Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, September 02, 1916, Image 3

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Thor« I« a y«*«**l p«*ltl4»i» «m irtu n lty in
U H K il (My wTiri» you rar* rsratiy I rt u« Iwli»
you nuw V h«c k whet you want to b« sji J null
tod*, y
U U lu H I i n .
tO O IIIlM !
— umr rmir
-in unum
---- O ffici MAN AMR
— finir riNMArt
^ e \v n V \«X Ö «\\V (Y
P . . , l . « d , O r«.
R o y a l D -L ite
£ »*
All Style*
All SUc*
Royal Shoe C o .
14M Fourth St.
■ ' i » f Un<!
Near MorrtMHi
O k # w
A Uai Valia U M«4t $•:
It D omr N o t G r o w So.
Them I* only on« way to k < ( a
*>"»! \ Mitili Without ' • r»'«t K l
I *«•»»•*. wht> h U: 8«nd In your
O I«l Had <>nr tinti I w v * It
OM 0 « I "nr
d im I«
m at«« iriv«n firae. A ll work
g nantit t<*d Hrand to
m H W . « W - St.
PotW . 0 i #
Bought, itol<i mu) repaired.
pile* o f all kinds. Out o f town
t r a d e a rpurially.
W rite ua.
2 7 6 T a y lo r S treet
Of General Interest
About Oregon
NEW S ITEMS Most Eminent Medical
P o r t la n d , O r e g o n
Do you want to ««)| your farm, bom« or I iu i I dmm
fur cash? \\ rirara u* C AK TE N R E A L T Y CO..
604 Buchanan Buildia«. Portland. O r ««o a
Lou iht, Sold. KanteJ and Kepatrad
W A I.K 1 .K M .R ir r R IC
iturnalda. cur. 10th.
Portland. Ur«.
Oregon & California Grant
Land Taxes May Be Limited
Kugsne— George M. Brown, attor­
ney *genc.-al of Oregon, intimated at a
meeting o f repreaentativea o f the Ore­
gon and California land grant counties
held in Eugene Wednesday night that
there la a probability that the Federal
government in the payment o f back
laxea on Oregon and California lands
may take the position that the taxing
power o? the state was limited to
$2.60 an acre and that assessments
based on the relative value o f other
lamia in the counties were not valid.
He said the collection o f the back
taxes was a aubjact o f great concern
and be recommended that tha counties
take stepe to procure the payment as
H|M<edily aa possible.
While in Washington last spring A t­
torney General Brown said he consult­
ed the secretary o f the interior depart­
ment and the secretary indicated the
view that as congress had provided for
the sale o f the lands by the railroad
company at (2.60 an acre the lands
possibly could not be asaeaeed for a
greater amount. A t the time, as the
representatives o f the state o f Oregon,
the speaker said, he hail held out for
the payment o f the taxes on the full
Attorney General Brown cited the
provision o f the act o f congrees revest­
ing title to the Oregon and California
land in the government, providing the
taxes shall be paid as determined by
the secretary o f the interior depart­
He commended the plan to form a
federation o f the land grant counties
for the purpose o f "h avin g these lands
sold, the timber sold and getting the
lands back on the tax roll.”
R eferring to the action of congress
he reviewed the history o f the fo rfe i­
ture suits. He said that when the lit­
igation was flrst suggested he advised
against it, fearing the creation of
greater reserves within the state and
the removal o f the land from taxation.
He called attention to the act o f the
legislature providing for the forfeiture
proceeding and asserted “ the people of
the state o f Oregon, through the legis­
lature, invited congress to do the thing
that it has done.”
To and t n»m all points on hou««»iiu!d tfouds. piano«,
and autonaibtUa. Ir>format.' n ctnv’r fully givrn
$250,000 for Grain.
Pacific Coast Forwarding Co.,
Baker — Contracts for wheat, oats
H ID E S . P E L T S , C A S C A R A B A R K , and barley, aggregating 300,000 bush­
els and involving an outlay o f more
W O O L A N D M O H A IR .
M l n n t ill )ou k i n . Writ» tar p n ctt n i *Mipp.ng t u t
than $260,000, have been made up to
On. Sum*, w* date for delivery to Coast and Eastern
points, J. F. O ’ Bryant, local agent for
M . II. Houser, o f Portland, announces.
