4 Saturday, August 26, 11*16 THE FALL8 CITY NEWS. l.eonard Frink received a very THE HIKERS IHiinful injury to his left thumb Wednesday, August Hi, 1916, Thursday while splitting kindling. promptly at 7:48, A. M., a party has nothing to do with your He was holding a block of wood of fun-kiving young people started watch. Bring it to us for clean­ with.one hand and splitting with toward Black Rock. A suitable The beet »how at the Gent tonight ing and overhauling. All work tin* other. The end of the ax camping ground was selected on guaranteed, prices most reason­ Walter L. Tooie, Jr., Lawyer, handle struck the splitting block the outskirts of the city. Of Dallas, Oregon. tf. able. causing him to strike his thumb, course camp life proved to bo too N. A. Lunde was in Portland inflicting a severe gash and break­ tame for snipe and the city was P E R S E Y , T h a Je w e le r, ing the bone, it necessitated sev­ explored. The swinging bridge Tuesday. Falls City. Oregon. eral stitches to close the wound, i was exciting to those who had Wm. Estelle has purchased a 1917 Ford. Walter Inch and his surveying never had the privilege of cross­ ch iro practic | crew of Hoskins were here this ing one. The first night was en­ Mrs. A. B. Allen went to Port- week “ witching” for water to sup­ joyed, all slept well. The next I land Tuesday. DR. VV. L. Holloway ply the mill pond. Evident alb' day three of the more adventur­ Mrs. Harris and Eva were in CHIROPRACTIC their "Peach limb” pointed toward ous ones crossed a high trestle, win > » a t F*1U C ity H otel , Dallas Wednesday. the Luckiamute as they made a j this was thought to lie quite a M O N PA Y, W EI X ESP AY » n o F R ID A Y Business is picking up—a street A ftern oon s o f K ieh W eek. survey from the mill pond running { stunt and these three were herald­ . preacher in town this week. down Bridge Street to South Main ed for their bravery. Besides a Mrs. Ted Cockran was down and thence toward the river above few humps and scratches and la* ; from Black Rock Wednesday. the falls. ing called "Falls City Prunes." Mrs. Robert Wonderly returned etc., ( hut we certainly are not Its up to the Observer to get from the homestead Tuesday. Black Rock Peaches,) all had a some more “ inside information” in Ellison is cleaning out the pond regard to the starting of the mill. glorious time and thanked their We have a full line of guar­ above the electric light plant. Its last venture on the subject chaperon Mrs. Lane. All reached anteed hot water bottles and Mrs. A. E. Seymour visited in was that it would start September home Friday afternoon. fountain syringes of all sizes Black Rock the first of the week. 1st. It reminds us of the old fel­ Those participating were: and prices. If you need a Mesdamcs I ¿me, Howell, Wingo Harvey Montgomery and wife low who was going to have things good hot water bottle let us Gottfreid; Masters Glenn Wingo, have moved over from Sheridan. happen on the change of the moon, show you one. Ira Lane, Revelle and Wilbur We have bought some new Born Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. with a proviso that it might hap­ Howell: Misses Chloral Romellia rubber goods at a low price J. C. Taylor of Black Rock, a son. pen three days before or after the and LaVita Howell. Ruby and and therefore our prices are For Sale—32 yards hit-and-miss change. As the moon changes Hazel Wingo, Viola Lane, (Hive much lower this year. They carpet Mrs. W. B. Gibson. Phone every seventh day there was little Deal. (By D*. H \) danger of his missing his predic­ are guaranteed one and two 314. -------------------- tion very far. If the Observer years. Several auto loads left Wednes­ will just continue predicting it will day morning for the Indian Fair undoubtedly hit it. ‘‘W h at C ongress has at Siletz. done co n cerning a DRUG STORE. Mrs. Clay Oxford and son left WILL MAKE REPRISALS Thursday for a few weeks visit Secretary Josephus Daniels has | at Newport. served notice on the Suffragists Mrs. John Hughes was down that should they carry on a war from camp Wednesday and re­ and w hat people ara against Wilson because of his re­ turned Thursday. th in k in g about i t " fusal to endorse woman suffrage U n til For sale cheap, two good young that reprisals in the way of block­ a s r a f l s c t s d In Editorial