Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, August 19, 1916, Image 3

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    Foraat N ote*.
According to the lateat figures. the
hlgheat prices paid per M fe et for raw
Takt pkraaur« I« uinMin«ln« that Ü mf m « I o m aterial b/ any Induatry In the Htate
o f O regon waa by the manufacturara
t o t * 4 « I 44* 4 M M » r « « n U l * . . <40. A uof). W w h
lnfU.li oi Hruodwojr. IWtlond. Ora . wh«ra th«)
I th«lr fri«mla omi patUnU o f vohlclea and vablcle parta. Only
will I » (.U mmo I I o
!*h m uflUra will l U ound u* U m I i»n a i»ullry u (w r v - amall quantities and hlgheat gradna
I«« At m«*UraU prlcag to th« brat of our ability are uaed.
Thla covera nut only the
Wa alwaya •Uuwl hah i ml our work, aa wa know m anufacture hut the repair o f wagona.
that a aatlafUd paUant la ami aliAll alwaya ba tha
autom obllas, and lu-
boat AAaaU
cludea the local demand only.
Or. EM T. Hedluad,
Dr. S t y a w 1 S O ,
D E N T IS T S .
Talapkoaa, Mar «Hall M .
Bought, »old anil rapalracl.
piles o f all kind*. Out o f town
trade a specialty. W rite ua.
Portland, Orego
P O R T L A N D Y . M. C. A.
A u to m o b ile S c h o o l
m illion pounda o f a r tifi­
cial »Ilk made d irectly from wood pulp
are uaed annually In the United
Hiatus. It la manufactured Into auch
artlclea ea llutnga, lapeetrlee, nacktlea,
rlbbona and aweatera.
A plan o f cooperation between fo r ­
est o ffic e rs aud pustofftce em ployes
haa beau put lato action, whereby ail
rural mull c a rrie r, ami postm asters In
or near national forests are to report
the d iscovery o f foreat fire s to the
nearest forest officer.
Uff.n pnu-Ur.1 »hop trainine In CunalrucUun *n4
Oparntlun of AubiraoMW. Hpwinl dntalM la-
N ea rly fifty per cent o f the palls
Nruintion furnlahn.1 ImmnUlatnlr on nojonat. Kn>
U i w i Uw. A iU n u T U R riln iu , Y. M. C A. and tubs made In the Hlate o f W ash­
PurlUnd, Ornenn ington are sent to the m iddle west
fo r consumption.
Th« only Automobil« Kchool on th« P a -
Aldo CuMt mat nini ulna « O m Tractor
iRspi . tain« Mali 4 atarplllmr. C. L II m I
Track lay or «ml Whwl Tractora. both In th*
school And oyanKlit« fWM.
4 U
llawlhom# A*«.
Io n ia n *. Ora.
H azelw ood Shippers
Ralae o f one cent In your butterfat
price», Clu-ck* for each ahipmunt
by return mail.
Hazelwood, Portland
Oregon Hernia Institute
Ruptur« t m b d mechanically.
fit Una rwma H ifh M t testimoniala. IU-
•uita *uoronte«d. Call or writ«.
4 1 1 - 4 1 2 A U ftk r B u ild i« « . P o r t la n d . O r a f a *
Éa a. «to mm t o i
»i» W
ciKKlelN VI U A.MZIMi It) .
WuhlnfftMt 81 ..
I’urtlind, Or».
To and fkoot all puinUa on houe«ho!d food«, piano«,
and automobiles. Information chaMirfully fi»*n
Pacific Coast Forwarding Co.,
Mi nat *
Nm. wnn tar pncti tad shipping N p
T h i H. F. N orton C o . N m * * on. sum*. «•
Baucht, Sold. R .atad «nd Rapalrad
Humaida, cur. luth. I'urtiand. Or»,
A gentlem an who dlacovered that ho
waa atandlng on a la d y '« train had the
preaenco o f mind to rem ark:
“ ThouKh I may not have the pow er
to draw an nngel from the eklea, I
have pinned one to the earth."
Th*> lady excused him.
Hand H er a Broom.
I’ m te r— W h o la m aking that Infernal
ja n gle on the piano?
M ater -T h at'* Constance at her ex-
P ater— W ell, fo r heaven's sake, tell
her to g et her exercise som e other
w ay.— Boston Transcript.
