Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, August 05, 1916, Image 3

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    D ourwav S T u Sum >
Of General Interest
H I i r U w a MOW la l u t .
X.I00 « t e n la (a te (aa!>l«aa
M <-.14 M teai. I ll ÜuU a n
O r n itela . W .l« (te Maca j u .
A iw ara s p a a lila a faa
r a e wbaw aaai»aU »L
About Oregon
Complete House for Only $75
Tor * komeatearl, «eaakie «rid muunUrin turn
rveurla. th ere 1« n othin« th a t w ill l» a t
our '/-mum hung alow , THU huuav Ift mad« o f
foiHl q u ality coast Hr lum ber, th e hooae I «In a
Ida 1U fw>t In ■!»«*. .1 1 v I n t o tw o ••win« to
•u lt tit« requirem ent* o f th e purchaser; M l
S dour«. 5 w indow *. porch 4x4 and «alveolae. I
aUwl ch im n ey. A ham m er, w ranch, and arrow
driver U all thiit la needed to er ect
Our mill
price d irect from factory to you la only $76
Salem '— O regon’s full sh arajo f'th e
Federal good roads
am ounting to |7H,000, for 1916, under
the Shackleford bill paesed recently by
congress, will be claimed at once,
members of the S tate H ighway com­
mission and advisory board decided
6 0 4 M ood S traot.
Governor Wlthycombe, in behalf of
the S tate H ighway commiesion, w ithin
the next few daye will make a formal
request of the secretary of A griculture
for the money which It is desired to
use th is year, if possible. He will re­
quest A ttorney General Brown for an
Wl K verett Ht.. N aar N in th . Portland. O r a
opinion regarding certain featu res of
the Federal law authorising the appro­
Portable Electric and Oxy-Acetyleae Plant. priation, and then will tender hie for­
R eady at all Tlmaa.
mal request to the governm ent for the
O a y -A c e ty le n e W e Id In« and C u ttin g, W ald in« money.
b y T b a rm lt. Elec tr laity, O a y A c e ty le n e .
Decision to ask for O regon’, 1916
share of th e Federal allotm ent provid­
W e ld in « o f 5 b o a t S te a l. C o at Iro n . A lu m in u m
H raaa. E tc
B o ile r a n d M a rin a W o rk
ed under th e Shackleford m easure waa
a S p e cia lty .
made as a resu lt of a conference of the
A1HO AORNTH: T h e Ifenderaon-WMIla W eldlna Highway commission w ith members of
and C u ttin g Co., Ht. I a > u I«, II. 8 . A
the advisory board and a delegation
Hraaa Wurka. I la t Ht. A Kodak» A v e.. C hicago.
from Portland. The Portland repre­
sentatives were urgent th a t action to
get the money be imm ediate, fearing
th a t to delay until the legislature
meeta m ight result in the s ta te 's los­
ing ita allotm ent from the governm ent
C o u rt R o o m , S in glo, 75c; D ou b lo, $ 1.
for th is year.
O u taid o R o o m , S in g le, $1; D ou b lo, $ 1 .5 0
Under the provisions of the govern­
(R ath p rivilege Included)
ment m easure Oregon m ust m atch the
R o o m s w ith P riv a te B ath , Sin glo,
Federal appropriation w ith an equal
$ 1 .5 0 ; D o u b lo , $ 2 .0 0 .
am ount of money, which ia to be ex ­
(W hoa you R egister Aak th e Clerk for
pended as may be decided upon by
Hummer K ates.)
sta le highway officials and the Secre­
A u to H u a Meat« Tralaa.
ta ry of agriculture.
A ll Cara from l?nk»n I>epot I’aaa Our Doors.
In m atching the governm ent appro­
priation, assurances were given by the
Cor. W « *h ln ,tu n 4 F ifth SI*.. rO B T L A M J. OKI: Multnomath county delegation th a t the
county waa already prepared to expend
$36,000 on road work on the Columbia
River highway.
