Œ fy p J a l l a N em a Ml M ASQUITH ASKS COMMONS FOR WORLD’S DOINGS M H O N S O M 01 IM (tillWON I FRON IMlHSi H U I BABIES KILLED BY NEW CREDIT Of TWO BILLIONS PIACHI BOMB KIllS Of CURRENT WEEK « VIEWING PARADE CONTINUED HEAT Chicago -The present heat wave, which envelop* ail o f the country ex­ cepting the Pacific Coast, is proving especially severe in Eastern Canada, • a t m e h «r '» J class mall at tfca aoaaaftliv where the people are unused to torrid- at ralla C1«j. P>>lk Cseaty. On|*a. M ta* tka 4 « SI Oarraaa oí Marek S. I H » ity. Dispatches say that more than 260 children perished in Montreal the Trltphost h w Offici. SS. t«s t week from heat. The tempera­ Subscription Rataa: Oaapaar. »1.00; ai» month» ture there Tuesday was 93—the high­ IO osata, thrao awotha tft « U ; alaste copy. » età. est point reported in five years. In Quebec 23 children have been killed by AdvcrtUin* Raloa: Duplay. 15 eenlaan Inch; the heat since Sunday. Toronto also Bualneaa Notices, lo s e ts a lino; For Sola. Kan» reports unusual heat, which has con­ Kachans«. Want and Pay Kntartainaaant No- tinue«! for nearly a week, resulting in tleaa. 4 c u . a Una. Card oi Thanks 40 c u ; Le«a deaths and prostrations. Notice«, legal rates. Conditions, in Montreal especially, Copy for new ads. andcbangea should be sent are most unusual. Ordinarily that city to The News not later than Wednaaday. is positively cold when the States are O ffic ia l Ifaw apayar at the C ity a f F a lla CiO baking and sweltering, ami hay fever »ufferers have hailed Montreal as |the I ssued E very S atu rd ay M orning one spot they could count on for relief. Now conditions are almost reversed, as Montreal is seven degrees hotter than o m c u L dikectoky or r u u crrr Chicago. British hammer desperately at Gor­ H. J. Griffin. Mayor. The official forecaster here says man third line, but make little prog­ R. M. Wonderly, fo u n d lm a n at Larg« there is no relief in sight for several Q. W . Brentner, ress. days, but that all indications point to G «o rg « C. March. The body o f the late Yuan Shi Kai still hotter weather. C. J. Bradley, Councilmen was carried in state and laid away I. G. Singleton, with his ancestors. C. 1«. Hopkins, N.atllc, Rewards aggregating $1-1,000 are D. L. WOOD * SON. Publishers. C. I . McPherren. Auditor and Police Jtttge W alter U Tooae Jr.. City Attorney. Pat Murphy. Marshal and Water Supt. M. L. Thompson. Treasurer Dr. F. M. Hellwarth. Health Officer. TheCouncii meets in regular session on the first Monday night of each month, at 7 JO o’clock, in the office of the Falls City News. p r o fe s s io n a l C arO s P H Y S IC IA N F. M. HELLWARTH PH YSICIAN AND SURGEON Office oue door east of P. O. Office and n L . _ fl q a q Residence JTDOD0 ODu Falls City, Oregon b u s in e s s G a rte HOTEL j f a l l s CitY>1b o t e l Sam ple Rooms Bo at A c c o m m o d a tio n s F . D r o a g *. P ro p ri e to r BARSERSHOPS Brief Resume of General News From All Around the Earth. Twnty-tlirtt lifants in Chicago Alone Succumb to Strain. UNIVERSAL HAPPENINGS IN A NUTSHELL FATALITIES RAPIDLY INCREASE Live News Items of All Nations and Pacific Northwest Condensed for Our Busy Readers. Many Central Western States Report Thermometers Above 100— An­ imals in Wake of Wave. offered for the perpetrator of the San Francisco bomb outrage. Oregon Dry law Seriously Hart Gy Circuit Court Decision Chicago Deaths of eight persons due to the intense heat were reported to the police Wednesday. There were also 14 prostrations, three o f which will probably reault fatally. Sixteen persona were bitten by dogs ami there were five drowning*, three o f which can be attributed to the heat. Misa Marjorie Weston, a co-ed at Northwestern University and a capa­ ble swimmer, was among the drowned. Willard Lindenthal. aged 8, fell off a pier; A lfred Lindborg dive«l into the lake while hia body was hot and died in a few minutes. J. W. O'Connell, of Milwaukee, swam out too far at the Racine municipal pier and perished, and the male body o f an anidentifled man was taken from the Illinois drain- age canal. Up to 6 o’ clock the coroner’s office , announced that the deaths o f 23 babies ! under 1 year old, reported