Veal, Pork,
Beef, Poultry,
Butter, Egga &
Farm Produce
To th« Old Rsliahl« Evmlinf hnua« with a
record of 46 y ram of Squars I »ralinga and b«
aaaurad of
M a r k e t P r ic e s .
45-47 F tod I
.£-* 2.50 S.
All Style*
Royal Shoe Co.
148 Fourth St.
N u r Mon I k ,n
Oar gradual*» an* occupying »nviabl« pool*
lion». Th« teaching procaaa la «It if «rant from
ordinary buainaaa whouli. Thorough. I'radi­
cal. Individual. SCHOOL FOR MEN ONLY.
Addrara Th« Kagiatrar, Y. M. C. A.. Portland.
Oregon, and g*»t dataJlod information.
Keeps of? flies or money back. $1
a gallon from your dealer, or order
Third and MadUon, Portland, Or.
Vary D ifficult.
Dauber la a big, healthy, bearded
man, who looks as though he could
lift half hu ndredw eight. In each band
aa easily as be picks up hla palette.
An eld erly rustic, who had been
standing watching him painting by the
roadside, approached him.
" N o o ffe n .a , s ir , ' he began, "b u t la
auythlng the m atter w l' y er? "
"N o ."
answ ered # Dauber.
"w h a t
makes you aak?"
" Y e r haln't lame, are y e r ? "
' L am e!
Good gracious, n o !"
" Y e r haln't 'ad a m lafortuna In any
w ay? T h e aclatlcar or lom bager, that'*
' kind o ’ laid yer b y? "
" N o ; I'm as w e ll aa 1 have alwaya
| been."
T h e ruatlc drew h im self up and
gaxed scornfu lly a t the a r tis t
" A n ' yer call y e rs e lf a man, an' can
elt theer a'dolng o ’ th at." he said.
"W e ll, I'm b le s t!"
B M k k M f i a g - S tM o trip fe y
T ila t f if t y
I n U i i
H I f f U M U i N O W I d Banks
2.100 iAhett la ( m 4 »aaitloM
H G a M M c 4 a ir ! l l rj*a«ac7
C e rc ita lM csbfr/rrd since J«a. M
A lw a y a • po a itlo n f o r
you * h * R c o a p a U a L ^ ^ H
ll-v ,
No. 34. 1616
W H E N w rltlag ta to n rÜ M M . pl«aas B aa- I
Uoa IM » p a y e .
_______________________ I
A T a ll Yarn.
Me waa describing the privations o f
a voyage from which be bad Just re­
lum ed.
"T h e n .” he said. " I w ent down to
the cabin to lunch."
• “ L u n c h !” exclaim ed one o f hla hear­
ers. "B u t you told us there waa noth­
ing to eat le ft on board.
W h at did
you have for lunch?"
“ O h !" waa the reply, “ It waa a very
m odest a ffa ir — beef, wine aud an egg .”
"B e e f? W h ere did you g e t the beef
from ?'*
"O h ," waa the reply, "th a t came
from the bulw arks."
"A n d the wine, how about th at?”
“ Oh, that cam e from the port h o le !"
"Oh, o h !” laughed the liatener.
"Good, very good ! But tell me where
did you get the e g g ? ”
"Oh, that was the sim plest o f a ll,"
came tho reply.
“ T h e captain gave
orders fo r the ship to ‘lay to,' and be
gave me on e."— P earson ’s W eek ly.
Deep cuts should be healed by Han­
fo rd ’s Balaam. Adv.
Portland -Wheat — Blues tarn, $1.17
per bushel; fortyfold, $1.16; clnb,
91.18; red flfe, $1.16; red Russian,
M illfeed— Spot prices: Bran, $2644
26.60 per ton; shorts, I29@28.60; roi­
led barley, $31.60@82.60.
Corn— Whole, $38 per ton; cracked,
Hay— Producers’ prices: Timothy,
Eastern Oregon, $18.6O@20 per ton;
alfalfa, $13 60 @ 14.60; wheat hay,
$13.60 @ 14.60; oat and vetch, $12 @
12.60; cheat, $11; clover, $10.
Butter— Exchange prices;
extras, no bid; prime firsts, 26c per
pound; Jobbing pricee: Prim e extras,
27$@80c; butterfat, No. 1, 27c; No.
2, 25c, Portland.