8. Henson aaid th a t he would give
$16,000 for road im provem ent, and the
highway commission decided to allot
$16,000 rem aining in the highway
F arts o ver 60 m akes and m odels, at h a lf th e r e g ­
ular price. Huy your used au to p arts from an 1 fund for work on R uthton Hilt on the
in Hood River
o ld -estab lish ed and rapu tab le dealer, w h o h as a Columbia highway,
rep u tation to protect and con d u cts th e largest i-ounty.
T hat leaves only $10,000 to
p arts atore and carries th e la r g est com p lete a s ­
complete the $78,000 needed to m atch
sortm en t o f used a u to p arts o f any com pany th is
aids o f C hicago. O ur prioea are leas, and for th is \ the governm ent allotm ent.
Millmade Construction Co.,
The Mathews Welding
& Cutting Co.,
Special Summer Rates
P A R T S FOR 1-2
reason w a o u tsell all oth ers. A ll parts are g u a r ­
an teed to be in ftm t-class condition.
\V\tt\W\ 0 i\Ww \
Oregon Will File for Share in
Government Good Roads Fund
Mine Makes Big Clean-up.
c o itic i
Portland Y .M . C. A . Auto School
Day and nicht rlaaaaa Expert trainine
In repairing. driving and machina work.
including forge. iatha. chapar, drill praaa.
tractor« etc. Tima unlimited
T aka ortiara for KoaanthaJ'a Hhcma. A c t aa as*
clualva a s a n t. W rite torlar for in .tru ctlo n a . Mate.
11» Ul to MO.(XI w o o lly , odutra do.
R O S E N T H A L ’S
161-163 Post St., San fran claco, cal.
Cash For Butterfat
Mak»* ua your n e x t ahlpm rnt o f Cream.
a b solu tely correct Last*
1 m an­
ia te return« - R ig h t treatm ent. DO IT NOW
J uaranUw
Hazelwood Co., Portland
•» n it il jm kin Writ« tor pnen M U ,p«l H4>
T ni H. F. N orton C o . ftmut. on., tutiu. m
T o a n d fro m ail p o in ts u n h o u eeh o id ro o d « , piano«,
a n d au to m o b ilo a. in f o rm a tio n c h e e rfu lly riv e n -
Pacific Coast Forwarding Co.,
B o u g h t, S o ld . R en ted and R ep a ired
B urnside, our. UHfe.
P ortlan d, Ora.
Doable Tread P unci or* Proof Tires
M ade from your old o n es. L aat long
| aa Brand N e e TIKES W rite ua.
660 W ashin gton S t«
Portland. Ora.
Gone for Good.
The man who globe-trots for a liv­
ing m et an old pal from his native
"How do they all go a t home?" he
inquired. "W hat's happened to Bill
Sm ith and Joe P arkins? I suppose
they've joined up?"
“ Yes. they be gone,” said hla com­
panion sadly.
“ Well, and how's old Mrs. Brown?
I'd like to see her again," rem arked
the traveler.
Hia friend started to sob.
"You'll never aee poor Mrs. Brown
ag a in !” ho wailed.
“Come, come! I suppose you mean
she's dead. But rem em ber, we all
m eet afte r death."
"Yes." said the friend; "b u t you’ll
never see her again. Mrs. Brown’s
gone to heaven.”
And the air grew decidedly chilly.—
London Ideas.
G rants P ats— The larg est individual
| cleanup ever reported in Josephine
121-125-121 llimiDE ST, PODIUM. OH
; county is th a t of the Sammona-Cam-
< cron-Logan mine at Waldo, in th is
j county, and brought to th is city for
Not Llksly.
B eatrice Amelia, the maid of all shipm ent Wednesday.
Four hundred and eighty-four ounces
work attached to the domicile of Bit­
kina. decided to link her fate w ith a ; of pure gold, molded into th ree hand-
nome pale-yellow bricks, w ere brought
member <>r the np|>o«lte »ex
A fter the tying up cerem ony »he ap­ 1 to the banks of th is city, the same be-
proached her late m istresa with all > ing valued at $9000. It ia reported
her worldly wealth and requeated th a t ' th a t the balance of th e cleanup, dis­
It »hould be kept In her cuatody until bursed in Other channels, will bring
called for.
the grand total up to upward of $14,-
''I'll keep It for you," said the lady
In astonishm ent, "but w on't you be 000 T hirty-four days of actual labor
needing the money to spend on your are represented in the m aking of thia
j handsome return.
