Royal D -L it e Comfortable LADIES SHOES No Le» í~! 2.50 All Style« All Sixes Royal Shoe Co. 148 Fourth St. N u r Movtifton O f ««un SAFETY RAZOR BLADES Hh«ri*»n4Ml, 2Ae im l ¡MV • iti«rn. K k I v m and Hel* ■um gruutul. Automatic K w n Kilga Ca., l«y 'v Fourth 8t.. Portixmi. Or*uion IVI IHM l>K< KKK M I'M IVATR 111 MINKHH Mil.- Uir«. HhurthxmL Tyi*-writing, Ituukk« «ulti*. Ktufluh Krxnchra. I*ubile ;{l»n<«r«(ih rro. Multi- Rrtphlng Aliti Mlmrograiihliig. I' ittnii* Mon. r «* ltl»n * wtwn ( «*iru»«'lrnt. New AiUky Dkl*.. Cur. Srd and Morri«on, 1‘urtlaiuJ. Orxguu. NEWS ITEMS To Cool a Bum Of General Interest! About Oregon H A N F O R D ’S Balsam of Myrrh i N e w H o u s to n H o te l Oregon Hernia Institute Rupture treated meehanlrally. Privat« fitting mom« trwtinwinlaU. K«- auita guaranteed. Oallur wnUv JO H N SO N A U M B A R (.F J( 411-412 Aiiaby Building. Portland. Oratori ANOTHER LINK In the andlaaa chain o f Mliafiod cream shipper* Gaaton. Ora. liaselwond f-*«.. Portland. GentW'mcn - • * We have always lawn wall pW'aaeel with the lln/Hlwnu.1 Co. and whenever we have tnor» veal or cream we will surely ship to you. Youn* truly. li. E. 8. Original on file In our ofDct for Inspectkm. Why not ship ui your cream. Mr. Dairyman? Prompt returns, correct taste. H A Z E L W O O D CO., Portland Gophers Killed With Fume*. Automobile G EN ER A L CROP CONDITIONS A H o iu th o U Rmmmdf Salem Banka In lfl cltlas have 78.6 per cent o f the banking capital and 78 per rent o f the bank deposits o f the »tat«, according to flguraa compiled Wednesday by S. G. Sargent, state superintendent o f banka. Portland alone has 48 per cent o f the capital For Cuts, Burns, and 66 |ier cent o f the depoeits o f Ore­ Bruises, Sprain*, gon. Strains, Stiff Nock, SHOE AGENTS WANTED FumUharl »n «hurt nolle®. W rit* ft»r Beal* of Prieri. Ptirllmul Kletlnilywr A Stereotype- t o.. Front i Stark. FortUnd. ()r. and Take the Fire 0 Sixteen Cities of State Have Over $1,000,000 Deposits Each Records of Superintendent Sargent also ahow 16 towna with total bank de|KMils of $1,000,000 or more. Theae towna, in which are located 41 slate Double Tread Pisciar» Proof Tire« and 88 national banka, with deposits Mail» fremi your »Id oimm Laut lung totaling $102,418.020.04. are: Port­ aa Hraad New T ill EM Write u r OKM.iiN V I I l VSI/IM. « H land, Salem, Pendleton, Astoria, Baker, Ui) Waabiittf Um 8t.. l'ortlxmJ. Ora. Eugene, Albany, Medford, The Dallea, Oregon City, Roeeburg, La Grande, HIDES, PELT8, CASCARA BARK, Marshfield, McMinnville, Corvallis and W OOL AND MOHAIR. I , eut I kait WrtM lor prttot Ml m : Klamath Falla. A ll other towna In Oregon, in which T h i H . F. N o r t o n C o . h rtao. on., smit *. wi are located 186 state and 61 national banka, have deposits totaling but $26,- 846,498.76. MEN AND WOMEN Deposits in Portland aggregate $72,- NO EX P EN S E NO IN V E S T M E N T 160,549.67. These are distributed T a il« o n lt n l» r Hua«« l)«y. 74; Roseourg, $1,269,920.16; La Grande, $1,190,298.16; MarahAeld, $1,180,757.80; McMinnville, $1,174,- 767.64; Corvallis, $1,160,401.36; PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS, Klamath Falla, $1,126,204.77. ATTENTION! PERFECT PRINTING PLATES NORTHW EST MARKET REPORTS; Chilblains, Lame Back, OldSores, Open Wounds, a n d all External Injuries. Made Since 1846. Prise 25c, 50c and $1.00 All Dealers « SHUCUHX,M.I. a s a * n il U b U lb ld TYPH O ID than S m a l l p o x . Aim f «xpeileuc« La* drmonauated the almost n>lfsculcmj pftt- C»cr. la d hsrRtlratnaae, of AnHtyphoU Vaccination. Me pace 1 bated NOW by pour pLytirlao, you and fou r family. It U mot* vital than bouae Insurance« Ask your physician, druggist, m «end for lla v* you had Typhoid/'* te llln f of T y p h o i d Vaccina, result* from ua , and danger from Typhoid Carrlao* Tic arrrrt lasocatovy . wtnnrY, lau reoevciae vacua** a •assaa u n i s . a. aov. u c iiM Granulated Eyelid*. M l M g~T Eye. intljincd br sure to Ssa. Uusland S1E4 luicklv relieved by Ntrlk* lycUtraedy. No Smarting, _ jut« Eye Comfort. A t Your Druggist*« 50r per Bottle. Maris* I j l Salv«inTubc<2*c. Fm (Uokolihttyef reeatk Drugguts or Muriac tje Kenedy Cs , Chicago Eyes?; DAISY FLY KILLER. ■ all tile a. V*«t. «le««. 