YOU CAN BE A BETTER TEACHER By Training Yourself Professionally at the OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL M O N M O U TH , OREGON Oregon’» School for Oregon Teacher* You will learn what U> teach snd how to teach. The school prepares you for elementary work in city and country school*. Every mem­ ber o f the faculty ha* professional preparation. COURSES— Professional, Supervisor, Rural and Primary. First Semester Begin? Sept. 11, 1916. Learn more about your professional possibilities. The 1916 catalogue tells. The Registrar has one for you. W rite for It. Doobr Tread Pnntfnr- Prsoi Tim i j k teachers a g e n c y . f ,,reM ' ,, r , . , Twite.. f..r >11 kind, of to.rl.ins po.ltion. M..U fn..n roor old on~_ lo tio n « fr ^ p , „ „ u * to sll InoutrWa W. furnl.hth. a. Itrand No* TiaICS Write uo. I*at laoch. ro for .11 pualtiun. S oim I *1.1 n*. K1..1 HMM.ON VI U ANI/.INO CO.. I w. will null you full particular.. J. N. KUJUTT. 660 Waah In« ton Ml.. Purllarsd. Ora. i 61« Journal lllilg . Portland. Oregon. Pacific Coast F on a rli« Co.. Bought. Sold. Ksnlfil and Rtptlrad WALKER ELECTRIC WORK« Uurnakio, cor. 10th Portland. Or«. | ' MIDES, PELT8, CASCARA BARK, WOOL AND MOHAIR. Wi «is t i l rw U n Writs far i l l ik'ppuit tags r im i T hi H. F. N orton C o . Nm**«. ors.. sure*. t i H E R E ’S A N O T H E R fait tar fruin a aatlaltad Hblppar. Pull Kun. Or*. March 4. 191«. IIA7.KI.W O O I) CO., Karlland. I I War Sira: * * ° I hava baan ahlpplne to ytMJl plant now mrtng uo I ymmrm and ban. ala ay. found you aatiafaetory. Hava tried other plant, but found HAZELWOOD THE BEST, and alway. ' read yuur latter, and pamphlata with intera.t Hop. you receive the 4 sale, of cream I .hip today. Iteapactfully. O. A. C. Original on Ala In our office for Infraction. Won't YOU become .me of our Satieflad ahippar.? If you nnnot mm« to Portland to g«t your »yr« nttod. 1 will «srnd my method of t»**t f h ou tf eye« by mail Not a« «UairabU a» i ai «rrvlco but much battor than going with­ HAZELWOOD CO.. out *fla*»**« n«Halad or trying to At youraalf. Outfit ««nt on application. HTAPt.KH. U m Jtw- »l«r-Op4irUn. 2tM liorrtaun at.. Portland. Orogtm A L L FARM A C C O U N T S Oregon Hernia Instltute Rupturw tmtnl mrrhanlrally. Privato Attiri* moina liigh«r«t uatirnonlala. Ra­ sulta guarantord. Cali or wrlto. JOHNSON A UMBARCEJt <11-412 AUaky Boilding, Portland. Oregon Portland Y .M .C . A. Auto School Day and night rlaaaaa. Espart training In rapai ring, drivfng and machine wucfc. Includlng forge. Ialite, «hapar. Orili praaa, tracinre. etc Time unllmltad. COMPE- TKNT tHAUFFEURB ANI» MECHAN- IC8 8UPPLIED WK1TK US. HI* Retort. " I wish you were more like Mr. Drown. Me gives hie wife everything she asks for.” "Perhaps I could be If you were more like Mrs. Drown and didn't ask for everything In s ig h t"— Detroit Free Press. An Accountant. “ W hy do you call Dllgglns an expert accountant?” “ Decause of his assumptions o f ex­ traordinary wisdom. There isn't any phenomenon In the universe that he doesn't assume to be able to account for.”