Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, July 22, 1916, Image 2

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    Qtye J a l l a (Üitif N rtw a
Germans, in Deadly Fear, Hide the Merchant Submarine.
* ^ g t?
D. L. W OOD * SON.
E r t - r ^ l >■
<-<••• M i l * t t W
• t Falte City. Falk Coeatr. O r t e « . « a * «
Act At t>n»r*aa o f Maivh S. U 1S
Arguments in Favor of Three
New Legislative Acts Are Filed federal Court Issues Temporary Order
Telephese— News Office. 83.
Subscription Rataa: Onsraar. tlOO; s il nxmths.
M cana: thras montha *5 canta: sinala eopr. I rta.
A d rertU in g Rates: P iip te T . IS cents an Inch;
Business Notices, »c a n ts a lin a ; For Sale, Kent,
B ich a n te. W ant and l's y E ntertainm ent No
tlcaa, 4 e ta a 11 ne. Card o ( Thanks SO c u ; Lega
Notices, leg a l ratas.
Copy (or new ads. andchangeashou ld be tent
to The News not later than W ednesday.
Official Newspaper e f tbs City s f Falls Cits
I ssued E very S aturday M orning
H. J. O r i* n , Mayor.
R. M. W on deriy, Councllm an at-Large
tí. W. Brentner,
George C. M irrh ,
C. i . Bradley.
Couneilm en
1. G. Singleton.
C .L . Hopkins,
N .S elig .
C. E McPherren. A u d itor and Police Judge
W alter L. To o*e J r„ C ity A ttorn ey
Pat Murphy. M arihal and W ater Supt.
II . L. Thom pson. Treasurer
Dr. F. M. H ellw arth. H ealth Officer.
Th eC ou ncil m eet* in regu lar session on the first
Monday nigh t o f each m onth, at 7 80 o'clock, in
the office • ( the F alls C ity News.
professional Car Os
Office one door east o f P. O.
SSidcuce Phone 363
F alls City.
ffa lls C it ^ lb o t e l
Sam pi* R oom s
Boat A c com m od ation s
F. D ro eg e , P ro p rie to r
Bohle’s B arber Shops
Falls City, Oregon
Where yes css get a Shave, Hair Cat, Bath
er ‘Shine*
Atest for Dallas Sltam Laundry
B undle» forw arded lu e * 4 a y even in g
G. L. H A W K I N S
D a lla s, Oregon
R. L. C H A PM A N
W e a tte n d fo a ll work p r o m p t ly .
D a lla s a n d F a lls C it y . O re .
Notice to News Subscribers
A mark here indicates that
your subscription is delinquent.
Please call and fix it.
Orchard Land
Passenger Train Schedule
Effective Oct. 4,1914
wsarsocso am.
Salem . . . 7:00 9.45
Dallas. . . 8.15 11.02
Falls City. 8.50 11.35
16 «
am. pm.
Falls City. 9.30 1.25
Dallas. . . 10.10 2.00
Salem . . . 11.01 3.15
C. P
ow ru ,
A e lir r
I. W. W. Are Driven Out of
Lincola, Nebraska, by Sheriff
School Terms Increased.
C O M E T O F A L L S C IT Y , O R E G O N I
Salem - Arguments In behalf o f the
proposed tax lim itation amendment,
amendment and the
amendment to re|ieal Oregon’s Sunday
closing law were filed with Secretary
o f State Oleott this week for inclusion
in the official election pamphlet.
The tax lim itation argument was
submitted by Robert E. Smith, secre­
tary o f the Oregon Taxpayers' League,
the rural credita argument by the com­
mittee in charge o f the Oregon R efer­
endum («a g u e , and the argument for
the repeal of the Sunday closing law
by Dan Kellaher ami Ben A. Bellamy,
o f the Independent Retailers' associa­
tion o f Portland.
A rrow Shows the Deutschland.
The arguments for the three pro­
In deadly fear that some one will Hanked on the opposite side by a the bottom so that the only 'possible posed amendments in part are as fo l­
blow up or try to injure the merchant1 barge. A t one end is the high wall o f approach to the vessel is from directly lows:
" A r e taxes in Oregon high enough?
submarine Deutschland the Germans in a warehouse, and at the other is a tug. above. Even a view o f more than the
charge of her have hidden her away in Strung along the warehouse and the lieriacope and an occasional outline o f Shall we lim it their further increase
to 6 per cent a year?
