gfrc ffa lla (£iti| N puib D. L. WOOD ft SON. Publishers. B n t»r*4 » . v w M m n u ll » « tk » p o*t© ror* • t Falla C ity. Polk C M » . O n » « . «■>«•» l * » S e t o f Ctosxr»** o f Marvh S, 1ST». Tel*iks*e— New» Office. W. Subscription K ot». On« y « r . »LOO; *tx month* 10 t a i n , three month*. 26 rents: »in *l» re e ». » »ta. A d v »rtt*ln c R s t«* : D isp lsy . 16o s a U s n I s c h l B u s in s » N otice*, » r e n t * » l i n » ; P ot Sal*. R e n t K s cb s n s s . W an t a n d P »y K u isrtsln m en t N o­ tte»*. S et», s Uns. C ard o f T h s n k s M e t » ; L sg » N otlres. l e s » ! r»te». C op y fo r new *d*. » n d c h s n e e » sh ou ld b o »ent to T h » N ew » n ot Inter th s n W ednesday. O ffis t » ! M»w»p*p»t » t «h» City et fa ll» City I ssued E v e r y S atu r d a y M orning OFFICIAL DIRECTORY OP F i l l * CITY H. J. G riffin. M ayor. R. M. W onderty. t.'o u n cllm »n -»t L * r f» G. W . B rentner, G eo rye C. M arch, C. I. B radley, C o o n cllm e a I. G. S in gleton. C. L. H op k in s, N .S elig . C. K. M cPherren. A u d itor a n d P o llre J< W alter L. T o o ie Jr.. C ity A ttorn ey. P »t M urphy. M arshal and W ater Supt. M. L. T h om p son . Treasurer Dr. P. M. H ellw a rth . H ealth Officer. T h e C o u n ell m eets in regu la r sreston o n th e Are» M onday n ig h t o f ea ch m on th , at 7 (0 o 'c lo c k . In the office o f th e P a lls City News. professional CarOs P H Y S IC IA N F. M. HELLW ARTH PHYSICIAN a n d s u r g e o n Office one door east of P. O. Otte© an d n i . _ . f t /j o R esid en ce x 1)0110 oD O Falls C ity, O regon business CarOs H OTEL jfallô(Xitv!li3otel ALLIED ARMY IS PUSHING SOLUTION Of IMPENDING RAILROAD WORLD'S DOINGS VAST TOWARD WAR WITH U. S. B NISH; BULGAKS PRESSED STRIKE SEEMS LIKELY IHIS WEEK ALUfS START BIG DRIVE IN BALKANS Of CURRENT WEEK OFFICER'S DEMAND lA>ndon The battle for Serbia grows in fury. While the allied forcea are breaking a way slowly up the Vanlar. along the railway to Nish, the Bulgara are preaaing hard on both flanks, in an effort to prevent this movement from the center. The struggle continues along the whole front north o f Sa­ lonika General Sarrail’s troop« gained on both sides of the Vardar Wednesday. This stroke, which halted after the Doiran station had been won more than a week ago, was resumed with some success. East of the river the Why Berlin Permitted Publication is allied infantry won the southern spurs M y s te ry - Believed Kaiser Will of the Veles mountains, while to the west a line o f heighta near l.jumnica Not Be M uch Influenced. was taken. Heavy Bulgar assaults failed to re­ win the positions. indication of the scope of the al­ Washington, D. C.— Grami Admiral j lied An plan in the Balkans is given In the von Tirpitx, author o f the policy of un­ announcement that since August 1 restricted submarine warfare upon Russian troop« have been landing at Saloniki. The cen«or until now ha« merchant craft, has iasued a manifesto the United not disclosed their presence in the demanding war with Balkan army. Reports from the Greek States. line estimate their number at more Information to this effect has been than 60,000. received by the State department ami Thus, with the exception o f the j ha« caused considerable concern to the Japanese, the Belgians and the Portu­ j officials. guese. all the allies are now represent­ Von Tirpitx insists in his statement ed in General Sarrail’s army. The that Germany is handicapped in the Balkan force is beginning to compare prosecution of her life-and-death strug­ favorably in size even with the huge gle by the limitations imposed upon armies gathered on the eastern and submarine operationa by the German western fronts. government, at the instance o f the The presence o f the Italians at Sa­ Unite«! States. loniki shows that real unity finally ex­ He argues that this country, in any ists among the allies. Although Italy case, is hostile to Germany and that is not actually at war with Germany, the time has gone by to consider its nor one o f the powers protecting wi«hes. He twlieves should the United Greece, nevertheless she has consented States enter the war on the side o f the to send an expeditionary force to aid idliea it would do no more harm to the the Serbs. j Greman cause than it has already Because o f the heavy drain on al­ i done. lied shipping and unwillingness among The text of the Von Tirpitx memor­ the higher commands to scatter their andum was published by the Berlin forces in sn unhealthy climate, it is no newspapers. The foreign correspond­ secret that the Saloniki expedition was ents were not permitted to transmit it not always looked on with favor in all to their papers. As a consequence, quarters. But the latest developments only the neutral diplomats have been indicate that the advocates of a big able to forward it by cipher messages campaign in the Balkans