1 o i uan.e r.ia l, l«m. lu t r r i- I .«St* ail ■ e a • <> n . M sdeoi m e ta l, t a n -1 » p i l l c r t lp o »e * : « H I n i t » o il or ta | u re a n y t h in g . Guaranteed H I«eU *e. S » ld br d e a le rs , of I * **■•« l»T tiptsu pi*- | paid I « * f l . ■AAOLD »OMlAft. 160 Da&aib A*a . »ree* I y a. » . T. St. Paul Firm Gets W. L . Pulliam. MarahAeld — W. L. Pulliam, a log­ ging contractor who has been operat­ ing on the Columbia river for aeveral seasons, soon w ill open a camp on South Coos river on the Merchant tract of 800 acres, and the operations will be under the supervision o f the Thos. Irvine company, o f St. Paul, which re­ cently bought timber in this county for a sum estimated to be near half a million dollars. The camp w ill be lo­ cated 20 miles from MarshAeld and two milea from South Coos river, where logs will be dumped in tide­ water. The operations are intended solely for delivery o f logs to mills on Coos Bay and the company has no in­ tention o f operating any milla at pres­ ent. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong, sick women well, no alcohol. Sold in tablets or liquid. Using aiitciinobllra ua gopher killing machine* le the novel service to which His Only Chance. care have been put by Oregon farmer* A short time ago on the shooting who have eet about to kill gophers, range a recruit was taking a lesson tn and other burrowing animal* that firing, but not with very promising re damage their crop*. A car, preferably suits. A fter repeatedly falling to hit one that la light, la driven Into the the target at 300 yards, the Instructm field where the gophera live. The en­ tried him at 200. with the same result gine la allowed to continue running He then decided to try him at 100 and one end of a hose I* attached to yards, l>ut_the results were even worse the exhaust while the other end I* In than before. Losing all patience, the ■erted Ir. a gopher hole and packed Instructor exclaimed In disgust; about with a cloth and a little dirt. In “ Fix your bayonet and go and stat a short time the fumes penetrate the the wretched thing; It’s your only various paxHngea and Issue from other chance!"— Toronto Mall. holes. These are then plugged up; Gun to Warn Fishermen. after this has been done the gases Astoria — Beginning with last Sun­ penetrate to the remotest chamber, and the Inhabitants are suffocated.— day, Colonel Ludlow, commanding offi­ From the August E o p s lir Mechanics cer at the fortifications about the Magazine. Dlffersnt. Hostess (at party) — Docs your mother allow you to have two pieces of pie when you nro at home, Willie? W illie (who has asked for a second piece)— No, ma'am "W e ll, do you think that she'd like you to have two pieces here?" "O h," confidently, "she wouldn't care. This Isn't her plo."