Jan* Sattlad Him. "Jana." »»Id har mistress, “ you raal ly will hava tu put a atop to tha visits of your follower." "Yaa, I mini, ma'am.” nM ROYAL SHOE CO. 148 Fourth St., Near Morris««. PORTLAND. ORE A GOOD POSITION LACK OF CARS HITS P LUMBER INDUSTRY W. L. DOUGLAS Manufacturas Clamor for Rolling Stock to Save Business. W tom of all »hoes at the factory. Th* vain» is guaranteed and the wearer protected again« high pne* for inferior thorn. The NORTHWEST MARKET REPORTS; GENERAL CROP CONDITIONS BIG MUIS FACING SHUTDOWN Association May File Suit Against S. P. to Retrieve Loss— No Relief in Sight in Near Future. Thcr« Is a M emm I p <» allIon opportunity In- i irssrtl . pay h yin i i mtm ready I el us hcl| . w »hrn Dr. Pierce'« Pellet« are beat for liver, now C h e c k w ita l y o u w a n t t o 1 m»X bowel» and stomach. One little Pellet We»tern Oregon lumber manufac­ a .r for a laxative three for a cathartic. turer*, dependent upon the Southern Pacific for their car*, are growing dea- Forest Notes. «mar un « twin MOMTAflV The annual value of tha farm wood- perate. On* mill already haa been forced to Mil MUM ■I Tifiti lot products of the United State« Is cloae anti other» soon will be confront­ over f 11)5,000,000. ed with a aimilar necesaity unleaa the More people are »pending their va aituatfon ia relieved. rations on national foreats this sum And no immediate relief i* in aight. Address ■tier than have ever done ao before, The Southern Pacific has an order for many person» traveling long distance» 3000 new cars due from Eastern manu­ by automobile In order to camp In facturers ‘ within the next 80 days, | these public playground». anti as aoon a they start to arrive a P h i U m I. On. BUilNtAS COLLEGE At a recent meeting of the Coneon measure o f relief may he forthcoming. Hut many mills cannot wait 30 daya. | nutty Stock Asaoelatlon, at which there were twenty member» present, In fact some o f them cannot wait 10 i It was decided not to allow any bulla days. They must have car» at once or I on the range after 1916 except those they will he forced to quit business, of beef grades and having registered temporarily at least. ! paper*. A temporary shutdown, it ia feared, Such Tourists' registers are In u*e on will cause permanent damage. many of the national foreata. Ity reg mill* will he forced to turn their busi­ ness over to their competitors in the Bjr hurta» dirai foia» ill at whole»»!» price« ! laterlng their names and destination, wul h u Oi» plumber'a pruflta. Writ» ua la­ ; peraotia going Into the mountains can state o f Washington end in those parts arrange to have telegrams and other o f Oregon that are able to get car*. d e »our n»*da W» will «I»» »ou ou» ruek- bottom "diteci-to-you" «rico». I o. b. rail or Important messages forwarded by the Business once so diverted is likely to boat. W» aclu»ll» »uv» »on from 10 to XX per forest rangers. remain diverted, they say. A custom­ cmL All anuda luemUal, er likes to do business where he can Northw e»I headquarter» for Lcodor W otor Kxpertmonta at the Forest Products depend on service. System» »ml Kullor A Johnson t o » mee. When once the Laboratory at Madison, Wisconsin, STARK-DAV13 CO. have resulted In the discovery of a word goes out that a mill cannot give I l l Third Street. Pert leed. Oreeoa method whereby the yields of alcohol dependable cut service, it is feared, and acetate of lime from the destruc­ the resulting damage through loss of tive distillation of hardwoods have buaines* will be irreparable. been Increased fifteen per cen t Frank A. Miller, chairman of the Oregon Public Service commission, Many Lika Him. was in Portland Thursday and dis­ Hewitt—He’s a pessimist all right. cussed informally the suggested pro­ Jewett I should nay so; he could posal o f conducting a public hearing on see the dark side of a blonde!—Chi the subject. It is probable, though, KK1JAB1LITY. BEST MARKET AND csgo Herald. HEK VICE il* th» (•••nsntomth.ne made by that the hearing cannot take place for Dairymen when malt Ins »biptn»nl»—that'» 10 days, and by that time some of the Not Wanted. why HAZELWOOD U seteewd He—This light, my dear, Is 50-candle milla will be past the stage where a Try us and see. hearing will do them any good. power. She— Well, what's the use of It If Meanwhile, the Willamette Valley H a z e lw o o d Co., Portland we've got to put all those candles In Lumber Manufacturers' association is It?