Lott In London.
The latest contract closed here was for
Patriotic Biota Iju ly (patrolling Vic­ 43,000 bushels o f wheat and barley,
toria line alutton to aailat any of her wheat being taken at $1.16, while bar­
■ tranded countrymen urrlviug from ley went at $1.76 a hundred. Oats
tho fron t)— Can 1 kelp you In any
are being sent to Portland, while other
Perplexed Scot—Thank you, mam. grains are all to be sent East to fill
Ii tho toon far frne the atation?— European orders.
London Punch.
Road Campaign Planned.
Poor Picking.
Eugene — A campaign throughout
"W h at'» the matter?" asked the
Lane county to create sentiment in fa ­
first flea. "You looked starved.”
"They nre making thoao toy dogs vor o f the construction o f the Klamsth
so natural," explained the other flea, Falls-Florence highway, as one o f the
"that I arranged to summer on one of projects to receive financial assistance
them by mistake."— Louisville Courier- from the Federal government under
the terms o f the Shackleford bill,
w ill be inaugurated at a meeting to be
Qood. No Matter What.
held in Eugene on the night o f Septem­
Tho O fficer (after a complaint) —
ber 1. Members o f all the grange or­
This tea’s all right. What's the com­
ganizations in Lane county are to be
Speakers fam iliar
Tommy— It ain't tea. sir; It's »too! invited to attend.
Tho O fficer And very nice »too! with the route from Florence to Eu­
- L o n d o n S k etch
gene and thence to Klamath Falls will
Optical Astonishments.
"Seeing is believing," said the ready
Noted Oregon Cases Set.
made philosopher.
Salem— Attorney General Brown an-
"N ot always, when you are looking
at tho movlea."— Washington Star.
nounces that two important cases
(tending before the Supreme court of '
Falling In Line.
" I am going to a preparedness meet­ the United States have been set for j
argument in October. They are Stet-
ing. my dear, of our club.”
"A ll right. William. You tiad better tler vs. O ’ Hara and Bunting v. Ore­
leave mo all tho loose change you have gon.
about you."— Baltimore American.
The first involves the constitutional­
ity o f the Oregon minimum wage law
for women. Mr. Stettler is a Portland
box manufacturer.
The other case
w ill test the 10 -hour law now applying
T h i on'y Automobile School on the Pa­
in sawmill and kindred industries of
cific Const maintaining « (*■• Tiartor
this state.
Uept . I kirn llolt Caterpillar. (X I. Ileal
Tracklayer and Wheal Tractors, both in tho
school and operating field.
445 Hawthorn« Ave.
Portland. Ore.
T | p |
I rr
* * *
V e a l, P o r k , B e e f,
P o u lt r y , B u tte r , E g g «
an d F a r m P r o d u c e
to th e O M B tH tk W F v . r i l i n g h flO N w ith a
record o f 45 years of Square Dealinge. and
b a a a e u re d o f T O P M A R K E T P R IC E S .
F. M . C R O N K H IT E
4 S -4 7 F r o n t S t r o o t
P o r t la n d , O r e g o n
S p ra y -a -C o w
Keeps off flics or money back. $1
a gallon from your dealer, or order
Third and Madison, Portland, Or.
/ ---------------------------------------------- \
Portland Y . M. C. A. Auto School
Day and night classes. Expert training
In repairing, driving and machine work.
Including forgo, latho. shaper, drill nreaa.
tractors, etc. Time unlimited. COMPE­
P. N. U.
No. 36, 1016
Authorities Endorse It.
Dr. Elwrls and Dr. Rralthwait* as
well as Dr. Hlmon — all distinguished
i authors—agree that whatever may be
I the disease, the urine seldom (ails in
1 furnishing us with a clue to the priori-
| plea upon which it Is to be treated,
and accurate knowledge concerning the
nature of disease can thus be obtained.