These are the
Baltimore harbor so it is almost impos­ pier is barbed wire.
Extending out the deck ia impossible. The boat in
the State-
sible for the public to get a glimpse from the barge is a boom, and from the distance is the German interned
Wide Tax Lim itation Amendemnt.
o f her. She is alongside a pier and is this boom w ire netting is dropped to merchantman Neckar.
"O reg o n 's per capita tax is higher
than that o f any other state in the
Union. During the past ten years
templated no change in the caucus pro­
taxes have increased 37 per cent a
gram and no call had been issued for
year. Taxes have increased five times
another caucus to consider Mr, W il­
faster than population.
son’s request.
" A s a result, Oregon has been going
The President’s arrival at the Capi­
Lincoln, Neb.— Follow ing a clash at backward in population and wealth for
Wahington, D. C.— Pressident W il­ tol was entirely unheralded.
son made a personal visit to the Capi­ panied only by two secret service men, the county ja il late Tuesday night be­ the past three years. I,ast year seven
tol Tuesday to emphasize his desire he went directly to the President's tween County Sheriff Hires and mem­ fam ilies le ft the state to each new
that a child labor law be put on the room and sent fo r Senator Kern, the bers o f the Industrial Workers o f the fam ily coming into it. In the face of
statute books at the present session of m ajority leader. Later he discussed World who came to Lincoln to effect these discouraging conditions there are
congress. To senate leaders whom he the subject with Vice I*resident Mar­ the release o f members o f the order those who have plans which w ill result
William s, who had been detained, peace was In still greater Increases in our taxea.
summoned to a series o f conferences shall, Senators
in the President’ s room adjoining the Jsmes and Owen, o f the Democratic effected through the release o f two of Unless a lim it is provided the legisla­
senate chamber, he insisted that the steering committee, and Senators Sim­ the men held by the authorities and ture and our public officials w ill con­
child labor bill passed by the house mons and Hughes.
there was an exodus o f a hundred or tinue to increase our taxes as rapidly
as they have In the past.
should be made a part of the legisla­
more "w o rk e rs ," who have been here
"T h e amendment limits the increase
tive program to be put through the
several days.
senate before adjournment.
The collision between Sheriff Hires In taxation to an annual increase not
"Determ ined opposition by South­
and the Industrial Workers came when to exceed six per cent unless s greater
ern senators forced the house bill,
a delegation o f two or three score ap­ increase is authorized by the people.
"T h e farm debt o f Oregon, secured
which would prevent shipment in in­
proached the ja il and insisted on the
Spartanburg, N. C.— According to release o f the prisoners.
terstate commerce o f goods manufac­
One o f the by real and chattel mortgages, Is con­
here Tuesday men, whose attitude was regarded servatively estimated at $30,000,000.
tured wholly or in part by children, information brought
out o f the im perative program drawn night by H. A. Marlette, who went to threatening, was knocked down by the On this debt the farmers are paying
up by the Democratic caucus last Sat­ Thermal City, N. C., in an automobile sheriff, who then drew his revolver an average rate o f about eight and
urday. It was le ft in a secondary po­ Monday, the village o f Chimney Rock, and warned the delegation to keep its one-fourth per cent interest. Added
to this the coats o f renewal and com­
sition, to be considered only i f time N. C., near the famous rock of that distance.
remained after other measures regard­ name, was completely washed away by
The peaceably inclined Industrial missions, the rate paid is probably
ed as more urgent had been disposed the high waters o f Broad river. The Workers told the officer no violence little under nine and one-fourth per
of. Mr. Wilson had been toid that an population of the town was about 150. was intended, and after a long parley cent.
"T h e rural credita amendment pro­
According to H arlette a party went it was agreed that two o f the men
effort to force its passage would mean
to Chimney Rock to try to rescue those against whom charges were pending poses to take the burden out o f the
a serious party revolt.
Whether the President’s visit ac­ caught by the flood, but water sur­ should be released, provided the others : farm mortgage at interest o f Ave per
complished anything more than to rounding the village prevented them le ft with them.