— Washington Star. DRS. HEDLUND, SKIFF 1 MILLER. D E N TIS TS , Take plena ure In announcing that they are lo- rated at Morgan bldg.. (4th floor). Wash­ ington at Broadway, Portland. Ore., where they Will be pleaeed to n*M*t their friends and patient«. These office« will be conduct«*«! on a policy of serv­ ice at moderate prices to the best of our ability. We always stand behind our work, as we know that a satisfied patient is and shall always be the beat asset. Dr. Elof T. Hrdlnnd, Dr. Seymour S. Skiff, Dr. J. Howard Miller. DENTISTS. T «l* p b o o «. Marshall M . AUTO WRECKING PARTS FOR 1-2 Part« over 60 makes and models, at half the reg­ ular price. Buy your ueed auto parte from an old-4*atabll«hed and reputable dealer, who has a reputation to protect and conducts the largest parts store and carriee the largest complete as­ sortment of ueed auto part« of any company this side of Chicago. Our prices are lees, and for this reason we outsell all others. All parte an* guar­ anteed to be In flret-claee condition. MOTOR PART8 MFG. CO. Incorporated. 323-325-327 BURNSIDE ST., PORTLARQ. OR. Ship Veal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Egg* & Farm Produce To the Old Reliable Everding bouse with a record of 46 yean of Square Dealings and be aeeured of Top Market Price«. F. M. CRONKHITE, 45-47 Fne St, P. N. U. W HEN writta« is ” «M thlspM sr PORTLAND, ORE No. 80. IBIS = 3 I GENERAL CROP CONDITIONS Portland— Wheat— Bluestem, 91.029 per bushel; fortyfold, 98c; club, 93e( red F ife, 92c; red Russian, 90c. M lllfeed— Spot prices: Bran, 926(ft 26.50 per ton; shorts, 9290(29.50; rol­ led barley. 931.606(82.60. Corn— Whole, 938 per ton; cracked For • ha ms* tr«d ««a «td « and mountain ium- mrr raaorta. there la nothing that will treat 939. our 2-mom bungalow. This hou«« U mail* of Vegetable*— Artichokes, 76cfr(91 per u'md quality roast flr lumber, the hou«« baring 20s 10 f««rt in alsa. divided into two morn« to dozen; tomatoes, 90c6($L26 per crate; •uit th« requirement« of th« purrhaaer, ha« cabbage, 92 per hundred; garlic, 10c 2 doom. 6 window«» porch 4«4. and galvanized sta«l chimney A hammer, wranrh, and wn w per pound; peppers, 12|c; eggplant, driver 1« all that 1« nmd«d to or«rt. Our mill 16c; lettuce, 91 per crate; cucumbers, prio« direct from factory to you i« only |76. 916(1.26 per box; peas, 36(4c per pound; beans, 46(6c; celery, |1 per dozen; corn, 606(60c. 804 Hood Str.ol. Potatoes— New, 19(gi2c per pound. PO RTLAND . OREGON Onions — California red and yellow, 92.76 per sock; W alla Walla, 92.76 per sack. Green F ru it«— Apples, new, 91.656$ N «w and HrcoryJ-hand 1.90 per box; cherries, 46(8c per pound; cantaloupes, 91.106(3.60 per crate; peaches, 60c6(91 per box; wa­ termelons, Ifc & lic per pound; figs, 91 6(1.60 per box; plums, 91.266(1.60; Burlap and Twin«. prunes, 91.266(1.60; pears. 26(2.25; Tall your apricots, 91-266(1.60; grapes, 92.36 want "WINKLE MAN’S QIALITY per box; loganberries, 76c6(91; rasp­ U S. •■CONDÌ . the Bags berries, 916(1-25; blackcaps, $L606( for Barrica. Hava him writ« our 1.76. naarest houaa. Eggs — Oregon ranch, exchange W IN K LEM AN BAG A H I'K L A P CO.. price, current re ceip t« 23}c per dozen. 171 Front Bt. Jobbing price: Oregon ranch, candled. Waah. Portland. Oregon. 26c; selects, 26c per dozen. Oldaat aad Largaat Second hand Bag Daalan In tba North w*«L Poultry— Hens, 146(149c; broilers, 166(18c per pound; turkeys, live, 206( 22c; ducks, 12((14c; geese, 96(1 lc. Butter — Cube« extras, no bid; prime firsts, 24(c. Jobbing prices: P r in t« extras, 27