I I backache, scalding urine or frequent
; urination bother or distress you, or if
uric acid in the blood has caused rheu-
> inatism, gout or sciatica or you suspect
kidney or bladder trouble lust write Dr,
Pierce at the Burgical Institute, Buffalo,
i N .Y.; send a sample of urine and de­
ne ri be symptoms. You will receive freo
medical advice after Dr.Pierce's chemist
has examined tiie urine — this will be
carefully done without charge and you
will lie under no obligation. Dr. Pierce
during many years of experimentation
lias discovered a new remedy which be
finds Is thirty-seven times more power­
ful than lithla in removing uric acid
from the system. I f you are suffering
from backache or the pains of rheuma­
tism, go to your best druggist and ask
for a 60-cent box of “ Attune " pot up
by Dr. Pierce.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription for weak women and Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for
the blood have lieen favorably known
(or the past forty years and more. They
are standard remedies to-day—aa weft
as Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets tor
the liver and bowels. You cau get a
sample of any one of these remedies
by writing Dr. Pierce.
Doctor Pierce’s Pellets ore unequaled
m a Liver Pill. One tiny, Sugar-coated
belief a Dote.
Cure hick Headache,
Bilious Headache, Dizxiness, Constipa­
tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, aud
all derangements of tho Liver, Stomach
aud Dowds.
If you ara looking for Prompt Returns,
Good P ric «« r nd a Square Deal, malts
your noat shipment of Croom to
of the
Learned Something.
“ What's the matter with Flubdub?
He used to claim that our politicians
were the most unscrupulous In the
"H e has been traveling abroad. I
think it was a great blow to hla civic
pride when he found they were noL”
—Louisville Courier-Journal.
Bend to Entertain Child Musicians.
Bend — Arrangements are being
made for the entertainment o f the
Bums community orchestra, made up
laregly o f children, when they pass
through here in September on their
way to Salem to the State fair.
onel W illiam Hanley is back o f the ex­
cursion to be taken by the orcheatra.
Portland — Wheat— Bluastem, $1.27
par bushel; forty fold, $1.24; club,
$1.23; red fife, $1.26; red Russian,
Millfead -Spot prices: Bran, $28.60
per ton; shorts, $26.60; rolled barley,
Corn— Whole, $42 par ton; cracked,
Hay— Producers’ prices: Timothy,
Eastern Oregon, $16.60(9)18 per ton;
valley, $166(10; alfalfa, $14.60; wheat
hay, $12.606(13.50; oat and vetch, $12
6 ( 12.50; cheat, $ 11 ; clover, $ 10 .
Butter — Exchange prices; Cubes,
extras, no bid; 29c asked.
prices; Prints, extras, 326(34c; t)ut-
terfat. No. 1, 81c; No. 2, 29c, P ort­
Eggs — Oregon
ranch, exchange
price, current receipts, 27c per dozen.
Jobbing prices;
Oregon ranch, can-
died, 286(30c; selects, 32c.
Poultry— Hens, 13}6{14c per pound;
broilers, 16c; turkeys, live, 186(22c;
ducks, 1 l(£$14«c; geese, 9 64 lie .
Veal Fancy, 121c per pound.
Pork— Fancy, 12}6(13c per pound.
Vegetables— Artichokes, 76c6($l per
dozen; tomatoes, 866466 c per erste;
cabbage, $1.76 per hundred; garlic, 8 c
per pound; peppers. 6646 c; eggplant,
70/ 10c; lettuce, 206426 c per dozen;
cucumbers, 266(50c per box; beans, 3c
per pound; celery, 7 66486 c per dozen;
corn, lOfq, 20 c.
Potatoes— New, $16(1.26 a hundred;
sweets, 3}6(4c.
Onions— California, $1.60 per sack;
Walla Walla, $1.50.
Green Fruits — Apples, new, 76c64
$ 1.86 |>er box; cantaloupes, 60c6($L60
per crate; peaches, 260470c per box;
watermelons, lt& lic per pound; plums,
76cOt$l per box; pears, $1.500(1.76;
grapes, $1.106(1.85 per crate; casa-
bas, 11 c per pound.
Sack Vegetables— Turnips, $1.25 per
sack; carrots, $1.25; beets, $1.266(
H op s— 1915 crop, nominal; 1916
contracts, 10 c, nominal.
Wool— Eastern Oregon, fine, 236426c
per pound; coarse, 30 6 $ 32c; valley,
Cascara Bark — Old and new, 41c
per pound.