finally have ! and in their official mail pouches. won the day. It is not believed by the authorities Brief Resume of General News From All Around the Earth. Grand Admiral Von Tirpit/s Manifesto is Made Public in Germany. WASniKtm sens w o r n P. D r o s g e , P r o p r i e t o r B A R K E R SHOPS Bohle’s Barber Shops Falls C i t y , O re g o n Where yea cn get i Shivc. la ir Cat, Bath or ‘Shine* Agent for DnIUi Steam Laundry Bun ndles forw arded T uesd ay e v en in g M O NUM ENTS G . L. H A W K I N S M ONUM ENTS D a l l a s , O re gon F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R R. L. C H A P M A N FUNERAL DIRECTOR’ We attend 4o all work promptly, i Dallas and Falls City, Ore DEUTSCHLAND SATE IN GERMAN PORT Tropical Storm Loss in Texas Over $ 2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ; Thirteen Are Dead living 25 Per Cent Higher Than 1915 R E A L ESTA TE Ham Decision Will Be Costly to Meat Packing Co. if Sustained Notice to New s Subscribers A mark here indicates*that your subscription is delinquent. Please call and fix it. Mr. H o m s S a a ks C O M F A E L T L O S I C I T Y . O R E G O N and B u y O r o h a r d Land » \ S O U TH E R N PACIFIC CO M P AN Y Passenger Train Schedule Effective Oct. 4,1914 161 161 ! 1«7 WUTBOl'SD am. Salem . . . Dallas. . . Falls City. Bl’ kRock. 7 :0 0 8 .1 5 8 .5 0 BAflTnorOT> am. pm. I 170 ! Pm - 9 .3 0 10.10 11.01 1.05 1.25 2 .0 0 3 .1 5 ¡ 6 .1 0 6 .4 0 i 7 .4 5 Bl’k Rock Falls City. Dallas. . . Salem . . . am. 9.45 1 1 .0 2 11.35 11:55 164 A . C. P o w n w , FRENCH CAPIURf FIVE VILLAGES Whi'e negotiation« took i step Monday, the President replied in­ directly to the contentions of the road officials that the principle of arbitra­ tion woultl be endangered by hi« plan for putting the eight-hour basic day Austrians Retire From Gateway Into Live News Items of All Nations and into effect while a commission investi­ Pass of Carpathians — British gate« its practicability and paasea Pacific Northwest Condensed upon other point» at ituuie. In a tele­ Busy on Western Front. for Our Busy Readers. gram made public at the White lluuae the President declared he held firmly to arbitration a» a principle, and that London- The long-expected general hia plan strengthened rather than The city o f Portland has 837 jitneys. weakened it. He also »aid that some offensive on the Saloniki front ha« Intense heat in Chicago Sunday opened and the grand «»«null agalnt claims eleven victims. the« forces of the central |«>wera now British Sea Captain Who la in progress in every theater of the General Funston is in favor of with­ General Sarrall is attack­ drawing the American troops from W as Executed by Germans world-war. ing the Bulgar-German force« along Mexico. the entire Greek-Serbian frontier, a The daily death toll from infantile distance of more than 150 miles. paralysis in New York City is reported Reports from Ijolh Berlin and Paris decreasing. indicate that the entente allies are fol­ lowing the «ante tactics in the Balkan* The railroad presidents are reported that signalised the o|iening o f the against the eight-hour day proposed by great offensive on the Somme. Small President Wilson. bodies of troop« are attacking at nu- Two Eskimos have been captured al ineroue points along the Bulgarian Nome, Alaska, who are charged with line, apparently with the intention of the murder o f a priest in 1913. feeling out their opixment's poeitiona before the real battle opens. President Wilson signs the navy- The French report the capture of building bill and the work of carrying five village* in the initiai phases of out the program will begin at once. the'offensive, while Berlin reports the Roumania is thought about ready to capture of Fiorina, a Greek town 15 join the allies, as the situation be­ miles southeast of Monastir, from the tween that country and Germany is re­ Serbians. ported serious. On the eastern front the Russian* have forced their way into the heart Eight persons were killed and 16 in­ of the great mountain barrier between jured when three boilers in the Harlan Galicia and the Hungarian plain*. The Morris Stave Manufacturing Co., at Austrian* admit a retirement weat of Jackson. Tenn., exploded. Jablonitxa, the gateway to one of the American supervision of Dominican muet important paaaea through the finances soon is to be extended to in­ mountain*, which was aeixed by the ternal revenue as well as customs re­ Rusaiana last week. In this district ceipts. A budget system also is to be the Austrians are retreating toward arranged. the Chronahora ridge, the highest that the German Ksiaer will permit point in the Carpathians in that re­ Swiss dispatches to the Overseas | himself and his government to be in­ gion. From this ridge the ground News Agency report that the French fluenced into the adoption of a hostile fails rapidly to the plains of Hungary. have removed the civil population policy toward the United States. Nev­ Farther to the south, on tha Huko- from towns and villages behind the ertheless, it is considered highly sig­ wina end o f the battle line, the Aus­ front in the districts o f Nancy, Lune- i nificant that the papers were permit­ trians have been forced bark In their ville, Baccarat and Saint Die. Washington, D. C.