T his reliable old
To keep clean an healthy tak e Dr.
Amelia eyed her m istress with acorn hydraulic deep-gravel mine has been a P ierce's Pleasant Pellets. They regu­
as ahe displayed her superior knowl­ steady producer for over 60 years and late liver, bowels and stomach.
edge of the world.
never fails of a handsome retu rn to its
Feathered Quadrupeds.
"W hat, m um !" ahe exclaimed. "D'ye
think I'd tru st myself with a strange
T eacher—Willie, w hat Is a quadru­
man and all th a t money on m e?"—
London Ideas.
Grant Crops in Danger.
Willie— A thing w ith four legs, sir.
T eacher—Name one.
Baker — Grasshoppers and gophers
Thought on M arriage.
W illie— An elephant.
are causing serious dam age to hay,
T eacher—Are there any feathered
Senator Ilurton said a t a wedding
grain and gardens in G rant county. quadrupeds?
W illie—Yes. sir.
"It Is a cheerful sight to see a good, In the Long creek d istric t the grass­
T eacher—W hat?
well balanced m arriage, such as this hoppers have invaded hay field«. W.
Willie— A feather bed, air.—London
one. W hat a aad thing It la. on the H. H ia tt reports th a t his tim othy is
other hand, to te e one of those m ar­ becoming seriously dam aged and he Answers.
riages w here the groom has a lot of fears th a t they will attack his grain
“Money Back" Medicine.
bad habits that we know, for all the fields.
They are known to have
Our readers never risk a cent when
bride’s devotion, he will never be able caused considerable loss to oth er fields.
they buy H anford's Balsam of Myrrh
to break away from.
"W hen I hear of a girl who Is con­ > The ranchers are preparing to fight the because every dealer in thia linim ent
tem plating such a m arriage I always | pest which, it is feared, may become Is authorized to refund th e money if
I general. Gophers have been invading the Balsam Is not satisfactory. Adv.
feel like saying to her:
“ 'To m nrry a man to reform him la gardens in th a t d istric t and the loss is
Out of It.
like trying to make a good om elet out very heavy, although it is not thought
of bail eggs.’ "—W ashington 8tar.
it will be as general throughout the
" ’Deed no. sah, 1 can 't jlne no arm y."
county as th a t caused by the grasshop­
"But your country needs you, Ras
One remedy with many uses -Han- pers.
tu s.”
ford's Balsam of Myrrh. Adv.
"C an't help dat. It’s onposslble.”
Bend to Join In Exhibit.
"W hy impossible, R astu s?”
Poor Reward.
"W ell, you see, my ol' woman has
Bend—The Bend Commercial club
been ovali to de police co't an ' put me
"V irtue Is Its own rew ard," observ­
unner bonds to keep de peace. No,
ed the alloged philosopher.
“ Yes," replied the other fellow, “but izations of Crook county in m aking an sah, I ca n 't do no fighting, nohow.”—
the rew ard Is seldom more than 30 exhibit at the S tate F a ir a t Salem th is Boston T ranscript.
bob a week.”—London Answers.
fall. At a recent luncheon and m eet­
The Price of Peace.
ing of the club support of the move­
Qot All He W anted.
ment to th e ex ten t of $100 was pledged
"I quarreled with my wife yesterday
O 'llrlen—Did yex convince Cassidy and it was voted to send a rep resen ta­ and we h aven't spoken since."
thot he was In the wrong?
"W hy don't you m ake up?”
tive to the next m eeting of the County
Mulligan—Ol dlnnaw If I convinced court to ask for an appropriation in aid
"Pm going to. All I'm w orried about
him ; but Ol med him own up to I t —
to the plan. The club also voted to now is the indem nity."—Boston T ran ­
Boston T ra n sc rip t
cam paign for the proposal to extend script.
the city lim its, which will be voted on
August 16.