Cattle — Steers, prime, $ 6 . 50646 . 75 ;
good, $ 6640 . 50 ; common to fair, $564
6.50; medium to good, $4.506(6; ordi­
nary to fair, $46(4.50; heifers, $464
5.76; bulls, $3644.25; calves, $36(6. •
Hogs— Prime, $9.706(9.86; good to
mixed, $9.60 @ 9.85; rough
8.756(9.25; pigs and skips,
Sheep — Lambs, $ 5 . 60648 . 25 ; year­
ling wethers, 5.756(6.50; old wethers,
$5.606(6; ewes, $3.506(5.50.
Thread of Interest.
"Th is cookbook ought to be popu­
"W h y so?"
"There's a love story mixed in with
the recipes.” — Louisville Courier-
Odessa— Another advance of 1 cent
a bushel on the different grades of
wheat was marked up. Prices are;
Bluestem, $1.19, white Russian, (1.17,
red and club $1.16.
Foolish Man.
“ Can't say I like that new hat of
"Y e t you liked It In the store.”
"W ell. It did look pretty when the
girl tried it on.”
Then the trouble started.— Louis­
ville Courier Journal.
Oakesdale — Wheat holds steady,
with some advance.
About 26,000
bushels changed hands Saturday at
from $1.12 to $1.16 a bushel. Satur­
day’s quotation was $1.17 fo r wheat
and $1.37} for oats.
W alla W alla— Farmers declare they
were offered $1.20 Saturday for club
He Knew That.
wheat. It is reported some small and
"W hat Is the chief mineral wealth very choice lots of bluestem and turkey
of the Alleghanfcs?"
red were sold at $1.31 to millers. Dan­
"Dunno, mum."
"Yes, you do. What do you carry iel Donovan this week sold 16,000
in a scuttle?”
bushels o f hybrid wheat, gettin g about
"Suds, mum.” — Louisville Courier-
$ 1.10 net.
Wilbur — Among the farmers who
delivered new wheat to the grain
Sticks There.
growers’ warehouse here were T. O.
The man who drops his anchor In Grinstead, F. Ladwig, J. Rosman and
the Slough of Deapond never gets any
W. F. Scheibner. The wheat tests 5S
farther.— Answers.
to 60 pounds to the bushel and grades
No. 1. It is not so plump as that of
last year, but is strong in gluten. The
price was $1.17 for bluestem and $1.14
for club. Sales o f small lots continue.
Carried Safely Through Change
of Lite by Lydia E. Pinkham’*
Vegetable Compound.
. my sister in-law told
-line that she thought
Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Com­
pound would cure IL
I t helped both
the Change o f L ife and the tumor and
vhen I got home I dUl not newt the doctor.
I took the Pinkham remedies until tha
tumor was gone, the doctor said, and I
have not felt it since. I tell every one
how I was cured. I f this letter will
help others you are welcome to use IL ”
—Mrs. E. It. B e an , 626 Joseph Avenue,
Nashville, Tenn.
Lydia E. Pinkham’ s Vegetable Com­
pound, a pure remedy containing tho
extractive properties o f good old fash-
ioned roots and herbs, meets the needs
o f woman s system at this critical period
o f her life. Try i t
I f th e r e la a n y s y m p to m In y o u r
ca se w h ic h p u z z le * y o u , w r i t « t o
t h e L y d ia K . P in k h a m M eUlcinra
C o , L y n n , M ass.
iN C H n s m
(-Mil III MUM Hl t III II III III IMI I f II I MI It ( f 11 II II I III It 1111 III! I (11111 IMI II I III 11111111MIIMII11 i III
1 22 .
Washington vVliaat Market
Hits High Marks
$ .
Vindicated Self-Esteem.
"Th e Woggses seem to have a high
opinion of themselves.”
"Yes. You see the same cook has
consented to remain In their employ
for three or four years. 8 o they feel
entitled to think that they are rather
nice people."— Washington Star.
Strawberry C rop it Big.