— Eight presidents ted to publish the Von Tirpitx mani­ CAPT. C H A R L E S advance on Kirlibaba, the next |>a#a A masked robber held up and re­ o f important railway systems who festo and that at the same time the _________ E , F R V A T T - south of Jablonitxa and about 50 milea lieved W. H. Estabrook, manager of have been designated to draft the rail­ German authorities gave to the press from that point. the Boston-Idaho Gold Dredge Mining roads’ reply to President Wilson’ s ap­ the fact that the American govern­ This is the first photograph of Cap­ Daily attacks by the Hriti«h against peal that they accept his plan for ment has made confidential inquiries tain Charles A. Fryatt, British captain company, of gold dust and nuggets the German lines north of the Somme valued at $2180 near Boise City in the averting a Nation-wide strike were in in regard to the submarine attack on of the steamship Brussels, who was in France are having their reward, and Boise basin. The desperado made good almost continuous session Tuesday the American steamer Owego. shot to death by the Germans at Sunday waa reported the moat notable without solving their problem. According to the information in Bruges, to reach the United States. his escape. Late Tuesday night three o f the possession of the authorities here, a He tried to sink a German submarine gain in some day* in the region of One man was killed and several committeemen. Hale Holden, of the Guillemont. A fter withstanding Ger­ j German submarine discharged 10 shots and was raptured. The British gov­ wounded early Sunday at Cienfuegos Burlington; R. S. Lovett, o f the at the Owego when she was in the ernment has recommended the grant­ man counter-attacks, the troops of in a political riot between partisans of Union Pacific, and Daniel Willard, of General Haig again assaulted the op­ vicinity of the English Channel. ing of an extra ponion o f $500 annual­ Santiago Reye and Juan Florencio the Baltimore & Ohio, dicusssed the These shots were not fired as a warn­ ly to Captain Fryatt’s widow, besides posing trenches and gained from 200 to Cabrera, rival candidates for mayor. situation with President Wilson. ing snd the Owego was making no at­ the sum to which she is entitled under 600 yards along a front o f 11 miles. Many shots were fired and knives and , They were at the White House for tempt to escape. None o f the shots England's com|>ensation scheme. The machettes were used. One man was more than an hour and on leaving de­ took effect and the Owego consequent­ Great Eastern railroad, o f one of arrested. clined to talk about their visit further ly suffered no damage. whose ships Captain Fryatt was the The National Guard will be retained than to say they had “ asked for the master, is also granting his widow a on the Mexican border until it can be conference to discuss the general situ­ { $1250 annuity. withdrawn without again endangering ation” and expected to see the Presi­ Ixmdon Two British light cruisers, American lives and property. Secre­ dent again. means must lie found to prevent the the Nottingham and Falmouth, were Although some o f the 60 or more tary Baker so declared the administra­ existing situation from ever arising sunk Saturday in the North Sea by tion’ s policy in answering a score of presidents are showing a disposition to again. German aubmarinea, while the vessels letters from many parts of the country prolong the negotiations in the hope Meantime the railroad officials who were searching for the German high complaining that the state troops were that the sentiment of business men of have tentatively refused to arcept Wil­ seas fleet, according to an official an­ being held in service after the emer­ the country will be shown to be op­ son’s proposal, continued conferences nouncement issued by the admiralty gency for which they were called out j posed to the idea of an eight-hour day, Berlin— (By wireless to Sayville, N. among themselves. The labor leaders, shortly before mid-night. One Ger­ there was a general feeling that a defi­ apparently had passed. nite answer to President Wilson’s de­ Y .)