during the day, were directly due to the continued heat. Physicians say the mortaltiy rate among infants will mount higher every day now until the heat wave is broken, as the little ones are breaking down under the strain. A m ajority o f the death certificates to both infanta and adult* were issued to the congested foreign quarters. The deadly heat wave is spread over a wide area. Dispatches indicating these temperatures; Central and Southern Illinois, 100-103; Iowa, 102- 108; Indiana, 100; Nebraaka, 101; Missouri, 103; Oklahoma and Kansas, 104; Lower Wisconsin, 95; Michigan and Eastern Canada, 92-96. There were picked up, killed by heat, 46 horses, 72 dogs and 11 cats. The day before 68 carcasses were col­ lected, and the day before this 189. The heaviest day in July last year was only 31 carcaaaes. Infantile paralysis continued to claim numerous victims, chiefly in the East, although deaths are becoming more numerous in Western states. Men who conceived the idea o f sub­ t'ortland — Restrictions as to the marine merchant ships are aaid to amount o f liquor which persons in Ore­ have made $3,000,000lved the injunction granted him by Judge Tut- hill, who decided that the works cred­ ited to Shake*|>eare were in reality written by Bacon. To prevent Fabyan from publishing a code which he con­ tended would show Bacon waa the au­ thor o f the Shakespearean plays, Selig brought injunction proceedings and Colonel Fabyan filed a cross-bill. Boni Has New Evidence. Rome— On behalf o f Count Boni de Caatellane his attorney In the suit be­ fore the H oly See fo r the annulment of his marriage with Anna Gould has presented to the Pope new evidence which, according to the attorney, will prove that Miss Gould married Count de Castellane with the intention o f di­ vorcing him if later she became dis­ satisfied with the marriage bond. This is sufficient to annul a Catholic mar­ riage, the attorney says. Millions to Be Burned. Mexico C ity— F ifty million dollars in Mexican paper money w ill be burned within the next few days in the court­ yard o f the National Palace, according to an announcement by the government Saturday. This money is o f the old Vera Cruz issue and has been supplant­ ed by a new issue made in the United States. It is said that $225,000,000 In paper money w ill be disposed o f In this way during the next few weeks. Prudential Insurance Company Agents Called Out on Strike New York — Agent* *nd collectors employed by the Prudential lnaurance company were railed out on strike Monday by a union recently organised among them and known as the Inter­ national Insurance Agenta’ Protective association, with a membership of 6000. Although assertions of the com­ pany and the union were conflicting, it appeared Monday night that at leant 600 men in the district have rea|x>nded to the strike call thus far. The men demanded more pay, recog­ nition o f the union and “ more reason­ a b le " working hours. Telegrams from branches o f the union in different states in the territory east of Chicago, leaders here declared, indicate that un­ less the demands of the men are met *11 the 6000 w ill follow the lead of those already out. About 13,000 agenta and collectors are employed by the company. Lack of sufficient collectors to see that premiums arc turned in at the proper time, the strikers assert, will result in the cancellation of thousands o f policies. The company announced that none o f the men who walked out would be reinstated. Sixteen in Tube Thought Dead. Cleveland— Imprisoned in a new wa­ ter works tunnel under Lake Erie aa a result of a terrific explosion o f gas in the tube, 16 men are believed to be dead. The blast occurrred shortly before midnight Monday and lifesavers and the crews of the flreboats rushed to the outer crib five miles from shore with lung motors, prepared to enter the tunnel and rescue the victims alive. That any survived the gas explosion is considered hopeless. A t 2:30 a. m., G. O. Van Duzen, with eight members of a rescue party, were overcome by gas in the tunnel trying to rescue the 14 men trapped in the water works tunnel. Tw o others in the party were saved. It is report­ ed that the rescuers were near death from the gaa.