Naahvillo.Tenn.— “ When I was going
Hood R iver— The Fruit Growers’ ex­ through the Change o f L ife I had a tu-
change has announced final returns on
iir.or as large as a
the 1916 strawberry deal. The ex­
child’s head. The
change handled 10,000 crates o f fruit
doctor said it was
at an average o f $2.12 a crate. The
three years coming
average was cut short because of
and gsvo me medi­
heavy rains beginning June 27. For
cine fo r It until I
more than a week, because o f soft
was called a w a y
fruit, the price dropped from $2.26 a
from tho city for
crate to as low as $1.30. The highest
som o t i m e . O f
price received on any shipment wss $6
course I could not
a crate at the opening o f the season.
go to him then, so
Coral Agate Brings $100,
Newport — The highest price for
which an agate ever sold in Newport
was paid last week, when G. A. Kin­
sey, a wealthy Pittsburger, bought a
coral agate from A. L. Thomas for
$100. Coral agates are probably the
rarest o f any agates found on the Ore­
gon beaches, and the one purchased
Kinsey is o f exceptions)
beauty. He has had the stone made
into a brooch fo r his w ife.
“L eader ” and “R epeater
S hot S hells
For tho hi^h flyer*, or the low flyers, “ Leader” and
“ Repeater' shells have the reach, spread and penetra­
tion. Their great sale is due to these qualities, which
insure a full bag.
Made in many gauges and loads.
F A L L TERM OPENS T U E S D A Y , 8 E P T . 5 TH .
N e w Classes W ill Be Started Then.
M any Students Already Enrolled.
A sk For Catalogue.
Enroll N ow .
A. T. LINK, Principal.
Phone Ma i n 6083
TUf ord B u ildin g
Tenth and Morrison Sts., Portland, Ore.
Granulated Eyelids,
Dr. Bates Bingham of Boston, on
E y e * inflam ed by ex p o­
sure to Su e. Dust and « t e d
bis return home from doing ambulance
work in France, was asked by a re­
quickly relie ved by Marias
Ey t Remedy. N o S m a rtin g
porter bis opinion of a German note.
C o ______
m fo rt. ____
"There Is no more real satisfaction,”
Eye C
the distinguished physician replied,
r Dniggiit’ i 50c per Bottle. Marisa Eys
"or comfort In it than there was In
D raghista o r Mariae Eye B c a * 4 y Co., Chicago
the blacksnake's ruse.
"A Pike county mother once left
her little one seated outside the shack
or make your old o & m lu t through
and pulling on a full milk bottle when
th« winter. W rite us about this.
a blacksnake came gliding up.
"Th e snake nestled close to the
&S0 W u U n atoa S t,
i'urUsnd. Or*.
child, drew the rubber nipple from its
mouth and proceeded to drink the
milk; but at the same time the snake
Power of Petrol.
did not forget to slip the end of its
Thump, thump, went the motor car
tall gently between the infant's lips
as it stood outside a railway station.
by way of a comforter."
A crowd of rustics stood round, gaping
Rub It In Thoroughly.
at the chauffeur and passing remarks
A sprain or strain should have Im­
made him smile.
mediate attention to check the swell­
"Say, mister," said one, at last,
ing. Rub on, and rub In thoroughly
“ what power drives the car along at
Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh and you
such a speed?”
should have quick relief. Always have
Petrol, my man," he replied, with
a bottle on hand for accidents. Adv. a “ condescending
'"E ar that, Tom ?" said the inquirer
He Asked F o r I L
to his friend, who had Just appeared
More stories are told about Sir Her­ on the scene.
"P etrol shoves 'er
bert Tree than about almost any other along.”
public man in England. Here is a
" A h !” was the reply, "that ain’t
good one, exemplifying the ready an­ nothin’ noo. Petrol shoved our Mary
swer for which he Is so justly famed. Ann through the back door an' sent
One day when he was coming out 'er flying slap bang agin the barn.
of the Garrick club a man, whom he 'Er 'ad bin tryln' to light the fire with
did not know from Adam, approached, it.”— London Tit-Biti.
and, with a sweeping bow, said in a
Yankee twang:
Ask your dealer for the free book­
“ Ex-cuse me, sir, but they tell me let, “ Useful Hints for Horse Ownera,"
some pretty well-known folk belong to Issued by G. C. Hanford Mfg. Co.. S y r »
this club. Are you anyone of import­ cuse, N. Y „ manufacturers of H a »
ance ?"
ford's Balsam of Myrrh. Adv.
Sir Herbert T ree looked the ques­
tioner coldly up and down. " I don’t
No Alibi.
really think I can be. or I wouldn’t
"Th e war is doing me a good turn,
be seen talking to you,” be said icily.
— Pearson's Weekly.
"In what way?”
"I don’t have to think up excuses
Plain Enough.