— Philadel­ phia Public Ledger. High Coat of Life. mouth o f tne river, w ill have a gun Ased at Fort Stevens and one at Fort Columbia at 6 o ’clock Saturday and Sunday nights, as a notice to the Ash- ermen. Thia w ill be done in accordance with a request from the State Fisheries de­ partment and is intended to prevent anyone inadvertently violating the Sunday closing law. As another pre­ caution, Deputy Fish Warden Larson has made arrangements to have a Aag raised at those hours on IleBdemona sands. W ayne— Brown does a lot of enter­ taining at hi* country place. Payne— Docs he succeed In growing Cherry C rop is Canned. anything? The Dallea— Libby, M cNeill & Lib­ W ayne— His mortgage has grown from (2,000 to $5,000 since April, and by’s cannery has put up 30,000 cases will probably jump another thousand o f cherries, Anishing thia week. The before August— Pittsburgh Dispatch. concern w ill commence canning apri­ S lip Veal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Eggs & Farm Produce To the OH ReliftM« Everding H our ® with a record o f 45 y< urn o f Square Dnalings and be AMurod of cots next week, and with thia fruit and Bartlett pear* expects to be in opera­ tion until October. The fruit is com­ ing from North Yakima, Lewiston, Idaho, White Salmon, Underwood, Hood River, Mosier, and many other outside points, as well as large quan- tities'in the section immediately sur­ rounding The Dalles. Shipment is made entirely by rail. Big Tim ber Body Offered. Hood R iver— T. H. Sherrard, state forest supervisor, has advertised for bids on 7020 acres containing 330,000,- 000 feet o f Douglas Ar, Western hem­ 45-47 Front St, PORTLAND, ORE lock, Amabilie Ar, Noble Ar, Western red cedar and white pine timber in the Cascade National forest. Under the terms o f the sale a mill on the Weat No. 31, IBIS P. N. U. Fork o f Hood R iver with sufficient cutting .capacity to hand!«, the timber W H K N writ Ins tn nd-riilMra. pleas* men- I in the next 10 or 12 years, w ill be re­ quired. Top Market Prices. F. M. CRONKHITE, WOMAN HAD NERVOUS TROUBLE Lydia E. Pinkham’a Vegeta­ ble Compound Helped Her. W est Danby, N. Y . — “ I have had nervous trouble all mv life until I took Lydia E. 1'inkham's V e g e t a b l e Com­ pound f o r nerves and for female trou­ bles and it straight­ ened me out in good shape. I work nearly all the time, as we live on a farm and I have four girls. Id o all my sewing and other w o r k w it h their h e lp , ao i t shows that I stand it real well. I took the Compound when my ten year old daughter came and it helped me a lo t I have also had my oldest girl take it and it did her lota o f good. 1 keep it in the house all the time and recommend It.” —Mrs. D e w it t S inckbauoh , West Danby, N. Y . Sleeplessness, nervousness, irritabil­ ity, backache, headaches, dragging sen­ sations, all point to female derange­ ments which may be overcome by I.ydia E. Pinkham’ s Vegetable Compound. This famous remedy, the medicinal Ingredients o f which are derived from native roots and herbs, has for forty years proved to be a most valuable tonic and invigoratorof the female organism. Women everywhere bear willing testi­ mony to the wonderful virtue o f L £ Pinkham’a Vegetable Com; Bookkeeping Shorthand Typewriting Penmanship Letter Writing Arithmetic Commercial Law and all commercial subjects taught by experienced teachers. Civil Service training a specialty. The demand for our Graduates exceeds the supply. W rite Today for Free Illus­ trated Catalogue. * LINK’S BUSINESS COLLEGE A . T . LINK, Principal. Phon« Main 5083 Early High Prices Paid for Prunes Not Repeated Now Portland— The prune crop outlook in the Northwest is enitreiy satisfactory and a record crop now seems assured. One o f the leading packers estimates the yield at 40,000,000 pounds. The largest crop heretofore was about 30,- 000,000 pounds, produced eight or nine years ago. Since that time many new orchards have come in. Because o f the increase in acreage, even if- the crop were on a parity with last year’s, the above estimate, it is believed, would be realized. The market at the present time is weak and the future for values is not so bright. There was considerable early contracting, packers paying the growers 64 to 7 cents for 30-35s, with a quarter-cent