Foraat N ote*. According to the lateat figures. the hlgheat prices paid per M fe et for raw Takt pkraaur« I« uinMin«ln« that Ü mf m « I o m aterial b/ any Induatry In the Htate o f O regon waa by the manufacturara t o t * 4 « I 44* 4 M M » r « « n U l * . . <40. A uof). W w h th«y oi Hruodwojr. IWtlond. Ora . wh«ra th«) I th«lr fri«mla omi patUnU o f vohlclea and vablcle parta. Only will I » (.U mmo I I o !*h m uflUra will l U ound u* U m I i»n a i»ullry u (w r v - amall quantities and hlgheat gradna I«« At m«*UraU prlcag to th« brat of our ability are uaed. Thla covera nut only the Wa alwaya •Uuwl hah i ml our work, aa wa know m anufacture hut the repair o f wagona. that a aatlafUd paUant la ami aliAll alwaya ba tha carrlagca and autom obllas, and lu- boat AAaaU cludea the local demand only. Or. EM T. Hedluad, Dr. S t y a w 1 S O , ORS. H E D L L ND, SKIFF â MILLER, DENTISTS, D E N T IS T S . Talapkoaa, Mar «Hall M . MOTORCYCLES .«■ BICYCLES Bought, »old anil rapalracl. Hup piles o f all kind*. Out o f town trade a specialty. W rite ua. R. H. BLOCKER Portland, Orego P O R T L A N D Y . M. C. A. A u to m o b ile S c h o o l About m illion pounda o f a r tifi­ cial »Ilk made d irectly from wood pulp are uaed annually In the United Hiatus. It la manufactured Into auch artlclea ea llutnga, lapeetrlee, nacktlea, rlbbona and aweatera. A plan o f cooperation between fo r ­ est o ffic e rs aud pustofftce em ployes haa beau put lato action, whereby ail rural mull c a rrie r, ami postm asters In or near national forests are to report the d iscovery o f foreat fire s to the nearest forest officer. Uff.n pnu-Ur.1 »hop trainine In CunalrucUun *n4 Oparntlun of AubiraoMW. Hpwinl dntalM la- N ea rly fifty per cent o f the palls Nruintion furnlahn.1 ImmnUlatnlr on nojonat. Kn> U i w i Uw. A iU n u T U R riln iu , Y. M. C A. and tubs made In the Hlate o f W ash­ PurlUnd, Ornenn ington are sent to the m iddle west fo r consumption. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL Th« only Automobil« Kchool on th« P a - Aldo CuMt mat nini ulna « O m Tractor iRspi . tain« Mali 4 atarplllmr. C. L II m I Track lay or «ml Whwl Tractora. both In th* school And oyanKlit« fWM. 4 U llawlhom# A*«. Io n ia n *. Ora. GOOD NEWS for H azelw ood Shippers Ralae o f one cent In your butterfat price», Clu-ck* for each ahipmunt by return mail. SW PJUa^kLL YOUR CREAM Hazelwood, Portland Oregon Hernia Institute Ruptur« t m b d mechanically. Private fit Una rwma H ifh M t testimoniala. IU- •uita *uoronte«d. Call or writ«. JO HNSON A UM B A R G E * 4 1 1 - 4 1 2 A U ftk r B u ild i« « . P o r t la n d . O r a f a * WE PAY MORE FOR OLD AUTO TIRES Éa a. «to mm t o i »i» W ciKKlelN VI U A.MZIMi It) . WuhlnfftMt 81 .. I’urtlind, Or». REDUCED FREIGHT RATE8 To and fkoot all puinUa on houe«ho!d food«, piano«, and automobiles. Information chaMirfully fi»*n Pacific Coast Forwarding Co., HIDES, PELTS, CA8CARA BARK, WOOL AND MOHAIR. Mi nat * jm Nm. wnn tar pncti tad shipping N p T h i H. F. N orton C o . N m * * on. sum*. «• ELECTRIC MOTORS Baucht, Sold. R .atad «nd Rapalrad WALKER ELECTRIC WORKS Humaida, cur. luth. I'urtiand. Or», Excuaad. A gentlem an who dlacovered that ho waa atandlng on a la d y '« train had the preaenco o f mind to rem ark: “ ThouKh I may not have the pow er to draw an nngel from the eklea, I have pinned one to the earth." Th*> lady excused him. Hand H er a Broom. I’ m te r— W h o la m aking that Infernal ja n gle on the piano? M ater -T h at'* Constance at her ex- erciae. P ater— W ell, fo r heaven's sake, tell her to g et her exercise som e other w ay.— Boston Transcript. Ship Veal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Egga & Farm Produce To th« Old Rsliahl« Evmlinf hnua« with a record of 46 y ram of Squars I »ralinga and b« aaaurad of Top M a r k e t P r ic e s . F. M. CRONKHITE, 45-47 F tod I PORTLAND. ORE St, Comfortable .