Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, August 19, 1916, Image 1

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I *
from ordinary real or personal "MOOSE DRIFT TO WILSON
property, but also incomes deriv­
ed from State and municipal se­
Declaras the Democratic Campaign
" I t may be urged that the
Committee. Below ia the Stam­
amendment would be limited by
construction. But there can b i
For Wiiaon
no satisfactory assurance o f thit.
For Hughe*
Bain bridge Colby
The words in terms are all-inclu­ Theodor« Kootuvelt
Frane*!* J. Heney
Raymond Robin*
sive. An amendment to the Con­ Oacar 8. H tra u *
Ola Haneon
John Seymour
stitution o f the United States is <iIlford Pint-hot
Hiram W. John*«ti
the most important o f political Jam«» A. (Jarfleld
acts, and there should be no « better H Rowell
A Ibert J. Beverld*«
amendment expressed in such William Allen White
terms as to afford the opportun­ George W Perkin*
Harold L. fckea
ity for Federal action in violation George L, Record
o f the fundamental conditions o f Henry J. Allen
« barie* J Davonport
State authority.
Ate wart Macdonald
" I am not now referring to the Horace 8. Wilkinson
Xepbl Morrl*
advantage which the States H P Gardner
might derive from the exclusive Klon II. Hooker
f . P. Corrtck
— M»>- lu Cleveland U n d er.
power to tax income from pro­ Clarence P. Dodge
perty, or to the argument that Raymond McFarland
Cbarlaa 8. Bird
for this reason the power to tax W. W. geymour
such incomes should be withheld W illiam Hamlin Child*
W. D. M e veil»
from the Federal governm ent j Everelg Colby
" I t is highly important that
and etc.
To that argument I do not assent.
Raaaont for Vetoing Certain Billa
we should have transportation in
While Qovernor of New York.
" I am referring to a proposal
our cities at the lowest fair rates.
to authorize a tax which might HOME TRADE AND
It is desirable that in New York
be laid in fact upon the instru­
(Continued from last week.)
city there Bhould be low rates
mentalities o f States government.
from the congested quarters to
The next question is:
‘ T v e just been glancing over
In order that a market may be
"W h y did the Governor veto the breathing spots in the outly­ provided for Statç bonds, and for
Pal)er from a little town down
the five-cent Coney Island fare ing districts and by the sea. The municipal bonds, and that thus in southern Illinois," said the real
Bure way, and the only way, to
b ill?"
means may be afforded for State estate agent.
The memorandum upon this make real progress in this direc­ and local administration, such
" I t isn’t much of a paoer, is it?”
veto will be found in "Public tion is through the ascertainment securities from time to time are commented his prospective cus­
Papers, 1908", page 93. In this o f the essential facts and the excepted from taxation. In this tomer.
memorandum the Governor said: making o f reasonable rates in ac­ way lower rates o f interest are
“ That’s where you're mistaken,”
" I t ia plainly intended to affect cordance with the facts. This paid than otherwise would be corrected the agent. "This is a
charires over existing lines. It bill is wrong in principle and it is |K>ssible. To permit such secur­ humdinger o f a newspaper propo­
establishes a maximum rate o f not adapted to secure the desired ities to be the subject o f Federal sition and I'll prove it to you.
five cents without regard to the result. I cannot approve it " .
“ I ’ve met the editor personally
taxation is to place such limita­
length o f the route or the reason­
I ’m acquainted with the town
The next question is:
tions upon the borrowing power
ableness o f such a fare. In other
"W h y did the Governor urge o f the State as to make the per­ where he is located. I know its
words, it is an arbitrary maxi- the Legislature not to approve formance o f the functions o f local alleged business men. I know the
mun imposed by legislative fiat. the Income Tax amendment?”
government a matter o f Federal c'tiz®118 ° f that place as I know j
But it is clear that i f the rate is
my family. And, putting my ’
His message on this subject will gra ce",
not a reasonable one and if the
knowledge o f the different ele­
be found on Page 72 o f "Pu blic
The next question is:
requirement would operate as a
ments together, I have a pretty
Papers o f 1910 : In that message
\Vhy so many of the Govetnor's
confiscation o f the company's
fair idea o f the proposition the
.decisions "during his brief career
property, the Legislature cannot the Governor said:
editor o f this sheet is up against.