The exodus began 1 cent. The cost o f title searching and
bring his own position emphatically to from gettin g close to the houses. immediately. Seven members against | appraisal w ill be from $10 to $50, ac­
cording to the amount o f the loan. The
the front, was not apparent Tuesday They saw no signs o f human life, it whom charges are pending are held.
farmer must pay off one per cent of
The postoflice and hotel
night. So far as could be learned the was said.
the original sum borrowed each year.
Democratic steering committee con- ’ were washed to a point several miles
Boss o f W om a n ’s Party.
That is, the payment o f six per cent
below the village.
on the mortgage w ill pay interest, cost
T o Succeed Judge Hughes.
o f operation and wipe out the debt en­
Asheville, N. C.— Receding waters
tirely in a period o f 36 years.
of the disastrous floods which swept
"T h is system would mean to Oregon
through the French board valley Sun­
an annual saving in interest and mort­
day gave up seven additional bodies
gage coata o f $750,000. It would mean
Wednesday and reports o f eight more
an end to the perpetual worry and ex­
deaths by drowning in the Bat cave
pense o f mortgage renewing; practi­
section brought the total death list in
cally an end to foreclosures, lost homes
this district to 28.
Indications were
and blighted hopes; better equipped
that the property loss in Western
farms and greater rural prosperity.
North Carolina alone may be $12,000,-
"T h e continuation o f the old blue
000. Fears are fe lt that the loss o f
law, which w ill be enforced if not re­
life and property may prove even
pealed, simply means putting the peo­
greater when the rivers subside.
ple o f Oregon in a straight-jacket on
Sundays. I f not repealed this anti­
Has Longest Range Aircraft Guns.
quated law w ill be enforced strictly,
Washington, D. C.— Construction o f
as it is now being done in Washington,
enough high-powered anti-aircraft guns
Lane, Linn, and other counties in Ore­
to supply all active battleships and
gon, where now you cannot purchase a
cruisers o f the navy has been com­
newspaper, a cigar, refreshments, gas­
pleted, it was announced Tuesday by
oline or anything else on Sunday.
Secretary Daniels. The new weapons
" I f enforced it means that all mov­
is believed by navy experts to be the
ing picture theaters must close on Sun­
longest range guna o f that type in the
days; it means that no baseball games
can be played on Sundays; it means
The new gun is a three-inch, 50 cali­
that all pool and billiard parlors, and
ber weapon that w ill throw a shell 27,-
bowling alleys or other innocent exer­
000 feet in air at an angle o f 90 de­
cising sports and recreations operated
On each ship one w ill be
for pay or profit must not operate on
mounted forward and one aft, with an
Sundays; it means that Sunday news­
all-round fire so that the pair can
papers cannot be printed, sold or d eliv­
sweep the B k ie s in any direction.
ered on Sundays; it means that a "
pleasure resorts and recreation delights
Guns Thunder on Vardar.
o f all kinds, including picnics, must
Judge John H. Clarke.
Paris— The war office has given out
cease on Sundays, if entrance fees or
Judge John H. Clarke of the United the follow ing statement covering the
charges are made.
States District Court at Cleveland has operations o f the army o f the Orient
" I c e cream, confections, foods o f all
been nominated by President WilBon from July 1 to July 15:
kinds, and regular business o f any
fo r associate justice o f the United
"E a s t o f the Vardar artillery ac­
kind except medicines, and medicines
States Supreme court to succeed Asso­ tions, often intense, have occurred
only, at drug stores cannot be sold or
ciate Justice Charles E. Hughes.
daily on the front. Advance post en­
Miss Anne Martin o f Nevada, ¡ b delivered on Sundays. It means that
In Cleveland Judge Clarke fo r a long gagements o f little importance took chairman o f the campaign committee you cannot get a shoe-shine, that you
time was associated in politices with place July 7 north o f Kalinoko, 10 kil­ o f the National Woman’s Party, and cannot buy a cigar, or candies, or flow­
the late Mayor Tom Johnson and Sec­ ometers south o f Lake Doiran. “ West she w ill manage her campaign in ers, on Sundays, unless you can prove
retary of W ar Baker.
