Pftturriiiv, AugUit f», 1916 THE FALL8 CITY NEWS Mrs. Hilda Elliott of Lostine, Ore., is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Scottie Hunter. W. P. Lewis of Dallas was in town Monday and Tuesday. He acted like a man who wanted to come back. Mr. and Mrs. C. Kirkpatrick of FT. Steilacoon, Wash., were in the city Monday looking after their property here. TH E WAR has nothing to do with your watch. Bring it to us for clean­ The best show at the (¡«in tonight ing and overhauling. All work guaranteed, prices most reason­ H. Bedient went to Portland Thursday. able. For Sale—Two sows and pigs. P E R S E Y , T h e J e w e le r, W. L Frink. 5-12. Falls City, Oregon. Pigs for sale, 8 weeks old $2.50. L B. Murray. CHIROPRACTIC ("has. Bradley left Wednesday Walter L. Tooje, Jr., Lawyer, for eastern Oregon and Washing­ DR. VV. L. Holloway Dallas, Oregon. ti. ton where he will work in the CHIROPRACTIC harvest fields. Miss Helen Treat was on the Will be »1 FalU City H ot» sick list this week. MONDAY ana FRIDAY Afternoon» It is believed that the question Each Week. Bert Wonderly went to Portland of the right of way for the log Tuesday on business. road across the Chilcott property W. A. Persey and family motor­ will be adjusted amicably and the road finished. ed to Salem Saturday. George Drury and family and The Dallas picture shows want Mrs. Ellis and daughter Berl of to keep open Sundays. Chester Ward returned Monday Coeburg were visiting G. W. We have a full line of guar­ Brentner and family this week. from a week’s visit in Salem. anteed hot w ater bottles and fountain syringes of all sizes Eldon Sheppard of Salem is J. C. Talbott made a trip over the new road to the Siletz Satur­ and prices. If you need a visiting friends here this week. day and found the roads in a bad good hot w ater bottle let us Mrs. Pat Murphy visited her condition for automobile travel. show you one. husband at Salem last Sunday. We have bought some new Orlo Bradley and wife of Hood Born Thursday morning to Wm. River came Wednesday to visit rubber goods at a low price Wood and wife a 10-pound boy. and therefore our prices are John Chamberlain and family. much lower this year. They Vernon Brentner of Scio was Mrs. Bradley is a niece of Mr. are guaranteed one and two here this week visiting his parents. Chamberlain. years. Austin Titus and Ronald White Mrs. Addie Montgomery receiv­ went to Newport Thursday morn­ ed a picture of Co. L; now station­ ing. ed in California. They look as DRUG STORE. W’ork on the Siletz automobile though they were getting three road has been discontinued for a meals a day. time. Miss Opal Robertson returned The Monmouth Boy Scouts pass­ Monday from Dallas where she ed through here Tuesday on a had been visiting Gwenlyn Hooker. While in Dallas she wound the hike to the Siletz. N. Selig and Maurice went to courthouse clock. George Hubbard has returned Newport W'ednesday to spend a to Falls City after an absence of week’s vacation. Merton Ellis and wife of Dallas about one and one-half years. He were in the city Thursday trans­ first went to Roseburg and then to Grants Pass. If you need any dental acting business. work done and if saving Miss Alice Primm, formerly Mrs. Esther Montgomery and money is an object, you domestic science teacher in the daughter Edith left Thursday for will be wise to call at once. city schools here but now of the Portland on a visit. Not later than Aug. 5, San Francisco schools was visiting Mrs. Barnett Brown and son 1916. and Mrs. A. E. Seymour are visit­ friends here this week. The work at the plainer and ing in Washington. various logging camps and logging Mrs. Jesse Moyer and Mrs. railroad has turned considerable Mary Miller visited Mrs. E. Gil­ cash loose in Falls City. Haying liam in Salem Tuesday. and harvest is giving employment A. 6. ATWOOD, Dentist Fresh Bread, Cakes,Cookies,Pies to quite a number of men and hop Across from Selig’s store. and other bakery goods, every day picking will soon be here. at the Falls City Bakery. Wm. Ellis, real estate dealer of Mrs. Fred Holman of Dallas Dallas was in town this week. He ran her auto into a ditch Thurs­ says that he started the ball to day bending the front axle. rolling, actually selling some real The City Council are expected estate getting real money. He to hold high carnival in their new thinks that the “drouth” is