— llaltlmore American. proceeding with its plana to bring civil action against the Southern Pacific for A Summer Requirement. The Other Side. damages. They will seek to recover "The boys arc sore on the grocer.'' "I can respect good motives, but—" for the losses sustained through failure "They loafed around his store amic­ "Y es?" to get cars. ably alt winter.” "There's Mrs. Flubdub. She coti This suit, if it is brought, will be "Just so. Ilut now he won't put In alders It her duty to come over and filed in the Federal court. But, even brighten my life a bit every day, and an electric fan."— Kansas City Journal. should it prove successful, it would she's getting to be such a bore."— offer little compensation for the in­ No Advantage. trinsic damage. "You say ymy husband Is deaf?” Something Appropriate. What the lumbermen want is cars. “ Yes, but he can read lip language. "Profesror, 1 have made somo money and I want to do aomethlng for my I can't call him mean things Just They are not seeking revenge, they old college. I don't remember what have to think them, the same as any say, and have no spiteful purpose of other wife."— Kansas City Journal. studies I excelled In. If any." punishing the railroad. They are “ In my classes you slept most of hopeful only that their action will Doubtful. the time." bring the desired result— cars. "llm . Well. I’ll endow a dormitory." "Mama, 1s papa goln' to die an' go It is apparent that the Southern Pa­ to heaven?” "W hy. Hobby, what put such an cific officials in Portland and other absurd Idea Into your bead?”—Lon­ places along the line are doing their utmost to relieve the situation. They don Saturday Journal. are trying to distribute their meager SIXTH AND EVERETT STS. supply o f cars among their numerous Granulated Eyelids, clamoring customers, but their efforts Four Block» ft*»m Union Station. Under new monam-ment. All room» newly d»corat»d. Eye, inflamed by cyno­ SPECIAL RATES BY WEEK OK MONTH sure to S ub , Dast and » lad are woefully deficient, simply because Rain 50c. 75c. SI. *1 .5 0 I*« Day. ickly relieved by Marina they haven’t near enough cars to go No Smarting, around. At just Eye Comfort. I Oc per Bottl Bottle. Murlse Eya Your Druggist's 50c Salve inTubes 25c. For Bank *1 Ike E yef reeask PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS, Druggists or Murlae Eye Remedy C*., Chicago ATTENTION! WÊ ^«WYuAÖ ivlta r B U Y D I R E C T £(, “BEST by TEST” New Houston Hotel S o re E y e s '« '^ PERFECT PRINTING PLATES S p ra y -a -C o w Fumtcihtwl on »hört nntic«. W rit« for H cm U* o f Fricoa. I'ortUnd Electrotype & THE NEW Special PERKINS HOTEL Summer Keeps off flies or money back. $1 a gallon from your dealer, or order by mail. PLUMMER DRUG CO. Third and Madison, Portland, Or. Rates Court Room, Single, 75c; Double, $1. Outside Room, Single, $1; Double, $1.50 N H (Beth privilrir* inrlutlotl) tn tiit* Old IU B«M « B m d i n * b o w * with « record o f 46 years o f Square Dealing*, and be assured o f T O P M A R K E T PRICES. Room« with Private Bath, Single, $1.50; Double, $2.00. (When you lUffiatrr Auk th« Clerk- for Summer HaU<«.) Auto-Hu« Mrrta Train«. All Cam from Union Depot Piw* Our Doom. F. M. CRONKHITE 45-47 Front Str»»t N E W PERKINS H O TEL Cor. Washington A Fifth Sts., PORTLAND. ORE P. N. U. T ]| -V Veal, Pork, Beef, I Poultry, Butter, Eggs *** and Farm Produce Portland, Oregon Oregon Hernia Institute Ruptura treated mechanically. Privata fitting rooms Highest testimoniala. Re­ sults «ruaran tt«*d. Call or writ«. No. 37. 1918 JO H N S O N & U M R A R G E R WHEN writing to adwtisera, pie " lion this paper. ______ 411*412 AUsky Building, Portland, Oregon PAINT NOW It w ill b e m o n e y s a v e d t o p r o t e c t th e lu m b e r a g a in s t w in te r w e a th e r . G e t C o l o r C a r d s fr o m y o u r lo c a l d e a le r . LIN K’S BUSINESS COLLEGE FALL TERM 0PEN8 TUE8DAY, 8EPT. 5TH. N ew Classes W ill Be Started Then. M any Students Already Enrolled. A sk For Catalogue. Enroll Now. A . T. LINK, Principal. P h o n e M e in 6083 . . . T tlfo rd B u ild in g Tenth and Morrison Sts., Portland, Ore. Santa Fe Will Not Obey 8-Hour Law Until forced to by Courts Topeka, Kan.