— The merchant submarine Deutsch­ who already have approved the pro­ man submarine was struck, while an­ land arrived at the mouth o f the Wes­ posal, marked time awaiting a definite other was rammed and |x>aaibly sunk. The list o f securities furnished as mand cannot be much longer post­ er August 23, according to the Over­ decision from the employers. collateral for the $250,000,000 new The statement says: poned. seas News Agency. British loan, which J. P. Morgan & “ Reports from our lookout squad­ The agency says that the Deutsch­ Co., syndicate managers, have pre­ rons and other units showed that there land arrived on the afternoon o f Au­ pared, shows more than 500 issues of was considerable activity on the part gust 23 and anchored off the mouth of stocks and bonds, representing virtu- j of the enemy in the North Sea Satur­ the river. All on board were well. ally every important railroad and in­ day, the 19 th.” dustrial company in the United States, i Chicago—The high cost o f living this year equals the cost o f high living Corpus Christi, Tex. — The loss of The list has been classified into groups, London — A German squadron o f life from the tropical storm which some 15 warships, including large all railroad stocks and bonds having last year. Higher prices and smaller struck Corpus Christi and 10 adjacent cruiBers, is reported in the North Sea been placed in one group, industrial portions at restaurants are the baro­ South Texas counties on Friday night by trawlers arriving at Ymuiden, Hol­ corporations in another and miscel- j meter o f food conditions. Food prices have advanced 25 per cent over last was placed at 13. Monday, including land, a Reuter dispatch says. laneous in a third. Yonkers, N. Y .— A fine o f $100 im­ nine members o f the crew of the small year. The soaring cost o f meats, flour The squadron was sighted early Sun­ The conference in Washington to and vegetables limits their use by posed on Swift & Co., meat packers, freighter Pilot Boy, which foundered day in the region o f Whitebank, and settle the impending railroad strike many people and the cheaper foods, by City Court Judge Joseph H. Beall, off the Aransas Pass jetties. Two has not accomplished anything and the rice and molasses, are coming into carried with it a decision, which will Mexican women were killed at Kath­ was accompanied by two Zeppelins, it was announced, on a northerly cruise. President has sent for the presidents their own. cost the company’ s meat packers $1,- erine, a settlement on the King ranch of the roads involved, in the hope that The wholesale price of the best 000,000 a year, if approved by the near Alice, Tex., and one Mexican was Paris— Bulgarian troops are advanc­ an adjustment can be made. grade o f flour per barrel is $8.90 and higher courts, according to their at­ reported killed at San Diego. Both ing toward the Greek seaport o f Ka- The new German war usury bu­ last year it was $5.50. Beef is now torneys. towns are from 50 to 60 miles Inland. rala, it was announced Monday. They reau has justified its existence by selling at from 11 to 20 cents per Judge Beall found the packers guilty The total damage in this region, of have seized two Greek forts. At sev­ revealing surprising details of widely pound wholesale, an increase of 25 per of having violated the law by charging which Corpus Christi bore the heaviest eral points along the front new en­ ramified food frauds, according to re­ cent. The greatest rise occurs in im­ for meat containers at the same rate part, was estimated at over $2,000,- gagements have been fought. ports received at The Hague. The ported canned goods, which have ad­ as for the meat they contain. It was 000. This includes devantation o f a frauds are said to involve a half dozen | vanced 100 per cent. charged that the company had sold large portion of the lower coast's cot­ London—The British troops on the leaders and 100 accomplices. Live hogs sold at $11.30 a hundred ham weighing 11 pounds six ounces, in ton crop, which was ready to lie Saloniki front have advanced and re­ Bulgarian counter - attacks. Damage at Corpus Christi pulsed Plans for a more vigorous campaign pounds at the stockyards Wednesday, a container weighing six ounces and picked. to prevent the spread of infantile par­ the highest price since the Civil war, charged for 11 pound, 12 ounces of was estimated conservatively at $500,- British cavalry have been in touch meat. with the enemy. 000. alysis were made in Washington, D. when they went to $12.75 a hundred. C., at a conference of health authori- j Preacher Repays Theft. German Liner Is to Sail. T roop s’ Condition Good. Old Settlers in Battla. ties Friday of most of the state with Washington, D. C.— With a $4 con­ Boston — The North German Lloyd Houston, T ex.