He has been o f the Vardar our patrolB and light de­ tw elve suffrage states. There the men them necessities or charities.”
classed as a Progressive Democrat and tachments have had frequent skirm­ managers o f the other two parties will
has taken part in several reform move­ ishes with the enemy, who always was have to take the lady into considera­
tion and be very nice to her.
obliged to retreat. ’ ’
Flood Waters Destroy Entire
Southern Village of 150 People
Jßusincss Carte
Mr. H o m e Seaksr—
Notaries Reap Riches.
Spokane, Wash.— One hundred dol- j
lars for six days’ work is the wage
scale o f the notaries who are handling
the registration for the opening o f the
Colville reservation ir. Spokane, fig­
ured on the basis that there w ill be
50,000 registrations in Spokane.
This rate o f compensation, however,
is far below that at Wenacthee, where
it is estimated that each notary will
receive about $275 for his work in
handling the registration.
The differ­
ence comes in the larger proportion of
notaries in Spokane than Wenatchee.
Casement Appeal Denied.
London— Without hearing the attor-
neys for the Crown, the Court o f Crim­
inal Appeal dismissed Sir Roger Case­
ment’ s appeal from the verdict o f the
lower court, which found him guilty o f
treason for his part in the Irish rebel­
lion, for which the Lord Chief Justice
sentenced him to death. A further ap­
peal to the House o f Lords is possible
only i f the attorney general given a
certificate that the decision o f the
Court o f Criminal Appeal involves a
point o f law so important that a still
higher court should deal with it.
Elkus is Sent to Turkey.
Washington, D. C.— Abram Elkus,
of New York, was nominated by Presi­
dent Wilson as ambassador to Turkey
to succeed Henry Morgenthau, who re­
tired to become chairman o f the finance
committee of the Democratic National
committtee. Mr. Elkus is a lawyer
and was recommended by Mr. Morgen­
thau. Mr. Elkus ia 50 years old and
was born and educated in N ew York
C ity. He haa been one o f the Jewish
leaders o f the United States.
Guards Drawn From Spokane.
Spokane, Wash.— Spokane haa sent
between 25 and 30 ex-jmlicemen, dep­
uty sheriffs, guards, special officers
and ex-United States deputy marshals
to the Seattle and Tacoma waterfronta
to aaaiat in keeping order during the
longshoremen’s and dock
strike. A week ago Jack Wernick.
chief special agent fo r the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad, with
headquarter» in Spokane, came for
deputies to guard Milwaukee property.
Suffrage School Opens.
Washington, D. C.— Women who
desire to become active suffrage work­
ers, but who feel that they are not
qualified to take up the varied duties
o f lobbyists, organizers
or stump
speakers, need not despair.
There is
a way out for them now, as they can
learn all that is necessary to be full-
fledged suffragists at the "su ffrage
school,” which has just been opened
here by women o f the Congressional
Union for Woman Suffrage.
Maud Younger, o f San Francisco, is
head o f the new school.
B ootleggers to Bs Shot.
Charleston, W. Va.— Police officers
employed by the Chesapeake A Ohio
railroad In W est V irgin ia have been
ordered to carry rifles as well as revol­
vers to resist efforts o f bootleggers and
their agents to bring liquors into this
These officers have also been instruc­
ted to work in squads o f four or singly
or in pairs. The orders resulted from
the increased numbers o f attempts to
violate the state prohibition laws.
The school directors o f Clatsop coun­
ty have increased the length o f their
terms o f school until the short term o f
six or seven months during the year
has been almost entirely eliminated.
The annual report o f County Superin­
tendent Byland, which has just been
filed with Superintendent o f Public In­
struction J. A. Churchill, shows that
last year there were but two districts
in the county having six months of
school, while more than three-fourths
o f the remaining districts had terms o f
nine months.
Restraining Union Activity.
Force, Threats or Violence Must Not
Be Used Against Strikebreaker
or His Home or Family.
I'orlland.— On the application of the
San Francisco 4) Cortland Steamship
company, operating the steamers Hose
City and Beaver. Federal Judge Wol-
verton has Issued a temporary Injunc­
tion restraining officers of the Pacific
Coast district. International l.ong
shoremen's association, and of the
two local longshoremen's unions, Indi­
vidually slid ss representatives of all
members o f the association, who are
ou strike along the entire Pacific
eoaat for higher wages and now work­
ing conditions, from Interfering In any
manner with the buslneaa or premises
of the company, or with Its employes
and members of their families.