"H ow do you like America, count?” for not takiqg my fam ily to Europe
"Quite much, but your figures of this summer."— Detroit Free Press.
speech are somewhat hard to under­
The Fan's Favorite.
stand. Now, when it dawns upon you
She— What Is your favorite stone?
"You begin to see daylight!” ex­
He— The baseball diamond.— Boston
plained the other man.— Louisville i Transcript.
During a lesson on elementary com­
position a little girl read the following
as her effort:
“ Once a Penny and a Shilling met
in a man's pocket. The Shilling turn­
ed up its nose at the Penny, and said,
“ 'Why, I am worth a dozen of you.’
C olfax— W ith grain quotations soar­
* 'Yes,' said the Penny, ‘but even at
ing high the market here is inactive. that I am a good bit better than yon
Bluestem was quoted at $1.23; fo rty­ are. I go every Sunday to church, and
fold, $1.17; red Russian, $1.13; bar­ you never do.’ ”— London Tit-Bits.
ley $1.60 and oats $1.30. It is esti­
Use Hanford's Balsam when all else
mated that about 50 per cent o f the
falls. Adv.
1916 crop here has been sold.
Same Line.
"W hen I was a boy." said the gray-
halred physician, who happened to be
In a reminiscent mood. “ I wanted to
Condon, Or. — Farmers throughout be a soldier; but my parents persuad­
this section o f Eastern Oregon are ex ­ ed me to study medicine.”
"Oh. well,” rejoined the sympathetic
periencing serious'difficulty in secur­ druggist, "such Is life. Many a man
ing necessary labor for harvesting with wholesale aspirations has to con­
their grain crop. In some districts it tent himself with a retail business.”
has been almost impossible to employ — London Tit-Bits.
harvest hands, while the available sup­
ply of labor generally, unless recruited
To keep clean an healthy take Dr.
from other agricultural districts, w ill Pierce’ s Pleasant Pellets. They regu­
be inadequate for the proper harvest­ late liver, bowels and stomach.
ing of this crop.
Now's Their Chance.
Common labor in the harvest field is
"And so you are convinced, my
being paid $2.50 a day, while the more friend.” asked the curate, "that there
skilled labor is equally scarce, al­ is a place of eternal punishment?"
though the wage ranges from $3 to $4
" I am,” replied the uncharitable
parishioner. “ There’s nothing in this
a day.
world bad enough for some people.” —
Browning's Magazine.
Demand fo r Butter Is Poor.
Harvest Hands Needed in
Eastern Oregon Grain Fields
Portland — The demand for country
creamery butter was not active, and
receivers report stocks climbing. A t
the Produce Exchange there were no
bids on extras or prime firsts, which
were offered at 29} centa and 28}
cents, respectively. Firsts were offer­
ed at 27 centa and 26 centa was bid.
Dairy butter sold at 22} cents.
egg market waa also slow. Case count
was offered at 27 cents, and 26 centa
was bid. Firsts were offered at 28
cents, with no bid. Tillamook triplets
were offered at 16f cents, with no bids.
Hanford’s Balsam.
you should try Anti-Uric, the famous
remedy made from Roots and Berries.
I t is guaranteed to cure this cruel dis­
ease in every stage.
W e want every reaier o f this paper
who is suffering from Rheumatism in
any form to try this discovery. Every
package guaranteed or money refund­
ed. Price $1.50 prepaid, or we will
send by Parcel Post C. O. D. Circu­
lars and convincing testimony free.
Address A N T I-U R IC CO., 102 Sher­
wood Building, San Francisco.
Our s:r*duat«s are occupylngr enviable posi­
tions. Tho teaching process is different from
ordinary business schools. Thorough, Practi­
cal. Individual. SCHOOL FOR MEN O N L Y .
Address Th e Registrar, Y . M. C. A ., Portland.
Oregon, and get detailed information.
Oregon Hernia Institute
Rupture treated mechanically. Private
fitting rooms. Highest testimonial«. Re­
sults guaranteed. Call or write.
411-412 Alisky Building. Portland. Oregon
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Etc. Boiler and Marino W ork
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ALSO AG ENTS: The Henderson-WilOa Wraiding
and Cutting Co.. St. I a > uì «. U. S. A . Federal
Brmm Works. 31st St. A Kedste A ra.. C M ^ i .