T eacher—If a farm er sold five ton« a t a special city election
a ___
of potatoes at sixpence a pound, w hat
would he get?
Florence Mill to S ta rt.
Boy—A m otorcar.—London Answer*
T he o n ly Automobil*» School on th e P a ­
Eugene— According to word reach­
cific C oast m a in ta in in g a Gaa T ractor
ing Eugene from Florence, th e P orter
D ept.. U sin g H olt C aterpillar, C. L Brut
T racklayer and IA heel Tractor«, both in th e
B rothers' sawm ill will soon begin cut­
school and op era tin g field.
tin g 16,000,000 feet of lumber. It is
445 H aw thorne A re.
P ortlan d. Ore.
V e a l, P o rk ,
\ said th a t th ere are 10,000,000 fee t of
B e ef, Po u ltry, i logs in th e mill pond, to which 6,000,-
Butter, E g g i & 000 feet more will be added for the
A f.ood Vieln Is Mad« Sr
I t is estim ated th a t th e opera­
It D o e s N o t G r o w So.
Fa rm Produce run.
tions will consume six months and th a t
T h ere »« o n ly o n e w a y to g e t a
100 men will be employed. The P orter
good V iolin W ith o u t G reat E x ­
To th e Old R eliable E rerd ln g houM w ith a
p en se. w h ich ia: Send in your
B rothers’ mill has not been in opera­
record o f 46 year« o f Square D ealings and be
Bad One and h a v e it m ade
assu red o f
tion for more than two years.
in to an OH Good One.
E sti­
Top Market Prices.
45-47 Frost S l .
P. N, u .
finriC N writing to i
tT H o. tk l. p»P-
No. 82, 1918
Big S h eep 8hipm *nt Made.
Baker — Robert Stanfield, of S tan­
field, began Wednesday the shipm ent
of 9000 w ethers and ewes from Baker
to a m eat company in San Fancisco.
The first shipm ent of 4600 started in a
special train . The rem ainder will be
sent a t once.
The sheep are from th e grazing
lands in the Sum pter valley and are
p a rt of an order for 100,000, p racti­
cally all of which has been shipped.
m a tes g iv e n free .
A ll work
gu a ra n teed . Sen d to
227* 7 WaAattM X .
PelUai. Or*.
Oregon Hernia Institute
R u p tu re treated m ech an ically. P rivata
fittin g room«. H ig h est testim oniala. R e-
ratta g u a ra n teed . Call or w rite.
411-412 Aliaky Ruildin«. Portland. Oregon
Portland W heat Blues tern, $1.06
per bushel; forty fold, 96c; club, 97c;
rad fife, 97c; rad Russian, 97c.
M illfeed- Spot prices: Bran, $26®
26.60 per ten ; shorts, $296(29.60; rol­
led barley. $31.606(82.60.
Corn— Whole, $38 per ton; cracked,
H a y — Producers’ prices: Timothy,
Ea»tem Oregon, $18.606(20 per ton;
alfalfa, $13.60 6t 14.60; w heat hay,
$18.606(14.60; o at and vetch, $126t
12 60; cheat, $11; clover, $10.
B utter — Cubes, ex tras, 26c per
pound. Jobbing prices:
P rints, ex­
tras, 27®29c; b u tterfat. No. 1, 26c;
No. 2, 24c, Portland.
Eggs — Oregon ranch,
price, current receipts, 26(e per dozen;
Jobbing prices: Oregon ranch, can-
died, 26 J® 27 c; selects. 276(28c.
P oultry — Hens, 146(16c per pound;
broilers, 166(17c; turkeys, live, 206$
22c; ducks, 11(1(14c; geese, 86$9c.
Veal—Fancy, 11 fie per pound.
P ork—Fancy, l l ( c per pound.