Eggs — Oregon ranch, exchange
price, current receipts, 26Jc per docen.
Jobbing pricee:
Oregon ranch, can-
died, 27$<880c; selects, 32c.
Poultry— Hen», 14@16c per pound;
broilers, 16@17c;
turkeys, live, 20
@22c; ducks, 10@14c; geese, 8@10c.
Veal— Fancy, 2c per pound.
Pork— Fancy, 2c per pound.
Vegetables— Artichokes, 76c@$l per
dozen; tomatoes, 40@76c per crate;
cabbage, $1.76 per hundred; garlic,
10c per pound; peppers, 5@6c; e g g ­
plant, 7@8c; lettuce, 30@36c per doz­
en; cucumbers,
40@60c per box;
i, 4(8 6c per pound; beans, 4<g|7c;
celery, 76@86c per dozen; com, 10@
25c per dozen.
Potatoes — Walla Walla, $1.76@2
per sack.
Green fru it«— Apples, new, $1.25@
1.76 per box; cantaloupes, 60c@$1.76
per crate; peaches, 36@86c per box;
l| @ lic
per pound;
figs, $1@1.60 per box; plums 75c6$
$1.36; pears, $1@2; apricots, $1@
1.26; grapea, $1.60@1.76; blackber­
ries, $1.26; loganberries, $1.60@1.75;
casabas, 2t((2$C.
Hop#— 1916 crop, 8@10c; 1916'con­
tracts, nominal.
Wool— Eastern Oregon, fine, 23 (q ,
26c; coarse, 30@32c; valley, 36c.
Cascara bark— Old and new, 4$c per
Cattle— Steers, prime light, $6.76@
6.90; prime heavy, $6.76@7.10; good,
$6.76@6.26; choice, $6.26@5.60; me­
dium to good, $4.50@6; ordinary to
fair, $4@4.60; heifers, $8.50@6.75;
bulla, $3.50(47.60.
Hogs — Prim e light, $9.70@9.76;
prime strong weights, $9.70@9.75;
good to prime
mixed, $9.60@9.65;
rough heavy packing, 8.66@8.75; pigs
andakipa, 8.50&9.10.
Sheep — Spring lambe, $8@8.25;
common, $6.60@6; choice yearlings,
$6(46.26; good, $5.50(85.76; choice
wethers, $ 6 ( 4 6 .25; choice ewes, $6@
5.25; common ewes, $2.60(83.
m in
L eader ” and R e pe a te r ”
S hot S hells
For the high flyer«, or the lo w flyer«, “ L eader” and
“ Repeater 7 »hells have the reach, spread and penetra­
tion. Th eir great sale is due to these qualities, which
insure a full bag.
Made in m any gauges and loads.
su r e
to a s k fo r t h e w
N o A udience W anted.
A Button-Buster.
C a 'le r— I w ould lik e to secure a
‘I g ot o ff a good jo k e on m y w ife
;'uther day," adm itted Oap Johnson, o f place In your m ovin g picture company.
M anager— Y ou are an actor?
ftumpus R idge, Ark. " 8 he recited
C aller— Yes.
lutbln' that she'd read in a book she
M anager— Had any exp erien ce act­
got hold o f som m er’s about ‘ Man's
work extends from sun to sun, but ing w ithout audiences?
C aller— A c tin g w ith out audiences U
woman's work Is never done,' and It
peared to g iv e her considerable satla- what brought m e here.
And I says, ‘Good reason
why,’ said I, ‘she never gets s ta r te d !’
—Just lik e that.
Yaw -haw ! h a w !” —
Good Reason.
" I hope you don't associate with that
man I saw you speak to In the street
lust n o w ? "
"A ssocia te w ith him ! W b a t do you
take m e fo r? T h a t man. sir. Is one o f
the m ost rascally, corrupt, sneaking,
underhanded, low-down, villainous and
depraved scoundrels that e v er kept
out o f Jail."
“ I know It.
But why are you on
speaking term s w ith him at a ll? ”
“ W h y, I ’m— er— his la w y er.”
F o r thrush, cleanse and d ry the foot
and m ake thorough applications o f
H an ford's Balsam o f M yrrh. Adv.
In tha W ron g Place.
T h e childless parson sought to cheer
the parent o f an o v e rflo w in g house­
"M y man, you must learn to be con­
tented," he said. “ Mouths are never
sent w ith out bread to f ill them .”