drop for each count o f 5s. These were the highest prices paid for many years, and between 25 and 30 per cent o f the crop was signed up, but the quotations are not obtain­ able now. In fact the leading packers are out o f the market as buyers for the reason that they are unable to get orders from the East. Jobbers in the Eastern states bought only limited quantities, owing to the high prices, but they declare they have enough prunes engaged for the present, and are satisAed there are more prunes to be had later on the Coast than are re­ quired for United States consumption. Furthermore, they assert there w ill be no export business done in the article this year. The high prices prevailing early in the season were ascribed to the uncer­ tainty as to the Northwestern tonnage, and the fact that the California mar­ ket was then ruling high. This en­ abled Northwestern packers to do a fa ir amount o f business at a very good Agure. Rate on Crabs Delayed. Salem — Wells, Fargo & Co. has agreed that, pending a hearing by the Public Service commission set for July 31 at Portland, it would transport crabs from Newport, Or., to Portland, charging on the basis o f 22 pounds a dozen, instead o f by actual weight, as heretofore. This charge in on the same basis as the rate on crabs from Puget Sound points to Portland. George Plancich, o f Portland, com­ plained to the commission that the W ells-Fargo rate on crabs discriminat­ ed in favor o f Puget Sound dealers. O regon Juice in Demand. Eugene — The output o f loganberry juice by the Eugene Fruit Growers’ association cannery thia season has amounted to almost 16,000 gallons, several times the production o f any previous season. Manager J. O. Holt reports the demand for his Oregon product constantly increasing. The cannery ia now engaged in can­ ning string beans, an unusually large acreage having been planted in the vicin ity o f Eugene. First 1916 Wheat is Moved. Lewiston, Idaho— Tlie Arst wheat of the 1916 crop was shipped from this region Thursday by the M . H. Houser company to Chicago. The wheat was fortyfold and waa raised on the W. J. Houser ranch west of Clarkston. Buy­ ers are now offering 86 cents for blue- stem or fortyfold. Tilford Bid’g, Tenth and Morrison Sts., Portland, Or. K C B a k in g P o w d e r Passed by the Board of Censors 1st—The manufacturer with the rigid testa of the laboratory and factory. 2nd—The wholesale grocer with his high standing and desire to handle only reliable goods. 3rd—The retail grocer who desires to handle only those brands he knows will please his customers. 4th—The food officials with their rigid laws for the purity and wholesomeness of food products. 5th— And most important, you, the housewife with your desire for purity, efficiency and per­ fect satisfaction. @ 6 . Hogs — Prime light, $8.506(9.10; good to prime, $7.75®8.10; rough He Didn’t Suffer From That. heavy, $7.606(7.75; pigs and skips, A good story I* being told concern­ $6.606(7.10. Sheep — Yearlings, $5.75 @ 6.25; ing the head of Cox’s, the famous army wethers, $4.756(6; ewes, $2.60®5.50; bankers and a young officer client. lambs, $6®8.26. The subaltern called one day and aaked the cashier to let him have an overdraft of 60 pounds. "I am very sorry. Lieutenant Blank,” was the answer, "but your account is already overdrawn 100 pounds, and, you. see. we have no security, except your life.” But Lleutonant. Blank was not to be put off like this and demanded to see the head of the firm. To him he re­ peated his request. The banker was courteous, but firm. "I am afratd. as the cashier says, we have no security for any further advance." he explained. “ You might get killed, you see. and In that case we shall lose what we have already let you have.” The subaltern regarded the banket with a scornful stare. Indian Lands to Be Sold. "Ob, all right if you won’t,” be said Klamath Falla— Sixty allotments, on haughtily, "n u t"— scathingly— "let me the Klamath Indian reservation, north tell you this— you're bally well losing your nerve.”