V egetables—Artichokes, 76c6($l per
dozen; tomatoes, 60c6t$1.10 per crate;
cabbage, $1.76 per hundred; garlic,
10c per pound; peppers, 66$7e; egg­
plant, 10c; lettuce, $1 per cra te; cu­
cumbers, 766(80c per box; peas, 46$5c
per pound; beans, 4® 7c; celery, $1
per dozen; corn, 30®40c.
Potatoes — New, $1.06 6$ 1.86 per
Onions — California, $2 per sack;
W alla Walla, $2 per sack.
Green F ru its—^Apples, new, $1.26®
1.75 per box; cherries, 66$10c per
pound; cantaloupes, 90c®$2 per crate;
peaches, 366(75c per box; w aterm el­
ons, li6 $ lic per pound; figs, $16$1.50
per box; plums, 76c®$1.35; pears, $1
(f(2; apricots, $1®1.10; grapes, $1.76
612.25; blackberries, $1.26; loganber­
ries, $1.26; raspberries, $1.60®1.76.
Hops— 1916 crop, 8 ® llc per pound;
1916 contracts, nominal.
Wool — E astern Oregon, fine, 23®
26c; coarse. 80®32c; valley, 30®33c.
Caacara B ark—Old and new, 4c per
C attle — Steers, choice, $7@ 7.60;
good, $6®7; cows, good, $5.50® 6.25;
heifers, $4 ® 6.60; bulls, $3 ® 4.75;
stags, $4.50(</6.
H o g s— Prim e light, $8.50(>i9.35;
good to prime, $7.76® 8.10; rough
heavy, $7.50® 7.75; pigs and skips,
$6.60® 7.10.
Sheep — Y earlings, $6.76 ® 6.25;
w ethers, $4.75® 6; ewes, $2.60® 5.50;
lambs, $6®8.25.
Hop Crop Is Doing Well.
The Oregon hop crop is doing well
and hop men are p articularly pleased
w ith the condition of th e yards. The
m arket is decidedly dull.
The Chicago B rew ers’ Bulletin says
of the trad e situation in th e E a st:
‘‘Brew ers are not buying except an
occasional small lot for im m ediate
w ants. Moat of the brew ers are cov­
ered by contract for some months to
come. D ealers are offering to sell at
som ew hat lower figures than of late,
th e decline in th e Coast m arkets hav­
ing made itself felt in the local and
E astern tra d e .”
The B ritish em bargo on hops is not
very strict, according to th e K entish
Observer, which says:
“ N otw ith­
standing th e fact th a t the order prohi­
b itin g the im portation of foreign hops
cam e into force on Ju n e 8, im ports
continue to be received.
The Board
of A griculture reports th a t the im­
ports for last week were 6196 cwt.,
ag ain st 3334 cwt. in the corresponding
week of 1916.
The exports w ere:
B ritish, 390 cw t., ag ain st 432 cwt. in
1915; foreign and colonial, 199 cwt.,
against 21 cwt. in 1916.”
Big Prune Crop Indicated.
Ridgefield, W ash.— Prune growers
in th is p art of the county are jubilant
over the b rig h t prospects for one of
th e g rea test prune crops in its history,
notw ithstanding the
large dam age
done by the silver thaw last w inter.
Although it is about six weeks before
harvest, tree s in the orchards are
breaking down under th e load of green
fru it. In some prune orchards the
ground is already strew n w ith broken
branches and growers have been shak­
ing th eir tree s rigorously in an effort
to prevent fu rth e r dam age.
I bought
five boxes
of Eureka Stumping Powder and now
I want to sell a lot of other powder
that I have,” writes Rudolph Stadeli,
Silverton, Ore. “The other powder
makes me terribly sick when I t ry to use it, but Eureka doe«
not give me the least headache.”
Eureka Stumping Powder is one of the two >
--- A G R I C U L T U R A L
Eureka goes farthest and costs least in blasting stumps in
dry ground. Giant Stumping Powder saves work and money
in blasting in wet soils.