C o m m e n t cows, one giving good flow of milk ing all legislation favoring it might now. J. 0. Miekalson. be expected *of the Democratic This is the title of a booklet Fresh Bread, Cakes,Cookies.Pies party. B u s in e s s Is F a i r we have prepared. We and other bakery goods, every day «hall be glad to send • copy free to any at the Falls City Bakery. HOLINESS CONVENTION on# interested. But I want more. Mater­ C. E. McPherren and wife and A Holiness Convention will b e! ials have raised. I am will­ Dana McPherren and wife return­ held in the M. E. Church on the Bethlehem S teel Co. ing to ed Sunday from Newport. Sou th B eth leh em , Pa. 28th, 29th and 30th of August. Mrs. L. M. Robinson and the There will be present a number of S p lit M y Profits Treat girls and Ruth Gottfreid re­ speakers and singers. Hours of on a cash basis. Thanking turned Wednesday from Newport. services: Morning prayer meeting you all for your past patron­ Mr. and Mrs. R. Paul and chil­ 6:30 A. M.; Afternoon meetings age. dren and Mrs. Bradley and chil­ 2:30 P. M.; Evening 7:30 P. M. ; dren left the first of the week for Get right with God. Everybody Newport. welcome. A. G. ATWOOD, Dentist In its Six Schools and Forty-eight De­ Lost—Ladies cravenett raincoat p artm ent. is engaged in the great work Across from Selig’s store. oi uniting L earning and Labor. and man’s stiff hat on Siletz road. BROKE FRONT AXLE F orty-eighth School Year Opens Finder notify A. S. Campbell. Dal­ Last Saturday Walter Inch, en­ SEPTEMBER 18, 1916. las, Oregon. gineer for the Valley & Siletz rail-; D egree requiring a four year William Finley of Portland was road and his crew of helpers were high school C ourses preparation, are ollered in ni the city this week packing up driving along the highway be­ the following: his things to go to the hop yards tween Hoskins and Independence, A GRICULTURE, 16 D epartm ents; COM M ERCE, 4 Departm ents; E N G IN ­ at Independence. at a rate of speed of about five or E E R IN G . « D epartm ents, M IN ES, 3 D epartm ents; FO RESTRY , i D epart­ Mrs. Ward and Miss Hammond six miles an hour when the front m ents, H OM E ECONOMICS, 4 Depart who went horseback over the wheel of the Ford quit company m eats; and PHARMACY. V o c a t i o n a l C o u r s e s requiring an mountains to Norton last week with its fellow and there was a E ighth Grade preparation for entrance returned Thursday. sudden mix-up. Walter Inch got are offered in A griculture, Dairying, Commerce, Forestry, Home Makers, and There will be preaching at the off with a broken collar bone and Mechanic Arts. Pharm acy with a two- Christian church Sunday after­ a few bruises. Slim Hull is nurs­ year high school entrance requirem ent. SCHOOL O F M U S IC .-P ian o , String, noon at 3 o’clock. Rev. McConnell ing three broken ribs and R. Mc- Rand and Voice Culture. Kinnev has a lame back. There Catalogue and beautiful illustrated of Dallas will officiate. were two others in the car but j booklet free. Chas. Hartung, Mrs. Edith Address T hk R k o ist r a r , Headquarters for Candy and Cigars escaped without injury.' 1 w-7-15 1# to » 7 1«) COK VAI.US. ORKOOg Brown, Mrs. Wm. Hinshaw, and WEATHERLY CONFECTIONERY. Col. Matthews left Thursday for the Siletz to attend the Indian Fair. The City Council met Monday night and passed resolutions au­ Tor thorizing the sale of one-half of A u g . 2 4 , 2 5 and 26 the city rock quarry to the City of Dallas. The Greatest Celebration in Years Prof. E. M. Haley was in the j city Tuesday and Wednesday. He Coos Bay County invites the was on his way to Carlton where world to celebrate the coming he is Principal of the schools. He of the railroad. Hospitality is has been engaged in building a the Keynote of this celebration Candies, Tobaccos and C igars'at school house at Orton. PROGRAM Charlie Hads, a 17-year old boy L. B.