£-* 2.50 S. All Style* Royal Shoe Co. 148 Fourth St. N u r Mon I k ,n BUSINESS AND STENOGRAPHIC S C H O O L Oar gradual*» an* occupying »nviabl« pool* lion». Th« teaching procaaa la «It if «rant from ordinary buainaaa whouli. Thorough. I'radi­ cal. Individual. SCHOOL FOR MEN ONLY. Addrara Th« Kagiatrar, Y. M. C. A.. Portland. Oregon, and g*»t dataJlod information. Spray-a-Cow Keeps of? flies or money back. $1 a gallon from your dealer, or order by mall. PLUMMER DRUG CO. Third and MadUon, Portland, Or. Vary D ifficult. Inquleltlve. Dauber la a big, healthy, bearded man, who looks as though he could lift half hu ndredw eight. In each band aa easily as be picks up hla palette. An eld erly rustic, who had been standing watching him painting by the roadside, approached him. " N o o ffe n .a , s ir , ' he began, "b u t la auythlng the m atter w l' y er? " "N o ." answ ered # Dauber. "w h a t makes you aak?" " Y e r haln't lame, are y e r ? " ' L am e! Good gracious, n o !" " Y e r haln't 'ad a m lafortuna In any w ay? T h e aclatlcar or lom bager, that'* ' kind o ’ laid yer b y? " " N o ; I'm as w e ll aa 1 have alwaya | been." T h e ruatlc drew h im self up and gaxed scornfu lly a t the a r tis t " A n ' yer call y e rs e lf a man, an' can elt theer a'dolng o ’ th at." he said. "W e ll, I'm b le s t!" f , - ' B M k k M f i a g - S tM o trip fe y \ T ila t f if t y I n U i i 1 H I f f U M U i N O W I d Banks J 2.100 iAhett la ( m 4 »aaitloM I H G a M M c 4 a ir ! l l rj*a«ac7 M C e rc ita lM csbfr/rrd since J«a. M A lw a y a • po a itlo n f o r you * h * R c o a p a U a L ^ ^ H ll-v , I, V No. 34. 1616 W H E N w rltlag ta to n rÜ M M . pl«aas B aa- I " Uoa IM » p a y e . _______________________ I A T a ll Yarn. Me waa describing the privations o f a voyage from which be bad Just re­ lum ed. "T h e n .” he said. " I w ent down to the cabin to lunch." • “ L u n c h !” exclaim ed one o f hla hear­ ers. "B u t you told us there waa noth­ ing to eat le ft on board. W h at did you have for lunch?" “ O h !" waa the reply, “ It waa a very m odest a ffa ir — beef, wine aud an egg .” "B e e f? W h ere did you g e t the beef from ?'* "O h ," waa the reply, "th a t came from the bulw arks." "A n d the wine, how about th at?” “ Oh, that cam e from the port h o le !" "Oh, o h !” laughed the liatener. "Good, very good ! But tell me where did you get the e g g ? ” "Oh, that was the sim plest o f a ll," came tho reply. “ T h e captain gave orders fo r the ship to ‘lay to,' and be gave me on e."— P earson ’s W eek ly. Deep cuts should be healed by Han­ fo rd ’s Balaam. Adv. Portland -Wheat — Blues tarn, $1.17 per bushel; fortyfold, $1.16; clnb, 91.18; red flfe, $1.16; red Russian, •1.12. M illfeed— Spot prices: Bran, $2644 26.60 per ton; shorts, I29@28.60; roi­ led barley, $31.60@82.60. Corn— Whole, $38 per ton; cracked, $39. Hay— Producers’ prices: Timothy, Eastern Oregon, $18.6O@20 per ton; alfalfa, $13 60 @ 14.60; wheat hay, $13.60 @ 14.60; oat and vetch, $12 @ 12.60; cheat, $11; clover, $10. Butter— Exchange prices; Cubes, extras, no bid; prime firsts, 26c per pound; Jobbing pricee: Prim e extras, 27$@80c; butterfat, No. 1, 27c; No. 2, 25c, Portland. Eggs — Oregon ranch, exchange price, current receipts, 26Jc per docen. Jobbing pricee: Oregon ranch, can- died, 27$<880c; selects, 32c. Poultry— Hen», 14@16c per pound; broilers, 16@17c; turkeys, live, 20 @22c; ducks, 10@14c; geese, 8@10c. Veal— Fancy, 2c per pound. Pork— Fancy, 2c per pound. Vegetables— Artichokes, 76c@$l per dozen; tomatoes, 40@76c per crate; cabbage, $1.76 per hundred; garlic, 10c per pound; peppers, 5@6c; e g g ­ plant, 7@8c; lettuce, 30@36c per doz­ en; cucumbers, 40@60c per box; i, 4(8 6c per pound; beans, 4 } T H E G I A N T P O W D E R C O , C O N . , JSSt, S a n F r a n c i s c o " Everything for Bloating ” B R A N C H O FFIC E S« S a .t tL , S ^ k a . a . raction J. Salt l ^ k . a t » . D K m