FALLS CITY NEWS ....... FALLS CITY OREGON. SATURDAY. AUGUST 2»i. 1SM« VOL. XII T H E S IT U A T IO N ÏJÏÏ Iho meeting adjourned ho made tho following statement: “ It la an admlrnhio speech, and I wish to « all attrattoli to the following poluta: “ 1 am particularly pleased with tue exposure o f the folly, and worse thgn folly, of Mr. Wilson's Mexican policy and o f the way In which this policy has brought humiliation to the United Stales and disaster to Mexico Itself. "Moreover, I am very glad o f the straightforward manner In which Mr. Hughes has shown the ridicule with which Mr. Wilson has covered this nation by the manner In which he al­ lowed foreign powers to gain the tm prosatoti that, although he used tbe strongest words tn diplomacy, they were not to be taken seriously. Not W ords W h ich Count. — L a n n in g in P ro vid w .e s B ullstin HOW THE WILSON ADMINISTRATION HAS PENALIZED PATRIOTISM. & "H aving In view H ip possibility of further uggreaslnn ii|»m the territory of tho United'States from Mexico and the necessity for Iho proper protection o f that frontier,” President Wilson on June 18 called out the mobile arms of the natlonnl guard for federal service. He did uot call them out at their existing peace strength, but at war strength, which Is practically double, lacking a system of reserves, the na­ tional guard organizations Immediate­ ly had to start a campaign o f recruit­ ing to bring about tho desired Increase In their numbers. Patriotic young citizens under tho urge o f the cry, "Y ou r country needs you!" volunteered for service In grat­ ifying numbers. According to Senator CbamlHTlaln, chairman of the senate committee on military affairs, the re­ sult Is that about 135,000 citizen sol­ diers have been mustered Into the fed oral service and are now on tho Mex­ ican border or In ramp In fhelr homo states. There may bo more, but the administration refuses to make known the exact figures. The movement Is costing the public trensury many millions of dollars; It Is costing the Individual citizen soldiers many millions more. They went to the front believing tho cry, “ Your country needs you,” for war service. They sac­ rificed advancement In their rlvll occu put Ions, severed home ties, buffered In thousands o f Instances great financial loss. The less patriotic, who did not believe the cry or, believing, declined to make sacrifices, fatten at home on these losses. The real purposes o f the cnli are slowly developing They are two In number: F irs t—A patrol o f the border to do the work which President Wilson’s friend, Carranza, finds It Impossible to do. Because the recognized govern­ ment In Mexico Is too Ineffective to keep Its own citizens In check and pre- vent them murdering Americans on American soil tho American govern­ ment undertakes the costly task of doing that work for them. The mur­ der o f American citizens on Mexican soil Is nnother matter. Carranza may go ns far ns he likes In that direction. Second.—A purpose o f Iho mobiliza­ tion on the border and In the camps la to train citizens to perform effective military service. T in regular military establishment of the nation Is mani­ festly too small ‘or the actual military needs. To this extent the cry, ‘T ou r country needs you,” was correct. But these farts were not made clear when the c a ll wn» Istued. The Idea was promulgated that men were need ed for actual war service, not for mili­ tary training. Deceit was practiced. Opposing In the open legislation for universal military service, the admin­ istration by Its acts has established what In essence Is a system jof com- \ pulsory military service, it Is a sys­ tem all tb* more vicious because It operates only against the patriotic, whereas a legalized universal training tsystem equalizes the burden o f mill tary service among all men and all classes o f men. When In 191-1 Kurope plunged Into the greatest war o f all history and con­ ditions In Mexico grew Intolerable In­ telligent men realized the fact that It was Incumbent on this nation to build up ita tiny regular army and put its other military resources In condition for use. National safety demanded this. And yet tn December o f that year, four months after the European war began. President Wilson went be­ fore congress and declared that all agitation for military preparedness wns hysterical. that we were ade­ quately prepared. After awhile the administration changed Its mind and professed IA be­ lieve In the necenslty for preparedness. First came an enactment to Increase the regular army by 20.000. But the body o f the country, and even all parts of the Dem>»cratlc administra­ tion, could not change