“ M aybe you are righ t,” said the par­
ishioner, “ but the mouths are all sent
to our house and the bread to yours.”
»very c
Pierce, who is bead of the Invalid«'
Hotel «n d Surgical Institute at Buffalo,
N. Y . Experiment« at Doctor Pierce's
Hospital for several years proved that
there is no other eliminator of uric acid
that can be compared to it. For those
easily recognized symptoms of inflam­
mation— as backache, scalding arina
and frequent urination, aa well is sedi­
ment in the nrine. or if nric acid in the
blood has caused rheumatism, H to
simply wonderful how sorely * Anurio *
acts. The best of results are always
obtained in cases of acute rheumatism
in the joint«, in gravel and goat, and
invariably .the pains and stiffness which
so frequently and persistently accom­
pany the disease rapidly disappear.
Go to yonr nearest drug store and
■imply ask for a 60-cent package of
"Anuric,” manufactured by Dr. Pierce,
or send 10 cento to Dr. Pierce for •
large trial package. I f yon suspect
kidney or l dadder trouble, send him «
sample of yonr water and describe
Doctor Pierce’s chemist
will examine it, then Dr. Pierce w ill
report to yon, without fee or charge.
N o t e : — French scientists affirm that
* Anaric* is thirty-seven times mote
active than lithia in eliminating aria
acid, and is a harmless bat reliable
npoun that may be safely
chemical compound
given to chil Idren, but should be i used
only by grown-ups who actually wish to
restore tneir kidneys to perfect health,
by conscientiously using one b o x — or
more in extreme cases— as "A n u rio "
( thanks to Doctor Pierce’ s achievement!
is by far the most perfect kidney ana
bladder corrector obtainable.
H om s M edicine Chest.
K e ep your m edicines In one place,
out o f reach o f children. Be sure to
Th e Penalty.
Show Waning of Summer Season. have H an ford 's Balsam o f M yrrh on
hand fo r em ergen cy use.
It should
L ittle John la a confirm ed sleep y­
Spokane— The passing o f the cherry, tak e the fir e out o f burns, heal cuts,
head. One m orning when be was more
than usually averse to g ettin g up, hla apricot, blackcap and red raspberry rem ove soreness and be w orth many
mother reasoned with him by calling shows that the summer season is wan­ tim es o v e r Its c o s t Adv.
hla atten tion to the flow ers.
Sounded Queer.
"W h y , the little flo w e rs have been
The novelties in the store are fresh
awake fo r hours," she told him, "and
clean up m y w ork in a
fig* at 30 cents a dozen, Malaga grapes
here you are at 8 o'clock still In bed.
"O h, w e ll," was the rep ly, "lo o k at 30 cents a box, and dark grapes at
“ I find it ad visab le to strin g it out
O bstinate aorea should be cured by what dirty beds they have, and how 25 cents a box.
a little , so that I w ill alw ays have
Ila n fo rd 'a Balaam. Adv.
Peaches both from California and som ething on m y desk in case a bore
nice aud clean m ine la !”
Washington districts are plentiful and com es In,” said bis frien d, taking up
T u tl T u tl
Dr. Pierce’s Pellets are the original
Human Nature.
becoming more so. They retail at 20 som e papers.
One little Pellet for
T hen the oth er man looked at him little Liver Pills.
If a M aori wtahes to speak worda
"B u t you w ill at least adm it that cents a basket.
a laxative— three for a cathartic.
o f Insult to another M aori he calls hla there are tw o sides to e v ery question,
Watermelons are only 2 cents a qneerly and w en t out.
adversary som e kind o f food.
Any and— '•
pound, while good sized cantaloupes
kind w ill do, llvtug or dead.
“ I adm it nothing o f the k in d !" Inter­ can be obtained fo r a nickel, and some­
M aori c h ie f once told another that he rupted J. F u ller Gloom. “ Aa far as I
what larger ones at four fo r a quarter.
waa a roast veal. Then he fled to the am concerned, there la only one side
Prim e pears from the Wenatchee
bush, hid In a cave, waa tracked, cap­ and a lot o f confounded foolishness.'
district, perfect in color and shape,
tured and beheaded.
— Judge.
are tem pting at 30 cents a dozen.