"1 am in favor o f conferring on the United States Supreme
impose it. The attempt to en­
And. needless to add, I wouldn't
the Federal government the Court Bench were in favor of
force such a rate under such cir­
trade him jobs.
cumstances would be abortive, as power to lay and collect an in- privileged interests?”
"W hen the editor came to that
'j'he Governor’s career on the
a successful appeal could be made come tax without apportionment
town, five years ago, he hadn’t a
to the courts. It is idle to sup­ among the States according to bencb covers six years. His de­ dollar to his name, but he has he'd
pose that the companies can be population. I believe that this cjgjon Were not "in favor o f pri- his own. He has as much now as
compelled to reduce their fares power should beheld by the Fed- vj)eRed interests". Critics should when he started.
to five cents merely because the eral government so as propet l> not make sweeping assertions but
"H e walked into that town with
to equip it with the means o f should be specific. The Gover- j
Legislature says so.
'an army press under his arm.
meeting national exigencies
nor’ s record on the Supreme When he announced that he was
"W h eth er a five-cent fare is a
Bench would be very great­ going to start a weekly news­
fair one depends upon tacts and
should not be granted in such ly to his advantage if he would paper, one man immediately sub­
not upon sentiment, desire, or
terms as to subject to Federal permit it to be used, especially scribed for three months at 25
prejudice. W hether the result
be agreeable or disagreeable, it taxation the incomes derived from with regard to organized labor, cents. Another paid for
inevitably will be reached only bonds issued by the State itself. But he will not permit any decis- months, but not without consider-
after the facts have been ascer­ or those issued by municipal gov- ,on8 written by him to be used to able misgivings. Still another, who
W ullv known as a dpsnoratp
tained and considered. Justice ernments organized under the advance his candidacy.
requires this and under the Con­ State’s authority. To place the O f course, it would be proper to Rambler. and dead-game Tport.
stitution the requirement will be borrowing capacity o f the State meet any specific attack upon subscribed for a whole year.
and o f its governmental agencies this record by citing the facts.
“ The merchants told him they
at the mercy o f the Federal tax-
care to advertise just yet,
"T h e proper way to deal with
ing power would be an impair-
donated half a dozen
these matters is to provide for ment o f the essential rights o f
the evils o f patronizing
investigation in which the whole
the State which, as its officers,
Before one condemns the one
houses and told him
subject can be considered, spec­
we are bound to defend.
and commends the other they
permission to
ious claims sifted out, and a re­
"Y o u are called upon to deal s h o u 1 d inquire into t h e
when he
sult just both to the corporations
with a specific proposal to amend differences more carefully than
and to the public arrived at.
the Constitution, and your action theaveragenewspaperpublishers,
first issue of that paper would
" I t may be said that the pro­ must necessarily be determined who have been so radical in con­
have been entirely free o f adver­
vision o f this bill with regard to not by a general consideration of demnation. have done. That a
tising if it hadn’t been for a man
the Public Service Commission the propriety o f a just Federal general strike on the railroads o f
whose w ife died and wanted a
has this effect. But this is not income tax, or o f gi :ng to the the country would be a National
card o f thanks.
the case. The bill provides fo r a Federal arovernment the power to catastrophe there is no doubt;
"That editor started in telling
flat rate o f five cents unless the lay such a tax, but whether or but war is also a fearful thing,
the business men what he thought
Commission consents to a higher not the particular proposal is o f yet it sometimes happens that it
o f them and the result was such
fare. It does not provide that such a character as to warrant seems ineyitable. To arbitrate
interesting reading that the sub­
the Commission shall ascertain your assent.