— Pearson's Weekly. o f here, belonging to estates o f de­ ceased Indians, are soon to be adver­ tised and sold to the highest bidders, according to Engineer H. W. Hincks, of the Indian reclamation service. Much o f the land is tillable and parts o f it can be irrigated. Engineer Hincks said. Superintendent W illiam B. Freer, o f the Klamath reservation, has ordered surveys to be made o f all the 60 allotments. Mr. Hincks said that already this season 666 acres o f Indian lands on the Fort Creek project on the reservation, have been reclaimed to water by the Indians. Portland— Wheat— .Blueatem $1.084 per bushel; fortyfold, 94c; club, 98c; red flfe, 98c; red Russian, 92c. M illfeed— Spot prices: Bran, $266$ 26.60 per ton; shorts, $296429.50; rol­ led barley, $81.606432.60. Corn— Whole, $88 per ton; cracked, 839. Hay — Timothy, Eastern Oregon, 821.606422.60 per ton; timothy, val­ ley, $186(19; alfalfa, $18.606(14.60; wheat hay, $13.606(14.60. Bu(ter — Cubes, extras, no bid; prime firsts, 244c. Jobbing prices: Prints, extraa, 276429c; butterfat. No. 1, 26c; No. 2, 24c, Portland. Eggs — Oregon ranch, exchange price, current receipts, 24c per dozen. Jobbing prices: Oregon ranch, can- died, 26c; selects, 266427c. Poultry — Hens, 14|c per pound; broilers, 166(18c; turkeys, live, 206$ 22c; ducks, ll® 1 4 c ; geeae, 8®9c. Veal— Fancy, ll| c per pound. Pork— Fancy, 114c per pound. Vegetables— Artichokes, 50c6($l per dozen; tomatoes, 70c6($1.2& per crate; cabbage, $1.76 per hundred; garl'c, 10c per pound; peppers, 96(10c; egg­ plant, 124c; lettuce, $1 per crate; cu­ cumbers, $16(1.26 per box; peas, 464 6c per pound; beans, 4®7c; celery, $1 per dozen; corn, 606460c. Potatoes— New, 146(2c per pound. Onions— California red and yellow, $2 per sack; Walla Walla, $2.25. Green Fruits— Apples, new, $1.26® 1.75 per box; cherries, 66(10c per p>und; cantaloupe«, $1.106(2.75 per crate; peaches, 86®76c per box; watermelons, $14®l|c par pound; Aga, $1641.60 per box; pluma, 76c®$1.60; pears, $2; apricot*, $1641.26; gcapes, $1.76; blackberries, $1.606(1.76; rasp­ berries, 90c6($1.26; blackcap«, $1.50. Hops— 1916 crop, 8 @ llc per pound; 1916 contracts, ll@ 114c. Wool— Eastern Oregon, Ane, 23 64 26c; coarse, 306432c; valley, 30@S8c. Cascara Bark— Old and new, 4c per pound. Cattle — Steers, choice, $7.506(8; good, $6.606(7.60; cows, choice, $6.25 6(6.60 good, $6.606(6.25; heifers, $4 646.50; bulls, $36(4.75; stags, $4.60 FALL TERM OPENS TUESDAY, SEPT. 5, 1916 ASK Y O U R G R O C E R - H E S E L L S IT 25 O u n c e s fo r (M o re th a n a p o u n d a n d a h a l f f o r a q u a r te r ) A U TO W R EC K IN G P ARTS FOR 1-2 Parts orer 50 makes and models, at half the reg­ ular price. Buy your used auto parts from an •Id-established and reputable dealer, who has s reputation to protect and conducts the largest parts store and carries the largest complete as­ sortment o f used auto parts o f any company this j side o f Chicago. Our prices are less, and for this reason we outsell all others. A ll parts are guar- an teed to be in first-class condition. MOTOR PARTS MFG. CO. Incorporated. 