T h e c a v e la still shown to vlaltors,
Spring chickens are plentiful and
and when Lord K itch en er was In N ew
W h ere Em ulation Stopped.
Zealand he was taken to It by a p retty
many people, especially i f o f southern
M aori g irl acting as guide. She told
extraction, think they are improved if
him the w hole story, and a t the con­ his hair bobbed on hla neck: “ Frank accompanied with a dish o f sweet po­
clusion the stern sold ier's face s o ft­
tatoes o f which the first o f the present
hair cut lik e papa's?"
ened Into a sm ile as he said:
" I don't want my hair cut lik e pa­ season are now retailing at 10 cents a
"A h , then, I suppose It would be
highly dangeroua to call a M aori lady pa's,” he replied, "w ith a hole In the pound.
top."— Christian H erald.
Squash, green corn and artichokes,
a little du ck ?"— London Tit-B its.
varied with green or wax beans, offer
a pleasing variety and celery again
a aids in the making o f a salad or adding
to the variety o f hor d ’oeuvres.
T h e D ifficu lty.
In the R igh t Class.
" I have com e to consult you," she
said to her law yer.
"W h a t la the trou b le?"
" I have received three proposals o f
m arriage and I do not know which to
"W h ic h man has the moat m oneyT"
"D o you Im agin e?" she asked, "th at
If I knew I would consult you or any
other la w y e r? "— P h ilad elp h ia Public
R eader— T h is , story has quite
sw ing to It.
Publisher— T hen w e 'l! prin t It as
one o f our Ham m ock series.— Boston
"C h eerfu l guy, t h a t "
"W h a t's the m a tte r?"
"H e called on me the other day
when I was 111 and the firs t thing he
said was that our fro n t room was g o ­
ing to be an aw kw ard place to g et a
c o ffin out of.” — D etroit F ree Press.
In Style.
Mrs. S tyles— Oh. dear, I want a new
street skirt.
Mr. S tyles— But. w ife, you know I'm
short Just now.
Mrs. S tyles— W e ll, dear, I w an t a
short skirt.— Yonkers Statesman.
Kill All Flies! "‘SÄT-
Hared anyw h«r«,ltol»y F ff KI liar Attn, .ta and
ilia all
4 k kill*
ûi«s. Nani. clean, ornamentai, convenient, an«J cheap,
¿•e ss
“ One o f m y hens laid an egg w ith
the date 1920."
"Y o u w an t to encou rage that breed.
T h o se egga can com e out o f cold stor­
age and aell as extra fresh .”— Louis
v ille Courier-Journal.
r D a is y F ly K ille r
A «M Ay tfeafere. er f een«
br express. prepeia, |1.N.
HAROLD S O M M A , I A 4 D alU IA A « « . , A m e fe ly «, M. Y.
o m
^^4 ■ 1 ■
■ C 1 _ - . .
r V
e S
GOOD Paint M eans GOOD Results
See Your Local Dealer Now
Fall Term Opens Tues., Sept. 5th
Save M oney b y Enrolling N o w .
W rite us today. It w ill pay you.
A . T . L IN K , Principal.
Phone Main 5063
A W \ W \ n co\i,tr
In 1820.
P. N. U.
All Slags
W ounda cleansed by H an ford's Hal
■ asm. Adv.
Mra. Crump looked at her friend,
1 Mrs. Hlnks. and sighed as her husband
went out o f tha room.
"A h . my dear. It's a »ad thing to aee
my old man losing hla hair that way
-as none knows b etter what It la than
yourself, Mra. Hlnka!'
"Y o u apeak truly, Mra. Crum p; sail
i It la. A fte r my U eorge had hla tllueaa
In tha apring bis hair fa irly moulted
o f f o f him, and now hla head's as
smooth as s m o oth !'
" I t must be so uucom fortable, what
with files and things, not to apeak o f
| the m id. Mra. Hlnka "
"W e ll, do you know. It's not the file *
that worry him so much, nor yet the
cold. It's having to w ear hla hat In
the bed room when he w ash es him self,
aa you'll find out w ith your good man.
You see, not having any hair to go by
now, he can't tell when he’* finished
washing hla face unless he keeps hla
bat on.
T h at's tha bother o f It."—
; T oron to Mall.