Both of these Giant Farm Powders are made especially
to meet Western farm conditions. They are made by a
Pacific Coast company, with 50 years’ experience — the
company that originated all “giant powders.” Your dealer
can supply you; if he does not, write us and we will see that
you get the genuine, which has the Giant brand on every box.
Save Money on Stump Blasting
Our valuable illustrated book, “ Better Stump Removing,”
shows you how to do it. Send us your address on a post
card and we will mail you this book and any of four others
on Orchard Tillage, Boulder Blasting, Subsoil Blasting and
Ditch Blasting, that you care to have. Write for them now.
THE GIANT POWDER CO., Con., „EE. San Francisco
" E v e ry th in g fo r B lo a tin g "
B R A N C H O F FIC E S : S a t e t U . S p o kmnm. Port ten d . S a lt U k . C ity . D a a a a r
Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typew riting, Penmanship, L etterw riting,
Arithm etic, Commercial Law, and all commercial subject* tau g h t by ex­
perienced teachers. Civil Service training a specialty. The demand for
our G raduates exceeds the supply. W rite Today for Free Illustrated
P h o n e M ain 5 0 8 3
A . T . LINK , P rin cip a l.
T ilfo rd B ld 'g, T e n th a n d M orrison Sts^ P o rtla n d , O r.
K ill A ll F lie s ! ThSL S -
"I Just think it should be stopped
Placed anywbera.Datov r » KtOw* «ttzv
aad kills aR
by law,” said th e good wife, looking fiiM
. N e a l, cle a n , o rn am e n ta l, convenient, a a d cfcaoa.
I m - M L lssa p ie . Ma4*
up from her paper.
‘ ae tll e v
3 - 'V « r . W ill » < * H U a v
“ W hat should be stopped by law, my
angel?” asked the kind husband.
"T his practice of people hyphenating
D aisy Fly K iller
e f Me«
th eir nationalities. T here should be
If »UtM i. prwpeid. fl.fi«.
no German-Americans or
French- M A B O ID S O M I R f , I S O D eK efft A v e „ O r e e f c f y n ,f t .T .
Americans or Italian-Amerlcans. They
should all be ju st plain A m ericans.”
"B ut if such a law were passed, my
Granulated Eyelids«
angel,” meekly suggested the kind
Eyes inflamed by expo­
husband, "would th a t affect your prac
sure to S a a , Dost and W M
tice of signing your nam e 'Mrs. Eliza­ P - , j .
quickly relieved by Nortaa
beth H icks Mugley?' ”
V f t S iyeBewedy. No Smarting.
But her only reply waa a hyphen­
jutt Eye Comfort. A t
ated sniff.—Judge.
Your Druggist*» 50c per Bottle. Ms rise Eya
Salve inTubci 25c. For Beaks! (heEyeFreezsk
To quickly cool burns and take the Druggists or Marise Eye Bcncdy Ce., Ckk a—
fire out use H anford's Balsam. Adv.
An Underbidder.
“Ye'll excuse me, captain,” said
O 'H arrity, addressing the com m ander
of the battleship, “but is u t th ru e th a t
it costs stvin hundred dollars to fire
wan o’ thim big guns?”
“Yes, O 'H arrity." said th e captain.
“Why do you ask ?”
"Ol t'ought Oi m igh| save yez some
money, sorr,” said O 'H arrity. "Sure
and Oi’ll fire 'em for yez for tin.”—
New York Times.
Not Complaining.
One Salesm an and A nother
Mrs. Autoun w anted new shoes, so
she w ent Into a shop, where an oblig­
ing assista n t brought out a selection
for her to try on.
“T h at's strange, m adam ,” said he,
a fte r many vain attem p ts to fit her.
"One of your feet is larger th an the
B ristling with rage, the lady left
th a t shop and sought another. Here,
again, the assista n t failed to find a
pair th a t would do.
“How curious, m adam ,” he said,
"one of your feet is sm aller th an the
And with a beam ing smile Mrs. Au­
toun bought two pairs.—P ittsb urgh
"So you have to wear your boy
Josh's old clothes."