323-325-32 7 IURRSIDE ST . RORTUID, 01 25 BUY DIRECT ^ Do Your Own Plum bing ] By b u rin , direct from us at wholesale price, and sa w the plumber's profits. W rite as to­ day roa r needs. W s w ill « i r . you oar rock- bottom direct-to-you" prices, f o. b. rail or boat. W e actualtr ears you from 10 to XS per cent. A ll roods guaranteed. Northwest headquarters far Leader Water Srstemr and Fuller A Johnson Enrfnes. S TA R K -D A V IS CO. 212 Third Street. Poetised. O r .»o n A H in t Watchful Watting. Mayor Smith of Utica was urging a municipal reform. “ It will best be put through by gen­ tle methods, by hints and sugges­ tions,” he said. “ Hint* and sugges­ tions are often more efficient than heroic measures. "A man in a barber chair had a big claw on his watch chain. “ ’Bear’s claw?’ said the barber. ” ‘Yep.’ " ’Was it a big bear?’ “ ‘About as big as a two-year-old steer.’ “ ’My goodness, sir. how many balls did It take to kill him?’ “ ’None.’ “ ’My goodness, did you kill him with a knife?’ “ Doing anything now, Sam, to help your w ife?” “ Oh, yea, salt.” “ Getting washing for her?” “ Oh, no, sah.” “ I suppose you carry home the wash­ ing after she does it?" “ No. sah; I doan do thaL” “ W ell, what do you do, Sam?” “ Why, I stay home and watch da house while she delivers d’ washln’, boss.”— Yonkers Statesman. To Ureal: ia Mew Shoes. A lw ays shake In A lle n ’s Foot dsse, s powder. (t cures hot, sw eetin g, o r b in g , sw ollen feek Jure* corns. In g ro w in g nails and bunions. A| «11 dru ggists and shoe stores, ZSo. Dont accept m y substitute. Sample m sl led F U L L . Address A llen 8. Olm sted, Le Roy N. Y. “ ’No.’ “ ‘Then— then, er— ’ " T talked him to death.’ said the man in the chair significantly.” No Permit. “ Here's interesting news.” “ W hat’s dat?” “ In Senegal youse have to get a gov­ Her Next Branch. ernment permit to take a bath." Young Lady— How is It you don’t “ Dat's de place fer me. I ’m always come to Sunday school. Kate? on de outs w it’ de administration. Kate— Oh. please, miss. I ’m learn­ Louisville Courier-Journal. ing French and music now, and moth­ er doesn't wish me to take up religion Might Help Som*. till later.— Boston Transcript. “ Preparedness, you say?” "Yes. mother. All we girls are go­ “ The steamer report* that the crew found an ox swimming about, probably ing in for it strong.” "W ell, I hope that tendency will escaped from a cattle ship, and took moderate your reluctance to wear rub­ It aboard.” “ Did they put It in the steerage?"— ber« in wet weather," sighed ma. — Louisville Courier-Journal. Baltimore American. A Famous Physician’s Wonderful Discovery A fter a aeries of careful experiments and tests at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., cov­ ering many years—Dr. Pierce, the medical director of that hospital made announcement that he could prove that a medicine which he called “ AN- U R IC " was the best uric acid solvent now to be had. As a remedy for those easily recognized symptoms of Inflam­ mation—as scalding urine, backache and frequent urination, as well as sedi­ ment In the urine, or if uric acid in the blood has caused rheumatism, lum­ bago. sciatica, gout, it is simply won­ derful how quickly “ Anurlc” acts; causing the paint and stiffness rapidly to disappear. Swollen hands, ankles, feet, are due to a dropsical condition, often caused by disordered kidneys. Naturally when the kidneys are deranged the blood Is filled with poisonous waste matter, which settles In the feet, an­ kles and wrists; or under the eyes In bag-llke formations. It Is just as necessary to keep the kidneys acting properly as to keep the bowels active. The very best possible way to take care of yourself Is to take a glass o f hot water before meals and an “ An- uric" tablet. In this way It Is readily dissolved with the food, picked up by the blood and finally reaches the kid­ neys, where it has a tonic effect in rebuilding those organs. Step into the drug store and ask for a 50-cent package of "Anurtc” or send Dr. Pierce 10c. for trial pckg. “ Anurlc" — many timea more potent than llthta, eliminates uric acid aa hot water melt* sugar. A short trial will convince yota