QENERAL crop conditions
V -L it e
T h a F lorida N ational Foraat la one
o f Uie aelf supporting foreeta, due to
the aystem which tha U o rern m eo t hag
luauguratad thara In tha leaalug o f the
turpentining In auch a way th at the
perpetuity o f the forest la aaaured.
Dr, J. Howard Mill«,
276 Taylor Street
B n ^ m i l l .
La Koyui
Tilford Bld'g, Tanth and Morrison St*., Portland, Or.
Granulated Eyelids,
Eye, Inflamed by svpo-
sure to See, Dost and Wlsd
quickly relieved by Martas
Eye Remedy. N o W r i n g .
juit Eye Comfort.
Your Druggitt*« 50c per Bottle. Meries Eye
Salvein Tube» 25c. ForffsokaltbsEyerrstuk
Druggiiu or Mar lea Eye Remedy Ce., Chicago
you should try Anti-Uric, the famous
remedy made from Roots and Berriaa.
It la guaranteed to cure this cruel dis­
ease In every stage.
W e want every reader o f this paper
who is suffering from Rheumatism in
any form to try this discovery. Every
package guaranteed or money refund­
■ice $1.50 prepaid, or we
ed. Price
wa will
send by Parcel Poet C. O. D. Circu-
la n and convincing testimony free.
Addreae A N T I-U R IC CO., 102 Sher­
wood Building, San Francisco,
Sugar Drops Again; This Time 25c.
Tacoma— Sugar took a drop o f 25
cents a hundred Tuesday, and granulat­
ed cane is now quoted at $7.85.
decline affects all grades. This is the
third drop in sugar in the last two
weeks. Dealers expect perhaps one or
tw o more small declines as the new
crop comes in, but say that a general
shortage w ill result in high prices for
sugar again this winter.
Idaho huckleberries, the big blue
mountain berries, are on the local mar­
ket. They are in excellent condition
and sell for 15 cents a pound.
A ll
kinds o f grapes are now to be had.
Plenty o f plums and peaches are on the
The best o f the peaches still
come from California.
For the first tim e in several weeks
there is a plentiful supply o f tomatoes
on hand, but many o f them are still a
little green. The price is $1.25 a box
and they are due for a drop. Sweet
com is still scarce. Cantaloupes were
almost cleaned up because o f the great
demand. Standards are quoted at $1.50
and ponies at $1.40 a crate.
Eggplant from Prosser is selling at
8c a pound.
Prune Market Remains Dormant.
Roeeburg, Or.— That the prune mar­
ket is dormant at present, with no in­
dication o f revival, was the statement
made here by a number o f the leading
buyers. " T h e prune growers o f Doug­
las county and California have placed
their crop on a 6-cent basis," said one
buyer, "an d the Eastern distributors
have refused to pay that price.”
other said several carloads had been
purchased fo r 7 cents, but recent offers
had not exceeded 6. Because o f this,
local dealers are making little effort to
contract for the Douglas county crop.
Get This Book
It tells you how to save money on your stump blast­
ing. It shows in 40 illustrations the most effective ways
of preparing charges, loading and blasting stumps with
This valuable book was written especially to suit WesUrn
conditions—by men who have blasted hundreds of acres of
stumps like yours. It contains many letters from Pacific Coast
farmers, telling why they prefer the Giant Farm Powders.
Maks This
Thi» Tasti
Test! Get a 25- or 50-lb.
cate o f either of the Giant Fai
Powder»—Giant Stumping for wet work and Eureka Stumping, which ca»tt le
for dry work (alio used by careful blatter» for wet trork). Get another ca»e
th rr _ powder.
Blait with both and you »rill find that Giant Farm i Powder»
say o ___
go further and therefore co»t le»*.
Dealer» everywhere carry Giant Farm Powder» in itock, or can »ecur. them.
I f your» does not »re will tee that you are »upplied.
| 7 : _ _ D _ . L . C _____We iitue five helpful book» on hla»ting— Stump
F I» " DOOK« r rcc.
Boulder Blatting, Better Orchard
Tillage, Subsoil Blasting and Ditch Blaating. Choose the one» that you prefer
and write for them today, NOW, before you lay thi* a»ide. A poet card will do.
,Jn >
} T H E G I A N T P O W D E R C O , C O N . , JSSt, S a n F r a n c i s c o
" Everything for Bloating ”
S a .t tL , S ^ k a . a . raction J. Salt l ^ k . a t » . D