Under the terms of the Injunction
the strikers are forbidden to hinder,
delay or otherwise Interfere with the
husluess of the company, or to enter
Its grounds or premises.
They may not picket on or near the
property of the company. The order
restrains them from congregating on
the property or the plaintiff for the
purpose of picketing or pstrollng or
guarding the streets or gates to the
They are forbidden to use force,
threats, violence or other Intimidation
to Induce employes to refuse to work,
or to quit the service of the company.
Likewtae, the strikers must not uso
these methods to keep other persons
from accepting employment of the
They are further restrained from
following the men uow employed by
the company as strikebreakers to or
from their work, or from going singly
or collectively to the houses of the
employes to Intimidate them by threat
or force or violence from going to
l-astly, the temporary order re­
strains the strikers from Intimidating
the wives and families of the men em
ployed as strikebreakers.
Senate Refuses to Strike Out
$11,00 0,00 0 Armor Plant Item
Washington, I). C.— An attack by
Senator l.a Kollette on the general
preparedness program as the product
of the agitation by moneyed Interests,
aided by the metropolitan press, pre­
vented a final vote In the senate on
the naval hill. The Wisconsin senator
had not completed hla speech when
the senate adjourned, and he did not
Indicate how long he planned to con­
tinue. The general belief, however,
was that a vote would be reached at
Mott of the day was taken up with
an unsuccessful fight by Senators
Oliver and Penrose on the section of
the bill providing for a $11,000,000 gov­
ernment armor plant. By a vote of
51 to 17 the senate defeated a motion
to strike out the section and then
voted down, 49 to 16, the Oliver
amendment to refer the armor con­
troversy to the federal trade commis­
sion for settlement.
Senator La Toilette contended that
neither conditions confronting the na­
tion nor the testimony given before
the congressional naval committees
warranted the proposed navy increase.
"A total of $844.000,000 Is the load
that goes on the bended barks of the
American people," he declared. "Why
Is this to be done? If It Is necessary
now, why was It not necessary four
years ago? You knew then the naval
and military strength of all the for­
eign countries. But then the Interests
had not been appealed to. Bethlehem
Steel at 40 was not Bethlehem Steel
at 840. The Interests behind this pre­
paredness plan do not fear Germany
or England The plan m erely fits Into
their imperialistic schemes.”
The senator charged fliat men had
been forced Into preparedness parades
under threats of having their wages
reduced. Workingmen In Washington,
he said, had told him they marched
In the demonstration there for that
reason. The larger newspapers of the
country, he declared, were influenced
by the advantage o f the "Interests’’
behind the preparedness propaganda,
to devote most space to the testimony
of witnesses before the congressional
committees who favored preparedness.
B o rd e r C o m p a c t N ear.
Washington. I). C.— Prelim inary ne­
gotiations between Acting Secretary
Polk anil Kllaeo Arredondo, Mexican
ambassador designate, for peaceful
settlement of border difficulties are
progressing so well that early formal
announcement as to the course to bo
followed Is officially predicted.
It Is understood the discussions
dealt particularly with the powera to
be conferred on a Joint commlaaion
should that plan of Battlement be fol­
lowed. Thuraday'a developments In­
dicated that only final word from Gen­
eral Carranza and President Wilson
Prison Employes Quit.
Salem— T. E. Cornelius, head o f the was lacking.
Oregon Penitentiary brick yard, haa
Frisco Railroad Is Sold.
resigned, and hie w ife, who is matron
Rt. Louis.— The St. Loula & San
in charge o f the women’s ward, w ill
resign at the end o f the present month. Francisco Railroad (Frlaco System)
Mr. Cornelius haa been connected with waa sold to representatives of the
the penitentiary for six and a half roads' bondholders here Thursday for
years under four administrations and $45,700,200, $200,000 more than the
has served as deputy warden, chapel minimum price fixed March 31 by
guard, farmer and superintendent of United Statea Judge Sanborn.
The sale ends the receivership, and
the brick yard.
Superintendent Mlnto
the road will be returned to the stock­
said that it was the Intention to close holders under a plan recently approv­
the brick yard this month, aa the men ed by the Missouri public service com­
would be needed In the flax fields.
mission. There was no contesting bid.