— E. P. Ripley, presi­ dent o f the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad, declared Wednesday in a formal statement that the Santa Fe does not intend to comply with the Ad­ amson eight-hour law, recently en­ acted by congress to avert a threat­ ened railroad strike, until ordered to do so by the United States Supreme court. Mr. Ripley’s statement follows: “ Congress, hastily acting under a threat o f four leaders o f labor organi­ zations. enacted a so-called eight-hour law, which is nothing more or less than an advance o f 20 to 25 per cent in the wages of the best-paid men in rail­ way service. It is only fair to the public and to our employes to say that the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Rail­ way company does not intend to com­ ply with the law until ordered to do so by the court o f last resort." Imported Monkeys Dying. San Francisco— Out o f 100 monkeys which arrived here Friday from the Orient for government laboratories, 40 have died and many o f the survivors are reported dying. The monkeys were to have been used for experiments with infantile paralysis serum. The mon­ keys, according to the officials in charge of them, were in good health until they reached the temperate zone, where tne cool breezes proved too much .’or their sensitive lungs. Death in nearly every case was the result of pulmonary trouble. Foes Trade Diplomats. Berlin — An arrangement between Roumania and Bulgaria is being effect­ ed for the mutual return o f diplomatic representatives o f the belligerent na­ tions. It is planned to send the mem­ bers o f the legations of Bulgaria, Ger­ many, Austria and Turkey in Rouman­ ia and other subjects o f these countries in a Roumanian ship to some deignated port on the Black sea, where they will be exchanged for the Roumanian rep­ resentatives in Bulgaria and Turkey. Portland— Wheat— Bluestem, $1.30; forty-fold, I1.2H; Hub, $1.27; red fife, $1.28; red Russian, $1.26. Flour — Patents, $6.20; straight*, $5.60 ((0 6 ; exports, $5.60; valley, $5.HO; whole wheat, $6.40; graham, $ 6 . 20 . Millfeed— Spot prices: Bran, $23.50 per ton; shorts, $25.50; rolled barley, $36®$«. Corn— Whole, $42 per ¡ton; cracked, $43. Hay— Producers' prices: Timothy, Eastern Oregon $16.60@18 per ton; timothy, valley, $16 @ 16; alfalfa, $14.60; wheat hay, $ 12.50@13.60; oat and vetch, $ 12 @ 12.60; cheat, $ 1 1 ; clover, $ 10 . Butter — Exchange prices: Cubes, extras, no bid, 30c asked. Jobbing prices: Prints, extras, 32@84c; but- terfat. No. 1, 81c; No. 2. 29c, Port­ land. EggaJ— Oregon ranch, exchange prices, current receipts, 27c dozen. Jobbing prices; Oregon ranch, candled, 28@30c; selects, 32c. Poultry— Hens, 18«@14«c per pound; broilers, 16@17c; turkeys, live, lS(a, 22c; ducks, ll@ 1 4 « c ; geese, 9 @ ll c . Veal— Fancy, 12«@18c per pound. Pork— Fancy, 12 «0(18c per pound. Vegetables— Artichokes, 7607 * 4 $ 1 per dozen; tomatoes, 30@50c per crate; cabbage, $1.76 per hundred; peppers, 4445 c per pound; eggplant, 6@ 7c; let­ tuce, 200426 c per dozen; cucumbers, 260450 c per b ox; beans, 3c per pound; celery, 76@86c per dozen; corn, 1004 26c. Potatoes— New, 90c@ $l. 15 per hun­ dred; sweets, 8«@ 4c. Onions— California, $1.60 per sack; Walls Walla, $1.60 per sack. Green ,Fruita— Apples, new, 75c @ $1.85 per box; cantaloupes, 60c@$1.60 |nts and firsts at'27« cents. A lot o f dt viry butter was sold at 2 2 « cents. Eggs were sold at 27 cents e tse count. Hens were offered at 16 eet its with 13 cents bid, and springs wt re offered at 17 cents, with 16« cents b id. There was a firm market on th e street for country dressed meats, p « -k and veal selling at 12«@13 cents. For light, w holesom e cakes, biscuits and pastry, use Cheap Peaches Are Not Expectecf. Portland—The peach market hold! firm, and, in the opinion o f Frcnt- street dealers, will continue so throughout the season, as there is not likely to be any over-supply. The b ««t yellow peaches are held at 66 and 75 cents a box. The market is about 20 cents over the level customary at t his time of the year. Cantaloupes were- in large supply and weak. Prices had. a wide range o f $1 to $1.60 a crate, ac­ cording to quality. Buyers gave the preferance to California cantaloupe« at the higher prices over Top pen ish stock. K C BAKING POWDER Always safe and reliable. I f it isn’t all we claim your grocer will refund y ou r m oney. JA Q U ES M F G . C O , C H IC A G O