"Yep." replied Farm er Corntossel.
"W e can 't afford to w aste 'em. And
th ere's som ething to be thankful for
when I think of w hat m other would
be like if Josh had been a dau g h ter In­
For sprains and bruises apply Han­
U. S . Buys Cavalry H orses.
stead of a son."—W ashington Star.
ford’s Balsam thoroughly. P u t it on,
and rub it In. Adv.
Lewiston, Idaho— A delivery of eight
Real Ones.
horses has ju s t been made by Charles
Kindly Explained.
“Has Jen k s any grounds for predict­
M elkart, of the U pper Snake river, to ing a real estate boom in his neighbor­
He— H ere Jones and I sta rted In
M artin & Reed, buyers of cavalry hood ?”
business together, and he has retired
horses fo r th e U nited S tates govern­
"Oh. yes. H is own th a t he w ants w hile I am still In the harness.
m ent. A shipm ent of horses will be to sell.”—Baltimore American.
She— But then Jones Isn't a mule.
made Tuesday, going to Los Angeles
fo r governm ent inspection. The horses
delivered by Mr. M elkart averaged
1100 pounds and the price was $100
each. Mr. M elkart stated th e season
has been favorable for stockmen and
All people in America and especially I instructed us th a t In case of sickness,
th a t the ran g e in th e upriver section is
those who are past middle age are reso rt to Dr. Pierce's dependable
in good condition.
prone to eat too much m eat and in con­ household prescriptions. These med­
icines as put up for sale by druggists
sequence deposit lim e-salts In their have never been recommended aa
Cowlitz Fair D ates Set.
"cure-alls,” but only as superior rem ­
Woodland, W ash.—The directors of
the Cowlitz County F a ir association suffer from tw inges of rheum atism or edies for certain common and easily-
have put a t rest completely, th e r e ­ lumbago, som etim es from gout, swol- recognized diseases. Had these medi­
ten hands or feet. Such people are cines been adapted to all classes and
ports th a t have been circulated th a t not always able to exercise sufficient­ forms of chronic diseases th ere would
th e association would not hold »he an­ ly In the outdoor air or drink enough have been no necessity for organizing
nual f a ir th is year, by announcing the pure w ater In order to sw eat freely a com petent staff of expert physicians
dates as Septem ber 14, 15 and 16.
and excrete im purities thru the skin. | and surgeons, to act In the treatm ent
The school exhibition rooms will be Dr. Pierce has conducted experim ents | of difficult, obscure and com plicated
improved, although th a t p art of the and thoroughly tested a uric acid sol­ cases of chronic diseases, as Dr. Pierce
f a ir was one of the principle attra c ­ vent at his Invalids' Hotel and Surgi­ ! m aintains in his Invalids' Hotel and
cal Institute which he la convinced is Surgical Institute. Of his home rem ­
tions la st year.
many tlm«B more potent than Itthla— edies the most widely known are his
this he named "Anuric ” It can be had "F avorite P rescription” for womanly
C ro p P rospect* Are Bright.
a t alm ost all drug stores by simply troubles and run-down conditions pe-
Nez Perce, Idaho—Crop prospects asking for Dr. Pierce's Anuric for kid­ ' collar to the womanly sex; his "Golden
on th e Ne* Perce and Camas prairies neys or backache. It will overcome | Medical Discovery,” th e g reatest of
have improved during th e last 10 days, such conditions as rheum atism , drop­ all herbal system tonics and vltalizers,
and the spring grain, which was sown sical swellings, cold extrem ities, scald­ 1 for stomach? liver and blo o d disorders,
about th ree weeks la te r than usual, is ing and burning urine and sleepless­ as well as his “ P leasant P ellets.” the
tonic laxatives, overcoming con­
expected to make a good average crop. ness due to constant need of getting tiny,
stipation and cleansing the system of
out of bed a t night.
Several farm ers have commenced cut­
O ur grandm others have told our poisons and accum ulation« In tb s
tin g th e fall grain, and reported a m others and our m others have In turn ; b o w els.
good average crop.