^WONDERLY’S employed at the W. V. L Co., N O R T H B E N D D AY cookhouse at Black Rock was in­ Aug. 24th a Beware of Ointments f o r jured Tuesday evening by cutting Isanti Concerts—Speaking Ceremonies—Dedication Simpson Hark Catarrh That Contain Mercury Street Carnival—Water Sports—Parades—Driving Goldenspike. ■a mercury will surely destroy the sense his hand with a butcher knife. He of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering It through .va 3 slicing cheese and his hand C O O S C O U N T Y DAY the mucous surfaces Such articles should slipped causing him to cut himself. never be used except on prescriptions Aug. 25tli T H E WAR T IM E T O IR R IG A TE It is getting the time of year you will need to irrigate your lawns ami gardens. To do this you will need u good hose We have them and will sell them at reasonable prices S E E OUR L A W N m MOWERS. J. C. TALBOTT i •fkì ;$ÊÊi - .';V Rubber Goods ISN'T HE THE HANDSOME MAN! * TH O M PSO N S Government Armor Plant Septl 10', 1916 Uniting Learning and Labor THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLECE Coos Bay B oost Railroad Jubilee ^ from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do Is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. $. Chenev & Co., Toledo. O., contains no mercury, and Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur­ faces of the system. In buying Haifa Catarrh Cure be sure you get the cenu- i. It 1s taken Internally and made In ledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A Co. Tea- lonlals free. Sold by Druggists. Pries 75c per bottta. Take Ball's Family Pills tor constipation. E Mrs. Norris visited the hospital at Dallas Friday. Rev. W. A. Waiter formerly pastor of the Free Methodist church at this place but now sta­ tioned at Woodburn was here this week attending quarterly confer­ ence. J. R. Williams, a street preacher of the Apostolic Assembly of Pen­ tecost Faith is in the city this week preaching fire and brimestone and damnation to those who don t get salvation. Wednesday night he scored the churches and its minis­ ters and the town people for the conduct of the children toward him during his sermons. He says that he can make it rain or shine through his faith in God. He pre­ dicted that destruction would come upon this city as it did upon San Francisco and other places if the people did not repent of their sins. He will open a mission here if he can raise funds to pay the rent. M A R S H F I E L D DAY Aug. 26th Industrial Parade—Water Sports —Auto Racing—Illuminated Launch Parade—Fireworks-Dancing—Horse Raring. On Sale Aug. 21 to26inc. Return limit Aug. 31 Ask local Agent John M. Scott, Gen. P. Agt. Portland. Oregon THE "GREATER OREGON” j W ith n r w liu lld ln c« , h a l ie r w j u l p m m l . a n d !] m i * it f a d d i t i o n * t o I t* f a t u i t y , t h e t n l * e r « l f » j o f O r e g o n w i l l b r a i n It* f o r t y f l r t t r e a r , T ***•• j t i n y , H e p t p m h e r I V I t 10. '] Apr« l a l t r a i n i n g I n f o m m e r r r , . V n u r n a l l a m , 1 A r r h l l r i ’t u r r , l a w , M r < l l < ' l n r . T * a 4 l i l n a . L i b r a • j r y W o r k , M u » l e . f ' h y n l i a l T r a i n i n g a m i Fin*» j A rt*. l./ ir g e « m l « « ru n e d e p a r t m e n t * o f l ib e r* 'i a ! M n r a t l o n . | L i b r a r y of m o r n t h a n ( 1 1 . 6 0 0 v o l u m e « , f l f . J ta rn b u ild in g * fu lly « u o lp p e d . tw o ap lrm ltd | j r y m n a e l u i n «. I T u itio n f r e e . P o r m llo r la « for n u n a n d for w o m e n . K i p e n i 'i i l.o w rat. W rit« for f r o o ra ta lo r« .a d d rr ra ln « lir g U t r a r UNIVERSITY OF OREGON EIIA K N E , O il TOON Coos Trips t>y rail and boat to Coquille, Bandon, Myrtle Point, Powers, Coos Bay, Mussell Reef, Sunset Bay. Cape Arago, Sea food dinner at Charlestone Bay. Fishing at Lakeside—Launch trips on C«os Bay. Low Round Trip Faros —Lanning in Provldsnca Bulletin. SOU TH ER N P A C IFIC L IN E S flfo® IboraQia Over-work, worry and the constant strain of a business life are often a cause of much trouble. Dr. Miles* N ervine is highly recommended for all Nervous disor­ ders. It is particularly invaluable to business women. Regulate your bowels by using D R . M ILES* LIVER PILLS IF FIRST f a il # to MOTTLE, b e n e f it OR BOX, you , your MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. NERVOUS ATTACKS. "I suffered with n.rvoua a t­ tacks and headache*. Then isy liver got out of order and It aeemed aa though mjr whole system v a i upaet. I com­ menced using Dr. Miles' Nenr- Ine and alto took Dr. Mllee’ IJ^er Pllta and now I feel per­ fectly well In every way. My bowela alao are In good ahapa now.” _ MRS. AUGUSTA KBISBR. 114» Portland Ava.. R o c h e ste r. N. T. »