broken quarters next Monday night. and that real estate will begin to N. Selig went to Newport Sun­ move again. day returning Monday evening. It has been hinted that there Charlie Dill accompanied him. will be an interesting session in The water flowing into the mill the police court soon. The story pond was shut off Friday moining is that considerable data has been in order to fill the pond at mill 1. secured on speeding automobilists Chester Guthrie, Armond Guth­ and other violators of the city Headquarters for Candy and Cigars rie and Edith Brown have pur­ ordinances and it is expected that WEATHERLY CONFECTIONERY. chased new 17 Maxwell touring the city treasury will be swelled te bursting in the near future. cars. Rubber Goods THO M PSO NS To M y Patrons Subscribe for the Now« and then you will not have to borrow of your neighbor for of course you are going to read it. TIM E TO IRRIGATE Linn County hua decided to worry along without a school au- pervisor and give the county school superintendent a chance to expand • i little, thus sat ing the ta\pu>or • $3000 a year. Britt Aspinwull of Wanconda, Ore., a prominent loganberry grower of that place was visiting; the Pugh loganberry plant Thurs­ day getting a few pointers. Mr. Aspinwall was the first to put in practice the process of drying loganberries. It is getting the linn* of year you will need to irrigate your lawns and garden«. To do this you will need a good hose We have them and will «ell them at reasonable prices S E E OUR LAWN J. C. TALBOTT m Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Mickalson, J. M. Harrison and Miss Julia Kidwell of Brownsville motored over Frida)* and visited J. O. Mickalson our real estate man. The senior Mickalson is the father of the J. 0 . Mickalson of this city. He expressed himself as being well pleased with the appearances of the city. Bank of Falls City K ai . i . h C it y , P olk C o u n t y . O bkoon Doe« a General Bunking Busmens. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Exchange sold on all points in the United States. Notary Public officially connected with the Bank, SILVER TEA. On Wednesday afternoon, Aug­ ust 9th, from 2:00 to 5:00 o’clock at the residence of Mrs. Jessie Moyer a ten cent tea will be serv­ ed by Mrs. Jessie Moyer and Mrs. Gertrude Moyer, for the benefit of the M. E. Church ladies Aid Society. Come and have some­ thing good and enjoy a pleasant time. MODERN FRENCH DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING WHERE WILL IT END? The bomb explosion at Frisco, the destruction of 19 warehouses containing amunition in New York is a stern reminder that the public is practically at the mercy of the lawless element. Bomb-throwing is not of American origin, neither will the execution of a few ha'f- baked bomb-throwers cure the evil. Better investigate and find the cause. Rigid immigration laws would probably have prevented much trouble in the past as well as the future. I krv ¡fj Ladies White Coats, Waists and Dresses Our Specialty. Wen’ s Suits, Overcoats and Every Form of Wearing Apparel Thoroughly Renovated. ■ M ■ ■ ■ ■ Prices Moderate, and Charges Prepaid Both Ways. É PRICE B R O T H E R S ■ I have for immediate sale two good320acre homestead relinquish­ ments just east of the mountains one in Lake county and one in Jef­ ferson county handv to towns, etc both partly improved and are good places. Price $500 each good terms if desired. Also all kinds of prop­ erty to sell, rent or trade. J. O. Mickalson, Falls City, Oer. C L O T H E S SHOP. THE HOME OF ÉS That Vacation trip should not be delayed Newport “ Oregon’s premier beach resort” is not far away and is easily reached. T H E OREGON SEPTEMBER 18, 1916. Daily T rain s from Albany and Corvallis. Low round trip fare« are available. Good hotel accomodations. Fine surf bating. Boating on Yaquina Bay. SEASON FARE $5.50 Degree Courses re q u irin g a four-year Beware o f Ointments fo r Catarrh That Contain Mercury • a m ercury will surely destroy th e sense o f sm ell and com pletely derange th e w hole system when entering It through th e m ucous surfaces. Such articles should nev er be used except on prescriptions from rep u tab le physicians, as the dam age ¿hey will do Is ten fold to the good you c a n possibly derive from them . H all's C a ta rrh Cure, m an u factu red by F. f. Cheney & Co., Toledo. O., contains