front so quickly ns tho head. Becrattlng for the regu­ lar army lagged. Not yet have the 20.000 been secured. The need pressed. A new natlonnl defense act. providing for still more men In the regulur army, was enacted But still the men were not forthcom­ ing. Suddenly and without warning the administration Issued Its call for mo- blllzntion o f the citizen soldiers. It seemed still obsessed witli tho Bryan notion that an army could l>e created by presidential ukase. When the call went out tbe govern­ ment did not own enough uniforms, shoes, socks, blankets, hats, wagons, trucks, horses, mules and other things essential to equip the men called, it had made no provision for transport­ ing tho troops cnlled to the points where they were required. Who suffered most hy this amazing lack of foresight, this leaping before looking? Only the 135.000 patriots who be­ lieved that their country needed them for national defense; only the men who are making the great sacrifices. The whole disgraceful story may be summed up In the please, the admin­ istration has penalizes! patriotism. True, It Is accumulating hy subter­ fuge a reserve o f trained soldiers, but events have demonstrated that It cried “ w olf" when tliero wns uo wolf. Should It he forced to cry "w o lf" again, when tho avoir is nt the door, w’hat w ill he the result.' "A s Mr. Hughes said. It Is not words, but the strength sud resolution be hind (he words which count. As Mr. Hughes pointed out. there Is no doubt lhat If Mr. Wilson's conduct and ac­ tion had been such as to make the for elgn nations believe that lie meant pre­ cisely what he said In his ‘strict ac­ countability' there would have lieen no estructlou o f American lives by the sinking o f the I.usitanhi. “ When Mr. Hughes uses strong words his record shows that they are always backed by stroug deeds, and therefore In the eunrmous majority o f cases the use o f strong words renders It unnec cssary ever to have recourse to strong deeds. “ Again. Mr. Hughes speaks In char ■clerlatlcally straightforward fashion if tbe outrages committed on muni- dons plants, and all men. whether citi «cus o f foreign nations or nominal riti cent o f our own land, who had tn any -liupe or way abetted or condoned Ibose actions can understand that Mr Hughes. If president, will protect these lomestlc American interests and pun ish offenderà against them with the fearlessness and thoroughness that be «bowed in dealing with the powers of ?vll at Albany. B rought Nation to Ignom iny. "Just before coming tn to listen to Mr. Hughes' Just characterization of Mr. Wilson's failure to protect the Uvea uud property of Americans in Mexico and on tbe high seas I hap­ pened to pick up John Fluke's ‘Critlcál Period o f American History' and wns •truck by the following two sentences: " ’A government touches the lowest point of Ignominy when It confesses Its Inability to protect the lives and the property o f Its citizens A gov- eminent which has come to this has fulled In discharging the primary func­ tion of government ami forthwith oases to have any reason for exist­ ing.' "Mr. Hughes baa pointed out In his «peech with self restraint, but with empínala, that It la precisely this primary function which Mr. Wilson's idnilnlstratloix has failed to discharge ind that It Is precisely this point of ignominy to which he I ihs reduced the nation over which he Is president." + + + + + + + + + + + + + + F -t- -|. F ■F ■I* -I- -I- •F -I- F ■F -1- •F + A POLICY OF FIRM NESS AND CONSISTENCY NEEDED. -F + + The nation has no policy of + aggression toward Mexico. We + have no desire for any part o f + her territory. W e wish her to -F have peace, stability and pros- + perlty. W e shall have to adopt + a new policy, a policy of firm- + ness and consistency through + which alone we can promote an + enduring friendship. W e de- + b mand from Mexico the protec- + b tlon o f the lives and the prop- -F I- erty o f our citizens and the se- + -1- curtly o f our border from depre- + -F datlons. Much will be gained + -{• |f Mexico Is convinced that we + I- contemplate no meddlesome in- + -F terference with what does not + ■F concern us, but that we propose + •F to Insist tn a firm and candid + ■F manner upon the performance + F o f International obligations. To + b a stable government, appropri- + •F ately discharging Its lntematton- + •P al duties, we should give un- + •F grudging support. A short pc- + •P riod o f firm, consistent and + •P friendly dealing will accomplish + + more than ninny years o f vactl- + •F latlon. — From Mr. Hughes' -F •P Speech o f Acceptance. + b + -F + -F + + + + + + + -F-F-F + + + -F + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + •F AN A D M IN ISTR A TIO N TOO + + C O N TE N T W IT H LEIS- + •F U R E LY DISCUSSION. + + ------ + •F I do not put life and property + + on the aatne footing, but the ad- + •F ministration has not only been + F remiss with respect to the pro- + •F tectlon o f American lives, it + Theodore Roosevelt > int in a box nt •F has been remiss with respect to + Carnegie hall when Ml.