip­
lomat and foreign office would
understand. I believe that in
this way wa should have been
spared tha repeated assaults on
American livae. Muraover, a firm
American policy would have bean
strongly supported by our people
and tha opportunities for tho de­
velopment of bitter foaling would
have bean vastly reduced.— From
Mr. Hughes' Speech of Accept­
E i g h t cou n tie s in t h e W i l l a m e t t e V a l l e y h a v e e m p l o y e d
d u r i n g t he past f i v e ye a r s . 203 t e a c h e r s w h o h a v e g r a d u ­
ated f r o m th e M o n m o u t h N o r m a l as a g a i n s t 39 M o n m o u t h
N o r m a l School g r a d u a t e s f o r t he e i g n t le ad in g cou n tie s
of E a s t e r n O r e go n .
D u r i n g t he past f i v e y e a r s t he a t t e n d a n c e of s tu d e n ts
fr o m nin e W i l l a m e t t e V a l l e y c o u n ti e s war. 877 s tu d en ts
as a g a i n s t 91 s t u d e n t s f r o m nin e of t h e le ad in g cou n tie s
of E a s t e r n O r e g o n .
Owing to the crow ded condition of our one N orm al
a t M onm outh an d also th e d ista n c e an d ex p en se of
atten d in g , s tu d e n ts from E a ste rn O regon a re com ­
pelled to go to n eig h b o rin g s ta te s to secu re th e ir
tra in in g as teac h ers.
» 1 ,0 0 0
T h e a n n u a l m a i n t e n a n c e cost of t h e pr op os ed S ta te
N o r m a l School In E a s t e r n O r e g o n a m o u n t s to b u t one
25th of a m il l or 4 ce n ts on a t h o u s a n d d o ll a r s of ta xa b le
p r o p e r t y . I s n ’t It w o r t h t h i s to h a v e v o u r c h i l d r e n t ra in e d
to be co m e useful an d p r o d u c t i v e c i t i z e n s ?
Among th o se w ho stro n g ly en d o rse th e estab lish
m ent of the proposed E a ste rn O regon N orm al School
a re G overnor W ithycom be. J. H. A ckerm an. P re s i­
den t of the M onm outh S ta te N o rm al; W. J. K err,
P re sid e n t of th e O regon A g ricu ltu ra l C ollege; P. L.
C am pbell, P re sid e n t of th e S ta te U n iv e rsity ; R obert
C. F rench, form er P re s id e n t of th e W eston N orm al,
and p ractically all of th e lead in g ed u cato rs o f th e
S tate. J. t . C hurchill, S u p e rin te n d e n t of P u b lic In
stru ctio n . voices th e se n tim e n ts o t th o se w ho a re
m ost fam iliar w ith th e need ot m ore a d eq u ate N o n n a l
facilities w hen he says:
“ O r e g o n ’» g r e a te s t need for its r u r a l schools Is the
t e a c h e r w h o has h ad ful l p r e p a r a t i o n to do h e r w o r k .
S uc h p r e p a r a t i o n can beat co m e t h r o u g h N o r m a l S ch ool
tra in ing.
“ I t r u s t t h a t th e v o t e r s of t h e s ta te w i l l as sist In r a i s i n g
t he s ta n d a r d of ou r schools b y e s t a b l i s h i n g a S t a t e N o r .
m al Sc hool at P e nd le t on . T h e lo ca tio n is c e n t r a l , t h e i n -
ter sst of the people of P e n d le t o n In e d u c a t i o n m o s t excel
lent, an d t he la rge n u m b e r of p u pi ls In t h e p u b l i c schools
w i l l g i v e am pl e o p p o r t u n i t y to s t u d e n t s t o a«t t h * « m o u n t
of t e a c h i n g p r a e t l c , r e q u lr n d in , s t a n d a r d n o r m « ! s ch o ol .”
All th e above ed u c a to rs In s ist t h a t a S tan d ard
N orm al School m u st be lo cated in a tow n of 6000
or m ire population and h av in g en ough g rad e pupils
for teac h in g practice.
B y v o t i n g Y E S fo r N o . 308 y o u w i l l h a l o to g i v e to t he
school c h il d r e n of O r e g o n t h e s a m e a d v a n t a g e s en j o ye d
b y tho »c h o o l c h il d r e n ot o u r n e l g n b o r l n g states
V o t o Y E S f o r N o . 308.
Eastern O regon State Normal School Conenitteu
M odern
C om pan y
By J. H. G w lnn, Secy.. Pendleton, Ore*
(P aid ad v e rtise m e n t)