— Governor Dunne, of Springfield, Mo. — Three men are officials of the Federal Public Health Service. Resolutions will be adopted tribution to the treasury’s conscience liner Willehad, which has been interned dead and eight wounded, three serious­ Illinois, who arrived in Houston after by the conference, in which eminent fund Wednesday came the following here since the beginning o f the war, ly, as a result o f a aeries o f fights an inspection o f the military condi­ plague experts, scientists and bacteri­ letter signed by a Texas preacher: secured clearance papers and is expect­ which marked the recent Old Settler*’ tions along the border, laid: " I came “ You will And inclosed four $1 bills. ologists are participating, outlining ed to sail for New London, Conn. It reunion at Rocky Comfort in McDon­ to Texas to satisfy myself as to the The person that is sending them has definite proposals for checking dissem­ was «aid the vessel’s departure has ald county, Missouri. Belated news conditions of the soldiers on the border ination of the disease. While few o f got to God, and doing his best to get nothing to do with the expected arrival of the tragedies was brought here because of some of the newspaper ac­ those present expressed alarm that the to heaven. This is what he beat the at the Connecticut port of the mer­ Monday by William L. Crow, a local counts which we received. I found epidemic might assume country-wide government out of several years ago, chant submarine Bremen, but that the editor. Larrimore, Crow related, was that the moat scrupulous care was be­ proportions, they uniformly declared so please make some disposition of change was decided upon because of slain in a brawl by Vanslack, who ing taken of the soldiera, that their measures were necessary to guard them, as the one sending them doesn’t more favorable docking facilities. The killed himself with a shotgun follow­ physical condition was excellent and want them.” against a widespread outbreak. liner is expected to pass through the ing Larri more’s death. W est’ s throat that their surroundings were good. Cape Cod canal and to keep well was cut in a fight with an unidentified Everything that possibly can be done Candidate Hughes is greeted with Candy Barred From Camp. within the three-mile limit. man. The fighting continued two days. for their comfort is being done.” the second largest crowd o f the West­ Lake Geneva, Wis. — Candy has been ern tour at Portland. barred from the National Service Ruling Affects Japanese. Shark Breaks Up Race. Old Songs in Litigation. Miss Grace Arnold, a Portland sten- School camp, where 150 women are re­ Washington, D. C.— Under an order New York — A Buit contesting the Boston— Henry F. Sullivan, of I x j w - ograher, has been admitted to practice ceiving military instruction, in an offi­ issued Thursday by the secretary of ownership of copyrights on “ Silver ell, was declared the winner over in the United Sates District court. She cial ruling. More than 100 pounds has Labor, Japanese laborers intending to Threads Among the Gold,” and other Charles Toth, of Boston, Sunday in a is the third woman thus honored in been returned to its senders. enter the United States to find employ­ old songs written by Hart P. Danks, swimming race between Race Point, Oregon. The women have asked for a camp ment must land at American ports and who died in 1903, has been begun in Provincetown, and Nantasket Beach. manicurist and hairdresser. travel inland over American railways. the Federal court by his widow against Toth was taken from the water by his A bill providing that the sheriff of The department, at the instance of the Elizabeth Adair Gordon and others, trainers when a shark circled about Barbers Are on Strike. any Georgia county in w'.iieh a lynch­ ing occurs be removed by the governor ' New York — Two thousand barbers Washington delegation, rescinded its song publishers, under the name of the him after he had covered 17ft miles in was tabled 113 to 29 by the Georgia in 800 shops went on strike Wednes­ former regulation permitting Japanese estate of Hamilton Gordon. The de­ a little more than 14 hours. Sullivan house Saturday a few minutes before day. Before the end o f the week, the to enter the United States from Canada fendants are accused o f publishing covered 25 miles. His followers said the close of the legislative session, majority of the 20,000 barbers in the after landing at Vancouver and travel­ Danks’ songs without authority, and he was in the water 20 hours and 20 ing East over the Canadian Pacific. after it had been passed by the house. greater city will join the strike. thereby to have made $100,000 profit*. minutes. UNIVERSAL HAPPENINGS IN A NUT5HEU German Submarines Sink Two British Cruisers in North Sea M AR B LE AN D G R A N ITE / Strong Offensive Begins Along Entire Greek Serbian frontier. Railroad Presidents fail to Solve Problem of Averting Big Strike Sam pln Rooms B a s t A c c o m m o d a ti o n s ( Washington, D. C .— President Wil­ son's week o f conferences with rank­ ing official« of the railroads and lead­ ers of their employes threatening a nation-wide «trike are believed by all partie« to the controversy to have brought the situation to n point where decisive developments may lie expected within a few days. pm. 4.00 5.30 6.05 J