*. Hughes deliv­ + the protection o f American prop- + ered Ids apeech of necaptnneo and v ig ­ •F erty and American commerce. + •F It has been too much disposed + orously applauded cv>?py telling point •F to be content with leisurely dls- + The colonpl repciri.ofily arose and •F cusslon. — From Mr. Hughes' + bowed In response to the cheer* for + Speech of Acceptance. + him and the shouts o f (“Teddy!" "Ted- •F + <>!" "Jlurrah for Te<%!y!” and when ROOSEVELT APPLAUDS HUGHES' SPEECH 11 No. 52 THE TWO CANDIDATES ON LABOR (Charles E. Hughes at Portland ) “ We have no concern o f labor: as distinguished from the con­ cerns o f capital; we have no con­ cern o f capital as distinguished from the concerns o f labor. We have a great co-operative enter­ prise; and if we are to succeed we must recognize, not simply for the purpose of economic effic­ iency, but with deference to the ideals o f brotherhood, that we are fellow workingmen, and insist upon common justice to all con­ cerned. • • • The American workingman must feel that in prosecuting his daily work he is a faithful friend o f the country in furnishing productive enter­ prise with its necessary means of production, and that as a faithful friend he is treated with reason­ able hours, proper sanitary con­ ditions o f work and wholesome recreation, in addition to proper compensation.” (Woodrow Wilson at Princeton) “ You know what the usual standard o f the employee is in our day. It is to give as little as he may for his wages. Labor is standardized by the trades-unions and this is the standard to which he is made to conform. No one is suffered to do more than the average workman can do. In some trades and handicrafts no one is suffered to do more than the least skillful o f his fellows can do within the hours alloted to a day’s labor, and no one may work out o f hours at all or volun­ teer anything beyond the mini­ mum. I need not point out how economically disastrous such a re­ gulation o f labor is. It is so un­ profitable to the employer that in some trades it will presently not be worth his while to attempt anything at all. He had better stop altogether tLan operate at an inevitable and invariable loss. The labor o f America is rapidly becoming unprofitable under its present regulation by those who have determined to reduce it to a minimum. Our economic su­ premacy may be lost because the country grows more and more full o f unprofitable servants.” New Fall Goods Are Now Beginning to Arrive. B y protecting o urselves w e have in a large w a y been able to secure goods at old prices. R e ­ cently there has been som e sharp advances. F IG U R E F O R Y O U R F A L L R E ­ Q U IR E M E N T S FROM US T H IS YE A R . SELIG’S, Cash Price Store, “Meeting and Beating Competition’*. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING Chairman J. C. Talbott called the executive members of the County Republican Central com­ mittee together at Dallas last Sat­ urday afternoon. Only three of the members answered roll call, Bretcher, Fletcher and Thurston. The committee labored under d if­ ficulties. Walter L. Tooze, Jr. was out trying his new automobile and Lew Cates had locked the books up in the woodshed, threw the keys in “ LaCreole” and gone fishin'. Notwithstanding the fact that Dallas failed to even have a press reporter, these gentlemen from the “ sticks” “ Carranzaed” and empty room at the courthouse and proceeded to make history for the Republican party. Lewis V. Mackin o f Monmouth was elec­ ted secretary o f the organization. A budget o f the probable expen­ ses o f the campaign was made and speculations made as to the amount that could be expected from the State Committee. Chairman Tallbott was in favor of making an aggressive cam­ paign of about five weeks holding a rally in every voting precinct in the county. President Wilson declares that the presence o f the militia along the Mexican Border is “ Winning Bloodless Victories, order has been restored and American lives pro­ tected.” Wonder why he didn’t think of that method two or three years ago? Modern Confectionery Company Factory and O ScM Portland . Oregon yx-.a-VT-o — C a rte r in N aw Y o rk Sun. “ Great Scott, Woodrow! I’ve Been Up In the Air Almost Four Years!”