seems fair on the face, yet there
scription list grew by leaps and
or fix a just and reasonable rate
"T h is proposal is that the Fed­ are sometimes tricks in arbitra­
bounds. Then he took the list to
or that an increase shall be allow­ eral government shall have the tion. It often happens that the
i progressive dealers in neighboring
ed because it is ju st and reason­ power to lay and collect taxes on court selects men who are pro­
towns and got their advertising
able. Evidently
the . bill was incomes from 'whatever source fessional referees just as it some­
and then the local dealers had to
drawn not to g iv e the Commiss­ derived’ .
times happens that professional
fall into line.
ion power to fix a just and reason­
" I t is to be borne in mind that jurors are selected. There are
"Th e editor does a good business
able rate, but to fix a rate by this is not a mere statute to be always two sides to any question-
and puts all his earnings back into
statute with a provision for ap­ construed in the light o f constitu­ I f the railroad men are dissatis­
his plant. He has put the town
peal from the Legislature to the tional restrictions, express or im- fied with the conditions under on the map. There are thousands
Commission and without any plied, but a proposed amendment which they labor there is nothing j0f country editors iust like him.
proper indication o f the condit­ to the Constitution itself which, in the constitution o f this free But if you go into that town and
ions under which the appeal is to if ratified, will be in effect a government that will prevent talk about him to the merchants
they will tell you he’d be a good
be heard.
grant to the Federal government their quietly throwing up the job.
editor if he told the farmers to
The power to make or break the patronize home trade. The idea
"T h is can only ret.ult in con­ o f the power which it defines.
"T h e comprehensive words. great railroad companies lies in o f buying advertising space and
fusion, affording as it. would op­
p o r t u n i for protraete d litigation 'from whatever source derived’ the hand o f labor and it might be telling the farmers themselves has
over the validity o f such a sta­ i f taken in their natural sense, well to give them their "d ay in not yet occured to them. ’ —Chicago
Daily News.
tute and postponing tlie proper would include not only incomes,court.”
No. 51
Continuation of Sale
For another week Special Sale
Prices will prevail on Ladies
Oxfords at 1-2 price rubber
soled shoes.
An opportune tim e to buy your
needs to finish out the summer
at lowered prices.
SELIG’S, Cash Price Store,
“ Meeting and Beating Competition*’.
That Vacation
trip should not be delayed
“ Oregon’s premier be»,ch resort”
is not far away and is easily reached.
Daily Trains
from Albany and Corvallis. Low round trip fares
are available. Good hotel accomodations. Fine surf
bathing. Boating on Yaquina Bay.
You can't beat Newport
for a place to enjoy a vacation
Ask any local agent or write to
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent
Portland. Oregon
S o u t h e r n P a c if ic
The Sheridan Sur. ,ays that the has endangered the chances o f
thistle crop in that city is ready his election by his exposure o f
to harvest.
W ilson’s
“ W eary
W obbles."
Doubtless Mr. Hughes fully ap­
The car shortage appears to be preciates their solicitude.
a habit rather than a disease.
Too bad that it can not be blamed
"Faith in Hughes still booms
to the European war.
real P3tate in this section,” says
A man in Washington is said the Sheridan Sun. A $16,500 real
to be making a bust o f President estate deal was pulled off.
Wilson. I f he will only w a if a
little while Mr. Hughes will ac­
The City Council o f Beaverton
complish that little job for him.
have declared war on bicycle rid­
Notwithstanding the great cri­
sis on the Mexican border, and
the strenuous efforts to catch
Villa. Gen. Perishing and his
"F ly in g Squadron" had time to
"doll u p " and have their pictures
"to o k ".
ing on the sidewalks and will pro­
secute all offenders. They appear
to think that it is their duty to see
that the ordinances are enforced
as well as to make them.
--------- • —
Verle Courier attended the
“ Safety First” picnic at Salem
The Democratic papers are Tuesday and then went to Jeffer­
much worried for fear Hughes son and visited his sister.