no m ercury, and Is tak en Internally, acting d lrectlv upon the blood and m ucous su r­ fa ce s of th e system . In buying H a ll's C a ta rrh Cure be su re you g et th» genu- tee. I t Is taken Internally and m ade In Toledo. Ohio, by F . J. C heney A Co. T es­ tim onials free. Bold by D ruggists. P rice 75c per hot tig. Take Hall's F amily F ills tor constipation. Cobb, Donald and Grier of the Falls City Lumber company were in town W’ednesday looking over the new work. They went out on the.logging road. * . p;.,.., j D r. M ile s ’ h ig h school p re p a ra tio n , are offeied in th e follow ing; A G R IC U L T U R R , 16 D e p a rtm e n ts; C O M M E R C E , 4 D e p artm en ts; E N G IN ­ E E R IN G , li Ite p a rtin e n ts ; M IN E S , 3 D e p a rtm e n ts; F O R E S T R Y , !i D e p a rt­ m e n ts ; H O M E E C O N O M IC S, 4 D epart m e n t s ; a n d PH A R M A C Y . V o c a t io n a l C o u r s e s re q u irin g an E ig h th G rade p re p ara tio n for e n tra n c e are offered in A g ric u ltu re. D airy in g , C om m erce, P o re stry , H om e M akers, and M echanic A rts. P h a rm ac y w ith a two- y ear h igh school e n tra n c e re q u ire m e n t. SC H O O L O P M U SIC .— P iano, S trin g , Band and V oice C u ltu re . C atalogue and beautiful illu stra te d b o o k let free. Address T h k R rc . i s t r a r , N E R V IN E i» Highly Recommended m Such Cases. IF FIRST BOTTLE FA ILS TO B E N E FIT , YOUR MONEY W IL L BE REFUNDED. 1 w-7-lg 16 to 9-7-16) S BAD LY NUN DOW N. • 1 had bsoom * greadty m a dow n s o d say nerves were la taWIMe •n n d ltk m . t h a d (Twiner* k m l - se h e s am i b ecam e very w eak a n d w an enable to do M U i l n g I I . . . h i a b o ttle of O r ■ R aa' N e rv - toe. I b o m b eg a n to fast he« * « , m y n ereee w e re « R a te d 1 _ W eo v ered a i r s tr e n g th , e n d h e r e MRpe recom m ended IW. M HW N«wvto* So m an y of asp f r iends w ho h a v e n a FRAwr-HB 17» B r o N w t y N. T . OREGON. ' Uniting Learning and Labor F orty-eighth School Year Opens :i i7Tfff\v7 > nderly !. s HART-SCHAFFNER » MARX CLOTHES. D A LLA S , W It looks as though Wilson’s cam­ paign managers had an engage­ ment with Villa to keep up a threatened disturbance along the Mexican border until after the | November election for political ef­ fect. By allowing Villa to plun­ der and kill a few Americans once in a while it will help pay ex­ penses. In its S ix Schools a n d F o rty -e ig h t D e­ p a rtm e n ts is e n g sg e d in th e g re at work o( u n itin g L ea rn in g and L abor. ^ C a o d i o s , ¡ T o b a c c o s a n d ^ C i g a r s . 'i t t l ix ! R. E W illia m s . M. L .T hompson . W. F. N ichols , R.G. W h it e , President Vice-President Cashier Assistant Caahicr A G R IC U LT U R A L C O LLEG E Every Housewife or Mother fc ever under that Nervous Strain» which so often results in Headaches, Dizzy Sensations, Faintness, Depression and other Nervous Disorders. MOW ERS. C O R V A I.U S , O R K O O N D r y a n d M oist A ir. A cubic foot of dry air weighs more than n cubic foot of moist atr at the same temperature and preaaure. The addition of vapor to a cubic foot of dry air enlarges the volume of the mixture If the air Is free to expand, aa In the atmosphere, and aa the vapor has only about two-thirds the density of dry air at the aame temperature and pressure the density of the mixture Is less thsn that of dry air. You can't beat Nawport for a plaoe to en|oy a vacation Ask any local agent or write to John M Scott, Qenoral Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon S o u t h e r n BOOZE SHIPMENTS Independence leads the county in booze shipments with 410 since the State went dry. Dallas 223, Black Rock 114, Airlie 91 while Falls City manages to quench her fiery thirst with 74. HUGHES TO BRING PROSPERITY Believing th i l the election of Hughes a certainty and that the Don’t put off thatching till the storm return of prosperity will thus be la at band.—Irish Provarb. brought about C. C. Lowe of P a c if ic Dallas paid 113,000 spot cash ior a 130 acre farm three miles eaBt of Sheridan. BAPTISM. On account of Professor Ham­ mond of Kimball College preach­ ing in the M. E. Church here last Sunday, the Rev. W. J. W arren did not preach on the subject which had been announced “ At what age shall we baptize folks?” But will do so next Sunday at 11 a. m.